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Show ffiSSi jT rue joist U.S.' JAPAN j."-fe T h JVVv EFFORT TO LAUNCH 3 OR 4 ' SZ 3 IVTTjV' JAPAN ' MAPE CYLINPRKAL fx -v f rr ll y satellites equippep with A ' I, CHr I V SOLAR ffATTERIES AT FIXCP I wy . d Pkt'A Posincvs above the birth ri'Jsf&i'rfA VlC-T3 -V TELECAST THE II 'Ji&i' 1?.'" & ,9e TOKYO OLYMPIC SAMES Y f r&J ' is positive proop op the fi Ji! ": V ADVAVCEP STATE OP JAPAN'S ;Srv:r- Zm ELECTRONICS INDUSTRY rtjt iI-ii'S ASSURES if AV IMPORTANT TJi$P PART M SPAC CONTRIBUTIONS... . IfT 'ifHE SAME A1ETICUICU3 aZZsZ p" t'6lNEFRN3 ABIUTV r9" A L . CAN BE WORN O THE W VJ - f'iJ WRIST... THIS TINY MARVEL, ZrVf. t TV" WORLP' it SMALLEST Tjr wi- ll PAPO, S NOW PElNS . , Nx5. l - SOL P N JAPAN ANP WILL ' -Xl I - APPEAR HERE SOON. yT'.; fffS"v "C? I JAPANESE ELECTRONIC INNOVA 'fj r PONS SUCH AS TRANSISTORS AftJ THAT USE POWER PROM POPY $:'f7j'ii tSH I HEAT ANP SMALL TRANSS7VRIIEP v' Vk A 5f PROVING THAT r 'Y'- -7af3r (T t$ HOT 6REATNESS OP SZE wl ' 7 J 1 l 77- CONSTITUTES A BAP6 I SANTA S will be at the m J. C PENNEY Toy Department f, S (located in the basement) Friday and Saturday S Dec. 7 and 8 5 to 7 p.m. S tr Free Treats lor ait x f The Kiddies S Dec. 7 and 8 Store Hours i 9:30 a. m to 7:50 p. m. g YODER JEWELERS Special Christmas Sale Nationally advertised diamond ring sets, and wedding bands, prices reduced 40 Watches as listed. Guaranteed by us and factory. Watches, Men's, Waterproof Elgin, automatic sells $29.95, Sal $20.99 Elgin, yellow case, 19 jewel sells $39.95, Sal $27.95 Elgin, steel case, 19 Jewel L ells $39.95, Sal $27.95 Wittnauer, automatic, yellow gold, band sells $71.50, Sal $50.05 Wlttnauer, automatic, yellow gold, band sells $69.95, Sal $48.75 Wittnauer, automatic, steel case, band .... sells $69.95, Sal $48.75 Wittnauer, yellow gold and band sells 119.95, Sal $34.95 Wittnauer, yellow gold sells $39.95, Sol $27.95 Wittnauer, steel case and band sells $35.95, Sal $24.15 Wittnauer, steel case sells $29.95, Sal $20.95 Longincs, automatic, yellow gold, band .... sells $115.00, Sal $69.95 Ball, Trainmaster wrist watch sells $85.00, Sal Special Ladies' Watches Elgin, yellow gold sells $29.95, Sal $20.95 Elgin, yellow gold, 19 jewel sells $39.95, Sal $27.95 Elgin, white gold, 19 Jewel sells $39.95, Sal $27.95 Wittnauer, white gold and band sells $59.93, Sol $41.95 Wittnauer, white gold and band sells $39.95, Sal $27.95 Wittnauer, yellow gold and band sells $35.95, Sal $24.15 Wittnauer, yellow gold and band sells $15.00, Sal $32.50 Lady Subeam Shaver LS5 sells $13 95, Sal $ 9.00 Lady Remington Shaver No. 263, gold sells $18.50, Sal $10.95 Why buy unrepairable watches, with short life. Boys' and girls' watches, 7 jewel, water resistant, shock-proof, shock-proof, $13.95 up. Repairable, and serviced by us, and guaranteed. guar-anteed. Radium dials and numbers. All prices plus tax. Watch, clock and jewelry repairing, diamond remounting. Certified master watchmaker Corner 500 West Harding Ave, Phone 586-6840 ONLY 3 DAYS - THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY -OPEN TILL 8 P. M.FRIDAY Pcdnceiitratioh & Av rnl jtsa-tsaco""" i worn- irM fcjJKLSi? 53.33 j SfiSS TVsTorl! as they do on the TV game. Packed : anterma. Handsome two-tone case. i with fun andxcitementl " j i Al.a O.r Cam pi at llaa ! hll TV ! M ' "'' ,J $17.95 DUAL CONTROl U I W j j Big 72" 84- double bed size blanket'!, machine washable, j ; d'lZT'V l,"lOM Me ,or ' I I Feature. 100 nylon bindings, right angle plug, convert ! and one for underarm.. Give, close, fast .have.. Petal ! j tible fitted corner, and nite-lite switch. Choice of colors. ' pink navcr come, complete with travel case. j ikl $12.95 j Tsipfs ' Switches from .team to dry instantly. Fully i IPr Beautiful. Baunt nkl automatic fabric dial provide, the right heat 1 1414s" wmwi, oounceODie j or .team for any fabric. Weigh, only 3 pound.. , j BOONTONWARE I1 ! frVi I Entirely break-resistant if, i .- j Tj7 Wta sfc.1 J Include, complete service Jlfk "'t 1 1)11 (Til f Kr JLof - T V -fit 3 for eight Choice of two . Vv1 Wl' VILL tc ! Xw. M enfant pattern. high ! i4 W fX -A 55,55 i V ttJ&J2yr M "Renaiance" or I W: itzil I V- inning "Ivy Leaves.- ! I (SE jjA SPOT fllirl 1 V Ti Either will provide a life- Yift 'Til &rJt OUU J ''-""735 kof b"uty "nd ! j W j! l? TROUBLE LIGHT ) : Sf The finest! Throw. 1,4-mile beam! j I 3 I I2'1 Heavily chrome-plated. Has 9-foot I ' I I y cord, i'lug. into cigarette lighter. ' 'WTOf. i r i i-'l; -fj f) Ollfv a RFM Collectors' Album, specially made , i f" YVi A T t a"J w ii 'or Firestone, is tho same high quality as those K ! tji? fCfjjOf A iHl (Tjt which normally sell for $3.98 and $4.98. It features j " iwMViJrl V IUJ IUJ the 12 most popular Christmas carols, performed by ! jC-V- filH N- Ris3 Stevens, Brian Sullivan and the Firestone ; 1 y--, iOvM A,odilrl Symphony orchestra, and chorus. Don't wait... ! t-1 -"OsslJ Taiwan quantities are limited! AT LEAST 10 SAVING ON ALL SMALL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES ! BRADSHAWQISSEEB |