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Show Presbyterian Women Hold Meet at T. E. Murray Home The United Presbyterian Women Wo-men of the local Community Presbyterian Church held their regular meeting Wed., Nov. 28 at the borne of Mrs. T. E. Murray. Program chairman, Mrs. Murray, Mur-ray, showed slides of different types of Christian Missions supported sup-ported by the Presbyterian organization or-ganization In foreign countries and the United States. Mrs. Byron By-ron Hazeltine read the narrations accompanying the slides. Mrs. Greta Rice gave a description of Christian Presbyterian schools In Pakistan and the northwestern part of the United States. She led the group in special prayers for this mission program. The women brought donations of good used clothing which will be packed and sent to a united clothing appeal by the World Council of Churches. Mrs. Vernon Tompkins, president, presi-dent, presided over the business meeting which followed. Plans were made for a special turkey dinner potluck on Dec. 5 and a Christmas party and gift exchange ex-change on Dec. 19th. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess. |