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Show KANARRAVELE NEWS NOTES Mrs. Hannah Darls The Relief Society held a supper sup-per and bazaar at the ward recreation re-creation hall Friday evening. The proceeds go for Ward maintenance. mainte-nance. Patriarch Samuel F. Leigh visited vi-sited about town Saturday with friends. He was accompanied by Junius T. Williams. John Esplin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Esplin, has returned home after six months training with the National Guard. Mereta Christensen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Christensen, Christ-ensen, took part in the high school play, "George Washington Slept Here" at Cedar City last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Haskell and some of their children from Pay-son Pay-son visited here with Mr. ar.d Mrs. Willard Batty and to see her brother, Travis, who was hit by a car and is in the Iron County Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Strubble of Cedar City was visiting in town last week. Amanda Williams returned home Sunday after a few day's visit in Henderson with her sons, Clayton and Ocal and families. Dinner guests with Hannah Davis Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Vivian Prince and children of New Harmony. Carma Williams, Chesley and Deborah visited Saturday in Summit Sum-mit with his brother-in-law, the Rudger Fife family. Sunday visitors with Francis Williams were her granddaugh- ter, Rosie Graff and Bobette Bauer of Cedar City. Myrld Williams of Inkom, Ida., is here staying with her grandmother, grand-mother, Mable Williams, for a while. Lillian Williams held a quilting quilt-ing bee at her home last week. Rhea and Rctta Wakeling and Nellie Hopkins of Cedar City and a few ladies from here spent the day quilting. Our Primary Officers attended a preparation meeting in Cedar City Saturday. Shelley and Ka-thy Ka-thy Davis had a part in the program. Alice Pollock and daughter, Isom spent a week In Cedar City with her son, Joy and family. |