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Show NOTICE i , Notice is hereby given by the City Council of Cedar City, Utah of the Intention of such City Council to make the following described improvements, to-wit: Laying a bituminous seal coat with RC-4 oil and -inch chip for a distance of 31,900 linear feet at a width of 24 feet. The district will be designated as "Street Paving District No. I" and will include the following streets: 600 West Street between Center Cen-ter St. and 200 North St. I 700 West Street between Center Cen-ter St. and 200 North St. 900 West Street between Cen-ter Cen-ter St. and 200 North St. 1050 West Street between Center Cen-ter St. and 200 North St. 1150 West Street between Center Cen-ter St. and 200 North St. 200 East Street between 200 South St. and 400 South St. 300 East. Street between 200 South St. and 400 South St. 400 East Street between 200 South St. and 400 South St. Dewey Avenue between 200 South St. and 400 South St. 450 West Street between 200 South St. and 400 South St. 700 West Street between 200 South St. and a point 675 feet South of 200 South St. 800 West Street between 200 South St. and a point 675 feet South of 200 South St. 400 West Street between 200 North St. and 600 North St. 200 , West Street between 200 North St and 600 North st. 500 West Street between '200 North St. and a point 625 feet North of 200 North St. 700 West Street between 200 North St. and a point 625 feet North of 200 North St. 800 West Street between 200 North St. and a point 625 feet North of 200 North St. 500 West Street between 200 South St. and a point 675 feet South of 200 South St. 400 South Street between 300 West St. and 500 West St. 225 West Street between 400 South St. and a point 675 feet South of 400 South St. . ,150 West Street between 400 South St. and a point 660 feet South of 400 South St. 900 West Street between 200 South St. and a point 320 feet North of 200 South St. 200 South Street between 800 West St. and 900 West St. 400 North Street betwcn 100 West St. and 400 West St. Center Street between 800 west St. and 1150 West St. 400 South Street between Main St. and 200 East St 150 East Street between 400 South St. and a point 600 feet South of 400 South St. 1100 West Street between 200 North St. and a point 610 feet North of 200 North St. 1225 West Street between 200 North St. and a point 265 feet South of 200 North St Business Block Alley located between Main' St. and 100 West St. and running between Center St. and Hoover Avenue. Business Block Alley located between - Main Street and 100 East St and running between 200 North St. and a point 200 feet south of Lincoln Avenue. Said improvement shall be made according to the specifications specifi-cations on file in the office of the City Engineer of Cedar City, Utah. To defray the abutter's portion of the cost and expenses thereof, estimated at $9,100 or $0.15 per front foot, a special assessment as-sessment will be levied, to' be paid In 5 equal annual installments, install-ments, upon abutting property and lots and pieces of ground to be affected and benefitted by said improvement, abutting and fronting upon the above named streets, all situated within an area bounded and described as follows: All the area within the Incorporated Incor-porated limits of Cedar City, Utah, and including the SEi-SWVi, SEi-SWVi, SWV4SEK, SESEK Sec. 2, SH,,SN4, Sec. 10, S. SHNH,NENW?4,NW. NEK, NENEVi Sec. 11, Sec. 14. Ntt, SEi, ESW14 Sec 15, NEHNWKV NWKNEV NEK NEK Sec. 22, N Sec 23, all in T36S, R11W, SLB&M. There shall be an exemption for corner lots to be apportioned as defined and provided for lr the ordinances of Cedar City Utah. All protests and objections to the carrying out of such intention inten-tion must be presented in writing writ-ing stating therein lot and block, frontage in feet or description of property, to the City Recorder on or before the 1st day of August, 1 1952. The City Council at a meeting on the 5th day of August, 1952 will consider such protests and objections to said improvement as shall be made, By OrdA of the City Council Cedar City, Utah. Ellen A. Simkins, City Recorder. Date of first publication, July 10, 1952. Date of last publication, July 31, 1952. |