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Show Elementary Pupils Participate in Insurance Program Cedar City's East elementary school has 146 pupils participating participat-ing in its pupil insurance plan begun early this year, according to T. J. Abplanalp, principal. The school reportedly the only one in Iron county to undertake the insurance plan as a project, i The plan, introduced by Mrs. i II. J. Delaney to the PTA, pro-j pro-j vides an accidental death bene-i bene-i fit and indemnities for treatment ! of such injuries as broken bones, f for operations required by in- Juries, hospitalization, including t anesthetics and operating room ' costs, and for drugs and tests, f There are also payments for loss ' of limbs and eyesight. I ' According to Mr. Abplanalp, I coverage under the plan begins t when the child leaves home for t school and lasts until his return 1 home. The policy costs $1.00 per ' year per pupil. |