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Show . 'osr '. t ACROSS THE WORLD M With The v,: Southern Utah Federalized i&j NATIONAL GUARD M BY KLIEN ROLLO Recordings From Home and Thanksgiving Dinner Are Biq Events for Members of 213th Somewhere in Korea, Nov. 24. The big news of the past two weeks among the members of the 1 213th battalion has been, of course, rotation as you know, and we have all been so excited excit-ed that it has been difficult to settle down to do the work that must be done. Some of the men have been on their way homo for some time, another group will leave in a few days, and everyone every-one is hoping that rotation will keep moving fast and that every member of the battalion can soon be back in the states. Amid all this rotation excitement excite-ment there has been two other very important happenings, and since I will be leaving headquarters head-quarters in three more days en-route en-route home, I want to tell you about them in what I hope will be the last report I will ever have to make from the battle line in Korea. First, and very Important to all of us, another recording reached the battalion last week, and we have spent hours listening listen-ing to and enjoying the messages mes-sages from our loved ones at home. It is difficult to tell you just how much those messages have meant to us all. To hear the voices of our wives, mothers, dads, brothers, sisters and our friends, has been a wonderful ex perience to us, although each time they have made us Just a little more anxious to get home and be with our families again. The other big event was Thanksgiving and we want to say that our cooks are a grand bunch of fellows, and we really can't praise them enough for the efforts they have put forth. The l night before Thanksgiving they ,stayed up all night long to prepare pre-pare a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner for us. And what I mean, that was a Turkey dinner that was really good, with dressing, potatoes, sweet potatoes, cranberries, cran-berries, fruit cake and pie everything we could want no matter where we were eating Thanksgiving dinner. Any stories you may have heard about a bunch of fellows "stuffing" themselves them-selves on Thanksgiving would probably be mild compared to all of the men of headquarters battery. The only bad feature of the day was the fact that it was raining most of the day, and it was quite sloppy in the area. It became rather chilly and that night it started to snow and kept up a light snow most of the next day. Today (the 24th t has been quite nice but tonight it looks like snow is on its way again. |