Show 'Ae ts' 3 4444-- ao vo : Ok ' sr :" Pf p: : " :Y - I : Family Hottors Salt Laker at Nine D riVerS--1- p -- 1'1 -1 - "914ro - : - Th'ursday Morning— ition vp i - ntits Tour' st Protests filikke Navyily of Afte(1ln A' res t r12ee '1 itlif51:9 tmta - For Speedingi filiViiktiaafehlttrtillittir B4O4-:4-pi:0:'''Lo- ' ' ro:-i:6)i-Coii'ntki--:- - a Afid -- tefitennial -- committee - Property tax levies of taxing units in seven counties were Eller couritx gull P passed on as to olettality Wednesday by the state tax commisson 111This ii''preliiiitifielt tile maiLlng-otax notices to individual Backman:secretary of the Utah-1-W Five Utah rouths WednendstiltiroyMaAgtRotactorjg 47:l''''Olifrirc't leiT month and V i ednesday the stateAax COMMISSIOn received a letter promi naval rectilits from Salttal(b City Nine drivers were 'fined or for- - 'Romney 'of 136 D Str " injustice the t protesting at Lake Cal for training to San Diego felted befit on speeding charges nerkt Solt The tourist—Frank C Heacock them to whose attention the pro the U S naval station Lieutenant tn Salt' Lake City poliee court lumber at a party o Commander T D Wilson officer in 17600 Bentler avenue Detroit— test was called said In a reply jefore Tudge Albert- er Wilcock: "It is my opinion B Ellett charge of the local recruiting sta- - xaid he was arrested for loins A VS-his'eighti urs-th i that said tion court' to birthday and wholly justi- miles an hour through a appear irr Failing e heen enlisted zone and a justice of the peace li'd' This i s the second time a thereby forfeiting $10 hoods on day '11110:- during the month to 'date the corn- - tinied a iiil e ors15 agaitud hint situation such as this has been cetiO party will speed limit violations were': Made? t' at the ' mander noted leaving 37 to be en- - Ile said he refused to pay this called to my attention" t lyo Clark 24 of 3224 South State t listed to fill the August quota tarlite Gardens Mr Leatham said he realized amount and the justice finally "tt- (100) East street accused of tro4 Instances such as this have a bid These In the party were LeRoy tled'for $6" eling' 50 miles an hour Augu 7 atop the Hotel V " 1 am really amazed" Mr flea - effect on the tourist travel which s W Pedersen 19 on of Mr and on Ninth East street frOm ghth Utah at 7:30 6tt Mrs A J Pedersen of 2814 South cock wrote "tht the state of Utah Utah so South to Fourth South streets pm s careful!y:spo:nsors M r B CoEvidinrgidtogne E Yeegensen of 78 Elizabeth Romney ld permit such of racket to Man inofstTroerertey3u3noluhsn : 1evxo street arrested on e charge Au- was born in Salt ''' I do not hope to although Le' a veaffor Ea st' 20 Ogden lierul J Watkins Jr ng involved in Lake City on gust 12 after Today---- get my money back- eVelf though oothill drive and August 15 1880 18 Providence Richard A Adams an accident a it was obtained by fraud 1 would Rosebe--rParcel branch mans A 19 Teasdate like to see the state of Utah pro- president Sunnyside enue: Willem Olickan ager in Salt Lake City for B Durfee 19 Upton Wyo of 3065 outh (3OO) East street of the Romney Mr Romney feet future travelers through this ington Rand Inc will leave Thurs arres i August 10 in the 600 block Lumber comHarry Greenbaum 21 Red Lodge town tParagonahl from the rank day for a five-da- y visit to Buffalo on couth Main street after assert- - pany and other hilliness enter- Mont: Eugene J Marken 18 CaS injustice 1 was N Y where he will attend the subjected to" Tax Commissioner ty traveling in excess of the prises Mr Romney is still active per Wyo DeVere E Collins 18 H P Lea- - company's annual sales conference of despite his age Hamilton Mont Virgel L Kin- speed limit L R Schram 37 a as A 1920 Yale avenue charged - with first delivery boy cade 18 Ontario Ore Clyde Starting centennial commission will fleet Monaay at 3:30 p 141 with couhty commissioners in Drigham City Donald P Lloyd state centennial commission member Saturday will confer with Duchesne county centennial committe mémbens at 8 p m in the courthouse at Dubhesne regarding plans Willard Day of Roosevelt is clukir7 man of the county group County reports are being received by the state centennial commission with deadline September 1 A state report is to be comiled by October'l regarding proposed activities ay ys le t Thirty-nine-hav- ' Rem--Bil- ly -- trra' -ho- ttr---over- the North August 9' i street Temple v iaduct Salt—La ke—buteher—shom—Mr7 has worked fig 63 con- Romney '' - '' -- - ' Idahtt73---13- 8 $tocktôn 4 Ind The 'approved tax rates in the qui 8 Ophir Tooele mills 188 city follows: various counties ltre as 1385 school Wayne—County Grand—County 108 mills school district 12 Bicknell 4 Loa 4 and &stria MS: Web 14 ' 'u n t y 95 mills Torrey 4 mills Morgan---Co school district 116-In- d "Morgan Giles Estate Value city 8 mills school mills Plute—County 138 district 14 Junction 10 Marys-val- e Placed A valuation of $1947350 was 14 and Circleville 12 mills Summit—Co u n t y 765 mills placed on the estate of Eugene Worth Summit school district 10 Giles former vice president or South - Summit school district 125 the Continental Bank and Trust Park City school district 128: company in an inheritance tax Coalville 135 Kamas 15 Park appraisal on file Wednesday in Third district court Mr Giles CifY 24 and Oakleyt 5 mills school died February 6 1939 127 Vintah—County Heirs under Mr Giles' will are 'district 16 Maeser 6 and Vernal the widow Niletta H Giles and 117 mills Tooele—County 56 mills school a son George E Giles both of district 95 Grantsville 11 Ona Salt Lake City it $19473 -- -- - - - eci I - - ' -- - - eio '' ' - 1 -' itgli N‘ ' E33 © mn r nd n evl - 101 u co ' Ai II roil GL: nn 0 I - -- r" F ccil 1 t 19 63 to 4"450 1 : bs to 4 4 4 zoi e - 1 --- 11 a21E1 1 - – ---- ORD Ginimissioner Sets Sewina Center Will Dope Case Hearing Open Tomorrow ray Cash — Save and More 25 lit 11131) 4'4 (''Ltizic41 S No Financial Concern i -1 Request for preliminary hearing on a marihuana charge was granted Delnio Azi le 34 of Helper by U S Commissioner E M Garnett Wednesday Hearing was Pet for Monday at 2 p m and Azile wiis returned to Salt Lake county jail in lieu of $1000 bond Azile was named in a complaint filed by R C Be 'nap federal narcotics agent charging Azile with producing marihuana Illegally putting in your ninter's supply of coal AOW at 1 DELIVERED PRICES FOR LIMITED TIME t ‘ l't:i '2 t 10 - pr" ira ' :0 ft: I ? s ' kt - 'c ss- ' ' A -- ( -- -- ' c ' 4- - --- ' - ' : ''': ' -- 4 1 tell------ - -1 t ( I '' -- 2- i lit ' - -7 : -- -- ' - '''' - - - —K4---elang -- 0 e ' ' ' I t f KING LumpCOAL $625 60-0- KING Nut COAL KING Pea COAL KING Maarl COAL TERMS 575 550 soo onquantity order BUREIDGE COAL CO -- - BIAS FUEL Walla Wasatch Hytand 1883 15131 MARGETTS COAL CO Hyland STEWART BROS COAL CO 2063 Hyland MARTIN COAL Want& 520 t ro aka com46 rnoDucio - ONLY '' ST THE UNITED INTATE8 FUEL CO - 5' -- r- - -- 1- - -- "I - After 45 years alt an mploy of the Salt Lake City street department W J Kemp 141 Girard avenue resigned Wednesday in a Me letter to the city commission termed—his-lon- g association witb the eity the "happiest days of my -- $ DOWN---Bb I t lthl y mommungoinommonos ' i Aside from compensation he has been receiving for an injury sufféred at work in the street department shops Mr Kemp will receive no further remuneration from the' there is no procity Inasmuch yision for pensioning of employes no matter how long their term of service except policemen and firemen who are under civil service u ' 4 - Ice NOT "snipped!" ex Covers :S wenpranrtm te :Ia Storage 1st: Shelf and an - en t Two 32- - Thermometer Cubes10 Cold-Fa- st lbs 8 ozs Freeze Automatic Reset Cu Ff Food Defrosting 127 Sq Ft of Capacfty Shelf Ares ti ii tö ' Usu! Carrying Charge kl ' - -- Rigid :' 'aiosostoo't All-Ste- 1 el Against Rust Cabinet "Bonderized" ' it? - Performance! Surprising 'Beauty! - a t ur e 64 - v y equipped! But COMPLETELY DE LUXE EQUIPPED! See its 4 zones of refrigeration for keepfresher nieati so you can store special bargain buys that cut food bills! See its tray and ice cube releases longer vegetables ing its big ice cube capacity so desirable for summer beverages! See its convenient sliding shelf that ends fumbling for tbinds at back of shelf! See the SafçtySignal thermometer that tells at a glance your food is Site! See the glatti' covers that condense moisture and keep save on this big beautiful Coldspots crisper 'better conditioned! Then 'save i f save "Foodex-stored-vegetable- NOT-partiatl- s" WASATCH 3764- OPEN 9 A M TO 5:30 P M—EXCEPT SATURDAY 9 A M TO - ' I — - 6 P M -- - ' ' Floor 1st WASATCH 3764 Credit Group Meets Members of the automotive division of the Intermountain Association of Credit Men held a semimonthly discussion of eredit conditions following luncheon WednesdRy in the Newhousejlotel Ellis C Wheeler vas chairman — - 1 - —' r o Ak:goe 7 - - - ( - 7 Pay Only said I' 11 o — 00' oemmoopwatounemommoimonewmill ' - 1520 rtrcJT ALL' 406 ICING 1918 SUGAR HOUSE COAL COMPANY Hyland (I 15YearEniploye— Of City Quits ' r life" 2667 STANDARD FUEL CO CO - t-- -Nat---t ad r Bottles int --- LUXE Dish Oz Slid '169 11 :la 1 - Time! D t3t$)rt! () ''''' - - Dhe i - '''''''''" - - '" t Shown I I 2 t a ' :n oeanrs twPeo - mt 0 rarcTnfeht NIN t - Quit ' i ----tr -- i - crtZ - "1:' -- :- )'-- - t --- n-- 4 New —'7::: "---- --7: ----"- A I Feel - - tIMPj A 11 i t 4 Ni e ---- 0 99 - ' (pi g --- - NO i -- r agog - The new cabins will be eouipped with bunks enough for 20 boys Fifteen similar cabins will be built during the next two years Mr Hammond o) ' 1 sided STORAGE PRICES 17 11 k loommiv ':Ato lp t the Lowdst Price In Our History i -- fe) Final approval was grAnted Wednesday for the construction of three new cabins a t —the Tracy wigwam in Mill Creek rany011 to D E Hammond chief executive of the Salt Lake council Boy Scouts br America The decision ' was announced after a meetinrin L K Nicholsim chairman hotel of the wigwam committee pre- SATE i'v'100E - I IS Cabins for Scouts Win Approval in by - NeVir- headquarters for perSons sewing and knitting for the Red Cross will be opened Friday morning on the first floor of the old Fremont school at 153 South Sec- ond West'street Miss Martha E Stowers executive secretary of the Salt Lake County chaliter A R C explained Wednesday that present quarters at the Civic Center 544 South Main street are badly overcrowded ' "We will have ample parking Iruit Nos u a Naeamaara space on the school grounds and ul N obtsabot there will be spacious quarters To Discuss Property Tax available for sewing knitting Plans for introducing legisla- packing and other facilities" she 131 SOUTH WIN tion to limit taxation on real announced WHOA 1101 Ample Patkioe property will be discussed at a No Motets meeting of a state committee on e real estate taxation Thursday at 2 p m in the Newhouse hotel V Utah likt RAC A Bettilyon committee chairman will be in charge ' you are planninp an Importedpurchass soon (coatina over 5100t ask how much you save by olivine cash In most cases you can eats at least 25 per cent Then come to Obtain $50 loan us for a4low-coto S2000 for cash purchases emerpencies to pay up all ohtleations Only one small monthly payment No reI tape— to suit your income no delays Prompt helpful service you will appreciate s tisio ik - - 0 1:t1gmt 6i 1 : - 0I o) IC © m 2000 1f1 t c- r 91V410- aL r71:1111141k - - Emdflopoopped Y fPolz4rMttom : - - : fe) Change- Posts 161 - a y - fr --- -- 1:30 ' ED - -- : ' Large Estate 1(0 7 i4‘ I ' - :o ' Will Allocates II k - r - 7 Francis Ontario Ore E Fisher 23 Nampa Idaho: Rob- ert R Kanthaek 19 Anaconda Mont and Truman M McCandless 18 Menan Idaho As result of numerous Inquiries received by navy officers regard-- 1 ing enlistment of4men with prison or juvenile police records in the navy Lieutenant eommander Wil- son called attention to a recent statement by Frank Knox secre- tary of the navy regarding re- - Officers - - 20 He has been a secutive years lumberman for 56 years His hobby and recreation is travel Until recently he was accompanied by his wife on all trips Twice the lumberman has traveled around the world Annually he visits various sectiOns of the United States He has made 80 trips to California Friday Morning Mr Romney will leave on another trip this cruiting time flying to New York City "In order that the efficiency of the navy may be unimpaired it is vital that only young men of the highest type physically mentally and morally be accepted for serv ice" Mr Knox said ' "In VIPW Of the fact that many excellent boys who have estab- lished their complete fitness for en- Distributing an estRIP with a listment have been- - turned away "probable 'value" of $150000 the each year because there are no will of Florence Burt Lockhart vacancies I do not believe it would stand- who died July 25 was filed for be sound policy to lower our ards in any respect no matter disin Third probate Wednesday how laudable our motives" zone trict court 35 miles per hour-Tr-tier husband George B Lockon August 13 He pleaded guilty to the charge In police court Tues hart 1283 East South Temple 31edica1 street piesident of the Morning Other rases incInded: Milk company is named as exeIgnoring red trafflo light-B- ob W H Schwartz U without bond and is the $:1 cutor street 1920 Lake of Overly S navy medical officer who hdaH 32 of principal Green the under Rex and beneficiary suspended been stationed in Salt Lake City 41 Crystal avenue forfeited $10 will dated December 28'1921 since June 1939 hits been ordered bail of is to receive the residue He detached from the local naval 're9 the estate after a bequest of $3000 cruiting station to report for duty U'S toa son Sidney B Lockhart and Sabout September 9 aboard the ComPensacola Lieutenant to a a gift of Jewelry granddaughT D Wilson of the stater Georgette Ann Lockhart both mander tion said Wednesday of 1283 East South Temple street The Pensacola is a 10090-to- n A petition for probate accom- with the cruiser now panying - the will said the- estate United States operating fleet in Hawaiian 1 consists mainly in cash-- notes waters stocks and bonds Lieutenant Schwartz will be reMrs Lockhart long prominent by Lieutenant Jacque H placed In Salt Lake civic and cultural who is now serving on board affairs was one of the original Miller U S S Ramapo an oil tanker members of the Sarah Daft home the He will arrive about September 9 board of directors E 01 Fines of $5 were imposed upon :the following when they'admitted Vaughn Armstrong of 256 who admitted' avenue 45 miles per hour August 10' on 'Second South street from Eighth West to Tenth West streets Arthur 'Chatelaine 19 of 1526 Ramona avenue charged with 'traveling 45 miles per hour August 12 on West Temple street from Thirteenth South street to the 1800 block and Stuart E Stradley 21 Of 822 Ramona avenue who admitted speeding 40 miles per hour on East Seventeenth South street from the 200 blOck to the 400 block on --August 12 Grant Everett 34 East Robert avenue was given asuspended 5 line when he admitted guilt on a charge of traveling 45 Miles per hour August 9 on Highland drive from approximately 2200 South to 2500 South streets and Bob Phil lips 233 Eleventh East street was fined $5 when he appeared for of traveling sentence on a charge 1 iguilt: T r notirettk-ltrWeise- lArard - Box 1n yatmgonah-at230ammr:dast4- - 1 ?ligust 15 1940 ' t jetlaftttiiits-rtstor- s- Sallgakt Zlibtlit- t-- VIlt a - ' - ' E R 0 " ' - ' — ' u(K AN 111 SALT LAKE CITY" UTAH : ' ' ' ' 3 0 C 6TOMER FREE 0' Ilb ) - i -a -- el PARKING r to' t i 6 it' ''to - - - ' ti |