Show - - - - it t t — -- t - ' Tli'istislay 31ornIng t ':!'44116twvo ' G O P--Continu- D nveS'melte- r °liens ' Pleadscjillty - In HeArlitg - " SOUTH SALT LAKE—Alvin M 1Craus of 3092 Tenth (1000) East street was sentenced Wednesday by Justice of the Pearce Arthur B Bringhurst to pay 6100 fine or He had spend 60 days in jail pleaded guilty to drunken driving Monday following his arrest Saturday by Highway Patrolman- E 'ftj 1:' Jensen Henry H Reiser of 1453 Holly'I' ' wood avenue 'was sentenced to pay 420 or spend 10 days in jail tor driving 70 miles an hour in zone The jail sentence b i and $10 of the fine were suspended it' upon payment of the balance E Carlisle of 3055 Seventh (700) i ! I Eist street was :sentenced to pay $10 or spend five days in jail for i driving 60 miles an hour in a 50- 1 mile zone The jail sentence and I half the fine were suspended upon payment of the balance ' 50-mi- le t ' ! Plant Expects ------ i Complaint Claims i: Reckless Driving ) ) i C Hunt of Provo MIDVALE— was charged with reckless driving on July 12 in a complaint filed Wednesday before Justice of the Peace C E Matthews The cornplaint was signed by L E Rasmussen who alleged that on July 12 Hunt ran into his parked car Ray S Brimhall of Union was A found guilty on two counts sentence of $750 or four dayi In jail was imposed for driving 60 zone miles an hour in a and one of $5 or three days in jail for failure to appear I e : - ' I 5 f - le 1' s ( ) s i ! I a Motorist Draws C L - I Double Fine il : MURRAY — Howard Prince of Price was fined $10 on two charges Wednesday by City Judge W Douglas Allen He paid a $750 fine for driving 55 miles an hour In a zone and $250 for failure to appeal' in court Three persons forfeited bails of $1 each for improper parking :: They were Marlow S Bateman of i of 426 WestSandy F J Paquette ' minster avenue and Wells J Iver- ton of Midvale' J M Jensen of Mt Pleasant was fined 6250 ter failure to ap" pear to answer a charge of drivIng without an operator's license The original charge was dis- i I olt 3 4 L :1 le i I i 1 4i '641 1 11! ! ! ' i Joseph E Davis Jr of 575North Redwood road was fined 13 for running a stop sign qf : 1 —the-secretaryship ' — k J11 t 1 - - r Catholics Await -' Special - i IT 1 - 4- rt ' - Masses -- pm 1 Iron County Slates County Board Rejects 1(j i dentc - ' - it I 1- 1- '' 11 1 - Claim 1: d commissioners Salt rejected Wednesday the $13708 claim of yrs Judith L MacArthur 1340 Sunnysido avenue for damIt struck a age to her car when 'boulder- In graVt1 the Big Cottonwood canyon road The legal idepartment has held consistently that the county is not liable for damages resulting from such accidents BACKACHE )1 1p::7 LEG PARIS LIAY BE DAIIGER SIGH ' L ' - - - 1I ' I I?' ' ' L ' ' 1 ' ' k'1 1 A' - Reunion Aug 22 iii 111 I - MIDVALE—Two more entrants have registered for the king and ' Residents and former residents queen contest of Midvale Harvest 4 of Iron county will hold a reunion Days August sponsored by the Kiwanis club C E Matthews August 22 at Lagoon it was Tuesday by Thomas Dix contest chairman said Wednesciay chairman of arrangements Rodney Dahi son of Mr and After a 7 p tn supper there will Mrs Lewis A Dahl and Wilma be a progrant lit the bowery As- Walgreen daughter - of Mr and iisting Mr Dix are John Hallman Mrs: David Walgreen- both of MidDr A N Leonard France Dal- vale are the two new contestants ton and Charles S Wilkinson Secretary Chosen To Attend S F Fair Intermountain Dealers 'See Official- First1941 Automobiles (lunges- m - ::- --- 'r:f '''' -- -- -- -1- MURRAY-MrErnest Smith of Murray was elected president of the Pacific Coast Fire Chiefs' auxiliary during the organization's annual convention last week at Tacoma Wash' it was anrmunc0 Wednesday after the return of the Murray delegation Mrs Smith is the wife of Ernest Smith Murray fire chief Who was appointed to a committee to audit the group's books at the international convention in Spokane Nash August 5 6 7 and 8 At the Tacoma convention Mrs C L Canning of Midvale was named treasurer of the auxiliary group s -- ' - 4 1 t ' - Ii k - $15 ager of the company's fleeedivision said 't 14 ! H Dow - Geerge Car company Hudson Motor executive believes automobile production will not be decreased by war East Jordan Stake Plans Conclave SANDY—Dr John 'A Widtsoe Member of the council of the twelve apostles Of the L D S church will 'represent 'general church authorities at East Jordan L D S stake quarterly conference Saturday and Sunday Heber said J Burgon stake president - Improved body lines which bring the passenger two inches closer - Schedules Talk n - Wednesday The conference will :open with sessions Saturday at 7 p m and 8 p m In Midvale Second ward chapel Sunday's sessions will be and 7:30 held at 10 a m 2 m in recreation hall: Sandy p A special session priesthood called bi the general church auSANDY—Seven officers thority will be held Saturday The of Sandy L D retiring Program wilt be furnished by the Relief society were honored by Aaronic priesthood of ' the stake the incoming officers at a meetunder direction of Wilford Pier- ing Tuesday with Mrs Lillian in charge son stake iaronic priesthood Bishop Mrs Thora Hansen Mrs Zelma chairman Thompson Mrs Mabel Bird Mrs Mabel E Nelson Mrs Myrtle Members of the stake presidency Hyatt Mrs Elizabeth Sorenson and and council bishoprics high Mrs and Myrtle Ostler were stake and ward Aaronlc and Mel- praised by Mrs Lillian Bishop chizedek priesthood leaders will Mrs Pearl Shaw Mr Vera Petermeet in special session Saturday son Mrs Mamie Pierson and Mrs at 7 p m Velora LeFevre All three Sunday meetings will be open to the general public The evening session will be under the to 44 m 0 '444 direction of the stake M I A with Orson Smith stake Y M M I A superintendent and Mrs Mary Milne stake Y W M L A president in charge Successors Honor Retiring Officers p-- : I‘ - states where the grand jury - ": t - ' : i sys- grand jury 'the report said: "The work of the district attorney's office has been greatly increased due to the grand Jury investication and Indictments resulting therefrom It is interesting to know that there were 11 convictions procured in cases reoorted out of the grand lurY and two defendants forfeited bonds which were collected and remitted to the state The records reveal that the convictions in the case of E B Erwin R O Pearce and FrankThacker together with others mentioned were the first convictions in the history of the state of Utah arising out of a grand jury indictment" The report said that in the Third district during the two-yeperiod there were 10 persons charged with first degree murder and of these nine have been tried Of the nine seven were convicted and two acquitted One case is Stikpending 1 ar ' !- 1- roct ets Ai et 6001 - im7—ti--4vK"A- 101 UERBAc WOO'rjç MI° ) G-EMM- !': of quickly frozen 'col Ice Cubed MEAT the market from Fresh X ': I '47igat ' :7 0 1 t' '''' ' ! 'ic'?' :' — fist ' t ':':-' '': '' i:::: ' 6! ' t tomatoes celery stay sprintfresh for selejsin topped fresheners ::' 1:— :1:—:' :' e crystal-- :: '' 914gs Ti lh out at touch ''! No tug ging or hauling '' :' ::::':': ::: i '' ' 1:f 1t:' t f ' '' "c ' ::t ' ' - - - !a 's - 1 lair plan protection 0 - of it an almost 612 cu ft D e Luxe Nationally Known Electric Re with features you will not find in any other make at this price frigerator Think ' DOWNSTAIRS ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES - mr - SZ MARGE : UT 1 DOliVN - Your ! old refrigerator payment 4 ' i mechanlcal as 4 part ' ' ' ' 4 F a ' FOUNDED I - 1 — ' 864 it : - PHONE WAS 300 - - I t - l if — ' " :'' 139" 44 cu ft capacity Compare This Refrigerator With Others at $16995 and Up! Mani Outing :' - ' "":ftiliildak:::0 i'ii: TILT ONE-BUSHE- L od '''' ' 66 ' :' ! i ::::: 'K ":'''!: 1 I :s::- t r::1''''4 - - :- 0-:- ' t't:::: 01: - :s- - Lettuce ' ''' 4 is 1: :':l:': - :'::'": '' or--'! 1::::: - :!': ': 1 4'::' Ar: --A ' I :: :i ts: ' 4 i ' ''''''''''" - " i: 1 l' 4 q ' i - " ' ' ' I 4 0 ' 4 :"4 of space for milk leftovers dalry prod acts eggs calmed and tied foods - ' 12rth'A44 for :! '' '' le- - '' ' ' SAFE REFRIGERATION sable rr l' days and slaysl 64- ' r""'"t ''''' !' '''''''''' STORAGE ' -- ' 63 ' ' ' ' : ' I V ) tem of prosecuttons has been excentionally effective" On the Salt Lake City vice scandal investigations' by a' " -- - - : 64 CT 712 lin st I - 1 100-pou- BIG FREEZER ' - - sick of Theft of a sugar from a W PA warehouse In the basement of the Utah State Art center 59 South State street was reported Wednesday to Salt Lake police Howard T Best manager of the Commercial Service company told police someone Me his wrist watch from a rest room in a service station at 480 South NoYest'Temz pie street A shoplifter stole ars electric toaster valued at $850 officials of the Elder Electric company 134 East Broadway reported while C Grove Wilkinson of 864 Browning avenue said a portable radio was stolen from his home by a burglar ' ' - - i that the state — t ' f - said aBlIG ILDIEILIIJIM Debate Slated On 3rd Term S L Tomato Growers Hear' Method to Hike Income i attorney general's office submit a Ibill for the consideration of the next legislature permitting cases to be submitted to the Jury on' the testimony of an accomplice of the accused is contained in the biennial report of District Attorney Calvin W Rawlings submitted Wednesday to Attorney Genera' ' Joseph Chez Mr Rawlings declared that many' criminals have escaped punishment in Utah because of the present of law preventing eon- provision' viction- - solely on the testimony of an accomplice The report also reiterated pre- viinis recommendationsI with re- spect to the grand jury eystem "It a previous letter" it said "1 called attention to the history of the grand jury in the state of Utah and have recommended that legislation be prepared by your office and presented to the next state legislature bringing our Fraud 'fury sYstem up to date and giving the district 'attorney the same power which he hes in states such as New York California and other FourReport Bñrglaries A Stake Group Plans Outing It A reodmmendation nesday 'B LElizondo Mexican consul who is now in San Francisco on a business trip and Vincente Mayer club president will be in charge of the entertainment Programs are to be held Sep tember 14 at Bingham September 15 at Ogden and September° 16 in Salt Lake City celebrating Mexican Independence day Mr - Ward 1 Report 'to Attorney Generál Adolfo Qu'ezada chancellor of the Mexican consulate said Wed- roLi - - A bronze plaque' bearing the names ot founders of the Club Mexicana will be dedicated at an entertainment August 26 at 8 p tn at the club headquarters 530 West Second South street Quezada -- - AUERBACH'S OFFER Three Talks Pii-e'sthoAn accumulation of 700 feet of odds and was offered for sale by Salt Lake City Wednesday On request of Edwin G Woolley Jr manager of the SANDY—The Aaron lc public safety building the city of East Jordan L D S priesthood Attica will commission directed the purchassi swim and beach- - social Auing agent to sell the hose for the hold 22 Wilford Pierson stake gust best bid 4 chairman said Wednesday The ammonsormmatummomommormomonemonamemolomodidobolimmommommommmmiam ' party will leave Midvale Second ward chapel for an unannounced () 0 destination at 6- - p- m Assisting Mr Pierson in ati rangementa for the outing are ' Harry S Wright Gerald Andrus Stanley Burgon Willard Kemp eta and sorters who heard how T H Cartwright Henry C JorDRAPER—Eighty per cent of the Utah tomato crop could reUtah farmers could increase gensen and G Harold Bradley ceive a U S No 1 grade rating their Income- by- - careful and If properly handled and graded skillful handling of tomatoes V L Martineau told Salt Lake Last 'year only 63 per cent of Brady Kin Will Meet SANDY—Members of the Marion the crop sold to canneries recounty farmers Wednesday at a tomato grade ilnprovement ceived a No 1 rating H Brady family will hold their The school was sponsored by annual reunion Sunday at 2 p m meeting in the new Draper L D SAeconeward chapel' the Federpl-Stat- e at Liberty park LeAron B Milne ' the 'meeting was attended by Service and the Utah Inspection chairman of the arrangements State Extension service itIIP ' growers pickers canners grad- committee said Wednetclay k Mexicans Slate I ete to Honor Club Founders to the road without sacrificing road clearance add a safety factor to the new (Pmodels Symphonic styling which blends interior colors with the exterior color scheme and a number- of others refinements are provided 'Hudson's output fors the last' model year was three times greater than the previous year and i believe that come war or peace large scale production will continue" 'Mr Dow said He explained that the heavy national defense program will mean good payrolls and mean car sales "Even if the European war ceases a big reconstruction job Is ahead over there which should keep wheels rolling here" he declared at a luncheon and business meeting in the Hotel Utah He believes that automobile manufacturers will be able to discharge fully their national defense program obligations and at the same time maintain their full Output of motor cars - Hands The new line of Hudson motor cars—first 1941 model cars to on the market—was shown to 64 dealers and salesmen from go Utah Idaho Wyoming and Nevada Wednesdartnorning at sales rooms of the Hudson Terraplane Sales corporation At 25 Third East street "Prices of the new cars are from to $70 more than a year ago principally because Of110w taxes" — p KtlintliitFav - :- r s Legal-Set-U- 1TheilfertirNdr-Way-C4nelnuegt------ A partial program of addresses for the 1940 season of the Bonneville Knife and Fork club was drawn up Wednesday night at a meeting of the club's executive committee at the Hotel Utah Earl J Glade president announced The cub's first meeting has been set for September 28 with Cornellus Vanderbilt Jr journalist and sportsman as speaker Mr Vanderbilt will speak on the subject "The Twelve Most Interesting People I Ever Interviewed" James Shelby Thomas head of the Chrysler institute will discuss "New Frontiers for Smart People" at a meeting October 24 Major George Fielding Eliot national military authority will speak on the topic The Condition of Your SANDY—Eat Jordan L D S Today in National Destake mothers and daughters' Country fense" on November 29 annual outing sponsored by the stake Y W M I A will be held Friday from 4 to 8 p m at Murray City park Mrs MaryMilne Y W M 1 A president said Wednesday The outing will include an hour of games a story hour a luncheon StICARHOUSE--Cord- on Wegprograms by the different wards and prizes to be awarded the old- geland Democratic state senator est mother and the mother with and Franklin RiterSalt Lake atthe largestnumber of descendants torney Republican will debate the question "Should present Others 'assisting Mrs Milne are President Roovelt be Reelected Mrs Merina Smith Miss Alta Mil- for a Third Ten" at the weekly ler Mrs Grace Thornton Mrs meeting of the Sugarhouse Rotary Melba Smith Marjorie Redman club at the Weasku Inn 2263 East Afton Edgel Mrs Fee Brown TwerIty-firSouth street ThursMrs Gladys Hansen Edith Wright day at noon according to J L Mrs Zelia— HandBeth Nielson Ashton— president—of — the— club Zella Swenson and Mrs Each speaker will talk for 15 minMrs utes The debate will be followed Madge Stapley by a musical program City Offers Hose 7 ' ForecastsliCavr' Production - Defense Taxes Cause Slight Price Increase o Of Tired Kidneys If backache sod kg Pains are making you Maw 'miserable don't just oomplain and do nothing ' Dr Herbert B maW Democratic be 'warning you that about them ne:d may attention your kidney' candidate the for gubernatorial The kidneys are Nature's chief way of taking will be the chief of the nomination etyma acids and poieonoue wan blood They help meet people pass aatt 3 pinta speaker Thursday at 2:30 p mg at a day a meeting of the Utah 'State Old If the 15 miles 'd kidney tubes 'end filters don't work well poisonous W1114 matter stays Age Pension and' Assistance or- In the blood These poisons may start nagging at 41 post Office place backaches rheumatic pains leg pains lose of ganization 'L imp and energy getting up 'tights swelling headaches and dump puffiness ceyes passages with smart- - Band Slates Concerts imes allows there is IMMO :1n1 nreti ::: 'your kidneys or bladder SANDY—The school band under sa eT i::ing your druggist for Doan's direction of Bennie Schmiett will by millions for 610 40 happy relief and will help the Rive a series Of concert& each la voiles of kidney tubes flush out poisoning Wednesday at 6:30' p m on ' the Irate from the blood (let Doan's rile- Junior high school lawn4 SAdeertisemstesk : t' ' 1 Emory M Hedges will be named secretary to fill an existing vacancy as 'members of charter 15 Hotel Greeters of America meet Thursday noon at the Newhouse hotel Albert E Schilling president said Wednesday Committee appointments also are planned Cowen M Henry Hall and IL C Newman of the Salt Lake office et the Railway Express agency will attend the Railway Express Day" progrrm at the Golden Gate international exposition in San Francisco Sunday sw1 ' ' le '' ' - AddsTwo Entriel- 21-2- t tr - — ' 1 - -- peach-growin- " lc Maps Publicity t )1 sks---- - Firemen's Wives Northern Utah Transport Unit Elect Utahn S L Club Lists Peaches Decision to distribute cards adShipment of peaches from northern Utah under provisions of a vertjsing the trucking industry agree men t was reached by members of the C Smith of federal marketing SANDY—Barden 1356 Yale Avenue pleaded guilty started Wednesday it was anWomen's Utah Motor Transport to two charges Wednesday before nounced by Moses L Holbrook diluncheon Justice of the Peace Reg White rector of marketing for the state association t following of Newhouse hotel the Wednesday-adepartment agriculture 1 seven in of Sentences $25 or days The agreement which went into The cards will be distributed to sail were imposed for no °per- morning for the all stor's license and failure to appear effect Wednesday trucking industry employes g counties All but $3 was suspended On the northern Mrs Owen M Collett association first charge and all butI5 on the will continue until August 20 It provides that all peaches shipped president explained and will be Second from the state must conform to left in business firms when pur- U S No 1 grade and be not less chases are made given to business club and other organization than I Inches in diameter leaders of from peaches Shipment early Ira A Huggins Ogden attorney Washington county has been virand Mr Hol- and candidate for the Democratic tually completed brook reported that ptices received nomination for governor addressed the members on "Coordination of were "reasonable" Observing the Feast of the Mr Holbrook said there have Transportation" t the Blessed Virgin BaUrnhoPitylOndaoy "The security of our national deof obligation to all been some changes in the places Catholics special masses will be of meeting for onion growers to fense system depends almost encelebrated Thursday in the Cathe select nominees to the marketing tirely on a coordination of 'our dral of the Madeleine the Right committee Growers from Box transportation facilities by rail Bev Monsignor 'Patrick F Elder Weber and Cache counties truck and air" he said "tech has rector announced Wednes will meet Friday at 8 p m in the ts niche to fill in our transportaNo one system of peTdyhe Ogden federal building those from tion system mimes will be at 6:30 and Davis and Salt Lake at the same transportation should be permit8 a m and 12:10 p m Because day and hour in Farmington and ted by restrictive legislation to of Incorrect Iinformation obtained those from Utah courity In the strangle another unit" The Tribune Wednesday said er- county agent's office at the city roneously that the masses would and county building in Provo Harvest Days Contest beat 6:30 and 8:30 a rn and 12:10 Two Charges — ' '- - : - State Agency Office Tells of Job Finding - Ships Autoist Admits 1 - following 10-d- ay 11' 'August 15 1910 T1LO1flcia1 - While RepUblican leaders continued their organizational drive in two regional coriferences Wednesday Democratic State ChairAnticipating sufficient ore to for continued operations proA7ide man Parnell Black brought the state organization of the Incumbent until at least the Murray Mr Black announced the appointparty one step nearer corepletion Ting of the American Smelting Plant the in assessor's Lake Cuss Salt Of ment county deputy Hyman — and Refining company reopened office as campaign secretary Wednesday with 250 men back on P G the for 9 In this capacity Mi—Cuss wilt ley candkiate the payrolls innwomoulnirilonnoeara: work with the state chairman gnoulibenrenenZ The reopening yt vrspp:trint orstate a meeting of the taking care of specific summer shutdown was scheduled party Organization In Farmingganization a et Ktities This appointment left one more ton Thursday evening and next for Auguit 5 but labor issues delay William spot to fill in the Democratic setup- week start on a tour of the south- caused the of the state ern part of thestate Utah department J O'Connor committee which was left vacant Speaks at Rallies manager said the company exby the resignation of Lyle B NichActivities of of backers the Rep- pected to start the blast furnace Oleg to manage the campaign of on Friday Henry D Moyle for the guber- resentative Abe Murdock for the The company has accumulated natorial nomination The state Democratic U S senate nominachairman - said this appointment tion included speaking appearances a large stock of ore and coricenwas under consideration but that at two rallies and a meeting of trates and also is receiving ore a final decision had not been the Abe Murdock for Senator com- from Australia and"Chile mittee at 8 p m in the Newhouse Wesley J Madill president of reichett hotel The latter meeting was Garfield local No 347 of the InterRegional Conference presided over by J D Loltik state national Union of Mine Mill and The G O P regional confer- chairman of the Railway Conduc- Smelter Workers reported that an ences Wednesday were in St tor's legislative board State Sen- amicable agreement has been encomGeorge or Washington andnd Iron ator Gordon Weggeland repre- tered into by the men and the sented the candidate at a rally pany counties and In Moab In the Midvale city hall and Alton Previously union memben had and San Juan counties - Other developments of the day Jenkins spoke in his behalf at a asked for anunderstanding relaIncluded an announcement from rally in the Chesterfield L D S tive to ore usually smelted at the Selby Cal plant Workers at Selthe women's division of the Dem- ward amusement hall Herbert B Maw one of the con- by have been on strike ocratic state committee of the addition of Mrs Maude Beeley tenders for the Democratic nomJacob of Provo to its state staff ination for governor is scheduled Mrs Jacob will direct the pro- to make three speaking appeargram for the Democratic women's ances Thursday He will be the chief speaker at a meeting of study clubs Utah Old The Salt Lake county Republiorgan can committee opened campaign ization at 2:30 p tn in the Odd headquarters at 174 South Main Fellow's hall 41 Post Office place street Activities there will be In the evening he will appear at directed by County Chairman Da- rallies in the Heber city hall and vid H Thomas Mrs Clifford Hus- the Kamas- L D S ward amuseMIDVALE—The active tie of bands vice chairman Elmo S nlent hall Culbert secretary and Elton But- Announce Rally the Midvale branch of the state terfield treasurer and unSupporters of W Douglas Beetle department of placement Candidates Push Drives candidate for the Republican nom- employment Insurance shows 1043 Candidates for major part nom- - ination for district attorney In Ithe persons in south Salt Lake coun4natiom continued their own drives Third judicial district announced ty seeking private employmerkt1 for votes on numerous fronts rra a rally'in his support for Thtirsday A Huggins who is seeking the at 8 p m in the Newhouse hotel Blaine Pitts interviewer in chargel Democratic nomination for gov- - Speakers will include M S Win- of the office said Wednesday ernor spent the afternoon -- ton- der former secretary of the The Midvale branch was opened ferring with party members in the G O P state committee and Mrs in May and during the past three R Openshaw Clifford L state capitol addressed the Clarence months 205 persons have been Women's Utah Motor Transport Ashton will act as chairman Chaotic conditions in the world placed in private industrial and association at a noon luncheon in the Newhouse potel and appeared today make necessary complete agricultural occupations Of these In the evening at a meeting in preparedness by Americans Del109 placements were made during Kaysville Thursday he will meet bert M Draper Democratic candiwith workers in his headquarters date for nomination for the U S July at the Newhouse hotel at 9:30 senate declared Wednesday night During the same period 1337 a m address employes of the at a garden party rally at the home personal visits were made to the D & R G W railroad at the of J B Lewis 736 Windsor street Mr Draper also discussed Utah office by workers seeking employshops at 11 a rn and meet a group ment and 489 unemployment inof Scandinavian-American- s In the state problems as affected by the surance claims have been filed Union Pacific building at 8 p m present national emergency More 125 attended Carnpaign aids of Otto A Wies- than missed 10 - 'Confident — ' for-Gra- t — - Winter 'Through — - - -- To Operate By Selecting campaign Setzetary At South S L ) v p' -- I IV-i- : At l‘ltirrityc 250 Get jobs - - - - - '' ' - es -- : h o Organize State Got81100 : Posti Democrats Fill One of Or611Dayi ' Open in Party rale i Zlit Salt gakt rribunt --- :Tily' DrlieTs i ' : 04a a ah vh a -- - -— --- -- - -- - - - -- |