Show - 14:ms5ert - t aoleaeOoda 40 4 t 7- 41 - -- 71 4 K 4 4 4 ' - ip 4 v"1--- : 7 - -- 4 7 - - 4 eti--- 7 - - - - - - - ' a a a 10 Tiuursdarliornm ' P a - - '-- - - Saitgaktleitl' Zbe - titr-- ------ - ''- - - t y' ' - 'Big Chief' Alldi - Off and on 116111ances 1 Keep Co1untiiisrB usi erTiran an:Wit Itile-no-I L11t 014r13 - 0 41177006""N7110111 r IS - : -- - -'- -' " ' IL 1 ' ( 3y limmitaastier - - -- 4 - - r::- : -- - : - 7 - 1Guest8 - star? Helen Hayes is paging Sir Cedric Hardwicke to come east and be her lead in "Twelfth Hmmm—what - - -- al- eing Held By G ym Class B - - Night" most caused a browl between Victor Mature and Charles Mac- Arthur at Liz Whitney's manse The the other dinner hour? Leo tDead End Kid) Gorceys expect a little Dead Ender in Feb - Wish Helen Gilbert and Vic Orsatti would make up 'their minds those periodical quarrels bruise a columnist's nerves Belle Baker's mother is seriously ' ' ' - back east Vaughn Paul Deanna Durbin's heart has been promoted from asst director to asso producer at "Li"- a prelude to their marriage Frankie Parker land Mitzi Green have resumed where they left off months back when Edna Johnson temporarily unseated till Selwyn who used to take Roz Russell places is doing the high spots With Ruth Ha! Selwyn who is his aunt! Negro theaters down south advt- Rochester in letters a foot high while Jack Benny gets three-inc- h Shirley Ross and billing d Ken Dolan are fighting rift rumors on Bdwy : Mitzi I -- - typical lesson period including exercises to strengthen feet and control arm movement bar ex- ercises ballet (Americanized type) center exercises—studies co- and movements in space ordination and balance fog grace The remainder of the program will be a recital of the following dances with musical numbers Interspersed: Irish Doll tricia Ann Snarr "Bea baa black sheep" Elaine McKay solo selection: Carol Ann Wine- French Doll Darlene -- gar watti "Little Paddy Howland piano solos Beverly Matson Wooden "Margot's agent-husban- Laugh of the week: Arthur Murray's atory about the loca- tion manager of a Hollywood went who "quickle" studio in the hinterlands and ran afoul of a tornado Find- - '' In - - " trans- - to it 4impossible i)ortation back to Fimville he boss: "Marooned here by terrible storm No way to get out What shall I do?" Back came the answering tele- gram: "Start your vacation—as of yesterday" Preview nights: Pic of the week: "I Love You Again" a hilarious resumption of William Powell-Myrn- a Loy shenanigans After his long illness Bill looks and acts like a new man Another lie Stayed for Breakfast" but I shudder for what the censors will do to it Melvyn Douglas- - plays a role that hurls vitriol at communism : which should relieve Mel4of a lot of suspidon Loretta Young telicks'" again 'a mighty nice "Tile Return of Young habit Frank James" left me thinking Quick- be never should have est review of "Doomed to Die":: Ditto ' - ' ' : t ' 4 : : -- - I I 1 WAIT!! WATCH!! It's COMING SOON "RAMPARTS 7116 I ' — - t" '' : 1Amowm r ' ti r t if It to - i t 1 0 ' 04 I I I s0 - s : -- r -1 '11I " -' 0 4ki'i '0 ''' AND OS ORCHESTRA Nightly the cciOl alluring Starlit' Gardens atop the Hotel Utah brings you the music of this famous orchestra direct from the Siltmore Bowl Los Angeles Dine and dance et the beauty spot of the West The 'cuisine is superb —the music divine - the tariff moderate I : ' 1!41' 1 f : I I i r 1 I ::: 20th-Centu- ry ::::: ns CI—Hugh Herbert plays a trombone for the first time in Universal's "A Little Bit of Heaven" and the film comedian's musical efforts have proved Just as amateurish- as the script demands Herbert portrays Gloria Jean's Movie d "slip-horwhose solos are criticised by members of his family Most severe critic is Frank Jenks who plays Herbert's brother Actually Jenks who touch trombone in had h orchestra before he entered pictures and was considered one of the finest popular trombonists in thecoun- "Pop" ' evidence that the world is speeding up every minute came to the attention of Alan Mowbray recently Now playing in "The Quarterback" with Wayne Morris Virginia Dale' and Lillian Cornell the veteran character comedian was called to work in football scenes of the picture at the Los Angeles coliseum—three months ahead of the regular season A few seconds later while looking over his morni Mowbray opened an envelope bearing Bob Hope's name—and Double slip-sho- Para--mou- Mitchell Leisendirecting amount's "Arise My Love" the ether tia'y stole another page from the book of that ad mas- ter Cecll B de Mille for whom —e"W7o'red—those Many years Leisen injected a bathtub scene into his romantic comedy which stars Claudette Colbert and Ray Milland No Miss Colbert was not In the nt " It oldJoan Brodell Warner east In for cohtet" wrote "Honeymoon in her questionnaire that the most unusual experience of her life was a eon- versation with Garbo She was playing in "Camille" with the Swedish Sphinx and happened td get in Greta's way The uenversation follows: Joan: "Oh — excuse me!" Garbo: "Pardon!" a Christmascard! --- - ttNK c ‘ '' INENEMEINIM PRODUCTION ss 4 i TELEPHONE ORDERS TAKEN Seats All I 8112 I 4 13 1 I rictomor -- -- NO N ft d Inc Taxes r 'I i ) IP etn p IOAK BERNETI I URN yTua A":411301111PASI - r11 - - - - NPIT TARTS g TO "MR I N II CHIPS" IS "MNS WITH ' THEATRES ' k - 4 A 7 - - I tTiliti !III o I: - - ":" '1 RobTh-- i4Jion f MAKE —offs' ts)4et I sieleir "'dwell pr taloriet a by L7Phelli 2Na Ilteti ' " Bristle& Ile" IN i — 4 't horn tiout Saltily 1 (I) I i A k k 4 2No 1 11114- FI m- 4C: Vika ROJIMITTO - - Aioss As- - --- TUNE 1 4 v -- I ‘ - I LAAv ' t 7N t 1 frif - lle Gents 20e a G UTAH citCOSB4 Yhiatrirt ‘ l' 1ft 1'474 triletirily I REND - ! L THE THREE STOOGES "HOW HIGH IS UP" i AJIPI 4 - DISNEY FESTIVAL I - 1C2471tUrgille540W - rh'—and---—the—Seven m Nutt (:r nom) 1st liSt1 1 ' 111FATTTIV-47I :I ' Sutton OPALS iliONV s uv 4 - t PLEASE COME DOORS OPEN mGROVEct ZAMA! 11 A At - TWO Ntma L b- s AT n ! - - 0 el CROWD' 1 You Plenty! AN t ' HITS! I - nth A- 114A Atr'Swl'AR LIF111111113 -4- ' cocollUT ' PRICES Al so 0 ' ( Pc 0 kJ AD White: " SI 4 ' coNtommumaisslimoi Witt z 9 r TOWN' - fm4I- ILIi 9 I A0 vi unity ei Snallirgi: BB LRI:01 4- SIIIIDOrN ow - II IA To 1 4tt - 1 l TONITE lobo D it 6011 0 Offl4' ' HIVe Who Are Young" HUGH !U NSEAT 0 -- - IN - Ivo74 (Imem I:rid" ---- I SPOT Neoe RNO D IIG MAWR COOLEST Y(ty FEEL' r'Ir's11-7-b ( -- tht 1 k OWENS AND HAWAIIANS - YOU1G AS 1 Matchless Music Ladies t - eilnLitirwr it - 4 ARD —2 00 WHERE COOL Ak )N NEAttlin:- - — uwER DonorH NO Ar- HARRY HIS ROYAL ! t ED GAY DELIGHTF114 BARDE0ELZFEHS 1 ra11014'14''Cllialttslo 4 ' ! ' 4t ' A 1 or POLIO ViAl Til OA 10091 — avAl -- Ftss tto Resort )1Iy Train Only) '' 0 i odmi 4 k NOW I T111113ELF 7q N 0 °Po ol minformktion riesoK" Also D1tW CART0DPLL I 111L':01:r 'of 4- j cd '4n 1 r '7 -I:- "Typhoon" And I ii WPM PONDA II I i 0 7: 11-7- 1 rocitrNmtrtA i 1 r M L1 Cal MUGU -- LILLIAN : RUSSELL ' v gm DePot 061 Vies 1 j 1 -eAlo- e- I Ali Iltgal 4 I tF TODAY AUSTp tAnit rilltillnut AtiCE FAYE -- ---J - y ilf LA1401111 - - ' Lais ' 1 m - SIG FSATUa 1 11 111111 IRE LADIES' FREE DAY TODAY - -- 1 - 4 fil Lid" v 'OW 11°4)ntb A' i ' : — 1' TyRoN - It 1 4 1 ' - Jo r AMEN t(r$ 1 4 )y: V Lit-'1- WO T La:doff-Jo- in' 915 DAY AMR 11" Thoroughbi-eds- KJOILI'liatft- 7- 1'111 'nl'ilTil'ittili- k""' fultIS J Nike sLIMmINGs or am elLEN40 Vmmy r- wile oil—worry 1 ' 'Two --- di! I ' v- :: A 11al'kYa - rigUil! Fic 1 ill ' il:10'4 -g A - vi I Y - 2- ' -- -- If PICIURE lastiass‘1111rt 11111 - u13) 6ii i i 1 114 tr ONE - E3CES - VEER - I IESECCH"! GARSON z- ' 0 4) LOVE III 4 15 4' ftaittiA57046 PQR SHOW Wan KI:10 1ttillaill:ADripiKoAt:NmosAA14pt062c' fletAN ' Bd r t 'I ReAHER NE mer a s ex Number One 12111 z rIngra29 4 D Ettitttip) 1 01311 1 POSITIVELY LAST DAY TODAY! 1: ERmolluittin tooloalres' 13 -- dt — FILALA4LALIEJLA1 Lft c3c ' " I M 4 ' wce ''' kV I' Bach Dillon 1 z ' ID OilI Ott OF PARAMOUNT ilr(A lir awry tot HOW -- 23bet717- 1111 N k 6' UNIVERSAL CITY9 Cal— Brian Aherne renewed an old friendship with Gertrude Law- rence during the latter's stage' appearance in Los Angeles Miss 'Lawrence and Aherne drama schoolmates in England - '' AnlitiVo - 15"'- - 1001S ' ---- - ''' Were Schoolmates rs song-write- apartment - by JANE - Indian Flute Call Favorite Mormon hymn ':The Morning Breaks" Arr by organist An Old Melody Arr by organist March from "Tannhauser" Wagner was played a Milland in an old bathrobe Dennis O'Keefe stripped to the waist and Dick Purcell coatless Nobody took a bath Marlene Dietrich will introduce three new songs in her forthcoming Universal picture "Seven Sinners" Written by the stars favorite Frank Loesser and Frederick Hollander they are "I've Been in Love Before" "I Fall Overboard" and "The Man's in the Navy" ear- new- - alks a in a Heaven was a worn slightly shabby the tub Marlene's Songs HOLLYWOOD-Sixteen-yT- Alexander Schreiner will be the organist for the regular noon recital at the tabernacle Thursday and has arranged a program as follows Carillon de WestminsterVierne I Stand at the Cates of bathtub Paris oantung scene featuring a - Hugh gets information direct political from the nation's capital He corresponds weekly with two United States senators who are his close friends I 11 Direct From Capital Herbert all of his Organ Recital Par- try POWER—LINDA DARNELL—DEAN JAGGER 1 O'Keefe's Duality Of Talent Bathtub Seene but Without Bather r: 141 I ' ' ' Trombone Venture Calendar Speeded Vexes Hugh Herbert Up for Comedian UNIVERSAL CITY - - was so good a Hollywood stuIII dio placed him under contract He way in Hollywood under contract for six months Noth- happened except that he was given the role of a villain and he turned it down All Roles Alike He went back to Broadway 'got himself starred all over again In 1934 he was placed under contract by another studio!' He started of fairly well In "The Three Musketeers" ' But then came the avalanche He was of district attorneys smothered in a dozen roles "And after I left the studio everybody thought I was a 'dis"I trict attorney" he says even had-a- -- real life gangster offer to turn state's evidence if g I wouldn't prosecute" -! Again he went back to Broad- way and was starred in three j plays "The Birds Stop Sing- ing" "West of Broadway" with Ruth Chatterton and "No Code' to Guide Her" So then he came to Holly- - a ' wood again this time without g contract "And" he says "no more district attorney roles no 1 matter what happens" r 7 Long Experience o Abel should be able-taay D a A Born something besides t in St Paul son'of Jt distiller he became interested in the theater even before he reached 1 his teens His first job wag-- at an usher In 1917 after the family moved to New York he at- tended the Academy of Dramatic Arts managed the stage 1‘ tours of Mrs Fiske and George Marion Then he went into ( road shows stock companies I a and little theater movements playing scores of roles Among his stage plays have- - been "A L Square Peg" "The Sea 'O'l and "Merrily We Roll Along" il "3 hope I don't have to go back and start over this time" ij l'itt he says "I like California" At-W- ill (Except Sunday) Daily 32 Noon to Popular Priced Run at Centre Saturday: August 24th v "I tame 12 to make a name for luyselfY he says modestly At that time be waa 'stbrred in "Wbeq La- dils Meet" on the stage He 20th-Centy- 8 p m I - -- - Wa-Ma- -- at 4 Theatres TICKETS ON SALE AT CENTRE BOX OFFICE 1 Fourth House Opened for Film Premiere :':77 - Will Positively Appear - " ping i- i and Cast of Picture Plus Other Hollywood Stars - --- I p in ft:OM-Wel- :::rdr ': - 7 fferent be cast attorney—too -- - ak-Sque" IP111717 Li 171'4 ‘Ap: t 11:13 TYRONE HOTEL UTAH i 23 t" r STARS IN PERSON AT ALL ' Call Was 190 for Reservations After Augu8t 17Ih Dial $2661 7' ' ' ': ' EVE FRIDAY Vis (-4- CENTREtUTAH—s-LCAPITOL- AUG it : i iJ "BRIGHAM YOUNG" UIE RIT :' t ':::' PREMIERE AT 4 THEATRES and district a as - 'his— froariti-Wau- - gtouovionpicant: 1YsuWecObessla—-in4111- tures don't t --- 4 DARRYL F ZANUCIUS - cgvi" 2 1 Iry - -- ''' - ''': ''' - :- Hurry! 'Buy Your Tickets Now! WORLD also Millandi Ray '0Wena and ''''''' toliSMLbe - ?I 0iliii 1)'AA ---- es 1' ' I: A40 I ) I A ' '''' - ' 0-- 0 — ::: ' Wile" with '' '0--Ag4iii- - - irrfull '' - 'N '' er '' i lo s AWilf11 110 l t ( 41 i :I: UNIVERSAL CITY Cal— now Jimmy Dodd song-writacting in films composed "Oklahoma's Oke With Me" which he will sing with Nell O'Day in Universal's "Man From Cheyenne" He also appears in a featured foie in the picture- - ' 1041110e 401It-All '"467 AMtt lo 111A''41 '' 6 z Song Writer in Film '' - ' : ' - s Iv 7 ' ' 4 ' a -- Distributed by the McNaught Syndicate Inc " ' ' ' ' '- ' ' ' ' ' 1' I - - ' Doctor Takes a Loretta Young Utah-Je- na 11k right!" A LIZ I ' ? - - 4 Tlieater' Local : - 0 t 4- 1-1)00- Beconres Ktiown a n'ess"''n usArs'eY Later she said to her husband: "The new girl must be from She speaks of the Brooklyn nursery as a 'noisery'" "Maybe" mused Ameche "she's A New Type Motion Picture Coming to the (: N 'D'o Mrs VIE ' VIATCP ' opinion:- - N '''J makers 'Might be less embarrassed a few months hence— when the inevitable financial show-dow- n comes—if they'd quit poking ridicule at bankers on the screen I like Ted (Radio Daily) Lloyd's yarn about the Don Ameches The Ameches now have four sons the other day - ' - - man's One 1 4 - 1 er quite a few Hollywood society item: "Dorothy Lamour wear- ing a gardenta and orchid lel went Pirates' Denning with her agent" Sounds like Dottie was overdressed Henry Fonda: "Marriage infers a partnership with the same mutual inerests" Yeah but in Hollywood they fight over who's to be senior partner Quotes and comment: From a fan mag: "With a flip of herwrist Marlene (Dietrich) brings Aw quitcha men kiddin'—it ain't her wrist! John Barrymore: "I've never married a woman they've all married me" Well not all but 9c 4 ' Red Brothers Attractions Opening Today Give Honor Film Human Drama Laughs at State To Film Comic' "s i i- a 1fr ' 17S1 Ab el t Shoes" Margaret Stanbridge and Joan Winegar ensem- Routine Dutch Tap ble of Juniors and tiny young- stet-'Chopin Waltz Naomi Fowler Spanish Tambourin Paul advanced tap Virgini " Rhea Thompson Debris E Syme: Scarf dance' Virginia Paul "Kewpie Dolls" ensemble including Patricia Ann Snarr 'Beverly Matson Darlene Watts Ann Carol Winegar Paddy Haland Elaine McKay Marie McRae will be pianist for the performance r: - - ' ' — - Features Now Showing at 1 3 Dance students concluding summer studies in Miranda Mat- eon's class at the Deseret gym- rtasium will stage for the public a recital and demonstration of as work in the ladies gymna- - slum room Thursday at 7:15 With exception of a few p m students this will be the first public appearance of these clan- cers whose ages range from 4 years to 20: While several members of the class are unable to participate because of vacation trips quite a number will appear in this demonstration of Skill and grace presenting many of the dances in costume The first part of the program will consist of the fol Actual class work—a lowing: 111 0 e r - 6 - -- - nignt - -v- ::ty:- 1b00pat August15A19-1- is the advice 1 '' Is O ter Abel stage star who is now Love You Again" Centre—"I ''''' in Hollywood for the third time 1 with William Powell Myrna Loy I :trYing :totes t t N l'" 49111410 to dodge all district at44i I i andEdmund McHugh iFrank roles and make good torney Lowe He's cast this time as the head ' news service CaPitol — "Young as You of a world-wid- e I i '''''' ''' e I "Nr ' Jones o with the "Arise My r"' Feel" In Paramount's ' famil' 't 1 ' t)--''S also "Grandpa Goes to ToWn Love!' He thinks that with 1 '''‘ ! with the Gleason familr and o such a "00" i ' I ' $ ' Arturo CTodoy ' o ' ' 1 Hollywood at last r 4 i' '' 1 South-Eas- t 1 Abel is primarily an expert -- --0(Sugarhouse) — at light comedy On the stage '''-''''': :' I"Johnny Apollo" with Tyrone Iv" '' 7 : i" :l :' : : ( '''"1-:' tle's famous for it They give Power Dorothy Lamour and Ed' " ' 4' ' ':iii' ward Arnold also "La Conn - him a romantic dashing role 1:::: :-:f-- A - i!::?:: ' e put his name in lights and-thsights" with Hugh Herbert Rialto — Walt Diane y's '' fr "'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" and other Disney likl t ' -': ::''tf: 1 —Geni '—"And One Was Beautiful" with Robert Cummings i ) Laraine Day Jean Muir an ):00-Billie Burke also "Two Thor- ::::1 oughbreds" with Jimmy Lydon 77::: and Joan BrodelL ‘1 MarraY (Murray) — "Lillian : 1 l' Russell" with Alice Faye Don Salt Lake merchants who are I ) h Ameche and Henry Fonda also planning window displays in "Information Please" honor of the coming- - celebration 11 Viitory — "Four's a Crowd" of the world premiere showings ' with Errol Flynn Olivia De 'e of the Fox Motion Rosalind Russell and Havilland i14:::::::ff Knowles also "You Can t Patric at i::::::: "Brigham Young" picture ( Cheat an Honest Man" with W i:ii::ki:Lii-ii4i7itoz:LA:4 four theaters here on Friday V C Fields Edgar Bergen and August 23 were given added inCharlie McCarthy headdress proclaiming him a chieftain Of centive Wednesday when it was Rt tund Andy Devine attending world premiere announced that Linda Darnell State—"He Married His Wife" of the Universal production "When the Dal-toPawnee Ea nd Delaware tribes He Is seen here star of the picture would per- McCrea Joel with Kelly Nancy Rode" Wears with grace the feathered with two Delaware tribeswomen and Roland Young also "Vigil sonally award a special trophy for the best window in the Night" with Carole LoinThe only requirement Is that bard and Brian Aherne the window carry out a pioneer Studio—"If I Had My Way" 1 A committee of local theme with Bing grosby Gloria Jean judges will select the winning Charles Winninger and El display on Thursday evening Brendel also "How High Is ( Power-Lamou- r 22 and Miss Darnell will August the with Three Up?" Stooges' appear in person in the store I to award the trophy Friday Now atsSouth-Eas- t She sent her best wishes to all of the competing merchants - With Joel McCrea and Nancy "Johnny Apollo" the story of a Wednesday nutmeg-gratof the Devine Andy the cofeatured from who man The addition of the Paramount uproarious young Kelly progressed voice is now "heap big Into the number of theaters at college hero to mobster has comefly "He Married His Wife" his new titles being been brought for showing at the dian chief" which the stars will Appear on will be found Thursday at the South-Easttheater- - Thursday the night of the world premiere "Buffalo Chter or "Chief has The State theater gay story It gives Tyrone Power a powerfocused —national attention on Dennis O'Keefe's dual career ) which means to do with a divorced 'pair who ful role as this banker's son Salt Lake again Wednesday It of off paying gave promise over all the world" "known whose college popularity and is a rare occasion when two still are much in love but kept friends vanish when his father The popular film comedian theaters are utilized to present because of- - the husbands sucactor who has 'O'Keefe apart is sent to- - prison for embezzleone attraction but four theaters made a personal appearance in predilection for horses and raccessfully marketed several screen ment are unprecedented ing which also prevents his keepat under his right name Bud the wild plays Coffeyville Kansas his With world shattered ahout In the meantime plans are ing up alimony payments When revealed that or Flanagan today new the Universal premiere his ears and unable to get a under way to make Salt Lake's wifie has him thrown in jail he has found a story interested he job the 'young man assumes an welcome to the visiting stars and production "When the Da !tons a producer in it and that he attempts to resolve the situation Rode" in which he is prominentalias and Joins an underworld a memorable one Celebrities by finding her a new husband will both write the screen play ly cast He was honered twice in gang while he works tirPlessivRoland Young as his lawyer arComplete outline of the parade in it The picture will act and one day by Indian tribes of the to free his idolized father will be announced soon B A be produced by a major audio ranging a match for her—a region The Delewares gave him though the litter has turned scheme which doesn't work out Reynolds well known iin conO'Keefe says the cognomen of Chief Dorothy Lamour nection with the Covered Wagon against him "I'm going to start working according to schedule: Lyle TalWak-Squ- e and later on the in the role of a night club bot Cesar Romero Mary Boland Days festivities is acting as pa I finish on as the as soon 1enl story iPawnee tribesmen named him tertainer plays opposite rade chairman The assist in the hilarity this role" he declared "I disChief Talaha Lagar meaning Nolan Edward inFox studios will cover the bill includes "Vigil Also the in covered a the national ar'a"P'e-w'yarn 'i:1:inel '''ia"r"le'y' t "Buffalo Chief!" events In the Night" a drama of human fully with their l'worlda and it's natural" magazine are found in the cast Posing with a Couple of the circulated Fox Movietone News as its Interest with4self-sacrific- e So now you'll understand that As a second feature "La ConDelaware women the rotund A national radio hook-u- p is being theme Carole Lombard Brian ' it's one Ind the same guy when actor appears to enjoy his 'new ga Nights" with Hugh Herbert scheduled Aherne and Anne Shirley are its Bud read: "Screen you play by is shown honors 4 stellar trio Dennis Flanagan featuring O'Keefe" r ' -- - " "- -- !ftb :' flOttLYWO6D--No- el Coward due back soon will-- again 'Cr--K-ATnest in Cary Grants home—which makes what of those ru- - 4 r mors about a spat between them? :- Wayne Morris harrecov4 ' ': erect most of his "fortune" which he signed away on a blank ' 1 That N Y socialite J check the day he and Bubbles parted i- i to returns Crawford Joan when is telling pals that frfollywoodow he'll follow 4 Rutherford if 1 1 Ann Wonder IV knows she's playing with fire'in the person of that top - - JAk 7 -- - - - p 1' 4t mr 'N !7:: t i 4:444ii ‘ a' iI 1 ii 11( S es i Hortot-edbiIh'diallTr- - d ' t -- - - t I 3 — ' 1 ' - i IV 0 - - o avy04t' a tia - - - ' 1 CAN'T CHEAP HONEST MAN w EL n eliA1111 LTAII HIM 14C101111 en I 1 ) 4 - t t ' k- ' - - t I) ' - -- - '' '' '' ' 1 0 ' ' 41 |