Show - - - - - ' ' 35- - - - ' ---- - ' - - Thursday Mortaitg! v- 4 Matertals'—Mise INSULATE WITH ATTIC WOOLI -- 53—' ott? - tlPER 100 equARt 4 ancHms Tilicx—INsTALLFDINSULATION CO WestBVni t14 Wad 4810 Smith 61VE-8hin- gieff 99c per bdie Sheatied ' 1280 O tt Paint St73 Salo& Inv– rt-287 t t: '''---- blooms - - 4 135 111 "MATZ L IA NEARLY EVERYTHING 1 AT - Th ' us 'rE14 oil ' s f UFA equipment steam tables carbonatora coffee urns 0 Stenzel hits tap IC 1 8 vacuum sweeper Real dandy Vilestern Furniture Coif-1- 35 $1905 So State 0 11E8TAURANT back bar with counter stools cigar wail case meat case cafe booths Was 8210 82 Richards shwa 15 BIM rood suit Btu PahlIo 35 Om West Temple EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER BUILDERS SUPPLY KETCHUM Was 8411 7th W and 4th So ''MONARCH coal range 835 Other makes Good tondtlion $10 $15 and 825 ' GOOD used living room set 81950 USED washers $10 up IIANCO FURNITURE 701 So State 14 KRAALS Ref Co Meat counters cool doors 842 N 2nd W Was 5561 'WILL $50 nelp you? Justsign 412 Judge -- I bids Was 2225 1x12 WHTOP1 RUG $1750 Bargain Basement Western Furniture Co 135 So State - 4 I I A '39 - Terms Al -- rail$15registersand up es adding-machin- 2007 Was WARREN 1277 W J Amount you pay back each - Including All charges month8 Mos112 Mos120 Mo 4 MOIL Loan Loan Loan Loan 8 6 65 8 3 49 9 2 44 ' $ I 56 E 4th South Get 15410425 OR MORE for any purpose 715 Continental Bank Bldg 8 25 50 CASH register adding machine and type487 1329 1 6 97 7 31 4 81 75 1994 1046 writer cheap 24T So State 41 10028 58 13 95 foun975 68 02 VIL have few repossessed soda 28 33 1743 1219 125 tain t of 20 to 60 gallon capacity 62 9 14 20 92 30 62 87 150 cabinets cream lee Also a few used 19 50 12 83 200 5316 27 and compressors all aims Call Was 250 26645 34 891 24 37 16 04 4802 or write W B Biota Co 579 29 25 19 24 300 7975 41 Salt Lake City Utah AsnWersotR2nGduNSos RIFLES DIAMONDS Watches S M Jones 220 So State Payments include charges at Rouse hold's rate of 21s per cent per month FOR SALE One PA MOVIE CAMERA This rate is less than the maximum 7 Just like Kodak eight mod 25 by the Small Loan Law and prescribed new Ind cart case Hy 5726-I No indors tbe same to everyone 1301 motor scooter Cheap RANGER ere Loan made on your own sign So 9th East Hy 5111 or on furniture or auto No wage lure No credit Inquiries of assignments SAVE $40—New Westinghouse elec range friends or relatives To apply: Phone 1940 model slightly damaged MI ApSouth or office visit 3rd East 122 pliance Co condition throughout WARDROBE—Nice ' $995 Bargain Basement Western Furniture Co 135 So State 1EVERAL good coal ranges guaranteed cond standard makes $10 up CAPITOL FURNITURE CO 138 8 State cond UNDERWOOD typewriter 'A-- 1 CORPORATION $2250 760 2nd ave Was 4560 8 East Third South St Runs ov'erhatiled coupe 1927 CHEV Floor 2nd Judge Bu1Idng good $12 564 W elth So Southeast Cot of Main and 3rd outh St W VV Hunter Manager Ph Wa 0101 2 DIAMOND rings very beautiful one low one lull karat very 80 point Trib-Tel- e NEWSCAST HEAR HOUSEHOLD KIM price quick sale Box 3 SUN TUES AND FRL EVENINGS opsess i - -- AUCTION GIGANTIC SALE--o- furniture rugs sloven ed I all to 15 Atig Thursday highest bidder th State et 1030 a in at See Ann Come in and look it over tton Column for list BUT AT AUC' THALES M SAVE TION AND DERRICK AUCTIONEER choose from to BREAKFAST sets Several ' LOw al $695 Bargain Basement Western Furniture Co 135 So State It Hotpoint Electric Perfect condition ' 1 —EWast USED PIANOS Iti & 4 Free parking facilities at CULLEN GARAGE 3712 W 2ND 5 immediate service Lowest Prices—Easiest Terms Musk Co 'FINANCE O OWNED-BY-MOR- 3383 WAS 373 BK BLDG BEAM' buried walnut 0tright piano SOO CONTINENTAL Finish keys 1pert Just tuned 85950 351 State HAYDEN nIRN CO 'ADVXNCED The new accordion players General accordion offers the maxi mum in accordion value 1300 up INo LOAN Free trial obligation Summer bays 'Music 17 West let South iVASATCH — 2310 will be ID !out Loan l'IANO tuning repairing Wit guar G ready when you call at the office Fulham 27 IBryan ave Ha 1867R 'PASTER while you wait SERVICE—Money l'IANOS RADIOS SOUGHT SOLD Homo REDUCED RATES—With merit plan - Service Cchi Watt 3749 45 W 3rd So - WAS MAIN 74 $O PHONE vo UTAH usettAAL4110 CASIlmfgo au 183 El 3rd So Was 81 :BTECIAL SALE on used Henry F Miller Kimball Emerson Story and Clark Cheap IMellInIfthketrUNP CO 70 South Main ACCORDION repairing work guar W " Morrie 17 W lst So Was 8228 I OM Consumers Credit SEZ US FIRST SMALL Borrow PAYMENTS-- 12 - BARGAINS all types of offies equipment S L Desk Exch 53 W 3 S W 9975 rElrIDDING MACHINES $4950 and Was 1229 up 49 So Main to 53—WANTED Buy— oomm k MeinFOR DAN OS LATE FORD OR CHEST SEALSO UPRIGHT PANO 2178 gTH EAST HY 2169-- Bottles !AMMO turn ' Junk Wanted- -8 DDIETEER pays Whoa cash price for cloth's shoal bats luggage W 10009 Ca FINANCE - Clothing Wanted- -4 Pahl's Pay More Was 10357 Sits o'coats furniture St So W T : tot LOANS—$50 to $2000 At Lowest Cost in the State for similar service Loans Diamonds Jewelry—D ""mrvtiolzigla 4MTNRIVICT BANK BLDG ' 215 "'int oTh'stes nuriarza Oruser Jewelry a—z—vo rr Bank T15 IM Nat'l Hr—AtEs $6 TO DERRICI—C7Far961 M ' - 53? So Furniture Wanted—F H A 1 i'VgrettlIAL 'C -- 23 4 sitemei Beadquartere Wet ?WI '33 Main S50ou COW your signature only CO mania! Dia i 412 Judge Vida BORROWFROM aucTIoNuns SPOT CASH FOR rtmNrrums WARDR McALISTER aUGii PIANOS ranges tools mt thing iff value FOR TOP PRICE 513 MeiNTYRE BOO hhiotTE with 305 CALL TIM SALT LAKit FORIIITU11900 - eon or trade Was 3631 A T'H URt1TU1tZ pays more for used furniture 329 U Stale W 895 We buy WAS 7742 FOUR FURN mourn PRIere PON ONSO runa BIGi CAEll tor RAliralESTIFURNITURE WASH and SEW' MACH turnanw lad 1111 w Itt 108 5375 rAT ranrc-FTIVIIFIVITTSW- Was531W btAftet Woos toT turnitars Waa 7804i $5 UP No genitor' bits you wait Empioyes' manna 715 Cont Bang - : Wit MAKE LOANS $10 to $300 '30 '36 '35 37 Chevrolet Sedan Chrysler Sedan De Soto Sedan Ford Tudor Sedan Plymouth Sedan StUdebaker Sedan 718 cont ' " $245 225 Co Sauk Bldg Now $645 $5451 62 165 345 275 495 HAYES cd PTUDEBAKIM DISTSUBUTORIII 468 South 'Main Was 4308 cwai LAIE-415- JUNIOR 00 aN WITHOUT ME M4 HEAD ACHES M4 BACk - 1fr I I t ACHES 4 II ENIEIR1 I tr 1 ' 't cF)s° 's: St:"1 L i t tks 1 4 - Ab- 1 L' i :11 4) -- - t iv' 1! 1 1) (tA re kb 11 Dye 190 Yung mum C-- JAM ' 0 0" " I c: 4 J "dr 1 ° ' - a ) r N4 Ol'OR g Wotti Inc 3" - e o14he toonvd IONIAM 1"14 : - 01 fik " P i tPIEJLt' e4PAcu6E '4 - 1" d 0 CASH Farm Produce Livestock Pets Poultry Miscellaneous Items - j 445 a sedan Good cond T60 So state de itik Ottovi Looks and runt like new No reasonable offer refused 1931 sport Chet cPA $95 D & 11 Auto Sales 21st SO and state By 1 18 1938 FORD tudor sedan Will sacrifice: Perfect throughout Will take trivia 8 : -- -- 35 485 525 :k$275 575 12-T- Ton Panel n Intl Pickup S W 8IL Intl 0 33-S W B G M '39 Chevrolat10-Wheate- r lel 0 Cab andI Chassis Intl CS-3- 5 Cab and Chassis- - 0011 -- Itki e 40(11fol - It STORE 53 So 2nd East -- A4 Condition 342 1 IN I'n'T WANT ADS 1058 $o 325 TRADES-TE- RMS - International Harveste'r Co 9 375 475 c P I Was - Driven 22900 mile' Has had care We'll good arrange terms ---Holladay 4011M--sell ears used and trucks Irv and KIM 30 Qi gams Wm 10023 - art k LOT 4 5 So - STORE Main - 435 t W 4th So Was 1617 '371Wc'81:k '31 Plo CREV Std Del except nice rens offer refused 444 $o State 112-to- n dump 6226 155 27 Ky 9440 tr'S 2yd dump body hoist almost new Felt Auto 645 State W 3822 MEV truck L W B Good condition' Owner will sacrifice at bargain 3760 South 23rd East See Rex Rogers '36 roan hydro ' ''' 7NEW TRAILER ON DISPLAY A li Bee trailer the new Weisteraft science's greatest boon to the American Chrome furniture motoring public 6 ft 10 Inc wide 4 ft 4 Inc headrm Mere's a borne On WhIl With every con yentas! Mr happy carefree travel 770 80 MAIN A L ARNOLD KEN GAREF 120 E 6T11 80 W 4240 - ' ' t't OUTtflANI0140 titallAtt 6895 sitters 17 aa Vagabond toot 2 doors oven stovse sire heat L t del erjriple InaulattortZh 0125 VP 0000 f 600 60 MAIM SINGLR TRAILER MKT Chase Motor Pooatallo Idaho Ma'am 10 SLIII!! AUTO and trunk parte Auto Wage co tot pato Cash 731) old ear& VV Z: ' -- - 3510 ( 111 J of ' 40 ' -- 4f — A AaU10:-:éi4z- - 4'( I V Ø? f ' ' VALUEs FOR SALK 81y 1937 Dodge de luxe ddoor M -- 'I ---- --— 1937 Buick Radio heater dark 4hrome plated motor 5585 Hy 8430 I --- Mr--4--- " CONVCOUPE dan - ocommen Sedan E ft-- For Your Convenience 295 Was 8631 Pty - and—Ch7150---- - LOT 651 So Majn Was 6573 5145—Repossessed '33 675 900 325 325 C-4- 245 FREE D 7019 Ct Ford Sedan $ 95 65 '29 Chev Sedan 245 '34 Stude Sedan '34 Plyrn Sedan 245 133 Pe Soto 5edan245 ‘ 475 2 C-5- Guarantee That Counts - BARGAINS '31 ts 4" - Tiff071:57s USED TRUCK TnTewr D-- It's the Dealer Behind the --- - 665 495 and terms Callhiohnoton Was 2087 215 1938 nonGE coupe Radio heater orig finish Very Clean $445 lee Mr 265 Miller 752 Bottth Main PLYMOUTH 1937 toupe ExciL cond: 385 Must uteri 915 W 3nd So Apt 3 235 msommevicvmi 445 56—IRUCKS FOR SALE GUARANTEED SUPERCHARGE SELL FOR eliSlr S285 '39 PLYM 515 Tern trade 2012 13th tad 545 YOUNG FELLOW'S CAR Go sport In a '33 Choy oortvI 545 Otani sport whit econom By 3800 495 1938 DODGE Sta 30day guar 4525: FREED' e e g 1936 638 South Main '35 Ford Was 1064 '39 Ford '34 Pontiac Sedan '35 Dodge Coupe 135Plym Sedan '36 Choy Sedan '38 Ford Secian ppy Ok ) IlOnn -- BALLARD'S 633 S Main 134RzTrd—Se-dan a ' kW a001- 0 ) Appor re $95 -- 4- 0-- - :- 400 : 111 c t i lp - Fab- V- 00 lb "-r-- - '510 ) II JI ao Pr A tk' dIORES NOW 14- dLillOIP J a All T 1 1 44 WYE ONN CICIT' roulx01L-FN- E - I )441 - t to i 195 USED CARS- ' Appearing Mechanically $295' GOLDEN RULE ' 1910 Ford Fordor DL 'edam 1930 Clunt De Luxe flea& 1930 Stude sedan 1930 Nuh 6wI sedan AU Fine Excellent - 1-- N'S AZTOP WHINING-- I 1 01 Vii 61 ":- -- -- iwpaiummoww"" gelaitt 41641CCE411421- Syntheses L - "awe Ist1 t F fc'e 7) I IF - 0 12r°I-1- ( 0 I 138 SAtEISEIDLITZ!! '11' ii i II 1F012-HSAIE- f- - 111111) I t CHOICE' YOUR4 2-- -- 1 ' - Pillifigt i it 134 rtat!IIIMPOIS 4- So State Was 5576 TOURSSEN'S N1OREh rzt I iiir7W1 iL to IT Timm - ill LFop i t ?'I 17 D L COUPE $795 3000 ACTUAL mi 24one paint White sidewalla Extra seats Will take small ear ao down pay bat financed 2501 So State DODGE Dki 'LUXE 1038 SEDAN 565 South State Radio heater 60day writion guar Was 5925 SO MAIN tinter 633 $629 Ar 1 Lincoln Zephyr Mercury Distributors Dodge Sedan Stude '6 Sedan De Soto Sedan De Soto Coupe Sedan Olds '6' Pontiac '6' Sedan Chev Mstr D L Sedan Chev Sedan Ford Sedan Ford De Luxe Sedan Plymouth Sedan Terra De Luxe Sedan Dodge- Sedan' Buick 160' Sedan Stud's '6' Coupe EXTRA-15OLL- THE'I'LL 4 ARO td11i 1 : 37 By Jimmy Hallo '— FiEV4 TERMS TRADES-EAS- IEST '35 Olds '6' Coupe '35 Hupp Sedan MAIN - fi Good Condition Throughout TOURSSEN BARGAINS 40 PONTIAC Am0 — Vs10V41 114AD15 DIFFERENT! I'LL EvErto 'NNW-- 10- 0 --0 of 1934 FORD De Luxe Tudor Sedan $195 LET HER GET HER HANDS ON A le —C-orh4rtib- TYPICAL 8 1 - $75 32 Cadillac S9clan Lincoln y "1-15- 4Door Sedan Itenomielu Triumportatiods Cannon-Ralph- s '35 '36 MUST SELL—By OWNER '38 Plymouth '34 de luxe coupe radio htr 6295 16b0 E 13th So '37 Ily 10419 PLYMOUTH De Luxe Coupe Radio '35 heater written guarantee ' $515 O MAIN 633 '36 2515 Finish Only 0MINIEM1100001MOMP De luxe OLDS Very good cond Terms 458 Williams ave BY OWNER 8350 CkEyenMASTER DE LUXE HY 2209-TERMS 445SO MAIN 1 $825 '30 Durant 700 So Main Was 5578- -51 8125-1- 933 BLAI 'S Beater 830Under Market Radio c- LIBERAL Open Evenings—Well Lighted '37 23 W 5th So 530 So Main '37 '37 Was 2091 '36 Dealer 38 "Ifs Service That Counts" 833 SO ' $65 we lett aynedu r i '40' Coupe Do Luxe Mechanical Condit len and APPaarailea Perfect PRICE LIST DAILY re-3- MASEBAS To BE ta ygoeut Coupe '29 Ford - Ford-o- : '39' I3uick $95 for Our Complete Ask $475 vitf $545 Sedan 2-- FORD COULON1 De LuxeFordor Sedan - Twer of Therm Both Excellent Your Choice d '85' TUbOR NO-N- - IP Why Rids the Bus When You Can Buy This One tor GUAR- - Ford-Mercury WAS Ears Luxe wom Beautiful original blue finish Nothing has been done to thin ear—it didn't need it Ask the owner what we win be surprised to hear we gatairtutotte 130 Buick 37 Stude Sed (648)4545 $449 37 Lim Z Sed(on) 625 :545 '37 Ford Sd (841) 445 38 Ford 429 (899) 485 '37 Dodge Cpe (918) 475 378 '39 Chev Truck (915) 695 599 38 Intl Panel (481)— 565 488 38 Ford Tudor (495) 495 349 119 34 Ter d Sd (864) 151 36 Plyrn Coupe (721) 405 347 '38 05410' I We Apiece Is a They'll Do It Every Time tEloult '85 De ' - '38 Ford Throughout $265 '32 Ford Sedan Tr- - o 4 Door Tour Sedan original - 1 $7 9 - - — 38 EBuick $695 135 Plymouth Bennetts MAIN LITTLE Radio Heater- Immaculate inside - and Out Sel ltl $145 Tell us just what kind ---: Radio41enter Automatic Trensmiaificat 0 Perfect In Every Reepoct I EVERY PRICE CUT You'll Get Best Buy Now 1 Soto '40' Series - Da Luxe 179 229 289 Cars on the Block - $345 i '39 Vercury Sedan 189 Was— 100 ons De Luxe Sedan Cu $545 319 GOOD and 10 $100 So Main -- Reduced $100 Thoroughly Reconditioued - Not an "As Is" Special ANTEED BENNETT USED CARS with average cut in Salt Lake price5 of SO M6IN I Radio 1935 FORD di luxe cps $515 Perfect heater oil filter 23000 mi cond Call Miss Jensen W 5902 '33 CHEVROLET Coach $110 63& 80 ' Many other makes and models LOANS STATE FINANCE Was 1 GRANT E: " Room 811 Walker Rank Was 1814 2nd 8mith and Main Juan sign Employal itnatio Only $695 l a mho la PRItE SLASH 750 'ii( DE LUXE SEDAN Com beautiful pieta de luxe equipment Thin ear it 111111111111ily finish original Rai beater radio over7 :crTvdclooking De Luxe Neater RaditA $100 Here are 1 137-0- 6 Linclephyri Sedan i REDUCTIONS : '38 STUDEBAKER TRTRUNIIITNLEGRAM BLDG Ciement Marcus Mat Was 8724 1:37 Salt Legal Oldest Chevrolet Dealer See Our Big Used Car Dept at $50 t'o $300 LOTS — OPEN EVENINGS So State 12-to- SALE "PRIES SMASHED" 3 19 Express n Pickup Pickup Pickup FOR CONTINUES $299 Pickupi Panel 13ennett's DON'T Onty $845 - 454299 SMITH INC s" ALY MAN BLARP 4DOOR MORRIS pays mono tor cask metals stoves ibr pipe etc Hy 7285 sSedd 01)‘FIRST SCE STREATOR- - SALE 04 SEDAN: The pmular 41" model Lustrous Bun Valley tan finish full de 111)0 equipment includ ins radio heater ancf piactically new tires Sedan- AUGUST CLEARANCE s i830 112-to- n 12-to- JACKSON'S t39 BUICK ' payments on contrante of 2312 months If ynu pay In lees time you pay oily for ctuaI time you haveuse of out mcmey We alao refinance automobile& I Chev 12-to- Sed345 oyes Trade-In- s Theware - 12-to- n Plymouth n Ford n '37 Ford Sf Two n 12-to- Ford Ford Sedan Inc -- Ta ONLY 3p1 NEW A LOAN OD' $300 I'M3 MONTH ONmonth on I SO 360 per 800 per month on 100 -DerDa0ntIL0a230—71020 per month on 170 1260 per month on 210 YOU Cope O Lifetime Guaranteed Used Cars &ANS 1210 CONTINENTAL BANK BLDG "Wes" Williamson Mgr Was 2310 599 559 Was 6596 THE HOME OF The Home of A PRICE L1 699 : Coupe' - 505 So Main To DOVVIT Loan Company equip MIDWEST OFFICE 80 W 2nd So Was 9800 Thé-Cro- Night Service—Daytime Prices AM Makes of Cars and Trucks WAS 1414 547 SO MAIN 2193 962 Sedan— ciptir Town Chev 36 36 37 34 37 35 K 'Car From a Buick Dea Get a Better Used Lyman 23 1QaSq6jYt41010s5:78 TO PANEL New tires beater radio Driven very little Very $95 Fords—Chevs—Buicks Etc wd Pontia—mSagtaicc—KtsaSalle utua 51—Store Office Equipment tardiSUPPLY flies 380 2924 MO Cabriolet - Follow 6105 CARLESONIS 20 Months Pay monthly $60 2150 8300 I ' to I 1938 Buick Special Touring Sedan Excellent mohair upholstery smooth motor nearly new MAIN A heavy duty tires whale of a value only '37 DE 30TO DE LUXE COUPE—Radio heater overdrive Finished in a beau $595 Mil light gray 6515 633 MALN Sell cheap $100 CREDIT on new Ford 1935 Dodge Sedan or trade 919 Yale ave Bright as a new silver dollar inside PLYMOUTH sedan' DE LUXE and out Smooth running motor ex- 1933 cellent tires new seat cover $195 633 SO MAIN Mist blue finish 1940 BUICK BUSINESS COUPE $299 Radio heater driven 9500 miles excellent care will sacrifice for 6895 Ohio owner wishes to return east by 1938 Chevrolet train Write Box A20 TribTele for appointment to inspect thie car Master De Luxe Radio and heater white sidewall Urea Original finish 1938 CHEN TOWN SEDAN Radio heat er beautiful 2tone finish 6333 633 $595 80 MAIN 1939—FORD '85' FORDOR Radio heater y new car written guarantee 8635 633 80 MAIN 25 Years Serving the West 1937 CHEVROLET Mate De Luxe Town Sedan Radio all original black ExO $465 633 ceptionally nice 1 to 24 months to repay Pay only for the time you use the money fik No publicity 1 - DODGE $299 136 Rings Htrl Rad Tr Sedan '31 La Sa116 AI Red 1910 ISIEMS:0117i7('':7:7 -'' Chev hAstr $edan 334199 '36 Ches Town Sedan '35 Che'v Town Sedan— 279 '35 Chev:Sport Sedan 29? Mi Sed New Rings A Beauty 2-- WORRIES 1—A Bona Fide Written Guarantee 5-Day ExChange Privilege AUTO SALARY OR FURNITURE UNDER THE NEW CONSUMERS CREDIT PLAN 4 136 24000 New Paint Mstrt cChhev :3387 '36 Plymouth $325 560 So Main It's no trick to "make" low prices "u is" cars But we've an idea most people considn deperdabilitv and safety as first items when they ttuY Maybe we're but our customer's keep sending in their friends and we can't all be wrong Remember it isn't a bargain unitise you can ask for (and get): ON 2 H R ARCH BROWNING on $20 TO $300 the city WI 'offer them at GlehBro tO IMMEDIATE CASH - and RADIO stWeirott 50—MUSIC Hir Coupe You SAFE WHEN Not IF YOU NEED Ranle $60 Sec L Burnham Co READ THIS very tint - f I A STANDARD FINANCE Goods A-- Age $595 Sed 141' Tr SELLING Up TO HOUSEHOLD "4 fedan Chev‘ 347 '39 Choy '38 Chey Sport '37 Pack '1201 T Sec! Low mileage orig finish Sedan '29 4750 4Door chow B and upholstery '31 Ford Coupi 9750 '34 Couoa 295 238 Plym AUTO LOANS Sedan 12830 '30 Ford Tudor Radio heater rumble seat 555 SO AIAII4 ST OLD WAIL 1030 A car Sedan '30 Chow 12750 spotless ESTABLISHED 102$ NEW 44424 195 147 Sedan 13830 '36 Willys Sedan'31'Chevrolet — Loansi-Not- et Naw painb—pertsot- through- - Securifiet—A— '32 Ford Coupe 4 17750 6 W W 24830 '31 Pontiac '6' Sedan s5 $it) 525 $50 Sign and take 415 '33 Plym 48 125 Judge Bldg Was 2225 43750 '37 Ford Coupe A very good running car Sedan Chevrolet '35 29750 MONEY WANTED--- W '34 Stude Coupe 295 238 16830 '33 Plymouth Coupe A one owner car Traded school teacher wishes $1000 at '38 Ford 13BBLICI on new Packard a 49830 Coupe 8 per cent Repay $50 per month Sedan 4 23750 '37 Chrys "6" Coupe 545 476 '33 Plymouth Box TribTele Overdrive original finish Sedan Trunk '35 Plym 33830 and upholstery FOR SALE '28 Ford Tudor 3830 AM 4-0 286 '29 Ford Tudor 6750 35 Dodge Radio & heater new finish 9830 '30 Ford Coupe 495 395 '31 Ford 14830 :36 Dodge Sedan Sedan New paint reconditioned '35 Ford Tudor 29830 motor See it 44750 '37 Ford Fordor ' '39 Chev Mstr De Luxe Coupe 62830 '31 Pay Town Sedan 61750 '40 Choy Sport Sedan 89830 PACKARD DISTRIBUTORS 39 Plymouth Fordor 679 So Main 69750 646 So Main 38 Plymouth Fordor '57830 Was 3808 Was 5817 43830 '31 Plymouth Coupe Pickyour own monthly repayment Cash Loan You New Like 25 Cars Under Dealing with an old established auto loan concern you can be assured of safety I YOUR INTEREST rate will be lower than moat other places 2 TIIR INTEREST rate is the same to all customers 3 YOU DON'T take even the slightest chance of attachments or similar law cult salary 47YOU ARE prOffeted- - What harsh and unusual collection tactics 5 YOUR LOAN Is confidential to the highest degree MeGUIRE Mgr CASH LOANS 11G111611- L YOU BORROW! - Utah Oil Bldg 3rd Floor Was D Motor and Finance Co Mgr - Tr -- - 11(Lf7412Lccggsv$§71789 '40 Lnev D–L 'own ed '38 Buick '411 $725 Very'Clean s SSSS$SSS SSSS WAGSTAFF CECIL $S MORGAN Continental Bank Bldg 4th Floor D Stutz $125 MONEYEASIE- WAS L - LUXE TOURIN0 liEBAN--Needs some repaint A very 0ustand value at the above once Mg Olds181 $265 '38 Plymouth $495 MO PARKING D Tr 4-- 8 Rad Tr Sedan 130 Auto Furniture Loans Refinanéing BE Like New I H R a T4UTOMOBILS allnon- - Ra - ONLY 36 IYOU stirel- - - - - k- NI Drysa Sed '1201 IN TOWN FINANCE CO Mstr '37 Packard $545 loons—any time Utah Continental Bank SO-MAI- - THURSDAY - - Ve NEW LOW RATES 714 r- ---? -- --- 1 - "'''P'"'"--7"'"""a"":7"'"'DP1 ' Fordor Tr Sed MONEY 641 T - -A '36 Ford $345 - ST-QU1CKLST Pick 070 It yl 1008 VACATION- - USED CAR PRICESL '37 Ch 1 Mr S yy:4tgy- ViN 'ilk' s Sedan New Paint Clean' 4-- Co S$SSSS-- $ -- 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS equip n terms Me& stools —Co 85 P O place " roor Sanders waxers compressor& Paint spray equip sold or rented A C Whittaker 546 SQ State W 4380 - $ be?" - 03 5 ' SPECIAL - - SAtE SSLAIITOMOBILESJOR INC H ChevroletDeoler Your '36 Chevrolet $345 '38 Chevrolet $565 LOANS on Automobiles—A PERSONAL - 4 1 low-co- st Finance Co Was 4129 YPur w - SEE CHIC WELCH 'Arol 300 2926 61924 ' Other amounts in proportion SCHEDULE AISOVE INCLUDES ALL PRINCIPAL AND CHARGES No employers friends or relatives nett fled are re Ordinarily no Loans made on personal prop(mired rty or salary ism ----- ' $too FINANCE 614 Continental Bank Bldg Phone Was 3778 Alvin Christenson the amount that you need end the monthly payment you can afford from the tablii belowAmt of Repay Monthly Repay Monthly (for 12 Losg Ina) (tor 20 mob) 532 De Soto St seMACHINES--Splen- did WASHING lections as low as $5 and up Granite Furniture 1050 E 21st So 1EVERAL good used gas ranges $5 each WELLS APTS 125 1ST AVE 'GENUINE brown leather 'collapsible baby Will Cost bdggY Pramnew sell for $8- - Hy 10054 'SIMPLEX ironer Only 1 yr old $2495 Pert cond M es M Appliance 123 East Srd South tHECX writer $10 Good cond 447 E 13th So "CE CREAM freezers frosted malt nut chines soda fountains carbonatorsto fixtures booths steam bar di GENERAL or cr ikly 'At I ' rePal 4—strictest privacy always! '—EQUALIZED PAYMENT PLAN! These are but a few of the reasons people say "Why It's easy to piny borrow here!" For additional NOW Write phone or drop hi money today! Sc for yourself how lastly YOU cite get the money you need here! - 9 '14 XIV what you Will '1s- t- MIND Y411t- - taPs chasers": ONE DAY! oa sigenature enlyi furniture no required! vuoRrEcsar: credit requirementsin mind thus EXTRA PEA -- Ta application is approved "What will my payments A You decide Ourself 350 8000 miles Was 8071-- 3 modeL - r 6I HARLEY-DAVIDSO- De luxe : ' Loan - 1With1L15minPtetAftlar 'HOOVER o Lenders Learn how by 'iteading theta ques tions and answers: boon Q "Can I get a from Personal Finance Company?" A Yes—if you con afford the easy monthly repayments below Q "How quickly can l'get it?" WATCHES cleaned rep $2 regardless al cond Meyers Watch Rep 58 M lit So -vr ' 4--- :- — Quicitly—frivetely Without Enarrassment Co L SEARS ROEBUCK - - la August ' :STREATOR-SMIT- - I I - z440pa------- 0-L l - Ught draft Gears run in complete bath Priced et only $101100 EASY rERMS - & OLdialmifje rAtt - PEACE ' Because our ONLY 30B le leijaing able to Stist!t thvoosh incloeyye'rs red tap service L--- $25 to $300 SIZE :FIVE-FOO- T - Tiii TO GET A L MOWING MACHINE ' ''' ' - ' - FOR SALE 155—AUTOMOBILES—FOR - OUR ' et Licensed LOWEST PRICES YOUR PROBLEMS 41810 irn I Whams channel iron Steel i and larger plate tanks pine 212-inr- n Boiled' Rock "libel steel staircases Root trussea cruslisr Oliver niters rods shafting laddsrs COIUMMI Firs Ot escapea Ed- - 2265 So 1tW tics 215 Kearns Bldg Was 6260 - Aortaeatr-eit'PiT- tosEtk4o4oAtio-vramil- Wu to152 IN STEEL (1 N TO-10A- Licenied Lenders' 71 5116" CO - STATE- ICAMI'SirtiEtkier"Wf:lIONt l vela 'Pee the highest dash prfea :mast" "a RE Wanted-- 4 1 and griddies MOW hotel tango mFRU1T RUCS EX! RACTORS tie sad lined WESTER14-fURNITU- - "Red Tape Chasers" 4 CAFE SUPPLIES WHOLESALE vtT14111Esa ImuplrlisispisTs wtb talk Ills tun- 4–MONEY —NR-crit' DON'T OIVR ARAI YOUR run -- " S ete and sot Cll'usall kinds NITURRUO morn tot' used ?Whiter Run !pal vas razget tit washere— 40- - '' plot - Tribune gakt ' Wy' rn- 'RI ri115547US - Zile Sttit s- - - ' - ' p |