Show Ar 4774 Tens rn- - sin - city-tourn- Peacheslfa-n- -- ey 3 -- - Birie11TripK' 5-- o 6 ' -- games - The Jewelers played 'good ball be Paul Kingdon to trim the J P Boosters Kingdon tic Railroaders uitil the last In- Ding when Paxton lived on a fielder's choice and came home on a walk and an infield out The Ivianers were guilty of only one nor :American Smelting' won easily from Zinik Sporting Goods Each club got five hits but Zinik was guilty of nye errors three of which were converted into runs and one of the others led to another tally Smelting played terrorless ball Hamel Furniture put D & R G W out of the meet with a 15-- 6 victory The Police Department bumped Joe Revill for 13 hits to win over Beneficial Life in another consolation game Ed Scott Ole Olson and Vic Heath Van Balllegoie and Tom Marsh each got two hits for the Police who turned in an errorless game Anderson American Smelting -Jewelry the Young Republicans and Pinney Beverage are the four teams to survive to the semifinals scheduled for Thursday night American Smelting battles the Young Republicans and Pinney Beverage plays Anderson Jewelry Reedy Bartelt Triumph' At Newport NEWPORT R I Aug 14 UPI— Striving for a seeding In the national doubles championship tournamsnt next week the underrated Los Angeles team of William Reedy and Kenneth Bartelt toppled the nation's third ranking combination of Gardner Mulioy Coral Gables Fla and Henry Prusoft Seattle Wednesday in the second round of the Newport Casino tennis tournament 5 4 The scores were 6 and the thirty-gam- e third 'set was the longest of the tournattientThe gruelling mtitch went to five match 7-- 4-- 16-1- points before the Californians finally pia it away Frank Kovacs of Oakland Cal and Ted Schroeder of Glendale Cal moved into the singles semifinals by defeating two Californian& Kovacs ousted Edward Al- -Wodonadars "italulta R R E 2 2 1 ' while Ramat Punitive 15 it - 3 loo of Berkeley 11 2 Schroeder battled R G W sets to four and Mahon Preece Lowe and Tautly beat Leon Everett Los Angeles 14 arrow etedd gird 6-- E R a 1 penoticial Life a 13 0 Wine Department Roldit and 11 amith: Scott and Poliel R H E a a 0 A Ittefiell amoitIng 1 8 Print Sporting Goods Oundosna and Rosandietr Axis Reid and tasi R H 1 4 11 P Boosters a S 1 A14111011 Jewelry Andaman Putnam and Brown Kingdon and Rini H Chemplonehip flight: 11:30 p —Pintisy ?leverage vs Oklahoma Shrmoport Va rkill City 4 Houston1111 O 12o Dallas 6 1441wnki 5 TOW 6 lodulavill It Paid City 4 Columbus 16 Indianapolis true - 6-- 63 ' 19c 72 Octane Octane 4 mrs S E Nemstreet won the bless A putting prize Wednesday 1I 12 at Forest Dale as women golfers of the club held their regular Mrs Louise weekly program Kotter won the classprize In first-rouAftust leg directors' cup play Mrs J B Tucker defeated Mrs Caroline Steele 3 and 4 Mrs G D Irvine won over Mrs E J Cheat-- 2 aid and Mrs C A Hughey won by default from Mrs E R Leeds Mrs Cheal is chairman of women's activities at the club nd 21c I 6-- Mrs lIemstreet Cops Tourney at Dale BIERMAN FRESH FROM REFINERY I 6-- 11 GEO 17c n 6-- l "11amCen CARL - Gain-Se'Co- nd I Thursday's S:in at4Pprii3 p Klub 13 Otelledele Fork Pork vs Luek n lead BirOvercoming a rell Bottling downeel Megna Cash Grocery 10-- 9 at City park Wednesdaytbnight to move into second place in the Coed loop The Magna club counted seven runs in the second frame when it batted around Birrell's scored three In the third and tour in the fourth The visitors' rally in the last put on A two-ru- n Inning to fell one run short of knotting the score Sarah Rib Birrell fielder hit two for Iwo to lead the Birrell attack Crescent won a slugfest from Gwen Alleys 14-- 9 Smith hit a home run for Crescent and Connie Clark hit three for four for the Bowlers Each team made five errors Thursday night Lucky 13 Klub Journeys to Spanish Fork to play the Zipperettes The game is slated for 8:30 o!clock On Thursday August 22 the girls will start their state tourney There will be two divisions with eight team in each The meet will extend through Friday and Saturday with the championships decided in each division on Saturday night Teams losing the first out and the remainnight will drop ing teams- will play until they six-ru- Ritz-Temp- le e 6-- 1m (10 American Association - 3agn-it- 6-- 13-1- - Beaumont at Tulsa ppathomal $ ao Antonio 2 Tort Worth 2 lags) 2 the bands of Wash: ington and Isadore Beills Phila1 delphia but finally won' at 11-- 8 while Frank Kovacs Oakland Cal and Edwin Amark Los Angeles dropped a set in turning back J Everett Chicago and Earl 8 3 Bartlett New Orleans 1 The veteran combination of Wilmer Allison and John Nan Ryn long it Newport favorite- downed George Toley Los Angeles and 3 William Talbert Cincinnati An Jraistry :30 p rn — Tounj MpUbtiCaarl American linudlinc League 6 David-Johnso- Orson Tern 2-- 6-- vs Biota 6-- 2 - While the singles peld rested lose twice Wednesday's Results At City Park Wednesday to allow the doubles to catch up the highcompetition 2 5 9 Cash Grocery Magna 10 S 4 Bissell Bottling ly fancied tandem of Frankie ParWalker and lir& gutters Gloving° ker of Berkeley Cat and Don Mc- Gomes and Attey Neill Oklahoma City swung into action by ousting Armand Bru- Crescent 14 It 5 5 11 11 New York neau Alleys and Marion and Smith Harrlion Irving Johnson 3 Reese Atlanta 3 and Rasmussen The dangerous Pacific coast team of Jack Kramer and Ted Pollee Schroeder- - had escape at R amat Thursday's Sirhssalis Park At Whit Contoistion flight: :30 p —Potty Motor vs rispafttniatt 6-- 3 6-- 6-- ' Octane NM LOCATION 1044 SO STATE ST — 'HYLAND 10418 11 Liberty Net Schedule Mary BelnumMarilyti Gmesbeck vs Joan Van NortGeile Eardley court 2 7 p m vs Bob Harry HameoNonil Roberts Williams-Marcourt 4 7 p fn Skidmore Junior Doubles Semifinals Desrdon-RicharWarner vs Conway Bob Cooper-Bil- l Himstreet court i 5 p m vs Sill Bob WilliamwMas Donaldson Feck-Re- a Mansfield court 4 6 to in Men's Singles Semifinals Richard Warne tYlia—Rockwoodvi court 3 4 P Harry James vs Gene Earciley court 3 in Singles iSemiftnals Women's loan Van Nort vi Sarah McChrystia court 3 7 p Marilyn Groesbeck vs Noma Roberts court 1 P p m Men's Doubles Semifinals Morris vs 'Venlig Lynn Rockwood-Oma- r Swenson-Grover court 5 0 p in Rawlings Gene EardlerIlsrold Rarker vs Harry James-Cle- o Sinnard court 1 2 P m Women's Doublei Semifinals Noma RohertsDoltna Hurseter vs Mart court 1 Skidmore lyn Groesbeck-Mar6 p m McChrystakloso Van Nort vs Annie Carlson-Mazin- s Thomason court a Sarah 9 p Frank court I Rave Singles Semifinals DOUBLE ALLOWANCE vs Davidson Melvin Probert p m Dick Morita Vil Dick Brower court 3 3 p in Junin Singles Semifinals Rieltarn- Wnirr vs- - Bob Wililamc 11 a m Bill Peck vs Conway Dsardon °bull 0 6 p tn Jaycees Slate - NN f 7i c) - Amazing but true—your- old worn-ou- t tire is worth up to $760 on the purchase of new The European War has caused used rubber prices to soul 4 THIS OLD TIRE Is WORTH THIS NEW U ON $760 TIRE Our huge recapping and retreading plant is crying for used tires We must - S L 4 1 11 full capacity regardless of our loss on new tire& Don't wait—take advantage of this liberal offer ' now! Y I a Site of the Friday the thirteenth ng International League Jersey City Newark 4 Montreal 5 Only games Buffalo 2 Rochester O Baltimore 3 3 scheduled B A TONITE ‘S 8:15 B Salt Lake 'TIRES ON CREDIT A BEES C Cog dtk SO and 20d EAST Salt Lake City Was ' ' 2368 Grant Avenue Ogden vs L BOISE COMMUNITY 13th SOUTH and WEST TEMPLE RESERVED SEATS ON SALE AT MINT CAFE ND 1011T11 1S7 EAST PARR 5127 ch)- n from-divisio- - 1 J'A'gLIA:wcrii: To Tie nd -- foinird - Jenkins Blames Cap lin For Suspension Threat Two-bas- e - - Ghosts Slate Provo Tilt Robin won Lost Pet A 10ron w 0 O- e- — I 1 3 2 1 — I 067 500 500 333 3 000 Wednesday's Remit' Creneent 6 McCianahan'a 5 ns Defaults Mae - Golf Meet ' 4 4‘ - - Thursday's Schedule Renegers vs Lark No 211:30 p m The Independent league's Cres- cent nine Wednesday evening broke into the win column of the annual city round robin amateur baseball battle by nosing out McClanahanfs of the Amateur Federation 6 to Crescent launched two runs over In the second and then added four more in a sixth-innisplurge The Clothiers outhit their rivals III to 8 The loss dropped McClanahan's into a third-plac- e tie with Krause Heating The score: ng CRESCENT ABHOA a 0 3 3 3 1 0 2 McCLANAHAIIS ABROAI Sotomon et- - 4 liimbrg 2b 4 Andersn no 4 3 Morr lb 3 Vide rf anhaltr 3b 4 4 Burt If 4 Pogo e Stiphard p 3 Wood p 1 - es 1 OlLunnen 1 2 41 ?Conn 3b 1 3 217 Dunn 2b 0 7 elHarrison lb 1 1 0' N Dunn it 0 1 01 Sanders rt 2 1 01 Sunquist et e 3 4 01 Brown 3 1 4 1 1 10 3 0 4 2 2 0 7 I 4 2 2 0 5 0 1 a I 1 2: Andrus P 3 0 0 0 el Ainnwrth el 1 0 g 0 0 0 0 0 Smith Totals 34 10 211 23 24 7 Total 11' r ifcClaRni:g tfiens Sunsuist In sist 5 100012 1 6 Crencent 200 004 Anderson Summary: Runs—Solomon Vidle Burt Shepherd Lunnen 2 J Dunn N Dunn Sanders Brown Errors—Arldrun Harrison Stolen beau—Holmberg Burt Vidie 2 Sacrifie hits—Solomon Peterson Two bus hits- -4 Dunn Andernon Runs batted in—Harrison 2 di t) Burt Anderson Shepherd VMIc Lunnen Peterson Innings Wood 1 pitched —By Shepherd 8 3 4 Credit victory to Andrus Charge detest to Runs responsible for—Shepherd Shepherd 4 Andrus 3 Wood O Struck out—By Shepherd 2 Andrus 4 Wood 2 Bases on bana—ort shepherd 4 Andrus 2 Hit With pitched hall—Ounquist by Shenhard Wild pitch—Shepherd Time of game1 hour 40 min Umpiree—Barber and Wiglin Storer—Feeney tr el di II If NETWORK NOC-RE- D ol tt - 2-- -- 6-- ' 2-- UTA All-St- 4-- CiSfitroT Pioneer Ward Takes Title Service-4sto- ck 6-- ' le-tea- s 8:00-1K8- LThi arly FiL-- "Dote a ILIrP 9:45-CBS- 10:00-KS1"- Portia Strings--Strin- - 11:00-CBS- R 4 H — went to Mrs John Geertsen One match wu played in the Mrs directors' cup tournament Geertsen triumphed over Mrs J 1 N Ellertson 15 Grenn :Tar g Chapman Rawk ins am Aow Tt Johnston sod Romingtos Rand 0 for At Ls Portland Los Angeles Harrell and Holm At $ae Oakland an Diego Buxton StiVegOn DAY AND NIGHT TOWING & WRECKER' CALL CAPITAL CHEVROLET SERVICE SO South and Stole DAM Was IOU Pt lubtot Woo 1145-- ht Was 11344-- M r Persons News Dance Tinto inalities 5:00—NBC—Canadian Holiday 4 Rouse Johnson ers Angeles! 000 000 —103 031- 100 01 Fairchild prepari- At R H E 14 7 P Todernewa World Revue 4:00-KstR- RePilMil Chicagoens deports 4:1S-CBS- -The 41:454041-w- Time Mirage aits the Music Library presented by Rod O'Connor Prise !limn Bowes Amateur 1:00-- Citti Major Hour 61111Pril Orchestra Chel in Affairs-Co- lby ter speaker News for Oscar Me 7 :45- -K Bonet Leonard 001 101 0n2- -5 Seattle Sacramento 000 010 00411 Schmidt Gregor! and Camp (9) Gabler (9) and Ogrodowelt‘ F 0 3 Lel Doubt" ator Burton Noon PM a Pleasant Hour Mary Marlin Ma Perking Pepper Young's Family Vis and - lade Wife and Stella Dallas dramatic feature& 1:30—NBC—Lorenzo Jones dramt Time with Sam Singin 2 :00—NBC—Girt--- - Alone drama 15—NBC--Stopy 2 of Kitty Keen 2 30NBGMidstream drama 4 2 45—NBCLivas of the O'Nellia 3:00—KDYLp-Ro- ad of Life drama Siesta Public Library Music 3:45—KDYL-Late- st United Press and Tratioradift Nowa triaohes 4 Himber 'Tim& 4 :15—NBC--Europea- n News Summary 4:30—XDYL-4'u- nei by Randolph' 4 :45—NBC-4- 4 V Kaltenborn 4:40—KDYL—Days of Brighmit Young 5:00—NBC—Salon Silhouettes Hugh- - 7:30—KDYL—flengtor King Campaign V 7:45—NBC—H Kaltenborn corn' metal on ths News of the Day 8:00—NBCFred Waring and Cont pane present "Pleasure Time" 8:15—RDYb—Latent available new& 8:26—NBC-Jac- k Joys' Orchestra :30—NBC—Te4 Lewis' Orcheetra 9:00—NBC—"The Aldrich Family" with Kari Mons as "Henry" Is t Clifford Goldsmith comedy Quit" a new vit riety show from Libely park with "By" Woodbury News nubs &TIC' 1 Sport News from KDYL 11 11 Remade— Song Shop Harna's orchestra Boys' band Newt Flashes Nottingham's mourn Owens orchestra :45NBC3iltmore You Night until 8 a-- m Priday (Paid Advertisement) - mimemdmo Senator King's Part ii FEDERAL AID IIIGIIViAYS & 'Diamatized C in Bong" with and the Americans Stabile and bis rano- Roy Dmshall Ira Newt Kent' orchestra Sons" with Gene Halliday at the organ nrit Kings orchestr- &12:0o-c8sM- enry Busse's orchestra 11:00-XstL- ttlISINTIO St arry 11:15-KSL-0-Nisitt A M 12 :S5CBS-New- e 1 Good to Promenade Byrn Orchestra conducted by phony Reginald Stewart with Jean Dick 'moon Metropolitan opera soprano guest soloist 8:00—HUTA—International news 8:10—KUTA—Pioneer League Baseball Salt Lake City Bees versus the Boise Pilots playby-pla- y dessert- lion by Bill Sears 10:45—KUTA—International Newt 11:00—NBC—Garwood Vane orchestra 11:30—NBC—Johnny Richards orchestra 12:00—HUTA—Good Night until 7 Morena tomorrow morning (Paid Advertisement) - IS it Seems" BIM?' orchestra a d Bensons! a y Onlittaa Reviews the The ittrand's orsaestra THILI FRIDAYS Night (Paid Advertisement) k ToflIghf 1:30 CocaCola Bottling Co' " MONDAYS KDY M A Program of Music by the Masters Kennon et News Bids (PaliA 111211tiest T TAv litewart) re a ci th at a' Ti ar S :Anson S speaking on Conscription 's Tempo& 5:45—KDYL—Latest available news :00—NBC—The Music Hall with Bob Burns in command with WINO'Marione trumpeter ray Bunter Ray Milland Dorothy Lamour 7:06—NBC—The Caravan Bob with Crosby's Orchestra Bonnia King vocalist and the eons' of the Bob 5:30—KDYLk-Thuraday- Wheel- 1 t With 10:15KDYL-4iymphon- ic K 0 Alarm Clock Club With your taverns melodies farm news weather reports and Lbe latest sews Favorite a ymns 7:15—KD7L—RhYthmie 4avue of Reports Trangradio and United Press on Parade Charlie Musie 11:00KDYLlack 8:35—KDYL--Latest available news 8:30—NBC—Against the Storm drama 111:45NBC-Th- e Guiding Light drama 9:00—NBC-Womain White drama :15NBCThe O'Neitle drama 9:30—KDYL---Ju- st for Fun musical vs rietv show -4udy and Jane drama 10:15—KDYL—Latest News Flashes 10:30—NBC—"By Kethimn Nome" 10:45—NBC—Your Favorites Dr tat Arnold Light of the World Grimm' Daughter Valiant Lady : Ali Churches g "Is Peace TimeConscription eht 'the Democratid Form of Government?" 7:00—NBC—War News by T' R Thorns 715—NBC-i-Toron- 15 at 1:45) Tenor Basket" with Jtra risLanny 10:00CBS-P- ani News er AUGUST (Tune in Singin' $am today M A 'n Andy" RAMP 1:30C111-"Ask- -11 10:00C8S-"Stra-nte R IL E H 7 3 8:15- -c 1:30—NBC-8en- Maioni117 — Ttaveliour Jordan Sin interne McWilliams R R 400 000 111- -7 15 3 110 110 101- -8 15 3 Darrow (2) Mulligan (7) OH and Conroy Thomas and Paeramentot 3:30-CR- rift-"- OM 000-- -2 5 9 Hollywood —020 Son Francisco 1 1 210 000 000--3 Ardis° la Toil (3) and Stenzel Epperly and Dr 3:00CBS-"Younn Conkie blew At San Francisco: Kathleen 'Norris"--- These Valleys" Souvenirs eyond ' less at Lay 2:00-CBS- -"Fly 14 UPI -4 Ilia ($) and Adams with :45wN130-Ori- Malcolm La Prod' commentator o' Gold starring Honig 5:30—NBC—Pot ' and his Musical Knights st—the Pioneers" songs of the west Music 6:25—HUTA—Late News and Benison Scores Time" Kitty Kelly 1:411C138-13tepinother- tatory News Navy Pro' gram Barton Aces" Kean Tracer of Lost B 3:45N10-Bu4 4:15NBC-M- Webster and Marge - cr Girl" 12:00CB111--"Societ- y 12 :4 S- -K Pacific Coast League 't 11:45-CBS- NoOn Dodgy! Eleven Gets Pittsburgh Back ball-hydg- R stories News Hospital Old This Wiley5 ha1lbsop10 cal comment& Boo and I -"My artha ng- h rehtlyirloot for the National Professional foote Leave ball season announced Wednes 14 UPI- -- day the Dodgers had obtained Dick BALTIMORE Aug Monte Pearson pitcher for the Cassiano University of Pittsburgh will leave back of last year New York Yankees Casslano was picked UP In the Union Memorial hospital Thursday his sore arm and shoulder draft by the Green Bay Packers "much bettir" but still not read) The Dodgers get him for cash and for pitching by giving the Packers the 'rights As to when he will be ready his to one player on the 3ro9klyn draft physician Dr Sydney R Miller list for next season would make no prediction Twilight League Stories 1140CBS-Fletc- her P PRINCETON N a Aug —Coach Jock Sutherland 31onte2eanolOYIIL 3 2 - Jenny's 11:15-CBS-- Aunt E -- 7 Mrs Er ling Espedahl won :first Springville Pioneer 13 place In the medal play vs par Robinson and Brown tournament at the Bonneville golf ' and Killpack club Wednesday Second place - THE iggyist STATION' ill's 126() On Your Dial) — - EMI oe Leo-(Dut- Rees-Pione- 2-- BUY YOUR NEW BREWER 85:((fBG activ- ng ities will be the fort Douglas cou'rse where play will go forward between the Jaycee "can do's" and "can't plays" during ' the afternoon According to Ames K Bagley Jaycee secretary members will have ample time at the 7 p m dinner to explain why they did (didn't) make par bogeys or just plain holes-in-oRay W Bradford is chairman of the day's events with Dr IC B Lutzker representing the di4 rectors' board Pay a Little Each Week ' ffio — eV-Tex- y ne S ROYAL DE LUXE TIRES U - — 8:15--NB- day" divot-diggi- ROOSEVELT- ch Christian Meyer coach university arrived here Wednesday night and prepared to leave early Thursday morning for a week end of fishing at Kidney lake near the Bar U ranch Meyer who will be the chief first-rouinstructors at the annual Weber school coaches' opening college Monday will be accompanied by B Y " U football Eddie Kimball mentor Guy Wicks of Idaho Southern Bob Davis of Weber college Okie Blanchard Wyo- geles Cal ming grid mentor and Word 6 pm---IviWard Wells stake vs Cedar City Armstrong '6f Ogden vs: Mill Creek Cottonwood stake 'Second 7 m—Provo football writer p Jimmy Hodgson od Benniori-Cottonwostake for The Salt Lake Tribune will vs 8 pm—Logan First accompany the party 9 pm—Nineteenth Ward Weber stake vs Lincoln Ward Meyer is expected to stress pass ' defense and offense at the Weber Granite stake school Developer of such famous passers as Sammy Baugh and little Davey O'Brien Meyer is regarded as one of the tountry's foremost authorities on the ' aerial game to atThe school is expected -100 tract coaches ly approximate PROVO t BRIGHAM CITY ASHOA ASHOS from the intermountain region Bird ef 3 1 3 01 Wdbury as 3 1 1 4 Chretan 2b 3 0 2 2 Millet If NVEETWATER Texas Aug 14 (A)—Cowhand'Lew Jenkins 3 1 0 0 3 0 1 li Whom) 2b 3 2 2 5 Kump 3b Jensen it 4 1 1 0' Cowley 3b tired of all "thtt goofy New York talk" turned front the bedside 4 1 1 01 rdwarde II 43113 Dudley rt 1 0 0 Pase lb 3 1 11 0 Facer lb 0 4 2 15 of his gravely ill mother Wednesday and promised to punch Man 4 1 1 4 klyman cf 4 1 1 1 Serge ea Overly e - 4 0 4 0 Ramey e 4 0 7 0 ager Hymle Cap lin in the nose "the next time - I see him" Smith p 4 0 0 3 $tone p 4001 i --The lightweight ehampilon hupg Totals 33 5 24 10 Total 32 h 27 14 Provo 000 020 020— 4 tied here by motor to be with his ' 5 Brigham City 103 000 10x--PROVO—First round play in the mother after canceling the AuJensen Poore Summary: Runi:131rd Serge Woodbury 2 W Jensen 2 Cowley Frrore—Rerse August leg directors' cup at the gust 19 bout with Bob Montgomery-a- t Kdwarda 3 W lenient Facer Nyman Kamm Woodbury 2 Siogolf &aurae was again Timpanogos leo bases—Christiansen Berge Woodbury Philadelphia 2 Home marred by defaults and drawings rune—Jensen W Jensen hit— Nyman Rune batted in—W as Irks Jenkins hot divot weather the Threat Jensen kept Millet Edwards 2 Facer Jensen Nubia playe–:–W Jensen to Woodbury to diggers in the clubhouse For the neer Nyman to Cowley Christianiett to second The threatpf suspension in Pennround and for the remainKump to Strikeouts—Smith 4 Stone 7 Basest Pap on iballeStone 3 Smith 01 Hit der of the tournament each match sylvania rings telegraphed him by with pitched balle—Boree t 2 l by Stone Is expected to be played Time-2- -:10 accord- Leon Rains chairman of the PennWild pitch—Stone Umpire 00! —Liddel and Holmes Scorer—Richards ing to Earl Schneiter professional sylvania boxing commission unless at the Timp course he went through with the MontFirst round results: Andy Broadbout caused Jenkins to gomery dus defeated John McAdam by drawing Bill Haase defeated Ed explode Burton one up George Shaw deHe blamed Caplik his manager feated Sherman Coleman by draw"Sure I'll punch him in the nose' ing Dave Crowton defeated Orbo I believe I have a right to say PROVO—An exhibition softball Illif feated Jean Hoover drawing that Caplin didn't want Me the Colored Dex Shriver defeated by game featuring Bill Coltrin home—he didn't believe my Ghosts barnstorming nogro aggre1 and 'I Dallas Young defeated mother was critically 111 My Frank Fister by drawing Tony gation from Iowa and an mother 'means more CO methan all' Provo team will be played here Fericl defeated Gordon Crane by default Bill Johnson defeated the fights and money in the world" Wednesday at 8 p m it was an- Clayton Jenkins by Almo Jenkins complained that Caplin drawing nounced by Bert Bullock who has - Alger defeated Mark Nilsen by de- took him to "a country dub" to fault Glenn Snarr defeated A V train for his recent fight in whipla charge of local softball play 1 Elvin Anderson de- he went down before Henry Arm According to Bullock the Provo Billings game will be the last one played feated Glade Anderson by default strong Lea jenkins i He threatens by the Ghosts before they leave L R Ivins defeated C L Jensen "But it was a resort and no place for the east to enter a national by default H J Corleissen defeat- to train to punch his manager on the Caplin didn't want any tournament They will play two ed I C Nelson-- by default Vic of my friends around the place games in Salt Lake City Monday Hedquist defeated C Lavoir Jen- But his stooges from New York and Tuesday prior to the local sen one up June Bell defeated were simply overrunning the place mother is very sick She is ex5 fracas Ed Shriver Ben Beveridge They nearly ran me nuts pected to die of Fred Farmer manager the defeated Iry Nelson by drawing "few Jenkins around watching me - 4Signed) hung "They Oscar Carlson team of the Provo A C Hatch defeated Dr Garland work and me questions "Sweetwater Texas" asking kept Recreation league was selected H Pace 1 and I Lee Snarr de in that goofy New York talc" 1 by the managers of the regular feated tee Carter Boyd Rateams to select and manage the smust defeated Pete Ashton by Telegraphs Reply team Aplayoff game in drawing C S Bean defeated He denied that his wife Katie Tony the city championships will prob- FerletJr 3 E E Smith defeat- had caused him to break training be held same the also ably evening ed Cloyd Booth one up Marion and said "Caplin Just doesn't like according 'to Bullock Halliday defeated Dr W W Woolf her" To Chairman Rains' thrreat one-hato have hifit suspended In Pennup sylvania and "other stales" JenIAMN B Dixon and Knight kins telegraphed this reply: Dial 1500 Kilocycles I'm not trying to dodge Montdue in programs ae iimed-sri- r Cop Tennis Crown I explained to the pro entirely to network corrections made too gomery to incorporate) late I be will I left before glad PROV02-Fre-d THURICAY AUGUST 15 (Buck) Dixon and to go through with the fight at a A M his partner J Will Knight won Moods: time tem7:00—HUTA—Morning time later date when I have hag perature and variety music the Provo Tennis club doubles Not now My 7:30—HUTA—International News in condition to get 7:45—HUTA—Back to Morning Moods championship Wednesday as they PROVO — Pioneer ward of 8:00—NBC—"I Love Linda Dale" defeated Lavar Kump and Lee But-ti- e — Financial C Provo took the district champion3 4 market reports in the finals Knight Saver—Househoid 8:30—NBC — Wife Is president of the Provo club and ship M Men softball game WedHints AFFIIIATESL Over Paradise" Dixon is tournament chairman nesday night by defeating Spring-- 9:00—NBC—The Breakfast Club with win Don McNeill M 0t orchestra and Players were paired as evenly vile of Ko lob stake 13 to 4 Bill ' CBS vocalists as possible and as a result --most —PattY Jesn'a Health Club drenn pitcher for the Provo ' of the matches have been ex—Your Exorcise Program team had complete control at all 9:45KUTA—Symphonic Strings Dixon to close tremely according News THE VOICE OF THE WEST the Bookends More than a score of teams started times with m a With Ted Malone set at tourney the tournament three weeks ago 10:45—NBC-NewSummary Salt Lake City for the L D S AUGUST THURSDAY 10:50—NBC—-HarveHarding baritone Knight and Dixon issued a chal- church M A Almanac variety' championship both PioI o'Cloth tin& lenge Wednesday to any doubles neer ward music and outs program with Builetin and will be Bill Bears Springville tennis team in the state with a World ESL Edition Scenes the in 11:30—HUTA—Behind to the allowed enter Johnson LeRoy combitted age as great or greater Coverage News Filming of "Brigham Young" Moods S Marine Band supervisor for this district said 11:35—NBC—U than theirs News Noon The Salt Lake tourfor You 12 of Divorce" Giving their combined ages as Wednesday 8 :1 5K -0 M rgenettes P :nnNBC"Orphns 101 years but refusing to divulge ney will open Friday with 12:15—NBC-"Amandand Dash al Honeymoon Johnson also announced that Smart" netDotty Just how old each is the two 8 rem' News Other Winslow Cheever Wife" of Provo had ters figure to be: too good for any 'Smith Speaks 9:00CBS-Ka- te Plain Bill" named assistant supervisor a Girl Marries" 1:00—NBC—Club Matinee: variety pro- other combination over the 100- - been of Helen Trent for this district to replaceVern gram with Hamm Sherman mas- OM Sunday -Our ter of ceremonies year mark Waldo formerly of Payson who Faces Lift" g or2:00—NBC—Heart Be Beautirui" 0:15-Can c chestra directed by Louis Ford has moved to Evanston Wyo 2:30—KUTA—International Nevis Right to Happiness" 10:20C8811ie Way"-w- ith where he is coaching 10:45KSI-"T- he 2:45—NBC—Josef Gallicchio and his conMilky Mrs Ispedahl Takes cert orchestra IA Mary Taylor and Benny Score of the Pioneer-Springvi- le Walker 3:00—NBC—"Rooky Gordon" 3:15—NBC—Malcolm CleArs thildren's Sister -Big game: Bonneville Prize 6-- "So everybody can have an alibi" Salt Lake Jaycees Tuesday decided to hold their annual membership golf tournament and party Friday Sephambar 13 which will be christened "Hoodoo NEW TIKES FOR OLD! intermountain-Wire- finals in M Men softball will get under way The at White park with Firat Ward defending champs open Friday between East ing up the meet igainStihrw'mner Mill Creek 10 and Sugarhoustg414wteinl of division 9 Firstrroufid games will be played starting- at pm Friday with the -final game scheduled atfor9 9a pmtn andQuarnut terfinals will commence- Saturday morning 4 3 and m at be will p Semifinals noon on through played 8 7 ind m on at finals p with m p going p schedule for Friclaw The - 1 pm—First Ward vs play-o- ff winner divisions 9 and 10 City Round W 2 p m—Third Ward North Weber 'hake vs Logan Second D & R - Reposers MeClanahates 3 pm—Logan Third vs Provo First Krause Heatin'g AnCrencent 4 pm—Miller Grant stake vs' Southgate Ward Los Lark lf Golf Meet TRADE-I- N wrioune Defeated By Crescent Mee Afrives At Itoo4éve1t All-St- ar Mixed Doubles Semifinals P 7Tribune Intermountain Seryicefi BRIQI4-4CITY — Gangling Howard Stone hurled City mates 'allother step toward the second half title in he Utah Industrial league here Wednesday night as he squelched the Provo Coors 5 to 4 in a game that at tracted the largest crowd of the season to park The Utah State athlete granted only five lilts and gave up only one earned run but errors kept him in trouble on several occasions Ho set seven 'visitors down on strikes Meanwhile Henry Smith Coors' right hinder put up a stubbo:n battle all the way allowing only nine hits one a home run by Worth Jensen Peaches' second sacker A three-ru- n blast In the third was the Peaches' biggest frame Th 'visitors did all their scoring In two frames getting half their runs In the fifth and half In he eighth The score: Clofluièr Nine ell:::::j:e4p1s ip1 - 4-Setbac- 1c a August' 151 1940 butell Meyer— Provo Nine-- 5 to - - In the champlon'ship : at White park flight tit the -4 Weanescliy night American"- Smelting downed—Zinile- SPorting U Booster P trimmed Goods andAndersonJewelry namar Furniture triumphed' over p & R G W 15-- and the In consolation Police Department whipped Beneficial Llie r d Smelting éweir met4lectit ''1" - tbe Salt gliki rtkbutte:- - 'Thursday Morning -- r A by 1171 se or M Tn fo ci Pr |