Show - o 1 ' yob41x-203- w - - - 4 -- ti : - "v o - - t - - - - 7 - 1 - - ' '' - - r' - I vri 4tC 01 - ' ' Itoinbs Splatter ill Cliale Inva ers way 1 TolvilIstolkTake It All in Striae About-Tra- -- m - t ' ' L : ' ' '' - - -- 1' 1 : " :i: :' i 1 ' of ) "!(34" - ! Is-- 1” is 4100 11 1: 11:00 1 1' 1 0 11- 41P '' 4 : i ': 'lliV i' ! i t ‘ " i - 0 0 i ' :: : :t f: - - i'': 11 s '”: - --- I hems for ch growors i t r 1 'I- i won't ':::: ' :'''1 : VDouble-stitchte- ' l' armholes) ' 4'Double-stitcho- ' di the - coutaldefensea under the protective wings of a cloud of fighter planes to drop bombs inland In another acreeehing engage-ment a total n(150 planes—atantackers low and scudding grily lathe clouds the British anBY nounced 10 German planes already had been shot down I I I (The Germans unofficially claimed to have shot down 42 British planes by Wednesday afternoon and acknowledged the loss of ten of their own In all this furious assault and counter-assau- lt British officials took a rmoment to announce that ' in the great battles of Monday and Tuesday140 German planes "probablY" had teen destroyed or damaged in addition to 140 already known to have been "definitely destroyed" in those engagements One of the hardest hit of all areas Wednesday was the industrial midlands 'where swarms of raiders dropped ton upon ton of bombs many of them striking homes In this section alone at least thi:esopuetrhsoenesesr etrhee iknivileeddipg 1 " ' -- -- v rs 4 ct ) '7 of t ) :s Nt1""11)Z 1:4tV! 44( INJ 4 ‘ i I i1- - Ik' 's 1 ‘00 ) ‘ ' 0 ' '47' ' ' e - k ' - 4 4 - te it ) '1' (4' tsit - I 10 i" fi ' I e It 1 4 ' - 'i ' It 4 t ' : - '4 ' '' ''41"t' ' ' -‘ (11 - rpswhmeneya 4 ' 4:14 i't' the mast heads" Britain thus fighting on against the growing threat to the homeland took the offensive in a far- awa arw e lin a wianyi tbattlefield 'Africa t where the fascists were stumbling forward through the blazing wastes of British Somaliland toward Berbera in an effort eventually to hamper the empire's communica- tions through the Red sea a British fleet unit was reported to have bombarded the coastline of that British protectorate to halt the Italian advance Here at home 'Uwe!' agreed that the hour of the great test—the - ' ti - 6 Wide eV to 1201 ' ' - ' '' 41 '444 7 ' ' buttons ' : I ( ' t I ' I And as Many as 7 °that quality spocillcationsl 1 ' 1' snaps and -- 4 '2':'--' First quality '' ' SALT LAKE CITY 1ST SO AT MAIN - WA'2132 ' : 44:--) -- -- rAri Iffilk Jii:gbz 0ZZ1 ' ' - ::: At A -: - rs- litium-- 4-' am 11 a !It--4 44' ce ' itatzr3aut oi- ! ' "e4- 1i t t' 0"-- ' ----- - ' - s -- - - ---- -- - ' taitia"i 1 2770 - 4 4 eitoloso 41114 &Os' - ' '' 1 with- Genuine - s'"''''''' ft t I 'k ' ' '4 ' II j 1f1 ' 11 1 4 4 '1' I' - 111 v Is 1 ' 1' i k s ' 0 1 '' I' I Iii: c ' ' P HI:° z ' 1't 4 1 i ' o 'P'l 0 1 t 1 (71 1- 3 '' ) At I i ' i '11t ' 3 s' k 1 LI t - 3 eI ' I li 1 ''i 1 ' t 'k !kt i 1 (1 ' ''''' 0 7:: - 3 '' ij ' - 1 I 40 I t VI tritii' 1 e ' t 1 oi - - IC '' -- - t I: ALL IN OUR ' f ' ' '' tf1 4 : i ' - -- - -- A I 1 -t- I I 7 1 iii r Here'sFur GLAMOUR Here's Fur STYLE Here's Fur VALUE ' i' 010 '1 - s ' I i ' 1 11 1: ' 1 HUDSON being done litter and dirt with consequent damage td lawn and shrubbery is eliminated Protection is also afforded should rain interfere with the job Let us solve your roofing troubles Our average price for 100 square feet of 'the highest grade Red Cedar Shingles applied on your home is only elpolmowmtomboomommoboomodmeenoLonooswomoomeop0000m S790 1 $134" No Pieces Full Skins - ' e Coats at Fur - 11: 1::!' ''' ' Group of 64 Fur Coots of '' '''' ' ' '':' ' - $89 - IL m THIS WEEK ONLY " i - Open Evenings Until 9 N 1 es9 Group of 29 - - ' i ' t ) ' ' '"''''' --- ----- ' ' " r s 1 1" g i'!:''-'- ' r t 1 110 i g t ''"' 1 i am 4 11LAKI ' - I Itt COUT tel ' t:1i1-- ‘ -- Our Monthly Payment Pio:Makes re:roofing and modernization simple — easy conversion' Mprrisonrkiill8'Co ' ' SEAL DYED MUSKRAT I is ' t Featuring Cedar' Shingles iinter While the job 0 Full '12-- -- - - dead-cent- 4 l'3 ad-dill- pouny 11:4 '4"it T t t : - You get a better roof by having new Cedar Shingles applied right over the old roof because Cedar Sitingles are the only overrooling material that Oils to the strength of the roof without 'adding a dead '' load This double roof provides double insulation and cooler effecting- - greater fuel savings rooms in summer: ' 0 ‘' 4 i k: Damage to Greater Insulation Shrubs ' 01l - 1 Iii LITTERtio - - i4 a 9! - T : v 'r4o'''"z' ''' e ' :::: Aot s t) z NO ::''''''' s 1:01 ' 00000 i0 ''''' it:--- ' 000 - trgNt - ' : ' 0 P ' - - ' -- 1 "- Itittiriri sirt: -- -'-- 1: ' f - ''' :'::'''::::: ' ': -I ' e - 1'1 s ' :' -- 4 ' ' 09 414 :::::::1111 ei1 t ''' :' !1!"::::1 1 s ' :'1:"- st - ' Art ' i ' ::'::::::' ' $7 04 4' ' tt9 (:fr it Ii ' ib— It 4' ''s 4''' ::: :: r::::::: '6':::::::"': ' l- ! ' 1 ! Iippoi :'::::: i t 000$ 70 00000 '''- - ''0- 1- A p p - 1 IRO "- : - silo'II' 444 - 141- - tr I f ' ' li - t514''-------"-------- lit i'i 2 if ''''' estirv 1 0 f it Ok - ''' ff' - ' - ' ' "Building Headquarters" 3rd West at 1st North33rd South at 2nd West - ' SALT LAKE CITY - BOUNTIFUL—:MURRAY—MIDYALE i i'- I ' '' - ' t ts aA 1 - " ' - --1 'AIR- ' - d ::il :::::::: ::::: 41s :s f ts t 11 4111116--- 4 --- I - e- - ----- ttri k s6 idliIAN - '' ! - —1"'"- tive 0 0 4 - '' 411- ‘ il - — :: ::- '019044'"""" 4' a - 40 -0- ' it I kl ATp :Vtil 4- ael ' ' '''sr 1"All '0 m'Awa--kw --- r 1 '' 3 -- - :tzzzrzerlzzirz-T4---a- brim : I - rL I dlAk g ' :::::::::: : ‘ : - !i 11 ) 4 -- A 'Jj'-''- ' : 411 t '' - -- - tcr 0 ::: :1:I! n! i t 1 ' news agency reports confirm ' that the ts '1 German tactics against p - ‘' s $ ks are similar to those pre- ) lt I t ( -- Britain liminaries which were so success- Iti ful against Poland" 4 What makes a dress BET- ' (In Berlin there was an order lir '' TER? Turn a Ward dress that seemed freighted with gravity Ir'" for England: Public dancing was - '' inside out and you'll see: barred in bermany as it was dur- '' ) 1 Seams that won't pull out Y ing the Polish campaign and again ' ' 1 during the offensive Illwestern Hems deep enough to let ' Europe) down Taped collar bandsThe R A F's raids on German ' and Italian aircraft and munitions No wonder Ward dresses AA plants were described here as highi': wash wear and stay ' Z 1 ly successful 11 - ' It—was declared offiCially ihat t!'"pretty such a long time! -the Caproni factory at Mllan and Sizes from 1 to 6 7 to 14iw (74:714--- 4--the Fiat plant in Turin "two of- ('144rtv-""—Z7Italy's most vital aircraft work- r ei ers" were "smashed" and set afire 004 t''' The great Junkers factories in t"Ortoo co '''''---' Quality 80 Sq Percales! AleVv Dessau and I3ernburg Germany 1 -were' reported hard hit ' rf' The plant' at Dessau said an air New Novelty Caftans! t ministry bulletin was systematifor more cally ‘ ' ' ' Evory'Now Style! than an 'hour- the attacking Brit- - ' ' ish using parachute' flares to ob' serve the results of their work ' The main power house it MU A added was destroyed while airframe assembly sheds and a sheet I metal shop were "severely dwas aged" An experimental shop and "blew up" bit ' At Bernburg both explosive and bombs were poured Incendiary down on the Junkers factory— said the air ministry "air -for Junkers dive &miters jwhere(airplane) troop transtoorts 4:10 el :: e ' 7 If a-04- a i : A IA:0 4 fa ' act ot March 8 1879 is rates: °tea Idaho Nto vada Wyoming daily and Sunday month ' Ip ! 111 Ti E01P11100p glt 111f014 L - under moctirttel & 01 SP i ! - mord every morning Entered at the poet office at Sad Late City as second classeu - I J- '' ' fakt Ztibutte 191 ' epiv 5 It 0 ::: :' 11tendianIttefmorptGedermwaans iteuterstheLlititish thus summed it up: - s skirt sweeps ' i 1 The 'military correspondent of (' 1 ill :: ert i ve k t 10 ' - p ' - ? at hand close T i ti) 0 ' 1 k V- z ° '? ' ' I '- 0" 141 ! est 011ik)SIPt H6:871(11111Planaddvilauntlay71tilttnittra 1 t" 0 On t nazis dived so low ttiat one spectator remarked of a light ship subsequently sunk in this attack: "The Germans could have leaned out 'of their machines and touched Wit Aalt lice z-'' 1 Doublo:culfsland collars Despite the desperate British opposition the Germans said bombers shrieked down on objectives hitting airports exand wharves with mine-lik- e plosives which left towering fires in their wake Approximately a score of Britain's vaunted barrage balloons were sent flaming into the sea and to the ground in a tangle of twisted cables the Germans declated while small boats were engaged off shore in attempts to rescue luckless British pilots whose mounts were sent in streaking flame from the sky Geisman bombers started thyir of this heavily raided port Wednesday night derailing engine arid baggage car and injuring three pamengers Although the engine plunged into a crater the crew was not hurt ""'I had slowed down when the raid started and wasp pulling to a stop because I heard a plane overhead" the engineer said: Other bombs dropped on residential areas near the railway lines One was a "delayed action" type A number of people were removed 'from their homes by po- - ' ' ' :" 0 I 1 11041L : SOLITHAMP:FON England Aug (Continued From rage One) 14 UPI — A German air raider battle 80 dropped a bomb 10 feet in front south and southeast coasts were Id a single the- - nazis' especial targets: German bombers broke through of an exprem train in the suburbs ' ti ift0A0?"1 WAY ifjoluA :' '' - waist-li- ar Ilarr'li - - ' '1-''":1- - eir 44- ! :''' - ' 1I '''''''''''''''''''''' 0 :" :1441:A: 4a i ' pull out 1 G -- e:----1'- ' : : '"-- 4 1 - - IleelhreelPIMP t ::' Ii - that of GBerrmeitish'ite:: aircraft totaled which :at 13'4' Wag Ifecomptishecrbt by the bombing andfirBhigiuofhiWairo- -score on the ports before they ever had a chance to get into the 'air the ' Germans said They pointed to this as indis eating an approaching parallelPo-w-to I the blitzkrieg that paralyzed I11:11 and French air fleets 4! :: - -- - : ' 4-- French side seams ::' "' : -- fast' '' :I::: ::' ' t 4) - :: 44 l'Y- c — :::''': k ' All Britain Stands on Guard German mbhas their To Meet Getman IniTision Derails Train their :t ' :'' ::''' '‘::::: I:':r::::'-::'''::::::':'::- ' 1 ' ' :' ‘'''s NL :' ''' ': 0 - ''''::'I''::::!:'-'s- A ' o 4::::t'''':::::::':'":':' :'''':: '4::':": ''' ::::::::: - s ' :::: ::: :::' gC-- 4 ::' '' A 1 7 : - 3 P : Iditg 1 - '"::' - ' DOW11 :- ::- ':::: : :': 1 r'' 0 '3 ':: ' ! - s '' ' A J I :: o 3nes Ballooris Shot — -- : 1 '':::: ' ::2 rs e ': 1 N :''':'"""?' :' '':': ' i I : :: :: 4 itetrinrinr-eziriile- ::::::::::::::: !::: :i! - of :: TuDeadestruay:t : ‘1 s :::::s ::::::-- :: ::i!: ::: - rie (British dispatches said the Itingest and severest raid of the war on theiranortantiliduollal a mictlizids was tarried Out)) But apparently' the iloudi hid swarms of British' 'planes too judging by subsequent German accounts of ensuing battles ' Berlin had its third air raid Warning' of the war and informed sources admitted British raiders had reached Potsdam 20 miles of the capital before being ::' ts w 0) 4 ' :: t 1Ziallttwkhlifty—Ilkydgeleczatmelot - - '' - - e 47429w4:41PorTrfr:Aftcbw:11-7n!er-4ientroticth-7"- "TZI: :::::::::::: i -----': : ' h ' ir- - ' - - : :::!'li A' :1t' s :: 17 :: : — -- 4 : 0 ' ' - i '': i- 5- IP s - ' ''' - - I t fi '''' Over iosses ' I ' ' s'- - ' ' Gloat t Xjlgust - los-19- 40 wôrkln the 'early hours' 'of' the t turnedbaCk by antiaircraft gun& Jto!ri: The Warning sent Berlin resii inoming from- numerous basetln Germany the Netherlands and dents to their tellars for 47 tolli- 4 I Belgium' taking advantage of utes while the soithd Of distant to thick cloudscoastline for firing was heard but no bombs slip overthe-Brs- " 1 - I " ' :: 4 4 '' ' ' :: !f!::: ' ' ' :: i ? I '"i: :':': :::'' I: (s0) ) 1 "" p - ' ' ' ' ' ttest 0 )) 0t -' ' ' - - - ' ' - G erm aLis i t —14 - - - - - 'i$ - ' i - - - A - - l'iL ' illyt11Liar461oppooritiot4:1poommedmrr '‘ ' ' — ' I " - - ""- - OF WHY WARDS GIRLS' fig : ' - - 6 - 0 - s ''''''' It-It-fr ' : ' ' " ' - 'Ok 1 tia t ' --p- '::' a 4"'"s"': - ' ' - - c ' :' i:: ? - ' " - - - :: --::::ii:::f:: :::: : ' 1-'- I '::' -- ' - 4':::::::::7: y ø - '' - :i ' :::: ::: ::::: 4: 1"--- 't' k - l' '' " -:: : DRESSES ARE BETTER DRESSES 3 I ::- :: ' X : - ''' ' - I IIIail) 11 ' : - ' — ' ' --- — - ' -- BERLIN Aug 14 IR --r Germany's mighty- air force carried a tempest of fire and metal acrossl 4" :':::-'''7 —"'' 17 71'-- -: t s":t':::'::'"''::''":::' ''' :"' the channel into 'England's ex:: 4 :' l- :": 7 '1::'':: ::'':1:' 4 i ' southern flank for the :" posed 't :t::: 4:: ::: i :"': :' ::::::::::: ::3i: ::4 fourth successive day of big aerial ::'::::::s ':' :: :::: ':' :::' : " sk: ::'s::::1 k assault Wednesday and returning I s's bombers - described - masses of ': ' ' ii) ' t 1 t floating wreckage of planes and ::Ø 1 ::: :' balloons shot down off Dover— :: '1 H t -4 & possible sign of conditionkripe :Az ':: f I!: for invasion 1" '::::':l'''l Biggest battles of the day were ' 44 :: :' 1 ?1' ::: off this southeastern reported t t a : "hot" corner nearest the conti- f ' I " :: 4 ! nentWhere Germans said Brit:' 41" t 4 i - ish fighters persisted in making ' ' I :::': futile Attempts to stop the torg rents of German bombers dive H:! :: ' ' :: '' '''' bombers Iind battle planes and i ''::::: ' ' t '' :' lost 42 of their Hurricanes and ::' ! :' ::? Spitfires to the Germans! ten 1 :: t Claim Heavy Plane Toll t I t '' ': :' " :' This brought Britain's total OI '! :: '' t: ':'! t ::': i it ' ' ' :: :' ''': destroyed planes according to :': ' 4 ) 11 ::: " t German bookkeeping to 385 for '''!':' '::::' dewk 7 ' : ':" the five big days beginning last 4 " : I 4 2 4s 04 ' ::'' r ''''''' Thursday This was at a cost of ' :' 93 German planes the Germans ''::' 1 S':' ::: '' ''' ' ''''::: o ':'4'10'' t' :: ''' ' reckoned - s :: ' Twenty-tw- o of the British ''': ": ': :: ::: losses Wednesday Germans 'laid : ' : ": 1 ' ' ' were in the southeast corner over ' ' ' '::::1:'':::: :ii'"'::::':"":::::::: -40:''' Kent ': "'7:''''' - :'' :: :::::::::'::: :::::':::0 l:::::::'''''' :2: :' ?''':::::::'':: :'::::::' '' ''" '' 't -- i If these body blows weTe a As ::NS: t ': Nc :::' '':'''''-:':: - ' ':::: :::' ':'::'::::': :: ':'''':":':': ''''''''' ''' " "'':" prelude to a' land and sea intat:aii:4:"Asi ::i:fi2::t ::4:'::f::::s :::::::'i sion the government Wednesday King George inspects the defenses of an im- - has been pounded by fleets of German planes ordered a ban on public dancing as it did during the Polish cam1 portant British port which May be one which during the forepart of this week paign and the offensive in western Europe Recently dancing been permitted two nights a 1 P f - - ' :: L'"5'''':4' -- London Identifies Invasion Bases ' - - iptAsoacva----7-z-:7-A:1-rrv2- ::: x ' ' I ' 2 :::: ' HERE'S THE - - " - : ' - - - '::' - 4- t4 -- - " f - - ' 4 ' HTaylor Henry play-bypla- I ' - : - ::: - ' - irbtsait gakt irribtint George VI VisitsCoast Defenses ” ' 01 z -1 -- :' " - - - - ' ' lommonalumomn In the front line of DOVER England Aug 14 (AP)--Yo- u're train comes out of the ltst the battle zone when the London-Dove- r tunnel through the chalk hills of the coast I realized it Wednesday riding6landed it bounced high then on the train tied slowly '' just had flooded the Wednesday Dover was a peaceful windows- - after the tunnels long town—almost Until dusk' gloom and an Incendiary bomb Kentish German both hbwever planes dropped barely a stone's throw scouts defenders anckBritish dr from the Tight at way Med frequently droning high in At least 40i German planes were the sky Antiaircraft puffs chased overhead Apparently they just had passed Ihigh over the royal the Germans air forces coastal patrol then Townsfolk paraded on the waterfront The music (:f a skating rink 2 dived low to try tb disrupt trans- and the skaters went jangled coast and between the portation h'rci:)INnge:nttlinu'rsouua7dn jt)eerrsecrar7 the heart of England u Swiftly eight or lb more flame diers sailors marines And 'pilots bombs crashed in a rough circle in the crowds most with rifles or Some soldiers skated at pistols t about the train th rink e with rovolverk strapped to One set fire to a field Farmers their hips blazeThe out A policeman at one Intersection quickly put the others seemed merely to burg watched a German scouting plane He pointed and muttered:"Cheeky themselyes and fizzle out: When we pulled into Dover the blighterrr The cliffs were dotted with soutown was amazingly calm venir hunters picking up Pieces of The bir midday air raid wu bombs Several townspeople were hit by the fragments Wednesday lust over All the way from the station to the Shalimar hotel on the waterfront my taxi driver kept up a y commentary on the attack "You just missed all the fun" he said "More of them were over LONDON Aug 14 (A')—The dip- today than ever before They- got lomatic oorrespondent of the Ca- a few of our tbarrage balloons- btit nadian Press Wednesday night it was nothing to the hot time our Lquoted authoritative sources as saying Germany hin fighters had waiting for them" I reached the waterfront just as troop concentrations in both Nor- the seventh barrage balloon to be way and the Netherlands ready shot down came floating slowly to to attempt an invasion of Britain if the present air attacks on this earth tbad not Iburned and tten It country "prove successful" - - r 0771-1---”- ' ' '' - ::::l ' ''-- ---"- ' 04 INazi 1- ''' 1'-'- "' - - By - 7-4- — - - 11 ri 'Kali Jaunt to 1J6yer Frolics ry Aripur otri rolltLil at11P Line ' '- - ' 1t-- I' - Iliuriday31orninT g " ' - A o t ' ! 4 ' 4 ''''''A-4 "-- - - ' - ' '" ' - 4 '''- a ' 'a'' - 2 4 '' -- -- "7 ' - - 4 - - IFIA 4 Alt Z7 - i - -- - " tt ''e vP101r4eroir o' yte00-4001r4V- 4 - LED For Your Comfort' ' - 4 - t: 4v '''''AY—:-- - ':: - ' T ti k 111' I ' ' cii ' Po 1 |