Show 1 ' - - - - -- - - - - 1 1 - ---- - ' -- ' — Army Clears Way t onign ffat"platie' Contra ' !r: 1 ''' I '''''—iititioirAllead of' ' e9 S-Cl- ' ':::: hae es - - - "' :: ::::::::: : '' '''' " ' C ' ' ::::: ' :It N: '''': tv 4 ::::'::: i -- ON IN :1 ' ? or4tirt ::: :::: :: '!! ' ?::::''::: ::::':i:::':::' ::: ::::0"::::" ::':::i:::::: :::::: it '' --- 1 lk ' t j Employes to Get $35000 in Silver ployes ilabbcod-Den- n JetveletJ MAIN STREET Official Watch Inoectora Union Pacific Railroad 211 :4 - p President George M Williams explained that the use of silver dollars 'as the only method where6y his company could determine aclcurately where the payroll money went bills being in common use at all times The money now in a bank vault will be given out in special envelopes Thursday only - - MMIMMWOM -- SEE WE BOTH I EXTRAS IN bUR THE i I'VE CIGARETTE - -- ( -- t SLOWER BURNING GIVES ME THE ' ' WANT AND EXTRA '' SMOKING TOO ' I - s- ' ' C1771 81i: :':::$11)li ' i :: t o ' :::': " Sa‘‘: x :?s :':::l 'I:: e::art :::H: :'L:'JO -- 00 4 I t: L 4 - ter tie('44 I al --001- °-- t- 41 1 ) r':!-:‘:-) ''':s i':: z'-af - - ' ' '::: P' 1' ::' ' 110 - :::?::- 01v :t ' :'- A's 1w- 2p: ' " - o'd''' 0! v ' 't' - ' ''4' rtvnt irt:::p: ::tZA-- - - ''' --- - ' 7C141KTIP) 1090 Says partisan politics do not affect his decision to leave new deal subcabinet Edward J Noble - Republican Member Cites Completion Of Assigned Talis WASHI NGTON Aug 14 tPl-Multimillionaire Edward J Noble resigned as undersecretary of com- ExOffielatof ' EXTRA MILDNESS 1 ‘ ' COOLNESS EXTRA ' fx:: EXTRA FLAvoR I 0 ) EXTRA SMOKES PACK! 5- ' - ' CET THE "EXTRAS" WITH i4 SLOWER-BURNIN- : - - - '‘ - ' : ' C014 N G - - at 4 ' ' : : C 11' I 44v 14tp i A $ List to Grand Jury (Continued L duringe Burke-Wadswo- rth iiN From Page' One) z:iii 0 — PA RI S THE CO Isl? TIIE INTERMOUNTAIN --e-' DIAL IN ' his-tw- ' dlit e-quints Floods Follow Hurricanes - - I '4 to‘' - - 4A- ' :R:'i - vat Eue burning then Wilkesboro 11 f1: - 1 I 'if 4 l'' ' i iii: t A 6rey ' :'c- ij:::4:i ':'A t1:1 - ' L - 1 t 12 : '' " :' : i: :'' ''' t: ' ' ('' :1 A :! ' '' - tfr Northern ' V i k '' ) !1A l'f: 31 t iiir Oi: ''i M :p 1'V 1 'q ' (Dyed Coney) : '' - - --- As Cocoa Mouton Lamb Monkey i and Silvertone Silver Mink Dyed Muskrat 4cBlack 'or Brown Caracul 4 Grey Caracul Paw 0 4 II oiwasomowswessj Brown i - ' S t'i - - as '':: - ti - '!" pa I ::::!:'1 ::::::: 4 ::: VAi I ! &: Fr' ' Storage i:4 iii: Haskelite P:41 k li: (1 !c1i: - ': L Budget'— slt Vtui Fall tii? ! -- : - L ::114 1 '' ' :'' 11 -- ' P "i''''''i ' ' t :' AD:11-- ii' : f$5 ' -- Tilii'lltritca t qt:174 tritlain - t -- ifltr roilrotill l 111 - ittilaV - ' kk m ” for Two Seasons Lui rCI ' Charge Layaway y ' 1 - "r11114Itt- Cash In Our it:4 $ Opossum Dyed Skunk 1r WAYS TO PAY : ' ?iiij f':i- :''A :i'i":1 ::: 't t ': i:1 41' li ' - ' ::':a :: :::::i 'Ai'll Striped Nil Carocul 'ilT1701e 4 I FT-D-- :1:' ::::::ii' $195 to $225 Values: All LiningsGuarpnteed 47 - ?p - J)J ' 1 i '::ii giii 1 ii Black Caracul Kid Platinsto Grey Car!cul Skuhk--- lit ''i :::::k Dyed Squirrel (white dyed) Kolinsky Chevron ' I - 't Ii ' Nli ' - Lamb AdvertisedVsewhere iI : bi '':'!- n - A: r 76 14 - i i '' '' !' "? 4ii Stalin 1:: Squirrel iS ' ! f':ig $ i:i ---- -- 'Advertised Elsewhere as $150 to $175 Values: '' : 7 Opossum Seattle (Dyed Coney) 4 - ' Carlcui: i 11 - Skunk Dyed t::4 - i 1: --:-- ' :: i : 44-- kg i 1 i :'! kitt fit!' tr 'It' a 4 la 11111 'Irt Clic1111- - i' i111i ill ta! t" 11:111:1')I la 11711 : LTI k111rit? I '' ' fir ' ' '' ' - 0 AIL-1- 'rireti1111 '' i' — 1 trJ4rITTi ) - lilt I)EPOSIT liolds Your Selection ' 'I A 3 — i ' ) - 1 r-- - I 1 1 --- vsft - 0 A - r - - t - ‘ - - ' ' - ' ' - A - - Persian Paw Brown 4 ‘1 ‘ 'I )z I' - ' tt the hardest hit i 1 $100 to $135 Values: Advertised Elsewhere as :e -- ' ii!1 freo1 t Industrial North Soothe lug mote comfort Rub mountain tti(:e"arst't13 ( 400 about 125 miles fort apparently was 1 ! :'':1 - '‘ 1: l''' i' El BUY BY COMPARISON! 1 i' i i )iii Come in and see This is only a partial listing g:: N CAug 14 UP and driving hundreds of persons 'rivers —Rampaging wrought death fromt tieheqitr hi °Smdeesa h t s were lattriband destruction Wednesday in four uted to the floods- ' southern states North Carolina counted two Abnormally heavy rainfall In droWnings and four deaths in landthe wake of a hurricane that bat- slides Three drownings ‘vere' re- Va three near tered t the South Carolina-Georgi- a virted near Galax Tenn and three near coast Sunday sent the swift streams Augusta Ca' A negro womannear swirling out of their banks washAugusta' died of a heart attack ing out highways and bridges de- when she learned that the floodwere approaching her home stroying lowland crops and caus- waters A 100-fowashout of Asheville's ling millions of dollari damage to Industrial plants along their banks principal water main forced this —- -tourists' mecca of 51000 to use sparingly 'water from a single reservoir Officials expressed confiMIIIA040! FiRST CHOICE OP MILLIONS IT WORLD'S N dence that the line could be re— ut AT IOC and that the paired by Thursday I ASPIRIN res wouldsufficient provide rn errui trendsfine furs the complete collection tiii :: ::i - il '':: ii handled likefabricstrue masterpieces in design It's bound to be one of these furs thatyou'll Select as your favoritebuy now and save! s 1111r - :: :: Fashions in keeping with the newest ''' : - '::: II Receive (—'::1) '': : Dionne CR) N 0 Quints l "As we have always understood I hive always been and continue First Communion Today to be a member of the Republican NORTH BAY Ont Aug 14 lA't party But like many other ReI admire the breadth publicans quintuplets will reof spirit you have brought tic pub-I- t ceive their first communion in The'sixproblems and the understand- - their nursery Thursday ing courage of pdlicy yearold girls will wear white silk ' two years in Washington dresses and white veils f"My i have been an enormous experience Bishop Leo Nelligan of PemThey have taught me that rela- broke assisted by Rev V E Pilon tions between popular government parish priest at Corbel! is to adand private business cannot o be minister the sacrament in an imas siMple and easy as I used-tprovised chapel in the nursery dinthink For that experience and ing room for the sheer pleasure of my Mr and Mrs Oliva Dionne and service 'shell ttlways!begratefuir thebrothers-and--sisters- --of to you!! will be present ' 0 C L1dJR 1!!!!) - ' I ::: :' r it :::'1 WEST - 53481 - '1 'll COLLECTION COMPLETE ' A PRESENTING THE MOST Starting Monday - ': 1 e ' Our New Phone : : :'::::::iiii:iiiiii:iir::0iinii:iipiiifMi!ii:i:iiiii:iiN:iiiIi:ii:iii::ii:i:::::i:iii'i:i:::iiiiX:ii:i::'ai:::::ii:-::4:::-:::- ki :ii :4PEtIETRO t: Backs mill-onl- : TIRED FEET? CIGARETTE OF COSTLIER TOBACCOS - Training before the grand Jury which Indicted five men on charges of mur- s:: merce Wednesday night telling der in connection c: with a waterPre's'ident Roosevelt that he- - felt 11 front slaying five years ago which he had completed the vt'ork as- he attributed to differences over A Republican he communistic influences in a labor iiii signed to him emphasized that politics had noth- union To further the work of the party ing to do with his resignation' motion among people and The candy manufacturer re- to obtain funds picture for party support 't: o called that during years Leech testified "study groups" in which tenets of the party were In of government service the president had charged him with organ- taught were organized among writization of the civil aeronautics au- ers producers and actors Concerning Stander the tranthority and "the revitalization of the department of commerce' script showed Leech testified: "Sometime in 1935 he came Into I Can Add' 'Little: my office at 224 South Spring "In' these'days of concern for street and presented his membernational defense" Noble wrote Mr ship book and his transfer from Roosevelt "I feel that there is New York to Los Angeles I took A comparatively littte which I can a payment from him and gave him add to what I have managed to the official receipt of the Comaccomplish in these directions On munist party made out in the iiNi the other hand L feel that I can name of J Rand I have known be really helpful in the field of him as R loyal and Irusted memnational defense if I can free my- ber of the Communist party At ii:::: self from till-- details of adminis- time he contributed as much as :m $75 a week" ‘ trative office" Noble was out of town WednesLeech declared Frank Davis ac- ':i '1JS day and no amplification of this tor and producer "made-thlargstatement was available The pres- est contribution to my knowledge iio2 ident's reply addressed "Dear of any individual $500 a month" Ed" welcomed iit "voluntary enHe testified James Cagney had listment in this field of work" and been a heavy contributor to party :11 said that "the task is immediate" funds and was "both a member "In the event you find yourself and contributor in 1934" Humw' ) spare or free time on hand phrey Bogart he said possessed a f::iliI after November" Mr Roosevelt's Communist party book and was on giii t:i:i: letter continued '"'I trust you Will a "master list" of contributors pi let me know if I can be of assist- ! The grand Jury Wednesday iti ance to you then" called as witnesses several of those "Because my resignation comes named by Leech as Communist PfT In the midst of a' political camThe nature of :4$ party members Itheir testimony was not disclosed q: paign" Noble dald "I anxious that the records show Slander however previously had that political partisanship has had denied in newspaper statements C':' no part in either my entering or that he was a memloer of the party Air leaving government service Still a Republican v 1STJOSEPH N TIE Re141 'ASHEVILLE : average a onolang (L California Party Gives In Southern States testa Camels In recent laborat9r7 the aver- than sintver 25 ed 1 tug") of the IS other of the largest tha tested—slower selling brands On meant That ofoy ofthern Plus equal ir Antitrust Trial of Aluminum Firm t L - your-foreig- ! traraiiiitaa'- i four-hou- iii - ' ' - NEW YORK Aug 14 UPI—Test- iSOMEWHERE IN SOUTHWEST GRAND MOUND Wash Aug 14—Approxiinate1y2400 officers WASHINGTON Aug 14 and men from Utah who are participating in military maneuvers mony in the longest court trial In ing immediate attacks along a 30- - l"somewhere in Washington" lost contact Wednesday with tile American history—court attaches so termed it—ended Wednesday Vnile front the northein "re" loutsidp world after 160 witnesses had 'plied up army scurried behind itsown lines The men although not wanting records covering 32 feet of shelf The 'Utahns completed required to be called "sissies" didn't like space in two'years and six weeks Wednesday night to set Up defense conditioning labors Tuesdayrnight 'It MIS the government's antipositions from which to hold back and were ordered into the war the fact that most of them had trust suit against the Aluminum the much stronger southern "blue" games at midnight to ride in chair cars while en route of America and affiliates The Beehive state's military to maneuvers When other units of Company army in the 'United States Army's —a trial which brought many milunits will not he in contact with he Fortieth and Forty-firs- t divi- - 4ionaire industrial west coast war games leaders to the world the sions in outside arrived aboard until Sunday camp sleep federal courtroom Tht first clay of simulatKi vier They-arnow deerrinthe heav- - ing (Pullman (Ilea "Judge Francis G Carley fixed brought brisk actions by eavalry area where - war ma- Regarding measures that would December 2 for filing of briefs and and other reconnaissance troops neuvers are taking plae-e-call guardsmen to one year's serv- for reply briefs Final January-1- 0 is tha consensus Om °pin— ice engagements occurred on a double- Guns Difficult to ove arguments will be heard at a later ion and officers enlisted among date not yet set bulgedline which the "Reds" esTravel is difficult for ou1dät guns men that levrttahns The government seeks to enjoin tablished early Wednesday by get- according 'to meager heavy reachto cases In reports many tempt resign the defendants from continuing r ting a jump on the ing the "outside" In many places in anticipation of the call their allegedly monopolistic pracsoutherners ha ve encountered mending officers have been flees seeks also the dissolution More than 31000 men were withthe war games a tacting employers of guardsmen of theand giving combination and distribution in the war area)A'ednesday night realistic toteth leaves of absence for men that far of the plants to several new com-- t with the remaining 10000 behind Included in the Utah contingent might be 'called to service the lines as reinforcements that which Is a petitive corporations 'of One Utah has the officer been be complement The case was the first antitrust Could be pushed up when the Fortieth division are the 145th moaning the fact that he will be " in which the governf"Blues started an offensive field artitiery 222nd field 'artil- - unable to participate in major ma- prosecution -- a ment 100 per cent The "Blues" on the defensive charged 115th engineers 115th medical neuvers a in at the start because the "Reds" vio- lery monopoly major industry 115 ordnance 'Company He is Lieutenant Colonel Elmer regiment The government contended that lated a mythical neutrality zone and special-troopof the Utah staff Johnson of Salt Lake City who by invading the Desclrutes-Nis- In addition to guardsmen ap- - was struck by a falling flagpole the $250000000 aluminum company— area proximately 100 Utah reserve of- - son—after arrival at camp qually river demilitarized A produced all the' virgin aluminum 31 years Wednesday Ivent on the offense leers are on duty in the war member of the Fortieth division in the United States for It also charged that through the Under army plans the southern games: Major W- B Preston of staff he is a head from recovering Canadian t corporation army of 26000 men was to flack Logan physician tot' Utah State injury and fractured arm at the of Aluminum Ltd the market was the "Red" army of 15000 is in charge Vancouver barracks Wash college Agricultural A new type hand grenade with a protected from foreign competition of the ear no and throat t!stick' handle reminiscent of the division eye by agreements allocating and fixing of the clearing hospital world production and prices "potato masher" grenades used by at Centralia Wash The- clearing Legion the Germans is being tried out ex- hospital is the first medical regi- assure peace to the western heml- perimentally at the Fourth arrny's ment of the regular army Coropnlsory west coast maneuvers sphere existing emu- And if it lives up to expectations Chair Sleeping Irks Men SAN DIEGO Aug 14 ()—The gency it may make obsolete the old'style The defense resolution however Utah guardsmen are disgruntled California American Legion Wed-aboy one thing and one thing nesday indorsed compulsory made no reference to the "pineapple" grenade thrown by American doughboys in World war in connection with troop ma- - tary training of suffiicent men to conscription bill pendt' trench fighting neuvets adequately defend the nation and ing before congress i:1::A EXTRA MILDNESS SMOKED CAMELS FoKyEÁRS -1 I:S -Y- OU 13ELCAMt LIKE :k ' - e behind-the-scen- J$ '' -- 1 0- Arkansas Chief CAA Organizer Witness Labels Loses Race Film Leaders Quits Post Under Hopkins As Communists ea and -- 1 th L1131-- -Pa- :H:::::::i::y:: aanEi oil 30-Mon- Special to The Tribune ! e - 1 - I : by-th- Ami Completes ''''''' l7Nt91'414"")"Pcrliok'n'tirstrar'anntrtsea °lit a'''Cti"'''''"'' Rerelvts Trial in With Outsitle World Until Sunday U S Mimic Warfare II 7 d 0 i ::1 r I i 1 -- :! 444tk '46' "44' ! :::::!:!:':::: Troops utall Gualid Goes Into Battlelast Witness '1 for renare ‘c' es 1 lesan i I e oilleivherirmWasningtoll Trial Heavy Attack' Force of 2401) CoMlitioning 5-- --- -1 " ::!'::::':"''::i : - '1 :: " :: '::':: de- which WASHINGTON Aug 14(AP)-:-DiffiCultire- layed the signing of contracts for 4200 ported virtually surmounted Wednesday while in anotherfleid of ( '4" national deferise—the navy—Secretary Knox annoanced that four new destroyers were being completed ahead of schedulf Knox Aalso revealed plans to in the present fa- - 00000 In June had been delayed crease several-fol- d eilities Ifor primary training of --pendlarrittemits to clear away t naval fliers Besides creating new uncertaiantles ? naval reserve aviation - bases at Provisional contracts for the reNew Orleans Dallas and Atlanta mainder of the 4200 army planes ' I said facilities will be ex- - were said authoritatively to be p oad ed at 13 existing reserve bases nearing the point of signature of the bases will have a They contained clauses to protect i ndo of 100 fledgling fliers he the manufacturers against lossin compared with the present the event congress failed to enict or materially alters the pending average of 15 to 20 - legislation which lifts an existing 8 eKnudsen Quotes Dates per cent limitation on profits per Earlier In the 'day William S mits amortization of the cost of commissioner defense Knudsen new plants in five years' and had submitted a memorandum to levies a tax: on excess profits Because of the uncertainties congress saying that an army of 2000000 could be put in the field Secretary of WAr Stimson said fully equipped by October 1 1943 last week that the army had been lie added that the existing army able to sign contracts for only 33 program calling for complete planes out of the 4200 appropriated n equipment for 1200000 men and in June An additional 15000 planes the procurement of critical non- is contemplated in the $5000000 ' coamercial items for 800000 defense prograrn—submitted subwould be completed end of sequently to congress by President 1942 Knudsen submitted his Roosevelt ITIPM0 In response to inquiries The war departmentannounced late Wednesday that an $11335- 831 contract for approximately 100 training airplanes and spare I parts had been signed with North American Aviationr Inc Ingle wood Cal The delivery dates were not disclosed LITTLE ROCK Ark Aug14 tin More than a dozen other manu—Long a potent facturers have agreed tentatively figure in Arkansas politics Homer to sign provisional contracts withM Adkins 49 stepped into the out waiting for congress to ap- limelight Wednesday as the Demoprove legislation designed to clear cratic nominee for governor by ) away uncertainty over taxes and nearly a 30000-vot- e mar& over profits it Was reported by ifersons three opponents including Govfamiliar with the long negotiations ernor Carl E Bailey between the manufacturers wand With little more than 100 scatdefense officials tered precincts unreported from Contracts- - Delayed' Tuesday's preferential Adkins had 136731 votes Bailey Contracts for some 4200 army 106571 Frank Witte of Magnolia planes of all types and a small 907 and J Rosser Venable of Little number of naval aircraft for which Rock 594 I congress voted nyore than $400- Bailey conceded defeat in his bid for a third term and announced hewould retire to private law practice in January sk( Adkins resigned his job as Iner Pens ternal revenue collector for Arkansas last May to make the gov Pencils ernor's race lines of merchanWesel dise for our store with the idea of service to the user It4' and in selecting Sheaffer Pens and Pencils we did so because they give better MIDDLETOWN Conn Aug 14 service and last longer than (A)—The clink of silver dollars— nearly 35000 of them—will be alany other line most as common here Thursday as We could rake a larger profit it ever was in the far west on other makes but you our cusAt that time the Russell Manutomers would not have the slime facturing company will pay off in silver mostly in good old American performance "cartwheels" in an experiment dePrices for Sets $275 to $15 signed to determine the scope of CONVENIENT CREDIT lweekly spending by its 4300 em- 4 ::: I - i - : ' 5 - ' li:::'::': :f ' ' - Plans New Navy Air Training Bases ' 1 j :i::1':A:-::- v '' ! 1 1940 Wi!gilst 15 - A 20- Knox Announces Destroyers Near ie Colttni6ré6-Departittellt'Gu- rolt v - ' 7 a Lteaves - - Mit Salt gakcirribunt - t 4 - - L - Thursday-Mornin- ± - ii ' - - 4440404446"-44440 0131motsfr 4 ' ' - 4 ' ' |