Show c1 1 - Vgg ' - - r - - - - - - —i )— - - 0 -- ' - - Tbihnday 1itrning ' Many Ahens' : I 1 - C ' - 4g-tire-me- t - t y : Iwr -- r- - ' APproxiMately 15000 person i' "' -- 4' It t iI '0? s0 71 ' ''' V4: k -- ' - 4 it ' " ' J ' 414 4 - yesfl'i4I:--- ?11 s ' s -- "'-- 4 w irs'4 i 1)'It4 ' I f 1 - A Aw1- - 4 :1 ' sf:' 41' 'it -- -- ? os:' 7414 i I' - 1 ' le : 't'- - 1 i- le ! ' " A :1 1 - '' '' ' ' :' t ' - ' s - " ' - " t ' - ' '' - 4 ': e0 v- 4-- 4 — I ‘ a J: 4i- A 4 j i Old et o-rg- —August 15 1940 - - -- - - -- --- - - ersliememoels-Ne- w - 1 4 — : - - Insurancb Gain - f to become 31511 This num6er wIWp ers all get a tiveqllglt number are no more one two and iusiness° There ad mid reach' the editorial three d'ilit "111W PtkilltVIALt4 t nightas "li of—Salt—LakeQty—verilsixgreirroltLortand4rtelunie b t The made ready for its 'mass effort cal departments when patrons Insist on bh spe- But when Johnny wants the cial courtesies to remember the new numbers or years have for 44000 telephones' that next bueball or football scorei or Dad Those folksw seeiu road conditions or election strfirily askedeperatdr Ifor "Postal ill be dial operated Mountain States Telephone and Information or the time they Telegrap " or "Western Union Telegraph company officials seek- must dial 46431 The special num- - T(17 h" must now looand dial service But in numbers themselves ing to make the dial change as ber will provide-speediehe emergencies such as an acci- simple as possible will on Thurs- for the patron Just scanning the old telepo e dent fire 'or crime the patron day start distribution of the new fareneeds only dial "Operator" who directories hoping to supply every book one reluctantly bi Wasatch will lend her assistance in getting subscriber with- a Copy before Fri- well to such old timers el Utah has the properauthorities 190 which the day night Gone too next week will be However old time subscribers answered for years Bamberwhile conceding that progress ger Coal pany long has 'had the wag who insists on asking and the Union- Pacific operator for "washout" or "Wamakes the change necessary were Wasatc d has answered all calls for bash" or "was" or "Island" or wondering how they will forget rail He will ' have only the old'familiar combinations that 'asatch 200 for moo than a "highball" score of himself to called have in tatk to and only himyears many instan they self to 'blame for a :wrong numIdaily for more than 20 yea Easier on Officials ow ber New Tribune Number And so next week the telephone St Mark's hospital long has had Just for instance The Salt Lake Wasatch 21 while Fort Douglas directory promises to be a popular Tribung-Ittlegranumber Wa- has been Hyland 1 but with dial edition—as men women and chilsatch 590 hat has been a house- service 'rich man and poor man dren complete their average 325- hold calls a busineu day mber for decades will be public officials and common labor- - 000 -- i ' we r - & eam--p' t ' - A A " -" er gm ) 4 ' ' - :: -- 1 ' a ll - - tti ' '5 County Council Threshes Out Cleaning Job l Gate Ditch Problem On Eagle ' " eZelAM id 1 1- tag i bww - - de 0 11: ' 1- I P lf I a 4 t t I - ' a r t'- -- - - P 27 oral tree-planti- 4 sun a ) 0 0 County Offers Poison Bait Driver Must Face Jury In Traffic Death Case - - trty-nInt- Relatives Fete Woman I lk 4 I a t - 1 ' ito s --- 411414 1 - t - ' : I i t) -- 1 t ' 5- t ' 6 f 10-fo- ot 1 i Tree Planting law-abidi- t t dittGPIZter 1111 Okehs m - 1 °'Iji ' r t i CCC Yoilths Finish Marking Accord on Of OldTrail Through Utah DARG Deal r t °GOT Judge Expects I i 4U 01 iol - r ''' : VkiriS 1 ) i 4 E t - i - - le' LDS Offers S L Council - - - m Leader of' ' ' - - Scouts Honor A '1- I - - - - ' 01NeWT York ' ' City vice president of the New York Lite In8uranctonipany ' said In Salt Lake City Wednesday that his company i wrote $399oo- '— 000moreitiArrad-deThtile firsrlim seven months of 1940 than In the corresponding period of 1939 i Mr Wickett addressed a meet- t Ing of 40 of the company's undert writers from the intermountain area at a meeting at the Hotel ' Utah Sterling W Sill Salt' Lake I agency supervisor was In charge ‘ improvement projectait the 4e' 1 i i - A 44114 -1ti7-o- the Malcolm A Keyser craft oriel-ts 11 ' 44: T ''t 't '' Ir'l -7' t i is expected to be completed -- 'els t 74 t eas before the end of the month It Ot t lit ' 40ttvaif' was started in July Other pro-b' ::r-Fposed projects include a combined v ti and hospital building to iN4 --ir ' ' library 7 ' ' p 447 ' t 44 ' be with twy cots and a -s 4equipped i 0 g : -' of sheivesVoutdoor firelayer 4AA t " 14pecimen rorms Offered places for the camp's 22 cabins 42v a rustic stone fireplace for the 0 t6' 110444 To make registration easier : 1 Friendship lodge and concrete piers ' 4000 o to fill aliens out are a :0 requested 4 for the swimming area 11 L I and take form specimen personally tt''Akam1offatAZ'LALfgTroboA m Not only Is t Rocks were blasted Monday out Take it from Raymond° HanIt to the post office This is not The question whether Salt Lake ill be con- - son of Los id and a Main monument Young Scouts clearing council Salt of Lake the M shall take over complete 'the actual registration form but Boy ntov a ball dia- Boy county Angeles regional president AKey'er s Temple Eastgrieee tag tteo baet shows information that will be re- and operation of ditch and ontrol of America inspects the foundation and framework of the vmeornt edd atnhdi a7nnt tennis court— - Scout exBecutive the Salt Lake Scoeualnhed ' a b'ut council irrigation projects in order to meet quired at registration time when camping proCraft shelter which will be named after him at Camp South Temple and State streets the information will be taken its public ownership requirements of gram is 4400ne of the best in AmerM is to be Ashton renovated 0 W P A had been threshed out at a ica without any question" truth sworn to or affirmed and - Steiner L S church P Mr Hanson just returned from member ofthe the alien fingerprinted hearing Wednesday with most of announced the eight companies represented of aliens is viewing improvements at Tracy presiding- bishopric i Is4 "The registration Earl Wednesday G HarIndicating they will accede to the wigwam in Mill Creek canyon tompulsory" reports After a day's delay cleaning W P A demand rison national director of registra- Wednesday was highly commenof the Brigham Young monuThe hearing was conducted by lion "A fine of 11000 or impris- datory as he met with scouting ment will begin Thursday he the county commission which inonn4nt for six monthris prescribed leaders in the Newhouse hotel said care does "If the -not city 1 The wigwam's new 35 by 75 strueted the 'companies to have by Ithe alien registration law to clean Eagle gate we will do' footcement-line- d failure to register for refusal to Lr director& or stockholderr apJ001 swimming pool that 'addedjob too" he a form for transfer of their he described as "one of the finest prove fingerprinted or for making regisA third beautification project DENVER Aug 14 UP)—A com- pools I have ever seen in a Boy tratioti statements known to be to the county as drawn properties promise among the several groups Scout camp" and method in to begin soon is that of laying up by the W P A and submit the Officials of Memorial Groups Plan Touri i I false conerete control-oin interested f which state scouting leaders have agreements to the commission "Registration is free You should - and wall around the temple & Rio Grande Western railroad not pay anyone to register for you Monuments Dedicate 23 to pushed troop-wiparticipation August Firms Benefited on block west U north and S the ' It Is not necessary to pay by Wednesday predicted in he commended any perwfs camping sides The new concrete will The companies have all been the District Judge J Foster Symes as highly son or group to assist you in regis On Pony Express Route to State Line a strip of gravel railon the replace he concluded beneficiaries of W P A projects and hearings tering "The- act was passed so that the some have projects pending which road's reorganization case until Cites Participation One of the largest historical trail marking projects in the October 21 United States could determine exwere stopped when the order came "Thirty per cent of the Boy down from Washington D C that Judge Symes also expressed the Scouts of the nation now partici-Count- y actly how many aliens there are United States for 1940 is to be completed next week on the Pony t 1 who they are and where they are belief that the road would be pate in long-terthe districts must be publicly summer camptrail between Fairfield (Camp Floyd) and the Nevada consolidated owned to receive federal funds with the Denver & ing and all but 16 per cent in Registratioh including fingerprintt- Express - Darrell J Greenwellik state W P A border John D Giles executive secretary of the Utah Pioneer Salt Lakerailroad before the hear- America get some camping experf ing will not be harmful to citizens All records will be Trails and Landmarks association announced Wednesaay administrator and H C Jessen rience" Mr Hanson said ings are resumed told the The jurist made his predictions administrator In Utah on inspection Mr Hankept secret and confidential and Nine' markers including two-1Salt Lake county commissioners deputy will be made available only to such foot monuments five after a conference among attor- son will address Ogden area councompany representatives that as mon- - the Oregon Trail Memorial associpersons as may be designated with uments and restoration of the ation neys in his chambers and also cil members Friday at 7 p m irt agreed Wednesday to sponsor a soon as the agreements are signed more funds "probably" will be the approval-o- f the US attorney actual Pony Express station at voiced the hope that a plan will be Camp Kiesel Ogden canyon on nine and one-hamile Albert Smith president George i available for their projects Any general" he said at cere- - of the state unit and Dr Howard worked out before the October "The Challenge of Presentday on street South State Boyd'sare to be dedicated project further delay- - In meeting the remonies August 23 R Driggs of New York City pres- hearing by those participating In Conditions to Scouting Leader11411ulrfd Information at the request of Claytoh Parker the-ea- se two weeks ship" the quirement4t' however likely will past Memoduring of Trail ident the Oregon Fifteen "items" are listed for in- Inspect Project With first aim building the Boy route 41 Sandy and others living result in Washington "calling off" "I made a number of suggesto head a Cara-'va- n are rial association on the highway formation as to name address W M Stookey chairman of they said which Will leave Salt Lake tions for ending the controversy" Scout movement "both qualita' birth date and birth- - place foreign The trees would be planted by Mr and Hyrum Bennion of Murray repthe trails and landmarks associ- - City at 8 a m August 23 Officers the judge said tively quantitatively" citizenship sexmarital status and ation committee directing marking of the "If they don't reach an agree- Hanson said scouting leaders can the state road commission with resenting the West Side Water grazing division and others race height 'weight and color of of the ment then In Ocotober I will have serve national defense aims by abutting property owners paying company said his company had trail and J interested will participate Express Pony hair and eyes entry into the Cecil Alter member of the exec- a complete plan of my own to sub- training of all youth not only for labor materials and agreeing been advised by an attorney not to to water and protect-the- m United States residence in the utive committee traversed the trail Schedule ofTilp sign the agreement but said it mit Any plan which this court those enrolled in scouting troops Sixty-fourt- h United States occupation employ- - to the Nevada state line several at would be taken up again with the (6400) eensollBeginning for also outside the must but to is program be The at first provide approves made stop oar and industry activities during be would South directors street the project G D & W with monuR found all of the 10and 10 dation m a at a Lookout where days ago Pledge Prepared the past five years in addition to ments completed or in process extended to the East Jordan irfoot monument on the old Pony the Moffat road (Denver & Salt Spokesman Named usual occupation military and He said an Americanism pledge rigation canal Actual construction of the monu- - Express station site will be un- Lake) as naval service United States cit- act After Spokesmen for the ditch comdirecsponsor voting the and "One of the main points in con- for youth prepared under reconstruction are veiled and dedicated Short Jourizenship information relatives ar- - being done by members of the C neys of 10 to 12 miles each to treversy now between the various tion of James E West chief scout of the planting under a road companies including Henry D Moyle rest record and activities for for- - C C which requirts 5450 Highland drive (1970 East camps at Simpson Springs and station sites at Simpson Springs parties is the amount which the executive shortly will be cirtu- mission regulation a public body the street) and A M Cornwall 997 by sponsorship sign government nation's the Callao operated by the United Riverbed all G D & boys R for among lilted would W the Black Rock pay h The last requires Information as States grazing division The mon- - Fish Springs--tioyd-pugway (3900) Southi county board forwarded the pe- East Th 's 'Callao and Moffat My suggestions appeared by local scout organizations street to "within the past five years I urrlents are of stone and concrete Burnt road tition final that for the I objected body w am transferring r committee of most Tracy gw Station will follow with to meet with the the ditches to the county means (have not) been affiliated and will bear bronze plaques pro- - markers to be dedicated at each Of the interested approval members who met with Mr Han- approval parties" or active in (a member of vided further complicating titles and by the Utah Pioneer Trails The party will lunch at Simpson Although the Rio Grande has son reported completion of the i of a worker for) easements However most of the and cascade and and Landmarks association and Springs pool swimming the Moffat two controlled the road devoted in whole or in part k group agreed there is nothing to of for erection discussed plans been have systems operated sepaft ' do but meet the government's re' influencing or furthering the cabins in the additional three rately activities public relations now quirements cabins are four area where The hearing was on a specific public policy of a foreign Represented at the hearing were chairs plan of the interstate commerce in use L K Nicholson the Miller Ditch company Union commission for reorganization of man presided i Jordan Irrigation company East 365 scouting Approximately the Rio Grande—k plan which The county free grasshopper Sandy Irrigation company South the in are now members camps to Its looked consolidation with Poison bait program will be shut Despain Ditch company Crowley the Moffat road and the Dotsero committee said Of these 265 are i Ditch company Green Ditch comdown Saturday Marden Broady at Camp Steiner for a cut-obent assistant pany Tanner Ditch company and An100 87 county agent with approximately The Rio Grande has been oper- program East Mill Creek Irrigation comGrant Allen Adamson 21 of Pleasant Grove truck driver in nounced Wednesday ated under federation reorganiza- others at the wigwam camp The plant of the county fair- pany volved in two fatal accidents last week was bound over to district tion law for five Tribune Intermountain Wire years and the grounds at Murray will remain ) SPRINGVILLE—Mrs Nancy J court Wednesday after a preliminary hearing in Salt Lake City present movement is intended to open from 8 a m to 4 p m daily release it to private control Deal widow of D E Deal Wednes- court on an involuntary manslaughter charge this week Truckload community Family Picks Resort 4 Earlier Adamson distributions are planned at Tayday had celebrated her eighty-sevent- h inno- pleaded with birthday anniversary lorville Thursday and at Mid- For Annual Reunion cent on two charges of driving I" Igathering of her children and vale Friday PROVO—The L M C ChristenWire Intermountain Tribune without a driver's license and trial Twenty-eigh- t grandchildren at her home on tons of poison bran sen family reunion will be held VERNALNorth Main street bait have been distributed from August 18 at Arrowhead resortt on those cases was set for August 86 na Born near Chimney Rock on the the county plant and 23 'truck- according to Judge H: Christen21 by Judge Iteva Beck Bosone and jury on U S highway 40 near- loads of bait were taken to 15 sen of Orem chairman of the orks plains of Nebraska Mrs DealClaik tRI--Ariz PHOENIX ElizBosone sherde ordered the Glen Judge Vernal brother deputy Sybert Hyrum her twin communities abeth Reid Thayne ganization iff reported Wednesday PROVO—When the tWerniometer fendant held for trial in district were the youngest members of "Landowners have not been makMore than 75 descendants of the who as Utah a served M w9man f d Freund the company to arrive in Grants- registered 104 degrees on Wednes- court on the manslaughter charge nurse much demand i for bait the ing Utah pioneer from Nevada revo- - dialler received Mexican the early during d lacerations ville in 1855 Their parents J W 'after overruling- -t defense tnotisik I tit if2oU In J41r - Broadbent It made twenty-sevent- h cently" La the prodt y day Fietvttis ter "Trere are' nctiny Communities litatnieming ItarLIJIab are lui: mist Evelyn-Brow- tv Clark were en to dismiss the complaint at the home of a daughter Mrs expected to attend the reunion to straight day that Provo citizens over near the high line with abundant 111 route from Galveston Texas tipped inThe death charge' was filed In Amanda Tenney 1 Plans for 'a program 'and other P Lelieman of Detroit festation Unless grasshopper haVe sweltered an a maximum of canal make their home in Utah controlled there events are now being drawn up A native of Bountiful connection with the fatal Injury of Utah Mich a with' She lived in Arizona and New 93 degrees or hotter a summary escaped passenger will be an increased amount of Sylvester Kanon 12 when his she was married to Lephi Thayne out injuries Judge Christensen said Mexico during her early married of weather egg deposit which means more was struck by a truck In Salt Lake City in 1870 In 1890 A M Anderof bicycle reports Mr said Freund's ' Deputy Sybert moving in 1878 to Springville next spring" driven by Mr Adamson at Ninth they moved to Mexico and in Accepts Mission Call car traveling eastward at a high grasshopper! she has resided since Her son official Provo weather observand Second West streets on 1915 went to El Paso Texas South neof speed was unable to er shows rate FOUNTAIN died in 1911 IIlife GREEN—Pershing August 5 Cook of this city has accepted a of her 10 children are liv gotiate a curve near the canal S Not since July 18 when the therat Witnesses the preliminary and toppled over call to serve an L D S mission They are Mrs J B Redford mometer registered 89 degrees has hearing included Traffic Investi- Conferefiee Scheduled' n mission In another crash John Vaas of in the Mrs Henry i of Rupert Idaho: SerHe- - will -- leave here about Iield-GREEN—Moroni 1 Craig Coloran his pickup truck FOUNTAIN of the meregry lipped under the93- - gator Richard T Anderson Charles Mrs Wood end Boyer 111 Others geantSeptember 9 to enter the mission Springville- Mrs Ben Argyle of degree mark during the heat of who investigated the accident in D Sstake euarterly conference off the highway east of Jensen More than 150 persons attended home in Salt Lake City ' Mercur and Mrs W R Finch of the day the records show o During which the Kanon boy was killed will he held in Fountain Green but escaped without hurts The and Sunday August 17 westbound truck turned' complete- the third annual Redondo avenue She has 13 grandLos Angeles y thls heat wave the themom- The victim was the son of Mr and Saturday and lg with President Joseph R ly over after leaving the road street dance held on Redondo bechildren and 12 Mri: 216 Kanon Roelof Orchard eter reached 105 degrees on AuYou Christiansen in- charge tween Sixth East and Seventh East Deputy Sybert said draft 'k streets gust IT and 100 degrees or better place Wedhesday night The county attorney's office has on eleven other days It was 103 announced there Sponsors at the event were Miss Get Up will be no proseMaxine Poulton and 'Miss Phyllis Family Reunion et tiedegrees on August 9 and 104 cution of Adamson for another Peterson with Miss Dora Smith The Holdaway family reunion accident in which Allen C Proctor on August 13 and 14 and Lawrence Cray assisting " will be conducted Saturday at 3 grees 28 was and Union stilt& of fatally Since June 12 there have been All members m at a car as Lagoon he p along pushed 56 during Which the thermom- Injured are requested to bring lunch for eterdays has registered above 90 de- the highway near Sandy on Au a picnic in the bowery seven days when it gust 9 show and and entries but mineral grees ty fair and a prominent mineral Dairy si Etvi1011 has registered less than 90 dedisplays at the Salt Lake county displayer at other 'leading state show fair will be more numerous than fair meets' records the grees Most of G of their Kidneys Erickson YOUR people Henry WAKE S L Teacher Gets ever before fair officials said Wed- contain about although these 1 in will work participate and million tubes tiny night and day again Murray nesday excess acids poisons and filtering cleaning Master's Californian Suffers Degree Judging the large representa- - this year's county fair showings " Meetings scheduled Thursday in and wastes from your blood Because thee ILIVER BILE- -never id s real rest it's easy to see that as Eons of prize Jersey Guernsey and Harry S Joseph department di Salt Lake you prow older the Kidneys may get tired City include: Special to The Tribune Holstein cattle will be George B l'ector said and slow down These excess acids and Yogi Jump Out el Burns in Hot Spring Wititent Newhouse hotel—Business Men's wastes rnay accumulate and poison your all husinvited 51r H— of Vt Caine MIDDLEBURY professor dairy Joseph Wednesday Aug the Merlin Karim' to Go hiliverin should system because of functional rather than PARK Wyo YELLOWSTONE MIs Auguste Uttermann an In- bandry at Utah State Agricultural- - Interested in such exhibiting to call Assurance company11 all day pour S pints of Idle Juke mania mimics Kidney and Bladder 'flu a m Inter- troubles or league Bo If you have to get up nights or James structor in German and mathe- college and judge at many of the him at the Hotel Utah not later btu Pew korols awarr day If this bile cl-is Aug 14 suffer front Association of mountain scAnty or frequent pa:burning mot Sowing freely your food may not Credit tourist from Banning matics at West high school in livestock- shows in western Amer than August 25 so that arrange- Men noon bowels Then and groin pains due to ient It nisi just decay in the You Hotel Greeters of stead backaches arbe for ments concrust Broadbent Cal ica'announced Marden Kidney or broke and the Lake Salt Utah stomach space get display through me4 Wednesday Wool City your up gas 12:15 p m Western Bladder weakneae you'll make no mistake In fees are levied America ranged: ti stitattdpunkYou feel pour gut and the world around a hot spring at the West had received a master of arts de- - assistant county agent the prescription celled Oyster Over trying 7:30 Telegraph company ten million packages of Crites have been Ill takos those good old Cacinc's Little Thumb of Yellowstone lake gree in German following corn:- The public is invited to the and ribbons will be awarded the Upion m Nehi Beverage company gold In 73 countries and hate given nth p winners Liver Pills to grt those 2 pints of bit flow Wednesday and received painful mencement exercises at' Middle- Judging arenas August 29 at 1 p m loYous listin relief to so mane thousands log freely to make you 44 "up and up" Professo?Taine assisted by road department crews 7:30 p m of people that it Is now sold under a poeitiv on his right leg when burns Coultty bury college directed 'Take as Cot a package today of wtomy back on return of empty 4 Hotel Utah -- 7 Trust 'section guarantee Miom JIIMPA was brought In g hosUtt Prr Clan received her other show officials -- will begin Wednesday wore continuing their owing in making bNe flow freely Ask Packet" unless complete! satisfactory td work of remodeling in preparation American Banking association all von Cystez now code only Ito et druggist' (NUM'S Little Liver Pills lOf asid 3tot pital here Where his condition wai bachelor's degree at the Univer- classifying the Winners the did guarantee protects you (Adv) 1day Kiwanis club 12:15 p m said to be not berious Threetime exhibitor at the court I for °petting of the show sity of Kansas 4d4vertisement) - i rrect Awicttett - When It la completed It will house a shop for craft work 'and sufficient auditorium apace for indoor assemblies he sides will he left open with a huge stone at one end and the floor will be laid with flagstone One of a series of building and 0 ExeCutive:Not es - ' - - - 9 - um - - 4rxicioaatuto47ts- fire-pia- '' A' 4 - Memory courses' promise the vogue after‘-Baturd- iy - ' $ Trriblz‘t—' SLBecolne0)ia'1Coliscious ica - 41 - honor of the president of the'Salt Lake council Boy Scotits of Amer- 7i - ' - '' ' 1::: t1je'Sa4 titkt A skeleton of logs perched atop — ti11 a knoll overlooking Camp Steiner In the Granddaddy lakes region 4 Wednesday received a nameFramework of hat will be the ' largest structure in camp' It was : ' christened Malcolm A Keyser in 4- f -- ' '1 ' e Gets Nanie-"-Of President e- - 4 Crt - " 4 '01-- Il - : '' eorr:)- - 33 i i fte" 7 4 :t 4 - l472 ' 4 1414 tttl Ll'12'2e '''' 1 --s ' 0:4- A 2 TT': ' Iv ' ) : : ''k- v 4:: y' -- 4 fttvA 17 '-- 01111C11 OfS- al Shelter--- 'u I ' r -- '4 1- di 1 Le or 6 - - 4-- In Utah will figure In Uncle Sam's 1 alien registration program WE Block assistant Salt Lake postmaster estimated Wednesday Thirty-eigpost offices in Utah will cooperate In the program which opens August 27 Major reg- 4 filtration is expected at SaltLake 'City Ogden Provo and Logan Expected shortly are first of the i thousands of forms required in the program which calls for registration of allaliem of 14 years or II' oven Those who have taken out ' I first citizenship papers also are requested to apply Alien children under 14 years will be registered by parents or guardians - 40:'1?:0: - -- ' N -- 4i 00c L' t i ' 7 - ' ht I 4- - s 'fr 47 1 ' f '' 4 - s 1 r 0 - ur 4 ' In Registration 1 -- :A AAA —1111 ' Lc r - Scout Official F - I Work Lauds — INAll )N1 :41'r 1Z t Ale '34--- o0h4 - 110Amb - N' o: - i - i ' N To Assist I 4 - --- - :--- 01611"an - v — - r eb0- 38 Post Offices 1 :' I Utak-HigtoioI s -- It — :! I' 011iiii1-iipoo'No6s0t- — - - six-we- ek ff 90p 410124419 Three Motorists Utah Native Dies In Arizona at Mercury Hits 104 at Provo sh(liceittAe Escape Death 1 1Vativ lb' Mitten's Mrs t 1 f festesrecties he slum le'the West Join the crowds coml from fee end wide to see this thrill leg colorful Show Plee'te et spied the ItNA-so- d I hi L Street Dance DrAw5150 ter steas--t- -- - pere $4000 le- prize moneysee- 14 spectecolet 14-- and ( top redo formers will compel else which Volley idlers etdoor Spanish-America- - golf' teJrnIh 1w1mM19 sod ether sperts great-grandchi- lI ' Ilighls County Fair Reports Gain In Display of Cattle op How Are S L Aleeiings UP Your Granti Stand $110 Covers d Grand Stand $2211 Ioi Soots $330 (All prices Include neys Iasi Covered 'Grand Stand and los Soots resorted Tickets (Incledlitg tosorvod Today (UP)--Ken- ' Stoecker Soots 506 soah) oo sale July Soo or who SOURS' JMILLS neth tfolli Soo ic No-ent- ry tholloilAssocletl7 t Of Americo ! 1 10 4 I 4 ' o S 414o " - 1r |