Show - I ----- Nair - tt4 ' ( - - -- ' ' - 14 TiluridajNorning - t v r— ' - ! i ' - ' ! : - ? t Betrothal ad - - ' 11 1 of-th- 1 - ': Ii t- - t 1 l 14 11 - ” ' i " ' Y ' 1 ! nion and Miss Margery Bring- - i: ' 1 v l i A ' t - L ' I for farty — Popular Maid 3 i I tut miscellaneous shower and supper presided over by Mrs George J Silver 1207 Eighth East street A yellow decorative scheme was developed with a profusion of goidenglow combined with deep yellow African marigolds and dahlias The gifts were arranged In a gay yellow umbrella and smaller umbrellas were used as favors SiFteen guests were present W Mrs B Gillespie ' to 347 A profusion of ' t I Mios (Advertisement) 1 THE HOME OF WOOL BLANKETS ' 4' FINEST 'I: 1 i MADE Utah Woolen Lillis 14 to - STREET ' ''' "11 i J 30 ItICIIARDS ' ' '! ' ''- - ' A 5- a$ 4?: ?s ' - ir ' ' $ t44i4d5--4404$ pi :111- ' - Ai 'Lf t' p45 4 ' ' ' ' ' 3:mA Miss Thora Gull whose betrothal to Melvin L Wiseman is made known by her parents Mr and Mn Albert E Gull - Visitors and Travelers Take Social News Spotlight Mr and Mrs R J' Bartolette of Chicago who have betn the guests of Mr and Mrs William 0 Coleman 325 Arnold place left Tuesday for their home They !have been visiting for a month in the touth and on the Facifib coast Kathryn Foley of Chicago has alsobeen a house guest at the home 'of - her brotherc and MISS Fo- ley Mr and Mn M Seth Horne and - their- - son and -- daughter Roger and Phyllis Helen have arrived from Washington D C for a visit with relatives and friends in Salt Lake City At present they are the guests at the home of Mr Home's parents Mr and Mrs William R Horne 160 First avenue Mr and Mrs Lafayette chett hive as their guests at their home 983 Third avenue their daughter Mrs R V Williamt and Miss Fanny Baker of ChIcago''Mrs Williams will be 'remembered as Miss Helen Hanchett Han- i Mr and Mrs sister-in-la- l i t - I ! - idé:-p1::-::--:- t ''''‘- - ' ' f ' "k - '' - A - I - Dental Plans Luncheon 'was the motif for a delightful ty bridge-Argiven Tuesday evetwo of her Delta Delta by ning Delta sorority sisters Mrs Donald G Foot of Garfield and Miss Lois Merle Ewing 1464 East Seventeenth South street at the Ewing home Those present Included Mrs Garfield O Anderson Mrs Paur Mrs Mac- Eardley Stephen Donald Mrs W C McDermald Miss Kathryn Davis Miss Norma Douglass Miss Rhoda Let Barclay Miss Astra Anderson Mist Dorothy Sims and Miss Barbara Shaw of Ogden -- ''' 4 ' ( rt) "' -- i s ' - - 1 ------- fr 1e'''' I : 7: - :i 14 ' " ti y T ‘- s' A f "—' '' 44- -- - 4- "-1 b ' ' ' '' - ' a4 Miss WiMfred Miller of Los Angeles who hes been the guest of her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs B W Hanson 105 East - -- black crepe coat with scalloped trait and triangular A slim Tops-Dres- s thithem Keystone Club Sets Meeting Keystone club of First Meth- °dist church will meet for luncheon Thursday at 1 p m at the homeof Mri Emil J Klemm Jr South Cohostesses with Mrs Klemm will include Mrs Robert Wallace Moore and Mrs Richard A An- drews trimmed with the print The jacket is usually of the longer tunic silhouette One such ensemble consists of a navy blue silk dotted in light blue mauve and pink The jacket has tat' bored notched revers and buttons of the print Summer Wardrobe Durable and Cool well the young wornati—who---selecta smart wardrobe that is both 'durable and cool A white diagonally striped gray sbeer is combined with plain trly and worn with white accessones accent&I with touches ot black which add distinction Choosing Is --- follow in ' s order What can we de for the acute siege? Drink adequate quantities of fluids keep warm and quiet and increase elimination It the bronchial tubes are even slightly affected breathing steam impregnated With tincture of benzoin compound will be of value Rest in bed is alWays in Order and must be insisted upon if the thermometer registers a fever of one degree Pr m&s r print of soft silk crepe ! ' Ili i i PS Our Shop—Street— Floor Foundations From Our CorsetShop—Second Floor In 1 ( 7 Dresses - From In ' Daytime ' - keW ' - ' : '4147t ót' k ' 'ii' '' 111' i' 41 11 ' I pi'n'WI" - iL 1Vk - it 0 I il 0 ' ‘i ? i' ' N ' k'f 1!:(41 die — 54 11' l' ''' ' 6 - : - kw $ ‘11:151t1 - I I' ' r'' i -t : t '-- ' 'r' I A 1:: :' :: 'It: 'Pi 1)- ‘ !:r:! i4 "tvil :511 - (v): ''''' : :::: :il ':r — -------- va j-- k'1s-$)- ' 'of gitv Asial l'i 1 t s ura:r ttr:it:411-- ov :04t tt:kiTLI- "--- ot ? el' It ' 11 it 11'1149 00014i-1- ' 4! t41- ' ir--t 11 IT 14: tilt' ivrriatta Olt 11$1-- -- 'L u iI1j 1:trOO'55111 A' ''' 11Vt :11' I ‘ etoe I dap ‘' 7l' tr) - a - '0' t ecil di° 0 I s i:' sleA 1: I 1' t eS:0 : ''' — lk I '' II 11' ItDA" ) t ' I - I l' 4 A ''‘ : 7 1' - ( ' ' - ' i 4 A - ) 4-fri- son - -- - N -- 7 clill 1 11I ':! 11' - 71trin Itit ttprizttoil- !11 :2111trt It1r lik ''k 'tIt'rf:iliprzi) 4 ''ks4:t -- Sandy Feeling V E St writes: When I waken in the morning my eyes feel as though they had sand in them 'What can be done for this condition? 1 ' 1 -- 4 11111tr izi ' 1 Goo a itzl i '' II ' - '9 - :7 7414 4ii 7 -- Tatir: t ' ' 11 ' 0)1 : ) 11 TriTat )1 4— -- " ftirttu- 14' 4:(04i11 frLI:Tir ' i if -') -' C1c1-- :srt 't 14ii ' AltrIt11:3 Trztrt 2 ' 't 11 - OlrrItl ' - '' - ) bali 4: 'lls!iIII'''4' v 1 4 - r fi 1 log -1 41 t J i 1 '''''' It- - 1: out ''D: 1 — i- - ' ) 11 I N - 11 ‘ t ' ' qt - The sandman Is supposed to come at night "Probably a mild infection poric acid solution in an eye cup may' be used for Irrigating purposes If this does not bring relief you should consult an eye physician - Copyrights 04 if by tho Ch Tribumh - Or :n Pir4s7740114z1 t1 i ''t'''' ' litt) p )Y 'TL '(149 'gm i att ere"- k $ — )t Q---- V C51' 11 0 li 0 :tries cigittlf o is i before its neutralizing properties were set free One "pill" dail was prescribed for the first week and then two each week for the next six In those who still were bothered the zegimen was re- peated : about two or three months later - ' ' i ' 'OP 9 '' FOUNDED 1864' i - "- t 4 4 4 : I o I) I ' 1 - --- N - 4o " k v —streptococcus— a others The quantity was large nd the tablets 14ere coated so that chgestIon within the stomach would not take place In other words the drug was car-4- ried well into the intestinattract - °Ik 404446416011 - AUERBACH'S YOUTH CENTER GOES7 But to prevent these episodes there is fair evidence that vacA study cines may be helpful of a series of two thousand or more employes in an industrial concern presents significint findrngs The individuals were given mixed vaccine by mouth and their experiences during 12 months were compared with the record of the previous year Calculations were made of the total days of Illness the severity of colds absence from work etc Each dose was made up of killed germs such as the pneumococcus bacillus influenza - ' Cali-pocke- is onsembled With a black and White scroll dashing Black White Smart I South Temple street will leave ts Friday for her home In fornia Miss Miller has been honored at a number of informal social affairs during her visit z' y- I t 411 : ' - '''' 1 Leaves Soon eeks 2 ' l't-- Miss Miller pvaisisttorgifxor Lathkesw 01 '' - ' i : - ri ' - - - - ' - ' - For Those Late Summer Colds Doctor Recomniends Vaccines all-an- will meet at the Moose club 161 - i ' Fringed prtunias in the gay midsummer shades were combined with pink roses for the decorations at a supper and shower given Tuesday evening by Mrs Chris Berntson and Mrs Jay H Peterson at the Berntson home in honor of Miss Norma W Berntson who ill the afft anced bride of Marvin J Ashton Fourteen guests were In attendant and progressive games were leatures-o-t the es4ening centers of infection spreading d -- our germs to sundry' Those which occur in the warmer season may be even more difficult to conquer than the winter variety Perhaps we are laboring under the false conception that they are unlikely to be complicated by pneumonia —and hence we give them little While this may be attention tiles in part many hang on long- er and we seenUebeahle—to— off with less dis- patch Enough hati been said about the cause to make us thoroughly familiar with the way this ailment la acquired Some drop in resistance brought on by ever- fatigue indigestionor too much improper food may tip the scales just enough to allow the causative virus to begin its vicious role Then it is that the squat ters move in—bacteria that are found always in the nasal passages Within a day or two they start to Multiply by leaps and bounds Inflammation- swelling of the mucous membrane excess secretions pus and toxins then 1 s - Bridal Shower By Dr Irving S Cutter Colds are annoying as well as menacing Not only do they typify low reserve but they make of every sufferer a sower of bad seed They oblige tut to act as of the Moose East Seventeenth 1 — 8 p m—Painters' auxiliary No 58 will meet at the Labor temple 151 Second East street 1168 re ---- - ' Matrofts Sponsor - - ' - : Miss Dorothy Bradshaw was the hostess Wednesday evening at a delightful supper party at her- horne 1516 Prfnceton avenue in honor of Mrs John C Enders Jr of Boise Idaho who has been visiting with relatives and friends in Salt Lake City for several Weeks Garden flowers in dainty pastel shades were combined for bouquets which centered the small tables where supper was served A dozen close friends of the honored guest were in attendance Mrs Enders will leave Saturday for her home - ' ' ' " t ' : ( Officers of the women's auxiliary to the Salt Lake Dental association will be guests at a luncheon to be given Friday at the Salt Lake Country club by Mrs Neil W Brough 1781 Yale-cre- st avenue Dr Levon O Halgren will be the guest speaker of the afternoon Officers of the auxiliary were guests Tuesday tit a luncheon at the Newhouse hotel with Mrs H E Pearson 959 Ramona avenue as the hostess Friends Honor Idaho Guest '4 ' lunch- -- beautitarappolated z At COuntry Club one-mon- th 3 - tA"‘64111::4: ary Jane Beer daughter of Mr and Mrs W Frances Beer Jr 181 B street left for a trip to Banff Canada She was accompanied by a sorority sister Miss Marsha Ballif daughter of Professor and Mrs John L Ballif Jr of 240 University street— Calendar of p 1 - - ' Miss Gull Miss--s-Be- 1 Bridge Party Fetes Maid ' itéSjime: - -- ' ' Included in the parade of September brides will be Miss Thora GullAdaughter of Mr and Mrs Albert E Gull 732 South First West street Her parents have just aniiátinced her engagement and approaching marriage to Melvin L Wiseman son of Mr and Mrs William R Wise— man 3430 Pioneer street A reception at the Hyrum Z Jensen home 2730 Highland drive will follow the marriage of the young couple which will be solemnized In the Salt Lake L D S temple the morning of September 6 They have planned to Make their home in Salt Lake City upon returning from a honeymoon to the coast where they will visit in Los Angeles and San Francisco Pfinuptial affers are already being planned to compliment 1 - ' e - - 'Ceremony Date ' 4 - - : '''' - N ''' ' i - - ' - ' 1 Miss Gull Sets '' ''' A - - -- ' ' Clausen s ' '4 t 1 1 : ' ' ' it - 'eon was thq one given Wednes- - ( l ‘ -3 s ' day afternoon in the Empire : i room of the Hotel Utah by Mrs ' ' ' H C Anderson and her &ugh- di ' ' ' G Foot of Gar N of Mrs Bud Whitsuit-meney Ensign a bride of the I 1 1 ' who before her marriage I J' ' "9 tict fi was Miss Virginia Pearl Evans Stately sprays of coral pink ' I '1'''' gladioli were combined with blue t 4 4 1f sk ' ' Miss Winifred delphiniuni and pink"' mei or : ' k ' 1 - '' ' ' the attractive centerpiece ist the a ' cl o ' '' Ir:Ifrb Miller daughter 'table ' ' 1 Invited were : bride to meet the ' : ' ( ' N t -- c e '1 of Mrs B F i ' Mrs F O Haymow& MrepRoy 2 11 4:4 Mrs J Fred Daynes4 Mrs :' Miller of Los - Hatch i t Mrs !teed Smoot (1‘ t P R ' 4 :' I Mrs Jerry T liatch ! Schultz ' k ' " ' ta1! Angeles ' : ' Miss Jeanne Engelmann Mrs t- ' ' 1 ' s' ‘ Ix I 4'It Dean-' Moffat and MrsL C ‘ t i who has been a 50 7 Ensign "" i 'b : i popular Salt -t '- ' Seen around these daYsisthe silk frock with a woolen jacket' ORIGINAL t - : --- r - ' - out-of-to- - r - - ' - 1 The marriage of Miss Margie Cutler daughter of Mr and Mn Alfred T Cutler 5106 Holladay boulevail and Milton E Jacob Miss Barbara Foley daughter son of Mr and Mrs Isaac Jacob of Mr and Mrs James A Foley of Provo was solemnized Wedwill° has been visiting with her nesday morning in the Salt Lake enta at their home 839 East L D S temple The ceremony was followed Temple street has re- by a wedding - S to her home in Oakland t breakfast at 'the home of the c al bride's parents for members of the two families The bride wore an attractive traveling ensemble of navy blue Baylis-Sha- w and white with dark blue accessories After a honeymoon in San Francisco the young couple will make their home in Provo In the Salt Lake Wedded L D S temOle Wednesday morning by Stephen L Chipman were Miss Blanche H Baylis and Mrs daughter of Mr Thomas A Baylis 930 Cold place and Wilber Shaw son of Mr and Mrs B H Shaw of A veritable shower of pre-Aurora nuptial affairs have honored tiss Mildred M Hansen betroth d to The bride was gowned In a Elliott Seaman and among hese handsome model of white taVela was a personal shower given and carried a bouquet of bride's Monday evening by a grOup of roses club friends at the home Of Mit411 A wedding breakfast honored 2562 Lent Shirley l'ighland the couple at the home of the drive A mound of pink dahlias cen bride's parents In attendance feted the table and fa 'ors were were members of the two famIn the form- of alive wedding ilies bells tied with satin ribbon to After a short wedding trip the place cards marked for Mrs Mr and Mrs Shaw will make Jens Hansen Mr a Theodore their home in southern Utah Hoenes Miss Phyllie I Hansen Miss Helen Plower Miss Fern Morean -- Miss Ilitrbsra Westbrook Miss Car Strong Miss Thais A Dallimore Miss Lentz s and the honored guest A lovely gardenia and pink rosebud cor8 p rn—Mt Olympus Rebekah sage was preeented to the brideto-he lodge will install officers at the The home of Miss Hansen's Sugarhouse I O O F hall parents Mr and Mrs Jens Han 8 p m—WomenlAuxillary 10 sen 2818 Highland drive will be the Construction Workers' lockl the scene of the marriage of No 79 will meet at the home Miss Hansen and Mr Seaman on of Mrs Ne Is Hansen 435 DenFriday evening ver street Mrs Charles T Dix s to be guest of honor Jacket $395 to $1075 4 t ' --- 0 f i ' ' t ' Miss Frances Cleich and Fred- - '"' - ' -- - ' - - - ''s Popular Miss Margy Anderson summer flowers PUREVIRGIN - t '' : Day Events 'Mrs Clara M Clawson says for the Eastern Trip there is nothing smarter or more wearable than the TRAVEL PRDIT included in the RALF PRICE SALE 57 Main s1 4 y - ' During the evening guests en- :toyed informal games followed by a lato dessert Miss Seamount will be mar-tie- d to Mr Rieh on August 30 i - il - - - Billy M Seamount affianced bride of Max E Rich Mrs Myriel C Hopkins entertained at a delightful affair at the home of her mother Mrs Golden Wilcox 453 West Capitol street Wednesday evening ' Personal Shower Adds to List Of Courtesies Midsummer Affair Compliments Maid In compliment ' 1' Rites Held North Fifth West street assisted Ximo R Morgan and by Mn Mrs Vaughn O Young entertelined at a prettify arranged dinner Tuesday evening in honor of Miss Jane Ostler who Is betrothed to Max R Christensen In attendance were Mrs Allan T Platt Mrs Justin C Stewart Mrs George Gray Mrs Clyde D Furner Mrs George F Springer and Miss Ann Ostler A Tarden party and buffet supper WPS given Monday' evening fnr the bride-eleby Mrs P D Clarke Miss Lucille Menke and Misa Elma Jones at the Clarke home 763 Emerson avenue slit '' ' ir Sponsor Party ' - : - '' Margie Cutler Weds Provoan Matrons '' ' of Ogden Mn Pack Reynolds and Mrs Joseph S Wood was Miss Ansell honored Wednesday evening at a delight is-hi- oil '‘ ''- - - - ' '-' Marjorie r Trio ' "' - ' x" decorations of miniature wedding bells Places were arranged for Min Arisen Miss Suzanne Nich olson Miss Mary Fister Miss guests were in attendance at a delightful garden supper and miscellaneous shower given Wednesday evening by Mrs C M Brown 1459 Thirteenth East street in honor of Miss Evelyn Crozier whose mar riage to Aaron G Brown will take place August 23 The party waa given in the garden of the Lion House social center 63 East South Temple street Supper was served at small gay with jowhowls of colDatil midsummer flowers ' ' " Miss Coralee Anse II affianced bride of Warner Murphy was honored at a prettily arranged luncheon given Wednesday afternoon by two hostesses Miss Hope Thurman 804 Thirteenth East street and Miss Kathryn Hen- derson 1151 Michigan avenue' who entertained at the Thurman home The table was artistic with Given Fee Thirty-fou- : ' ' - --- I 1 11 itSi--Eérté 40 Ernest The bridal 'Couple were com- plimented at a wedding break- ' fast at the home of the bride's following the was attended cbeyremomenmy bers of the two families The bride ore a smart sport model of white crepe with lime green trim ' The couple left during the aft- ernoop for a wedding trip to the ' parks of southern Utah and on their return will reside at 560 East Thirteenth South street guests Among the were Mr and Mrs Louis Bounti and Mrs A Schneider of Los Angeles ' -' - A Miss Crozier t ' ( - lz - opu ' rick Glauser took their marriage vows Wednesday morning in the0Salt Lake L D:Srtemplei-vetti- C" Nicholas Smith officiating Mrs I Glauser is a daughter of Mr and Mrs Ludwig Gleich 670 West Capitol stfeeteand Mr Clausen of 560 East Thirteenth South ' ' ' ! ' ' ' - I I ' Hostesses Give The young ried by an uncle of the bride Dr Carl A Felt who for several years wm president and president emeritus of- the Theoin Peking china society logical Dr Felt is now residing invMadi- son N J The Alpha Delta Pi sorority house 70 South Wolcott street was fragrant with late summer An improvised altar flowers there of white gladioli ferns and palms with tall copper candelabra containing seven ivory tapers on each side made an ' '' t -- - - - The best man was Gordon B Forbes ' The mother of the bride was attractive in navy blue lace and wore a corsage of gardenias and Mrs Firmage wore a charming delicate pink crepe gown with a corsage of white begonias and orchid gladioli A lace cloth covered the bridal table which was lovely with floral pieces of gladioli and ivory bride' tapers in erystat candelabra Miss Lillian Culp in charge of the serving was assisted by a group of close friends of the bride Miss flarbara Barnes and Miss Margaret E Summerson displayed the gifts Preceding the ceremony and ' ' The young couple plan to leave for Cambridge - Mass where they will reside peas ' ' '' burst attractive setting for the bridal party The bride was lovely in white chiffon en train with a sikeetheart neck and full short sleeves An all lace veil fell from a bride's coronet of stephanotis and in her arms she carried a bride's shower of madonna lilies lier only attendant was Mias Della Day of Fillmore who was smartly gowned in a slim fitting turquoise blue moire taffeta skirt and a chiffon blouse Miss Day nosecarried an gay of pink rosebuds and sweet ' ' ---- couple were mar- - - - - In S L Temple - 1910 lAugust 15 - ' Is Wedded ' ' sL during the evening musical se- lections were given by Miss Het- - charming social event week aiilhe wedding- xeception Wednesday evening of Miss Marand Mr of garet Feltdaughter Mrs Roy H Felt 961 Fairview avenue and D Allan Firmage son of Mr and Mrs David T Firmage of Spanish Fork A 74"'orek------ 1 4 - - 1 - ' 40'"' 4 - Miss Gleic I i i ' W4 I 1 - -- Felgirmage Ceremony At Sororityllouse Followed by Reception - ! nkribtnu Zbt Snit - - a : - - - 3 4 - - - - ' thr- : I - a - 01PVIOPeOP4000emo - IP t i " : y 'I i PHONE WAS 300 t ' ' 1 |