Show i Pi— - - u"410"wroovtiorpieterwawiptorrF4410-orrooProokVoPir4044rPoPOPPOPrg404- sit ' ettI11 g:Y()11 11—tFli Y : -- 1 ' 1 1 s Sh-o- — d e - t- 4 ' Salt gzike ilribunt U'bt 5tores-Latest-T- - v O -- 7 jor - ( a ' - t - - i- 31 " brand new 4 ' ' 4 ' to 1 "‘:'':':':: :: :::i'' ' c': :!'1-- ' ' :::! 4':::::-:i:i-:-::i::::- !"! t : - a :":'7'::::-- : :::i :: :'0 :: 600 S- I ' ::1 ! ': t :4i!!:::: H ' ' ::i II ' ::l::: '' ' ' :: ' '''''''""Ni : :' ' : -- l'7' - :'' - conscious of Though parentsgener—ally the importance of guarding and molding through proper sup- port those 52 delicate foot bones surveys among school children In this county disclosed startling and alarming figures '1 NN 3 r 9 allegiance another the Declare- tion of Independence a fourth gives you- the preamble to the constitution and the fifth is a' decorative jumble of Americana is s s One-o- f the handsotinest neck- laces we ever saw—that we could pay for—la one of a new import collection Links are sit- ver metal fish—nicely carved dangling jade minnows and larger metal fish so flexible their scales quiver every time you draw a deep breath To add to their beituty the scales are touched up with colorful enarii- - fact With plenty of dog days still in the offing however its well to remember that the'great out- if you have tioors is fine a comfortable place to sit Twigs stones and tree roots can't corn- pare with a good chair and a sun-- shade There's a whit° metal frame model with adjustable back a sunshade attached and a font rest The cheerful awning cloth covering striped in yet- low green and white- will look pretty on the cabin porch or uot in the yard and repay you well in lazy comfort— Small members of the family will w'ant their outdoor settee df course and Probably the cutest around town is a minia-- ture park bench in gaudy green and orange I ! ! i ! I - 4 'i - - -- ' : i: In - f Another smart beautician has discovered that one lipstick will What with'shoe manufacturers A pretty well cover the fall Nis- fitter will recommend what they educators and child specialists metic situation Since those big call "wedging" a strip of leath' all working together why then namgs bend the colqrBlifili x er about a sixteenth of an inch should there still be this preysates Ilavvgotten together on' ac- -in thickness placed on the iinside lence of foot defects among the els shades she's evolved ' k of the' heeL—Al" reawmb" th-a — cessoryetisset-Velvea is 4 ' to young? "red rubber-cappe- d heels act as the A supply t Here's ONE big reason Ma- For 1 i Called cinnabar q 'em all match t : much needed shock absorber- for of new animal hankies shows ternal vanity! (Don't shoot—we can buy it separately or in you I exuberent :youth jumping on' a xmore imagination than the usual didn't Mean you) special harmony kit that en- ' hard floors artd pavements --run of But because so many WOtTietl designs The sembles two shades of green eye- ivIl number for instance ' take as a personal affront the ' and baby panda shadows nail lipstick polish bf I:: Of course the ideal and safest All four is a small sensation slightest Implication that all isThe kit is striped in the color t- '? measure is toselecta shoe scien- i' with their offeorners of these trifles are I not perfection 41 shy(IeQ affiliates' --' ' ti 1 titles y constructed for balance —4 deckeeotit with bright printed spring the utmost tact and di- -and ftupport There are several animals one huge one and three must be used in callThere'll be Rumpus andl Riot plomacy '— ' iuci tyPies and each store car- - from dawn ta dusk on college s little replicas ring - attention to the reallyrie a make in which they ias in- Besides the baby panda there's this fall for these are Department of Education: It's 1 spiendidwork being done by recampuses : dividuals firmly believe a selection of twin scotties ele- 'liable shoe people inAlagnosing becoming increasingly embarthe names of the two newest nail t And though you may not be and correcting foot defects in Riot is phants 'Teddy bears and inn° rassing these days not to know polishes i ' on cent looking kittens—at three for d the technicalof words a the to the children red destined sophisplay ing t I Tucked in the pocket 50 gents Danner" or to be vague about the activiWe know this from eavesdrop- points of fitting common sense ticated part in e de- tells us these are important shoe of a plairtlittle school frock any d or to admit that constitution ties Rumpus is a ping in the children's-sho11'' characteristics for Children: oneof 'em provides a real decora the pledge of allegiance escapes of various stores electric red with–a blue under-The- y partments should be flexible dur- (lye color splash tone that will give A lilt to your you at the moment around town And we know -- able have ample toe room there's I crusading spirit among :r:Vs!:::t s unwrinkled-lining'smooth and reliable shoe people who hold ii:: :::::4::f4:f'::::' :':: low heels Don't make the mis:x:::::a keen sense of personal respon- '' take of getting a too heavy shoe i'i:: 'Ilvalir Sibility for the future health of :: t On the plastic for durability their young clients (7 !STARTING MONDAY sr foot of a child the shoe should 11161" bend easily at the ball of We asked one expert diagnosti- e Our Netv Phone Number )1:1:i clan of foot ailments: "What is' loot and uppers be of a s 1 'iii leather that will allow for the most common mistake in the :::Is ) 'Pr DIAL ' mat expansion of growing feet of footgear for chit- ' Also remember ventilation Too drenr 11::' 1 81' "of course it's lack of under- - heavy shoes create moisture and heat do not allow the feet to or -standing and a mistaken sense --i ::!: breathe them invari of making suscepti14!!::' v economy 7 :f::: ble to skin afflictions :::i:i:::: ably even mothers who have be- ' l AP ' come educated to the importance 1: ::''''''' Don't think from all this vlewof proper it make the mistake of 1 : Al ''' about fit and t :'''::0 buying the wrong kind of cheap 1 e ari Str isn't a shoe especially those intended stroYrie ueltplo6rninhtat igeV I of very in 4 — strictly for play and everyday :y 4 — - '''' dren's shoes 4 l'' — While fashion designers have ':' 1: "The play shoe is the most im- ' ' k ' portant Of all for that is the - religiously accepted and fol- 'Iv' :: - ti 14 rowed the teachings of modern ir one which really molds the foot --:1 :otaki educators and physicians in since it is worn during activity t t n : t and strain and the one in which A evolving fashions that embody :81 the essentials of physical and the child spends most hours of 1: ::: :::: A mental freedom wherever pos the day It is far more impor- 'vo ' i 1 si e y to bj confollow tant that the play shoe be they try adult v!:!' :'': fashion trends which satisfy and 1 structed to give proper support ' '' ' :':' i develop a child's social and lash-wathan the shoe for best' I al- H ovort4 1: f ion taste try to suggest that moth- oeloo er's take the present 'best shoe' Except for heels shoes for for play buy another pair and growing girls follow in mother's P footsteps Laced broad strapped ft::if stagger them from 'best' to 'play' ' r pumps wedgies sandals or sadfing plus a tablespoon of fat for service die shoes ex- are he "Of course" Boys further Most wearing frying scalloped vegetabright russets Just like dad's "in doing this parents plains bles count 100 calories per half pii Of course the little black must remember the rapid growth cup i of Jane" feet for at certain strapped patent "Mary for g:i oi young With a little calorie Jugglinz is a best tradition that goes oh children outgrow shoes ages ou can change the menus to suit '''' t 4 :V :::1 ' forever A within four to eight weeks and ! A:4 t your particular taste and still 3 is room tremenof shoe 4F ample reduce on schedule The importr iik i1 I dous importance" 4:4' tan thing is to keep vithin your ' f 1 3::i calorie limit for the day t 1' 14: 46''' disis The pity ' ' ' that needless t k Calorie tortion of young feet could be -- 4 o bett Food and Flak ''''''' Count corrected or avoided by observCrab meal 34 CUP 100 :'' ' $ - ':'!:: - la 'k- '' -- anythirig- - and- everything that bears the midsummer stamp is included in 'the current array of clearance bargains ! First-tirader- s: ' i 1 5os st I ' -- -- :: id : '' ' 1 - ::i:i::-:e::- ''': St a—deep-roilsInform- 0::::::::n:'" "Star-Spangle- " -' 1: J :' - ' - :::::" ' 4 t I 1:'::':sNob4l $ 7:::::'' ' s :: z Et1 r777 ::: ' l'fi i 21 ?:: ' I ' ''4!'': is'I': -0 :z::::: " tl it !::::::: i f :s i : v 'I 5-34- ' i ' but-almo- ' ::ft:i:::':::?::: 1 : ' r I :: I ' - a nd raised inlandperhapsyou Vt touch you up in Maine or Connecticut you thing nothing of driving 50 miles for lobster and while it is cooking you whet your appetite with a shrimp cock tail and clam broth! Because of the violent pro's and con's on the subject of sea food It appears rather infre- quently on my reducers' menus But actually sea foods and fish are very low in calories and if you like them this is the season to enjoy them It's funny how we get set in our ways of eating Where I grew up we didn't have sea food We had a garden and string beans tomatoes and potatoes outSo perhaps grew everything-elsthat helps to account for the abundance of these vegetables in the diets At any rate I have been asked on several oetastons 'whether string beans have any ing vegetables can be substituted for the ones mentioned in the day's menu: Spinach chard lettuce asparagus okrp celery summer squash Brussels sprouts were-broug- 1fi e - "COfiAll UFFE ' ire4 it- - f' bhogt 0 ? I - Ii 4::(: 40))--- '''l vatt P — : ' ''' 4 1 1 j I ri What pauses Corot Is 111111 —How ORNS are caused H1 i 11 ! ik 7 !4 - A of Them by pressure and tC1 friction which form a plug of dead I (A) whose base presses on sensitive nerves (B) —often causes intense pain Home pain g is useless—means risk of serious infection But clinical tests show it's easy to get rid of corns Fit a Bluelay pad (C) over the corn It relieves pair6 by re- moving pressure Special medication (D) acts on the corn—gently loosens' it so it can be lifted out Don't suffer needlessly Get Blue Jay Corn Phis tens today Only 25i for 6 1411ER SLACK 01 To Get Rid ' veoRN D lirj A I nAFfits ': ' ::i: '''''' t I :::::---N---- - ': NI '' -- I ' ' ill ' '' 1 4 iff0 Clams 20 100 Lobster 1 average 05 lotuter tanned 23 Imp OsONers 0 aserage ( Shrimp 10 mediuM SaMton 'resit I elite 4siis3 t inches 200 Salmon tanned 11)11 cup Sardines tanned 4 about 3 in long 100 steamed IN 100 Sallops &Mad fresh 314 inches on bark Inn !Shad roe ounce 1 35 Smelts 2 fish 100 Troia broiled I piece 2s3134 in 125 'Tuna fish tanned without oil 12 yea eielled fish White 1 piece 100 ' inches 334121 Send for The Complete Calorie Chart" which will help you to change menus to suit your tam- - Leaflet lly's preferences is ing a few of the common sense pon:ers suggested by experts or by the National Foot Health council "a Voluntary advisory bureau for the prevention of foat defects in childhood" Watch not only outgrown shoe lengths tut stockings and dis card those which crowd the toes (Socks should be about a half inch longer than the foot and have plenty of stretch in the in- step) h Keep straight eels heels cause ankles and Ivo slra in Pronation or in" a cammon distortion creates posture defect places ‘veight and dangerous strain on i the higher inner arch To correct or prevent this 1aency a 3 Nv cents by mail or 1 cent If you cell at The Tribune-TeleTraHoene Service Bureau Salt Lake DV King Features Syndicate Inc k c — orif - - - Ili al I 0 n '4e11eote oist2"-r- b 1 4i'Y'41:dot:BA71 otteecree tt c---- ' - - a partnership Is as serious anundertaking as that of a mar- riage you may exercise the right amount ot care before entering With experience and into one the proper financial backing you might make money by operating a restaurant school specialty shop beauty parlor or flower Store You ought to also do well as a writer artist Musician lc tress or sale g agent Apparently your matrimonthl experi-- i ences are going to be very happy ones i ts'i 4 2 111: :i !s s 4::::---:i- ' 04 : OK v w e- :::::-):Al- :::::-xs-t- ' zo:F:' ettewf:I!: '3' 00 ts i 040 4:F:'f: 11 6Fio o i1' - ft - tWto -- 74f -- 'it: 11a 'v :Lu'f--:- :- tS'-F- 1 -- 16 - t l'pAills t t i-- f ':-- A d' Ito t St SyndfcateInc 1 0 Pattern ple enough to display to advantage your favorite vase or poreelain It is 16 inches in diameter 811(1 looks well on larger surfaces Porn et irnes something t II NIA fue t le s i '" ' k ' The pattern comprises full formation and instructions No 1505 This design Is delicate and sim- which pi on k 1505 cubed fresh pineapple Sprinkle with strained honey and of a few squeezes lime juice Garnish with fresh mint and sgrve atop greeu leaves I Ns110:to' i with z14 -- 'teok A Summer Dessert II tsest 1Z''11'41 4ss-V- $ a : ' li ''1A!)I::71'41a 401 th11704 GO ::':":411?'-1 ''''t1:i77:141'7 :rIll:62'A'4 0 Wot1:'t r'VaAis ' I g ' :' b l' 111 Ell s tl 0 "At::C1-::--'ih1-7:F"- ''' Try' this refreshing summer 11 ' up' lir 1410 ir 0: !!:::i::1:::f hojja VjZV 1:t'ziii:!Ita 0:exew:: V::')'A fir 4 OVI::4:ea :''' 411 441 SZ 4-0- 1 It?Ingill ' mum need'—just - Ask for No 1505 and inclose 10 ellots kcoin or stamps) Address The Home TribuneTelegram Service Bureau Salt Lake City Utah '' i' :'' 4 ''''f - e r - 1 v K - 4 I A ::: Fine SILVER GOOSE 1)OWNFILLED Smart - NeN's - :: !: tillooll) "DOMINO" Pattern Made to Sell at 1250- While They Last ( - z' 4 S A - '''' An exciting opportunity for women who love 'beautiful coynforters! The g fine soft quality of material the generous warmth of filling the inter-eatin- ::!! - : 12x84 Every comforter full double bed size Down Goose in every conlforter rull floe imported I 1 —— 5-- D '11 Blue and eggshell J!ili 4114 tl r v Itt !iki'3:-its)t:- I1Wtm 'Green anpe ach ri un t ' IL itonemminown'mmomamomeo ei'LW'gik:s44:sakii''sscAm4e4:4'-zs-k-k:dwN-v4444e14kw-smNos- - ' - : e ' ' '''' ' ' 11114ttttomAdA41 4 ''''' ' : - : z Ii uty aptolvAdotyk s A Alk1‘ w i 4 i 4 0--4 I - ' 1 - I 1 : 4404104eskolowela0"041ALAa046 :: ' 0WIne and ruse 117Ine and peach Rose and dusty rose 1T01ififP COMFORTERS STREET FLOOR - Blue and rose Blue and peach oBrown and eggshell Green ' I - - toBlue and gold cfigiN 0 eyU Beautiful Color Combinations: 0 WN ! : !Vorniaiat patternjulegutifully blendinghvg:tonesQlorcoMbinat all combine to make these "bargain buys"l Don't miss seeing them! tions '4' ) 1 Celanese Rayon SATIN COVERED I : :::4 4 - -- 1: 4 I - ' :::: ir - A- S it ' is ! "- FO T It ik Inc ' 7' '' - fp : by Bell S)ndicate ':'1 A - ii: proudly upon him but father looked uneasy I t and now and then tried to catch lii::: his sons eye even going so far $ '' as to say one time "Just a min- f ute Sonny let Uncle Tabor 1 but Sonny did not hear On knd 1li on he talked He knew exactly '— — what might t6 be done and bow 1:i! and when and told it in detail' The guests did not stay too long saying they had a long way Ito 1 4 go and might better start early Sonny went with them to the 11: door and told them how to go tli:: Nexe morning Sonny had to be called four times and finally ti: forced to gel out of bed He flaes fii' late for school He had not hishomewark11edirl not illizL:i!: home the bread at lunchtime 11 if and his mother had to go for it He was late getting home" in the afternoon because he stayed to Ir talk to some of the felloos His F report Card was unsatisfactory mostly Cs and Ds "The teacher must be wrong 1II:::: Sonny is smarter than the other boys He talks like an old 'man" : 1 ::! said his mother Beware of the talker who does ':! na real work It is easy to tet intb tile habit of using words instead of deeds It is easier td draw one's breath than to use one's brains in association with 1':'r 1 one's hands Work has certain 4 pains associated with it always Talking uses energy The heavy talker has littie power left for VI actual work That's why it's so' bad- - It does worse It deceives the talker Into believing that he is actually doing something worth Iti' while Many people cometo be'Imre they have cured a world evil when they make a speech about 'what they would do about 11 1 It if they had the power t Released ' ' '' f '' ':7 '0' -r: - r 'In- -- - : lipecial Purchase Sale' t f:: ' :- :: v 7 o'::':iti:::m: '''9:: betwined :" ::::: k' P Stasi:i ba-::::- : : ZI't:::::1 11::::: :::i1 - 1 yi I :' i:::: : i tI ? r:: lit : I : ::::: we :0:104:1::-4ipse--- : I ::::' ":A vintoe4 : Aior ki it Iid ::-0 4V:i k: 44414 Pe 4--- 1 ::e0111 ‘1:fli :711: c4::1 64 1:ti-1:Zr- :l411 iv - 1! ' 3 1 tt14::iiici 4k : rr--:- ik1:1wie": " 11::':7::::: ' ::A:v eofft -p :- 74- -- re' 1 3 oweIs o0 1 s I I - - h k t :4'- '' "1 l i 't f dement Select well ripened juicy peaches cut them In halves and fill with raspberries mixed ti t ' ' 1 - ------ Tells Childrent louder Mother - Crocheted Centerpiece II It -- By Angelo Patel Two old family friends had dropped in for an evening of chat and renewed interests Son- ny aged 15 a sophomore in high school took over the conversa- non Whenever anybody tried to express an opinion Sonny did it for him and if he had the temer- ity to imiFt upon having his Fay Sonny drowned him out by the of talking expedient meticulously r Run-ove- 'Id le Talkers Useless' Patri - $4k6644 ' t ' P s ': -- City Utah Copyright If a woman and August 15 Is your birthdaythe more that yinf keep to yourself the less you will have to fear that' your secrets will be divulged Coal dwell Like jewels should be in- trusted to the care of people of If you proven trustworthiness Released by Bell i 4 - l 6t r i Your Fortune As Told By the Stars 0 6 i:i servand broccoli A three-ounc- e ing of any of the following vegeAahleswill not exceed Carrots beets peas squash turnips onions one small ear of corn and rutabagas Cooked cabbage' is another much disputed food item Some people can eat it and some can't but it is low in calories and exCel lent in the reducer's menu Usually- raw cabbage is included as it is easily digested and is a means of stepping up the vitamin C intake 'Tomatoes are included abundantly for the same reason t Since cauliflower seems to require the addition of a sauce and egg plant tastes better fried I don't suggest them very often But if you are willing to give up sornething else so you can have fried egg plant counting it 175 calories for two average slices This count allows for the bread- - or virtue special reducing would it be all right to eat some- thing else for a change Ma matter of record there are a couple of things in favor of string'beans—they are cheap --- a rid low In calories and are good served plain But if you prefer summer squash it's just as inexpensive and practically as low In calories Any of the follow '1 ar I 4k1::aAssfressie'All-:::- : Sea Food Dishes Make Tasty Fare for Summer Reducers So Do Squash andgString nBeans! By Ida Jean Bain It seems that sea food is something you are either mad about or something you never touch It depends somewhat on where you grew up If you were born ' chit-we- 2 i ' 1 1:1:- ' :::':ai::- I 6 1 ( i p i I i t ' ' light-hearte- F:' st k ' ' d most - ' tatf-eo- 'ehTersledstifelids women who have discovered how seductive perfume Is on the hair will be doubly delighted with one created especially for the hair—a fragrance that will not (lry the hair and that will retain its 'tent- from one 'shampoo to the next This comes with or without stotrnipzreiratiaeodondinrsany number iii- I- t We're convinced that a newt line of scarfs was Inspired by a !'fv lest concern lit the matter Each one Iis designed to refresh your -- 7 17Made of spun rayorrr"r---'- 1in red white and blue—and per- ' fectly huge affairs — they're printed with immortal words One carries thenational anthem in totiat another the pledge of all-bla- curtains a PtrfuMe for All the canny '' ' 1010)'''''' :''::' :' '' ' :::: t de- - mond First there's your coiffure and tweeds ':days of summer ape also thrift shoppers' opp‘ortu nity to stock up on ?little hand- paintedI or embroidered hana towels drapes monogrammed sets bed linens cloths blankets handker- The - '::-- ::: ::' N ' : ::::: neutral silks 'de- - 'resume of the latest supply signed to fill" an insatiable more - e - " '" N -- ' V ': " '' :':—i- k s 7- 4 Ai " i7:7" 7 :'': : ::':i' :': It :v:1:' :' ''''' ' ::4Eil':-'::':: - :': 4 'olll ' - 'At If we should bluntly declare'we know a woman mho for personal ego was permitting her child to be deformed through slow torture you'd be sickeneo with incredulous horror! Wellwe do! Not one—but lots of them Fond parents who all unconscious of the accruing mental and physical handicaps votch' the deformation of tender young flesh and flexible bones as they slowly conform to distorted lines of improper and ill fitting shoes w o :''''::: A'2'(: " - - Beauty enhancing Items come on the market faster tthan we can record them so Thursday's be devoted to a o ttlek ' - : ' L 4ttkwa - 11! ::' 'ill - I :::f - : t le i --- ' IC )r -- ! y - re - 7- ( s ' i r school for shoes' - -- 4 4 1 specntattilely eyes these - ' Guai'd and Mold Delicate Foot Bones l'''''' s piayftil-toi- as she tr- '' P opittesilitle Alice Horne s By Grote Grethrr -- Plentyof iook ''7" i f 4 - - ' z fellhgs-fionthbute- ‘ 1:4's:- 1:34910 : Lc —August lI6G14ToriStioloi6i Sales Intrigue k r ' - o ' ' ' y ' V i v ' Thursday Morning f 411I'rt"'vellierlr"rlitlr104 - - - - ' 4 '''' ' |