Show 4 yttovrtrrt 4ptt zz4r: r :rrr71 1 4 7' 7:' ' ' ' '' : - '''''f' Fr Recreation ' - I ' - ' t Gasokne rd 'N'1- k 1 r I t ' :4- - " an Views mat ha ' : ''''''' ''' :'' ' ''''''t' o ' ''' ' J'':': i- ':: i ' 5 4 t::: 1: :? -- s::i'-- - -' ' A 1 $ t ' 1 " d- ''' - ' ) 4 ' so 910tt ON ROPM vou SCCIAtla f : ' '' r: '' ' Oil '? 1' "' ' ' :: I ' 1 f '" i p ‘ ' 1 c- -I ' ''' 1 I )0 i: e- reuse it 3 3 0 2 1 0 ' it 21 230 0 -- 20 on 1000k $S 24 7 10- -5 i 0e----4 tderson Dunn knerus 4 Burt 'storm' Rune n Burt 'Innings d 1 3 foot to ( i ' 1' 0 f ' I - 1 :z: :: : 1 ' -I ' '' ' I ' ' ' :: :' ) ‘ ' bephard nut—By lases on 2 Bit game— ter and q i: t - : -------- ORK cA - Li r :' 2:' f 1:45) Mb :: lymna ot reit NEL BOWL drama drams 'a IL ASICSI TIIMIL 'ohm ' ' :s ' :H- '::: ' ': e st-- ' :s" - ' '''': ' -- gate )r Arnold it 1st Lady ' :: !s::::' I " Hour it Perkins Via and ind Stella IL ram ' with goa Hon 0 0 ISM I (MIL Wry 1 'sa Young johnlotl tpor newt Bob Wingy iitReinter y amour with Bob mit Ring it the Bob- ampaign mom Kim )e Day Inn °ma' Time" lk ''' LOW& sutra Writ "ilYtI fprah a new VIP park with 'Wiwi and 'enaffit--- - ARTIFICIAL A i le Masters at Now& - i Mop P ))i - 1 reheetra hand Awed mirialbea vhastra i Ivi I - stt '' - 'I ) 1 3d ' s - :30 '4 : ) I bY - I I r 1 ' I 44 l'IseL !Mill si ' i 1I - st lo the ocean s I711 11 - 'I! t'II 2 HE'S i" e'- 1 (' - ' - --- - i -- - f 1 - 1fi -IP 46 W146 allf 111' rit 4 ar 4 41 11 vss awl --154 !' st:4 i t ' ' - -- - a tIn4'tlie 4) ' tt P Jim Law r t'sv''' )r--- ' ' 1 45 s : q WEA0THERsT8HAED - - N A r- 10:i: 4 ' - - A LITTLE VIOLET- - - - es EPMINIM 'Inc ' 0 11S'ailik 44P "s 1°111 V VI 9 sit t I I Smilin Jack CONTRACT5JOY Fix Is HA5 OFFERED 70 U5 HOME iN :HER 5141P-15N- 'T ''S ' AP -v i 4 'I s'it‘ ls 17 11 4 - b -- - i il ow s- 50 S - :- ' eilt-mf- vee '' HUH F - a i ? POP iv i $row - ' ‘ 1940 r" "'"'"e' : : Cr imi‘m b Wiwi Syndicate 'Inc Matte Jammed Bina 9 X Three stages in life of a young eel At top Is "glass fish" Is transparent If a person laid a baby eel or "glass fish" over a printed page he could read the ' print through the body ' scrapbooture V "eiAlft" - No a I 7 0 °I I I -- ‘1C- or ' I ''''se s- 11 ( - 44-17004 0 ucH 4(ilf 41-1- I 1 11 DID- ' 5- ' b' ' ' --- - 11- 'ss ' -- 5 ox0 s ji d ":-- ‘ -' ''''' "42- Ott 1"n ' Bo : - aC---- 15 '- -----' 11 171L 14H Wk 1V letakezd f 9 AO v 1- n1 Iftj's 164 ii----- Tlis - TIMM! I' r 4r I Iv 1 "' -- La LILA 0 141 T - ' 0 I II i I ' By Chlic Young 111 ' - I 11 I THIZEESEVENT- Y114REESEVENTY-FIVE- FOUR DOLLARS 111111111114 TVAIWAS II JUST' A FEW SEOPNDS - - ' ---- ---- kaeot :to ' --- - :: 43 las :: By Walt Blaney 44s t's :18 — i di L l ' Pd so- '' sob's: el e'ss'fe I '' FA 1 - ' I VI 11 I 1 Arl : '' ' 1 tyty 41 so'04"' s 'III '' J ' - " on Ata ' ' - 1 - : t' i cibo:6: 7- '' V77))191--'CA- ' ' les -- 6 i 1 Ili s 4 : --- 1k -- 'Iif - - ----- ' 1 "1 - Iti '-- -' 11411tetir' :1- - - ? 4 7 v 'tEkm BuT IASI et s'''1h' ' al' -- 0 FOR 4''g --- 0-- 1"1111111110111111111 irwith 4- -- i I- -r-ah ' a lbe VONNLD 7 SOMETWING KAMPEN 7-1 ' I ' t- I F s - " - ME 7eV i 4 AVOONONM ' DEWS 0Allase NEW gp ' : ' : P' L) i' 111 111"111 : el11111 Some "glass fish" start swimming for Europe Others geetoward the coast of the United States or The journeys take from two to three years section of your 7 II - -- e tert a ot ' ' ----- the Ir tatit1 r ICanada 041 -- osesilskynozezt- Si THREEigr- f- '''' Ihr a Allsi 00011‘ Assli !avow ay ezoott" iHERETAKE : ' ' ZIONIZINICA III ' - Love in Bloom '' 111 I I - ' II - i ' :0 - n I - - 70--- 1011-'ll"--- z:41 000000me - 1 0 fa ' - r'" i : - I Nik World yell- : ' ‘ - - I 1 wiNPOw - 4 fluv - n 1 ti e i ' '116t--1" lir - I gesEs ills HERE LET ME CLOCE YOuR' "''' iiiii A (1"111PuZ — it - :0 TOP5 ': 0 05 JOY! YOU 5NEEZEP I s 11s I 111 - A ir 14py YOU MUST'VE rspEN A CHAMPSEN - "7" -) Donald Duck I - 0 0 ' :r - - ' (1i:itlok JOr5 I AS A FRIEND! R idfr a Itt4 - -- - JU5T - Is - 'till ills 4 - - -- 1i ° -- - : I WAS YOUNG I COULD STAND OW MY HEAD A MINUTE - DIME -- 0 - N kAir To - : salkalaionwialw IS-I- M ail WIlls I : ( Is EN6AGEP ilk' tic Illt 1 i -- OE m I Y- WI" ' 1(i I FOR A PON'T lit cILL- 0 1( MIIHEAP- 2 couvritht CAW SAY II II ' - N: ii111 14V pop I STOODON - -- - I 11114 - ot U HEAD-0- 4 By George McManus : '11 MIA i BODY— 1' ligrillyt : ill As ME ANOTHER RIGHT TO AHD A LEFT TO THE SALONKI THE ROPES---- " FLEW-UP-AGAIN- i S Pat' 1940 by News Syndicate CA Ina R ep OH-O- 1 i ‘ to ' -"- '" - es - IP i Ink pa pi '''' 1' 'I) ' ms - i I -e- s - It L I - - 0- — lot r(o AS4IV fir" - r 4011sekett - 1 4wNDowTHitEHRIs0A40EAS6NPIArLi0c2NKAT:7 i7pIll) ELL UP!' 0 AT LACT PE LOVE OUG PONE WENT AN '00 UNCLE A1 JACK ! KNEW Ton V--- ' WA5 I ? YOU 1 '‘''' t? :- JOY-- - Qyir asn 411111 IT 4 L a ' ALL ': i 411111r ‘ Af10$ 41 1 tre AMBPOSE SHOWS UP N HERE He's GOINI TO HAVE A LOT OP TIME ON HIS HAWS 1111111Cal 1 - -- - - s i- '0 nee TH' REAL 'THOUGHT ? OF HER N CZLt Oi14THAT I ' - OF- ' f'':-i- lel- 1 - - ' 1 0k TAKE CARE v I I ' e rtc41"-- ' s t -- 'g-)- S t : : -- :::': 4 d - ' )))---- - ' PIt ' :i - 4 91) s WORRY- - mrz uJIGOS- - I'LL 0 fii ç i I '''' :p:' ': ' FiNi5HED OUR COTTON PUTTING s mt 111K14111:60 III NOW THAT WE'VE 1 4v 1 iiittlitrittito 100- I MY ME WIPES COUSIN Aini3v2Tsieklis ( 1:4 ill er - Tor)Av-A- --- i 4 s ''s ' ' 11 4311iN v71--DOVEN- )1 - ?:ili TO A 1 V 0 HIM STOPPED AND t i II1 :4 14sir-e-- th E- 1?' WELL- - LISTe4- - - II M4'h ftnt rid NI 1 Fisher ?AA 9 :: - 's I- NiaIN-THG-NOS- CALI114-1- 5 GET CAT OFFICE - 1 IR i -- 4 : :AYA AND -8ALONKI DEA cRASHED A TERRIBLE LEFT-- iT CAUGHT BAL THI5 vEt !1 k ATsHEcrvHAMfHHEADmBEETTTER -) JIGS5 es s ' il By - 1:rl'n ' - e HELLO-THI- S Ei AMBROSE-H- E IS IN TOWN - PEAR JUST 40 e" 1ST-ART- leo 11 ' : World Righto Roamed 'tem LAW COUSIKI BOY-HE- 'S HE 1- VIOLATED PEARES'r FROM MY LITTLE YEI-- 't tI11 1i11 I! ra :'e0)- -- ' LETTER A Loow-AT- 's s II ' 471 0 : ON-- - MO Slop features Copy s ''' :o - EGEApINA--- KA " fr HE COMES TEARING AT PALOOKA ' - s ' t(S ill1'114'4 -- fp 000(- 41'i- s 11110) t: IT LOOKS BAD FOR THE CHAMP JUST GOT OUT OF THE WAY-- - BALONKI MEANT -TO FINISH IT WITH THAT BLOW-- 7 - r " I 1 : - ' LooKNNoRTITHEEDs 's 151 1 -- —3-- le e e f Nt ipAmoEse-ovureAA0- V - '!-' t H1SE lac N 11 ' st z -4 1 - 0- -- - Aa:NoDE Al - ' r- -- - - '' itir ‘ Y-"-EI-L ZR"P 4 C '' '°5:2 Iil Ititt4L rmillArirs- ' i ''')'-'- 1 - II -- - - I) f11 fp A a- e ZWEEPINoto PA NtiLiTI i ''"V)51 -- - 440 -1 - 40) - - pitktNen : 1 ' 1 1100: 4" L Il - ' Phit AV 111' I Blondie 11111 - - C 'me I - :III' Copyright MeNaught Syndicate II WK' 111111 'I !: '1 JILT -- - it ilmo JL00441- - - - v k- f' To POLICE It 'STATION ' ibbt 1 MIL::""''i I l' 11470 THAT -- --- 1 '41 be14 fitiCloNel ' a---1- IL-JC-- t 9 NUN-- ' 7 4 ii — ' —VII' Bringing Up Father uto 7 - ev MADE OX IRON AND AS DANBEROOS AS AEts RIPNO-THERTHE BUZZER--AND THE RAIN HAS STOPPED- - cm3 ' ' taPatt ' !NI 1)1 1 ''' 1 192y s' S ' Y' 111 a)ali I I - 1 11 P31 r 'ti i ! "'sei s' i -44' to '' - t t IV 14'D ''- :-- : I- - s"1 1 - — tt- UV - rihtt "' ' ' - c) ' - i i - I - to 0 t t - t a a a a -a 0 ' amit a a a a ' - 0 -- a tw161140104W Is 0 A 0 44!h A-- 4-1 " ' ( 4 '' se" 4- N ' -11 ' ' Eit 1'' - 4 t i '- 0k- - : gal : - r 1 Ilisl ' 1' 't" k 44' flo-- li ' "1 fA17 - - 44LA‘&a4o!46 i Nt SPeAK oP '154s DzNittf WtRE'B (bump À L11 - j 41:i dUS' 777 it" alrf— pHEZTTBRAOLLIoNNOK- I '7 t':t-t- -'- CAN-PALOO- I: l' idor 64 ---' i '' s ' a ': tte p - 1101b :: - t 11 4111111 ilTo-a5Vo- ' ' seo -- 41Mil Y I" '' I A 4141 SET : ' 1i' ( - - A - 1 ' WE 4 i I r-' 11 AAll sL - "111 : 7:1E1) e1--- ) --- I 1 PEOPLE AHD CAM BE SO WS CAti DIBUTI - LOT' it -- r:4 GO Gil ALL IN : -- tU NEYBR MYST IN -- y ly la - 7 0 Ct48- " A ‘1-1:- itt7 CN1T U --11-1- - '''- ) Rtt3bLir 14AVOItbOto'll 'il hl 11 ii r which starts 7747- - - ' Joe Palooka—Second Wind 74'-- At Riverside school the 'children have prepared a musical comedy "Campus Capers" which will' be presented at 7 p m Thursday is a collegemtusical and suggests affords a va riety of comedy situations All presentations are free of charge and the public Is Invited to attend - - gl T News evadleate 'Cilium) Trtbunt-- r 1114—? HE—WOULD PAYING-- - HIS SE HERE-COUR- HE PAY A :1111111h odd na000 Ott: Copvright 194u setwa ZLICA A TAM SOPTIE 1:11i 10 o I tERVE3 M FOR 1 '7 11 1111 t 41' this production sea a ' - 0 to 000- -j "" Scores of rivers along the Atlantic coast of this continent have eels which sooner or later will swim out 4- - 4( F Swim? PAY? 'OH i 1 00 PILL - 1 ' 1 - - s- - long before the original storyams goes far past the end to present what the childrenthought should ) 'take place has been entirely the work of the youngsters umler the direction of Mrs Fred G Barker 'The dialog and action the songs and the dances have all been Cos worked out by the group tumes and scenery have been Made in the handicraft class Even the music is the product of the play- ground having been written by Isoliss Ruby Searle volunteer worker with the classes l will start at 8 p m The play and is free tothe public Liberty park's final program will take thi form of a water pageant on It will tbe given Thursday at 7:15 p m a boys' swimming pool around which seats will be placed A large numfor the audience ber of children will take part 41- ""''---- - - - -- i ------ -ti LE7 INOUS-- 1 ow salmo- ' 1' - -- fii IAPit by the children at Fairmont park -- o'a 6 o' 7k'0- W''' i Cil p0u o 400 TO EAr HAS14-140US- L -- MOW I tr0 COULDN'T FEEL s: t lit fp 00 - (4) SE LOTS NICER FOR HtM HIM EAT AT A C' AP ? - Cir-- 11 OH ! MKT LETTING -- x r Can WORK- - MO EXTRA t kiD PST SeNrMES' PLL I 1 0 us' - PI Nomsems - MS 1‘41 ' I' 1 :- 00A beN414 -- 0 versionofCinderallaworkedout hht0 taresh water : ' - e as ) fesLISAP sand hatched out the number cif Yesterday we spoke of eels which young eels would be great spend all their lives in the ocean The newlyhatched eel does not I Most kinds however swim to fresh 1 look like its parents It has a water after hatching' in the ocean shape very much like the leaf of In this respect they have habits an elm tree It is thin and its body which lire opposite to those of ' tlint-tifiCi- - am kAirbt411' 1 By Uncle Ray -'--- - '' i 6 42 iL n-Salmon Pat Ott: Coryttitht al I Nitro Inoitests Ine WM - IMO' I ' Tribusto-- 1 o t St op ISI e) CI 19-'1140- ' 'f‘:r1 204''' 3 Et V di I IL c) alb ( 1940 --- ex-rits- rre "Il ' For the most' part-theto the fears between well' go A ot t Indies and the Bermuda g It the k st islands' That is the great "spawn- ‘ inround" of the eel family A — 7 Rivers of the British isles and of ' ' the continent Alf Europe also pro7 vide eels which swim into the At:: lantic 'Vast numbers of them head s southwestward and go to the very same spawning ground used by -the eels of North America! What 'a wonder it is! Millions I of eels from- - both sides of the Atlantis go to khe same region 4) when it is time to lay their eggs! ' Not all 'Atlantic eels go there - ss i' s!' s! but 'careful tests have shown that 7" is'''': thetarea between the Bermudas and the West Indies is the favorite place: What memory is it that brings this about year after year? 1' Reaching the spawning trounds 11 the female eels lay eggs In water 2 Gloss Sin 1a-0about half a mile deep One fish - Bottied by may lay from 5000000 to 15000000 one egg In athou ' BIRRELL BOTTLING' CO eggs :(3 (1‘ AID Ate N I ''4 0N ' - - -- ng's - 4r yr r-- ::: 4i 1 4 k-'IV--e '''::::::' ‘ ( - Good ' You Piday FOOD atm Ci4EAP- - ' - Uncle Ray Describes Place 'Natural Flavor ' NOT ‘ ' Where Eels Go to ' Spawn with the laY Hogenson Artists Wait Convention 30 31 Pries and mistes '19' 5 0 -- ry0 e o et SUS STATION- TEResisig I - the summer'i work the dramatic classes of tKe various playgrounds each recreation center will present' between bow and next Friday a program of some sort in which the children will demonstrate what they have learned Several of these presentations will be given Thursday among them the particularly delightful his-Cla- rk &MIL Aummam tipl 1: 14 N:9 ( "4r-- - - - 4' 4:Anitem : 0-- HIM 141 MUST HAVE DUNN° IP ' HIS MEALS HERE- WHY HMI SKI( HELL DO IT-HE WON'T EATINa AT SIJO4 wesetT !so MAkE pissinst psp4Ss- k 4 0 Climaxing - i I GOT' " oe In Forest Fire Peril - - - '114 0' r ::3 l - N 't 0 16 - AP - 4 - 11 c7 ammo 11 ie A Plan Group Of Playlets Official Describes Land Use Parley Draws Officials a : 7)(A-- c ' -- ''' ''''‘-- - culla& 51 RSA BUT I 'A v0' 4 WO:ERS 114ERE'S sokroma powc IT'S AtinrVit MAD 420040 OfEE 2 : '' 4 AWOL yOU TELCIrIP eat CM - 41-s- ! e '115"-- k OGDEN—Describing present forPROVO—Dilworth Walker rep- Tesentative of the state bureau ef est fire hazards in the intermounagricultural economics and Dale tam n area as the "worst in the personal representative of tory of this region" John A Nel- the secretary of agriculture- - will sonpresident of Ogden Lions club attend theUtah county land use and junior administrative officer Wyoming and water conservation meeting of region four U S forest -servAug - s his club Thursday at 8 p m at the city ice advised mombers-o- t and county building County Agent to "be careful" EVANSTON Wyo—Artists and Mr Nelson announced that Wil- art patrons of southwestern' Wyo- S R Boswell reported Mr Clark has been detailed to work In Utah county to study farm man of the Utah-Idah- o district announcement of a convention to settlement prior to making recom- convention of be held at Casper mountain i iin the mendations to colonization officiais which has been scheduled for Og- - Lions camp August 30 and 31 said on the Columbia river project den ie 1941 Mr Critchlow's corn-M- r Wilbur It Brown supervisor of the Boswell said mittee includes Ernest Balch Earl state artists' project at the Uni' seen Folkman V H Layman Lewis versity of Wyoming in Laramie Arrangements hsvv elscs made for Elmer A Jacob engineer J Wallace Max Aabele and Dick All persons interested in art are for the Provo Water Users' asso- Gunn Appointment of L C Forcey Invited whether active or not and ciation to discuss the Deer Creek of Ogden as deputy district ov- there ire facilities at the camp site ernor was also announced project for sleeping and cooking L "rim di em U:SED IV - ' ' 1 0the This production - : ' Whyi y - - ' '' V 0 I 4' : 7 "- - ' - rp llama& - 1 -- ' 1::1-:- t ed - TELL 1 ---1- ' HIM BREAKFAST-- -- 4 J 0 140ps cps4 Play Centers e i park—fl p m play Fairmont Band concertFicmeer park-- 8 p m - ec 9 GLIESSED 'MAT MIAs pm Cinderella - - ' h ' ' : I Is era :I 0111r wouLD :' (1 - v0 - -- - c EgO0C04 TO IT'S NOV- - 160O s e' - 'a 0 11 ollOWP4 - 16 DoweerrAIRS-- - - : -- e right: Marilyn Fish Beatrice Marie Fish and Ellen Whitmore ' riA" Fte - EARLY-- ' ''- ' l'' - Trip to Saltair Girls of Jackson playground-- 12 noon to 4 pm Athletic play day Lincisey's gardens- -1 to 4 p m Boys' play day Felt Recreation center- -2 to 5 p m Treasure hunt 11intsh school- -3 p in Play day Victory center- -3 p m Airplane contest Pioneer park- -3 p m Boys' night show and watermelon "bust" Ensign school4 p m Capers" Riverside school- -7 p m Operetta Water pageant "Beauty and the Beast" Liberty' park-7- :45 If - We sp 4 - - '' KB '::: !: '' ki: l ' t ss"sF' I r v t' t C - tor tarm and tat ' - OUT t1 rt - ST Mo Tytuttuff2422 NM A 5410:01 sun locrs Ar 'wok- Gor UP JOINT INAS He urns SO HEARTH' GONE BEFORE ' What to Do Today—Free Fun For S L Boys and Girls ON' Into AM mess -:'fIll '' s - ' ' :' ' '4 5' Presenting through a variety of6which is sponsoring the series of dance forms the evolution of the Friday evening programs These dance from its earlieet stages to dancers were supplemented by inthe present day the program at dividuals from his ownrclasses Those who will take part on the Fairmont park Greek theatero at S p m Friday promises an un- - Friday evening program are Pa- usal attraction The theme has tricia Allen Lynette Teeter Budd been worked out and the dancers Teeter S E Teter Margarette trained by L P Chirstensen prin Thomas Joan Birkinshaw Beverly cipal of Le Crist :School ol the Rose Patsy Babbitt May AnderDance who has long cherished the son Janet Rodb'erg Joy SchoenLake feld James Jensen Maxine Reynaudiences type olds Helen WhiteZona ChapFor the production Mr Christen- - man Blaine Chapman EllenWhit- Edith sen selected one child from each more Vivian Whitmore of the city playgrounds so that Carlson Morre Zether Koch Mari-thpregram woUld be represents- - lyYtFishMar1eFih Beatrice Hog -ensen and Elaine Smith —trve of the recreation department -- !IC - Mt Copyright Pisani 'Pat IL 'b -- N '1 't k':H of-th- ie i 'opssid e 7'tiL" to 1 - Little 'Orphan Annie - : -t- i ss $ -- t1 't""N: 10 '11'0 - deO à? ---- -- - 061015'4 - ze 11 a t 1 - ' Ipi I') '" :' ': i ::' 1 a5 0 t 0 21 ! - ilo r) c9 - liv - - '4 P t' '''4"k ' c '' A : ' ' Evolution of Dance IsFtograin Theme 1 n :i : i'lEALLY AO) '7- ' I ' 1 Greek theater Friday evening are left to - 3110A l - 41111 - 1 Quartet of toe dancers who will help depict the - evolution of the dance at the Fairmont park than's - - wile 41 '''' - t ' - l'' 1 X9 N 11111 ) 4 - i :1- i 04i ""4" ' ' 15--z i- N :: 1 ii ' eY : ' T ' ' - 4 ' -- ' t'4 IF 1- V Ives 1 - ALMIS pap "Is se 11111e 1 1 -:- WO ‘ ''' ''''' ' a4 9 t 4- 4 :5: : ''' s ' :' ' ' : -k 77-— 4 ' ''':' 4 4 y ' '1 '' 1 1 0 A ' - t 14: ''':4 : I' O 7 '' 0 ‘) 1 ' ' - ':1-- ' -- -- 0--0' '' ot - :: ts: i 2 :1 t ' ' -- 4 ' " s the ateur -- I T '22 : ti ' ' i ‘ s - 4 ' e: 11''' m 's' sce i e TT ': : 4er----- r s ê at4fa I0 lof 4 -- t - -- 1116- jell- ''' ' If ' e ' ) t N a q ote 0 ‘ ' 000 over four - - 7' : 't ' INIti4a diVit3r1111 h 0 ''' Mley------ 4i I -t if-IL - 1 Mc-Fe- ' r '''''' - Ming ' wrkwv444-- :? ' Ti :re's ' --- r in - ems- ao io P :-- litJaltc aktIrtoibunt- acation Time Aetivitiesof Yitung Salt 'Akers ' Bet A LIMO w 041 5n0 5rio 333 ' - - : :' ' : Morning- - - '' -- 1 I '-' r 4: I ''- ' — A ''' A A ' ' - ' ' t |