Show Wer-- 6 o - - 8 1±- —- t - -- Thursday Morning---- -- c42-- - Lists eçds-- ' ( T -- - - t ::L '7777''"'L r—besslibn Approves - Stateri I : I -- ''''''':::'-'t- :y4 I ' - - - - 7 - - - - ' 't7: - i 0 -- t if x tt r‘ 14::: -- Legionnaires of - - - 'Vanguard of State Department Arrivc Auxiliary Aid Holds Meeting - ' en U1-fill-Op- )gdenCoilveiltionlada - 4 7:"---:- E " !:': 13-1'94- f ::7 ' Augint -- - 77::: ':'':'!n'::-- r ItZIP3Irlib411110110'1104100"0401"1""PrWx - - - gakt Vibunt - t "'"': ! ' - '::'7:1:e: ''''' ::::: - ' 4 v 4— L Vlit Salt i t ' To Map Program - -- r Bustzless Leaders 'Otticers Dream Come Trite 71ter r- -- Of tockinen t t - - 11"""116'1"0"1"-'7---0CIP"-'1"ro—-"---12---:-A4--- - 9 - - ' t - "'' 7 r''''''''"""Pr l - ' - 0- d en fleet - - - ' :-- - r-s---01 WI V - k - i - - - a -- - - - - - - - e Wittri'cir- - - - eas A ' - - mmL Tribune Intermountain Wire ' OGDEN—Ogden opened its gates Wednesday to the vanguard I ii 4 :') animal conven of 2000 Utahns who will attend the twenty-secon' Tribune Intermountain Wire ie::'"'7-- N - the ' it ''''' I American Utah 'iiiiii"iii:i of pon department Legioli and the nine i'::ii:i It OGDEN — Representative live- i ”i? 13 teenth of convention annual the -- ' 0 department's auxiliary Thursday '''iiis Stock producers and dealers Wed- a " ' 'Friday and Satut:day :::::::: j nesday night approved plana for A S corn- Among early comers was organization of a state-wid- e w t t mittee to study formulate and dip- Horsley of Price department ad' ' aeminate solutions for problems jutant who conferred with comw ) 1 - ' ' ' '''' ' :'l ' ' '' 'l' tow -7' Of Utah's livestock men In the in mittee members of the Ogden le1 - -'''''''''''''''"''':1 t :' 4 :':'::::::':::::H::::::-::':- : ir 16 terest of "every man woman and :::i gion post Herman Baker post No '' the 9 for on final child In Utah" deleof 9 arrangements ' it nt—Registration 4 11""' ''C three-da- y entertainment and bustAssembled at a dinner meeting gates alternates and legionnaires Hotel Ben Lomond ness se'ssions sponsored by the livestock corn- ' fl 2 p m — Opening convention ': ':s :' ": :: :' ' '''''':r iniitee of the Ogden chamber Of-' ' ' session chateau 454 Arrange Programs Legion P ii1: commerce i: :iii the group authorized street Twenty-fourt- h of local In arrangements ti charge f 'yelat-3:15 p rn — Conference and :fCharles Redd of Lasal who for the two conventions are R C e sim4: j44 Atzik464 school Of all incoming post disserved as meeting chairman E " ': " r ' ''''''''''' ' 5r'' " '''''g iitrgr:oii-4i0:ii?''"'''''''''' k tlismann officers state' and trict general chairman and Legion :ii ::::ii J Fjeldsted secretary of the Og' ' :: ::''" chateau commander L Wesley Robbins den chamber of commerce and ''l'i " t?':-s-g:: ::: exec:ii:::x 6:30 p m—Department iJ-:ii of the Ogden post vice chairman of members the livestock commitLoutive meeting Hotel Ben b tee of the chamber to form and for the legion convention mond of the Mrs Ora Bundy chairman ' 4 " " ' 6:30 p m—Forty end Eight ::: 2::: ' Action followed an addresa by :' :!7:'''::'''?1::::::::::rv::::! 0014' 1::' :::::2r ::::::):::::::::" convention Ogden 's buslass secparade auxiliary Dr W E Carroll professor of a $'" tion a animal husbandry at the Univer- :rrIt Among the practicalrfeatures of fl:0"— 8 p m—Ball game and spegl ::: of Illinois and former dean sity Thursday's program will be the cial entertainment John Aft leck ft at agriculture of Utah State Agriconference and school for all inpat ': cultural college Dr Carroll obdistricts of officers posts' houiecoming — 10 p and Open served that Utah's farm indebted- - V ':' and the state department at 3:15 dance Legion chateau nem has increased by an average :iii:ii7 p m Mr Horsley said American Legion Auxiliary of 11500000 per year for the past Lawrence S Bell of Morgan will tt 9 a rn—Registration or dele28 years' "and there are no im- it:iiii' at a session of commanders preside ti mems for all to show this alternates ll ' sergeants-atarmgates auxiliary provements vice commanders 4 'l t bers and visitors! Hotel Ben indebtedness" The solution lies in 7l4' 1 A separate and historians e in-Olt: in Lomond decrease 'i: expenditure or :t session for adjutants service offi- !! execucrease in income he said observirg !ts t cers and child welfare chairmen ti tive board meeting that this problem particularly conwill be conducted by Amos Odd of PowUtah 2 tea cerns livestock as the IncOme from Denp of m—Bridge Valiant June Kaysville I:: d 7' - er and Light company auditolivestock is 140 per cent of that ver Colo legion field officer is ::::5 all of rium other ' by to be present to address phases produced expected fi 3:30 p m—School of Instruckriculture in the state one of these groups These sest At Hill field near Clearfield Davis county where one of tion Hotel Ben Lomond ballstreet signs in the new "city'Right ablve a crew pushes Dr Carroll proposed more resions are planned for the outlining '"'room II fi search on the problems peculiar one 'of the smooth concrete runways Right below 2iiiiN ( of officers and duties of oh :work general the nation'smtijor army air'depots is under construction - 1 to the livestock industry in the Instruction au6etP m—Eightand Forty of the buildings under 'construction are the'Ammo' n typical the problems range and regarded O Left Dice chief Chris of stands beside the one of police rear Of Political Importance enwarehouse low as- four-fol8 p m—Ball game and right lying garage foreground and 41"Si'61te"' 1 tertainment John Aft leck park finance and Organization The two conventions are ex—ta xa OWL 10 p m — Open house and to be of special political pected 2 Maintenance of the breeding dance American Legion chasignificaince to Utah although the teau herd of the legion prohibit a 3 Animal range relationships political issues into of- bringing 7 4 Marketing ficial sessions and discourage can- He explained that solution of didates for public office from holdIto 'single problem will solve the ing po'sitions in the legion organia stockman's problems but only the zation Mr Horsley indicated solution of all these problems However six candidates for the Tribune Intermountain Wire In the discussion that followed Republican and Democratic guberTribune 4Intermountain Wire CLEARFIELD Davis County—Although it iS known to many Tribune Intermountain Wire speakers cited the need to limit natorial nominations are legion OGDEN—Plans for the western that the vast desert big game on ranges to the "ecoJACKSON members and all are expected to Wyo—The Oregon west of Clearfield and south pfbgden Wire expanse Intermountain Tribune nomic and carrying capacity of the be present The six are Ora Bundy phosphate conference scheduled in ordnance depot is rapidly taking the 1QtIn of one of the nation's Trail Memorial associatioh nation011DEN---"cow was the cause state" establishing of the economand IraA Huggins of Ogden Herthe Ben at Lomond hotel al Ogden most organization commemorating rribune Intermountain Wire ic system on a national or Interair depots few realize that the 2900-acrbert B Maw and Henry D Moyle army strategic of it all" explained Ernest Jenthe route over which so many September 5 and 6 Were advanced site known as Hill field is also a national basis an increase In prices of Salt Lake City Democrats and fire sen chief of Weber county potential city Fires Ban Asked thousands toiled in pioneer days establishing" means of retaining Wednesday evening by members O A Wiesley of Salt Lake City is the b he "Cif as Already y" taking' in and Utah Utah's population department Wednesday will open its 1940 convention Sunof the U S A C faculty from and Mayor J Bracken Lee of LOGAN — Forest service ofform with street markers a police (ravel supply at a point 300 yards day in Jackson Hole recoUnted a brief episode which making agricultural enterfirises atPrice Republicans Logan and representatives of the requested cititractive to the force roadways and an elaborate east of the depot boundary overHistorians from throughout the ficials Wednesday two automobile Among features of the convenin Cache county and Logan offiOgden chamber of commerce zens of the state three-da- y the attend will which will be open for pubnation tion the fertile fields of tlinlooking which will make in of building one the of program fire a to fire cease issuance crashes and cials i Leading the discussion was Dr The group agreed that such probd this little will be a memo- at lic meeting participation tall also a installed hazards water cowtown E G Peterson president of the it the envy of other cities with They permits until present machines lems should be left for the conin Jackson Hole at service Friday at II a m in nestled rial U S A C with E J Fjeldsted e pump and hose" line two miles the foot of the towering Grand are reduced sideration of the proposed statepopulations many times as4reat The cow was straying late the Orpheum theater featuring an t secretary of the chamber of comwide committee A year from now the city may long to carry water from the Teton mountains They vill be in 4 address by H Elwyn Davis of Tuesdak on the alternate Salt merCe and members of Its agriFete Awaits ColGarland which vice John national Colo Pueblo area the legion to canal scene of the through Lake highway between the Caliculture and industries committees boast of a completed structure ter first white man in Wyoming cement mixing operations GARLAND—Wheat and Beet commander Morgan high school fornia Packing corporation plant assisting the educators in formu- which will cover a greater land Tooele Names Envoys 1807 on his way to disIn trudged s celebration will get under band will present special musica Days lation of general plans r area than any building now stand-O- n inthea aycsomwpilleltionne A special pageant-dramcover Yellowstone National park and Nyes cortier west of Ogden way Friday at Garland fora for the occasion Because of the possible loss of I To Farm Loan Meet Cost" in Utah—the massive depot manner to writattendant most remarkable at "Peace The Any ing two-da- y festivities Mimetic) "frame" program the Brigham City foreign soutces of this valuable Andy is expected to be Crouch and directed ten' at convention the Daisy by which will cover warehouse hangar work on which the will motor dealer driving along the fertilizer and its products TOOELE—Tooele county of Morgan will be presented' on is expected to open soon under William H Jackson of New York Horse Show Opens send a delegation to attend the highway struck the cow and phosphate conference this year will an area 841 by 441 feet It may direction research secrethe theater stage City & Mount of conMead to have Utah boast of one of thewest 's largest National Farm Loan association major significance of the association Jackson Idaho—The PresPRESTON his automobile turned over --An tary tractors of Denver Colo Idaho Wyoming and- Montana air meet at Berkeley Cal August 19 hangarl Its potential popu- Work on the hangar and the pioneer western photographer was ton horse show Thursday night instant later Is second automowhere 90 per cent of the nation's and 20 celebrain Yellowstone in he 1870s will start a three-da- y is to lation 2500 be estimated ' depot supply building the latter 'John R Droubay director and bile tlieddriver of which was not deposits are found HowDr the headed A include will by which tion to delegation be a at of constructed cost However the city is to be estab- Sponsored by the committee on idenl ired struck the same cow president of the Grantsville Naord Ft Driggs New York City hisFranklin county fair and rodeo reapproximately 81000000 will of todeposlished for the benefit of the' air phosphate tional Farm Loan association His utomobile crashed into the preservation flect its benefit on industry in torian president of the association Friday and Saturday its and their naticmal use and the ROCK SPRINGS gether with directors and officers not the air depot for the Ogden and the immediate vicinity will come to Jackson by way of Wyo—Meetr depot lIo and the machine Clan association of Wad as follows will attend: John Wilgrant colleges benefit of the city for its popu- as Yellowstone after accompanying s of the committees executive of Parade contractors Witness ing two-darepresentatives y Thr'ongs meet and universities the turned over liam Anderson vice proident and ond of civilian have assured that local labor— the Wyoming Historical Landmark of Wyoming of of the and two post conference field trips lation will be made up department 70 — floats than More e driver of the second auto Samuel it–Worthington both 'of LEHI to historical men as far as it is available—will be commissioh on a trip will attract some of the most Im- office workers enlisted army Gransville Amos Bevah: 'Tooele were featured in a Blackhawk the American Legion and the mobile summoned a wrecker and and noncommis- used places in eastern and northern commissioned Inscientific educational Cochrane portant ofTooele Clarence and American Legion auxiliary held encampment parade Wedne'of Wyoming force used sioned Contracts have been let and officers—only the While Gianello dustrial and agricultural leaders and Paul E Wrathall secretary-treasure- r left the scene memof A association sdaymorning on the second day Wednesday afternoon and a memonumber and to maintain workers required work is progressing on quarterto of the scene was still the at country of Grantsville of the annual festival trying rial service of the two organizamaster warehouse-commissar- y operate the airbase and bers plan to inspect the scars of which made an trail the engineer the removal of his car Oregon tion at the high school in the the and quartermaster garage Police Keep Order arc across Wyoming approixmatethe macifilie taught fire—apparRoad Action Sought 1 evening marked the preopening shop the two buildings being conSchool Head Schedules The chief of police—that is his structed at a contract price of ly from the southeast to southwest events of -a three-da- y — Improvements on department OGDEN ently due to a short in the West of official title—is genial Chris 0: $71513 a well to provide the de- portions of the state state highways within Ogden convention- officially to open at Health ExaminatioiiJ wiring Chief 3ensen said Dice and his uniformed force of pot city with water $893750 a famous old Fort Laramie at Guern9 a m Thur Sday fire the That's where city limits will be sought by depalle sey the trail was ground five feet coworters nowa totals five radio transmitter building $9750 Wednesday saw the city beginat a afternoon TOOELE—All children entering Ment entered The upholstery of Friday of immediate interest to the on- fire station and guardhouse $47- - deep in solid lrmestone by the Ogden PRICE—Erin Leonard nast ex3 ning to fill with the'advance guard school-fo- r between the Ogden conference the first time willbe the- car was destroyed but the of of thousands wheels prairuler of Price lodge No 1550 looker is the extensive paving proj- 990 barracks' and post exchange great state of the 1500 men women and chilthe and commission ' city registered at Tootle Central school motor and other parts of the alted rie schooners Benevolent and Protective Order ect now under pay This work building $128330 three noncomroad commission at the state dren expected to participate in the were not damaged August 19 and 20 according to machine of Elks this week received word partly supervised by contractors missioned officers' quarters buildannual gathering of Wyoming's i N Howard Jensen principal of Chief Jensen said capitol a his appointment as district dep- and partly by the quartermaster's ings men of the World war of $49442 the school Meanwhile the cow—reported Plans Reunion Family is of labors which and their auxiliary units building and a chemical storage directing ii grand exalted ruler over all staff Beginner ittidents who attended little the worse for her part In uty will lead ulti- warehouse $61634 andfieldand W P 'A workers Annual re County Sets Displays BRIGHAM qTY Plans for the three days Include 'lodges in Utah I ''' kindergarten during the summer drama—broke all speed limits the Mr Leonard's appointment came mately to the completion of four company officers' quarters $83- - uniori of the Perry family will takg JUNCTION — Datesjorthe business and entertainment- - not— in disappearing over a near-breregistered and prepared to enZT to 7500 395 each at be here Grand front have fair Ruler Exalted Flute for annual runways the place auxpark county and its airplane only Legion Joseph tet school September 3 hill I1 G Buch of Trenton N J The low bid on an underground Saturday according to J Wesley been set for August 29 and 30 who feet long and 150 feet wide The iliary but also for the Junior aux2 met recently with 30 district dep- No I runway the first to receive electrical distribution system was Perry' of Willard president of the County Agent Lloyd Hunsaker iliary Sons of the American Lee ' uties from the western states in attention is now half completed $118786 announced Wednesday family organization gion and the Forty and Eight of will The consist insix Salt Lake City runway g them ' structions for carryin-out the adjacent strips each 25 feet wide oveIIIIIIIIIIIIIr ' Construction of the runways is 1I P ivla11C6t program of the - coming year ''' MII an example of system regularity 1 o N and order Roles of trück drivers "botcher" Coroner Ends gravel pit operators :' ( ' 1 r774:i:'' Inquirv 777(7'T7::''S:': '''::::':ii:4 : : : gangs:- - tho- - cementmIxercrews — ' : '111111141116 11:61111111h — — I4 A workand the two shifts of W P In Cald11Deat1i 411"b“ "' 1 t ' - :': k — t d 4 I :::f: ' t - I I - Thursday's Program :: t 4- f- --- - - ::::: :' i t iA-1- ' 4' 4 : "'t iirA t :N: 191 z ' ': r 6 IP -- ' ' - - ' :' - :: ::!: ' :::: : 'l' - r I nt t r - '7: d: Colifrees Push Airmen's City Sprouts Phosphate On Clearfield Site Straying Cow Causes Two Oregon Trail Body Holds Meet Sunday - Meet in Oorden Auto Accidents by-la- Brief Items In Mountain Area's News plank-walke- Davis-- Weber feoruisaor-pelranse- - Wyoming Legion Holds Parley -- - sec-ca- t Price Elk Wins District Post o o 1 1 - 1 1 paint-oil-do- 1 11 y (d Cool Refreshing ' :: 7! ri'':::P:: I ::::: r i ' '1 ':: 1:::'ii 0:: i111' Atie i :::: :: ' - I I - AllliallIN - s ( 4001trin 4rC-- ''4) 1 ' I t : t --- blended of nisi: - A Trade Mark Rig V 4 Electrical Workers Attend Outing - S SHu 'TON Inc' cth Par OfE Mc NY C Hoboken N J FARMINGTON—Over IL— 4 11'7v1 A s 1'014 t 11 1 51 : TOILETRIES - ' ' 0 a STREET i'LOOR 1 i:' '' k ': : ::':: THE-- i' 4 t r'!:' k 4 :: ''''' " !":4 !27:'''' ':"'"'x '''':T 7 ' :' -- 't ::! 7 ' ' ' 4044b42A4CVItk'4 1iiNiak D Tal- — In quaint bottle with sprinkler top SIIULTIV ORIGINAL''t'' e !ii was l ley Wednesday morning as the cause of the death of Adelbert A (L o n) Goldsmith service station Operator The coroner Said no inquest would be held and attributed -- death to a gunshot --wound The death occurred at Gold- in Caldwell at ap- spmrolximately 5 a no Wednesday roes-and-spi- ce 91d4ashioned - by — De- - ed Tangy complement to your American charm A lasting fragrance subtly I - y:?iikiiimik '"'i's: ''ffl s ii 7' ' bottleS1" 4-- 1 ' ' TOILET WATER ''' TOILET NATE' ' 4 ipondency Coroner William given s : ' we ' It s :::::::: 1 Al" litt 1 - )S301 er 4 ' ' 1 - Reese-Pione- 1 i is 14 u '' 011: 44kok Meieeo4AvolWevwk - 1500 elec- - -- men ing and surfacing the runways' are so carefully synchronized that not a single moment is lost in the complex operations Fine Gravell Supply I ' Ib ffsA Ne0411k f'"" !'"0'L' I 4- - --- - — ' 1 1 40 ("( 0-- —5 -- t -- ifII - — ' f - r- 7 0 - - A :::i - Vo - " Cs' 7' P ' Is1:1 Convenient t ‘ -- IdiotKey QUESTION - 0 al "WM 'RPM' mOte my car run - more smoothly?" ' I It won't pile upthese residues! It even helps improve engines that other oils:hive already dogged up 71ZPtir is fops! ANSWER "REM" is a surprisinF help! 'What usor RAILIVAIEXPRESS E i - Railway Express We call for and deliver at no extix charge in all cities and principal towns Rates are economicaltootand include trical workers and their families attended the twentieth annual outing sponsored by the Electrical receipts and insurance For League of Utah at Lagoon Wedsuperspeed specify Air Express A Huckins We Phone Western Union nesday general chairman announced Softball genies and thA sports ItoC AOSPICV program Were in charge of' A L Leick and' Kenneth E Smith of I IAILAIt SEIVICI Salt Lake City 77: a - --- Shipment of packages large or small is quick and easy with NATION-WID- I - itf4 1 -- — — 4- s Machinery used by Strong & Grant of Springville contractors In charge of mixing and delivering the concrete has been especially purchased for the job The con- tractors uncovered a sufffcent -- t — HEAP smooTH 8TANDARb often makes a motor lose its smoothness is a tendency of many oils to clog it with car- bon sludge and varnish But not "RPM"! Ott COMPANY 914 ' 0 )4-7- 1 )7 It44mmee OF CALIFORNIA ' AMERICA'S PREMIER' MOTOR "OiL a 4 : -- - 0 ' t - 1 ta t '14 4 - WL a 4 k - I - - - ! - - - - - - ' - 44i 42100l |