Show - -- -- - 11 - - Thd i MarsateAtoow1 - ICourt Schedules Trial In Rooming House Case TObitua frac- CHICAGO Aug' 14 (AP)-41ho- wIng goers steadiness than was the case 'rues-da-y wheat prices Wednesday dipped banally and then held at a level only Ightipeabove the season's Moen which - a - rligitillit DeCOrso OOetittor of the Elk apartments near the Intersection of Lincoln avenue' and Twenty-fift- h street after a petition bearing names of 27 "citizens and taxpayers" of the neighborhood had been served on Ogden commission city what 60c down September 60 er December cent off soy! 5614e oats unchanged to beansto emit lower rye lq to cent down and lard 2 to I cents lower All lard futures September oats October soybeans and May rye established new lows for the season with lard at the lowest figures in seven years Cash Quotations cHtckao Aug244 1 ' e (AP)--C- ash herd 75e Np 3 741qe No 2 mixed 74 073e mixed 67e Corn—No 1 mixed No 1 yel241Ae low 65067e: No 2 67e 1 464ic No 2 46e Bye—No Oats—No 1 mixed 29 14 4129e No 2 294e: No 1 white 30e No- - 2 2914 Id30c No 3 No 1 white heavy 30113014e: No 1 white mixed heavy 31c: No 1 white heavy bright 3014e No 2 white heavy 29 4 No 1 mixed heavy 72e grade lo 29e 030eNo 280 2914030e 29el Barley - foot 33 No 3 51035c — Malting 48156e nominti: No 1 51056e 45e nominal 47e: No 1 malting 56e No 2 a No 53c Range of Ctliesgo Futures RANGE or tHICAGO rtirtjarfl Low Close Open High -- Wheat- -7314 rept nee ' 51ao 7414 75 8 7314 741 754 1172 73 74h 72Vo 741 75 5 rle ' Orchestra Plans Outing I 11 - 1 - jennette s ra Lon Carolina Macy Tripp 85 died tiesdav in es widow of Denier tochhart died Wed- II Los Anginas hospital following a woke at her home644 North First nesday former 8its was been “' Itrust et carcinoma 8ha-b10 Utah resident tomiing here trona Balt 1or the past two roam 4 s' Laks City about 15 A' '''''''‘ IA Lockhart wu bore October 2 0 ' years agO 187Thrit Almy Wyo a daughterof Alex- r' - op Mrs Tripp vas r November 24 1454 and came to Utah 1hiteirvilivtlitill MAL g 41 ri'sig Francis r '‘' j34 z to 47-- t :tn ' tta 7 ' 4 8 Tripp and G Tripp both 'of Fait Lake City Utah and Walter Junes Ar-- f:: JAI ci thur and Clarence Tripp all of Loa Angelem and a datigh- ter Mrs Carrie Dun-cla- n of Balt Lake tut 1 - k'zt a to!el PROVO--411r- r si 4 I ! :I '74ei0 Cii Y Fu nerat services are pending but will be conducteC in Los Angeles Mrs Tripp Ve directly from Germany are her husband Surviving Johann Hausmann of Salt o1081mCily three mono Arthur Hausmann who resides in Germay and Alfred and Max Hatismanu tibth of Salt Lake City: a datwehter Mrs Blse Bituteh of Balt Lake City and one grandchild 4970 Jolt's 4571 Jobe& K ss inn: M 100 Luthor 4572 1ohes 1Arther 11 4573 Jones Luther Mre 4574 Jones Luer M 3061 Eargacitt Eden 3062 Eargactn Eden Lleitt Etitun ffned 100 100 100 100 100 a 799 Reuter Kathryn 106 l 06? L1791 Richards Preston D - SZJI B 11Ex' 1112 14609 Robins ecutor of the Einale 100 of Milletra If Rob- 100 188art& deceased 100 100 L1165 Schopos Florence 1: 198 1 Wailer - BRIGHAM CITY — Box Elder Enielie A II litalfsmann high school orchestra members Emelt left Wednesday at 5 p m for a or Mrs Augusta H Hausmann 73 918 West First South street died Weactwo-da- y dnedY at 1:50 a m at her home of outing at Bear causes hicideut to age She wits born lit Btelnau Germany cording to Apollo Hansen"airectorp November 19 1868 a daughter of Edward and one of the officers in charge andMnBertha 111rich Dietrich Hausmann had rasided In salt Lake City for 13 years of the outing ooming hem Statistics it Obituaries ' earoline Mary Tripp et ANCIMUES Cal Alig14--W- OGDEN—Denying charge stand as the lowest quotations' posted liars ahnOlt a year witha house rooming maintaining 8the was On a 'modest ala tomIng troin hedgers reflecting increased move DeCorso Sam a out license city of new spring wheat spreaders and over the 56 of 1624 Twenty-rdnt- h Interests affected street was' war and the NorthArneritan surplus prob tem These sales were partially offset by scheduled- Wednesday to appearbuying inspired by the better tone of as well Si soma purchasing of ecurities mills and short covering toWheat closed dont'lower than on the charge o 2 ' :111e Verifeaday September 7214 012111 c t complaint -- as PMtP-':- " — --- - Zile Sa it gakt Zribunt 3torsung Chicago Grain L — - - - - - ' 4 - — - 1920 Kempf C M 1921 Kempf C ht 1768 Kama C II L732 Kenny Rona King LI468 King Ross 3574 Knudsen Benj 3575 Knudger Beni - 01 1 100 L1696 1130 100 LOO 36 77or L100 M' M 1: titAr 544 100 100 H 4549 Schulte 34 77 MOO L1813 11069 4626 L340 L1851 Schulte Schutt& Wary ' 100 100 1 0- - ily2ttilr Wellsburg when they yirmr Lockhart died on Decent 01e9d2g0 to Provo Mr her IT 1930 At the time ot her death ahe tram a member of the Matiavu L D & ward of Provo and had been active itt Rehet and temple work society genealogic-a- l She was a Gold Star mother having losA two eons Daniel and Georp Locboth on the in the World war khart aame day The Lockhart memorial which now atands at Midway was unveiled-bher In 1930 she made the pilgrimage td Prance with Gold Star mothers to visit the graves of her soldier sons daughters and five Surviving are three of Wellsburg: sons Mn May Boyden Mrs Green Walker of Orem Mrs Murraii Boren Dellis and Gene Lockhart of Provo: Dewey Lockhart of Park City and Bert and Lee Lockhart or Salt Lake City two sisters and two hrotharsMrs EleaMrsnor Bishop or Orem Agnes Odd Henry and John Graham of Kaysville and a halt sister Mrs May sedley of Redwood City Cal: 38 grandchildren and 13 Funeral services will be conducted Sun- ward day at 130 p 'm in the Manavu Sowards prechapel with Bishop Wilbu Burial will he lii the Provo City siding Friends may call at the burial park Hatch-Quis- t timeral home Saturday evening and at the family home Sunday prior to the seri' ices L710 r Boom& W ks Siourts Mike Siouria Mike L1091- Smith George 169 1310 100 1000 1000 306 1000 1000 1000 1000 Riddle L1698 Merrifield W G L1765 Miller Mimi Evelyn 2550 Moore Ida Mrs L1554 Romney Josephine L525 Ryan Laura B J L1087e8alter LI0I2 Sampson Louis L1651 Samuels Miss Car- - 348 151 11T 28 30 100 20 229 156 118 15 ence L1805 Samuels 1191 L192 LI93 11779 L958 586 bbe 1 01 51 51 50 100 0"0 00 117 5 100 'Lea 'Met 117 -- 113 W Miss Flor enc 1 C Moreland 1 C Moreland Moreland C I C Moreland I Morse Edna A iice B Murphy 1 300 300 300 442 I 15 100 100 100 100 03 Y541 Tripp E A 2542 Tripp E A L9f9 Tripp E L738 Vass George 1384 Vogel Henry 3768 Vornbaut O 3770 Vombsur O L1296 Vombeur O L935 Wallace Mrs 305 L1678 1000 1000' 3622 3641 348 3642 151 L1059 L1782 LI? L1444 214 1715 30 L716 100 : L717 20: L718 229 156:I L1695 1744 118 4578 74 L1754 01 300 300 442 01 75 Wunderlich 3 Jr Jr Jose- 188 188 100 100 152 100 i 100 152 117 1479 117 leo 100 100 188 1 3 J J J J 500 500 500 233 0 117 Bernice K Wunderlich 1110 37 E E E Wittig Diedrich Wittig 194edrich Wittig Diedrich Wittig Diedrich Woods Engene Gilbert Wright 100 100 50 0 phine Webb E Weiler Geo 1- Weiler Geo L Weiler Geo Welch Joseph P Welch Joeeph P C L Whitney 113 Bernice 117- - 100 100 37 too 100 00 1 188 01 03 500 500 500 233 117 117 100 Al 100 -- 17 100 105 Young Ala° the following cerificates converted (hut not exchanged) from Eureka Lilly Mining Company K p 51-i31 100 51 100 51 51 111 F11"!!!'' W 1°2 it 51 51 100 Child W l R 51 ' III Cole 100 51 100 51 Vole 11 B Cole 11 Co Ire B 600 25T 400 206 206 atterte IV " L" Mrs: D twitstilre '11248 Cole Cole 5207 8208 5209 8410 5268 IV Mar- SOO 309 309 100 835 51 327 257 327 257 5271 103 2000 1030 1030 Max 111 11138 V T 14 0 WT1 3444 Dixon B W1 Lo42 629 Seireer 3e 5045 Gwendo- - lyn atc 993 Elliott B (18 2962 4'arnsworth W c 1110' 61 Jr 51 134 100 "' 100 1799 Foreman L 1115 Hampton Jennie M 51 200-403 L H 61 51 28 nO 50 26 515 1 000 615 51 WillIam Kelsey D Kinsey 990 Kietio Rosa 536 Lusty Burt 1932 Lynch Jos C 1939 Lynch Jos C 1940 Lynch JUL C C -2-2784 lynch JoL Jos C Lynch 2794 Lyneh Jos C 2795 Lynch JotH C 3113 Martin R 3119 Martin R H 557 1275 86 500 257 51 51 51 51 -- 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 257 1030 H2000 41 80 100 100 100 515 615 -- 7)3 1041 100 100- 100 11)0 100 100 3117 Martin K 11 100 311R Martin R H 324 Milne Geo- rg- 5110 2579 Parkinton Lucy D 100 2675 Parkinson Lucy n 100 2871 Parkinson Lucy 50 2925 Parkinson Lucy ' 41 257 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 :51 51 51 Roberta lorwertik Roberts' 100 - 311 1111 ' 100 ' 38 - 7 SS 100 i -- 111 e 100 Iorwerib 11272 Roberts :7- 100 88 7859 7861 100 153 49 89 a L Iorwards Jr Robke Otto Simonet' r Ir 1000 -- I 8 524 Wimmer R 5 765 Woolley Fred R 5769 Woolley Fred 11 7873 Woolley Fred R 543 WWII John W 38 T311 31 61 el IS 100 4631 Smith Ralph 6758 Smoot Alice N 100 6757 Smoot Alice N 100 6758 Smoot Alice N 100 7253 Smoot Ernest W4000 7862 Snell Arthur I 426 338 7863 Snell Arthur Snell Arthur I 75 7864 " 600 607 Spies Otto A 7865 Sirettley Albert A 53' 58 78016 Strenley Albert A 7867 Strenley Albert A 99 415 3644 Swaim P 6 100 7946 Tidball Sam 100 6312 Trite A B 100 6317 Triton A 50 4317 Waldo H R 100 4594 Waldo B R 7061 Westwood David 100 7082 Westwood David 100 60 7870 Whittier "(1 M 1003513 Wilde W 3 Wilde 3697 -1- 000 Williams lean 100 444 4451 Wimmer Ulm 100 Lvie 100 6523 ylirrimer R 8 100 100 78 ' 31 88 Iorwerth Roberta ' 40- 141 v 1ee lorwerth Roberts lorweath - 100 (11 26 26 656 Roberta 940 Smith 51 1030 : ronrwbirt'ertitil: ": 4 51 36 Havercamp Geo 100 1207 Hughes A 22000 1030 1030 500 257 257 737 Jest Leonard 2473 Jensen C 51 100 - 61 volt 2476 Jensen C 118 51 51 VOlf 100 500 257 257 202 Jensen J 381 Jensen J C 1000 515 515 540 278 278 971 Jensen J C 69 89 989 Jensen J C 135 544 ex H C 1000 515 615 50(1 257 i257 550 Jeg H C 565 291 291 974 Jell H C 635 327 327 1012 Jeg H C 1045 i - 11 Child W e''1‘94ttot-V--t--3-- 544 100 100 14103 Smithpeter George 169 100 100 100 100 100 100 3 11762 Maaters Ira 11 L1763 Masters Ira H L1764 Masters Ira H 1764 Medley Florence L1898 Merriam Katherine L190 Child' 1111tT4ntanf Ao Emilv 1500 Lynch 3 C 4202 Lynch J C 4203 Lynch J C 4204 Lynch J C 4205 Lynch J C 1714 Martin E 1: E L552 Martin L1639 Mastera Ira H LI 640 Masters Ira H L1641 Masters Lra H '! 77 23 23 - lkveri 4i 71 Walter G Weiter G SemPle5110sex-CnteL:lit-ZJI5111- 117 691 Snow V 8 man 'Graham AS a blind ihe moved witis 12007 Knudsen Pert C 117 20 20 1662 Lindsay George fi92 r‘011848sRussteirstompookregsswimgwitss:sig vinNt Stiow16 2 'ceived her education — 100 100 L1891 Stevens R R Emily 1861 Mrs Lintelmann L1917 Stevens- Winifred“ on to Ja 111111try 2 1690 in the Logan L D S 1882 lbeyP - 2419 1001 242 2501 2721 2670 LSI 24371 198 1495 100 100 3132 21 - Xugust 15 1940 - - '18 VS -- 378 38 38 38 38 38 311 ' $8 378 161 126 29 189 20 22 37 164 75 38 ES 10 1891 20 22 37 164 75 38 38 38 19 38 38 38 22 3S 378 3$ 36 - 38 38 38 38 29 19 38 35 38 - 22 38 373 85 :31 3s 38 38 38 29 200- -71 --- Also the followtng certificates converted (but not exchanged) from Prove Mintn Company: Po' X X X fl el 11 to 1E El o a S 5 8 f R Is tit! p Fl ' 257 9 rp 11 11 Ralph tli 8 53 1 01 1 A61 Ralph G 4 51 g P4 p 91 117 117 ?hennas P 5711 Mee I 5714 Salt !Ake County : of Angelo 'KO 500 500 OGDEN—The infant Barbara daughter 51 51 : :1 two— go : Mrs Mare Eliza Thompaon 79 of 2090 and Eleanor Jensen Pantalone Of Chattel L Carrier Jr legal age Salt 200 200 Barbara 27 27 27 Pont 271 Chadwick street died Wedneaday at 7:30 Pete a M : 1 :: 1 121 121 ' Lake L702 McLain Barbara Evanston Wyo died Wednesday in an 26 26 D 28 281 Jotl 28 28 a m at the nom' of a Vv Mn t g N Salt lath Marian 100 daughter McLeod age 100 J legal 531 McCarty hospital Ogden 20 291 29 29 PI two 544y Loretta Woodward aveR25 was Coatsville N born child uesday tif5 McLeod 100 532 Lake J 400 The 50 26 26 6 w nue (causes incident to are Soybeans- -sla: 34 34 I216' McLeod J N Surviving - are her parent'three onsgrandOS VA net 67 ti 2927 Parkinson Lucy 88141 871 She was born at Fairview Utah Jule Frederick rammer 31 Salt Lake: I and Pantalone 100 100 2427 'Nebeker W D 26 26 50 ! D Doe 67 68 68 68 15 1861 a daughter of lohn F and Mary ter Karen of Gleirk 25 Salt Lake Mn Matilda Frances Jensen 11 Mr and 100 100 Joseph 2445 Nebeker W : parents 701 Pollock & Co Moo 70 70 : Irene Clement Sanders of Tulin-'rid- e : Pantalons D 100 W COM and 9 100i 2446 1 Neheker Evanston 615 A 000 515 James AnHer husband rye— Edgar Cameron- Fullmer 22 $t John Clark ThompsontColo Ioo' 100 0916 '2447 Nebeker W n 250 10? 1107 714 Badger Broil 987 Pollock & Co 200 235 $215 401I 40 4n1A Pepe died 10 yeara ago thony Idaho401f 100 10640 Markman Joseph 100 The body will be taken to Evanstcm - 35 043 2449 Nebeker W D 18 43 James A 117 Badger Ralph A 100 Doe V M 100 117 43 187 43 4314 Harriet Louise Newby 23 St An414 Survielna are three daughters Mrs G hurlat 100 W for 100 43 100 A 43 2450 Nebeker Thursday Rasmusion 189 1688 Badger Ralph 117 117 461AL Idiot 46 46 Ann E O'Brien and Mrs Woodward 46 Badger Jesse T 100 thony Idaho of 100 10550 100 A loo 2451 Nebeker W D 43 43 1030 1030 Jacob A 117 1889 Badger 117 Ralph 100 Lard-- 6644 Salt Lake Cityand Mrs Nell Binders of Badger Ralph 37 37 43' Mark Nielsen ii 100 43 L1645 257 A 500 Ben 257 Rich 526 1ii90 Raoul Badger 100117 117 Ralph A J 67 4 5 62 Homer Idaho: five 2540gden: Pot 5 43 6746 Badger Ralph 44 C Thomnson 58 58 43 -L2043 Noonan MarieS s 43 625 322 322 1891 Badger Ralph A 100 998 Rich Ben C 117 A 100 117 Ethel May lett 23 Salt Lake or Blanding John AsongL 4 77 5 44 55 6747 Badger 472 Ralph New of Thompson 43 100 L1080 Oberbansley Baioml 43 159 L Ben Wells 159 310 Brunhall Rich 1001 117 C resi117 2140 IL E 39 300 Deo 4 PT 4 75 4 90 Baker Pine Arriola Creek 10550 Ore Nev—Martin Lea L Thompson 492 RUTH and 462 482 22 43 Roberts 100 43 159 C Brimhall Ben 159 Cul '310 Rich 7141 Sugar WltiL A 1007 City Henry 117 117 100 Joe P Thompson 5 02 Jan 4 85 10682 Barclay J 1 both of Dillon Mont 507 485 dent of Ruth died Monday evening at L1437 Oberhansley Salome ' 211 21 1A? 50 1 008 Rich H Brown Idaho bon C 157 205 0 1839 A 117 117 100 several of weeks and W 13 Thompson of Oakland Cal 5 65 illnebs 10683 an )4ar Barclay after home his 01 1 B 30 70 19 30 Idaho 51 51 Parker Charles Richan David 4100 Fred Evelyn 2380 A Earley 3869 Mrs he was Reunion a 85 3 5 80 77 sister Mrs Olive Hales of Fairview 5872 5 Ally A remit:lent hers several year' 572 Onishi GuarHideo 30 70 30 A Charles 14004 Richmond 2379 999 100 117 117 P stirRetIIei— and a brother Darius Sander' of Fairat the Kimberly mine 23 Salt s Claude Aaderson Goddard employed of the Estaies of 500 113 dian 30 15 W H Child '15 111 Thurman 117 1834 117 100 Wells L sons Brtmhall and tour view 6 $2 widow 7191 hie are v rept e 042 iv ing him 880 68() Lake Koichi 41 Onlhi Masako 100 43 H 257 IL W 1 257 Robiecon Child 500 448 117 117 1971 George Wells 100 Oct 7392 Brimhall 7 00 700 700 700 Wanda Johnson 23 Salt daognters Mantiiii Jaime Matilda and Onishi Mt aka (MIMI 69 29 Dorothy 29 515 2 378 Child Ws IL 117 1143 Rollins d L 1000 515 7391 Briinhalt Wells L 100 317 Inez A mule Lake 100 4a and -1- 6obuko °Mehl 43 2 056 Cole H B John 530 273 273 968 117 L 100 117 Roundy Wells Brimhall Carl Edward 9481 586 588 Sheets-Nee250 107 107 minors 141 141 t Fatter J Co 275 OM) 254 1110 Wayne 117 117 Minneapolis Brimnall Wells L 9662 427 427 Parley Alden 01Plen 30 Provo: John 1944 Papa! 'muck J C 2121 Johnson 117 117 2098 Shores Miss Brimhall Wells L 100 11 II MINNEAPOLIS Aug 14 (AP)—Whet Alice Wray Walker 23 Provo Carl Edward Gerstner 500 500 96116 0ELINQUEN't 68 I1573 Pappas John of 720 3 17 500 257 257 2219 Johnson J C It3 Emily 9668 Brimhall Well 14 100 117 Vladimir lay r10cars compared South —Receipt Second West street AA 02 died In a id INING 216 02 GOO Mt&HifIJS Nelson Joseph 11566 Parks Elizabeth 655 337 337 117 2385 100' 117Brimhall Welis 9710 with 169 a year ago trading basis up le Raymond Ernest Battilon 21 River101Salt Lake 103 85 White 51 85 51 hospitat Wednesday at 4:45 100 1 IT Walker 1479 Reynolds J M 200 3123 Stockwell V 1 ton 9628 Chatterton W R 100 117 7 a m of peritonitis Prineipai place ot business 1111 37 T R Mn quotations 14‘e lower to Vie higher Cash 43 L785 43 Parsons 51 100 51 Warlield V Stockwell Emma 100 L 2054 Uton 117 117 W 100 3124 H Helen Isabel Matighan 21 Audi Bonding dolt Lake City 6919 Child —No at Lake He was a retired upholsterer and an I heavy northern 7214e dark 700 100 463 Patrick Wilma C 51 51 Winn Caroline C 375 160 100 teo are Stockwell V L 2307 117 there W 100 317 that 3131 H Child Notice is 6891 nereby given northern No 1 7114c No 27014e No tn active SS' worker 55 the L William C S church Patrick 1156 103 W 103 67 23 J 200 Bennett Lea Bountiful: Storrs oescrtued W 117 117 the 100 IL Child Briggs following 7359 Upon Mr Gerstner filled two missions 6814 dr6914e: fancy No 1 hard Mon William Patterson 51 51 for delinquent 100 Bernice Jeanette Dahl IS Salt Lake And In accordance with law end an 268 Storm J W Child W H 100 II? '117 stock On account of asitessinent No I Lind W tans 73Vic Minnesota-Sout- h the L D 8 church iu Switzerland mid Dakota No 586 588 7862 Jr 51 order of the Board of Directors med on 51 100 ' 269 Storm J W levied on the 14th day ot June 1940 the 9754 Clark Mar) Ohl 100 117 117 1 dark hard winter 'Iliatc Colorado hard ember William Patterson Marr Warner Murphy 29 Salt Lake 51 51 J W names 100 the 117 270 Storrs 117 the 14th day of June 1940 so OM set 100 amounts opposite 9761 Clark Mary He waa born In Zurich 01 1 65Ne: No I red durum il3a40 W Jr 141 141 'hares of each parcel of stock of said Switzerland several Condos Anse 11 216 Salt Lake 275 979 Storrs J W 100 117 117- 3 yellow 59144 061tic trad6195 Clark W W Corn—No 51 St January 8 1872 a soil of Joseph F and of the respecuve shareholders as follows L11193 Payn Joseph i- t241 Clement 500 257 Tebbs 117 952 111 100 Eureka W Lilly Coneolidated Mining Company Clark No: 6938 of it basis unchanged ing Sophia H Wagner Gerstner tar 100 Cert 100 Eirgene Carl Mangel 27 Salt Lake: quotations He came to 253:1 Pentritan G K 2122Thomas Arthur 100 117 117 Clark W 1- 1represented by certificates of its own or by lower the United States with his Amt libidos Name Vera Margaret ?Oath 22 Salt Lake 100 100 72S3 2534 Penirilan G 51 certificates ot Its constituent comPanielY 51 100 parents in Blake 117 H 117 100 W Clark 7774 ftiti 1874 100 Florence Oak—No 3 white 241a 4824710 2292 Alexander 100 8921 Clark 100 2535 P611131411 G ea may be neceasary will be gold at pub 117 117 2123 Thome' Arthur 300 John David 'peon 19 Salt Lake: 131 In 1893 M 1:15 Itsrley--35- 0 Wtt 1011 Abel Alexander Florence 100 Itc Gerstner married 16ephine 2536 Penirilan G 51 tic anetton at the office of the oompany 51 100 Blake Co1e H 100 117 117 Helen Alive Sherwood 19 Sail Lake $46 4011 04216e 340 Broberg III the Salt Lake L D S temple 1845 Alien Mark 1- 4100 100 32(12 2537 Pen1ritan G A 5110 257 257 C Valentine 925 1111 Walker Bank" Building Salt Lake 117 117 100 H 17 Cole 1347 37 Flax—Nri '1 A15412 L335 Alvey Albert R Stirviving are two eons Charles E and 100 7225 Cole H B 100 253S Penirjian G: 27 Harold Franc le Otihorne Utah on Monday the 28th day of 3548 Watmon Mre salt Sweet clover ieed—None Eugene r Gerstner: three daughters Mrs 100 11723 100 4388 Cole ComPanY 100 117 117 2539 Pentritati G Ivey Albert R 51 City t the hour of 11 o'clock 51 100 Dnnit Katherine 1ake W August 1040 B Ideara Mrs G A William and H 151 I 00 131 John L11189 G Anderson 100 2540 51 -Penirjian 100 bl 2104 11 117 Helen 51aris Johnson 25 Salt Lake 100 pay --the delinquent osetesament I 01 Mrs A J Wilford John 1110 Anderson 11829 a 100 11 brother 51 John 2801 J 51 W Weiler 100 with the cost of advert Kansas City peui2ilan13 117 117 100 3339 thereon 16 611 -lGerstrior-r-al- i 60 ittsen- M of Salt- - Lake--Citr-- 6 Connelly 100 6536 100 51 timing andtogether John Naguerta 46 Elko Nev: 51 stator al 1 1 Peniroan GG K 100 DM 117 117: 3341 Weiler W 81 expenseM Of $ale ' Mrs Deming 3 H t 100 'KANSAS crrr-Atig-1Mary Jennings of Park City: 19 L1273 Bacon Edward K and 100 14 (Ar 3112 Feint-joi51 STOBB Secretary Nev Reeder 51 W 30 Elko Weiler Ion L 3342 291 Raley 393 Desiree SisterM 250 58 14 e Bacon Einsidietri B 58 cars lower tn grandchildren and one greatgrandehild 100 100 9547 —Reireipta 51 Peniritan G K 51 Wentz To Frank 100 1111 Walker Bank Building Salt Lake 117 117 100 B W Funeral services will be conducted 100 1113 4108 hedger Jemse G 100 6599 Dixon 11 14 Pentriisu 100 Earl Walter Sterling 21 Jackeon higherreir No 3 dark hard 7044e: No-515 C Utah 515 117 544 100 (Vv 317 Whitney W B Dixon L1000 100 Imo 4100 Badger Jesse T Friday at 1 p m at 36 East Seventh G ville 100 6657 100 70e No 2 hard nominal 67trs 1113 515 515 6S5 Whitney C 100 111 117 DOM B South street by Arthur J 100 100 3116 Penirilan 72e No 3 nominal itflAa'0701iae No 2 338 Beaker R It 100 6610 100 Grace Lea Parker 29 Gaffney 4 C Peniriiati G 500 257 257 Sperry bishop 716 Whitney C L 100 117 117 or the Fourth 1 G 8 8739 DIXOn B W 100 100 red 339 Badger R IL nominal 038I4 170e No 3 6712 100 3117 Penirilan 13 iim ward Burial will 257 WAR DEPARTMENT OFFICB OP TKO C 500 257 29 728 DiX011 25 B W 29 Whitney be in City cemetery 37 Frank Moedi gifedman 23 Sandy L124 bauget it kit nito 100 100 8034 Friends may call 3118 Penirilan G 734 Whitney C 184000 515 515 CONSTRUCTING QUARTERM AITE 116 iii1 9973 Dockery Eva at 36 Elie Seventh South street 00 Leah Elna Rasmussen 24 Sandy L1420 Badger R H December 100 100 1119 Peniriian G Close—September' until 257 257 L C 500 117 769 117 100 Whitney Bunt Urns 37 37 of se rv ice a Alarm D Baird AND VICINITY BILL YIELD L924 OODEN G 100 100 StOrto: May 6914e 1120 Pentrilan 257 257 C 500 L Driscoll 770 Robert Fred Arilibruat 23 Salt Lake Whitney 100 No 100 700 Barclay J 100 100 8220 Mary L Mrs 1121 Pentriian G Corn—Receipt 8 ears unchanged nom500 257 257 OGDEN UTIll August 13 1940-4eil1- e4 793 Whitney C L Leah Patterson 21 Salt Lake 100 100 No 3 707 klarciay J A- 2 white nominal 100 9928 Fellows Dorothy 300 352 352 100 3122 PenirOan G K rino 257 251 799 Whitney C L will be received at this office IL J A 100 100 Pettit-Pa4495 G inal 6814 0691ie N 2 yellow nominal 100 100 Barclay 1123 327 Salt 635 25 L 327 proposals Jame C Summerfon Lake: 100 117 117 (Ay 1033 Whitney 100 until two (2) O'clock p re (MILT) on Ow 100 rtt 66 tic 4497 Barney J 100 10418 14Fitch Noel 100 1124 Penirjtan G 68061e No 3 nominal 6514 329 329 640 C L 25 19 Martha Madeline 19 Salt 18 1035 Bryant Whitney 1940 and then John of August 14 614 J 2iith C No 614 LOG No 2 mixed nominal 854 At 6814e 100 Tuttle 57 184 South Ninth LI881 Baftley 1125 Penirjlen G Lake 835 327 327 opened day 200 235 211 1039 Whitney C L far-thFruit E N J7 West street sopervivor of '37 furnishing of all tabor and n K L117 backer Arthur J 111 3 nominal 65 c nne 100 5785 1126 157 C L l'heodhro 300 117 117 control 157 305 mosquito Whitney 1039 Oeffas work N 1 all 8664 01 and materials for Becker Arthur December performing Salt LI793 G Lake City and former civil engi60IAc:100 11'27 Penirjian 100 9849 Glenn Florence 157 Close—September 305 157 59 50 59 2040 Whitney C A for the construction and completion 86 86 neer tiled Wedneaday Davis County 100 100 7128 littliOtall at 7:55 P to in a LI1201 Beesley Mary 3 63111c: May 54aile 1128 Penirilan G 2R1 145 145 quired 977 Wilkins R Mrs at thirty-si- x 1(10 of Buildings to Temporary 1381 Salt 4 Lake 1011 2037 (36i G Bergeson cars 100 1129 Penirpan unchanged hospital of high blood pressure 263 Oats—Receipts 520 268 the Vicinity of Salt Lake Municipal Air 59 50 967 Wirthlin Joseph 59 Mon Matson KrOW111111 25 t AnO'Brien 17 17 He wax born Septeniber 1824 Bergeson b C nominal 280i G KNo 2 white 100 7129 Alin 10t) 1130 Pelhirlian 4e lower 7 1883 at L1297 Idaho Mrs thony Halloran Lake City Utah in Ariel accordRichardPort Salt Main' a son 1131100 of Pettit' 100 Luther 2911e: No 3 nominal 2? C28 c Berryman 0 Oat'' converted and 14 Cox 14 Battle Leona Billy 22 (Icon Idaho 29 O'Brien the gild the following certificates ance with Specification No 1692-- E Js Tuttle Ma had resided in Salt Emily and Berryman 100 Milo maize—Nominal $116 0125 100 4641 Ann 1132 PentrOall G Lake 100 117 117 (boo) not exchanged I from Iron King Con- schoduke included C and the drawings menas joint the past 30 years He Wat4 a member City litre May 300 100 4649 Bartley Kafir—Nominal $10R C115 1133 Pettirtittn G of OI Dm 117 C W' Arthur Butrhinta 22 Midand specifications atinitog Company therein 'updated Plans of Hanley tioned the Odd Stanley with tenants fir 4 Fellow' G 5c 43 100 right 300 Ian No 1134 23 at Peniri lodge Rye—Nominal W 117 117 vale One and a member or the L D S churchMatti' may be obtained at the above office e') survivorship god not 100 Z 100 4656 Hartley C W M 300 v 3135 pflitrilci (L IArley—Nominal 4104712e wheat 2e Velma West Lures Steadman 21 100 117 11T Hundred Dollars ($10000) deposit N as tenants in cum Hamar 11 100 No 1" dark and dark hard 100 2753 Haveloor Surviving are his wIdow 1139 Mrs 2 P fol P I (wired g1 Sybil Jordan M 100 W 117 117 for 117 mon Reese Tuttle 117 plans a daughter G 100 421)6 to 5tie over September: No 2 hard and Pentr11460 100 1137 Mre 'Helen m i00 1 rt 117 234 Knudsen L843 bilshoff iollits C of Salt Lake City 1010 10011 11 5401 jlaveour W 14 432 Pettit' two sons dark hard le to 5e over: No 1 redwheat 4:it 1138 fqo Hi! I ' 26 Salt Lake Curtis K Perry 37 501 507 Joh11 11 Tottle Jr of Monti 4 1928 Bloeschel Miss M M G R: 100 100 6102 lielbig Henry 1139 2c to 4e over: No 2 red Pie to 3c and Thomas oitntlfiil 4K 151 Adulation Lucille 2 M 1K1 DeGramo bloeschel Miss ' Xleorge '02 '4080 L1776 Illetophill to of Salt Akio Lake City: two sisters No 2 white corn 100 Pike 100 1140 Pentrilau U K over Li 117 r 117 58 58 Mrs Ltiella Voorhees and Mrs D Olsen 1350 Bowl' A thereto:a G K': 114 t Peuirjtan 100 100 over No2 yellow corn 5ikie to 63Ic t: FUNERALS 117 117 100 1 01 of &lent' 8447 Munger0rd E M and lour brothers Fred and L1724c1own A Clarence '1142 Pentritatt G K 100 100 over No 2 Mixed corn Vito to 6140 over M 117 100 E 117 100 3835 Briinhall WeII L Lloyd Tuttle of Mann Lawrence Tuttle 1143 Pentrilat4 G liungerford 100 100 844S Motion & Co of Brigham City and Bert Tuttle of Colo-rati- o el gi 3836 Brimhall Wells L 100 8179 "" 100 services for Mrs Mary 1144 PentrOan G K 100 BOSCH—Funeral 9 L Het E F 100 117 117 100 1145 PentrOatt (1 3437 Brunhall WeU Rock Springs Wyo Winnipeg Bosch will be held Friday at 2 p m 100 100 x 117 117 100 100 3838 Brimhall0 Wells 7264 Johnson J C G K 100 100 1:71jnu" from the Neil O'Donnell mortuary 1149 PerOritatt WINNIPEG tig sod Mccs Ws Itsr of Rock Anderson—Mr : r4 117 117 100 19 William' B 11945 Burnell 7300 Johnson J C G 100 372 East First South street 147 Pentr0)01 14()Wheat futures held at minimum levels — chapel August 11 Vtaprifigg dsughter c 117 117 100 and' L954 Butler James 7541 Johnson J C call at ths mortuary 1148 Pellidialt G 100 721elici Blackusil—Mr Friends 100 may Cash wheat-- - No I uortheru Mrs Thomas of Suand C 300 117 117 J Butler Stella J as 3149 Pettirjtan G 100 100 79:04 Johnson Isla Z fiftlac Wt ll 65k1e chapel Thursday and Friday print 100 317 117 perior August 11 tenants J C 38 $ :38 Mrs Leota Trimmer Johitimit 42 1833 Joint 100 to funeral hour 100 6912 A Ikerna Joggph Interment will be 100 8293 Johnson '3150 Penirilan tl Oats—No 2 white 29chlo 3 300 HT 117 31 8384 Johnson J C South Slate etreet died We'll'sRAY at 7:05 J911ePh dont of survivorship Vi G 100 100 the at 8919 100 l$40118 6 Pentritatt 311 cemetery City j 11'1 TOO J C as 117 tenatits-not 1- 1-1n A mandi inhume and in & Salt Lake 8308 11)11 14m G Osmond 3152 8001 Ain Wyo ot an for Mary Ana 469 common g J C 100 117 117 469 '1 3153 Pettirjito: 220 600 226 BUBNINGHAM—Services Inez Kolght 100 300 8397 Johnson Gir la Penirilatt G K Erricson—Mr and Mrs Letateof Osmotic! embolism Barrett Burniusham Of 249 Orchid 4:1 100 117 117 37 43 11990 Bottle Leland R 8398 Johnson J C She was born °Hotter 18 R L 114 3154 Penirjtati 0 100 7814 Anderherg 100 1897 in 11 held Will be Thursday 1110 place age SE 317 117 daughter August 17 Johnson J C 17 Salt Lake City a daughter of J- - J and 1712 Cannon Mn Martha K (1 3155 100 100 8399 3991 Alt Mary C A 48 at 4 p m In the- - Bountiful First 314 Mogom — The Moroni stake Howell 100 100 117 117 J C Emma 100 3158 Pentritan 100 100 a4110 inhillOn Trimmer and had re1835 Badger Ralph A 100 38 Pentritao ward tabernacle Bishop Amby Briggs 100 117 117 38 1550 Cannon Mn Martha 38 8401 Johnson J C 100 Cleaner Girls accompanied by FOR the blessed event 'consult tha Juvenile sided in Drysdale Salt Lake City all her life She 3157 Pentritso G K 300 6565 100 Ralph Badger Friona' may call at 88' Howell 13 officiating 100 317 117 J C 38 wax a member of the McKinley L D S 38 '71 3158 Pentritan G 100 7092 Badger Ralph A 100 100 F4403 16h1130ti Shop 21 P lit So Evening appointuntil their leader Mrs Leo Morley left Feet Seventh South street 4 1681 Carten Harry Johnson 300 117 117 38 38 J Avail your- we rd ments gladly-arrangG 3159 Peolnian 100 7450 Badger Ralph A 100 100 8417 "1 S 317 Wednesday evening and at the home C 117 L840 Christensen John Johnson J 117 100 38 377 38 RS22 A 100 summer our are annual self of for G plan 3180 300 husband 7480 A 100 her Surviving Orson Pentrtian layaway Ralph Tuesday Badger qteir or John her W Burniniham 'son 1110 86 86 LI777 117 C Mrs 117 J A 38 Johnson 38 Coltingon rohnsoti A 100 her mother: her stepfather Wal- 3181 PenirOatt G 100 - 100 10900 7487 Badger Ralph Bountiful 90 Chone Thursday from 10 189 105 105 outing which this year will he Liman John 32 32 ter S Knight 85 three dau tors Althea LI 1110 3182 PentrOan G 7818 Badger Ralph A 300 100 6099 Levander13 i'11: until Urns of services Funeral direot 47 L1967 Connor Ruth K 32 100 117 117 Marie 32 85 3183 Pentritatt G hold in southern Utah- - The group Divorces 7817 Badger Ralph A 100 Beverley Mar and 100 9551 Levandsr B M Louise hyllis 'L tors Deseret 511 M A mortuary Cook 117 Keate L1387 117 300 Johnson all of Silt Lake City 500 189 189 3164 Pentritan 0 K 100 7053 Badger R H 100 9552 three CALM will visit Bryce's Zion's and the 188 100 117 117 188 80119 38 tO—ITR—ELL—Pungrai servicei—Torr Xlisa Robert Lowell Donald Lee and an L1221 Courson Mary Lindgren 3185 Pentrjtan G 8184 Badggr R IL— 100 38 too 9809 loo W Lake 100 C 117 4827 117 Salt Craft 100 Jos 100 80019 of Draper George 378 Infant all of Cottrell bells Lynch T 378 ago Bait Lake City County Orgill 100 7988 Blrtlett a step100 3198 Pentrjlatt G Grand canyons 100 4340 Cullen James 100 117 117 100 189 189 McHugh E M 10780 will be held Saturday at 2 P to Dowdier 500 86 1187 PentrOan G 52:44 Adolph 100 daughter Mrs Nina Johnson Boggess of LI581 t 100 Una Duncan Burard from William Les- Union 3 M Cullen James F 03 117 117 1 100 F 38 38 a 10781 the Mellugh in With First ward Ino Chapel G and BrImhall A 100 1168' Orson stepson 4:mo 100 Draper PentrOutt ter Buzard cruelty Johnson 30(1 1718 Culp Reed C 117 117 100 38 of Salt Lake City 1189 'PetitTao G Bishop Reid Beck officiating Friends 100 5016 Brunhall Wells L 100 38 100 10782 McHugh C F M 100' 212 Myrtle Adamson Dobbs from Leonard Jr 100 1719 Culp Reed 100 314 1170 PentrOatt G K may call at the French room In the 100 100 6084 Meyers Mrs Helen 1418 117 212 18 E Dobbs cruelty Brimhall Wells L 100 L2-15017 586 117 Day' George B 11215 G K 1171 ?8" 100 mortuary 36 East Seventh South' 18 100 PentrOatt 5019 BrimhallII Wells L 100 100 W 4543 De Hart Wm 300 117 117 100 Zink street Friday untit 4 p tn and at 1172 Penithan 100 100 10753 Nebeksr 38 18 6377 Brimlis Wells L 100 100 4544 De tart Wm P W D 117 Nebeker 117 100 the home of W A Cottrell in Draper 10754 Carbon County (1 K MO 173 100 38 38 Pentrjiall 6378 Brimhall Wells L 100 1011 4545 De Hart Wm Park 8253 1174 Pentrjlan Irl Los ANGELES 1II))) Friday evening and Saturday prior Cal 100 38 88 L Z3rrnhI1U Wells 100 Aug 6725 Wm margaret to Henry from John HelirV De 100 Hart 117 4540 100 117 100 F p to services Funeral directors Deseret' of Edythe 106 1175 SO body Zink 0 100 John ao Pettiritao who L 81 died Wells in Lon wilful failure to provide 7818 Brimhall11 UTAH—Partly cloudy Thuradai and Win P 100 4547 De 100 3178 Peolrilan U 100 of causes incident mortuary 100 8270 ParkinsonF 30 30 81 to L1899 De dart WARN L Brimha 1819 Helen Kaye Underwood from Maynard Angeleswill Monday Wm Friday slightly cooler Thursday 33 33 P Hart 117 100 117 G 3177 Peoldian Edythe be taken to Salt Lake City age 100 11 100 278 DRAPER—Services W'ells for Emily Elisabeth ' 378 Br3mhe L2066 Underwood 8058 Louis ' cruelty 2347 Diamauti 14teVe Nevada and Idaho—Fair Thursday 13'17 Utah where gravenkle 3178 Pettir1186 G 100 72 100 10347 Pattermon funeral services L1055 74 Emilio 190 Ceveria 7821 Draper will b conducted Thursday 1 Cherie Petittt from Carrie T NOW 01 LI799 Diamand Steve asd Friday normal temperature will be conducted Friday at Mt 3119 Petilrilan G K Nilitabeth 117 117 100 100 100 a 62 62 the Larkin mortuary W 11 at nt at Cheshire 165 civet 7711 352 I Edward LI058 35'2 cruelty Dickey' G 3180 Peoldian 100 100 117 117 100 6230 Pett Imer Jr 38 Wyoming — Ferny cloudy Thursday 38 260' Eaat South Temple street 100 Leland 2633 Child W H Grover from Lucille Grover cemetery 100 1380 Dixon R W v chapel 100 Hour of the nervices will be announced 3181 PentrJian 0 117 211 and Friday with local thundershowers 100 Pett Imer Jr 100 11 100 38 6260 follow In St will John Interment Child W 160 4861 W B Dixon 100 1390 100 cruelty later in Solt Lake City west portiont cooler northeast portion 3182 PentrOan G 100 100 117 117 38 100 6268 Pett Imer Jr 38 Utah cemstet7 under dinette of loo H Leona Halvorsen from Joseph Halvorsefl 4934 Child W W Dixon 100 100 Mr V9I Zink was a former resident of 3183 PenIrtian G 100 100 171 117 100 6275 Pett Inner Jr 29 Thursday 29 Larkin mortuary 77 Child W H 7829 wilful failure to provide 19112 Dixon W 100 B 100 Salt Lake G 31)14 Pentrilan 100 100 117 117 Pett Inter 100 6472 City having been employed 29 EDWARGS—Funeral W Emer29 W H 78 Child W from Ralph Emerson B 7830 100 Dixon Sophie 1396 100 Hazel seryiees for in the now defunct clothing firma of 1185 Penirtian G Weather condillone reported by 11 100 117 117 100 6515 Pett Imer Jr 29 29 )100 78 son cruelty 7881 Child W H 100 1397 Dixon B W Clu ft Edwards will be held Friday 100 J P and Gardner and Adams eamither bureau Auguat 14 3186 Pentrtian G 100 100 117 117 100 6814 Pett Imer Jr 38 W 38 Christine Torment° Grosso front John He wasGardner 100 1405 Dixon B W 100 100 R655 ChII It 2 p m in Provo Second L 2 S a buyer A long 3187 Pitnirtiati G 117 of low pressure extends Paul liner Pett 117 100 Jr 100 100 6815 trough B W desertion 3R Gross° 38 Dixon H 100 1310 W 1406 ward chapel with BIM!) 100 61118 Clark Mr Zink moved here from lett Lake Esti Lewis arum 3188 Pentrjian G K Montana eastern 100 '1 100 100 117 117 southwestward 6818 Pelt lmer Jr 3R 36 100 Shirley Larne Woolsey from Myron Ben1407 Dixon B W 100 100 Friende may call at the 6180 Clark W H officiating G K City 12 years ago 3189 across Wyoming and Utah to southern lamill 100 100 117 117 100 6819 Pett Imer Jr 29 100 29 Woolsey cruelty 78 1408 Dixon B W Deseret mortuary in Provo on Thurs 100 Clark W His wife the late Laura L Zing wee 7815 G 3190 Imer tislifornia Pressures are generally high 117 100 100 100 Pett Jr 117 Penirj1416 6825 Devetta Henningson from Grant Henning-so- n a F 29 29 William L802 Dixon 78 7836 Clark W H day end at the home of her parents G ovor western Oregon 100 3191 Pet111148n prominent worker in the Salt Lake 100 117 117 and Washington 100 6879 Pett Imer Jr desertion 715' anti Dixon Mrs EIIZ Mr and Mrs William CIO 3651 Coleman Anna 270 102 102 tarian church until her death in 1924 31112 Penirilan G Scattered light showers 117 117 100 occurred over 100 100 8751 Pett liner Jr Norma Juno from John Juvan Jr sheth so joint ten- We Third Soutn street in PrOVOt Coltman Anna 751 2S4 2114 3652 are 'three sone Ralph Zink H G X 3193 100 Surviving 117 100 Hart 117 Peuirtian 100 6937 Wyoming and over the mountains of south Pratiey with right of y ants 64 64 169 to Coleman Anna' Interment lervites San Cal 4002 of Friday and prior K end Diego G ern and central Utah but recorded amounts emelt Jack 3194 W 100 100 Ray 117 117 100 8646 Price Harry Pentrjlan from Louis Wilbert Zink both of Loa 115 Aida Evella Wahl not 65 in the Provo City cemetery Funeral survivorship and- corn4130 Coleman Anna 172 3195 Peniritan G of precipitation remained mall Tempera 100 Angeles and a daugh100 117 117 Ion 10586 Quinnev S J as tenants in 52 directors Deseret mortuary of Provo 4264 Coleman Anna 13R 112 ter Miss Norah E Zink of Indiana Pa 1110 turns over the plateau region remained Wahl cruelty 3196 1)44ntrit8n G 100 9526 Rosenblatt Binme 100 117 117 151 51 40 Mon 40 105 Anna Coleman 4414 3197 Penirtian G K 100 FROST—Funeral services for Mrs Leilthl above normal with highest temperatures John 100 8650 ftebanius 501 11123 Dolled Teresa 58 4511 Coleman Anna 400 151 151 3198 Penirtian G over Utah Nevada and noulbern Idaho Divorces 100 100 117 117 lino 100 Fanny Frost who died August 12 at' kJ W 100 Doscher 1724 150 150 100 398 Coleman Anna Bosch 4570 G 3199 234 Brunswick court to as 100 will be held from about 95 degrees Penirilan 100 9717 Simonson' John G100 117 117 4572 Coleman Anna 300 113 113 Mary ranging high 100 3600 Donegan J W 100 oo bP't 587 G 3200 aa 105 degrees at Greenriver 100 Smith at the White Chapel mar-Fred I 100 6409 Pentrjiatt Thursday 311 W J 100 3007 38 too Dutiegan 100 Davies E C SaltLako 1685 G Funeral 3201 County Mrs services 100 for Balt Bosch street Ms data 37 Fourth 124 for Lake 32 East Penirtian 100 37 Mary 6091 tuary Snyder Brig Comparative City: '100 315 :loos DUnegan 3R J W 100 1 R27 Davies E C 100 100 100 9509 Snyder H 0 100 117 117 ginning at 1 p m Ruth T Roberta from Griffith T Rob- 47 who died in Denver Colo of a heart Penirjtan G Degrees Bishop Parley 100 3609 Dunegan J W 29 29 78 400 3202 7R3R Davios Z C Ks Eccles 99 ailment Monde) will be condutted Frettay will Swan 3203 1)40 he Pentrlian George-14in 100 of 1709 0 the eery' 6105 rts nonsupport 1709 charge Highest temperature Wedneeday 56 W 100 3610 Dtinagan J 100 7566 DowterA H Av1nno 37R 378 at if D rn at 372 East First South ices Friends may eall at the mos 3204 Penirtian G in this month since 1874 100 102 100 8129 Thomas Arthur 100 117 117 7059 J W 300 3611 Dimegan 100 G 189 189 500 - Highest street G K 1er Lowest Wednesday B 100 89 61 3205 R Walton front 52 100 Pentrilan 61 9188 evening Wednesday luary W 100 J 3612 100 Dunegan G Burial will be In 'City cemetery Friends 3206 Penh-pan- 100 t 100 42 p m also Thursday from 10 a m Lowert this month since1874 6106 Whelan Paul 453 512 532' 7797 Elton Jame& 0 500 189 189 100 3613 Dunegan J W 100 Farnsworth 84 3207 Pentrjlan G Mean for Wedneaday 100 until time of serviess Interment is may call at 372 East First South street 100 7248 Whitney C L 100 117 117 7683 W 100 3614 Dunegan J W 100 02 H 2 32011 Penirtian G the 100 75 L 100 Normal C 117 117 100 7353 Thursday and Friday Prior to services City cemetery W Whitney J 100 3615 100 Dunegan Mrs Bosch was bora in Iowa on April 3209 Penirtian G 100 Imam 100 9891 Winn Caroline C 825 966 960 7313 JFeatherstone or Carl Edwarcr 101) 3616 Dunegati J W 38 GERSTNER—Services 1011 100 38 F 15 1853 3240 Penirtiatt G 100 Total precipitation for tho 24 hours 100 7 Dunegan W 100 361 Gerstner of 720 Smith ileoond We J 100 60 E 80 or 150 J 7440 Peighn 0 3211 Pentrtian G 100 Also the following certificates converted 100 Surviving are her husband John Bosch ending at 530 p tn 51 street aged 68 will be bald Friday 51 Ebert Henry F 53 53 140 J Filed 7841 of' Salt Lake City five daughters We L1459 Feightier K G T New 3212 Total for this month to date 100 Peulr1186 not 100 (but from 51 at 1 p m in the Rom roOnt 38 51 it Tintie O690 Flowers John H 100 1111 Ada L322 14arrar 36 Marie Overarm of Mercur and Mrs Dorfor 100 3213 Penirtlan 11 100 Consolidatedegehangid) Accumulated deficiency 100 4820 Felt Victor P East Seventh South Bishop Arthur J 100 Mining Company 28 75 28 7642 Freeman H H 37 Third District Court Line month to date 3214 Ponirtian G K 100 othy Schaelling Mrs Alice Powell 100 8 100 P Felt Vidor 4821 Friend' may eall Sperry officiating 38 38 prg 100 Theodore Geffen 6908 Bosch Bosch Salt Gloria K 1 G and all of Lake L2045 Felt Victor P 85 100 3215 P6610646 Total ines October 100 date12 56 in the Continental room ot the mortu58 tna Men 38 38 n of 100 Theodora Credit Aesociation Intermountain 8909 Gallas 0 Arthur Bosch of Mer 100 3216 Pen1r1186--1Accumulated deficiency eines OctoCity and five son 100 3754 Finn A Co Alex V 100 100 94 ary until time of eervices Funeral di' 94 c Theodore 250 g g 7021 2 OS vs harry D Morris et l 8300615 on cur and Henry John Gael and Duane LI938 Germ MO 3217 ber 1 100 Pentrtian Fit d GeN rectors Deseret mortuary 38 IS 100 4042 George L D P g Bosch all of Salt Lake City Sun rises at 5:3S anti lite at 7:37 note 321 A Penirtlay G K 100 4 100 PI X M 117 trodezgeral 117 Samuel 7544 Glenny HOWELL—Funeral services for BenlaMin 3219 Peutrtian G X 100 100 Thursday August 15 1940 11492 Foray Gliy V 1173 1171 154 169 14 C 169 44$ It Howell will be conducted from the G i3220 100 Penirlion 100 cG W 37 37 1688 Weather Ohnervations Talon Wednesday Bankruptcies Federal Court Gandenberger : Goodrich Masonic temple Thursday at e p 1845 Marie Abe (° Henry 3221 Pertirjlan G K 109 100 L1800 Gandeliberzer G Wi I 01 It 5:30 p m Mountain Time H R 430 162 162 'in charge o Acaele—le4ge—No17' Cecil Wheeler miner Park City 6701-5- 6 PI 3222 PenirtIgn G K 100 100 : 675 Gardner Mra Anna B ino too w debts 850 assets no exemptions G K 11 3223 Pen1116n SAL1NA—Mrs 100 ' and the grand k!elge of 100 eyt Johanna Marie Ahe lin 17 1104 Gardner Mts Anna Pl IT Utah and the Rev A E Butcher: 68 181 R2 dietDeeds y at tiltB9911 n0 784sGrimec J W -144744 44ed L 1:4m Friend!' call at Evans Is Early '378 G H E may 81119 3225 1510 Havenor 1000 100 376 Wife rti flintlock foilowlitg a Penirtian 100 gi 209 Greenhaigh Dave 100 N e178--6 rte—Ciir 1r oa First South and Sixth East streets 3224 Pellirjintl fl K 100 r ton She had been stroke sitflered Monday 8043 Bayonne H EP 1000 378 378 100 Dave 210 Ordenhaigh 100 : A v a 4 and II le 104 H between 378 G 100 3227 Havenor 378 Thursday 11045 23 with her too 1000 since Iswing 0' "m 1'1 181 Greenhaigh Dave 34 34 July Penirjian i: daughter Ca(lon El Interment private 1228 Penir9a0 a ion 100 8049 Ha venor H E 1000 378 378 coming here from her home in Emerv 11644 01- 11Hezenhvh- - Mrs' i- tag 04 Building Permits : 4 H 378 3229 'JAMES—Services Mrs was Morn S047 Abelin ht 378 K ion Pentrilati M 100 Elisabeth 760 1 1711n E1000 for jiavenor Ball James Btanchs Brigham City : Arthur Christian oWrier: reehingle i14 'Pr ' 19 Chas 19 3210 PenirlOurt G 100 50 29 1857 and In 1860 the fam100 2680 Alexander will be conducted Thursday at 3' L12911 Hanka Rowan& 425 6409 Hewes Mary C 425 850 September residence 228 Edith avenue 8 1 51 R a 100 51 189 189 3231 Pontr1lan John 100 Hines 500 to p moved first m 100 1512 in Bantleø county John ily J Larkin loo 1535 the going 100 p resiehapeL Harvey mortuary C F Fisher owner: reshinele 2541'Al1en Amanda 1571- Hines John 3232 Penirilan G 500 169 159 to Ephraim and later moving to Mayfield 100 ' 100 17 260 East South Temple street Bishop 17 L494 Harvey John J dence 988 South Fourth West ' Ines Knight —1000 515 515 378 I89 3033 Peniritan G 1( 2 648 Hines John 378 100 1000 She had resided In Carbon and Emery E ion Havenor Gordon 1447 100 Affieek Burt 11? It )11114:111"1 street officiating 125 gre'lIY 3234 Penirjian G 109 100 3491 Allen Ines K1000 615 515 2649 Hints John 1000 378 378 counties for'the last 35 years 100 1448 Havenor It E Friends may rail at the mortuary 100 Fred Pepper owner repair Ware51 100 189 3235 Penitlian G 500 She was active in the L D ft choral 100 189 H F1 100 :1546 Arnold F 2650 Hines John 50 L70 Havemor 50 and Wedneaday from 4 until p 401 West Ninth South house 51 01-S51 Jesse T 100 189 180 G K" a member of the first Relief society 500 84 John lines 100 3236 Badger 81 3487 I 4 E 77 231 Butte Havenor Peuirjlan L1253 being from It U m until time of It Thursday st reet 150 that was 51 51 2754 Badger Ralph A it IIN ett'221 00P sly DeWitt Bailey owns: 500 189 189 90 3519 Hines John 18 18 L981 Hewn A D services organised in Rennet' county and Interment Bountiful cerms Cheyeee reel 51 repair 100 51 2228 711 189 Began 500 21 lim 84 since George John 3218 PenIrlian 189 100 1 4033 Mimi 100 several church offices 01 that L1202 Hewes A D terY under di:action et the :Arkin Chicago 150 holding dencs 256 lows street 648 Barrett Dorothy 500 257 151 3239 Pentdian K 14046 Hines Wm 00 Ciy 500 180 189 6 100 time 100 94 100 65 loo' 2528 Hewes Laurencei Pena 100 mortuary 3240 Penititan G will 87 00 P cly 100 500 189 169 NATTBEdd---Funira07 - 8 00 be conducted 2651 Hines WM 100 2866 Bentwet Kart A 500 257 251 Funeral services 100 'Deliver 2529 Hewes Laurence I 100 Deeds l services for Isabella Warranty 212 Billings MrsW G K Hoover 2 p in In the Emery L D S 3241 Pentr1144 00 Mr 95 i!' 50 100 at 91 100 ewes Laurence I 100 jameg 7951 100 2530 Pito Thursday StabbaM Nattress will he held Thuns 257 2 57 a rt I 031)0111 100 8242 Pentrifan G K 001P sly Augusta Anderson to William Gar01 ' 15 100 17'25 ward chapel under directivi of Peterson 100 94 03 ElY 2531 ewes 1eurence I 100 at tn e in the Twenty-firs- t Wells Y day 530 p 515 Brimhall 515 13 G L1000 00 3243 block Prank K Stetoon 6 p lot 100 rick 67 53 ewes Laurence I 100 98 100 oly 1960 33 Penirpan 04 Jot mortuary ward chapel tomer of First avenue 111A 10 2015 Brimhall Wells L 500 257 257 Trustees 82 8 111111 Pentrilan O 1C"" $13 97 10S ewes 4111111M ' 54 22 001013 Laurence '1 LI088 plat A — X it and Gordon Burt At-51 L ohn'A Wells Brimhall 100 Docket Bishop A 51 2195 to 26$1 Hattie Decker with Rumen 100 34 F 34 J r 100 Pelt ‘ 77 59 ' 74 '' 10 t0001141 Mary Kan City ee dory ' fleck officiating Friend may call at 51 Hoover et al 269 Pet F Rumen 100 lot 2 block 8 City Park sub- '208 19 i 911 ' 8 00 Cir 100 2198 Brimhall Wells L 100s 51 Jr C 234 L Vegas LI254 234 Larkin mortuarY 280 East South Tem 51 51 Brimhall Wells L 100 10 dated Nov 28 1°00 310 Pelt F Rumen 70 division 100 7 L899 polbrook Willard A 6 1 Lot Any 51 pie street Wednesday from 5 until 8 2118 Brimhall Wells L 100 51 500 189 199 311 FOC F Russell 1011 188 1933 100 American icceptance porporation 67' 27 001r 188 9 aervices for Milford oltoorsvmus — Funeral CI 100 'p In and at the residerica 53 14 Brimhall Wells L100 38 -- 38 312 Pelt F Russell 01 J 2002 Johnoon te Joliet N Pike lot S and west 100 8 944 100 M 14 17 B9 P 54 former Utah Frank Fenstermalter street from 1 until 5 p in Inter ' 51 1 38 51 313 Pett F Russell C': 9 7524 Johnoon 100 58 7 100i' 38 10 feet tif lot 8 tend sae 20 feet 100 3707 Brimhall Wells L 100 TA L12 87 Rushee Mary V 144 minor who died Sunday in Butte Mont 6i 0018m NY tit trent in the City cemetery 51 51 389 Brougn Barton 11 100' 500 189 189 34 34 10 will be conducted Friday at 2 p in in 7604 Johnson J C 00 p lily 100 196 Pelt 1r Russell S4 of lot 19 block 4 Douglas Park 1509 Hurd Frances E ST Omaha IA 00 Pett F Russell 1625 Brown Mr M A 200 '103 103 Z 0 O 69 69 117 7893 Johnson J C 500 '189 189 TAITEltiturleral services for Ws Jo: 101 Rome Board of Utah 8 AO Or L1901 Mt Ellie Riddle 117 the Grantsville Second L D S ward 79110 Johnson J C 2951 Camparano Tom 500 257 257 37 37 500 189 189 1114 Pett F Russell — 257 haunch Hansen Tayler who died in 26 00leir 2 to Ruth Taylor Cornett 'sotto"' Menet Burial will be in the Grantsville L1044 Jacobs Shill 38 38 San Francisco August 11 100 8339 Johnson J C 75 100 4115 Phihba Blanche II (4 7n 30 township 31 ottuth range A L2002 Jenkins H C 100 2146 Champion wiii be 90'Clp cemetery 51 C 131) 51 35 100 Edward 38 a14 J 11 00 P ell? held Friday at 12t30 soots In the Johnson WealZy B 42 17 100 8428 Mra 42 east 100 Phihba Jena Blanche "' 11031 State I at Friend" 144SBo3titcall may : 2 Co 610 314 314 38 691 Child Cols 38 L1177 Jensen 1042 Platt Ti V 409 5439 Johnson J C 100 6 ward chapel Sets' 377 377 Harvard L 489 08104 street Thursday evening and at the Grants-yul- e Matilda Annie 'Mutton to Walter Morton 1 993 Child Cols & Co 625 323 322 01 100 ino 36' 38 end East and Williams avenue 8 4 3889 Johnson J C 100 1 4311 Platt H V 23 township 1 south $519 JohnsonROMJ C mocking IN Spg 3' l 'I' ciy chapel half an hour prior to services1 W 515 515 1111 L 11132 Prijatel 100 551 James 7909 King 00 P oil 1000 373 378 Frank Mosley officiating 3870 Johnson J C 100 10 116 111? Child Mr Friends' 1840444 ila ? T Fenstermaker was born June range 1 West ' 116 1112 1118 Child W IL : 701 66 100 1000 515 515 7021 LaDuke Maude 400 151 151 L1130 Protiva Marcella G Donald P 3880 ohnson J C 100 Irrancis in Grantsville andl had been emJAL ()DIM) Lot may call at the mortuary 134 South 1886 W 111509 ' mi Child on P ell 777 777 Littlefield 100 Commereisll 1121 ohnsOn L264 C 3885' J Provo 7737 19 100 Fourth irons East k at Utah notion townshlp 'trek various mires Thursday 81Aot ''' 447 f ployed Lundberg mining 51 51 24 24 100 85 100 1911 Child W H 5 to P p tn and at the residence: 00'Cir George 3888 1ohniion J C 9 2 2 south range 1 east too 9cli t 90 Cite Bury lying are his father Charles FenSavings Bank pledgee NI 151 51 100 q 1921 Child W 14H 100 8923 MeCaskell J A sno 302 302 766 no ' 70 177 Williams avenue ohnson J C rimer- 766 of a Linego 100 Ali frora Nick A Ploros to George Miilen J' stermaker and his stepmother Mrs Dora 00Cly nssi Friday 51 5 no p Ply 100 ID a rn until noon 141 2003 Child W 100 483 182 182 40I'' 541 388A ohnson J C seven 101 7854 Nelson Carl O Interment in 100 L1704 Puling Genres I 8 Fran 101 both frenstermaker of Sandy via let 11 of section 12 town-Mi- n o 51 51 100 477 Osband 2019 Child W H Marna ion 1507 Rauch Iglu Kath10 brothers Jack Charles Vern and Francis 4005 Johnson J C 49' 14 00 Cie too to 2 south range 2 west City cemetery under direction ot the Seattle ' fit 51 38 51 34 R 100 li)() 51 100 2025 Child W H erine 4009 Johnson J C Whits Chapel mortuary 80 Gael Investment company in poi 100 Fenatermaker of Satitibt Glen Fenstermaker 71 481 141 001Cir flookshe 51 100 -- 51 61 38 100 38 100 51 2026 Child W H Al Durhesne Dayton irenstermaker of San 1116 Reid 1Dortha 611 991 '51 100 41)10 Johneon J C 00(11r south 25 feet Penirjlan Tonopah ()thy ft Jensen 51 4145 Paterson 51 LOA 100 100 2! 784 Reuter Ksthryto (1 : 100 Mil 07 Ma Preston 2027 Child W H 4011 Johnson J 74 100 78 Bernardino Cal and Eddie Fenstermsiter 44 to 46 block 21 Wah4tn Intl of FLORISTS 51 1 00 20311 Child W H no 71111 124 100 331 116 121 100 1141 Si SI Lilo 701 Ian Reuter trathrot rt 100 4012 Johnson J liandar in et Union end these sisters Mrs Agile' Douglas Park 51 51 7 651 R1111 Fred IL 100 31 Child W H MI 100 a$ 19n 4608 Johnson J C of Redline Cal and Mrs Lena net retrttIttrr'' klattPhrivenn fir) 71alinarnense jig 2039 51 all all ?51' Ill! 707'1 y TitIlipAcTEIt tits 321 Judge bldg Johnson T: e SPRATS only 51 Child W H Roberto Si Info Why pay motet Wt Inn Johnson 2072 Beneon of 4809 5208 Mrs Jerimm inn and Dorothy Co Was 4000 51 30 dal Kress Ilona Mos Was 2166 100 30 100 51 50 iorwert1 J 100 1121 50 788 Reuter Kathryn G 181 991 00 Cir L1344 Johnson 1 C 100 2418 Child W H 971 Sandy lama orn— Ikept 804 50 10 004 553 60 59 5714 55 5734 Marriage Licenses 1706 McFann Millaint 134 McGrath 1700 McLain 1701 McLain Infant Mary Eliza Thompsnit L1704 - i f ' I II Martin Arriola Oet4 Gerstner - a " - - 11000 W" John 4 Tuttle - 1i'r!ii' Births ' K6 1" 2: I 'cola Trimmer Johnson re Start C : Aiked t r The Weather 3 John :"' K" 1(" LI I Is 'tr a Jr" Granted ' Statistics Suits Johanna S ti it- A r litt TMr i if i it - ' Burley r t 3217 Frank Fenstermaker ' " " Walt'er- 11610 t i H1000 C" C4 d I 1 - dr Jef '2PaArAilw - ' INIIIImithANtaeIAINIketolIAL414100040IIMIOtII-"006"10InoPIII!III-" - - ' |