Show ' - It ' - Thursdar3lorning I - - Airplanes Alone fo' Decide r I War i i 1 ItS—Expert 1 ! O rAritainfPesmtiASkigs ' t iv1 - - - - e"-- ' Bombs and Leaflets L i f- to 0 - —' ' ' ! ' ' 1 -- 'I ' 1 - o - I - By Kirke L Simpson Associated Press Writer t er A' ( --i ( 0 14 raiser for Invislon or an effort to shatter British morale Some disclosed factor seems to be lim- iiting the numerical scope of the attack massive as it is: A pouible explanation is the ne- cessity of retaining at home a subs stantial force of tighter craft for against British counterprotection I raids and also to guard nazi operating bases in Norway Denmark Holland Belgium and France The number of bombers that can be used against England except in lated surprise raids depends on t'he fighter escortavailable to pro itect them from British attack ships even in British counterbombing the vicinity of Berlin- and against Italian targets 800 miles away serves-dual purpose Besides the damage it inflicts it warns Brit-t- o ain's axis foes of what may happen if they weaken their own fensive air forces in order to attack England on a more massive - i ti T 1a I Greek Premier Army Chief Sift Demands de-n- in-t- '' ?':?:':':''i:' - :' :!' — - Mils 3 : Checked-- 0 - 1 1 1 I ' - i I i r i - By Associated Press CAIRO Egypt Aug 14—British warships have turned their guns on the coast of their own protectorate of Somaliland to hold up Italians advancing there against the key port of Berbera British bastion on the south shore of the ' - a ''' 1 It Gulf of Aden Armored columns iirld triiop con' centrations were scattered by sal vos from light naval units offshore British military headquarters reported: and the fascist of: fensive was declared to have been stopped well before Bulhar which is about 40 miles west of Ber- U S bera - i I - g ' t - Orders Planes WASHINGTON Aug (A dispatch to It Giornale D'Italia an authoritative fascist The war department announced the award of 'an $11 organ in home reported the Brit- Wedhesday ish fleet at: Aden the Arabian 335631 contract to North American Inc Cal' Inglewood port across tbe gulf from Ber- Aviation bera had left there adding to for approximately 700 airplanes 14 VP— — I t o pi' - N ': 1 ' r''' Berbera declaring that Italian forces had been 'thrown back at Jurgargan- pass 35 miles south- southeast of Berbera They also said they ha defeated fascist col- umns in sldrmishes both in MI- ian Libya and in the Angio-EgY- p tian Sudan In the Libyan engagement was declared that British troops had penetrated 35 miles into that Italian area putting an Italian patrol to flight (The Italians—acknowledged to- day that "bitter fighting" was in progress in British Somaliland east of Adadieh which is some 60 miles West of Berbera but added: "Our maneuvers though strongly op- posed continue") s' 1 1 - assault on Egypt and the Suez ' canal) British ground forces reported o '': ' news suggested an Intensi CVPtqikiaoerlv-k-P-nd--gg-"Plgl'tsPqi- British Land Units Offensive la British fleet action against thelitalians whose drive against Berbera is to attempt te-break British empire rognittnicv tions throi4h the Red: sea coin!c! mr 1 - I ' I By Associated Press (Continued From Page One) Of German air atIf the four-da- y of ROME 14—Squadrons Aug II gagement that started In the on airslege may be summarized thus:: (1) tack channel coast thunbombers England's long range British 1$ 0 ' does not prove to be a tremendous scale To enable a physical occupation of develops on an ever-largon down and over dered the Alps 1 to an attempted 'invasion In the air and Is likely to be the islands (2) To impose an '' the gre'at industrial cities of nortti: prelude will be a great surprise to many it f starve thtts and to decision l a In aerial the air fought I:stockade :I 41 Italy early Wednesday killing people including the English zel ' A tnore realistic understanding them out or (3) To destroy all Britons will not only b4 asion- persons injuring more than 50 from communications and ' of talk about "saving" England by industry I 'shed ' they will be imbued with at and stirring the rage of fascist! A) the air without military occupanew confidence of ultimate victory contributing 50 American destroy tion But whatever the purpose the "' barbaroits and If Hitler turns back what they called now if he ers: The issue immediately at stake problem for nazi Germany resolves 't attack" shifts to a strategy of 'starvation (lir cowardly need will be decided without the inter- itself to the same thing: The The Italians said the British- blockade instead of inVasion peo- cession o(the navy In any Case to neutralize or eliminate the bombers crossed neutral Switzer- - pie in England and around the If one thing has been clearly es- - royal air fomraceinificeitt hind and Scattered explosives and world will say he has suffered a 'air power Hitler's Major Alexander P be Sever- - propoganda leaflets at' random in significant if not Mal defeat tablished in recent months it is has not yet proven that it can do Announces 'main sky This is the risk he has taken in the residential districts of Milan the vulnerability of destroyers that so proplipti of doom may be bout' in air war Turin Tortona and Allesandria ordering sustained air attack to how much from the air Whatever the politi- - premature No matter The leaflets told Italians to wake 4pulverize" a strip of England's damage is done to the southeastern cal and moral value of up to their use tis vassals "by your channel coast from the- Thames harbors and shorelines the 'results estuary to Plymouth a strip rough- hereditary enemy Germany" can destroyers the:talk about turn- - will be inconclusive as long as the "Make Hitler stronger" ly 300 miles long and 60 miles int the tide of battle with such a air over the island remains under wide according to Berlin's own Authorities insisted there was British control transfer 'simply shows how the British ko reports of its patterns If' that is (but damage Military ' counts said the Caproni factory in the map design of the assault It scale moldy illusions inherited front a Remains Critical Factor Milan and the Fiat plant in Turin could only point to attempted dead military past still cling to the While that control remains the of Italy's- principal plane Vasion centering somewhere with NkrrrIkm routine military and naval landing of nazi troops will be ' P '" ' works were "smashed" and set in that strip useless If that control is forfeited tality Ca- That is the locale of the Only ATHENS Greece Aug 14 (— afire: that the blaze from the Those who have failed to adjust the landing of nazi troops will be could be seen for 'previous invasions or attempted their tactical thinking of the reali- - unnecessary—because the nation Premier General John Metaxas proni plant ' vasions of England Emperor of defense1940 take it 'for grantill would- then be open and ties called his limy was at Claudius came that way nearly attack Wednesday heaviest night The I that the old 'pattern of battle will less against merciless annihilation chief of staff Into conference as Milan where a dozen persons were 1900 years ago to defeat the i Pl be followed Wherefore they as- - at will from the air and 44 injured by 30 ex'- ons at Brentwood between 14011Increased the tempo of her Kum that the stage Is now merely It may well go down in history Italy don and Colchester That Roman -9 9 campaign against Greece plosive and incendiary bombs being set for a regulation war of as the first battle of the air to press Still another British raid was "blitzkrieg" included transportaGreece strategically situated in even are of nations deeide the fates conquest They the Mediterranean was reported tarried out over Augusta naval tion of elephants camels and Afriable to point out truthfully that as great battles of the sea like to have rejected a baSe in Sicily Naval antiaircraft can troops across the channel aceven in the recent blitzkriegs on Trafalgar and Tsusima and others only Tuesday 1 axis demand of was that to the said shot down a Brit' cording to the history books have powers the European continent that pat- - did In their epochs Paradoxically she William the Conqueror came the abrogate her treaty of 'friend- ish torpedo-plan1f tern was followed though at a enough whereas those sea engageThe surprise attacks on the same way from Normandy to take ship with Great Britain I111 accelerated with ments pace 07( greatly ponderous fought minister had vis- larger cities first since early In England by storm in gvhat is styled German The weapons were often decid- ited Metaxas earlier In the day the war brought home to the in- - the battle of Hastings fought more -:: Vision Becomes Pact ed in days and even hours this air and the premier met habitants their danger even from than a thousand years later Phillip subsequently Soon 'aroBut it should become engagement fought with light for two hours with government Britain which most of them had II of Spain tried it agaip500 years parent that something new and weapons may not be officials to discuss his course 4 later to asee hts dreanci of world considered harmlessly far away istranspiring The classic decided for weeks or even months h e Italian charge d'atfaires T invinwith from wrecked the Bern Italian ''914'-mastery dispatches all-abattle foreseen by a few Possibly the evident exaggera- conferred Wednesday with MetaxSwitzerlatid said the British squad- - cible armada off the coast of Devtacticians aware of the poten- - ition about alleged r04 as and was reported to have urged rons accompanied by several "iso- - on Napoleon looked longingly tialitles of the new weapon has shelling may be traced to the be- him directly to abandon the guarf flew over the across those narrow channel wa- machinesiated" become a fact When the question wildermentof these unable to con- antee ctf Greek independence made I region of Swizerland and then ters in his day and masserships of mastery of the skiea over the (ceive of a battle without army or by Brittlin- - and 'to align Greece Jura across territory between Lake Le- - and men for invasion of England Itt i 4 British Isles and their sea ap- navy participation If those bigger with the axis powers man and Neuchatel to separate but never risked it is answered on installed are Berthas by proaches definitely actually is an element Mont There about the down some Blanc past flying '4 1 J the course of the present 'aerial Ithe continental shore the royal air terrific air' fight that is worthy of L: and others through Simplon pass Trafalgar" the other questions jforce will put them out of business do numIt note London with has to The shortest route from the still remaining to be answered Iswiftly enough acrogs northern France and Swit- - bers of nazi planes estimated in with the aid otarmleii and navies - According to United Press diszerland to Milan- is around 615 Britain to have been engaged at :01' l wili be minor by contrast ' from patch from London Tuesday "there The British however de- - any one time thus far The peak miles the strategic point of view still was no evidence from reports - seems to have been around 500 ' 1600a as 14: scribed round their trip There seems to me as yet no of reconnaissance plane crews that mile double crossing of the Alps While the intensity and frequency :"-ion of Gerfor the part i WASHINGTON there was a contentration of ground panic Aug 14 UPI— from of the German raids has inereased I (Independent dispatches ' ': England's friends The air often- - man troops or boats on the invasion War department officials said Wed- Switzerland :'i said the planes sent day by day the numerical peak sive is developing' as expected kale anywhere along the coasts of nesday that all units of the na- thousands of Swiss tumbling out strength has not 4 Fz with heavy numerical advantage France Belgium Holland or Nor- tional guard would be in active of is every reason why the raid There beds o shelters toward air on the challenger's side and clean- - way" ' service by January 1 1941 If con- when alarms were sounded be- - nazi high command should throw i '' cut qualitative advantage of the Jo t Neverthelessi the Illusion that gress approves training legislation tween 11 p m Tuesday and dawn I its bomber available whole 1 d defender's side Nothing has hap- - physical occupation is indispensa- now pending No bombs were strength into the attaek If it is Wednesday pened as far as we can judge from ble to conquest will persist It Tuesday the army disclosed Its dropped in Switzerland) actually either a dramatic curtain- - ' 'j ::::'1 k available Information to indicate will take time for people to rec- revised schedule called for sum'C' :: ''4'1 1 j:l h of Brit ognize the fact that air power moning a genuine 220000 guardsmen to V ) f ' ish defensive liner by the nazis makes possible the defeat of an duty They said the first group ' :::'' Not until Hitler's air power begins enemy Without occupation But consisting' of 55000 men would fj ' to Inflict serious damage In the the sooner we in America learn be called September 15 and the :'::1? f t k interior of England in daylight this lesson from the tragic events others at Intervals during the fall -k'jk- 44 raids with relative immunity' will of these crowded days and apply The 220000 figure represents 1 ) :'V1'':ir i ' there be justification for the sort them in our own planning for na- what is expected to be the net total C ' of alarm now noticeable in some tional 'security the better of the guard 211077Z) sttength 7 quarters ::' ) t' :V — '' Blitzkrieg a Misnomer !t Blitzkrieg seems to me decidedly a misnomer for what is now under BRE41) ' - ((71)( kf4- LI way iy analogy with the previous 1947 04 14 f lightning-war- s it implies a threeSH1ONED ALITY ' VII decker onslaught with mechanized OloOf H AND forces moving concertedly by land HEALI air and sea as pictured by professional as well as amateur genNow inerals in recent months stead we have a major battle in s a single element the air and one oeu a re moreover which every prom' gives iloaves ( Ise of being a prolonged struggle '' 4 B ' !" i :: 1 ' entre'l 1 ' cl Measured by the nazis' usual tem::::et:roel ote That ie '' of a sort into turn this po may and and B 2 aerial siege unless British defen- and ''' ' : sive air strength Y°'ut hea fighting aver' loaf ' a Hava lower morale should prove a lot A' s e vi'tellty '''C than is generally believed i diivt Indeed siege is a more accurate' ilOur dos 20c i and helpful description of the t 4' with potato much the than made strategic picture Roils rotato abused blitzkrieg label The British Isle is in a sense a fortress with walls of air power around it and the attackers hurling their might A of a fatal sttrhoeinin hopes b tJt 4 Upon as Setback for Germany I I 'I' i ' already intense movemeni fication Africa Coast rrai - Missiles Kill 22 1 tohee - 711ahr-01-10fleiT' I r li- ' I 151940 'August Blitzkrieg Commits Hitler Warships Blast Italians on To Attempt Invasion - - Invasion Unnecessary to Victory tim -- Carry War ' To North Italy -: Dtdareette4Ba1ile-- - -1 2 - ---- 4 - B—ri-tishAljej:m4- Sees Air Siege I irribunt 1te:3 ' ' ' : t — Brit-skill- : I mile-by-mi- ''4::!:L' t - ' ''-: A NOT ' :' N 9 : r slow-movi- vy )icy006mailt:t swift-movi- - ) - ir cross-chann- t el )‘ - - ' ZKCNki in s tff: t 4 A 1 ' h s t 1 c i i1' Army Outlines Guayd SetUp I 4 I " I ''"-- -- ':' !:- i :: 411' : x - f ' ''' I o -- PT v - ' e ' ' ' :: i - ' O f 6 r 4 ' 11 ' '' i ' ' o Intuit - 6'—'1:42P'sterpet 11dir 1 ) SEEDLESS fresh from tantalizing lb basket luscious little grapes filled with tempting 3 r t' 4 under the strain Thus far there is no basis for doubting that the aerial ramparts and the nerves of the British airmen are holding fast crack-u- Try o ol ticiw oeulda toaytelBf it enable them to repair their ma- chines and rest their men who are obviously obliged to operate a kill- ing pace to make up for the en- emy's numerical superiority There Is no need to underestimate the effects of sheer animal ' possible fatigue as the German siege continues The possible purposes 'of the i11 r quart today wilt add 'your vmmer salad dressing! qt 4 0 AUGUST a ly cured Swiss Chiese! It tempting touch to any meal! ZCMI FINE flav'll 0 svolown—chenng—hchy 'rashes Soothes as it helps nattire heal - - 4- Hi-Bro- 11 I 4 kt4) t 1 1 TO $599 I -- - a 21 c - inexpensive' facilities for &I Broil Oven L&H'tlectric Range operation t-- your great opportunity to get the fur coat you have always wanted at the year's lowest prices! You'll thrill to the luxurious beauty of this and carefully to unusually fine' ermine coat Fine crafismen skin match exactly every perfect to create a coat that will give you undeniable 'distinction grand beauty and outstanding quality Come in today and see how you can save at these great August Fur Sale prices is in size compact yet gives you adequate Rs super "5000" Hi- - your me& cooking is extra large 5000 cubic inches of space p Jap Weasel: dropped giving you approxiMeitely Mink Inside the oven are two - equalized het units that assure you even: perfect baking Come in and see this vew LtH Range tomorrow! Rs - gleaming beauty I Ilegl PAY This is Wilcolator Temperature Control i in 12 MONTHSsTO SMALL DOWN PAYMENT will make it an till Silver Raccoon dropped Squirrel Coats $345 $145 $245 Fine Sheared Beaver Ocelot (leopard) Hudson Seal dyed muskrat $395 $275 $225 $145'' Black Persian $245 Fur Salon—Second - 76t t ' v U Floor attractive part of your ) ? ' RANGES—STREET FLOOR ZCPAll0 Z ' IT) I 1 ' Ertl INEC0 kitchen j IML - p others to $35 Oven - with il Heir This new Moclern lb L7C Enjoy a delicious luncheon in our COOL TEA ROOM 1 - your coat free during this sale REGULARNALUES SmokelesiPorcelain Boiler Rack - proper's' with' quick de pendable relief for the torment of in tho lining of TERMS New Super "5000" Equalized 0 c BACON- 11) - 1- ' A otaP7-tto-0 all druggists For omol write Resieol 29 Bello Md 55 - - e ' ' lb— 1 ell O to 16 Tills fine qua lity bacon is mde in ouroswn kitchens! It's lean and t asty ' with a really enj oy! bis embroidered at zcmr $ - - Hormel's Boiled Ham 0 qdoe0 - EAST in- t- -i- kefullth-flaverr sive z 95 - " Shoulder Veal Steaks MEMO: 31c VALLEY SVVISS CHEESE this pads I "ft a IL1 -lau gish-- t A4'2 i STA Fog Would Help A quick change in weather such 11:11AIAGR L:01: PUN SALAD DRESSING ded flevAr and zest Give salads with this smooth rich p rad& selnedw - 7 2111 Furs are coxlik 17 C f SUN - sALE NEW LOW PRICE FOR THIS FULL CABINET 'SIZE GRAFPAS hard-presse- - - 10 - ?i 111114 inetpogrmoiml er ' ' I t i k 1 man-pow- ': I ' Plump ' i 1 11 — ' t 4 the vine flavor '1 '" : '''' FR As in nearly every great siege of the past the beleaguered forces are far outnumbered by the out- side enemy As in most other siege campaigns too the defenders are d overworked in con- tinuous danger--oexhaustiorr of and most supplies and important in danger of a moral i ii ' Yi cAfAL-71)- " - ! i'' 1 40 : x - 4k 11'4 -- 4 I 1 '': i break-throug- i 4 k I t ( N : ' it ' 4:- rt 'of m4pA ipt 111 S'410: |