Show - 411401P4041N104 Ie 00 o'- H'T 61e"0 :: 1000041001 - - - - - -- a t - —Thurstinv--31orni- - ) - Bctd Politkal Guess Costs illide Advocates Board To Enforce Ballot Laws:— - 1 ) 1 1 1 1""0"e4101 0"Ar '-- ' G th-- '0470"e4CCIfitin234:emo-4-ermoztxogoo—- '' '': vc Nothinet Says Parlisans4ip p ' i ' t ' Leaves Today for Elwood - !:r4::t:!:'::f-1!!"- ' rl':::t -- e&:acki l' i:7 ' ::-'::- p ' k t - A I ) 3: — ':0!7 J'''''''" Dié - ::: : ' ' - - fi::::::: 0fe !' ' t: '''' ' ed ' i' ‘ZNi‘ !! I I -- - - ':1:')4:!''''f:':':': it I 1 fit 04'14li : 11 ' 4 I 1 7J 1 i ' i t r t ii apples are nice - -- I ''' It's not really tor Johnny to bring apples to hie traeher—if EVES ARE RIGHT! More than one child in five has defective vision Result: poor grades (and maybe apple - polishing with teirAert) Bring your kiddies in for an eye' esamination before school starts Von'll be honestly told if glasses are not 4 ' 1 ': i 1 Li needed I : i Flynn Returns lwMachine' Rap Aug 14 (UP)—President Rooievelt Wednesabsolved John Cudahy American ambassador to Belgium of lay that he made indiscreet remarks in a press Interview In charges London Cudahy as result has no intention cnr resigning The presidential on his—statement bestowed at that Belgium is which conference after Cudahy headed for starvation unless outsaid he was authorized to state side food supplies are brought In that no rebuke had been admin- - Protested to Welles' istered to him that he will not This aroused the British mino resign and that he is o of economic defense which home on an accrued leave wrarg tnlyg istry protested to Welles reportedly The conferenc n p came here Wednesday Cudahy wrote finis to a dipfrom New York where lomatic episode which began in morning he arrived Tuesday by clipper London a week ago Tuesday when Before leaving London he Cudahy reportedly praised the plane said he was coming conduct of German soldiers in home "to probably be crucified" but that of sections and Europe subjugated he did not intend to recant criticised the British blockade He said the report of his interWelles Gave Reprimand view was forwarded by Joseph P U S ambassador to Acting Secretary of State Sum- - theKennedy court of St James and that net Welles cabled the envoy for he had not set eyes on it a text and explanation of his reA suggested that reporter marks after which he publicly Welles' rebuke was based On reprimanded him and summoned Kennedy's report but Cudahy him post haste for a personal remerely cited the presidential export to Mr Roosevelt "I am authorized to state that oneration Willes flatly accused the envoy there has been no rebuke admin- of violating the proprieties of the istered to me" the ambassador diplomatic service and recalled said "I have no intention to re- that on a occasion U S sign from the diplomatic service diplomats previous had been specifically I had a very satisfactory talk with not to talk indiscreetly the president and I am entirely enjoined He said that Cudahy had given 'satisfied" an unauthorized interview and He said that he 6d been "vicimplied that stiff penalties awaittimized" by' London newspaper which drew unjustified inferences ed him on his arrival from his remarks but he stood tional radio eampalen 'on Monday with an "address to Democratic workers" over a CBS network from 5 to 5:15 p m (Mountain - i To Serve You—A 2 Reliable ) i RegiBlered OPTICAL DEPT - MAIN FLOOR )1 I t REAR - P—a - — -- — - standard time) After recalling that Winkle "is now sending District Attorney Torn Dewey out to point to the thiquities" of Democratic party machines Flynn said inhis state- ment: "It is interesting to note that Mr Winkle is pretty much of a imachine politician himself haying been picked as the candidate of the public utility party He was a Tammany county committeeman in New York he was associated with the state central committee in Ohio he was affiliated wIththe Summit county or ' OPTOMETRIST )11 al —- - - - - - -' ization in that same state HI was a spellbinder for the organization in Elwood and he was i lobbyist IA Washington as well as in various states in which he lived" (1 1 1 f ' I? - g ''L4':: 't!' y:A I I -- 7 t 1 - 1 f 4 '''' v 'filGIE Al: :' - ' - - :1: :: :: f : ::: z::!::11 :::!!: ::‘:': :::7!:: : - :7: : !:':'' ''' :' ':: 1 ''' '' os 400 7:::! I ?ri i '''k 4:' 'Z'':(4'::::'':':'::Y::? ''''?k :''''''''' i v t & I ' t' ''' ::::if::'::i:: x'1'::1''41:: ''''4i?' i' :04-- ' ::::::::i:!:::::: :::!''' ‘: :0::1:i":- ''''' ' f? ::'':-:''''''- : '''':: '::E::' '':S::::':- ' ::? :i::i:1::::::'::': :!!:::" ? 5§ki?4---'-''- " -- - '''''''''''''"'''''''''''''''- ':: ''"I''''''''''''' '"': 'i '''- '1 :''Z ' :: ' r'4 ''''' f : ' - — s ''''''': )1Pisi':::' 47:'::::: ' - ': - I -- - 1 QUALITY ' ' s' 4:' ' i 1 "':$ i she West's Ittepeal-becau- ' ' rft !AI) 4 best-sell- "' Acme always has se to "' ' " ' ' ' ' 11141k pale cmd extra ryqualityl Step up your pleasure isoortwith delicious Acme Seed ACME sitemlois Soothossitow-46- 1B I 1 1 $" '''''!!1(1 Ameirmme l&os ' — ' 132 South t i ' Snood West meliv) - ad mots fof It 0 3:iiI row ! i i - ' l? ' IE IE IR ' '''' 177-- i - )'' ' 1 ' - tr : X! 1 ' it n' ‘4 44 ": 4) 4 fk:‘ :' 9c-- ' '' 'I' J- ' ' f : '' ' ' '14 ' S 4 1 ':: '" :P"esti I 4 ::':: ': 4 A :": ''''' ' ' (i: ' :: ''' ' ':: !: J ! Ai - : 4 7' :: ' -' 1'::::i :: : :'! ' ::' (( i ''' e: ' 1 ! - — ill I (1 : : ': :: Al 'egi:(::i '1 '' — — '''4'12'1':'''2 4::: t— : ) :± o''" ' ''— 'y 1 ' c :'1 ''' '::::''i'' '''' t '' 'A :' : Z':?:: ‘ ' '''4-:'::- ' " i 1- '' ' ': ''' NI'Lo'''''110'i''" :? : :q ' ' - t o 1J:1- 4'''''t:49 - ::? '':''':':'!'''::' ' - '' ' "t 7 5 ': ir '':4 ' ' ' ?'!': i ir" '''' 4 —-:- 1 ' - ' ---1 Ai ( 7--- "! :- d9 '' " —0"-- G- s-- : - -' e": ' I' F v: ' l'--- I - :: :::'- " 4 : - - a 46010lr79 'A' 'air ott ttl - ' $ ' ::i s ' 101111 ''' " 7 pows - ilitslikitsi— I y '"' 1 talat - The A: - 4:' ::g:rfIApi c:(e” '''' ' Salt Lake AIew Telephone Directory Is eing Delivered! I Please Do Not Use It Before Midnight Saturday Aug Saturday night August 17 17 at midnight all Salt Like City telephone numbers will tbe changed when dial service becomes effective All new numbers will have five numerals like and the Wasatch and Hyland names will be dropped 5-4- 00 Use Your Present Directory - ight S—afurclif-y--- Un--fa-Midn- o - Then Discard Aug 14 UPI—The Na- - P - -- -' Alec Hodef 49 and Bill Taroff both veteran Alaska miners ell!bd before a crew resttfers rcould tead them 47 2 r 2) are being given doh at the 'P new telephone building 77 East 1st South strut - and Drop in today or tomorrow or if you prefer call us we will arrange a: demotistration at your convenience banks P a 'I t FAIRBANKS Alaska Aug' 14 (UP)—Two miners were killed by Ras fumes Wednesday when they opened up the shaft of an abandoned mine 25 miles from Fair- I ' :::' 2?:::: - '':' ' i Fumes of Old Mine Kill Two Alaskans Salt Lake City - ‘' and consumption of apparel-clas- s wool rose from a weekly average of 4270000 scoured pounds in May to 4840000 pounds In June moomyl - ':: r ' 4::z 'ill"':"I''''''''''!-'1- tional Axgitiation of Wool Manufacturers repiarted Wednesday production activity in wool textile mills increased from May to June m - t 1 1 7 is survived by his two daughters one a Lim Angeles and tine living in Elko Nev BOSTON 3 Moro isevoniet4 PO Distributors - 19 Li SIZE" MIDIWEST DISTRIBUTING CO - r gj t 1gellbmobe -- t If ' i '"' a r 7 pL7- Woolcit Manufacture Shows Upturn 1 )4 Ecosiomize with s 1 c - - 4 -- ever since er ! - - -' ':i At14-34- 2i' 1I 1 -- --- '? - ' Y '1111 N '0141 rovid d inimitably " - : i i!' - ' :'':''''':'''':''' ::''''k"::7 l' ' and - widow resident of 4 t''' I° I - ft I e II I ' Vt 4 Ie 0 I ' Set your sights tor Aane Beer and get reil!ly satisfying refreshment! Acme !Spar has been - o r''' - -- " ig i '' ' i i '' t : "''': r:' I:''' California Dr Varian 414 - - ' Witif agall I I 0 ''''' 1 t'''r (4 r e i:x: I '''': ' t :44 :' i 6ti t t tyPlif ' - At::i 9 f '§'' :':::1iill':'!:'::::: !::::'''k:i:':' i' -' 1 ss ' t - '''' r 7 ti '4 ::: '' - ':'r' :' 4 - 4 :'' vs - : :: !:a::' - ov "1 '' - 401111:514- cs 71 ' ::: 1' 2 P ' ' ''':'''C':' ': ': ' A ::-:- '':?: ' cs ' ''::'!''' 01 :'t''::t:!-'::'' "Vi''''' t I ':!Z' i :l :' '': 0 ! :::4 4 :::::::: :'' :'' !::': : I I 71 S: lis"':''' :''t::-:''''- 1 :"' 7' :— ' Special to ThP Tribune — Dr M LOS ANGELESCal C Varian 65 former resident of Salt Lake City Utah phi prolessor of anatormy at University of Southern California medical and clqtftal schools died Monday Dr: Varian son of the late Judge C S Varian of Salt Lake City and brother of B S Varian an Idaho supreme court justice had lived in southern California 30 years Born in Nevada he moved with his Lparents to Silt Lake City where he attended high school and the University of Utah He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania medical school in 1901 and a few years afterward moved' to Los Angeles after a brief period of serviceas company doctor for a mining firm in northern - ? C ' ' Dies on Coast k '''' 7! 41 - Former Utahn ' e r 'I I ic z :‘ 7 ed serio-com- its enemies I p 1 but myselt" "Then I congratulate the senator" Wheeler said "that the administration has followed his suggestion" Pepper also told the senate that he favored letting England have "whatever number of destroyers we might dispense with without imperiling the defenses of this country" Using "discretion and judgment" he said the nation should "interpose Built force as it is necessary" to prevent conquest of England by ' ormaihfi A --:- Says Claims London Newspapers Victim4ed Him the Republican campaign 1936 received for advertising" Flynn will touch off the na- : :necessary ' i PJ : ct & : III:teachers 't i p) Roosevelt Dismisses Charge Against Envoy to Belgium citizens should receive military training in athkance of the outbreak of any war Later in the day Senator Pepper (D) Florida took the—floor to NEW YORK Aug 14 (A)—Edexpress his belief that the presiward J Flynn often called "Boss dent should be granted "full warFlynn" by Wendell L Wilikie in tinfe to marshal industry powers" the Republican presidentraT1lOffinee's attacks on Democratic ma- for defense chines asserted Wednesday that Senator Wheeler (D) Montana 1"Straw Boss" Winkle "has been belief thatepper was expressed all his a machine politician adult insiders" of the adminis7 "close to life" In a formal statement Flynn tration and that the program of chairman-eleof the Democratic "aid short of war" to the allies national committee asked if Will- - conscription and industrial mobikie would denounce Republican lization advocated by the Florida party bosses as he had Democratic senator Was the program which and if in view of his comments congress was following at the adon the Democratic campaign ministration's behest book he would suggest "paying replied that at all times back' "the modest $150000 that hePepper had been speaking "los nobody book of 1 ::::'t''''k4t ' in his opinion rt - ( øJ ar :: (- Senate Votes Pay Boost In Draft Bill Mc-Na- ry - LY 11P110 R1101111111AT ' ' " PP - 1 -- - t"etienvlersantahteyguaarre tehmisegrgueanracYn gigiVaevne ::i:!' t: :f -- ' ' t ic :: : - Completed Bill ::::? 0 4's 1 ---- r the-spee- ' Profits Plans any group in effect pointing a pistol at the government and saying they will not produce guns or airplanes or other supplies needed for national tefefiseht this hour of ': ' - ' ! e- i -- ' : t f at a time of such grave emergency llext'lriek !'! : '' l 7:7f':AN I ::::::::::::::s:::: 4 : t- c-- ' 7 -- ' 1 4 a -- -- antee and unless restrictions are kept off their profits" 6: i ': ' ImssidTVreve0E-valsonabledkperItaternent2ab4livJAMLOVk : : SOn" recognized the need for mak' ganization was' 'concerned" over — it? 41Li -Ing tax allowances for &lite ex- "frequently reports" r ii recurring ' 3 Early panded for defense and for a de- that the defense program wu be-!''' clsion on the excess profits levy ing delayed by the "unwillingness i'''' WASHINGTON '"-- z ::! Aug 14 U- n- so business would know its tax of industrial management to COLORADO SPRINSColo Aug 14 (AP)—Wendell L Willi ' i' 'r tee Into contracts unless this or Congressional hearings on an exide suggested Wednesday the creation of an Impartial board to - ::' ' 1 f 's:'-::"But" the statement added "the that auurance is given to 4 cess concluded wed tax laws A election profits federal enforce 7N1 4 people will not tolerate dustry" ' Wednesday with &WM committee Willkie added: -- The Republican - presidential : ''':::::::: of members expreasing approval ::"::'::: "Xou would have a much bet-th- at A nominee told a press conference at least three modifications which chance electhe of ter enforcing interest was witnesses had redommended: he waitingwith 1 That corporations be permitto ascertain whether the Demo- - tion laws with such a board than with officials who are interested ted to select any three years from eratic national committee would in the outcome of an election 1936 through 1939 as a "base pe' comply with his suggestion that Where a mans treasure is there 4i riod" for computing theirnormal about $640000 collected in the is his heart also" 'il — t!!!!i!:!:!! earnings instead of all four years !'Y-1':!:sale of campaign book advertising ::!!!!!!!!1!7!!!:!!!!!!!!s -- ' '1 vitt That the five-yeamortiza 4 Names Advisers i 1'::::::::::::!i:::!:!::'::":::''' be returned :i -ik::ii':: to lion !! ex 1 any phut apply plant after" r he would Re added "keep 1 who will leave here by undertaken in connection !:!!!!::::!!:ii'!!':!4 'i'!'i::1':::::'''!:::':1!:!i0?11:':7 41 t 4°40 rrx" ::? the matter 'Until some' action was his Saturday for ocL with the defense program after Thursday plane jis :::::7R11i:?'::::1 :'!: ::i:'Rl61?ROUND TRIP FART :!:1 takct Expressing confidence that acceptance address In Elwood-I4e '4 d January 1 of this year Instead AND TITONS JACKSON HOLE SEE Attorney General Robert H Jack11A' !"::1:11' to in ''' said June-1of after the the response questions only day ±:::::&''''i-441:1:11'::!:Z:!!1'i:C 10f1 was "an able lawyer" Will$2918 soTs AND OLD FAITHFUL MAI THE AIR his "particular advisers" on :if-- 3 While louse announced that the kie added he believed Jackson thatch : l1: folthe included had plan would be recommended 3292 lurould "give an opinion and give (STOPOtat if Num HAMMED) v44J1 3 That financially related cor:::: lowing: a right one" I li::!?:i?l:::' ColJohnson conGeneral Hugh 411110 FALLS 3813 ::': porations be permitted to file !? Tt :7 '1: f::::-:7'I umnist Anne O'Hare McCormick ER'ila returns solidated 6tes Partisan Prosecution ''1'''f ':!'::! 4H!i:i:41!: li of the New York Times and WilChairman Doughton (D) North - 1 j::: rickets: 1 Discussing the creation of a liam Allen White on foreign af?:i !!:! t Carolina of the house ways and ktenicisel Allier:I Was 41621 ::'49itrEptiCtrIrkli board to see that federal election fairs I J Taber master of the 9401 ': Mtel Utak il vg01400'4 — S means said he did not committee 4 laws Were enforced Willkie said National Smith Earl and ell grange John Cudahy left ambassador to Belgium got had another—paying $300 to Brigadier Gen that when an administration the American Farm bureau on — came to power it often was tempt- of eratr-out of one headache Tuesday when President Watson right for betting the presi-- farm problems and Claude Baker ed to prosecute misdeeds of its Roosevelt absolved Jim of charges he made— dent would not be a third term candidate :— of the International Typresident ff its opponents and ignore thoseof union on labor probis a presidential secretary However he in London remarks Watson pographical General supporters ilscreet Members of an election board lems the speech as a whole WillWinkle said should have long- kieOnsaid his chief advisers had in' term appdintments and should be cluded Senator ''11N''''' Charles L He said '' 'strictly impartial" his 1 (R) Oregon running 'v - : ' !' i:' Ii: flik it IA C members of both major parties mate thairman 110 v: '''': ' ' Joe Martin of the and other interests should he 1'1 Republican national committee r-Governor Harold E Stassen of 011 ' ''' - ' 'Apt' ri "")t :' 4::' ': I tjci(E t ' ' ' Minnesota ' John Cowles and ' "':'' I Co t: p ' e:10W14 :' SA101 : Gardner Cowles Jr midwest pub'' tottlrl'w fi-i :: ' AkDo it lishers Russell Davenport and 'Cudahy Declares No Rebuke Ad ministered Leslie Buell former From One) Raymond (Continued rage 4 1 1 Fortune magazine editors t He Will Remain in Service iAlter ' ' t 4 foresee many changes bi the zub committee pr9posal He said that legislative draftsmen were having difficulty putting the pr6posa1sinto legal language but predicted that the measure would be ready ID! m house next week- final witness W R Ogg'of 211-fropresented a statement thee president of the American farm Bureau federationoWhich Changes Pend ) - tO 9 - ' - L —August15i-1- 0 - - Diplomat $300 o4wty-9f::ii0- — 1 -- " Tfribidtt $allgakt : I- :': 4 - nr I - - ' ) - ' i :' 4' 0 - ) I 1 tt - " THE MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH Co 0 4 If i |