Show 1 i I sda Io rn in g I - ' '- - C'611trA102-7-'"- -40- ( - - i 1 i I r 1o I ' ''' t woo” '"7-- - - v''- '''''''''"' v - ' 15 1940 : ''''''' s - ' - - " 11 al 111---IttTA k I y ' - Proves Fa tif I To Ijahoan - - 10 - ote Contesi ' Taylort t 4 40 ' ' NNN ' ' ' 4 ''' ''' la - - ' s t t t 1 t t - :: s z 4:' 7 t )s 1 Ga(1) ---- - e ' ' RANTS Exci ing ‘ Ai CA?flc4t $300 where-he-work- '' www I r : - $ 6'- -- $ It g 11 25-m- ile 4 it 1 It a A la a a t $ 4 IS ly is ao Doti Whitehead incumbent Re I as es at i 5n ''' - N rs ad ZQ 1111V he ss a- coo N ' CAL to cn - - es ' - or ' ill - It be re er ey 'FROM August I 0 - tant tz 1' - lo discussproblems three-daymeeti- ht - - of — ' -- -- - These men of responsibility represent the trusf companies in the eleven western ttates They administer estates with a total valuation running into billions of dollars They know from eiperi cllee— that- - the - best protecting your estate is to appoint a Trust Company which is perpetual in character - of nd to eft - ' — 1 - nd he We extend cordial greetings to them We in come mon with the institutions they represent are glad to place the experience and information gained in the administration of estates at the service of lawyers and their clients )er ) ng Ley ht re- ide s '41 en ' ley nd ' O' e - Ind Resource's Mora - - - - ley '''-- ' ' ' s 1) - T' -- Aot A Istiouswie 1 d — i '''''-- 1 i Member OGDEN ' ' ' Willis '''' "Kit- recog- - bags nized leaders tor style and durabil- titity Attractive tinge nr UO I post-morte- m 4 " ) t ' L: 1 I 1 SILK HOSE 1 ' ' - ' Special! PERCALE ' 80Sn APRONS s ' : ti ' 1 se ea q ' Regular 25e Values Tubfast colors tai- smart full In cut styles A real value FOR THE MEN e(1I at the price! Mens ' Forst Quality d IL' 71 It '4 - 59It SHIRTS SHORTSa-n- cezt 1 4 r - WrafiAround 1 ‘ - - Turbans 23 c An extremely pop Mar Item All pop- ular types and col- ore : - - So crisp new fresh! — pique- - 40 Ali types-- - 11-F-1 '''''''''- -' r- - 4- - Known 6 Chevron-st- ' -- "sie- t 4 - 14 1 -- i- : 4 4Nk '0- 'sw) ---- - Dutch lost They're " -- end heti "high-price- " -- LakeCify ---- - hard to do it at )f I this-price- etripes—rich fabrics! - ts Kr 1 ' :: 1" styles! ' ! CI'? ! ''41- j ktil - i e can Plaids ' S — - d'A: fe ok ile '' I ' each - I ' this it will be the early 16) comers who get the best se loctionl And our regular cos tomers will buy them up I and 6 ate a clip! Smart aew rall patternst Collar attached stylost 14-- ::: : 'Cit's 11ke or :r? - P II 1 1J ' 4t - ‘ — : '‘NJ'' ' Ti G RYAN 8 k14tb' I voillt 4010111Reo 241 —- SO MAIN r ' - At 1 f ' NOWNIIMMIVA 4 : '' A t -- '! ' k 44 A -- - 9 I s 4 '' " ' - It 1 — '' ' miowolowoaowdomaludowmw1100 41 Z - S '' ' ' ' ' a saving ' - '‘momoosniz-s- : - i- 1 ' ' ‘ ' 50' 11 ' '' Gem L: ''171 4 '' - r 4 ine leather padded soles '0 Solt satin insoles! ' : t Dross Shiris fo-- i ' believePrw l 1 Llents nptralat - 590 ' ! - ' '44‘o o' - -- Slippdis SATURDAY Aug 311 LAST DAY! ' ' '114A J ‘ - 4 —months- Limited quantriyt Come : Women's Fall wplionnal! ( r- is t -- i (- ' i ii '441r$ ' s - '''' ' '' t 1WAtossia:774) -- ! 4 1 ' collo' k t tpn '''''"-- 11 1 ' t s''' ' P ri '' i I flowilmnp ' ko ' ''' ' — i Y 34-4- I ' y They're 25c values sp shop early to get your share Shorts 4 GuaranShirts teed fast color and one -: of our best bar- gains I n m a I Y 28-40- -- 46 ' 47 - ''1 ‘ li 39i risen:ie t e each - vceesitisa ---- each - eStilfbfst t ' ' Neckwear MAN -- - i we quif The retail 36 SO - - - odoilpt ' - Snap up these lace and lored styles Sizes 4 - 1 Darkst trim rayons Clothing Wi: M ' ' 32-4- Leather palms! ?AA - 000011 1 : RAYON SATIN $rkl 00 Halfnhalf leathers with sleek knit - 012 e t v ea 49e and 59e Values Gloves $49 390-$- 3 Ai Lok Styte finds in Self : rA ' $JI93 It 1 odpiem MANY MANY business ' 1101: SAVE —and then ' 10: ONLY 114 DAYS MORE ' 'ki 4 et a AT - A yle Genuine Ked" Hats and Shoes Butlou Must Hurry conducting an investigation Wednesday night following a by Dr G W Schelm to 'remove the bullet Detective Henry G Allred said officers had questioned Mr Thomson Noel who said as' he found his father wounded with the gun beside him Police were awaiting the return of an Ogden newsboy who was at the Thbmas' home shortly after the shonting The newsboy Is out of the city for a week or 10 days Mr Thomas was shot through the head with a 22 caliber bullet late Monday afternoon After a 'domestic argument Detective AllIred said ' 4 i 4 Furnishing's were DOPOgit '- ' Madison qaY - iederal — r 1 " Vr77:' "' 1 rr E Youloocan - 4 "' ' ' Mon-Poli- Insurance Corporation - - Otherb GRANT'S - Business Sale ----- : '' I - on EVERY PAIR AU first quality hightwist Marvelously flattering colors Start now and learn how good wear and sensible low prices help you save at all times at GRANTS A big choice—a small price! Dress-u- p transparent velvets (such a change from white!) belting ribbon berets! Snug neat turbans Black navy :- ' ' 12c SAVE $100 cutler's Quitting on 1 J1 crirris ' :New DarkHats Rich dark colors! LNLatAionitaSny - 7 t t t fug" nom D11111111511 afford the smartest! got mina! HiztyDie0 i i - It's fun to feel you can —in fact 1940 Cutler apparel — that amoUntscr to more than $5000 for less than a $2000 billi—at M i1 :o0 t 6 el ell ' ' a whole outfit of fine Thomas 39 of 3242 Lincoln ave flue railroad substation operator died Wednesday about 8:30 a m In an Ogden hospital of a gunshot wound in the head inflicted ' r J 20180: I J 1 - ' HA! I for only 1 sle "LYNCREST" 1 New Fall Handbags —a pair s750 Shoes' 1 - - ILE PINko ' - FullFashions41 44(giLJ - i i''' ' SiR3 4 - vaiue First Qualityl 17i t I - C only -' Gunshot Wound Proves Fatal rst I t wr- s fie die: is' 4 Hat for -- 12843----- ----- ' 0 Tun Thirty Million Dollars of six he Pr -- '' 11 ' only —a $500 RepubliKellogg 14027 cans — Stewart Campbell: Boise 34957 Clarence A Dye Salmon - Salt Lake City Utah its 4s - for Wilson WALKER BANK & TRUST 'COMPANY Itt! t '' Suit Murray Elk River 14633 State mine Inspector: Democrats —Arthur Campbell 34179 Peter - me tIf —a $4000 Bultinch Am4ican Ealls13172 Thomas F Rodgers Boise 22126C L Shoenhut Cascade 10020 State treasurer: Democrats— Mrs: Enking 44955 Republicans —Mrs Painter 43284 Attorney general: Democrat— EG Elliott Boise 15911: Bert H Miller Boise '33048 Republicans —Millar r 42478 Stinii—iuPerinfinablit of i)ublii— Instruction: Democrats — Roberts 41878 Republicans — L T Barker St Malec 12179 Myrtle R Boise I - lc Davis-Wic- N ' PC Y ' - "I got mine boys— Is ia Hardwick 11352 Jerome James W Keating Harrison 17- 960 Frank E Swan Gooding 10047 Democrats— auditor: State Wright 43285 Republicans—Paul - his excelled easily in his bid for his old post against N E George Homedale farmer formerly of Idaho Falls and Will Simons of Boise former mine inspector In 701 precincts Gossett scored 30218 votes well over twice the ballot command of Simons wpo had 11730 George bad 6530 Other Offices V 15th to sk tl' ' N common interest 'ar Pr- - q 17th inclusive members of the trust division of the Utah Bankers Asso dation will be hosts to those attending the impor is t's N 1 18th Regional Trust Conference of the Pacific Coast and 'Rocky Mountain States Dt fly —1----- WELCOME!t st i With unofficial returns on Democrats from 701 precincts and on Republicans from 703 precincts the vote on the following candiT dates lined up as follows: Secretary of state: Democrat— Curtis D4a3y961 nRseenp u8b 61Tewilwilaami- - M I or z'v 1937-3- 8 wyo of governor publican polled 31394 votes in 693 precincts for renomination against 14799 for State Representative Hyrum Lewis 4 411 mOtst or as lieutenant d - ' ed 4 a 4 1' HAI t mmm era' ‘ 1 I was 1 ' ! Salmon k) --- ?r V '!" ' Crews Check Fires In Salmon Area y - - Lg t '' ' tt i I - t FOR THE LADIES: t t L -- soul Lms'----'1"- - - ' - j --- 1 10-in- ch s It I a ''' e --- - - - ::: I It ' aliprovecitr 'ediately ::? ::: 1 - the 'primary work for the department of agri- - election and attributed Ms die- - ufianimously It understood Meredith's culture in a tour o fexperimental favor largely to Secretary of State of three guards Monday work In development of new beet 'George H Curtis whom the war- - discharge hastened his own Minimal varieties den said disagreed with treatment Virtually all of the west's sugar of "thre eor four'll guards at the TOOELE—Tooele county day at' beet industry wu represented at the meeting booked as the semi- changed Ir Cinl Au Of the essi 3 p it!was an- cocumrm ittteoe cneutalse my 0b breeding week members y which through processing con- - torney General J W third of the committee Funds raised terns works with the government member of the boardTaylor sided with from the event will be used to ' in 'production of new type sugar Meredith defray moue of bleachers at the beets for growth all over the west Curtis Mon proposed Talley as canyon rodeo grounds '' - --- - -- -- - - -t-- --- derihtofDrEtttariktCaranerdirAlActosts sugar beet after '''"' Officials Report Blazes Checked t -- r 50e - - id Idaho -- - Need boafdW‘"-sednesda:''t24 yearsfor continued research - in procluc- Gilbert tion of disease resistant sugar Talley yard captain 'Tta years appointed ifs his successor -beets was stressill here Wednes- Meredlthsaid last Week he ex - - t - - 'EW FINAl4S Maattrs Sets Para Hoy is reported to have thrown-- '''''' W beer bottle at Bruer - '" " ''''kft S Sunday dis Second In the congrissional i !I ' sat in a car at the Fred ' trict formerSecretary of State while heranch ed 4 s Ira H Masters' who once published HHoy thew tossed a rock through newspapers in Pocatello and Twin the windshield of the car and - Demthe with Falls away 1romped w amaa Bruer still refused to leave t- -- ke 0 406 precincts of 362 in race ocratic ' " 11 'ilk the machine Hoy attempted to ' -1 ttit by a 24o-- 1 margin over his two - j 44t 0- -the ranch worker out Fidrag ' nearest opponents '::: ::or 1 t' 1 Bruer left the car with his nally bid unsuccesstul in his Masters '1 ::: !-0GDEg Aug 14 UPI —2 Three ' - ( pocket knife open and slashed 1 same IA 1938for the post party inter in forest fires the across the abdomen causing '' major ' ' ' ww 4 it collected 12682 votes compared to lioy mountain region were reported a gash Sheriff Robert of 5770 Boise Keenan Frank for controlled Wednesday and crews of Salmon reported e Isley corfinance reconstruction former were moving inside their fire line ' Bruer came alone to the she44 di ' on one of them to carry out mop'4 poration official and 5398 for for riff' office to report what had :t Par' ? ‘I Auditor C T: t de ping up operations Tna rtotf Twin Falls 01: arry happened At the ' same time four other Boise who Ha Howell fires wer tither still raging out 01 — IA control or had broken through campaigned on a "golden rule" ainthd Utah -' opper Employes Townsend program trailed : lines built around them 1 k rr""' ' 3739 ballots Hottest ' spot Wednesday was Go to Lagoon Today Representative Dworshak Reevidently on the Teton forest k -' publican incumbent In the diswhere a blaze On Fox creek near FARMINGTON — Described by trict counted 18083 votes in 356 Ray B Needham traffic the southeast corner of Yellow- f stone park had covered 2000 Idaho G O P has nominated Sen Thomas left above for precincts in his unopposed bid for of the Bathberger Electric manager RailwaY U S senate right above Glen Taylor leadrog In Demoa second tetra acres and has not yet been corcompany as the largesjsingie exwas never Bottolfsen Governor Bottolfsen ralled Three hundred men on cratic race for same Post Below left Gov cursion at the resortemploves of this fire are being supplied by seriously threatened by Thomas the Utah CopOr'company ThursG O P renominated for governor right below Chase A received MCDougall of Boise who airplane as the only way to reach day will attend their annual outClark named by Democrats to oppose Bottolfsen 8150 tallies against the incumbent mg Vtah Copper it is by air or a hiket day at Lagoon e 1 Also on the Teton forest' near Republican's 41389 in 709 preThe organization will take over - All the lunch facilities at the park the south gate to Yellowstone on rear of the fire Acreage burned Wednesday officials at the forest cincts All incumbents who sought nom- and will lease many of the amuseoffice iald Some of the men are Sheffield creek is a fire which here is about 1700 ( I ! ination were successful ment concessions Races and baseThe fire definitely ' controlled being released Tuesday night broke through fire who left ball games ' have been scheduled General lines It was doubtful if 500 men was on Blue creek on the Salmon Thefire believed started by Clark as parts of the varlet program' working there would be able to forest where about 1500 acres lightning last Friday afternoon has his position to corral it by night 4 were burned Also controlled covered 1500 Acres in Blue canyon for governor- On the Democratic side SecretarOn the Wyoming forest a blaze after 300 acres were burned is west Of Dubois State George H Curtis Two other fires one on Briney y---of on Cabin creek was reported un— the fire on Sulfur creek on the der control after burning about Payette forest Two fires on the creek 14 miles 'Up the Salmon river State Auditor Calvin E Wright 900 acres In the Wyoming area Minidoka forest were also as- from Salmon and another in Rocky Treasurer Myrtle P Enking and ft canyon near Leadore were- Caused Mine Inspector Arthur Campbell I the Bare creek fire near Pine-da- le sumed under control ran out of control Tuesday Overcast skies hinting possible by lightning the same afternoon all go on to the general election The first three were unopposed night This fire has covered about showers carried hops in the Te- but were quickly brought under -1000 acres as was C E Roberts assistant sucontrol ton forest areas '' 771 1 Another fire which burned out The Rocky canyon fire covered perintendent of public instruction $ A crew of 120 men who seeks the superintendency on 450 aeres of control during the night was on Beaver creek on the Challis worked on the Rocky canyon fire the Democratic ticket two days and upon Wing released forest in Idaho Six hundred men 0 G O P 14 were reported holding lines on were called to Fourth of July Unopposed ' ' of ) both aides and were expected to creek north -l : k 1 SALMON acres were burned there because Painter of Caldwell was unopposed Idaho—The only get a line around the front before night Mopping up operations were also being carried out in 1I - - --- UrgeOesearch Tribune Intermountain Wire - Bothlyell- ' '''' ' ' Expert on Beets Board Dismisses Idaho - SAULOMIdahc4Wil1iam Edy three-quarte- rs breed Indian Battle i Wage watermaster at Pahsimeroi died As Count Closes Wednesday: at Challis of knife wounds and a charge of assault w deadly weapon against the Wenthined rate One) with admitted knife wielder Simon W &Clark of Idehp (Dick) Bruer was changed to assault with intent to commit mur nearly a officials re majority over Attorney General 3 poderriedteinhi county Democratic W Taylor for the truer was arraigned before Probate Judge Emerson Hill of gubernatorial nomination With 70 9precincts inClark‘bad Salmon Wednesday afternoon and -33418 votes and Taylor 18077 preliminary hearing was set for Barnes-thHansen bean Thursday at 10 a m Bruer was James L held without bond grower and former Twin Falls He had been arraigned on the county commissioner trailed with first charge and his bond set at 5129 - - - K (Continued Frog') Page One) South of Yellowstone park 700 men worked to control two major fires which had blackened 2500 acres Six other fires in the Teton forest were subdued In the Wyoming national forest two fires that had burned 3000 to 3500 acres also were reported controlled on the Canadian border small fires in the Kaniksu forestof hoe the Kootenai of Montana were believed stopped t - scored s ' ‘ I In $ - - ' i' Battle in p ''' - --- 00-FAIers o - - Forest Fires r - Zbe Sztii gait irributte - A1! - t!Race Narrows Knife Thrtist In Idaho- Primary 6polligittT T - 44 - r - t- Crews Keep - ' ' 0 AL ' 4' - |