Show '14006"11 :4!'fjls--- r !tr r0-1 !!""! 14'P " 4-- 0'4 - oft— t At 6 Varidar '- Morning '- n Elit--A- - $411 t nitt 1 1blint 1 y 7 - urruityTroorlavamirewmy-i1- — Consonption an Issue Of Patriotism - Not Politics - newspaper and I've Made up my miod I am going east to be a reporter When I go—east—LOU stop and see ytthIJIavg:been pretty lucky I went through high school Myeditdrs swell ' He has promised me a job every summer Although sometimes I got awful lonesome' and homesick I stuck it out and I hope you will be proud of me" Was he lucky or plucky? Or merely a throwback from about the year 1620? Who won't be proud of that lad? His scholarship Is the Harvard National Scholarship the highest honor the- university can award an indoming student Suchp publishers and such boys are the hopes of the country - An attempt is being made to put the fate of military conscription on the broad shoulders of Candidate Wendell L Wilikle :! and may be considered as both an impdsi 1 tion and an honor That a private citizen of the United States should be consulted i about an important policy upon which the may depend in the fate of civilization - - final analysis is- - a tribute ti) his wisdom Whatever niayibe his de and patriotism cision it is a question thattranscends par L Wan significance and mitst beNstudied in the light of national and universal welfare Senator Johnson of Colorado has de eared through-- the medium of the Asso elated Press that "Wendell L holds in the hollow of his hand the fate of the military conscription bill now before the senate" Should the Republican stand ardbearer In his speech of acceptance at -- Elwood Ind give the measure his hearty senatoi believes that it will the approval cease to be a campaign issue i but "if he congress will follow ' - straddlet-thelsisuit by pursuing an evasive course" While there la something to be said on both sides of the proposed innovation it is certain that totalitarian schemers who seek obliteration of all democracies or ronstitutional governments will instruct their agents and emissaries to exert such influence as they can muster to defeat That Senator Wheeler of conscription Montana irvigorously opposing this poi- - Icy of national defense On the ground that it savors of the belligerent spirit of im' perialistic power places his class of states nanship in the school established by NevChamberlain Neither appeasement nor voluntary en listment will suffice in this era of turmoil The frantic endeavors of and trouble pacifists and isolationists to avoid appearance of defensive strength will serve as r additional inducements for aggressors to interfere with American rights relations Voluntary ensecurity and sovereignty rollment will never amount to anything except when interference and invasion from threats to fulfillment when it pan ' td 'preent death and dev will be too to that which covers all similar station countries whose statesmen stood for a polr - ( ue It -- le of procrastination The discipline pertaining to conscrip Om will prove as beneficial to youth al to the ration—as ' essential to future pros Trained pects as to present emergencies troOps do not suffer in warfare al much as raw recruits Should total' tartans be successful in their present at tempt to conquer Great Britain as they have already subjugated France Austria it'Y 1 I one-hal- f Ci I ! Albania Belgium Holland Denmark Po land Norway Danzig and as they are now menacing neutral Switzer- land Rumania Yugoslavia Greece and Hungary the people of these United States may reasonably expect a reign of terror from fifth columnists within and a series of snubs insults orders and attacks from tee the outside No Neville Chamberlain tics will save lives or liberties- or rights or markets or institutions—It will take force to meet force fire to fight fire trained men to meet trained men Whatever President Roosevelt or Candidate Winkle or the national congress may 'decide upon the issue is an'd will remain one of prudence and patriotism rather than one of personal or political concern : Czecho-Slovaki- 1 1 !' f! '1 ' a Rome Threatens Greece And Covets Yugoslavia - Having conquered Ethiopia annexed Albania and invaded Egypt the fascist forces of Mussolini are now standing on the threihhold of Greece demanding a deed tO her gardens Copying Hitler's il duce 'method as well as the goose-stehas organized a propaganda bureau through which he is telling the world that the Greeks are misbehaving and that he must kill them off for the good of their souls Virginio Gayda the Goebbels of the fascist 'regime declares the Italian gov ernment has expected the Greek govern ment to "answer for its new crimes" and asserts that Italy cannot tolerate Greece's "acts against the independence of Albania" One excuse is considered as good as anotherwhen a gang starts marauding and trying to emulate the prowess and conduct of notorious public enemies in a community a commonwealth or a continent Bad actors of theHitlee type who crush weaker' neighbors confiscate their property and deprive them of freedom—like bandits who shoot victims in the back loOt their pockets oe leave them bound and have—their imitators helpless—always among egotists who hold themselves above the laws of man and-G-od Even Stalin refused to copy all of 4 ler's tactics although he has what might be classed as "ersatz" or'others just as bad p ' The Boy on His Qwn Has a Chance to Mate Good An East St Louis Illinois boy ran home when he was 13 years leaving a letter addressed to his parents saying 11 don't want to be a burden on you I want to make my own war" Since then his lather a railroad section band has received three more let- from - away old in 1934 ' ters the last being the first In four years Wal it a cry for help and transport& tidit home? It was notl'he runaway writing from New Mexico aid HI have won a $1000 scholarship to Harvard university and have a wonderful stImmer job on a Dial Telephone System To Commence Saturday i: Chäne'"16J-i::Le4i-n::'LP744 By Ernest Lindley— reolt4 PUTT' 146 ' 1) TEttitiPiC 4LIST CRUSIAED) 11'ct several states are not 'filled that evident7 1 means that relief needs are less pressing and economies could be instituted with compara- tive ease" 914 Much of- - the work done by the C C C is not pressing in the view of the Washington Post and does not provide &Arad variety of opportunities for training It thinks that If government money is to be spent on training young men from ponrellef families it could be spent more advantageously by flnanqing vocational training in private industries '" 111i - Some Bright Spots Found in the News Columns n New York Highlaghts Driscoll NEW YORK—Piers and rivers have slowTwo ly mysteriously filled with ships months ago the mud-gra- y Queen Elizabeth and the grimly drab Normandie lying idly on opposite sides of the same pier in the Hudson were almost the Only indications that ocean-goin- g 'ships once came and went in this - vious campaigns A compromise seems in the making While Mr Winkle undoubtedly will conduct an individualistic campaign the steps noW afoot should swing the older party people into action i Interspersed with tales Ot domestic discord and the unsavory details of moving pictures and moving picture life news items of more wholesome character appear from time to time reviving interest in the hearth of the public Such news is Of children in the movies—not always quite so remaryible and topflight as Shirley Temple but nonetheless heartening to fans surfeited with gangster and triangle pictures A' health-brokeJoplin miner his wife and three children trekked to California and went on relief Betty 13 'years old had an idea so she and her younger sister sang for pennies in front of Hollywood night clubs It was tough going until a director saw and heard her at work Now Betty gets $100 a week which is just about four times as much as her father would earn if he were able to work Her' name Is Betty Brewer—and it may yet be sPelled with electric letters I - -- Crucial 30 Days This election will be settled between September 15 and October 15 In those 30 days Mr Willkie either will or will not gather the confidence of a sufficient number of the great mass of independent voters to determine the majority This opinion represents an almost composite view of a great number of politicians in both parties who behave Mr Roosevelt is doing just about all he can do in conducting his campaign by inspecting national defense projects and that the result will be determined by what Mr Winkle does The way new deal pitch-me- n are talking up the subject of drafting capital has inspired some popular suspicions that they may have a plan They have —and several Long before Mrs Roosevelt started advancing the idea in her column Jerome Frank chairman of the securities exchange commission hinted in a speech before the war college that he had been rummaging around in the Maynard Keynes realm for a new program to conscript the vast reservoirs of savings from banks No 1 brain truster Assistant State Secretary Berle had even earlier started working on a program of creating government - sponsored capital banks to finance trade expansion But Leon Henderson assistant to Frank and the price man in the national defense commission is understood to be the in spiration behind the current renewal of agitation lie has been silently cradling a proposal concrelations-o- f erning-the banks to the defense program which may' turn out to be the new rabbit Politics Flavors Talk How far the agitation is likely to go is not yet clear Much port of the officially sponsored talk of late freighters without names sea here seems to have a wholly poworn ind unbeautiful have been edging In litical flavor The idea of conalong the piers where freight in huge boxes scripting capital makes an exawaits Many of these strange callers keep cellent official offset to the t a boat's length away from the dock Lightin congress on the bill to ers heavily laden crawl noiselessly alongdraft young men from 21 to 34 side Uniformed policemen and plainclothes Yee it the root lhe'iti 1 obvious guards pace the dockside occupy positions widespread sentiment among new atop the piers and along the elevated highdealers to have the treasury take way Nobody is going to throw anything idle savings and capital at some in the direction of one of these boats if insignificant rate of interest New York can help it! of one per cent such as one-haAt the great Staten island piers cargo to finance a war' if there is to that was piled high for miles has been meltbe one and perhaps even the ing away as lumbering freighters have come current national defense proand gone Thelong arm of sandy land that gram Promoter Harper Holt pumped out of the The whiskers of naval admirbottom of the bay and made into an ideal als have been blown askew by —iétiiiörVektendinrout from shore— -- pumore that new Navy Secretary A dozen ships are loadhas taken on life Frank- Knox quietly called in a ing cargo there Traveling eranes trucks Chicago firm of efficiency expatrol cars chug and zip up and down' the perts to find where the depart' As we pass at respectlong low sandspit ment could be improved ful distance we hear the voice of 'command If there is anything 'which hawsers are cast off and a long freighter would give the old salts double low in the water with weight of cargo turns apoplexy with a side case of slowly out to sea and high adventure palsy it is a prospect of reform' Good luck sailors! May you and your ing the manner in which things big ship live to cast anchor again in our putt have been done traditionally in The most picturesque pet Fire heard about that department No navy secrelives in Fieldale Va Johnny Wilson of that tary has yet won over the adplace in the Blue Ridge foothills tells me mirals Developments are about him' awaited Mr Brice Stulz dignified citizen age Distributed by King Pea85 goes about the town followed by a tures Syndicate Inc gander now '20 years old Jumbo faithful friend has a protective attitude InsfrUclion When friends gather around the older!) genJletrian too closely in conversation Jumbo Woman learning to drive: "But honking warningly will shoo them farther I don't know what to' do!" away with his powerful wings flapping Her husband: "just imagine noisily that I'm driving"—Opportunity Released by McNaught Syndicate Inc " Magazine Ode-ba- te lf the-Jerse- y ed Desirous of Proof Bad Dream Father: "The man who marries my daughter will get a prize" Young Man: "May I see it please'— Medley London Termite's nightmare: I Dreamt I Dwelt in Marble Halls--LLE In Saturday Evening Post Phila delphia A OM t ' 11 1 it00 7s Iti3:1 401 $ - 1 Oil ) Pei C 4v 'tit'ir-- ''''S Kk113 01 r!ASs: i -3- ASIO 41AZIfft Program Expanded Vocational training in private industries properly safeguarded can be of great value J1 in the defense program now getting under l'fi ' way perhaps true also that the C C C does not provide a great variety o4 Dpportunities for training However the training program of the C C C has been greatly enlarged in the last few years and the empha- silt from now on will be even more on training for useful civilian and noncombatant military jobs ‘'! The unemployment probleni among youth ' Is much larger than is implied brthe Washington Post and others who are beginning to urge a reduction in the C C C Throughd out the depression about of all the unemployed have beenlound in the 4 age group The Biggers unemployment census in No- vember and December-193- 71 indicated that (1 there were almost 4000000 nriemplöyed in this age range Of these about 2500000 were boy& -- These were youths who were out of school and vvho wanted jobs but were unable to find them They did not include a large number who were being kept in scho9l and college with help from the national youth administration Nor did they' include perhaps 1750000 partly employed young people who wanted regular jobs Of course these unemployed youth are not confined to families on relief Must a boy of 18 or 21 or 23 be condemned to idleness because his father is employed? Re gardless of the fiither's employment or station in life the moral damage to a youth whe cannot obtain useful work is a matter of serious national concern A great majority of these unemployed young people have never had regular jobs They have never learned the habits of steady work much less the skills which improve their chances to obtain steady work C C C Offers Job Chance The C C C has not been strictly limited to boys from families on relief It has been open all along to boys whose families might have gone on relief if they had not received the $20 or $25 a month from a see enrolled in the C C C In 1937 when congress made the C C C a semipermanent agency by authorizing its continuation for three years and again' in 1940 when the 1' authorization was renewed for three years was "unemployed and thetest ofl'eligibility -- in need of employment' This was a test of th e need of the individual boy not of the need of his family By authority of congress the C C C has been open for three years to boys from families eligible for relief even if they were not on relief For more than a- - — 1 year it has been open to boys from families whose living standard is below "normal" for the community in which they reSitie The recent relaxation is only another slight broad ening of the economic area from which C C C boys may be recruited As in the past youths from families on relief or eligible for relief receive the preference Conscription by congress will - P reduce unemployment in the group When some youths are to be called by lot to defend their country is precisely when it is most important that alrYoung people be made tó realize that there is a useful place for them in our society The boys who enter the 'combatant services Must feel that they are preparing to defend something that is worth defending Register and Tribune Syndicate It-l- WO101 AoTto)1000 W41ig itc11atilm°r comes According to the Washington Post "If the C C C finds that the quotas assigned to the aP i e'grbuoomdginer-rt- s palgn issue for almost Bever years has been pushed into the' indefinite future by the But the de'exigencies of national defense mand that the huge outlays for national defense be offset in part by economies in the so called "nonessentials" is arising -- again and doubtless will be heard throughout the campaign In scouting around for °nonessentials" some of the economizers have now picked the civilian conservation corps They give as their reason the recent relaxation of the C C C regulations to permit the enrollment of youths from families with "moderate" in- STRUGGLE bows Hitt im AFRICA Mr Willkie apparently has heard these noises and is moving swiftly to correct the situa-- 1 tion It appears he went into this campaign determined to cast a wholly new 'spirit into the Republican party and did not want too many old faces in the front' row It Is possible be has alsO had less respect for organization than' those more ex- perienced party men who have been closely associated with pre- s h raanrsa"n"aff--vre I i 74: ' Atom service will make his own connections and assume all responsibility for errors formerly blamed on "central" As announced prefix names are to be discontinued since the new numbers wilt consist of five figures each to be touched in the dialing In cities where this system has been tried the satisfaction eventually became generalstAlthough some individuals complained at first because they were deprived of the privilege of finding fault with operators According to the authorized announcement some 40000 subscribers are listed in the alphabetical section of the new directory representing a substantial increase since the last directory was issued in Jenuary of this year While it will not be possible to distinguish party lines from indrvidual phones In the arrangement of numbers the present intention of the company is to retain such lines under existing contracts It is progressive movement that should prove satisfactory as soon as patrons become accustomed to the change B v::r !!e :r--:''- 2 1 4obleIsXp:lfh:-- making-Republica- hf NI-4- New telephone directories are being distributed preparatory to a change in the system of total communication effective next Saturday at midnight The improved dial method will be put into operation so that each subscriber to' or patron of the By Charles -- re7rel'I'l!''''- ' his-to- ne - - - : '10940 cc:C:Cpp:Qif0:r' - 4414 4 - indicating ' discontent within the Republican organiza tion are genuine groans and grunts against the way Wei-de- ll L Winkle ha been handling the party routine A' good many of the Party lieutenants apparently resent Mr Willkie's failure tq set up an orthodox single unit party organization along Republican lines One eminent gentleman who waved the flag for Winkle at Philadelphia for instance has spent most of theensuing period sulking with a fishing rd in the north woods Others hive been whispering that the organization work is fag below previous campaigns Still more capable of financial predictions are 4 privately prophesying Mr 'Winkle will 'not be able tp raise cut ficient funds the way he has been going nOt even the 017 tremely mhdest $2500000 to which he restricted his organizanoises By' arming 1 Avie:t 7 7 By Paul Mallon iNto '' -- 7:tr--r7- e urrent ONews - - Salt Lake City Utah Thursday Norninz'Auglistlig - 4' nttilediP'to the Tbe Tribune Is a intembet of the Associated Frees Ma Associated ?resale exclusively lase IOC reproduction of siw dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited In this paper and also the ipc4in!we published herein Il 11010-Adolt--- ' Scenes :or I —Established April 151871 wri-c-cran- Behind--the''''''- )kugust ‘ s 14C--AMI- 1t 161001 I N 1 RC one-thir- 16-2- THE PUBLIC FORUM By Our Readers - Scores Attitude Of Contributor - - Editor Tribune: In a recent Is sue of the Tribune L D Spils" bury says that Great Britain con trols an area 100 times the size of Utah and controls more land and sea around the Americas than the United States 'does He also says let no foreign nation own any part of the Americas or possessions near by By this I suppose he means Canada It may interest Mr Spilsbury to know that England fought for Canada and won it Just as we fought for this country and it won He says that the English burned our capitol to the ground in 1812 In the War of 1812 we marched into Canada and burned their capitol James Truslow Adams in his book uThe Epic of America" tells the truth when he says that we fought the French the Spanish and the Mexicans but We were not taught to hate them as we were taught In our schoolbooks to hate the English It Would have been very easy for the Canadians to have been taught to hate us as we tried to take their country from them in 1812 but fortunately they Weren't taught to hate anybody and the result 4s the friendship -- - of the United States and Canada 'Which is an example to the whole world It is just such ideas as Mr Spilsbury's which start a lot of trouble The same ideas exactly as the dictators in Europe have as they look at certain countries close to them and think that they should own them! J J Hearst Contributor Discusses Governmental Forms - trioto combined cnn never talq! democracy's realistic values Secret combinations consistAng of many factors of "over-worlgangsters have set up a political fetich at whose shrine they bow in reverence while they use democracy as a smoke screen to conceal their corrupt practices True the people have the liberty to vote for their choice of the gangster clicks above mentioned which in itself is but the echo of the last vanishing hope of American sovereignty deThe status of present-da- y mocracy can be correctly measured by the following: 10000- 000 idle workers of - Editor Tribune: Democracy in Its truest sense is government in moral purity economic equality religious freedom and broth 'erhood of man An institution of the highest precepts in man's sacred obligations to man a doctrine of equity inspired of the soul of man for the temporal progression of the human race Democracy is just above a Republican form of 'government and just below a theocratic form of government While it is not a divine institution yet it is born of the spirit of "grace and one-thi- the If this is communisnt fascism columnism then would answer in the language of Patrick Henry "Make the best of It" ylvester Earl Virgin Utah fifth Says Nazis Would Seize Relief Sent to Belgium ' H4:rk Memory is the treasure house o Till at Dorothy Thompson's mots of the mind herein the monttI glance ' ments thereof are kept and- - preAnd I say "Here's the rationserved—Fillier al view!" Who Remembers Back Thompson Hugh Johnson B9ake When Maybelle Snow was Carter and Rent queen of the Elks carnival? Lippmann Dave Lawrence When Dr E F Root made and Paul his calls on horseback? Mallon I read and at bedtime When a bell rang In the saI'm spent loons across the street from the And have no outlook at all! Salt Lake theater warning pa—Dow Richardson trons that the curtain was about Judge 1938 to rise? When there were two street Notes on the Cuff Department ear systems in the city—the Rap"Precinct Pete" says that the id Transit and the well the candidate who controls 5 votes slower one? is lucky the one that controls two tele10 votes Is a genius and the one phone companies operating—the that controls 20 votes is a liar Bell and the Independent? When the Salt Lake Press club Charley Pincus tells me that annual show was the theatrical did intend to make skip and social event of the year? for "The Mortal sequences lag When the police would march Storm" at Alta but the lack of In formation from the station hotel accommodations caused over to Main street and then themnto choose Sun Valley Any to their several disperse patrol way they're wonderful scenes beats? and if their locale were general When the street cars had coal ly known they would add fame stoves to heat them in the winto Idaho's already famous win--tter playground: When Drtehl & Franken's was a popular drugstore? Note to A J Skidmore: You When a woman in a "slit' ought to knOw better than to skirt" first appeared on Main expect me to comment on anystreet and the riot squadhad- - thing like that typographical erto be called out? ror It was a funny one though When Anderson's tower was But editors have no sense of built across the canyon from the humor Arthur Didn't you know a and was made capitol charge that? to view the city from Its top? When some'of the city's most It's like old times seeing Bill beautiful hontes were on the Stackhouse back at his job again west side of MattVatteet between He has been quite sick but is Fourth and Fifth South? Just as good as new now—thanks When voters rode to the polls he says to the splendid treat In hacks and ment and care he got at the carriages supplied is by the candidates? Veterans' hospital er Newspaper Columnitis I'm up with a mind that's open and free And unprejudiced as a gnat But I lay when Lippmann's stuff I see "That's right! I feel like that!" I'm at my desk with a mental ' estance And my political doubts are ' few Major "Swede" Olson Is driv Ing over to Denver this week end to visit relatives He expects Mrs? Olson and their two sons to join him there The premiere of the picture "Brigham Young" may induce people who have never visited the Utah historitai society's de partment at the state capitol to go up there It'll well worth anybody's time Ow ill-fe- lic mercy" and is irrevocably decreed by universal' law as the advance step to theocracy The principles of democracy are as unchangeable as the laws of gravitation and all the wisdom of the learned all the plotting and scheming of politicians statesmen and fifth column pa Senator From Sandpit rd d people $25000000000 idle Panic deposits $22000000000 in gold coin burled in Kentucky $18- 000090000 annual crime bill political and economic strife that threatens to disrupt the repub- Editor Tribune: The English government is positively correct as to allowing foods from America to the Belgians It would be a wonderful and the proper thing to do if the Belgians were to get it However a nation that would go out and rob an innocent weak little nation of its sovereign rights and everything else that was near and dear to it would be guilty of anything that was utterly inhuman So if this country was to send shiploads of food to those fortunate Belgians the German army of occupation would supply their full requireinents first and rather than even throw a few bodes to the Belgians would probably send the balance to Germany It is said there is honor among thieves There isn't anyeYidence to substantiate it here but there is only one answer to the question Subdue Gerinany that the world might settle back into tranquillity and take on an attitude that we all love so much and then help rehabilitate the imposed on unfortunate Europeans Walter W Southworth cold-blood- The State ot — TkëTWátIàii By Olin Millet Basing his prediction on the 1n recent weeks there has been a marked increase in scribbling on tablecloths the owner of a chain of restaurants predicts rapid expansion of business activities in the near future Increased scribbling on tablecloths means a large volume of business for laundries but it may' mean little more It is feared the' restaurant owner assumes too mtich in concluding that scribbling on tablecloths indicate the working out of business deals It is ever so more likely In these parlous times that these scribblings in the main are mere bizarre doodlings of nervous per sont We know that recently we have seen sketched on tablecloths a number of fascinatingly weird caricatures of World Enemy fact that No 1 Distributed by Esquire Features Inc Reproduction strictly prohibited ' Christopher B tilopp Says: Straightening Up Straightening up Is done by suddenly energetic persons who exclaim "This desk Is a perfect mess!" and set out upon a war of total destruction of the litter They ask Father if he ever reads his mall and if so why the annual report of the utility corporation has been left around for days Father replieethat he is going to look it over So they move it from the left side of the desk to the right They pick up a letter and say "What's 71—Investigat ion revealt-i- t as- - an invi- tation of Johnny's that he should have answered days ago So they reproach-Johnn- y for keeping poor Mrs Jones in suspense and place the invitation conspicuously beside the inkwell where Johnny cannot overlook it They inquire "What is this newspaper clipping doing here?" Mary admité ownership and says it is a recipe for removing freckles that she needs very much So they warn Mary to dispose of it quickly and meanwhile shift it to the pen tray They pounce avidly upon several unsightly'memorandum pads but give them a reprieve they are discovered to include the adresses of a man who cleans chimneys of a hairdresser who is cheap but highly recommended and of a Woman who will come to work by the day They examine a batch of letters includt ing one from Grandma one from Aunt Kate and one from brother Bill that haven't been answered and can't be destroyed until they have and stand them on their sides behind the desk lamp And when they are through they find that all they have removed is a couple of elastic bands an empty envefope and six Inches of string They conclude that if the desk is ever to be anything but a mess they will have to begin straightening up by first removing the family |