Show E ito 2 4 — WORK BRICY—CEMENTPLÃSTER Prices mason& ? la 536-- urroNaoLra Ian Hiatt - 1 eee- ' - - rata sannint Machine tot tent itnd misx'rgic lanitithet drth Snot It Mime Vine 40411 IRON RAILINGS lateens fences Cruel' stairs balconies Wire A Iron Works LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED MACMPIE ground trea pick up sera Chas A 'Yowler 135 E 3rd So W 4980 MAKING MATTRESS Called tor and OVERMAN'S 2759 8 State ILATTRESSES REMADE delivered GOLD WANTED OLD LICENEIED GOLD BUYER 64 80 MAIN W M McCONAHAY JEWELER PATENT ATTORNEYS THOidAa & THOMAS U S Reg marks tawmos Beasda aids Trade Vy 7292 iltivateattd public ilbrass tondos& M G Vust en 221 Edison at W 1870 ENTURY PRINTING CO COMM- - and Publication mint 2:IS EfliNon Vii I Mn) —PAIN EING—PAPERING—CLEANING PAPER HANGING CLEANING WASHING CALL W — PAINT-AM- ) 6634-1- FOR $10 3 RMS all prices Hy 4062W Wallpaper VILMUDELINt1--Paniting dapering Hui crew of expert& No merit H 1513-'LOWEST prices expert papering 01111111MP He 1363 Call Pearson eieantnt EsL 140W first class work at lig price and samples free Hy 7503-PAPERING lit &ass work only Samples free estimate Courtright Was 1164 PAPERING $3 rot Ininteeted damp turn 1 work guar paint Witt 70:33-'PAPERING palitthig cleaning Heat work ' lowest rates Hy 2996-4 PAPER PLASTERING LEVI statist so P LIELK croropodiet-foo- t 304 Felt bids Bunions ift Both feet treated ocientffigally WSW 2121c terse consultation $1 HOME: REST HAVEN CONVALESCENT Ideal environment for ated or &flint Homp4 rs in nurses- 2171 5 E H - 88401 0E5E11E7 GYM —WAS 1424 Enroll now EnJoy better health SWIM REDUCE Coos prtv courso—STI: Prof Thornton Was 8pries44 1732 Cat DR GRIFFITH specialist tor men 234 South Main st Was 5314( LESSONS—Bv Was DRIVING expe 6748 for appointment cited AND BATH rfileTr-aoli- - tt g competent otter:woe 25 r 2nd Bo Rms Bun Rids Nurse and bath Out mammas Main room 205 Miss Pemasseuse Was 2275 SWEDIMH and baler massage baths rubs 208 80 fitate rms 336--7 Hrs 204 Two competent nurses SCIENTIFIC MASSAGE—Mae Thompson graduate nurse Out calla 1591s Mo Mato rm 201 Was 8153 Showers TRY cool: relaxing massage steam bath Rm rates 403 Utah Bay & Trust VERY best massage hotAmth ale oil rubs' 220-22- 7 Hra Atlas bldg Goon massage de luxe vapor bath 331-335 robot rub Hrs Atlas bid EXP massage bath Franco-AmericSgt R 315 23 E 1t o Marie Moos 159 Vg tersen - 6- milli-1- 8 OPPORTUNITIES RAVEL SHADES Flu 5 SCHEDULES — Schedules Daily to Southern California and San Francisco NEW -S- PECIAL eo Com Was 2225 SALES Assofto HALES M DERRICK BUS DEPOT Was 2rid So BUS 1106 SERVICE PONY EXPRESS STAGES - ONLY INDEPENDENT RUM LINE Chains Large Ruses—Reclining Lowest 1Way and Round Trip Rates To Nevada and Southern Cal Points SUS LEA VE S DAILY AT 7 P 51 Information and Reservations at WILSON HOTRL—WAS 10475 SEM IIS FIRST NEED Just elgi0 to travel on? Commercial Dia Co 412 Judge tildg SALE of AUCTION GIGANTIC room Very line furniture rugs etc cram jam full and all goes to htchAUG 15TH est bidder THURSDAY A IL AT 430 SOUTH STATE 1030 Partial' list: 4 fine living room T sets 7—HELP WANTED—WOMEN breakfast sets g upto-dat- e bookcases dressers chests drawer ---- -a lot fins AXMINSTER AND WILTON in own RUGS beds spas matt single and STENOGRAPHER—Reply age stating experience and full sizes HEATROLAS coal electric Box nalary willing in start with and gas ranges also combination A24 ranges radios leetric washers elec GIRL for TribuneTelegram gin housework Must be over 20 vacuums kit cablitets dining and Fairmont ante No 5 Wages kit chairs buff tables floor lambs - camp stoves and chairs end tables OPENING for 2 local saleswomen follow elec porch See Mr comm refrig up mall campaign refrigerators flower stands washstands DRVIA Perry hotel swings mowers books pictures dishes tools WOMAN 22-4- 5 experienced in cooking and A books world utensils brica-bra- c housework good wages Beferences of articles trio numerous to list Hy 8315 BUY AT AUCTION AND SAVE EXCELLENT proposition for beauty operator as manager eXelt191Ve salon Comm Box A30 Trib-Tel- e -ERFERIENCED girl tor general hawk and conking None other need apply Will CAA uy evell NO lituonty Excellent wagetr 1224 Tribune Publishing enrripan) E So Temple EXPEII fitter for alteration work rn Ince state store nice appearance dept age salary exper expected Box an fakt &butt Ott : Timms u Daily and Bonney Daily and Sunday vanes The shove rates 1200 appiy in Utah Wane Nevada and yarning leisewnere in the United Mates: $I lin rally and Sunday one month Ine tribune I y:u sate au every many' tant city in the United States Headers allay Ascertain agents in atm city by tele Piloollig this office illy mount is C chenille ol Lite Amillu elated Press The associated Press is sawn lively entitled to the use toi reproduction of an news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and sier ihea torsi news publiened neretn a cnititei wemDe Ot ant kite inbuilt Anna Bureau cal threuistion Mg Mining la a meMbel at Media Records Inc group tistillUtUll I 4141 Lug tiALIUltai 'ewe New York City sientativea Offteee Mitcham avenue Chicago J6U Num Mica Man avenue: Philadetplua Land Title runup lug Detrett 8269 General Motors bonding: Suttet street Los An an ilIallettlet) HT West Ninth stmt Seattle Lloyd get totindIng Mentbet A 89liellitild Weekly Mao IIIZitte and Corms Penton Group —a OFFICE OF "THE WAR DEPARTMENT CONSTRUCTING STE R QUARTERM RILL FIELD OGDEN AND VICINITY UTAH August 13 1940—Scale4 OGDEN proposals will be received at this office Until two thirty I 2:30i o'clock p m (MAT) on the 28th day of August 1940 and then opened for the furnishing of me terial and equipment and performing all ' A29 ltittneRIPTION one month 1 LAM on year to ad Trib-Tel- TWO GIRLS e to call on housewives Bat eve pm Wages EXPERIENCED waitress Wages In at Johnson's Cafe 46 So State GIRL to stay with baby afternoons and Wages evenings Hy 9884-- J WAITRESS out $225 day Employment Axcy 73 W 1st So COMPETENT girl for gen hawk It cookGood wages 1741 E 9th So ing a 40-50 to Atari-- ghts gen houseWOMAN work Salary 130 N W Tem apt 1 Nev 2EXP wain-easegood place and wage Strock's 01 W 2nd So EXP BEAUTY OPERATOR—Reference re (wired Salary and comm Phone Hy 558 between 811 a m or 1 p m Hy 6529-- WANT WORK 8-- LADY with 15 yrs ex desires custodian Hel 2753 Hy position OFFICE girl 412 yrs experience typing shorthand bkpg Was 885SI biXP girl desires secretarial work part or full time Box t716 Trih Tele 9-- MEN WAN1 WORK ---FORMER basineas executive waiil any Can per work active man peat 40 form Box Trit)Tel OFFICE MAN 26 6 yrs viper excel ref clerk bookkeeper May intypist vest Capable orrice mgr Hy 9406-ACCOUNTANT now emploved In Calif labor necessary to construct and complete desires change exper b yrs lumber A C Hangar including the one office 3 building cone 6 insurties thereto at vicinity of Salt Like City ance W 9256-with in strict accordance Municipal Airport 42 YOUNG will man 3 do or and drawings Specification No II652-- E for living quarters Hays other lob Plans and epecifica mentioned therein Trib-Tel- e 7 Box tions may be obtatned at the ebove office letftY dollars ($5000) deposit required' bEPENDABLE young man desires part time work for bd far plans rm Was 2711 watehman or Janitor under HANDYMAN NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING (Ia Was 8076H stands boilers STOCKHOLDERS OF 00011( MARIE' A UTAH CORPORATION A special ot stockhoiders of meeting Will be held at 304 ttooly Moly Stock Buildtng Halt Lake City Utah on August 27 1940 at 10 a m to Vote upon A pro 1 4 Article" to of and the amend posal Articles to read as follows: That the term of the COMpany's AIRLINE RADIO OPERATORS exlitenee shall be one hundred years from and after the date of its incorporation MEN WANTED """-'" the corporation Into 2000 ilhares 10000F- - each' D is of tot the HIGGINBOTHAM ' 00 di men per value ot eteeretarp NOTICE OF SALE Notice iP hereby given that on Tuesday the 20th day of August 1940 at 10 o'clock a m the State of the State of Tax Commission Utah will offer for gale at public auction at the front door of its offices Room 118 State Capitol Building Salt Lake City Utfth the folto wit: lowing described property No of Item—Cigarettes Unit Units Packages of 20 80 Strike Package Lucky 32 Package Spuds 20 Package Phillip Morris 10 Chesterfield Package ' 4 Kool Package Total' — 158 vinf - 4111 Id be sold Aria- erticre FOR RENT —T I iTThiimria1n aud-'sta- ti ' 70MoTurnaetunt2F144' ''"d-row- e- or the form at salary eommission em of em both Only bona fide in th e with pay ployment Kindly re'Help Wanted" column port any exception to this ruleAte the MI' 1 Viasa rteriltimatistbis lxhrtkorgssoreorerevarzr-man toinitain )uncti PER young ces reasonable wage Apply 1041 a m 437 8 'MainCOVEY Aid INNSEETHENT MIDDLE-AGECO couple to live in apt 239 E so Temple Wes 5571 take care of Invalid Was 7973 MAN for night watcliman aqd extra wok THE BEAUTIFUL' BELL WINES In exch for apt Alco janitot with 530-54- 0 some salary Atlas bldg EAST FRET 1011T11 4rm Lg a apt L living rm FINEST opportunity ever offered to Colonial fireplace Venetian blinds Amlive wire appliance salesman High cross closets ple Water ventilation excellent comm to proposition plus cooled roof rear playground l Packing right party 17 W 1st So RPIROnable ale° turniehed space man coumeTort—Neat appearing young with car to collect on monthly inIVANHOE stallment contracts See Mr Hale 804 4 rros $45: 5 rms $42 50 to 550 Utah Oil Bldg Comm 417 E 3rd So Hy 7135 CAMP TENCER CAMP COCk small crew BILTivIORE-50I Strock's 145 W 2nd South -SO I 5111 Wages EASTI Wen arranged grm 14 closets insulated ' I I Agents Wanted A—Salesmen watercooted -- 7—APARTMENTS—PURNISHED4nROOMS RADIO SERVICEMEN MORSE TELEGRAPHERS Jobs are plentiful in all of these fields SE A 8KILIED TECHNIrikN QualifY Yourself for a sue cessful future as many others have If yotir credit iP gnod we will finance ynur training with NO DOWN PAY MENT This le ati opportunity that any man with average ability and a determination to earn better than an average salary ahould not overlook DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES Ses or write Mr Bail Or Snouffer WESTERN ELECTRICAL COLLEGE 248 South Main Salt Lake City root mod ' EMBASSY Enjoy the enmtott in alyevoied Looms in 'Um PFEDT HOTEL Salt Lake's only BADGER APT "t RENTAL AIR CONDITIONED Rat" bF wotrL SERVICE t0URI8T mod - vz KIMBALL—ISO NORTH MAIN 123 ems by - furnishing NZW - playground Trees husbe& West No Temple rms Wise In clean quiet $2250 tin S20 T0130- -2 and 3 rms cool and quiet Adults 233 No 1101 E MART RUT1- 1-7 B et' New all elec tIle bath hdwel tiro $25 up W 7511-A8HBY-- 338 E let So nicely turn: rm ants 52750 up Adults ROYAL ARMS APTS 70 WEST NORTH TEMPLE turn apts 84150-3485- home - AIRCRAFT INDUSTRY Rack-loorders for $865000000 ?LDS DEFENSE EXPANSION PRO GRAM demands 600000 additional men it r ' ' 4 4': g between trained for Cali fornia aircraft factories Starting salaries well above average School will men effected For in help finance formation see or write MR BROOME PACIFIC A IIICRA TRA IbirNft RM 210 'INC HOTEL 110XUM 18-3- 4 which said property has been Set' d by the State Tax Commission of the State of Utah pursuant to Title 93 11 L C Revised Statutes of Utah 1933 as amended by Chapter 17 Laws of ENROLL NOW — New class starting Barbet Coll 170 Regent at Moler 1933 'Utah Second Special Sessirrl 7erma of Sale: Bald property will McKISSICK Beauty School—Enroh now Liberal terms 120 E ltrd 8 W 4012 IA void for cash and the sucecsaful bidder will be required to affix to STOP stammering Speech disorders ene reeled Public speakitia hroadesstfue each package of cigarettes tax drsislatie art MILER'S SPEECH stamps in the Amount required by 703 Ir Ind So Hv all A Or law to wit: each package of 20 cigarettes Dated at Salt Lake City Utah I I—HELP Wanted-'—ME- N this 15th day of August A D 1940 &Mery othri repairman loot STATS TAX COMMISSION e married artoKilma exp- res By Leo 41 Jardine Secretary waxes Box ATT Trib-Te- l i 1111)r) 0 le - tt iri ' 01 :: ':' - g- - fitlii i rit 4 -- O Fl—LWM-'-M-HYLAND 3469 V( '''' ' int f : 'H11' Th 4$ ' ':' p A' ' :1'7--- 1 ! -- :- : i414‘ sit? '1'!I 1it towItI it I I :::!' -- 4 - 15LIO TELLS MOW '? EMMY 5roole0 MO l'fi3O4? 211a - '1 r 1: P'' 1 '' I ' tine home districi A and blurt color combine 3 lovely bedrooms with corner windows large dining !QOM extra lama corner breakfast room tomatic Juniata tiled bath cool spacious dancing room in basement and mald's room garage Let us show you this borne today! Only 57500i 01000 down Hy 9424 G- - G 2 bedrms nicely turn good loc 130 N 9th west mod overstutted $214—ATTRAC 76T So W Tem turn gar adult' or Lease at 1822 Soom 17th 4585-- MONEY MOVING 412 Judge Bldg RI low in basement $6250 Evenings Hertz Maki No Call O 500—'2-stor- $ lave Ret4 Estate Department -Ftral 6 ecurity Trust Co Fir Newhouse Bldg Was mod hmmt ph Was 7260 A real snap—reduced from Illt7M1 tor Carries an F H A loan s I Furnace: Iota of Moneta rge sip porch bung elec and MO per month income Beautiful home 5 apartments corn pletely Jurn Always rented MI &cry Maio corner lot Pined loetttirsii street Brigham City 111talL If you wish to retire with a subetantlal in come here le your opportunity Call 1798 phone or write Mary Larsen So 5th E Hy 514811 BEAUTIFUL modern home partly furnished East Mill Creek district atm ker electric water heater double garage landscaping lily Pond wishing well one acre city and irrigation Flo 3 59 Cell 27th East 'water Owner Was 5751W or My 30$41-)1home hens Del Thu Poultry f 5 FRIESFarmstewing 33rd So 3rd E ily9907 'Latest in design 500 PULLETS 16 wks Chloric1frles stew MOO terms 2513 5th East --- !row $4500 5m —hens Hy 5762-prick with otoksr in Highland park 452A Ily ' BIRDS RABBITS 4 SHOWI down Payment' Newt $510 or ra S reg Airedale al a Judo' Bina Was 2225 erty park refreshment stand Apts For Sate 29—Duplexes1 42—Machinory—Pipe—Iron INVESTORS NEW and used emnit apt and one duplex Gross Need $8500 yearly income $4080 cash to clear estate: buyer assume $8500 mortgage Net yearly 'income over $1700 or 20 per cent of inveat ment Cali Wallace To Can't last near TORONTO COMPANY & Atlas Rids Realtor Wax 1351 2ND AVE 35500 APTS 214 rya each Oak firm elec ref New furnace roof decorations Terms RIOK011t NEALTY CO W 1148 If 7742 51'2 3 LOVELY By Striebel and McEvoy : pips structural stool and tank Mtnses Iron and Metal Co 700 Me 3rd Want Wan 4763 irox444444 74 fear Arad—MON See and USED burls o ban BAILEY & SONS 41111 Mast 3nd So Pita 3fIS CO HIGHLAND BRAND LAWN FEED E GARDEN AID THE BARFOOT LINE OF INBECTICIDEI ' I IN :':'''': ''Yf' ii!i ie '' --- Ill filkat ON SONIE SPOT? li PULL PCEDGEO ' PILOT I7 PAs" CLOTHES! h 10 - 14 11 BECAME yiA I 'I: ':- :c: tit 4 4 141 IJe-'16?:1 jue' V f' - 46-L- Ir - 21 i ""1611i 1 C-- oil t FA$1 i v ON 1111P10t(' 1 i ECOTOOS 4 ' : - - ' ' ANNO00 M : MeNsught Symbolic Inc '0PLi : II p i ' mI 1 elk k it j'' -- - ET'S mirm Was 6559 B—COAL and WOOD -47- ' 1 : All - and Fertilizer DEER CREEK COAL CO ite 10 stove get dom GA out $350i Pea $475 og elk ti75 elkSouth 5375 Ws& 2061 714 t 011RNACE i i - '1 41ties JUI 8454 'HACA for piano kcA x Hy screen nit stiii tertiliter sands H 1143W Ed Butterfield SCREEN FERTILIZER ml sett cock nand smi nivel R iNtvto Hv 7333 A 4 11 11 let L f:- 4" 'c 4 - 45—SOIL : ''' g Pt t s 'ilK p‘' 'THE THE HOUSE I A 1! - ' i Ite -' ii im 4 TTlIlm 0 w 1:iit-74:)4- - ri ' ' 1 - i um an ! L t GO filI LANDED PRODUCTS SOIL-AI- 1180 south Main IN I ifFIELD BACK OF S- 1He PLANE? ?47SAMMY PU1 RIDS SIS WHERE'- 1 Wanted and nay cash tor dead or useless horses cows sheep and hum Call Was 5373 or My 5573 collect Colocano All0Mat 13"Products Co TOP prices nail tor live horses cows fin fox feed Call Crekson Murray 240 WASATCH Kennels and Fox Farm MY for dead and usehighest cash prices In livestock Phone collect Mut 285 EAST IC BENCH NEW rooms each side and construction furnace gar small Redondo Payments easy terms - Hv 1654 269141 aye Open evesPRICE col E bench hardwd firs urnace gar Lovely lawns shrubs fruit trees Extra large lot Exclitinve dist 1370 5 13th So Hy 1967-- LOVE IT hods 39—POU IT RV and Baby Chicks (CITY AND SUBURBAN) ROOM new homes HE WANTED TO EugPIAISE YOU FOLKS Was 4682 HILLMAN1-- WELSH Fish & Fox Fiume Pay best price for animnis dead or alive Mur 149 FOR SALE ib-H- OMES 2700 sip INC FEDERAL HOMES 315 Nulth Main BUY stow —619 3221 $2250 WILL call with garage fire4 rooms frame closet excellent space full place In restricted coal beat basernett Millet Nusewer and district Water rfacing included 2168 So 19th Mast except heat full Muni Acre of ground gar So 4th E Handy gar WAS 38—Livestock n0 Wegtmlnstpr BRAND NEW 30'23-- 5 RMS 7260 Garfield School 15th letast modem—newly decorated inside and out easy termeOwner H 3102-- 1 AT 7th and tap brick eXcel cond full basement with extra bedrm toilet finite heat and h w 330 L Was carpets Incl S5500 --sehe- Sons & 33rd So and 5th East $2500—WHAT more could you ask'—here is value plus 5 attractive rms and 31 -L- OTS FOR SALE sleeping porch in exceptionally fine living condition Shiny oak floor and Mae int with culinary water 510 to bath ANT drainboard room diata Build your own tome $20 down handy kitchen 2car garage flowing 991 4 well and coop for 500 chickens We Monthly payment $5 $10 3000 So Mut' 495 invite you to inspect it today AMERICAN HOUSING CORP BEST50 location but price On choice lots to 704t front between llth and Was 1005 REALTOR 121 E Brdway terms 19th East near 21st So Easy Was 8065 mod AVE-$- INC Wan Granite High New I frame home 2 bedrooms colored Hakim gam automatic heat conditioner beautiful kitchen dining and living mono built-igab flee this the price is WOO age Call Located 1649 Ito 18 East owner and builder By 1184-shown by appointment 863 modern large lot dbl gar VV 2nd So Was 367-Was 99314 home stoker water 'beater large recreation room Must Sell Shown by E Hy 31R-stont only 118R-15tframe bowie' Lot 501(150 1728 67 Sthith D REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT FIRST SECURITY TRUST Co MAIN FLOOR NEWHOUSE IILDa A FEDERAL HOMES 315 South Main it 139 YALE FARM years OK with good watcr 'right and well 387 feet water under presaure deep 'eupplies Garage to bathroom and kitchen tnd—small- - coop' 'Included Betutiful lawn and land produces exent crops :MO So 22nd West HERE'S A BARGAIN! coops Ed FOR SALE OR TRADE 4 Voms FOR SALE REAL -- -- $3800—Terms southeast bench home with L view Large living room room with new hardwood and dining ' floors and Venetian shades Modern ' kitchen with DISHELECTRIC WASHER AND GARBAGE 'DtsNew modern plumbing hot POSAL air furnace with stoker Electric hot waterheater—New-doublagaragA t tractive lot with lawn shrubs and flower' Utah Granger — (CITY AND 'SUBURBAN) NEARLY NEW COLONIAL all Improvements including landscaping completed 3 bedrooms LARGE LIVING ROOM DINING ROOM Beautiful condition Excellent east bench district terma $7250: Only ONLY $375 DOWN BUYS NEW 2 nice bedroom CAPE COD Furnace WATER HEATER Linoleum BILENTITE WINoows Garage ONLY DIS$3775—EAST SIDE TRICT Evenings rail Mr Carman' Hy 3365-W- : Mr Whaley fly 745941 Mr Holbrook Wee 455S-COOK REALTY COMPANY 11 East Wu South REALTOR 2524 A SPECIAL- 30—Property for Sale or Granger School modern duplex 5 rms 502 South 12th East Fine $35—N10E 5rm modern duplex school district 1148 E 7111 South hick 1343 McClelland Jorcian Jr High 1127 Ehst 21Nt South 1040 West Oth south wants good bona fide $??7?--OW- NER firebrick $2250—T1118 home !oars–like Te'v'71rnT1 offer for his lovely refinished with asbestos shingle aidonly 3 years old Has cot hird more than 35000 and We in ing and beautifully painted 11 rms 1 condition with glistening oak 3 fine bed condition aPi0tdid tile drain and rooms ample closet apace floors throughout fireplace bath Venetian blinds Good brick cellar large autobath complete matic water heater and expensive and garage Immediate possession stoker It'a today's outstanding buy Buy now and avoid the rush Be sure and see it AMERICAN HOUSING CORP AMENCAN HOUSING CORP 121 Pl RDWAT REALTOR WAS 1005 Wax 10054 REALTOR 121 E Bdwy 6109-- screen pelt Rroodway Irving Jr High ' TRA 4:RM 2 Emerson School Two Co Real Estate Was 2349 205 Kearns Bldg REALTOR 9484-Call By 9439 or Wax Eves stove water heater fur gar 1480 15th E Hy 4054-Hy 8954 $14— NICE Garage if desired 838 West ist North $100 MO- -7 home 1401 beautifully landscaped Princeton Hy 5135 $20— 5RM mod home 2390 So Main tkft REALTOR 1133 McConaughy and Investment gam 28-H- OMES 512 Atlaa Bldg UNION WM! Co mod Gas-coInn 341 E5th B Hy 6537 EMS bath newly papered paint$15- -3' ed 207 Swan et E 2nd So Hy 6299 $3750-5-- RM duplex range garage 1233 East 21st 86 Hy 5168-$25-4- -RM mod arid finished alp porch close in Oar Hy 3861-- J ROOMS modern home hardwood $30- -5 firs gas furnace 72 F al White cot- $22—REDUCED FROM $25 tags 4 rooms bath new paper every room 2nd So court 150 Intl Dooly bet Fith and 9th East after 5:30 p m:' 535-4- -RM dup Invd lira turn gas rg gar 470 Sherman Ave Hy 5217-mod 'duplex Garage extra room In basement 817 Roberta at $2250-3- -M mod duplex newly dec 994 So 5th East Watt 9188-$3750—ATTRAC 5rm dup lidwd Hrs COMPANY TRUST COMPANY textured master walls nice 'bedrooms Cement basement with This Holland furnace floor drain is really a cuts house E B Wicks An State Wag 2046 DIST—$2250-$2- & REALTOR 3221 living with or Duplex with 2 dandy 5room Units Can be purchased for $3900 Only $500 down and reasonable monthly payments This fine Income Property is in a splendid rental neighborhood and will provide a comfortable home plum a fine income to owner bed- - tance Phone REDMAN' Was SIX rt 53250—NEWLY decor 5 rms alp porch Adults 326 E 5th So Was 1228 Ensign School rilIMMUPLEX WITHGARAGE ltb Avenue and E Hy 3594 536-4- -RM insulated dup lg bedrm en t Income Properties heat hot wtr gar Met Hy 4878 $40-6-- 11M mod stoker auto Atte WIZ All Shown by Appointment Only rm 52250-3-ear heater gar ' mod $4950—Close in On avec 2 unite Excel — 225 So Oth Eant lent income Stoker 3 rms oak firs 6950—Fine C street location 41th I blunt gar 616 go 1st W Hy 9194 unite includ Venetians retrig and extra room and in addition 3 RN modern newly dec Adults 5291s rangeg In E 8th So basement and attic $5750—ULTRAMOD duplex Has — everything 1407 15th E Hy 4422-- J Hy 1353 rrdgriireliVir8:iirrItiricThr—rne sec In northwest 'excellent location home le e UoALThisir!eeJhfs and dining rooms Nice Steel alcove bedroont-Nedecorated 425 Blair at $75-6-- RM duplex facing capitol: Vene! Gan blinds tile bath shower 2 toilets under house lull basement Was gar 9206-68 E 261 No MOVE cheaply safely—local long dig 4314 NEAR UNIVERSITY High ASchool 2nd West and 1st North In 2306-- Hy Was West RMS--antt WALKING - rooms ample closet spade attrac five living and dining rooms break- fast nook automatic gas heat land- scaped lot with sprinkling system garage See it today S SMITH te ON ED Main Wis nw TORONTO Special Today's brick colonial 3 y EA 'TORS NEAR Wes 4317 Highland Park School 1453 Sad 21th South —r System 5453-- Call REALTORS frt REDUCED TO $3000—WAS $3750 6rm brick remodeled Recently papered and painted inside and out Bright living rm with gaa log firs place bay window arch into full sited dining room Shiny oak floors throughout Delightful kitchen Wit convenient pantry 3 bedrooms and bath atoker blower and auto as water beater Landscaped lot with garage Owner needs eash—thia low price Call Lamont Toronto or ppt Alder Wallace Inc I INC LICENSEE WAR 995 25 EAST 5TH SO MOVING — Local or long MOLLERUP dist haul& Was 1562: night W 7095 LOVELY duplex gas h w heater stove Snot Priv entrance 202 K al $30 PER month Just the borne tor whimod furnace ter Desirable 1 cond gas range garage if desired 325 E Broadway Hy Close In -4 Main 044 sprinkling syetem Hy 61454 Hy ing 9204 A TRUCK- -WEEK OR MONTH STREATOR-SMIT- so 'too home—ex- rambling 2040 Wallace-In- c Alder Is 111PR HARVARD and sea or Was 1006 Rent a truck low rat DRIVE IT YOURSELF CO 35 W 4TH ENT and bath upstairs tra largerooms 15400t Master bedroom maid's room and extra plumb- MOVE YOURSELF -RET HOUR - McCONAUGHY $5 tu $25 Was 21825 NOW -' REAL ESTATE it 1NVT Co W '2349 205 KEARNS BLDG REALTOR EVES CALL HY 6438 OR W 9484-- HEATED MODERN 4ROOM STEAM COTTAGE with gas range electriC floors beano refrigeratton hardwood fully decorated no ellaree for cooking gas or refrigeration Adults only 11PrVICL Call $3750 month: ilollor Was 6871 Covey investment Co Was 8552W HADLEY TRANSFER Os STORAGE CO Mayflower Van Service Was 1178 'hdwd firs furnace bung garage near bus line and 4 schools Wait I2TH EAST NEAR 111" ItotrL batn4lao!'3 bedroom— BEAUTIFUL GILMER DRIVE BEDROOMS BRICK COLONIAL 24fool living room library'inald's quarters lovely big yard sprinkling system 911750 Evenings rail My Hy 4597A My 10009 -0 lirdrms god JRNHW) 1068 E call Hy 7150--- State 4 y wners of this nearly new home must be in San Fran deco Sept 1 Your chance to make a real buy! 1 bedrm add bath on let Mithigan--- FOR REN1 27-H- Was Main 315 South al Allilimun N ' Wicks Co B Plo ON INC FEDERAL HOMES lease for 4 or 5 years how or du (bet 2nd and Oth pies on 13th Po only) Furl' or unfur Phone Hy 30'10 WE will rent or lease a 0room home on east bench or avenues at 075 or 005 per month Unfurnished Imme Call Was 3330 d late possession WILL TT French' provincial with Full attached basement garage Mueller Gas Furnace with levellaer Rex Gas water beatcontrol 34-ger G E dishwasher sink and dispossi insit—Beautiful kitchettrunibathroom Landscaping all int 1888 Michigan Avt cottage M Weber Canyon 828 a month Mol 418-COMPLETELY urii cabin at Noscrest Shower Elec Hy i 8394 RENT E MAIN O rifir—turn 26—Wanted to design:: Tapestry brick Large gra-elous living room A real libraril opens off dining room Lavatory on maim floor Excellent kitehen bedrooms itnd- - tile bath on second floor Double "garage Charming lot and sprinkling system front and back This home i outstanding INVESTMENT CO " - WAS 730 SPECIAL GADDIS 337 COTTAGES NYON $25-- 4 rooms tion cottage t11 1104 31''' :'' 1 I A :IP4 'v Syndleate se—411sti BENCH tlifrlovely whits R " k 1 aleNauxilt SOME Ft t' Convtunt MADE AN "UNHAPPY" YEAH—TOPE LANDING EN OF THE 1 a-- 'w SHINGLES OFF PAIS ROOF cic' ' F di 16 r ': l 111 --- i' ten! 51 e i i)-- V if' 4 glow' : USrowsis O Modern la every detail Piano 66 Coataville av e tettDNA eta reee wi it — ' Starts Soon—Buy Your Home - cleaned' comb rge houses - Paved Path spring 11 gar 865 S 7th W mod $26- -4 RMS overstutted turni- titre 160 East 7th South - OEVORD-r-11- 9 and 1st an Vim to $150' week t S BROADM0011-- - 93o tr 3rd So WATER COOLE10 5rtrt mod loots space 3 - W 3rniti7egtNowcatiitarri30stgal:rs4i5IS -- $250 j r224URNISHED-H- m7?c light all electric enuippelt lot children shade sun 48 W - 0 C HOTEL ' daY or week r - FÔR SALE S-- WHY 'SUFFER WITH THE HEAT? SOUTH 3RD EAST 2- -3 wen arranged Showel rms I sb ott" CToetei elTeti knititoegatau Ow Parknis ERAS MON 111YW EE KIN - RATE S VILLA ANDREA rms turn $4350: 4 Wes Dixie Dugan—Accomplished Prodigal FOR SALE tstf'-1()TEL-S --- 120430 1137 LOVELY- 64f H10 4i744 ' I separate entrances completely carpeted linitirn 3 rms 4960 or lovely yard and tves: all electric 855 285 lit asp: gar Adults 1354 Stratford ave Wan 850 $2250—P-RON13ET AB apt includes heat-- lights ont L e 4 rms gun p Nor ellen gas relic 658 E 4th $o NI flue view- - good heat light hot corMAL° 279 Ith E—Attractive Kehl Close in Canyon breezes water ner strictly mod elec kit tile shovv $20- -3 RMS small ht gas h w turn 'er beautifully dec turn Adults 174 Canyon rd near Eagle Oats 2 RMS kitchenette andevebath everything BEAUTIFUL 4 rm apt HO Mr cond furnished 303 6th Elec kit tit hot w Incl 745 So 5 E Tritiline-TelegraMIDDLET—Ctean cool 4 rms Suititolo 8-4 lisht airy strictly 034 Bo W Tempo! for 4 adults RESIDENT RALESMEN in amall Utah SUMMERMAYmod rms Inn rear 218 W No Tem owns Capabla al- gelling meritorious its ht dec apt $2250—NEWLT corROBINS- -2 securities in 4 rms alp pch Clean pas gas incl 921 'E 17- - Bo Hy 7593-- 1 ht ht w &atria incl Adults 251 already made specporation that has No cool $16-1-- RM neeclean gas Its apt experience tacular succesa ' Center at incl 227 W 3rd No Was 2678H Producere as we train you ensary conM to GRAYLYN 205 2ND AVE NEW SUTTON 'APTS 23t0 4RD O permanent may look forward nection 'Must be trustworthy and will$25 $35 Everything lurn exc its beligliitilt-3r- m Insulated and water apts and commiemion to Liberal work ing corded roof Quiet and sonvententloca East So Temple attractive itlyz-4- 35 weekly drawing account to right par tion Mt: pHs balcony Adulte Mee Give references previoun' exTrib-Tel- e 840- -5 2 1181 dup Ht h 2 rm modern apt etc SMALL Box stove attractive v' gar perience 154 So 2nd East beds refrig ave loc dultil 'HY 3157-I- k 11AWLEMM ROUTE 'where trade Ii well southin 341 available now close ht $30rooms 82250—BEAUTIFOL front Clean eatablished is -3 apt gi sip E 2nd Bo 776 No 2nd W porch elec east Salt Lake county Splendid opWrite at 820—FACING refrig4 portunity for a 3 rms and CLEAN nicely dec Close in 12 rm apts Liberty park UTH47-20once Rawleigh's Dept bath Was 1690 or Hy 3649 513 $15 $21 W 9093fe ChileTen Denver Colo 1 84250—LOVELY new apt Its ht $2750—LIVING rm kitchen dress rm sell our AGENtS WANTED---- la w hot turn new Hdwd flic wall bed: elec rge re gasstovs elec Coin Sea Mr family benefit policy 963 E )3rownIngIr Adults 221 B st Hs 7183-Frig frig 503 Beacon bldg Keller NOW VERY desirable 648 $33—COZY 2 g'RONT RMS AND BATA front apt -East let South first floor private entrance 128 13 ot I2—BUSINESS Opportunities E W MIDWAY $25-- 3tM dup Hot water incl Adults rme Cool 34 reas D St W 8740-W Was 10236 So 621 Tem 374 on 820 a take partner BIGELOW-2- 25 000 popular low priced automobile So 4th E water cooled 2ND GRAYLYN 205 AVE town Utah northern 2 In rms Lots of space light mod dealership All elec Exclunive 827 up (dune) Doing a thriving business and Pros apts Insulated and water Delightful lo and cooled year with new IDAH APTS-4- -rm convenient roof pects for exceptional Quiet ground fir all elec models on their way Write for s pcation $40 $4750 hdw firs ear 319 E 61h So Adulte for yourpoint mew and investigate new RMS (urn Frigidaire $111-3- -RNI nicely do mod wtr htr gas rge 1034 3 self Box A 215 TribTele Ideal loc 146 lot Ave W 6749-South West Temple Business Opportunity bath Frigpriv merit Established tiniallal MARYLAND APTS gas4 ht hot wtr75 0 et Hy 6839-through products local dist ributionNominal 'rat In839 PLAgo 'temple limit 44m All S25430- -2 AND (urn deatert4 and apts only jobbers Mee Elevator Adult' Wee 6433 ffle gar 85 No 2nd West vestment fully Secured See Mr Nice watider evenings and Sunday Hotel 83750—FRONT 62250-3-- RM It al d gas turn newly sip porch all elec 60' Cente et Furnished 114250 Gar 325 So 4 E Temple Sous re decor — 9AKKIIT- - to good -- lac— Oiling good bri PREsCOTT-apt- s MONTEREY- -2 575 E I44 Bo 3 rms Nicelyfurnextre sell to all elec nes' Other business forces beds cooking gas 48 E 7th South ground floor Was 6250 Ste '35714 $35- -4 NICE rme 2 bedrms LG rms Newly papered Gas Its $20- -2 tile bath heat hot water rerrig tom 995 form 161 E 6th So Was '2963 SMALL HOTEL FOR SALE Lincoln et Elv 10012-BIGELOW-2- 25 So 4th E water cooled ms 28 rooms furnished prIced reason MEREDITB----4—r2 gt-Ifand rms mod Lots of space light i 329 So spt pelt able to Immediate buyer Well lighted Beautiful view over city All elec Exclusive3132 up (Adults) West Temple 2 blka from Hotel Utah Adults Rees S?6-1- SIT fir frt bath a DRIJO aTitHE ftir seta Located In one of rent 160 let ave Was 7385: o s Atm ht h w gas clean 'rigl the besttownot In the Wotan basin 835-3-- RM Adults Pk 337 1st ave mod quiet apt bath Insulated Owner must dispose of store to care cross vent gar: 475 5th eve Will sacrifice for other interests pries—for front—pch iota -- 18—Housekeeping—ROOMS Tele refrig range Adults 874 E 2tid go BIDS for concessions on gait take county 3RilTalit all elee Igei living room with RM kitchenette apt everything 23-3turn 150 N Main 50 Gordon rol 80 1 et fairgrounds at ttfurroy august dritilts CoolingDaystem 31 Adults covering sales of foods -c water cooled 445 OM:41AX Ice-res 91 P FR RM kitchenette hot water Every 2 and 34m mod Lota of agate& light mitte1 to Harry S Joseph Hotel All e'er' r2850 up (Adults) thing turn 238 So 2d East Utah MM $13 and 1 rm $10 Nicely turn STORE IN NEARBY TOWN I 7—APARTMENTS Adults 435 So 4th East FURNISHED apt Property building and a Imo 23 ft bus lot all for $3000 cost Sig—LARGE clean nicely turn rm Ev- Trib-TeSox- A45 l Owner thing incl 859 E 2d So W 722644 $35110 COM M N RESTAURANT est 25 yrs selling sect $2350 TO $2600- -2 rma turn or 11M CLEAN cow close in comfortable apt 155 No Wept Temple Worth of other interests $6000 turn heat hot water and lights inW Canal Will sell for $4500 — FURN VIZ cluded Ids gas Elevator service Adults 45 $1750-$2Eccles bldg Ogden Adults 255 E 1st So Was 5476-Emit 3rd So nady romp MIL WILT SELL excellent driyeln stand State NEED cash to move! $5 up withoul securPER WK—Living rm and kitchen $5 Dond business at Fully equipped Gas it turn 124 So 6th East SERVFINANCE ity EMPLOYEES Death in faintlx Hy a551 ICE 715 Continental Bank bldg front newly furnished electric West-4-room 376 NO ave beit7iTta 2nd 535 range retie $18 4—Stores—O4fices for Rent front apt refrig cross vent Rees one rm kit newly painted walk $IS- -2 ATTRACTIVE rms all elec kit Newly dist gas Its ht incl 757 E 3 So 2 BUILDING 23x62 for store or gar with turn Adults 914 2nd ave RMS $25- -3 let floor E'thing turn Rik yard 107 No 1st West Was 10236 SYLVIA $25 $2850- -2 E 'Hotel Utah 111 E So Temple 3 rooms battl or W 8740-evenings Clean Frig 254 E 8th South rm 414—LG newly papered gee itS7 ileat noi NEWLY BüttDING situated In apt dist turn 161 Ft 6th So Was 2961 dec 1 2 3 rm close in clean water film clean 263 16 nth An to $30 37 Canyon road 516—CLEAN quiet $20 rm front Kitchenette busi2 tertiftEPODMS itititable 'tor O1IVE-- 34 So 3 E 2' a rms Frthing turn 546 E 2nd South pr bath ness 2106 7th East M'Idviie 217M el frig Also hermit apts AND 2 ' rule $10412- -1 Comfortably $30- - BEAUTIFUL 3 rms New coot de261 No W 'rem Was 3927-fun FOR REN1 sirable 1926 Lineoln at brick dup ht h w turn Nice I9-R- OOMS IUNFURNISKill With BOARD 61 S 7th E Hy 8296-yd Rea CLEAN me turn FAIRMONT cool dig bed EXCELLENT cooking large sunny room Frig pr ent Adults 444 Center st very reasonable rates 5 minutes' 4 mg" ti d lepIiig porch walk from town NEW WILLARD $18 and up Overatuffed Hilf 83900 to special rates tor turn 69 D at incl et lit 113142 boarders Fucti day gas $4900 Regent Was 2638 South 50 E CLAMMOI-INNICE frt rm good bd Rome priv!Close 446 fl 3rd Suitill-Nirrl- Y turn ante apt $2750 up Hy 877s 1114313 Wn2o914 3 3rd five LA FERN CLAUDE AIR- cond ANNWare—Teas rata excellent 23 N lat West Euro Ex 5 tmc: beautifully arranged Cond locattorr 1030 E 1st—$43apta and cottages $15 up W 10361 tikt Het 138 P 3Rarim rerfriitt patient 'Ant Inn 322 Goan (ward and room for young men nicely furnished Ft Was 650 Property Marnt 169 N State Was 9248-West North Temple Reasonable KEARNS I ROOM NICE lg rms newly turn cleaned Home And kitchenette gas Lights H W 940 Edison at 66 Gordon 151 No Ir priv good food State place 4 rms turn $42 50 to $45 3 rms turn 1ST CLASS home for elderly people Good $30 $22 AND $28 $3250 to $38 3 rms litiftirti apts Bath refrig Ream E 51h food Its rates 34 I at W 7750 250 So Hy 1958 gas Adults 40 So 6th East I WILL share my lovely home with L D 427 —3-Itt- d close In lights h w 'tee kn priv bath plenty S girl piano home priv H 1756-N- J front mitt Washing h w crossvent gam refrig turn 45 E 1st No 211 E Hy 1515W priv 3 Aild' 4 rms close in good 2 NEWLY flan rms 1 or 2 exc meals Home priv W 5733-Inc 4 RMS No 15 So 3 E 145 1!tt ave Was 6354-- y newly dec all ewe cross vent turn or unturn 227 So 4th LOVELY cool room excellent meals Rates SHUBRICK 'HOTEL APTS WELLS 125 1st ave 3 rms ex tra wa ll for 2 Close In 328 E 2nd So MODERN—RATES retrig Newly decorated YOUNG man to share room $25 month: Et! WEEK OH MONTH 72 WEST 4TH SO Was 4197-114 F at WAS 4482 LOVELY sun parlor hdwd firs $35- -4 353 E 4th'So Frig laundry rm LOVELY $2750 AND up Singles and doublei Tile lg clean quiet rm excel meals ' bath and drain Gar 473 4th ave Parking sp reas 587 let ave g150—LIVING rm bedrm Airkitchen cond bath elec rge S33--- 3 refrig RMS pr bath Front Gas incl Adults Garace418 S g E W 304y Adults 426 So 5th East ROOMS 21Y NO W TEMPLE-3- -rm apt Steam turn apt gas for ht oily bath 'elec rem $2450 So LOVELY E cross 734 Call rms Rol ventilation Ideal Temple cooking large land Furniture Was 2676 or Hy location 164 E So Temple g35—LOVELY 3 rms and dinette In priv 51 home all electric hdwd Om gar clean 6255—COOL turn Priv nicely 113g E 1st S Hy 6683H bath priv home pkg sp 535 E 2 A $4250----REZIRim apt gas for cook- - 4NICELY SOO—COLONIAL apt at 1252 E 3rd So turn frt rid cool for bus sm So 131h E Cali Holland &eon 343 ing 2 beiirms tile hash large Iking em niture Was 267f3 or Hy 5118--girl No 3 Louse apt 101 1st ave dinette electric kitchtir t ra ge room 114 ONE rm kitchen private bath Close ?EERY 223 3rd ave bet sarl4se phone l4vz2aftS for ilara ct to town Apply 1105 E 1st South Nicely turn sleeping rm priv cot lara ctilara tile bath Lady pre? Call or office APTS 505 S 2n4 rooms LE NOEL 305 3 rd ave- -3 bath and sip pch close ht W 8137W 530 FA4m nicely fufu bedrm el reit GOOD cleiTims 329comfortable beds rates South iNest reasonable TeMPle 2 nual lights heat water turn 4 RMS elec kitchen bedrms heat $30 ISO North West Temple 1 or 2 LARGE frt room ht wtr $3750 Adults No smokers gents Newly dee Rees Every eon 121 lat ave Shawn by spot Was 92134 PARKWAY 521 So 5th R water cooled W 5045 3 rms mod Loth space Lgt beat MoVE ehiiplvT safely — local long dis- All elec Exclusive S3—NICELY turn cool Iront rm ' plc $3850 (Adults) tance Phone REDMAN' Was RIM 144 So 2nd East space phone 530—NEW 3room insulated all electric $18— ItM kit bath ht gas b w !urn 174 Canyon rd near Eagle Gate SPACIOUS rm 322- So 9th East Adults reading rm connected Ingar ave Was 'sulfite& '378 4420-STICKNEY-4 rms clean cony for 2 3 WARIMIRToN—Coni 4 rms else retria Adults Ex bed 553 E 4th So H 589W $15—NICE rm hot cold water Blk E: gas range 543 So 7th Sall Hotel SO Utah E hot III LG $40rms frt heat DIXIANNA-2- 62 Temple So 7th East porch -3w 3rm gas Incl refrig mod gar 887 1st ave $10—FURNISHED ram by Liberty park gas furnished 822 Mean attractive 1077 So 7th East PARKWAY-52and sip- porch partly rum So 5th alrwater cooled - S15-3- -RM NICELY furn ige dble-rtrge and linoi mod Lots space LL heat All pkg sp 987 Bryan ogle rm elan Esolusfve sip pch 105 1? ave Emery apt 11 $3250 (Adults) RMS $30- -3 kitchenette priv bath- its W Adults N 150 gas Else mod rm RMS trout f$30- -3 frt Temple $13—CLEAN refrig range refrig bath good bed gents Adults 317 1st ave Was 5927 233 Ilth East washer NEED g5 to 550 to nay the rent? 412 LOVELY large cool front rm remod and retitle NEWLY Judge bldg Wan 2225 mut new running wtr 315 let ave Was 87994W ht gal rpm and mod plumbing h close In WILTSHIRE ARMS-- 234 1st AVE FRONT rm attrac comfortable close in cooking gas turn 2 rms $21 KYLE APTS 51 VisAtng War6-4-90-31 AO CAW— Beautiful lee nicely turn Was 13350-pl -----------bedrm tile bath shower refrig turn OAKS—$30 4 rms New range ref rig' WELL8-1- 25 let Ave Close in 3 rms 2I—ROOMS IN HOTELS 275 So 4th Adults newly dec extra bed nicely turn Adults 133 2ND AVE 011LIOTT APTS mILNER HOTEL-- 54 $37 50—FRENCH WEEK eine 50 E eth So 4 mon Etmc NEWLY DEC Adults rmx sip pen Nicely turn Oar Cool 'FREE LAUNDRY smoAnmoon-9- 30 3rd So WATER Alas E 5th SIOCe-- I Went HOWELL 33 So 2nd So 255 Was 14 Lots SParc COOLED 54m mod ' t1c411' 4' rrnA breezy e" 2 neCien Cht—a—o 111LAN11110TEL—Ziayi rms Trees bushes meats opt $3 tin with bath equipped for children BICIMORE-- 50 EAST SO 5TH sun shad! ' HOTEL LITTLE Well arranged 34m apt ig closets mini ESTHER 167 SO MA IN ST iti THE HEART Oi ims weer cooled roof $42 r THE CITY Se TO $ti WEEK PETER PAN 415 E lird So $30 3 MO gas range and rerrig atter Cooled' ITIT—o-li134 It ave 241 rms Wag illiatire tole of sluice light mod tioTEL 44 5 State reputable Md Property Management All elec 53150 up Adults clean homelikereas Free gar to trace neatappeating 26 to 36 years of age to represent In southeastern Idaho and norther-etUta- h an institution establiehed in years present business for past 50 selected Man work Correpoudtica must posaess real Pales and busineas toability and be willing to follow attructions Proper training will be A car neceseary to furtitshed good Addreint handle- - ponition---Contrletter at application ta' Box V58 - 4 August 15 1940 ligtri isnieeant: with tub end shower all outside window s lots of air and sunshine tinarinal Pawn& shrubs and flowers r - Salt gakt I atoitrwer :- — For Further Information CALL—PHONE—WRITE SAUttAKE help AND 3 ROUTES EAST DAILY 3 WINDOW shades and Venetian blinds In Made hy Kirsch woodorActeeLliats Co free samples and estimates PANDERS MS South Stale Was 7995 'CALL Sum WI MOW $hade Co This nest 60 E sells for leas 40 Richards $t W NOTICES vou 25 to $U 412 Jodi rads 1106 Burlington Trailways Bingham Stage Lines UPHOLSTERING a— Was 2nd South Trailweys Santa Fe Trailways Rio Grande Trailways Denver Salt Lake Pacific A TRUCK REDESIGN your v rm on Add individ 'harm to your turn Hy $SW Dia Co 220-22- 1 SALT LAKE BUS DEPOT INC BAKER TRUCK RENTAL ?Vas AI 800 $o vain Temple k'tfiC11 Reason SCIENTIFIC TRUCK Alm yourself sAvr—Rent Gas oil furnished Low rates I i cupy cltib stile corns calluses 'rowing recite Verrucce warts athlete's toot CLEANING WINDOW Alowors1-41V1-9- - Oft Rug Clean Co It costs no morel for tha hest 10I5 7th E Hy 8502 - 9616 25 W 1 S TuesRew Wu 1953 sa vitittable AMETHYST dinner ring keepsake Reward - Hy: 1'324 WALLET—Br leather- Personal papers 11 1 p m Rew Sears Roebuck Co ROMNEY RENT ferries 'mania 3 mo old lost 717 7th South sod Main Reward $o Main' 'Was 58234i BAG—Army bag eoitiInhig girl's from girl Scout' bus Sat- lug lost RING—Plain-gol- d wedding nr parking lot PLASTERING AND CEMENT WORK Ws also do patchwork build arches Rea 60 East Guam work Hy 278851M ' ERY - Jr (UNFURNISHED I TRIBUNS AND TELEGRAM strive to pmtect their readers against fraud deception or injustice Readers 315 APTS AND 37 COTTAGES s are cautioned to make NO payment to 200 OARAOES get a position advertised in the help BUCKINGHAM wanted columns Ads in other C2itininil HIL1CREST in stocks which require investment COVEY -- -- 'KENSINGTON samples equipment or a cash bond should be thoroughly Investigated bib OUT OP THE Pmokr Di sTRICT fore perms out any money All help ALsa LA FRANCE ARTS wanted ads MUST await the nature FOUND' AND "!t"1 FINISHING FLOOR a 10- s —HELP Wanted—MEN - lig truck who picked up 6 Boy Scout sleep tug bags Monday at g b in will re tura to 1240 Eight 43013 likI 00 Otiestkma asked Hy 6844 ' Alto 41 BEDB(JGS toe 41 LICENSED FUMIGATOR—Bedbug& tit insets Pennqpig Hy 9460 auction 3—LOST aIstICAldli hemstit ILA i' 2—AUCTION SALES s it DERRICK AOC IONEE Was masa BUTTONS—BUCKLES t vi4- - 4 4 Trbt EXPERT BRICK work contracted ‘Expert work Was ' '4io t Thursday MoinIng tALL AN 11 I 1''' - '46 Lue's Coal & Wood Was 3917 160 South Ard West ittoratte nOni ' el or lo Ed: nut 73 Load Jots 50e ton off 10 hills wood $l GUAR UTAH'S BEST COALS Shipped on raitrond 10 stove or dom $5 50 loos or more Biter nnwt ley setigyr11Y-Tv6r coal Stir Cenvon Lo $3 50 Wed el 3375 Kindling ivd Hy $485 I t |