Show 40 - L o cal an : :4 ' ! Classified - Utah Thursday Mmning August 15 1910-- 7 - a : 7- 6tatéataFtishes-- - ' 4 4''' ' I Engineer Goes Up Cent in Price IVIaps of drouth relief was possible Wednesday with tha approval of a WPA profect for the rerifenl publicly owned viitells from whOt Water Is now Wasting' and there Is a possibility the mirk may be extended to private wells form )ade " anno '$tale i 1 Wednesday a modifiCation plat if i'a F la: possible 'I - ' - "We t if satisfactory plan fqr doing the work on well is cubmitted Submits Plan A liTan has beet' prepared by Mr Humpherys and sent to Darrell J Greenwell state W P A ad- Ininistrator 7 I ha the ' -- by Inge trinbeanlei scope Its ' txytir eotmf yr: e e- - Pherys said "since if this complished a great saving of water will he realized ' i i I f ' I ' A : ‘ 0 '11 41 s enjoyed—her 4 I ' - ' g k t ' ' --- lit'svl ! S L 1 record-breakin- s ' so reported - sada his-wif- e i tr i Iti P di 4-- '' eee 'I"I' :'''''''' ' eeeele: else State Prescribes ef ot Refugee Check - ' concerts Although admitting without is blush "I'm '65" Madame S'ylva just two years age concluded a run on Broadway in "The Three I " - Ban on Pitionograph1 City Votes ' Music in Beer Taverns - V - ' - I 1 itt3 14 -- 11 14 ar 14 12 I - As g4 AA 67 10 94 se ' 3:30 4 5 — 99 97 97 Airport entkIng and a dramatic-operati- c schoel Is in the offing Also she is looking for "another Carmm' During' the afternoon she visited with Mrs' A E Bowen "who as Emma Lucy:Gates played Micaela to my Carmen so many times"' ' Daiihnee follow in the Readings 93 SyLva footsteps? ii:30 57 7:30 "Oh I like to sing to act but 11:30 he I'm a good cook too I'd like to 9:30 - $t be a- - French pastry cook" she re"9010 plied with a laugh 11:39 53 "She ought to be it good one' A- - M Madame Syiva added "She studied 79 under sthe chef at the 12:30 78 1:30 in New York for a year" Will 5 115 ) 94 17 - Ritz-Carlt- nickel-in-th"Juke boxes" ' - siot ' phonographs—were e out beer :'city commission taverns by Wednesday' Following closely on action of the police department in Ordering "wandering minstrels" to re- main out of taverns for the sake of peace and quiet Mayor Ab Jenkins recommended to the board that mechanical music should go the way of live talent waa His recommendation adopted unanimously and the legal department was directed to prepare an ordinance covering the regulati6n Chief of yollre Charles IL Olson said that where there' are musicians the "noise"- - attracts a -- ' ' 1 — s "' ''' " 1 - 441A4AsAlsI dAAJAIAA1A041AAs46AAA4AA419‘4OhASAArAAAAAAAALAAL-440A"Lek- k -- families Mr Harding requested particulars on how many of the families I will require private 'housing quar- ' class of "rowdy and disorderly persons" resulting in frequent disturbances and complaints he said proprie- tors of beer parlors don't really want the musicians who malo their living by pickletip' 'tips from customers Where musicians have been banned said ' condif tions have improved' immedithee-chie- atelye- ters here: ' step fur- - Carrying matters a ther Mayor Jenkins told the commission in asking that all music be taken out of taverns: "I feel thatmusic from music boxes is just' as conducive to -- disorderly conduct as a small orchestra and furthermors creates unemployment among local musicians" -- ' candor' 401 ' ! - S Ia ' s ' ' 1 1 1 -- l Prison Body Notes To Buy Water ' k ' Fair e- y000 ' fothi ' Rules '40 Census Not Net Official ' ' Generae- Fire Hazards t: 7 " er olaammod Business Groups 4 -- ' - 44114$ ' ' - '': - 6 ' ' - L1141:14404410"o1 ttA A 1 s ) ' – ' "' - ---- 4 :A40040 A A 4AA044A 'A 44k AAA 4' A ! ' - - Al 14 S - Follow Auto Mishap hi s 4 i 1 - - ik ' Thiee Arrests ' 41h16eidAA004 - ‘ ' St ' ' Building planned at" the new air base site of the Twentieth Wing pnessortedandan saildnettheaastinngautornusalt banks fighting organization which will be to the Salt Lake area had never been in better condition a higher de show assigned rtltaohs ezuths includes barracks adminisfration Notes Upturn i fitness than those i p g headquarters iecreation room inwestern other states 1 ' judging obry oRnasgeebneerrt7'a business halls officers' quarnavy enlistment standards firmarymess r aCommenting said that strucThe ters warehouses and B E Lanham of San FranCaptain be 140 by there was a definite increase on will steel tural hangar cisco chief inspection officer in the Pacific coast in all linei of 200 feet the naval western recruiting divimanufacturing centering around sion said Wednesday in Salt Lake the aviation industry Plant exe Lake City pensions and addition of new emWhile ployes has stimulated the demand for housing facilities and this has dates f area is eliminated by naval r western resulted in a - marked building recruiting examinations in Utah boom only one in 10 is so disqualified the —These factors irtturn have atim-captain noted tilated retail trade creating an ''' Praising work of Lieutenant -upsurge in business all along the i Commander T D Wilson officer in line charge of the Salt Lake recruiting 'The banks" he commented" Two women suffered minor in- are loaded with funds and able station and his staftCaptain Lap- arwere ham said the intermountain region juries and three motorists to take care of more ' demands Lb:rut-car was producing "very desirable ap- - re3ted as the result of than are being made on them" for enlistment" collision Wednesday at 5:25 p m i open at 10 The convention will plipnts "We are building up to- a total of in the 1900 block on Thirteenth a m Thursday with F M Michel-- 170000 from a former total of 135- - East street sen president of the Utah Bank000 men and 'reeking very satisInjured were Maxine Johnson ers' association et the first speak'I 1191 avenue 18 of Stratford and factory progressi Undoubtedly the er Other speakers for the morn170000 will be further increased Elthera Johnson 32 of the same E Roland Clark session are ing as new ships are put in service" he address treated at home for cuts of Portland Me president of the said and bruises treat- division of the A13 A " and t This month the navy is receiving Triffic Investigator Richard T Dr Adam S Bennion assistant to '' 850 men in approximately 10 westAnderson said Maxine Johnson was the president of the Utah Power S ern states 75 of these coming from backing a car from a driveway and Light company whose subA 25 per cent quota ire Utah when it was struck by a car driven ject will be "Trust Institutions and crease is expected early this fall' south by Jack Naylor 17 of 3096 Their Contribution to Public We(2300) East street lfare" Arriving here from Denver Cap- Twenty-thir- d A second southbound car fol- tain Lapham conferred with local naval recruiting officers leaving lowing the Naylor machine and Speakers Listed -of vice preeident- - e John shortly before noon for Reno Nev driven by Tyree Hopson-1- 8 1979 East Twenty-sevent- h T (2700i of the Walker Bank and Trust South street swerved to the right compeny will preside as the conin an effort to ayold the colliding ference chairman —Machines and struck a parked car Speakers for the Thursday aft- owned by C V Hales of 1964 Thir- ernoon ?esslon and their subjects s teenth East street follow: Mr Rosebereys "Recom'' Both Naylor and Hopson were mended Procedure in Acceptance '' Final approval for purchase of traffic tags charging them or New Business": Henry A Theis given k 3 second foot of Little Willow with reckless driving while the vice president of the Guaranty creek water to be used as a cu- woman driver was charged with Trust company of New York and : linary supply for the new state careless committee chairman of the A B driving prison at the point Of the Mountain I on costs and charges "Coat Analy- was given Wednesday by the state sis and Fee?': Mr Stephenson e board of corrections at a meeting 1 "Trustees' Compensation From the Prepare for 0 at the old prison of 'View" Citizen's Point of fair the board Offices state "v The water IS to be obtained froln The opening-day- program will individual owners for $12000 and wfll move Thursday from the conclude with the annual banquet 4- to 7 p m in the Hotel Utah The pipe lline to capitol toPthe fair grounds at the prison site: 'Work on the pipe remain until after the annual fair speaker-a- t this function will be line is expected to be started in the September la to 21 Clark Jr member of JReuben near future - the first presidency of the L D S The:board also approved minor Attornev-Cenerachurch and chairmanof lhe execur n' l changes in the 'Plans tive committee of the Foreign manent structures at the new site Bond Holders' Protective Council as submittect by Raymond J AshInc °ton architect Mr Ashton re 7 On Friday and Saturday the ported that temporary quarters l mornings will be devoted to busiare nearing completion and work ness sessions and the afternoons : 04111 he started soon on the double -to entertainment and sightseeing An opinion holding that pub4 wire fence to enclose the prison v trips — lic officials should not rely on l ' facts shown by the 1940 census ments are In --charge of a committee until it is officially :published Schools-Eliminatheaded by Reed E - Holt of the was written Wednesday by DepWalker Bank and Trust company uty Attorney General S D Hut-fakin response to a query 1 ' ' from William Stanley Dunford A Patents may 'rest assured that of Provo district attorney!A the ' theft children attending Salt Lake Fourth judicial district L r rrancve-rart- y MrDunford had pointed 'out City schools next fall and winter ' in will - enjoy maximum protection that according to the state Jaw of In the L Utah from fire hazards Dr districts John a district attorney The annual party ' ' i Nuttall Jr superintendent of city having 75000 inhabitants or Sales Managers' association and i t schools said Wednesday more may employ a clerk and the Purchasing Agents' Association' ' t "Suggestions made Tuesday by had asked if he might employ ofUtah will be held Friday at the ' Fire Chief LaVere M Hanson to such clerk since the latest cenCountry club E F Baldwin presisus shows his district to have a dent of the sales managers' assoI Improve safety or the school elation announced Wednesday buildings will be complied with" population of 81961 will A golf tournament Dr Nuttall said "We always have begin at The deputy attorney general ' i 1:30 p m and dinner will be been happy to work In close co- - laid the 'figures of the census ' 2 m which 'official at With I 7:30 be at not fire as served should the taken p prizes departoperation ' until published butif they then will be awarded to winners of the J ment" : ' ' tournament e : Schools will be opened Septem- - show the district to contain more " ' ' O H Davenport' Paul D' Din- ' her 4 with teachers' Institute to than 75000 population the disH Pembroke trict attorney may emploSt the woodey and Adriae gonvent September 3 at South high i are In charge of arrangements clerk to be paid by the state sch'o91 -- ' ' and men - ' Other arrivals during the - day were Linus A Kelly of Washington D C attache of the office of the comptroller of entrency: Gilbert T Stephenson director of the trust research department of the A B A grakluate school of banking and Paul E Dorman trust officer of the First National' Bank of Nevada at Reno Mr Kelly chief of the section for examining and supervising national bank trust departments re stationed at the field are being - - transferred to Fort Douglas September I Included among the i ' 1558 men and 160 officers are 115 - tollatthethinerra'psreo i In air arAt o t a cormsher of the mezzo-sopran- ' Y '''''''"?:-'- el it- r 85-1- by Oscar Hammerstein In the Manhattan opera house as well ss in Chicago Boston and Philadelphia S: times she toured the continent N- '''''''''" !tee e expected: from California-- - cause with' Beerbohm Tree's dramatic Later she was featured company '''''eek''''"ese pro- - : Early Arrival The Los Angeles banker' a former state senator in California was in the first group of Pacific coast delegates to arrive The San Francisco contingent arrived later It the evening and others who are coming by automobile are expected to reach this city some time : ' 1 ‘ NI Furthermore tonic - Citizens of Canada are calm but City determined yto bend every effort A' MI 5 toward defeating the nazis Sylvester Q Cannon member of the - 5 ' II L D S Council of twelve apostles raid Wednesday wilds return from a —k 1100-mil- e trip Within Canada 9 visiting L D S mission" branches 10 Mr Cannon was accompanied on It and by David Noon the trip by 'i A Smith former cqunselor to'Mr PM Carmen in the church' pieiding 21 bishopric and now Canadian mis- - 2 ' $ lion president and Mrs Smith Iri k V- l - me field Davis county Bids will be opened at Hill field August 28 and construction is to be completed by October Housing facilities e available in Salt- - Lake City were described to Colonel John F Curry commanding officer of the army air base at Hamilton field Cal e in a letter sent Wednesday by Richard F Harding 'secretary of the ISalt Lake Real Estate board and a member of the committee assigned to assist- the madr 0°' County Board Utah Recruits Adds $20000 Win Prmse one SylvanXiark Lake area's largest milk To Relief Fund Of Navy Man declared that during recent ' - 41 Corps - of Lehi - Army Seeks Bids on Air strodurers---willeereceiv- Salt ! Fugitive European wealth seeking to escape the Hitler blitzkriegs is stimulating the trust business in this country L H Ros& berry of Los Angeles said when he arrived In Salt Lake City iArednesday night to attend the eighteefith regional trust eon terenee of the American Bankers association Mr Roseberry vice president and manager of the trust depart- - ment of the Security-Firs- t National Bank of Los Angeles is one of the featured speakers of the conference which will open Thursday morning In the Hotel Utah and continue through Saturday Trust departments of Pacific' Set-U- p coast banks Mr Roseberry saidare feeling-soeffects of the flight Jot wealth from European Bids for construction of 36 build- countries although the major movement is to Atlantic coast innew a and the at army stitutions A more hangar ings important 'facair corps base adjoining the munic- tor in the stimulation of trust ipal airport were requested in ad- business he pointed out Is the vertisements Wednesday by Major improving business outlook a n d K L Hastings acting construction growing confidence in this type of quartermaster of Hill field Clear- investment - ' 1 American He months they have been operating Guaranteeinrthat there will be at a lossdue to the low milk prices no deficit in Salt Lake county wel-l prevailing since last December aad fare funds during the remainder increased cost of production of the year the county commisof the long dry spell ! ' ' "Milk distributors feel that the sion Wednesday allotted an addi- - 1 On an eventful evening some twoscore years ago In the city producers are entitled to more tional $20000 to the welfare de- of London an eagir young girl about to make her operatic debut money for the raw product" said apaiirotnmeonft nmatatttohlnegscaesna espipooropoorioMr Berndt "They felt also that as 'a goldenvoicea "Carmen" stood uneasily before her friend a continuation of the existing price voted by the state welfare departand manager : situation would result soon in the ment The funds will be used in the office wise marketing here of a substandard five Slowly the box months beginning August 1 counselor' shook his head then grade of milk They are anxious Prior to the additional state and e to see that the consumer gets the remarked wistfully: hest possible bottle of milk for his county appropriations welfare ofcould ever Carmen famous Someone had to take the ficials estimated the Salt Lake money "plo have a in lead preventing this We as a county department would have a name like that—Maggie S141417 of ' cooperative association did so and deficit for the year of Smith" other distributors have followed which approximately $53000 had already been absorbed by the Exit Maggie suit" state Which proved the end of "Mag- Cites Butter Fat Figure The new grants of funds It was Lightning and thunderstorms made their appearance ever Utah gie Smith" but the beginning of Mr Berndt said that the Salt explained will assure the dispensdising of direct relief on the present Wednesday for the first time in a getntillating career in the world Lake City dairies have been conbasis for the remainder of 1940 milk with a butter tributing I va the for of opera Syl Marguerite only slight brought Of the county -appropriation ' tent of from 38 to 4 per cent while precipitation ' doing little to reduce the operatic' star ricalled during the city board of health require- 815000 'Will represent the courtabnormal temperatures which have a Salt Lake visit Wednesday ments fix a minimum content of ty's share of matched funds on an 5 basis and the remaining bound With harassed the state for days Hollywood her 335 per cent He declared that $5000 will be for the purchase of effecof low continuation the reprice Weather bureau observers charming young daughter Dapnsince December 41939 "would clothing for children preparing to ported "a few 'drops" of rain in nee Madame Sylva gaily recalled tite doubtless result in bringing the resume school next month t Salt Lake City Provo and other events from her many Sharon L Batch county welyears on butter fat content to the city pre-- I southern points Yet said "no measfare director had asked the comurable pribipitadon" was record- the operatic stage vvbere as a scribed level at least" e mission for $22000 but meinbels o her name long- was ed Thunderstorms were general LakesecrMilk Stewartt said Wednesday they believed the DistribSalt southfrom Salt Lake City to the synonymous with the part she utors' amount allotted would be sufflone said all but exchange ernmost part of Utah during the loved so well that of "Carmen" The - new- appropriation tient Its had of ' intention signified dairy evening Partly cloudy skies were in Bizetos fixes the offisame county's '1940 welfare of the Some name the raising opera price dairy reported throughout the entire' for tthe year More than 500 times she sang cial$ in notices to grocers said that budget at $120000 state during the day — -- 7-the price raise was "necessary to S niore the title role than sore : No Rain Perecast satisfy demands of producers for of these before the German Kai- more money for their product" The official forecast for ThursMr Romney cited reports of the Wilhelm in the romantic days day was forpartly cloudy condi- ser ' l U S agriculture tions and slightly cooler tempera- before the World war "It's tree" Madame Sylvia noted marketing service to show that out No rain was predicted' tures 27 operas but 'Carof 108 cities only nine recorded Meteorologists said the state might 'I've sung Refugee Children who mRy be receivescattered showersbut held men' will Always stand out Car-Me- n milk Ipies less than Salt Lake brought into Utah for adoption e cities the reported price whether on a was my rival Many the Cite most hope for the higher regions permanent or temThe maximum temperature for men who fell in love with me as is higher In New England east- porary basis ' will have to t!e placed listed cities and ern southern so the were 'at 'Carmen' surprised Salt Lake CityWednesday was 99 by: the agencies under the superoffprice is Invariably higher—in some vision degrees a drop of 3 degrees over the simple person they :met of the state department of a 15 cents instances quart reaching Tuesday's top The mean of 84 stage public welfare it was held by "But I think the biggest' thing was 9 degrees" above normal Deputy Attorney General Rulon A brief—light shower which of my career was to sing 'Salome' S Howells in an opinion submitted Fall Suffers Injuries ' Wednesday to J W Gillman distruck Salt Lake City Wednesday inRithard Strauss' opera at 'he Samuel Palmer 36 of Fletcher rector of the welfare department evening temporarily refreshed cit- Itoftheater in Munich in 1911' iteni and caused- - some damage at she recalled Mr flowells said the legislature Ariz suffered a probable fractured left leg Wednesday about 9 p m has restricted child placing excluCommunity baseball park where Many Years in U S the4 raindrops when sivelyta—such jagenyele4 antchilBorn in Brussels featured first from a taxicab at Broadway-an- d causing several of them to burst dren brought !tete by the UnitedIn comic and' then grand opera State streets He was taken to States committee for the care of Deficiency ' In the capitals of Europe Madame Salt Lake General 7arge hospital trit European children are subject to the law precipitation deli- - Sylva came to America in 1897 treatment i - of Bankers' asiotiation At the right is James L Wit son of Salt Lake City in charge of registration desk Storms ProVe False Hope ' - Los Angeles Financier Reports Ii nflux of European Wealth Defense Program Aid Business ' i I Aii Madame Marguerita - 1vaiezzo-sopranootgran&peráfa- TaTorrid Canadians Says pos conference Producers Benefit Speaking for practically all the E H city's milk distributors Berndt' - general manager Salt lake Milk Producers' aSSO' eiation declared Wednesday that all the benefits of the price raise" Officials of leading dairies also said that the- producers would receive increased payments for milk that help them get out of the 'tesd111 Marguerita Sylva Nee Maggie Smith Visits Former Costar in S L t Sees Hollywoofl Career at Age of 65 0 ' 'LA' Rgio:ii41-:11-ios-ccoilfo:se10:- eighteenth regional trust tion Under wholesale and manufacturer retail contracts filed with thc Utah trade commission under provisions of the Utah fair trade act the wholesale quart price ef milk to stores is set at 8 cents and the resale price to consumers At 10 tents T:ie price of a quart delivered at the home will be 11 ents The increase in each instance is 1 cent The resale price of whipping cream—store price—will be 50 —its a quart coffee cream 40 emits a quart and buttermilk 10 cents a cipart By the pint milk at resellink stores will cost fi cents whipping cream 30 'cents and coffee cream 25 cents ddtuicceerrsswausisgeretteadit ' l el -- Internationally starred as "Carmen" General Benefit The state engineer pointed out that control or any Well would benefit all water users dieertitr- g i4 from the same supply 'linnet water would be made I! available at the souree example of benefits resultihg from ltell repair was cited In a case at Richmond: Cache eccounty In this case the partial repair ef iv single large well We in pressure to caused wells of 70 per cent he lidjacent alt"! ' It 1 Itated while during the same period the average pressure of all il'el1 other wells in Cache county i'1i dropped by three- feet ' It is estimated that repairs- to t led 10 per centtfif the wasting wells' I In the state would save approxi- 1 aIC -- 1 mately 60 per cent of the wasting a avater Those to be repaired under ors ‘ 'the project would be selected on e the following basis: (I) Amount of water to be saved (2) the numb-r of water users who Squid : benefit through the repair braaving the underground supply and cooperation of the well own- (3) involved ! " ' li Areas Affected I' state' which Wipuld Areas In ' be affected tbilye the program would ---InctudeXachecountyLogan and Richmond underground basins Box Elder county Brigham City ' basin Davis county North and TSouth basins Tooele county Erda ' i) asin:Salt Lake cotunty Salt Lake ! basinh Utah mcoiullnatryd Nanoddilluarnrday South basins : 1 county Pahvaht basin' Iron cotin- t ty Parowan basin:: Sevier county It Richfield and Koosharem basins According to the plan the re- j 1 pairs would Include pressure mud of openings ‘b 'Pumping for filling I ' washed around - well Casings ° which would be sealed -mud or Cement driVing of over- t city- for the month ' 1 sized casings where- methodiccienty for the as i 37 of an inch I I r and other technical and the deficiency since 'Oclober adapted Various needs 1 1939 ' Is 208 inches r) The newly approved proe'ettis j t Temperatures throughout thein-' e' te continuation of W PA 'work termountain states apdropped II l'Aponsored by the state' engineer g from Tuesday's preciably tal the for a survey comprehensive 1 levels but some spots underground waters of the state failed to get the benefit of a and-wiInitiated three years ago low barometric' pressure area that r drove south Jtom Montana across ( e e e volved 1 ' OP es r Opera Star Looks Back' But Also Into Future three-quarte- tee Le '' ts sk visit of the temple grounds Wednesday with her charming daughter Daphnee: They are en route to Hollywood ervoir storage 'costs amounts to of a million dollars annually he said Repairs to some-ethe worst wells by the owners are impossible because of costs in- 1 1 see' : 01 “ee ' 6' 401: it f t - Even though well1 Control ear under program has way the last three years through cooperation of W P A there are still many Wells which cannot be-- controlled without major repairs Mr Hum- pherys said Waste in the state rom underground sources has been reduced from 100000 acre feet annually to less than 35000 annually In the three years but even now the loss figured on a 'basis of 'res- ! ' Utah" i I es - The state- - engineer has been in konstant touch with W P k offi del& during the past few weeks In an effort to have the "condition" stricken The project was let up to providelor gathering of data to be toed as a basis for stopping waste of the underground resource and in addition provided- a repair program to check the waste from 1 ' in ir ss 1 ' gaHbot to A huet iyn demepnp is ac- I e -- L H Roseberry of Los Angeles left registers for llouseholders of Salt Lake City Wednesday began paying a penny a quart more for milk News of the'Increase In price was conveyed to many homes Wednesday morning in the form of notices attached to dawn dee liveared milk containers It reachei others through grocery stores throughout the day Thursday mqrnihg deliveries are expected to complete the citYwide notifica- Engineer T HHumpliery- sY The contraCt tindeie which the project will be carried out now carries a "condition'? restricting repairs to publie wells but word was received from W IA OffiCials r - 'i For Producers Get Benefits Says Leader WPA Prbject As Drotith Aid A I VFW Plans fôr Well Repairs -t I''' 31ilkinS 1 - -1- 0 a SICIS jit I aL aa 4- -6 — AoAA A -- A - 1 A a ' 111 '14 T |