Show - - strIP741- I ' - '' '7- te -- - - ' '' - ) :''' - ' ' ' 12 ' - ''r -- - Tliutillay Morning - - :' - '' " - ' ' : : a 1" p-- '41111"f"""k'fr'-"Ir":rrit"W119- :4 'ail) cSait 4 r 'el -' -- -' '' : ' ' - 1 7 I ' '1 ak it Zeibunt r1 ‘ rektlp ern" - tal rt 1 r Pi r1 At - 14‘A - ' - - - : : i frati P1 ea' 1 1"1"1 - ' - - 0 01-'- 1 - -— - ' - ' - 'wirast la 4: : ' f ': - ! ' ' : s ' 11! - rkr1 tilt ettoll 71f11141414 i'i tN t tiTi i'fl:illS'i - - 1 I) (1) 174 1) ci I If i ti CANNON -- I I ) - '''M- i ' t 't'''''v f O'1 q Cloths weave- sip in I 'dit a nfey'athers till ---- - - ' : '' War I el::: b8f) 1 '‘ Rem 698 314-lsize :12890 3 - ' ' - -' - Blankets b - ''-- The :t:::: 1 ( t: -' - - : ' - ''kb410 est ''' ": -‘ ' 0 le4C ':: 3 51 :" -- - :'': - : ' ' l'''''':: 'R:' Pv ' ies- i: 1 "i‘ r'1k1 " 1):-- :1''''' 0 4 A '' c ' :: " " ' t : -- Regular 0' WOOL THE Regular 1298 PRIDE OF UTAH WOOL 0' TIIE WEST T ?' t - t l BLANKET wool Fine WEST BLANKET I only and vIrgin Iambi wool mixture You'll marvel - at the eoltness of this lovely blanket Dusty rose - eedarwood peach s ti '! Iticirligleorach- s 998 4 iI I i N - SHEETS SHEETS SHEETS CASES - N reg reg reg reg y' 129 size 81)1108 119 size 8109 119 size 72x108 29c she 4206 ihe laundry i‘ '1 SOFA n ? CASES : size 81)1108 ' A iii 4:TMCW N : ' reg 35c size 4206 14 sts ' '' ''' - itt''lltt4t r :: ''t 4A)01' '' I 1 It Ige '' ''?10: m 41 t c4 - ' ' '::': "e" I A0 " 1 7 tultYl ''': :: ' ok77'''''77:1 N - '' teritthist A N D ' will — CLOTHS 598 Cloth Reg 498 Cloth Reg359 ' '' i1ri' ' ri 41 l'11 : - 1 : : Size 60x80 Cloth Size 54x72: 2 - ART NEEDLEWORK—THIRD ili 0 '''' ' -- )sc :::' ' ':' - - - litit1rMIZZCZKMNSSilt2rn'11111trill ''"frrc ' ° ' ' ::: ::'""-- : - t 1 ' - ei- - l I S - You'll have to 1 i i i - '' I ':: 4 CwatZ4PEEPZfr-TS::t - ' vheast raecerni fi i At - ' '' ' t - ' 1 1 Su ':' IA ! il 1 :' L'i ' ':1 I si ii :: tist'licsoep066roisgtsitri :: ':''''''i':::''' :::l ::' 1 :: :' :::'::::'!i::::::I::':1:1::'::'':!: "7 :!::::I:!!:lt:V:1:::I:i:!:::::5i': ': i':!'f:::4 :4!!!::i:e1 ': ':: - i:::s- ' ' 1 At i :::i ' ' ui ' :::7:: ' !! 1 '4 1 I: ti::: 0::::::' 'f': Ci i4 r') :: :: anrodgrinama( f' wells farsEotgvrteahnmrette :::::i::4' i 4 t ' ' ' - tion of W L:a Wells wh without it pherys a ram und - Crown ::: il: 1 i' 'Y ( ' ti o 1 i Ll i':: ) '''::: i k e to 11595 91 ' each - HOUSEWARES-DOWNST- I Eviry—glass—a : 1 co or 'TT- k k ! k i 'VS'S ::! 41 v' ai rF' i ! 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PHONE WAS 300 t I ' It 3 ' -- 'f ‘ ' ":1 rfo- r- 4SIC I - 0 14 Y ''" '''1 - ec 1 - 1111Emb e IIt tall 'W4'WNsmxtvr7 mrrxovv 4u$v5VvV!17M1'V! A ' o 2 25 Se'!of B: !4csl size' k'' M n i green in - r each guest can identify his own drink Amythyst sky blue light blue chartreuse rose champagne light green and olive - AIRS is I )1' -- GLASSES 31ENT - - -- Mr Oliver K cargo nationally known chef will ex- plain ind cook whole meals in the most amazing time ever 'offered to the modern homemaker Whole meals for 5 or 6 people cooked in j2 minutes! :' other w dropped 1 beige 'and green i NV !god the 10 inches 18 Itated rif It d Your choice of solid colors REFRESH FRENCH T THIS WEEK ' Gold-plate- ' with scalloped shades silk :: in coral 1 - -P ' Salt' s 1 4:00- base i::: &"111 ' TO county repair e caused al itdjacent 1 ' ' Lake City at this price 4 ' In a can : Lamps ever offered in ''4:::::::': ' 1 - ::::::: h LI cific exa log from tion of 'Crown China Table : ! n 1 Ili:entail hive The most outstanding collec- ':1 - ''''10" ' In from the k'ilit ' - - theanteleitôn 'a' 1 04atrtil:: i 1 is -- - - '-' -- 4 General The at 4 - r Cook Chops and Steaks in 8 Minutes Cook Roasts in 12 Minutes to the Pound ' r annually of the Ian are Iimpo! " 4 : 11 :98 ''31'N-- : 1 tr- Illv ' --- 3soli°rs't tehrve volved '' 6 ii :: ' ' i 1 J ')t 1:' 1 N TABLE — ir 1 :''''77'ht - ' 1OtWMiZ40 China e": - nually to the th In three-ou- ' ' reduced f ' 1 ' ::" DEMONSTRATION FROM 10:00 A M advan- - s"" ritiuste 7 phlieshre The st13 konstant Is dun lcnia an el tion" stril up to pro' to be Use waste of I I t ' Di ' ucoir ' - 1:- ' 1 41-- p t '4i -- -- :::' ::: op- 1ti-- :1‘1 0 - ::: :!: ') - :: se pherys ' e Ot ''"7::::'i! :4 ' ::'::i '': torta s ' :::: :: s:1:i:: A 095 —a— ar "We e ittli ?:ii:i:11 ' 1‘ i I ' 7 s I1 bmiti Mr Htint relll J Gr runistrate ' ''''::i 't ! 1 FLOOR RD 3 Minutes— a satisfac work on milted I '"'-'- --- i - -- ---- 5:: '::::': ::': i ' ' : ' ) ' It :': Cook Potatoes Carrots Beets in 8 Minutes '0 Cook Fried Chicken in 12 Minutes ----- e 4 ':':'::' ::::1':: :' ' 0 -- SILVERWARE-DOWNSTAI- 'i'''''L's: s:'J'i'':::A THE ONLY 'COOKER THAT PAYS FOR ITSELF 0 Fl ""4''''' hurryjo take tage'of'this grand Opportunity I - slip ti! - fee rots Trays Double Vegetables etc Exquisite patterns from which to choose Made by Lehman Bros i?z II :i - -1:' el- sortment includes Flower Bowls Cof: 1 i ' ' ::: ' i ': 1 ' k::::::-':- ie6t1611-1- sronommilaw1- - i' 's '''!:1 k ) i"4441'0' nt ' ' rat ' 8"'-- ''' " ' ir'''' 1 in 4 - price I Any -including tabor g m 4Alyst pieces only to go qt this new low - - : - ' A ' ' -- ' : r 20 ' I Branil-NeVO'-Shipntei- - LC — t li l':::! -'- ‘: '"4 1 23c FLOOR s 4 -- 4 1 4 t r j'"mettlbt' - - i ) lli t k :"' 43t i JiiistArrive(1! ' REG 598 SILVERPLATED HOLLOWARE - it 87 make your - q 1 ea i?i" t i1 il Dinner Napkins to match h regular 29 each : 1 ''v:P1''"' - ? '' "safe k ' s--y: : -- -- I selection while stocks are ample Buy these lovely linens maw at this great savings end t emhroider them in your lleisure time and for holiday gifts i i - 4 -'' ti71- - 4lo t7 :'':T g i 447' ' ' :w i ''t:e: k1 ' L ' A 478 398 Size 72x90 Coate toAuerbach's today and ' 11'1 f 17-in- - 1- '''-- A enhance any dining table Rog t r:1 4 Off Marked Price 20 " !' The col project w carries a repairs tc - 0 k: i:::4 ' ( - : k- Luxe pure linen luncheon and dinner cloths with matching 'napkins Beautifully designed in a cross stitch pat : ? ' LI ' - - 1) a v LUNCHEON LINEN-- 7 : '' k ': : ' i' r: l'::': 1: it ' —' - i'A Snit' quality 6e ' '''' g t 1 ‘:'": ''' ' standard sill :':j::-!- ::-:-n0!:::-- :::: ' ' g 41 DINNER i k I i k 1 - Spect4fHlarSalentSTAMPED—p — '''' ":i 4 - $taleeasE nalr i !: ‘ it1: tabrics :?::li::'''1 ''- 7 - ''' il - 1 - e-- 1 3 - : 1 ''" I ': ' ' ? - k 7 ' 1 e: It t Vic reduced t!' :lac1 !! r 1 t' ! 4V 2 - -- 7 - t '::i:- ! 11 -- 1:::- 1:::: i ::: let:A: ' t' ''' i:v7-6C- 1! 1 4 t' 1L :‘itb: ' 1 cii: ' ' 4 v t i4 r 4roay be ' : — 1"1 1- ' clt or wsearnattoktily Ti - 1 !A : ite:'1::::4Licl::1:77""77sz57-7- li:41pg71437"" : 1:: t 29 ' ' 44—t - ' !( malt from whi( and there C - ifle ' A '' rI '? 115 vwitut 0 N OF THE WORLD'S FAIR COOKER - ''''4'W" ''' 11 err (t PREVIEW i t ' ' : 0 ''' t: sc AUERBACH'S PRESENT FOR THE FIRST TIME IN SALT LAKE CITY A - 25c a ''''':47M ES:Stifiwenmarto:?" - ' 1 to ' -- N ' i 119 119 ' MIIRAMMMITATTMFIMS71513rxMarsat:VMMMZMMMTAIMMV - ' ' z i k ':: ' cllair standard size material- -Any CHAIR lakor and 964 coverds including - 1 FLOOR DOMESTICS-THI- RD ' '4 tt-- ? It Pr' U i :1 — reg 149 size 81x99 SHEETSreg 149 size 72x1013 25c the 'i":4S- 'r":::'4:- 1!' ': approval - KING SHEETS ::109 ' KNOWN SHEETSreg 159 1 "' poss t 7 vii:4 A DRAPERIES-THI- 998 The sheet with sturdy even hems Linen-lik- e finish that stays in fAe sheet after many trips ill7 109 i l' '' ' 24991 raps: :::::121:1: vs which Iwo a yard in solid colors of green gold 7121xusisezesnEad peach Full i SIIEETS AND CASES 1 ' nn A s"pcovetror weight NATIONALLY The finest values in sheets and case's on the mar- ket Look for the Fruit label on every sheet it's your juarat2teie of satisfaction Exclusive at Auerbach's In Salt Likii-C- it ' i ' - Save on Nathinally Known Sheets and Cases s ' - 7:'''::1:1 WI)) AS I A form : Imade w 4'f ' 7 ' ' ? t'$ I -' t- 1°CA T1 eh 4 i'':::::::4c::':'::'' Rocky Min WOOL 0' TIIE - I - "" II 14? ' 4- F 1114 Eng ' dusty rose 'cedatwood 1)98 FRUIT OF TIIE LOOM COLO NIALDAAIE SIIEETS and CASES ill mittvor:o fcos P:nelsres l'Cta:ng Illi 1298 t : r- O it 1 4 - 1 4-- :if '' s 144:171 I :taile:31n At ' I -- t ' btA21 ! t 7 kik i( '1i'k ::: " ' I ' :! "'"''''iy 4 1' WEST BLANKET Beautiful stripe blanket bound with Gold cora satin binding Four cedarwood green and blue rofdtroAt 112nLoviissienh k r' yils 471 "4 --- 1 0 1? 4':t: 4'' - I ' k Regular QUEEN Wel 4 S t 1 - 1398 VOGUE 1 ' : Irl A tt 01TS i IFa 1 ' st ' ' eort bedrooms 94'18:esstiteini:cvyodry 4: ‘k 'rt ": - t " 1) 'TO ff'S 17'4' w t- ( A' r I Ins thro er k1 - ft)''''T ri t li ::i "': ' 4 4 11g" ot111 'I:: 1 ' á:1:1)N 114?--0i- lj 4 ' '" 1 scPullitielps Asqo i I '4 rklt11t4: k - i - (Till' AV' is oh "1'410::111:Cnlille C 01 434 ::: '':k SP' :'': ' i P Ad - ' blue at AV4 t grirneeycl: ha:rieden 7-- ir 1 1 ti - ' 1 tlb: it' : s' - vee- Is il: ' t" -- :p' tA t " 13 0 0t) 1 il I 54 A ktol1 Afip) 1 l'":' 11i t r4 - :4"3 at 0 1 i:-- 1t t' 4 it 'j-- cl ( 1 t17 '1Y le '''''' - ' f '1 ' :: ':' - 1:1 ''-- -- ' '4 4- vi1lirt 'it IN s l'' ill)01D IF-- ' - 1 r97Af:""S :41':4''I1 7 !''sti g 0 :::::-e-:- ::::!:: i v"sre damadrapecare COMPIle i ' f wAtand: 50A It ' tiebecks green turquoise 'come in green I inTgoldi come ' t:1 PRICE A N ' r- well in the teltiure 61)etcanci Of IpYaPtiensr OFF nEG - -) : 4 a' tgyi fti 1 44 - sl - tree ittn:ps i :' 1 11 ' K 398 ' ''':ki1 441!--- !: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::!::!::14::::b::H ---- IN ti P Nis! OD 1910-4-DR8 N 'plot- ASI( Ee 3 98 30 of these grand blankets to go at this drastic reSeventy-fivduction Many qualities weights and patterns to choose from 5 25 50 per cent wool Don't pass up this opportunity to save! -: - —111w colors of rust blueofchid Each va71 bbialednollegt rayon taffeta Blankets 75214431b tarouennd Cov- - linen-finis- h Each ' in only e '- ':':'' " " iliz TREE B Ar 1 Sa ittpleLot of CANNON Blankets! Save 30a0 or More! 1! au AA ' "7!1: t'74 1 ci 't Ili 'r ( i -0- ' tr 1 :: - !!'l 50 (lc Wool Blankets I I 14 11 I: ti!') 4 I k ' 09e Doorerasher-- curled grey 7striped eti:kdingwith LINENS - 146 I 0 1 single plaid Rom blue orchid and Satin bound groan Size 7211114 Each only! Woollies ePe-PlI- with Full I II ttturot A '0 I 1 wool 5 15 ' She - Regular 498 Pair EMMERICH PILLOWS - t 0 1:f 11 161 7777777"'rr71"'''''''T"r77'r'tt"rt'!'s''-?!--A77"-7turoN-1rttttrtsrt- -- -: I PLAID BLANKETS' —1)oorerasher— ' - iLace Cooler only lovely Scilien 7201 Slightly soiled Eech 111111171011 tat 'Piar — ' - 119 Single Lace Cloths ':::::L: 13 41 Classit -- - t 11 the 1 " - ' 798 Reg 4 sOksi 11 L VIS' ±:'':i pd !' :: t I' '77'7''''''"77" z:mrsrazzezzermalmszoniatumattoeitx OF StIEETS 9 LINENS AND BEDDING! ieOle iit' A -: f ' I ' 2--' - : ' 1910 44 t ' - -- ' ll) - )t rsintsierivs :::7 0 ilt rit- ‘n : - - rk j 4 °‘ Aid b 11 s2441ss-7-1- w 4p1 s 1' ' '11 ' - a - --u-'"''' ' - A ' r' l'") frok tittr414 IA 19'N -- : - rtt r ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 7 i 46) ' A 44 44 |