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Show .4 ! Temple Sheet Instruction Supersede A 1 1 I'ormer Ru fes For First , Time instruction affecting-M and temple dirtrtet of tempi the Church art Jut off ih nd will lupnmMlA nil foimcr mi Strurtion Issued for ptvparsttmt of temfft sheets, according if d Jo . eph Fielding, Smith, Mmf ouoo lor lit the Salt Inke Tv.mplo presidency, and chief record! .mv tho Church. i Fur the flint lime. Kldvr Smith Iwt it lntruo-- state, eomplitc tlonn Itiui htien 1mmipiI, In flmcaipnet the JVt w t friniciitiiiy, and KW : i - , ; ; flenerai instruction ' FREMONT STAKE RECORDS R.I SE I j JIlNhopi Ml vit the Aarohlo priesthood Sunday sfdiool. have not thotr outljniif, conshl ceeai ry. hood pm r: am The Aarijie prl hUe fnj kll tiU'in Dors to he o p p led mf'K fcutUnes V irum ,WTikly . stujly. j meeting ard hi hi ak port of the Humlaysehoiid close period an l tho Humhw aehoDi lesson are followed, the priest hiKul outlipjs ehoujd ho urtd as a V'tdin assUnmcnt the IMKuiar liyhujn for earh week lelnjr who the au aSHiuod fori reports sern will call 'by red1t the Toad and nilve cnmi) aj Lrj nnv o r r p I'W! TOOt o.sAtif niMnt filled. j It i (H)iiMcd out) bv the Fret Aiding ItlHhqpiic th.i to com .Pie priesthood ftralnbir of un ncrs 1 m Of the Aaioalo piP ftlutotl. It that! the inatdiui roll win- portaht he d in the pr iesthpodj cpplm r of tile given to n)ih n'mju I quorum. nutlilu ure dinti ipulcd t.h' u;h stake icrkt; and- It ila urged that eaoh stake! Anronfe prieMi mod IMa bhase of the committee prosTam intmediute jatt.ntiwn and to Pave arht quorum arranlge lesson IbOuke. r th calietidar yn r an ample suppl;. of ... f r t wt tk'aehers afid deacons available. Add1 otspr or filled the snma srrj re edved. 1 Iv ried tne-las- ae ctuuu-xtio- ' Iael week, the population of the Church at the end Ofj lf 93 wa inadvertantly 'placed at5$.A00 In the article. 'One Hundred I Years Ago, The figure by Andrew! Jenson. should have read 5. Odf i74Have Perfect Recorjd j At Provo; Sunday &clioo Above: are Hunday aohool mewi-bet- w of Uw Provo Hnraod ward, who have attended every Homlay during the paat year, and who were honored at a .portal wrrvtoe Doromhor at. There are 174 nw bera with till, record, many of Uiom oriloom and toaohent of the Heading the honor undaylaOriaKd. Dahl-eul.- t, Mbw Mary Mu-- th group a toaehor, who has it yoara af perfeoc aumdana to her nredit. ; . t . 1 - kipll ur diipheaiingl your own wor and rv nuportanl. ' Pr.i,.f r.,r it leave jour i work l for hand. He that mfiommion eah ordmaa.-ned for the ani.J Individual hheeta., keep m mind that actual individm.l 4' e eon, e. m ea- ll I neait-h- ii adiUtian Uiere are two xitu drnta with nine year roiwtlai one with eight yearai then with tali yrnrai three with five . yrwr.; 1 1 with four yewrw j la with three yoara 41 with two year - and j 44 with one year rooorda.1 l Kldfr IMrid O. McKay, general superintendent of the Dmot Hun day (khool Cnloo, was the aptwh. I la . er at.th honor eterrinea, for the e, third eonarrutlve ye e - ned -- ordinance ami they mint he properly jd.mli-re- d. and heading on each of III three oidinam-cell designate th information reguireif. help front our aiii or inram li Kenoahigicttl eoiniiiiltee, if o d W to nir has your sliect propsmi by a rpon(ihlo, (pialifi. d g proceed, JJ'o rctMimiwnd ill iiemalogirsl Socieiy of I iab. 7, itammriUiif, So muMor who prepares IVmple sheet iU . . . ,K,h ' sllliriff correct, Uiit so IJiat othervv.llip i ran iMihp unai easilv 'L'1 v Itlue or Mark wntlen.l - A typ. '4,'al "d have h not ee.l I R not ut or ned. mot hvl d"iam he...,. I SJ Hot roll iav (ii .heersihut fold them twice fmtn left 4hTl i, Ttj i. Ilanger of tde-v- . 1R pot make coe of leiiipleto.licet, that hav aliea-lhecu wiitlen tip and prvionly handed a temple with. in out 1111 conultmg the Itccordef Fvery effort rlr-- t l mad to oilgmal sheet. laid Uurk. When prox.e to bv obtained to t in endow, have ment for the tlead, it i U pav-jicent. In a male iiaiii cutoinapy 4Pd to cent a for a female name. lntriielioiM on (laplni ami Endow menii abeeie Will In- - pr.nlcd t week.)! j . j , Iiivini-t.-.- . - ii '7" V !'( nir Tbrr. nn re .titkr fi.ve ftdiled to tlia Halt Ll( dlMtrtet. accord In to Or. on I Card, a recoriler at the Balt 1 who annoUneia Temple. pehreforth tho Xluchfope, He velt and Ilntali .take, witl do t.mplo work at Halt Lake. With th. creation of the Walk, .take front th norther atk Vlalon k( the old Clrant ihera aro now S3 itake,' tlolm lem. Halt fatko Temple, pie worK at tho from Htaka t.mplo achoddln. Jan. 1 to the middle jot July have been drawn up and aiviu to ako All klto work director. temple ran aro ur.ed to .take advantaafa of take temple excur.lono aa It Is desired that aa many a. pototlble from a alako attend aaa rroup. IJ r Mi-'ji- , - Temple District ' . ' To Salt Lake It is now some four years sines we made a similar effort to mane our stake one hundred per cent In ward teaching: and not once In three years has It fallen below that mark. It was our aim to visit very delinquent member of the priesthood In the stake. It seems the Iord was with us; snd we grateful for the spirit of the drive - M j pro-grra- ! IrtW U H Sakes Added t I - the ITeldluK eier, hiany hy ; a drhe. at SUWKBtt attended Idaho by the Fre- tinues: i . (Meets Su rrofm ' t f Service mont stake, for Increased attend- ance at sacramental meetings and hishor efficiency and intereet In ward teachers work, according to a report to the presiding bishop office. , Alt members of families were ap Mutual mtsslon prsl d to through ry. Primsry and Aundsy school ervlres. On tho last Sunday of the month, bach family was requested to gather as group and alt togetbi er in the meetings. Suitable were presented. Some of the elderly members of the Aaronle priesthood who had not attended for years wers seen at th ir quorum meetings and at Sacrament services. The report con- i Im-trM- t to have been all stakes fr in which ord'ti tat vn o he I. to Muoirdlna ixeeis beep lrceldln 11 hop O'flie. I ihImj apfniij.Pt Ihiwto standing of (lie- plant n' num.. 1? Drive For Atti'inhince and . pdrslhHd Am . J IVS I Kl Cl IONS All persons eipliit years of age ami over are 10-. ent a Temple rotoiiniifiui (or. for adillu, a property lioforo entering the. Temple, er dn ) H'l'iu-Mo- n t'krd) to the .IP Wjien a recommend hat bvn ecure.1 from (he Hiehop, or lliHiUh ori t Iri'.idont, the liolder .must net 1C Hiflned hy tho or Mi.cion I'mtident before it will hc acrppled at Intake the Temple. In ward using grontf recommends, member, are re- -! juired to iimke apptieniinn to the jllmhop 'aaeh yeaif tq have their dm Indod op the Hat. HeeoiinnendH are now (iod pniiiially ,Pil are in' form during tear of isdie only, expiring JhM'emhan 31 at. Wjieie admii'ion card are ,iiued hy th Temple, jhe card V 'll re.,i.iied fur dm current year when presented tocellier with iniuml reeniiniiend ret'tred. Vheii eardt are filled with date Jr h.nllv wlurii they tmivl'tip mrrenilered t 'he domt. Keepep Ifefotte J tiew caid will ho tviunl, Lhiiiiiliinm. I Rinat tpfnt ar ,a oepted (at Hip d.'.'r of I intent idonat mrt hy emipie, heiliu married, ' who I he dm amount of the fen ivSnrei for a civil I nilowiiH nl. and fMmnheni going (o Uie I'emple Settlings. lliiipfl i nee ipvn rtnlowmenta. should obtain, if poaethle, lie fore- leaving ! home, it of the il.Pa for on the twelve ,.ido Of Tim Itnslp-- trir Ward dlerk Iran often times iMint thctitidj-Ivjtdu- al memhera by mippljing the neede.tlnfoi mation from the Vntd tfeeord-Itaptinm (late (day. month and year) mutt pe ontLi-neWithout fail, ..Memliert who are already endowed and who are pottig 1(0 tho Temple fop mat riagr or iealiag mn-- l have their own nulnWr fnent dal (day. month and year.) j 'paragraph 5 and 71 to dl work for the detol vlionSd nave Checking, j Metnherl ifVpei-liiiAll Temple. vheele an-l Cheeked Ij. y the THinple properly prepared ndet lliiVcaii and Into tm-ior h fur they ,p at the liftnN mple, hvfore ieav home. S.-iragraphe 44 noi ,15 Umiplelo Iiislriii-lloiion die preparation of cni-of the Ihree Tempt,- - shiv-; are given in lliia folder. j IteionK Unlv propti!v ormiii'ied I'aciiily .1 end d- - .liotild .i ,n mfoi umtiOn fur Name adircle. 'Ipp.'.vmg Temple .hoii. not lav tliiertlv a)), l einple .heels from printed books,, maliil.ei mtj, opi.-jn- v, ,a, ,,f paper, KlrNl a revinl then an ordiunner. An ea- h name pied fihiiH the family record fof h.'iptiMii n.ake " pencil cheek In Iiotli (ne haplidul am: injr ItuNP pjb-ilMhi- d. itf u.Mruc UAUUL IF. it) Pfcsidins IJidionric I car1 (" Mis iiidcrstam i J iliffcnt Ay, for vtfrtou etrciti of people. Tho new mntiu Mloni combine previous notes temple fiert preparation. with elL rule covering the censor Ini; of endowment hete by the 3'empfn Index Itureuu. and other r chnnjrpe f more recent date. Those Inatructlons hv hern worked flut In rop ration. ith 11 vri y It. liusmi-1of tho Temple Index lliiirenu, Archibald F. Hn-nt- f. secretary and mmilicri of, lh Dlnealogtcal library force. In addition to tho executive commit- th,o ricnralotcleii! of and the Salt ItkoSociety ' t Temple irtnh tho prapaftion of tho over period of more three months, all prnviou netrimtlons wsrei checked und revised td meet present tempi requirement and ruling. Any que. tiofih relating to temple work that do pot appear In the new Inutruc-"tio- n aro most likely exceptions! ciuuw, that Miiould he dee hied In- dlvtdually by the tunp)f preeideney or recorder, it is stated. Tho knot ructions aro as as possible for general complete t use, j Tho complete instruction will be reprinted In tho t'hnrch section lb three divisions. The first In found On this pane and in entitled: f , OF TEMPLE SHEETS by! the halt lake it m.isiiiji JAM AHY !. 19.lt. ami , iloor-koop- pr, !' 1 I. ME E. RHJIAKIW, Piwldrat j 4DSEPU CIIHKIEASOV, SHI11I, heeond Counselor and Recorder Kirid OjMiwIor ..Quorum Members H ' T ON THE " .IlhKIimU DIM jliitcnued For , ' INSTRLTTIONS PREPARATION imoiru ' , Cliurcb Depirtmenl 1934 . UmflU, Aaronic Lesson 'iV Oom-;pl;t- e; ' t ;wj( SATURDAY, JAtlliARY THE DESERET Libt (Off Press, Is y. & ji , ron-'rriu'- -- V I , Adult Aarbiiic Members To Be Listed! On Rolls Separately rehiding Biehoprtc Ann ou Bees Plan tn Hemovr Burden of Older Memlr Front Acti v ity Reports of Youjthg i tor Ueung tbe nttmie of jaduit mmbre of the Aaronic PrieHthooU In the regular quorum' 'roll book, but separate .from the, name of active younger quorum me in bera Is advocated by the g Rtehopriq as a tncana of older attentmti to then members and at the asms time eliminating the objection raine by many eupervlAors that the presence A ji'i-A- N Pre-aidlh- of thee namee on the quorum record lowers the record of the uor-n, M.tuv aor t have ursed supt'rs be devised that would that a plan make poeible the keeping of a record of activities of quorum mom here of the proper age hleh will nTt be burdened with the record of adult member who are al- most Invariably inactive.' ' Tn: purpoee m accoiiiVJinhcd rn the pitta now advocated by the Presiding lipihopric. It provides fori the lifting of all adult members of thd quorum la the' front of the roll book, without regard to ago or activity. An alphabetical listing Is suggested. for toneibic ad Igeavtng ppathe namee of ail members of the aard of ths proper secs' for quorum membership, whether active or not, should be lifted alphan betically, The record of the quorum member jof the proper ages can then be determined without the burden of names of older members. It te rgd that whers this plan Is not alrcsdy being followed, that kt be put nio effect at snee. Kach quorum should be with a standard son boosprovided whirl provides space lor recording all iwforms- - i ttton allot! porta Th names of AarOnle Priesthood quorums when listed s recomm niied should beiuaod as a bat fqr ths plan aJo recommend od. in connection vkh the adult Aaronic PHcethof elaeses which re now being organixd iJirough. te out ths t'hurcb, i PIONEER STAKE ADOPTS SLOGAN I !i it i I, of th Iiurieor atakelduiring 1934 alii be cen-trrupon one aim, tb ntaks project for the year "To provide faily for the spiritual, ciiurounml acid recreational needs of j tbs members of Pioneer atfike.'. ed tTbis pioject for the car has bben made the theme of ward ron fareiicmi held in December und win be cintmud in thone scheduled this month. It will also receive AMnflJcratlon in . the stake quarterly rv infer rue to bq in Id Hun day. Jan. 21. Th I'eMponeibility for this pro-ebaa been placed uood cacti or ganiaatlon In the etake Ineluding U the prtoethood groups. The recreational feature of tbs project ie given impetus through the recently completed stoke gym noiuin. by which the recreatibnoJ ad social needs of each age auxiliary group of Jhe Isstake are cared for The project alao gives support by the stake officers, takb auxiliary boards and wards officers et a4 |