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Show X. v THE DESERET NEWS ONLY-1- : SALT LAKE CITY JANUARY 6 1931 SATURDAY M, MEN BASKET BALL QUINTS UNBEATEN, X. 4 Newly Appointed Notre Dame Coach Will Play Rockne 'System To Fullest Extent Schools Gty Three Captains Ready For Hoop Opening Lay den Refuses To Murray: $teb; ioan out JIMMVHOOOSOM -- Pass Up State First Ward Steps Up J TRACK STERSJRETCRS UTAH'S lope, fordefendlng Worry About Irish Court Tourney its ' Mountain conference Pairings Drawn Up bck and . field championship L- Great and Colorful considerably this seek ' brightened fcrith the return to school of tour ' apendable Hoop .Classic I Herman Goldstein, sprinter;Captainll BY DAVIS J. AvaIH DICt SSIX SYSTET Rush forth, and .. hurdler; Harold Maxftefd, ITTSBURGH. Jan:- Ewas however, of a mind to hurdler . and Lee ALT LAKE CITY will not have Anderson, qiiarter-mile- r discuss theNorre Dame sya But the mans voice deepened it rTne" the 0TaiTfetbaII champion in the unaccountable and seemed to faljtem In genera! and Ld so with fall quarter but have returned for X BY J1M.M rHODGSON Utah .Stata nyopr th winter study in order to be aaxoctovaJlBut he waa Rockne ;urprlMng candor. Why aa it Tournament, Men teams association annual "M" more HREE : eh1ble for the track was the master He 1 competition. 1". colleges, so thoroughly grounded 1. ! Coach Ike Armstrong of defeat j guch H. plans to get Elmer Layden. .. . , aaa the faici handed in tie Rockne tradition, differed by , had'd heir first Jaste him the 6tart',J past. bitterin H. C. Nielsen. found wl,bantl It Tast ACenS.A very back forthe a little Jhdoorwork in a few ecks. Noire- - Dame- eek of competition. The, quint;, ra board member, by Dr. L. John application? on this time fo- -' en meeting other-sv stems Waterloo and ,HI1I- - Nuttall. Jr., superintendent of city! - ? Utah's football captain wilt - to stumble mere little curious In t h e schools.' Friday in answer to the1 Notre Lame systeii,s and nobody be elected at the annual pry- would ever get anywhere if all bad campus GranVslake and associations proffered invitation to 4denr banquet aliich i be the same stuff. BJt. said the in- ng geema to hang T a y J o raviHe. enter the Salt Lake A champion krid aWiin the licit week or 7 by?rac-tionalmost in the state meet quiring fejortr. Rockne mo. Tlie definite time mill ne champion of he other NoUeDame system , above- - the "" Board's announced later. RfMs ood, and h didnt sem to bO giving roar of a citys Cotto Nuttall t 0r. school ( league.- awayany advintage by uing tlio streets, was tryMISSIONARY' COIRTIERN for decllntmt to stuff thty all Uuw so sell. to explain The upsets1 boards reasons ing in the ctptejoun S3 foi very- compete leave -- only A TEAM of Ij. 0.x g. mission-- f away - d e few lows -1 pttddenly as though about to shouts arlcs at London, defeated the JpopularL The three city higa Instead, his voice sank and,bebam ed m the 12 sions today and, Central Y. M. C A. team, schools haw started an eaten almost wordless. stakes in the before he got ropean champions, In an jnterest-- j mass magter-- " -uRut fiockns .participation v thTwugh-hgall --Lake reel Hive in game last week by tlie score of.! s s trm of athletics and do not few glon. The num-- j a 36 to 16. The tnunrph made the And there you ftiavc a picture ber decreases fwwh to change. Each of the The most English sport crjtics alt trp and take of the man hi ltiapd nwder Weekly. ? a wj three city- - hgh schools haw of interesting notice. Tho uctory was all- - the ethree basketball teams, and Koi'kne, carried tus traditkm squads are these. I would more noteworthy since the L. elsewhere and now Is to take the games won by each team to be able Elmer layden obwas pected the say, was made up almost n &, siuad his place.. Laydkn maf be no to complete thel count equally in deciding the servation that the Notre Dame who got their - ttrely of athletes Rockne. He certainly doesnt without! CHy league championship. Dr. season Just...anolher wa - Nuttall informed to die matter .. , tlitok be training in the M Mur coiui eputt. lt told., ' Nielsen- that systeov going Members of the London missionary of refreshing frankness, ho this procedure, the A war of getting the ball In motion "clean era" at under team are John Riggs. Art Mogan.j has cme thing In common with team invited to thp tourna least once. He didnt say so, but the impressG. Homer Durham Bennett and the' man who is gone. ment might-b- e t weak, and-th- a he-hig supremacy In the Uaa 4hat Cullimore. I ionsystem got' a I and went! iff sB1 thg:Ottmiroed-gSke: strung. 7 XheJfcln glish rules diffH fruui the ONCERN'ING the Notre Dams would work as well, at least under 2. The c.ty school program They1 Murray Flnt eager. coined ,kV defending Taylorsville in regard to athletic activities th. modem rule, from Btandins, sjsem. for Instance. There to hold lh.!r la trot to promote competitive f j(J ,n a cJov, start. jnothing occult about it, it eeema, but. to create an eduoasports, slate. ttean. It was the eighth wa. back in town after Its merey a mJa" . - Uijden sports activity." , renvs straight triumph for the Murray-te- n tional 3. W'ith oih except. oq the trip to Florida t the head of bw,puf as surhi il s tile best there is; and puts them In a good spot schools are opposed to payj to Tietortoua university s go right thvgh for the title Duquesne that's Lay den's nmion. j now . ment of the entrance fee. a team the last they will take toeeth - j yhe rules atrainst the shift hay primary requisite of the U. H. Bennion and Taylorsville are er after seven years of an intimacy.!'foreed alterat.ons in the formation S. A A. East high school js he added, deadlocked for the runfir-u- p all to rare between a coach and from time ito time. poet; the only on o? the three f action is Vxpectedj He aoes to answer the -- i,n(i ir certain ways, have made u 'plenty jhls beam. .1 i Fame4mabouti-hnrTrpT-fiorXntrfr fneorwrinal tnacoeu- .btgh- f.ll lT lam In England. member of the IT. H. 5. A. A. Dvr in doTerruincd7 three weeks and. while this is' only vers. Gut they haven t changed th s 4. Some of the school offilho-- e three baAetbaU stars Waterloo fired the classy AVilfordj another Impression. I think he feels basic features of the attack, which WHdotf Monatm, former that he'll be treadlne hallowed are blocking and quick opening, Wednesday night and wentj ciate and a l&rgc number of will lead the Lfah cul;e Graniie and Georgetown grid in' a the are torrid battle. down After all. hts manner and thrusts. These are nothing opposcity sftT The, people ground. star. Is finishing his law rquadi ir.fy the battle b'r the AVilford to the ed the toumamenton makes the seemed to say. ia' it necessary to more than sound football, applied squad j victory course at (M Georgetown Mounwestern Rocky dii:;on that four games in the most ingenious and interest-Wa- a explain why it la that only Rockne this spring. He has been look like probable champs in this grounds tain Conference court flag four days is too strenuous a Rockne? loop. nng way. coach --and physical --cducatioaeyf bmlav an.i -m for high school boy. lt ani l director at the Northeast tsoys Brle'ly Lavden was wtllmg ttri rATeshow. Vt hst more can y a l.LbT 10 RIOHT they are HiUcresi was the victim of the Made talk about almost anything except E'f . club ln Washington this Fairings (all biggest upset, going down to thej The tentative Conley Watts of th ftah situation at Notre Dame. as- the d nd developed a championship state .a which Uand&mere team had nol tournament Coltege; Bill K'nner grid team. His team also won pairings drawn up hera-seemed to be no good .n- . of 1 tah Lniierity he district basketball title and Jay -U. H. A. A. basketball com- mnch the i It would ha pmmmpficni swer to that and. In none B. Y. U. last winter Whitman of In to to hi. there ait me bare for manner, wit 1!.h7H:!htl,r!t70n,h however, and promises to clve a a a 0,fhi,' wand aey wbat ouaht to te tT romdefln.telyt GROVERS HAVE ACCIDENT 'hrr.Tu,3 lie of the factivat Notre Dame' first bappea --in booth Band. 0 Mid. Ills Poplar Grove Mr Men Rrmamher, I havan't varsity seems to be graduating la HHlrrest's defeat leaves Burton tn much Brarke a body. hack there hern th, Vpper at narraw the top of the ladder undisputed. had a very escape in I'm not not going to- Mart by hut few years. Remember, 1 Sanpete division winner as. heir' recent jaunt to California. Hillcrest and Millcreek are deadIn too, that Tw not yet charge knmgjsnm In January,- sakl he. On returning home the xagers re- locked for second place with one Region One winner. seems leawmable, at idea The I'm football. Dame A'otm of loss apiece, 3 Nebo division winner v. win-di- d ' port4 that one of their cars ' was that. Fifteenth and Seventeenth ner of playoff between Rich divi-nonly going to be." knocked off the road by another play this week and so held their sion winner and Rfgiog One third machine and turned 'over four times. The accident occurred lead in the two divisions of thejpuace team. Rallies Lake stake as the only twoj J Alplnc-Xeb- o Salt runners tip vs. Just outside of Beaver on the way e com tiers camroUf unbeaten squads SeWer winner. down of the crash uninjured except Tom ,Vest Bountiful displayed plenty 4 Summit division winner vs. Mid-We- st Ttano Tom suffered a badly cut of basketball in hanging up its Jordan division runnerup. of, 'TvJIE achedute for i lb . 29-2- 2 -whlch leg required four stitches eighth straifjit win in the JSoutht Brwfcrt- Ijower The wound has developed blood Davte stake aOhe expense' of the 1 ,n the All-Sta- rs 1ljr fCaiboni division Ea,lr Farm-- 1 , poison. He will likely be out of defending championship en Mutual basketball league BRIGHAM CITT. Jan. 6 (Special) the sportxTor severar w a. The infflon rr.w - Cntrrille FirM ? on been drawn up. The firl4 Jor" a t Jh Du. met d " ,hirJ dlvlr your.g , star who ' woa accorded peart. M.ahon:y-r,a- r f iip. LU toi, threat e were team played Millard Thursday. dltia.on winner. v. honors last year wilt the WeDrnrra right now. hand of an under rated Groves uhobrn dsfenss 2MX econd onlr to .the Pacific coat. ,niTll, By FRNCW J. POWERS committee 3 Eastern division rsnnet tb. be sadly missed by the Grovers. roplar f.rore droppet two (am ere Fr'dav. ahils , Provo was Copyright 1934 rity. Eastern football hfnd its regular schedule br taa-,- Alpine division winner. The car was compKlley demolishspd ANGELES, Cai:f., Jan ocant rate. ,noa.ng out B Y R Jt-l- i, 4 Soutbenf tDxie) winner va. ed and a pew car had to be pur- ers the California trip, but the Grovwith LOS Coming out of the Ruei la a f sld goat .. Fork vs roufnc Lincoln East Wr tn a three game senes are expected to win boia with Region One runnernp. chased to complete the trip. the was It sreond ase. STh P. O squad holds a two the first and n tj,e opening games cf ,t So your repreeuti:e eatra up haifjjfcn minuts to Ptey. Tiano placed In three of Bowl In Pasadena the o her evethe yame !n Apme bsk,vall Irngus pivy- 1ad all the other teama and aak th sup- - atrners, iih this Itaeup. champ wt! be opener for both teams, games wu the Toast but naturally ind ning, I heard some ore remark Y. H gime went an t of t round-robitourna-- j provo-needs one ort all of cimcn to m ti,e victorr g only fvan,Tv x a .10 far blmpar. The other cag- the Gosh Its 267. dajs unt1 the nex terras. Benny Vsteron of hu.r-in- ,n la other regional openers, The loss of half honor 4 period, the t.e score being 2 higft four the btwen ' era weredret:v W well ihaken qp and Tom Tiano who is out of play for game. an and I round foMn.gtJhln4 Drbeck. thsir teams. Th T1 5 t ! no ondrlhev dd not hit Stake-Basketb- all a L lh ik tha IftL -jivts-rt.t ms,. tih. a R lBiurt rxiir?'ttar .TT anT dfrj77i7!?71T iTrrir 4'Uw-iU won Wami .r..e d Iti an auio acc.drt ahile-o- n . Kurth ofoTe Iheir f:f(3e utilll th DnaT gain tn Jbe Ahaond-haliillJba wav for low echedule frr--f y The trying raLAfi cf srd the 37 will oaat. doubled swamped liun'.tngton. undoubtedly weaken rf KTvr7. T7rti to f:sure out ffe Slaughter of Mich canM guardAjfollowe.. to 3. Tisno brat also in the big Dover south T.ty-fmh,Un, . Cache .wampNarth, ecnfAf.c SITS SS iVnlea f 1 4 11 vnd Chuck" Bernard cf Fourh While the Grover were on the tflpn! Jn flood at Montrose which kept h the hours and Koariy Grove, n Cai?JAVrV: Hop.ar The enter. midwestern bckf H toi 1 ' ) him stalled for a day and made it oat the pioneer league officials Lincoln remained andfcntcd ta tho rtrg. 2 SS S vt, Caaaen. Thirtieth va m k Harrv Newman o?M.c- - .o-- l S Wrhvt H. minutes, but was only. Grxr.de g l Aha t of Impossible Tor him to P Tani H.d T would be determined by a DIvMos t Granite stake rtet an 11 ague oTT l. ahis broke vILii Hn rf I cbwartx of Note Dame and Bron-Roe parade and came. ( 1 (Capp if round robin tournament on Febru- - Wutttcb took tho uodlrpattd ! "'obley lg S 1 I I In Welt thats ko Xagurskl of Mmnwta. Each and : h slITwn,F..h 4 0 Caner.If. MUer!'f t Several reports have been re- ary 19 and IT. The four high teems;I!TlrteB , i J M4 4 4 Deuc. . is every one of tftoeo bcv were AU ll, it b,,h the way Folir' r wiy I Ta! II M 111 adsn.c ft ceived from the coast regarding h. play-of. qualify for the 1 Them if t 1 Fweaeois W5p re irfv-out here. Tou America Select one and Grange j tho Wonderful ronduct of the team. Poplar prove., 1 Wasatch assumed the undisputed came Forest Dele an Jtlebards won rtth raT II o bbajg f Warren it t T the made B. T. and Oosterbaan Fesler KTfihT'iisth.veatii ) towlee. th her get football In al lead la the Granite stake divisional The Jannt the opening wedge for 2 fcf.rahr f ) u. re p: .n.i rf aHigh , f 1 I honor roll for three year. fp.r Tweatrut Hx,aa4 Thf ei.o-- s ioilae: the year round tional - more tnterserttonat 7 nriwfiff t H, M" Men com race b. Oceting parley's Tbursdav : 41 f tnt llre Harrtalf J 1 nk n rf , i What do th Hawtherae oq lined j i.v.y, won e and up. Iunroln another game In If , v January l voirre va. Sixth flXHariag 1 cond I wav araed of Jones t ' i4 SI 41 He H4r. G T F. P petition. It Is likely th roast and Teoty-GT.FP S a 2 to hold It. record clean. well as Toevhle e iY Ifv'sion g Jure 1 owe., VeV M o ve Tweaty-riftI t I B: Cao.;' l Jorci ( i J tmm. will want a Salt Lake squad The "Pretty touch, prettv o- -f S L trv-- ra 4 e &.rd A m tted 3 1 ttlO Burt.lt- - f 4 M Liberty and Ensign races are Ji'rri October. Ttrmeth,va Twenty-Stxt- Grove, - va down every year from now on. Th. TusJ about Troys head tr.n T roiched - n v. and JnSrr- - lg 111 ti S ) e as far from settled Fttac.. 4 3 i Cnderen c lifth c o n v e rsation'Slater and belie he had Fvirth S VVUeon rg 2 Total. games drew rapacity- houses ev- now aa they were whenbeing . s,Kumi IS 4- M : HI Th'rtlotfc Total I B season iant.Tc IpS Jan It, Fourh ya. the Ill mv of tackle -Start may f onjoffenslva charge 4 Van. !? ery night and the Grovers are first started. No teams have been 3ardnr Tg 4 I BamefTrTree; Watson now n k 5W- Free 'tuiii'i.T.oth . ny 1 I'W . Lwsit . in Burt.f unanimous declaring the trip able to prove themstlves outstand Batchlr ( i ri!rt my tvlpri" tint the tannon nd Kn-t- h Teai lilt 15 To1e 1) I J1 , $ (Utma.f tho greatest thov hara ever had, Ing so far and practically atl the ,CTFr. W tner rf 4 Mrinteih, refetee; X'hr.MiatM. urn S S Si i 2 S'hradr.g odds nre 19 R CM.ttom1 have a title chance. 4 1 S y ' t"1 4 ire despite the eccid-, M va S S rfrea.a S Fifth Hoelem.lf 1 T,.ntv.rutli. SI S8rtess.c. it w ill wind J South Jordan la hanging on to Its e e - SjCoole e. . . I Ltorvla Amertemn Fork game (eeerulee Ue.i!,e. Stss; Fourth t.taSixth Skwetk aad Pop- - EtntM moager-onIn the Jones up on football, -- Tou couldn't Cj G TFP. advsntar G TFP xiiiTo. - a a t nfJ .A IHoward fame Two of the star, on the Ma foi- - more.' rg S e S e Dunkij a-S 9 I ' ask joiair jJrffj Taorr tg rf 421-4 4 AVst JwfiiB aTth have exhausted my. YWrleth B. 2 t I vocabulary loopHandy Coaovo t Bingham it Coborn lg Fer lKkrk flaara ratfeya The Jones a rhetor went teem which debe CLfnra.urt. rqw T 1 4 rg e defendm ee t Tvev-Fifte S 3i:sn..h.ts Dil v. 4 T Z,l lead Ibe InciuUn&tliejjrG-fahP all GlT ocdsr PetjerHwrfko.e F rhimjihoundlDf ,67. Fee"r he.0 fellow even h?s forgoteft wga feated the I. rover. Ik to It. " tpmke 1 2 d, re burgrriy." Second v Fifth I j t If e.p re I2 44 1i V4 M.rk.rf . I 4 Palmer f aad, TfeopMUf the fre Tnni i to rebuttals I born in making ' tn he opening game on tlie Excello. wood Still .Ohio. 2 h S I e e ve U'rnu is Wi if o if S PtV.Aehta.fs- - 1 rg irh.Seveoth. 11 Uta ( CeaprtltiM that Cotton Warbur-jtt- k to see mv ten m pllV Jones TwrtjS.Hh . 1 4 S t S. 'x t ? S 5Go'!enlg SI 1 2 1! Toft! S Geda-d- e Fet r Totals.. t0 W Ashta.c S12 11 statement Pop!r Gravo Twenty-Ftffmat, are now entsHled at the 9 GrantnvDie First defeated Tooele Urxeu-itr 't . e e, is a greater runrer than Redtteam. With Grange running ve he. h S a - Rrtgbam Young C. Niieoi. referee; S. N t? d. Frf va g e jton jrnn.rx 1 e e aniverstty. e 4 d Cannon South M. R w Thirtieth and this seek to jump ahead tn Drava f 4, 1 i ts iv:ru).;i e 4 4 t'Crange. If the local bo don't letjd Eider pan. Twen!y-axtagainst fCi,pge Bi Ogden 1 0 4 Tohaa S are and Benny Joloeoo They v o T F P the Tooele race. Grantsvllle Second R Ka'irVf T t e e Foorth G T.F P!" I shall beitorm,n Red 5 3 2 i... 2 n h w e 4 ri Is an bout a par with their fellow ''err.pbl c 1 2 : Gay Simmon, hath football PP -rt h. th. Jensen rf ) nr... .. tircvan.g huq--nfor Harr Robert f,ln,t tar,ryi l l TjLker ' 1 townsmen. and basketball star. The gemrirjr 3 t 1 T Crescent. Union and amron.g 1 3 1 ex ?ttcrm,r 4 Haneen c Zuppke, mho is one of the best de- Grange and Bernard. Slater and J Kesedy.c J 14 4 . kfl tight after the P, Granite loom strongest to tho East aHexey 2 41 17 ! To'v i, I I e e j know. e 9 Kurth In there on defense. R hat Kniah. baters at catch weights 9 Jordan loop. Grrowl.g 3 G. game for ftah. re'ere Rot oca empire. VVdlnd g 4 nrm; g - 2 Di t Anyway it was raininc real rain With the holidays over all tho -Tot: Leads i; . 1 i TiHate ' ' 12 Pari S i 3 raoh. u NIMey Wbltker.f J f . RMwrda and not 'Spanish nust,one re- leagues will be back to intensive G. 1 fP Barker.e. COAST TEAMS STRONG 111;. play this week. All 12 stakes willlQrMrf e t X. FP . Tooele Court Race, Murray First W ins' have Scheduled and of 2 gamed MHner 1' 0 r 2 2 2 t i Gron.'t plenty TVCIDEXTALLY. rf. the coast 5T warm Totals.. 2 9 2 - rfrnt-- f 1 a p 2 2 III is assured Wxtis competition TvcvFT if FromHortkc greclalMTkgh ) SttYrno' rrfrre,. Ji. Ei phthllooiGam&- -- - Man eagera are already look.n Xorfh Tsflif NrorTcSUr Th booth fTnct-haXJrhhlfc, J 91xf c htl with come new one tn.t wui y.t T'Oflf tooe. North. tv O T F. P njxuhtf. jAatiag. f 1 I4 H Jen-jieven down William It ing forward to holding the basket- -' bearing on the title remit. 3 Dick and until Hanl.t ti. Mjrrxv F.rtt i X Ps.'i i ccTh beat lAk FcUt- t- Maaghn (LSmbv ball title which wea won last year y down from a )V. c.hf. v , I ,,7 3Jiwrtz 2 jpow.l.'c. coras. tffcriatn.f 1 (1 1 rungs Brjan. go.nearcnir.K materl-- , Northwestern coach-to 12 JUar in the jviKnibag e s -- onrancia.-to hand Glendale S tho 3 1" 4 S 4 al for a new argument th. hunrh?f".r favtB.f ..2 2 ta 14, flashy If Gonel.c 7 S 14 quint by DIXIE LOSES TO 4GlaBqee g ...ih i Lake Foist rg Fouth rttpoTwa-j. . j- -l, . 2 2 3 2 4 ,h f d middle R:cK rg . t .. T F P - i P lNe?w nc 1 I Neshaa. S S ' lmj Clare Snider of tho Poplar picked on Ho ard Jones the Tro- le other ben ,.f argument gets too touh B. Tan,rf g 21 7 Clf r T'y vl 1 S 2 Brediwlg 3 S 9 gra"?wig I 26-27- 1 Grove team reports that all the ; an all to Pacliicif. coach l?21il pick ToUT . MOYfX MURRICAXE, 1 t 4iTbeurtt 9. Richard he Just to.eh.s Oi.- H . jan i! LTi-xf- i 3 4 S Archb d L 9 1 L teams look unu.ua'ly strong down FaevsC Dale 13 13 2 2 coast teanf of Total S PGanei.o V-2 players proauceaponent9 into the haI er.ii.htr Jormc. le eI e Glxtca.c Mvnr- G, Firt 1 N. ! there-anHURRICANE Jan. C the Californians are goT fonrd I O.T PP ' Barnaa e e e e Bat that's the wav it 1320. Special) g since utt TFP Cannon-rO. T. FP I ! J iv t la football lo the roJJed oats thiJ baeketeers discouraged g .v 9 e e I I or ts f 2 g ing to bo mighty hard to atop. Hurricane Coast if.. 1. 4 1 3 eimmnarf 1 2 S 2 --4 1 ) a 17tPa Asx ... Haa.o.i.c- imPining Manchester in the Los Angetea the Dixie district Ht!ehopc?of -Tn Clendsle Mondavf Hollywood 'stake and rbnk. e -an.r me A'0 S.VOITD SKI 4 ? i .morning quaiToiac 4 T .. play to date and loom aa the 35 for Enterprise, in opening round! J . , xwrtmi'f . x I I flout with this lineup, rrick'r Mul-- t -. e 2 i j e e two t in districts. . the t... . TOURNEY IS OFF, T- champions crack Humcsne.r-.,,,ter of California, and Tcd Shipkey . name.' Reeves, the 't- - l ... 4 2 13 4 11- I) TJ . .e BrmhaU.g the ends. Ernie forward, helped winning cause tjobnxa.c. e of StlnforiL-f- or WhehOle and with IS points McCalUeter -Hrrand 14 Southern California, and ekl tournament 1- 41 1 4V Ttftate 14 A 14 Smith of which 'wea ?chcl C;i4nliH gj f f r Cram led the Kanab sharpshoeting Totals r f Ti- K '.McMillan of CaliTOrn.a.rJacklos; uled at tod a for aad The acoresr iv 4 4 14 j Ogden e .3 rf V JCdb J JUBdL ItosenberR of Southern California, fnwrrow has - rNV Ifanrlv Dixie f rn ac 7 TTT 4j Hmanlf J J v ri NORTH SANPETE VICTOR and Robesky of Stanford, guards, count of lack of poitiwnri 2 bamstnrmmg Booster bas- - - O.TP.P! snow, accord. rg Bvvxnc. i v GTFF xoe lit rf . fteam Ogden a 2 1 S fteeras rf. M 4l Prtcvrf-r-- ! tor SL 1 H : 3 c-of of Bettencourt Ctah officials of V and ri met. th 6. i Larry o I j ! ,tv t Jan. Monroe bowed ' - I ; ; . Inwt.Jf..r 21 4 4. 4 MONROE. of past and : Lvr .. J t I am con.p--Warburion. The meet will be hM ont met n .ndru.tf i rag. North 8snp.t lljvsdcrs. ?. Mary's at center. ! Th first rabbit "boot of the 3 t J,Q th 7 J1imr.tt.ns - e.rnrvarsity-ot-- Xf -. saris isgttSr.il to - ' of the future buirho dat wtU hav-U?ir.w.Ts k S J J , ' f fi 1 t t to 15. In n practice ,bssktbalt came finckert, Drury and Shaver will be held tomorrow at Hoi oiinrr be left for a while. Th Nevadir. Ch.etaa g u. hre last iDrauby rf , 1 e 2 I J Southern" California were bis Vi oeti. All rabihts bagged Will be turn (Jxrsonl, l Friday. IHort.!... of Another meet the mLftulejj Kb elated atLake? w 1 to Armv SaIva44Bb h The score the barkfield. It's easy Arrowhead next cd over to t Joe 7 but tn; I Hew Narib be distributed to needy Salt Lake y ape4e I The Mr. Jones' Is a bit partial may also have to le canceled on 5 IK'1 T:.!s. 1,13 4 BooHr will laie Saturday. ToxI. 13 . 19 2 14 Tolsl. II IS Vtaker.rf. ft3 T2 F3 2'Johnaon.rf OT VUP toto see famires. coni Referee. n t tour of ahf6rn a. the Trojans but i. s his team account of lack of irox Its a back Jecsea. ot'7 Paiman; amp. First ton. hunters are expected oo Refer About Ji IS 5ljlZr be heard. man.; . will a Rfor th 1 I S no t,k can If Hasten. Hmt.if firni Kanab i,und obejetions TxylarviBietoinirha 111 Sportsmen make the trip. or p, -onip're ITOCPE5I VICTOF P O T. F P. O T. r. P Arord.c.. 4 I S O T P What do you think of that-- " Rwlnn.e 3I 11 I by huies which to private cars 2 . 4 119 Mfnor.rg 2 1 3 rf IS 2 2 22 Glob 4, 3 9 ITCstr.rf old t HVif an 4Jorgasa.rg lasted affair. Pli'frf the AXOF1 Jan for tao J Trojan Braven Dyer ra being arranged Ft 2! ftoberrwrg IS Hall. If... 3 1 L Ford If. 2 I Peiersa if 11 -; ."Tou i 1 1 21 B Bunt.c t by trainlns and inclination. NEW TOItK. Jan. ,,l-.)E1r- l Ftoairt.rg e;jonn.rf Cf west MACTXrrT SICS middle s sptck a team from the 41 lUoarslf . i e e 2 Titivr HMl.rg.-- f t I Pmr.iUv G.nrVvso m Max ZSTS! T rhml,n,. at 7 4 JusMi1rjft M 4 e, Jaa 2 fTNl CHICAGO. .equal to that one.' You. see out -, and Kmg -t T f nal of the ItrJtX anru-x- l imitinu ftChemhioji. A'rrf.Iae eUantri. e e j. ' Itanastt. virmTi !4iwc te a .j, 9 4 4 -. ' i1 hlcogo ytadium ifi m i t Fch tn.dfi.or Jorala tb!r-bt tnnk i foi c..kM wirtricl a held ldi, todayV - Msndv T th h it in.iu M f If" ee at tx' FiTT5o .T Ambaseador ircrtatft-j ygTtTXee faaf vitk the Dame ft ffjgned tferenvx teams Ferter, iafre; Johaava, patjnA Howa tdfitmy stadium olficials au&ounced today, the match, it 10 K2 Vv Jta a nighu ,,'4ua as eevalad. South Bend System Best Ever, Coach Tor Opined Starts With New Team Wandamere Springs Surprise Some point-winner- s. Kne-Wa- lngh-Jump- X' p Close Races H zt tt L;-y- yst , that kept-meeti- ' ' tt-- gaethe 1 at-' teams-undefe- WAa.-the con-fidd a far-te- . -- l. j ! e! baH-o-to- thr ; , tVtZ iTinoZJ'TTrZ 'ffa - ' liU-Tfrd- ly . win-wrG- lJt first-roun- t;i Mitt-bwrg- tv , wbea-mmti- tW-b- f; 1 - on- T Pioneer Stake Football Main Diet Up Last Of Coast Sport Fan Dravvs Half Schedule,80 ot i AIL-th- Powers Champions in Battle Likes Grange Over Cotton inonr,ak' 1 to EJder I)efeats Lehi Beat Grovers in Ogden, 25 to 23, Jn Great" Game - Hot Game, e3 0gdcn-jrigfir- won-Xai- sm K lxn o.r t Ihr "! Lincoln, Wasatch Lead Granite Race gH-- lb. vi t.-- rk Jee B n ll.-- pen-.cl- - ,rr.ptt.h I ,.! 1 Tot refe-ee- 1 THiaer Th.ny-Scon- & 2 ...W-'ker.- -c S ,r.r jn Hom-ard- - 1 t t 1 ri sees -- 1 rcr h te 1 el) d f s . f. rg e f. brijt r i K -- 4-- ' tb ! Its nt in e 1 Ji i ; "i7-T'r- TU,-lth.ot.rbck- Th.rtr-Seeoa- d ff eee S 'r d , 1 1 . Mi.-h- s.xi-seAn- nf ! h p- 1 t rT til t 1 312 -- er iGrantsulle t'VJiidlri iSXhnCSathhts'' iii, tsl . o 1' Tif n. aii i go. rs . Ttt:-Jx- G- 'All-Sta- Jsuc r l xy 4-- 2 flee t -- fttn4 34 a rTlc t . j'' ,' Rabbit Shoot Is - Boosters rea-"A- ease y.n'; t 1 r 1 2 1 C rrr dfatd 4 jed-cju- -- m-- - XuX. "f-a- td J J- rhair-iLJb- ?- and-No- ire h .7 a. thg' ;- a- C 1 yr eee . ,7.. H . l.rfe bco-eb- rf-- tit rrrr V. ,1 PiT C itn Defeat Nevada Courtiers see' see t, J.i - H- Planned Tomorrow I i ig-e- 1 r Man-ttg- rf -- Cann-jn- linn 1 -- b -- c ath-leti- ea H - Thirty-See-- rL tTrp; tie .f 1 '. I'rX ' ' TI llZXr 5 till A -,r |