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Show f THE TYF.SERET NEWS, SATURDAY, JANUARY H- - tM . Priesthood and Womanhood By Leah D, Widtsoe t na INTRODUCTION HE Gopl of Juui Christ comprise all truth. On evi-- t dene lot this la tha fact that It ' xrcl tha power of tha raotorad Priesthood of Qod. This la a very precloua and its definite) B n demanding la thl concern of tha women of 'this Church aa troll aa the men who aiei for reaponalbla direct" poa- lon. Any i Im-- a arave res it onalblllty for Its effective any j ao prec- loua may prove one's undoing If not1 maun fled aa well ao, a great blessing If M raj Whitson . used correctly. That the womanhood of thla Church may understand better the real meaning of thla great fl.t of the Restored Gospel la tha purpose of thla aerlee of artlrlea td be In these columns' for tha next few weeks. , in 'one of the Relief Society lot the past year the follow-in- s , statements are made: . Thus at this early date In the history off the Church the hord restored full authority to man to . , The i'riost-hoo- d act In his name men td do good encourages Is evil. It Intended for :nd shun son of Ood who la prepared to receive It. Accordingly! In the Church lot Joeus Christ of Latter-da- y Baint the irlesUiood is widely held I'V the male laity, as well as in official positions The lity of. this practice Is itnmed-- 1 I pre-aont- j lea-eo- ns -- " . (apparent Asks (Juoetiuu well asX. fare not ;na womdn given some epcaifjio duty to perform, or arc (they a (negligible iiuanmty? Woman is not mentioned n any par of the lesson; Are the lmi t laity-- j able to act only for Mod and, thbrofore, ui man alone recognised of Win ? what really has the womanhood of our Church to do with, Priesthood T"; In brief, Tfflur should women he Interested In priesthood T" t kl lists 1 Subjects i y . . -- pr fted ( Pleas '1 Td answer those questions lnu tjclligontly, it wtU bo necessary adopti ths Yankee custonr of one question asking others So the followingbyquestions Will be ansWered In these columns: I, What Is Priesthood does It function S. Why should Ood1 give his sons, power that Is denied his daughter Should they not be equal In o his sight as to status and perform the labors of Ufe? Surely a just Cod him no favJ llgontly all Interested questioners, liUKNTION NUMUKIl ONE Today, question number one wit be considered, "What Is Prlentaooe and- how does it functlonf", In answer) . our late Prophel b Smith may be quoted.) Joseph i" What la the Priesthood T It 1( nothing moro nor less than th power of Ood delegated! to man h: which man can act In tho onrth fo the salvation ( (he human tarn ily, In the name of the father ;an tho. Hon and the Holy (jlhoat, an, act legitimately; not assuming tha ' authority, not borrow(iw(ilt froi generations that are dtfad and gone, but authority that has been give in thla day in which wo Jive t: min Piloting angels and spirits froi above, direct from the presence oi , Almighty nod, who have come t the enrth In eur day and restore, the priesthood to tho (Children o -men, (Again; "It is therefore not goo Halnts and th, that the lAtter-daBalm children f of latter-da- y should treat, lightly this aa hi of' which principle authority) been revealed from tho heavens I wo live which the dispensation in , It Is the authority by (which th Lord Almighty governs hla people, and by which. In time fo Come, h th will govern the nations ' of world. It Is sacred, and it must held sacred by the people. It ehoul bo honored and respected by themj in whomsoever It is held, and ii whomsoever responsibility Is pla In the Church. The young men an, - women and the people general! . should hold this principle and rec , ognlse it as something that is sac red, and that cannot with nor spoken lightly punity. Disregard of tills authority leads to darkhess and to apust. a, and severance from all the right ami privileges of the house of Ood f'of It Is by virtue of this hqihorlt; that tho ordinances of tjlie goape performed throughout th, a(j world and In every sncSed place, and without it they cainjot he Those1 also whit jliilld thl formed authority should honorI ijt In tothem b selves. They should lye) ira worthy of the puthprlryj . them and worthy of ttm gift tha" have boon bestowed upos them, (Gospel Doctrine, page 171 ) Tho prophet Hrlghafil Young h - lft for RARTMEMI ' should bo understood by the girl i and women of tho t'liurch fur thel own peace and pi egress M well si to,, enable them to answer Intel (This Is (Iw first of of rUcl MuiwriiMi, Irn quos-UoOO ll anbjct-t"Print, hood olid Womanhood.) gift CKurcfi Department Turn to Pagq Right) DUCATIOipl lit orites S. A re no women as a class Just as good and intelligent aa meg as 4 elms? Then, why single out one aox for Oodf's preferment T i j 4, In this day of "woman 'a how women do our react right to having men only hold the priesthood ?! lio women not feel that they are discriminated against by this same higher power ?, Is. if a boy of twelve years has this gift bestowed upon him while bis sister tigs not. does It not loud to. tusks him grow up with a feel-lu- g that he Is literally 4 'lord of creation." while hie sister belongs tu ''Hi common herd J 4. pm hot this diurriminanen inore arrogant in their matte .men attitude toward women Lo they not mn oesarlly fuel themselves the a- and dominant sex? superior T. lone not this difference ''In rrem religious status take away and courtesy , men the chivalry .that make life association so beaur tiful and satisfying Indeed, is it riot al fact that Mormon" men are ally less cauitcous and more lioli icd wlll the reaction that always precedes," and arte tuit really as truly and naare other ment turally polite al This question has often been asked b women who afo members of the fllniri as well as by those who are i nloi J S l'i thls day of more general' mOilernl peychology, the Siudy-n 'question Is naluial. and bears somewhat on the other quertua. Hoes riot the faqt that women can- -' not hold the priesthood, tend to g ve them an ''Inferiority complex," arid, therefore, make thnlr Inner lives less serene and normal T . What is the effect on too h me rio of. families following the 'hundred years of dominance past by menjwhd hold the prlwthoed, I d; j I -- 't Of II t T ils huestlon, in a way, includes i all the others.! 10. hqiis not this power tend M U Ut ruune (folding Of the roiution of men and women of, ' I this CJhdrch? The answer to these questions I "sex-rivalr- y r botch, which passes, f leave an amorphoui We Wouldlwtshi fo havn eradicated' yram ago, to these valley, almost The Uiftertday Haibts of! a great l'rophet. "to seek out a resting Place." under Ah leadership and where t hoy ' could be trie U worship Ood an they had been taught .understood hla will. They cam Iter in poverty.; and In dlstresa, but by noble diligence they loonkiuered the desert, and made for thetneotvr hnirves. They succeeded in and fruitful!" fields, and yomfortabi purpose, and thelit arcompllolimetils attracted the attention of th prn-duct- iv thjtr world I j ' . l. f .lilt, io years uajve com and gone Are wo el 111 measuring up lo the great ideal whlcji have been taught u from our child hood? Iwd ue pause a moment and. examine. f In spite of noble, end splendid loaderehlp.' Which raulioued us by the pain and deelst from to com tongue and pen, nay. alfnost the1 natitled us, lUter-da- y Saldl) have literally plunged: penalty of debt and mdifgage. Karnt and horn that wore hooded (lown to into that frightful chasne.i fro r (firing parents and them from thrifty and and clear of encumbrnn re. have been .mortgaged snd in many I ms an rex ,f double mortgaged, until johly a doubtful equity remains I We hsve all lived fr ghtfully hejond our means the past ten rir fifteen w have (We must In sorrow the nd pay penalty. dtstess, years, and'now, not heeded the advice o( nur tesjem "to keep out of debt." j j "l There I not,noW, arid never will tieany permanent peace tmd for the man, or fripily, whil-i- t does not couirlvo to live within hla, or lt.( Income) A mat iwihd U smarting fro in permlent U'tUir from his bank; relating to hver ilus jiiierest on hla mortgagnl home, old thl writer th other' day that he wbqld ratio r live In'a Sent, and have it clear, than la the best home In Sujlt lake City with n full grown mortgage on It j After the xperleiictj of the mat three years) and summing up th loMMtia whlih thla de rsion has taught us, w should now attempt to . We have seen our means 'and our futu oursetyes fo it us Tike breath on the wind " J W all know posseyislons swept awa now! that "wealth la fleeting. " that what-w- e have hitherto regarded aa permanent poescsxlutisj hkve turned out to be transitory and, temporary. What then la real eopuruy, ana how is It to he obtalne.1T Bpecuiating this topic,-worthy fijlend of trine said the other day, "1 have traveled up nnd. down then voile fS for thi past three years, and Ihav (observed the situation of our ppo Ip, ioth In the cities and in the country; There had boen only one type dr1, man envied. He wm (he mka put I have furnis who was pealed on one jf our little lie had It U undet Irrigated cultivation with a good sound hi me n It. and he owned. free and nr from th furs of debt end tm.riguge. Th.t man Is king! of men today. Dthom may suffskfrom hujngnr, but he pneiuees the food he IHhan may roam the stjalets hnmhtesa, but he has his own good bed at nnol t4 fifed from hi Job, on ee)ount of sagging Indue- nlghU. It trial conditions. on hle own tajmts attains! sny. oeonoilc crisis, eefutje, proteetnd . ( It will take many paikrit yean f.,r the latter-da- y Balnu , filve back to real security, but it s th only goal that temtJ to happlm-i Almost I grand-parrrlt- eolf-sac- J hsp-plnv- i 1 1 'il can odd. o set of bas now passer! into history. year or tak away, what transpired In It wirit. moves on: Nor i Tho moving ft&er writ, and., having to! cancel half a tine. lure It back hy piety, nor kit. shall word of it." nor all thy team wash out a us. clean add bright Dqt th pages of Isit are before w when the final day ot make a record of Hi Welt spent days, or wlil 14 -- i J a w Ry 5 r . Por nearly thirty-tw- o years, Kara C. Dal by and I have sorked more or! lees side by aide, even up to the very lust. In aeason and out of aeason, he has always, been true to hla Ideals. lie had, la fact, the most auperb Ideals, lived, of any man whom f have had the honor to know). Again,' I have never known this revered friend to prove recreant, to a trust. Always and everywhere. he scrupulously kept hi promise whether expressed or implied. I"I have kept the faith" urt Paul exemplify the Ufa of J'lxrs V.. Dillby. . Death,; happily. cahnot dissolve Is dead, friendship. Kira D. Dalby lives as hut he still friend aqd tachef. He has passed on, it is! true, but his friendship, hallowed br time and sanctified by llfo's ragged battles, remains with us as si sacred memory., The links In this (chain of friendship appear broken! (iut ghev hr not. Still Inseparably Joined, these links will continue.) for the time being one in tile Wqrrldlot the visible ami one In the world of the Invisible. As time passes, they will become mu ro and more two parts of a single whole, binding together tbe tuns element wntj the etemlry element of Ufe, The passing of Ears C. me. muri than Dalby convinces 1 oppor-tunltr't- et -- ForWard and Backward Glancesj 71 H'E to. ever, that death dbu net inj H all, Immeaxurahlv my life been nrlched hv a e'lose, personal con-towith Kirtt C. Dalby. Evert as. ho has passed on 1 me. even so to peat on to other Pay I lesrnr unis the memory of thin good nmn K.yRREKWT BRAMWKKt,. NKMIN AItV grtlllKNTR Asi A iiUt-ND- S TiUHUTK APl'ILY, friends dome into ouri lives, and (hen, ' unhappily. they 'pas on. Prleadshlp. however! goes on forever. It cannot be bought It must bo won. Moreover, mendnhtp rests upon certain basin plllgra rSspect, teem, confluence, and aspt rutipns. The writer has Dalby for nearly thirty two years We first meet in Itexburg, Idaho, he as teacher, I as county official. There we bpgan an .acquaintance' which, resting upon the aforesaid basin principles, grew IJtle by little into! oo m neon interests, and thoae, in turn, rlpchcd Into a sacred friendship. At times, I have likened (our 'friendship to that of Jonathan and David. Kara C. Dal? by has beeri ths Jonathan, whiteI have felt honored to be the Dav- A MIsslONIKIDI ' MLA BAOLKT, , j I Bouth Hevter Seminary nrilltOUtllf eemlnary I have re- celved a better understanding VOf the gonpel, and I appreciute it more than ever before. Although I have always had' tdeale, 1 have never had the courage to stand by them as I now have. Bemlnary may begornn to nno what a light lx m ths windows to a man who has lost his way In tho dark. It him to comfort and happiness,guide It wives him courage to follow ami tho I strttight amt narrow path. (luminary has shown me the av toia successful life. The Hook of Mermon Says, that "Man la. that . h might diavo There no soaree which ennJoy." bring us gri ater Joy here and hereafter than that or Unselfish service to Ood and hi children. Did not JOsus say l wan on. hungered, and y gave me msnt; I wo thirsty and ye gave ms drink. .1 was sick anil ye vlsllsd' 4t I was in prison and yS came unto me" And also,' Thasmurh as have done) It unto onc of the least of these my brethren, t y ; hsive done it unto taie.t Jesus tmwt have (seen artiimd him many weary, ' diseourngeti. hungering for enrounge-nien- t aols, and (or) th moral support Of friends and associates. All they needed was a kind and eneourg-l lug word to start them on khe right ..truck. And Jeatm gave It to them, lie told us to do likewise. Around us ar countless others who are suffering from the sum grqiping hunger, and through they may be fad. We can r- our cnvvlnsa. and nee gel ourselves, around us others who need a smile and a kind word. A smile can say things hard to ay In words, We know people who! in a mo. merit of forgetfulness or have made some mkitake, folly, for which they have become outcast from society. As a result, they bars been shunned those who were once proud to by call them friends" We cun tench them (hat! tho fallings of the past should not be tallowed to darken their fu(iir that the coming days offer op- poslunttlns to repent and rise to" higher Ihlngx. j M We seminary student should be missionaries. Nothing ran Live ono greater ph asure and happt- - " ness than to have helped som fellow creature I have hod occn- - f slon to try this out. and 1 know it la (true Thl has never been voiced before, but 1 will use it here as an Illustration. j K grew Up with a who'll ante very dear t me.girl Hhe u xs of lake a chance the, and eh was very dlmatlefled type, with her1 She surroundings wanted to! got away from home and travel, after whteh she would epeeisllse in steengraphy ' w,,t' Wer is way, and her hhance to get awky came when she went off to school, Bhd had always beeox a bnlllent. popular etud.nt. Hhe 'Jiked sth city better than the countryjsnd 'l mtJoym-- nt for th. VmiSISJ monthn Itnfor) chol w year chanced to our fr! nduhifi f Attr oskyd her whut was troubling hT. I wan and very what It was f , surprised to tear Hhehnd been shown ennui hr-aattention hj , married who Was Irving to perminde inhep . hcoompany him to amlther stats,- where he was going i spead the winter. If she would '"r through echok and she could take th courses sh had long dsired, and which eh could not, perhaps, tak. Wise Bhe Kiutd not deride o(her. which pal Ik to choose. I told her that her deelsloo would he! tbe turning potst In her lib, and I Wanted It turned to the fight direction. showed her that a married sun ( plaee wan at bom with tho on hm ho had hoon, and f tho baby which had so ms later I u) o u g h t she already knew that. hut shv) told me afterward that 1 Showed her things 'In a different way than she had looked theft! before HhS Immedlatily q iat It sqeiltg the fellow No on will ever know h'jw happy tt made me navy hft Cl prise her appreciation h"c k ox th j right triuk, This same girt had always qneniv. d to hew th Men that WBI nd for hay. to Iked ttglo bar Tur1 to Teg Eight) (Tie 1 eetn-tna- ry J f t -- , , j ut bl - ra Pt 1 i 1 , i 1 f I |