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Show i ukIi Department TI!,n DESERET NEWS. SATTTRDAY, JANUARY U G. 1P Ward Temple Missions Successful. Build Spirituality- Say Bishop tchur vii Happenings in. the - j , I L in the Mu tem kfut once a month It wuji ple Ihtin aoctptoU we aJvihcU heiu that vte wuultl call ur people to a Uuoo month mJrtelnn to tho tcmplnj gtrPig otiu night a Wwkl aiv.1 'unj atherelonHe of this mUMon wouhl be Riven, Hltfnod py ihe ward committee genealoKlca-- l and AtJ o blahopno uf tho ward.l I Calls Twenty "We would catl about twenty and oqc people at a time, genoklugfcai tomplo oommUtiie would chock eu the uiimhcr Ot times each altonaed and I would like to say that not one ever fit if lit ua We would bull their unmgs (young aud old) from the stand tn tiundny evening meeting, to meet US immediately aitter meeting lu the Iprayor loonn and there wo won III advise them ot their (vdl ' and set them apart. I'Ttj look about iw0 years befortf everyone was called who could obtain a recommend.- - eu one fust Sunday 1 told the people we had gono. tlie round and vo'w a would like to continue these utlswfnns up to the date when Ills tuinplo dosed, and If any would llko to volunleer to take a second mission we would be very happy. At ID'S meeting wie had D8 volunteers! and tt Ui Hilled us through and jhiotigh. And lit me sayl that theeblehoprla took their calls right along ijvlth very one else "Tic neat yoiir we flecldod (o have monthly1 caravans1 from our Vte( had as ward, to the temple. go U per cent ot our.ward alhlghaa on a certain day. to oqe session ways taking tho people to the temple and bringing them buck home. I Two Month Missions "Then in eat. l3ll and we began calling thorn oil two month inlAstbn, aoid that Ihef nhoulil 0 in thoee two months, ton Mimel, lu man cooes our people the Union, going slk high ok tripled 32 times tn two months, Thnne to be aignod by the tak the genealogical committee and jt president y of tho stake. We as course cal! thfm, the same way at first, and also about the B&nta number. This plan la atUl In forc$. (Pjeaso Turn "to Page Seven) j More Members! At Meetings Comes From Activity r lu - spiritual EMIT. hi work twinic I attrat d to hjr tha arils of several hq la list have spqmu red the 'ro mlmler on short jeit of calling TnlsHlon These nils temple hnvc lasted frur i three W el This practice la rogwing months rt-that has attends! thte projeftt tn many wards. A survey ot the resultp and auecesaoii onmado thte pro-ha- a wards carrying lieon made by James M. iin a member ot the board actors ofj the Oenea logical Society. of ft h. ' fron-- s Hcnettotel . Til survey has nvealed some Irdyii gl unuaual fm In. proving the to of this policy and the tar results whlrti rut liloa was first tried1 by a few wauls only, bul now a large numhbr of bishops are following In mo lit of these TOm C ructioe s war la a letter signed! by Ihe blsh-tsent to those .ailed, Usu-- ( oprit husbuml and wife, asking all) them to arcept orof the responslbll a (months mil-- o three of tty aum t the temple. Riling at least that pe during., week onto each riu.i The letter then asks them to med at a certain time and place to be'jsit apart previous to commencing thi lr labors, j Called Hj iAtler foltor taliUitf people to aU h tcinplo are atCCer the folif low ini Oi der . m (Nmin the man land woman , 1 1 tlKruthor and Siatbr. feel that the people of our wwrdwouid iectlve many benefit and bieHamtfa through igieater temW Jnok(.('(li'tiv'i ami J 0) that thecsumimv inlwilon arlc of tho Arisona district of the California mission, have spent several successful months In tho northern part of Arisona, Two Incident occurred durInterestinglime . ing that The older had been questioning a Nava Jo Indian about the traditions of his tribe handed down from generation to generation. In answer in the questions put him, regarding tribal traditions, especially these pertaining to the origin ot his people and how they huppea to bo on this continent, the would not tell them because, hq said, the white man would make a story and make money out tot It. After the elders had explained that they knew his history and how tho great White Father had appeared to bis people, how he had promised to.return. and that they woro tlll looking for that return ho . then reluctantly admitted such to be tho cose .r. f j I presidonj-cylconsiH- wee auxilliri Ihe other more ptrfecti.r-4Teidef J. Alrant rcrgintd Hebei nt f As . ol ao(i j ; j Tlie ummber, of the lteicons' (luui nnis Jor wlmrti' the lesson books was prepared arc all inlets-hktoin religion tit the lumilv, ip knowslcilge-gettin- g, in Rtweinj-ntentm propei ty. Jim, self, anjl d j, !n They will be ms. teresjed tn these things al! tlieitr - ii f limnual the material to their presiilod is appiirablc v has been yre. mesj H'porlunil to stud atedtal subject matj-ie- r of the lesson; h) to toll hoiiuv about it in, class; and (c) thing to embody its leading prinriploK In Uif cotuiuai of the boys outside I, (1 bl rl iss j , I SM, in Hu- - , 1 ' ett 1. Any tnscruclloh by member of bishopric. Ml j (b) liesaon Period ( mlnutaa): Igisson work tinder direction of Mipervlaor. i Rvnry effort should be made- U Account for that abeenc , of any and tho member, -- Th auparvlaor quorum .presidency, with tha cotho of member, should operation adopt michl measure a wilt ( itho toucher iltvM'rvca oarefut atteu-UO- il What lend do wo seek when IV, wo touch a clues of deadone That throuKl, right motive te tha smlrl Piaetlea.1 end. Hg Not. how fmav this he reach eil (Norety by ntoana Of moro devlco. b, I 'It f . of nrinelpleo Tho naa Kaerriso ii JTbl1 clasa ogorrlao Ih divlilod Into two period m ecllvtly and lesaoli first perlid, that of and eseiMaen ury . . dull c performed and to b performed, la of vital Importance and should ba given ft.wt , coneiilorutlon ouch week, tt may proper nyidem. phoilt requite with tlmo OVltowIny fha tt ntiiiute review of - aritlvttlea the oiTond po lesson work, should- -, rloit. ethat- of About SI) minute should follow he afallahle depending pponI the time Jilloilisl to ituoiun woi - ro b astivbltsh-Bieii- ml" Tile WOI k Of these part-timalonarles and member of the Ideal in that lias borne fruit, priesthood, several (tf I heir listeners have Joined the. k'hureh and many others show Int iresl in the message of tha Gospel The 11 n nob district of the North Central Rtato mission that while the drpreiudotl Canada, hangs tenaciously on lu are pay'we flito that those who kind ing theiy tlihe and offering, emare duties, their to. attending food ployed and 'have sufficient winter and clothing for, the month." district of Yellowstone Tim this same rnbmlan reports Hi follow liar inlcresting InetdenPi wiMnan. now n meinbe of live Chnreh. was run Aver on automobile tn Uir past by summer, and one of her lego was paralysed so that she waa flIeanT'irh to Page Right1) ' Ire-po- rts I Jf ... HI ot liieieftslos ytvseut members 4, Iteport on awlirnnivtH' of du- t,e performed) , I Acslgnutont of duiioe for eh- ( sulng week . Roclat ahd cfraternal ftctivl- - . Si J is I wsv mThpre are enough lessons ti prov de one for each weeK ihroiiehoiit tln year. It is deairtalV 'tHalaa far a possildo, Ihe rlaiji wUrk, be rarrlisl isut regnlai'ly. How to indureiln the clue a iproiMU ceepoluie to the effort of but faiher through the th it I her, I he ,1, thy a ci iv Jti hieetmg vepudtc foil ik1!' irUniMil wdig, the hi1 u me1 quorum aliouuj currjf out the elds, exercise unde, the presidency ol tho quoium wiitl, itlve direct guid-anr- e of the shpervisor and under the general direction of a memIf there lie ber of the Inshoprtc. more than ouo quorum, each uuor tint eliould meet separately with ft 1 uperyisor for (each ujionim Th bishop's eounael(.r should art ln an mlvlsoif capacity with the quorum presidency tn carrying out the order of buslnaaa In, the clanr and In dkg"USHiig Oqch Items of In struct ion so inky be deairnble. He should, of cowreej take charge of the ordination for any member Tl)e supervisor! should with the presidency in making asdunks and following sign mctilo of In promoting attendance up the Min., lie and in stoylal aitlvlttes should take charge 1 work JA suggested nrdbr reA be followed by the quorum dency during the 0 to ff mtnirtaa allotted foi this work la a fol lows (a Actiyity tenod (about minutes ) If incident was nte- -i trim President laVeil W. Horen's visit with a Catholic priest, who, learning of the departure of the missionaries, asked tliem to visit him and htot church, 1 resident Itonrii ttw Invitation andl liad n very enjoyable conversation and regarding the dootrine Mormon practice of the, Ciiureti and their. Daring the conversation, the father made th statement that eUhrf Cath- m olicism la right or Mormon-Isla, and that none of tho oilier churches has any autlior-tt- y. He said he expected them would some day be a unity of five faith and either tit Mormons would benomr Fatlioltna or the l at hollo would have tn Join tlte Mormon Charch.l Ha said he was reading the Hook of Mormon and waa very much , Impressed with a a It a ot mUnonarle HK part-tim- e rj Sncrnmont under the dlreetlan ovdbii of Elderf R W. Bird, have ered ll tt stieet meetings are tn .additlim 10 being the best menna of dfvelqplug inlssionstlcs the bust eiiuice I'D rcio hlng and Inb ri mg people. Recently. they rsisirf, thorn have been an average of tet) to twelve street meetings each wj;ek, of piece during which thousands of Uteialure have been distributed nicstlmto had and many of th crowd of S00 or moiee listening. I hear a grejat mnn people say 1 get stek iui! tired of .the samtj thine over and over again I amj so sick of the Word of Wisdom I do not know wtat to do.'' f If every4 body who says that would get tip on top of a house and shout: f't do not keep the Word of Wisdom1 he pould not gv hfmielf away any m the.v bo mwom poriml. uhn I ri,1 M Klnl e; f Kldor iSrnithi wiuh a'otiNttd at the meeting held In the Grant stakk tabern tele by Kldcrs Uotirgo anil UichatdN Joseph Kidding Smith of ihe Council of the Twelve rcddent ICebef V Grant, fnl the above ttteptlohed members Of ihd general aathorltles, the stake presidehoy, t and the new hlfth preaideiney, work priests' speaker.. Thej new stakeE. ofiThbmas Towlei), prosldcnt, foriner bishop of the Whittier ward Ettas L Day, flrt oounseloi formerly of tho High council. Hem lining C Mortcnson second counselor, formerly stake dork. Niels Sandberg, Jr, formed bishop of the Belvedere ward, tho new stake! clerks Tho high priostT proKidency, thi stake high oolincfl. and all stak to read regularltf (ho lesson at llwistonre in !ulaiiu'e of Ihe flats1 common-it- r orth,y asked to do mission namea until auch Ume aa they could tocur, names if their own di 'Gran) stake Mtioi'-tough- wrn ' Umli d dea(t in outlying district! problem with v ck tlou has been most not f ome. but in ward long as ro.bperation imong tm uemben jwhm aolvedj lion, HbhopN TwiinnniF hums outstanding J accomplish-Bivihave been ma'je by wards. until usiar J. Harllm.1 t bishop ot tha ward) and bow a number glv-t- hs iew ties nt stake presidency. following account . j Aecl -use t could aeo tt wouldtw ho necessary to do aumothlng oreato groat or enlhuidasin In tno ward so that more teotiloto would du-woiklng anil aUendingior onetheir person that In place two or thrfo Jobs wo carrying to a would reduce theao to tone Job moro conseguontu1 havs jnan and eopla working. the Um evening whllo 2 was In me. ksrnple. tho' thought fame to get Impre people that tf wothocould House Of the laird, going to bo my amblUoti would heireallnedj a hJehi'P-gt- fl tho very neat day oolc.l our we laid there, sml meeting tons. We first culled an ofnrarn and request aa.l teal her meeting od hat every off itUod -- i'c nW-p- Kslllor). -- Waterloo, Wolljs and Whittier aatt a Uu Welle jtlaki wue organised Sui under the direction j duy aftornoouAlorl Wmlth of tW of George ( Council of th Twelve, from the ! th former northern dlvlon inipoftmit 'ij t.hatUlie i'I.iss upf visor lie life fypef of iiiurt who can got Hie now jumiti oCttiff boy; (b that he havoitlie dosire 10 do.velop in each of tlib inomboi's faith in the ami trust in those who bear iy aiitlitirity; (0) that he he prenatod hn eaoh lossoh; tdl that all of tie niemliers be tlrmtiied with a lesson outline; 1 Work. i fiom Paga Ort) fCbntlnuvd j l H URI.VG Presiding Biliotpiic Leaders! Know Messtigt' W have selected ple aftlviMee both if you a worthy tin nibers to mlsnton to on wtweial a be caihd dO sVjarlouH uor4 at tfie U'lnplt.. You, with othrre, have been sethe ILnu.se of the lected to go toonce eak'h week lor at taint lod of ix month will be well re... are sure you effort neoeseary paid ior the extra 4 Tcord will to fill till misetoh. le kept and. w hen yoUr algnmont i completed a relefaejwlll be gitea you VS ill you kindly prom My. the LdOrd Mu r wot k. 3im;'rely ypur brethren, - (Higiftaturea) The Bishopric In the aehftUun Of people to1 go a tor cfrtaiu period to thi temple coneiderAtlonj hae been of time "first to their wirthinejm and 4 iy n many other! ward dutioe. llojwever. too busy who nought thfiiiaelbes to accept time ifound te bo h.ie Hr wards em the cM In placed upon call-tu- g phasis have been in the those who were mjtiruedreturned temple and .have! not I time. ainee that tM Mljokie Name !ln same ftiseg people have not had psmes of their own upon whlelk mnllnhlo. j thev COMPUlSSINja l3j, , fk-lil- a Sustained tili.lt-opr- u experteni-C- -i ' j Interested in Temple Work t- Wells Stake Cho Mn N ame, Presidency S unusual and llmtlng i.vur In tlm mtsMiint It te the plirpep of this to mtiinin present a few of fLithuae (Many ORGANIZED ! coni-ploti- Reports1 Show Many Are Missions NEW STAKE! wholo-hoartub- 1 tha boot attendance and tho , . great at tntoreotj ;should chock Tha aupervlMor on the assign iiinnta of duty made assured be and each' weak, during ready that those appointed will-ba-r to t work assigned itho perform L them. lesson to time! tho allotted The will depend on tho arperiod that, rangement of itho meeting. 10If hold weekly Priesthood meetingomo time some orlat On evenlhg, j . 1 ' Independently hf the! Aualllary the Hoiweri work should ci upy not lows than I mlnutee.j Bhotild son outline It, Thcjirtorlee herein igtven should be used for the purpose of developing thought tn tho rpd of each hoy which will understand more fully his helu him a Deacon and prepare d uUm ft him to protect his body and mini! stuck of tho evil one. th against Haeh atory a assigned should ho at th clos of tha clans discussed period and each claaa member to find, ed to endeavor hln paienuk or through questioning relatives, a "story tn which they have had a part which contains and-us- e ' ct the same thought, At tha following aeaaion the mala in the alpry asthought contained signed may be Jtrlefly dlscuneed and then th atory related by a many of th boys an ttm wilt permit, followed by a brief dlscusslom of th principles "of most value contained tn eaoh otory. Those who have not had an opportunity to toll their alory should ba ancOurugeil to analyse th principles they find In v The Instructor should aoiKthnt an opportunity ery boy In turn ha and ta analyse to tell his atory th ntorlo told by others. to Mem-heNed should alt be assigned eeeh these leeaon at home-r- na theae-atoiie- m week. I ' ( ,t I A , |