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Show Lively Yarn THE BOOK RACK Fiscal Scene - ness But Certain C ommercial Appeal GAY LIFE, by E. M. Delafield .New York. 326 pp. 62.50. IDAHO YH Second Portion of Fisher Tetralogy Takes Character Through Local College Career BY LOUIS C ZUCKER" , PASSIONS SPIN THE PLOT, by Yardis Fisher; published by the Caxtoa Printers, Ltd, Caldwell, Idaho, and Doubleday, Doran A Company, ifr J . Inc, Garden City, 128 pp, 62.50. - BY SID OLSON - TETTERS Told Against Work Possesses Little Great- Miss DelafielcTs New Dreiser of The West THE RED DEMON. A Dramatic Novel. by A. J. W right, pub- I Abed by G. P Pj'nams Sosa, Published by Harper and Brothers, X Ott tan you, classify the work of such authors a E. M.'Lie.a- - 1 . Sit pp. 12. beget with the ttoia.m In book la to. uriusuai in theme and argu treat as to be aloa the harp strings of the most fantastical. yet sufficiently r, within the realm of poesib.lity as . bent But she is no ordinary heartslring-plurkeof readers; to bo almost plausible Produced only on pulling in the fruity financial returns whiclr accrue from such a by an uni noun man. It ironld bo " n Literary policy. certa n to attract the" st'gma of ' rank propaganda, bat from the Miss Lit la field is one of those super-hacdeveloped in England pan of a man so manifestly sound. tothe m maftner. Aeea-. mteligent " appeamg Ingratiatingly sophisticated and snbsiantial aa Me r.ghl tne book becomes at ones readefrurbaiTersuav'T'an ta'critcdrriTinif sreatne-- s more by choice a h ghly d. verting fictlcn either than anything, this class is at once to be condemned and prai-e- -i splashed out on the background of the muddlyd contemporary economic. situation, or an engross.ng ONDEMNED because their themes are trivial and commercial, be- study 'of the national uscai and in. -.! rcause mey waste their undemabe gTfts tn a shadow expertness that" dust rial structure. If we taxe the latter view we must accept tbs br.ngs them gold and the piaudiU of Ladle- -' Liteiarv clubs and be'nuse worg as ominously prophetic. they are unwilling to endure the labor and suffering that would proThe author is senior partner of a nat'dnailv know a eastern linen- - ' duce work as honest and fine as, let us eav that of Theodore Dreb-r- . rial house and a member of tho fcT the mre baffled female audi-enc- es They can be praised for bringing of the country, a --definitely- higher grade of cormpermt frleature" than lhe and a recognized on economic trends, com- authority pap usually poured out for their benefit. Indeed, the work of such and monetary modify markets first-gracommercial writers may be of certain value in preparing matters. For the past la years ha uch readers for a has been totally hhnd. in their tastes. has suc- eesamiiy managed an! Jironghh-oo-.oxtiashed posilion bis biu- Is sosonHslhr uena heme and a number of aao-MISSDELA FIELD ctaied Interests of writers. Her latest book Is a dryly bitter account here presented con- of life st Cote ' D Axur In France, cerna a firm of established and rendezvous sf spohlstlcstes ea va"reputable cotton brokers driven to cation. Tbs character studies are-. desperation by the commodity unof to tho point market debacle and the constant penetrating ' her faults, plea nan Increasing pressure of their bank kmfeoa Adnm, kf Bi the author does not shrink from ex- Inc connections. me-o- f Forrat-the firm 4 a kMorkiit Ribr1; charaeher ra of thole that ba made Jttnary posing every hearapf a Uboratorj produced in Th Kfrd of lanint. by Jobm ter a minds. - Iu fact, you, as the sect of astounding Sfaaofirii, JUmfltrir. tGripittof ud with tnsr proehvit!o In collusion ith a reader, will squirm along B'jv of trfd)r and tnysterj at aco). " t" i Denis Waller, the neurotic, sniveltor Oil for the Lamp of hloa, by anea as little afld r.e.da E?pt-aBabHTHwrllJ Jk later la secretary, ing and cowardly tu7 of Ameruana Bad Bl Bop th ao'-t- h irtuallv aimihiaatlag you watch his agonized twistings tb Orient , cotton eni.re crop. tinker the merciless point of Miss Jonathon BsSbop bp Herbert Gor pnfs aA 7 rocaet, and othe- - commod.tsca aa Delcfelds pen The fulsome Iran Farrar 4 R nehart. ( AdTvnco'oo well as at ocas and bonds leap to un- of an American in Faria during on of Waller's nasty soul to taa war PnnCniNltti wh .h we are treated la trank, it la preeedend hefcta. but the bank Ab Kihg. by Somenet Sfaoasaa. era atilt fcod the whip and that. horest. it la Interesting as an eze. Troubled ay StorWa of vhit nee in tT . TD"2?3--- X.th.W,i''--osution la Interesting and It is a tmwii Eat juclurJL W 1th n Tb a )o lamer.! Prroert. btr task that was nol worth the doin YtfrstA HooBblon, II f'liB imesti-raTo- n with its Senate suasetiuent mod!! o vJ Bjr tb bar of letrt anl Irtcrnatiorral e gn fl of Grac. a Karamazov watch in agony canc epo exids the4ondst htpr of' means something. Even to sea th god taidird pronoe remains intact and it appears the Tho Man of 1h Riumbc by n EI' of Rlceynian Steps tn Border Vk iho Go4 relief but temporarr. f iPreo'ijtB la worthwhile, because the a A of Inly tbroufb b The discoe-- r of a pathetic gold rup of cot fif yro) problem Is handled. with a certain formua the barkers deeper Tho FroccMon. ad Aircr or measure hr Arno great art. But when the art is as Insufficient as Alisa otoco Ihl to picturos bb4 ltd are the it damal c c.3iaTa of the Delattelda, It la dubious that the tost). rork but in t le ad toe gold Crvdftd Hours, by Alter Raoowll copious analysis devoted to these etandard i. Bsa'-he- l and the na , Lo igvor b &ribnr ikeaiintrecete of cheap and aour characters is worth tkn vs m larked on ef b crowded lf in ooeial aefl 4 plotriw. th- - reading. k evn u But- it'r interasting That can- Too EdvardiBT Era. bjr Aslr The ia generally welbwnt-tenot be discounted. The book Is Applotan, ibnilamt and tbo Coatla the p'ot rarefay dexeloped of f A rentaryt tnt at tb turn r othly done with a fine and and seep ce soe-- ndThrluvrt rtlr Kim- - Torber Atbon. Harper.'" ait r brush. It Is a pity that the eu f. rit.jr to mike it en tamed iTba irei, bomrova fravaia frofB tbo fes'iit Is not a greater importance. a .S Torterat )raar lerti.r ng ., There la no particular plots Char- eien r tcse not ecouo-- ileadTg" cfers appear, are dissected tn a u of. the v.lal lesuea Satire on Espionage mrdner that combines gaiety with In0.eJw wh.ener or not thee cld. and disappear. A d th tre xar.ous th or agrre and Makes Amusing .Vot e wo- - an. past her youth; a family of areu'ttrEJLwetlorti by doll and wholesome Britons; an . f nl it crag g. sued New g headlines are paraL!mf and ado- les-eboy; a pair of drifting, fiction In the case of Washingtons EarW to be.'ullful morons; a g Jone.' b Hile Bernstein. the feminine novelist; and her Ret eal Bed, leiterary Gl!d serection for Jan . the companion. . make list. Minor adventures Jip nary which Stokes published J an ""Apropos of the early bird catch uary ? Just as LAffalr Joncr ia some the worm. Stephen Decatur-TnannE publication here. jAf--T-a ling nl a much too catastrophicdialogue. finale Both marks Washncton re Switz, which ia the case of ora es the elate. and the president liked to go to bed the American arrested In Tana aa We wont recommend It, but we early, and it is said she often broke a spy. is front page news an t honestly sag its bilge. up the re epttons by half past The book ia an amusing satire - on nine by remarking that her hue re la espionage, international band uuaHy went to bed about nine tlons, and the national eensitUity oclock and that she generally pre- "of the French It concerns an Amer- ceded him Mr, Decatur s 'Privato lean from WindUT-Georgia- m he- n 5ecrae Vah THE' SEXATOR FROM SAVDPlr, Aflr of Houch:on come to France for no more sinla M I n Com-pa- n an anthology of humbr from by er reason than w cook 1 on rctr.lser The Lim Hamilton G. Parks daily column book bxt. who is arrstedw.ai ac on has already befp o m the Salt Lake Tribune eused of bemc a nngldec ofBn 48 pp fri bsrfb -- wficttar lniercatioral conwra, r of ptonage against France Ensuing The Senator From Sandpit is to make dexelopment for a cause e congratulated on the Issuance celebre that emhroi a'.l France. la second annual column an The author is a for.ner tt y. On the whole, the pamph per man we has wokd in New le amusing, connoting, aa it York and Par.s. H s novel has a dr , cf hla random bits of erse A U se.f'al weeks of anx- ready been published 'tn Errgiand, r ctiona from bis e and has been praid by eu h writ-er- a ,ety. A an i!I ergauthor of On The Don Manjls, Carl A am Dor as G a?a- - JLxce-w9steL nt i en Andre Mairrot. Joeb fart outrer of " Mhch of the material is no " Kmi rh Roark Brated w..ich won the Lar4 e Elrier b ns new. However, theby - Daxl Harold Uvt yvtrit.iin race f.om X!eo,aon.PnyUi Bentle and otbem or seven jokes in the world being started tig to LozVdo.1 g..d does He excuse the humorist from bis of a. uza c. back to Au--. pc ml talt of (ftQriwiiny new Effect of Weighron t the 'e.zitia alLp Mr. --a tw s for the old gafa. Mr Park several no tns ago a d caoie to dos not always Uke enough-pain- s ISeries is Discussed In revising bis matter so that it America for a ieit.e tour. ne ee m fresh, and this L, of course, next ne a s beftcard a uout are slender people so oft-Jt1iy ao cb hat disappointing to the was that tue oodv of a tense nrrvoj and an easy prey , . , revier. laiiw? to TnfctT0nfiT YVTiy do stocky peoMr. Park is ehrewd eno'ush WtBfug a jet&cy luLttJ to had Rarma up n wee one bit of smaltown pnychol-o- g ple have good tempera good the Eug.uigi itiauui. A altic at- e dUextions? Dr. L Jean . tn aciuirzng read ogert answers these- - questions- - in rs is his ue of .the nama, ok Jer T e from tue 'Uruu' was wanv4 Diet and Personaiitv' Fit- people h nieetg or knows asnore 'near - Ddaviite, truce In his column You know the sort . ttng to Tpe and Environ-amThere was no word of the ef rtnng Te&plf I Admtre,MW7rh explains, how people srfarTfnce ti.t: big r u.msa barite yp does not carry w. re.es tne.e was to tnd modem livirg conditions. Jones' smile. 4ikeJe Fred no way of te.ng what nave 8m th is a nice chap Henry Brow it fts a real happened to her- - Mr. liters has and so oc. We t eommunuauun been w.th in counted 813 of thee references in this small pamphlet aione. Lloyd sin Londonaaouihig sfrvp the d the received other aiufliat day by Biases what? good news that a Bme Anchor Un- cn But aside from this rather con cr to ' o Baerclai practice, trg"heok tT London had lighted tne Jrarma nd 4i'0 miles off the coast of bnxL xhakes a tnitely eajoyabie.-aThe Uner was not now enougn to and pleasant collection ef Joke stguai the i ama. bat repotted that evsrythiog appeared Mahip ahape 4 4 4 Vatican Artist Paixburg Fa J lLLi KS - say' thaf tb JM EXT summers been extended, MR. Whig s voagebck . to - Restoring Rare dav. aays the Musical Courier. It Australia has alrrid; had its full wtl! last from July 28 to SeptemOld Paintings share of misfortune, due accordber 2 1934. with one or several- performance every day.- BY WALLACE R DEUEL ing to tb yonhg apprenilces on "Krauw will conduct board, tq the tact that the Tar- (Swood Storj) Co Fan Tjtte MBrrLayj nf FL. 1 933. hv Th.. iCopyright tnz is carrying 4 womaU passe W thout a ArabeTU Woman Chicago Dally Nfsva, Inc ) Shadow . anfr RcsenRavaner. R ch this tmxe. On her last voyage c iu:;, will present Ftde'io ard from Astraia to Engaod there Rome, by Mlch- and The Egyptea waiter, bon G otanni. Tnstan and vtangrlo in tho Paullr, chap.bat the o4 sailor superstition el Isoide, and Oberon: Max Rem about women bringing bad lucx did Vatican, "The ' of - St. Ianl and -- bardtrto last s I" crewr appW to yar to proiace not Everyman in frort of the Cathe The Crucifixion of St Ieu because thev worked The first ilraJ and Faust in the er." are being i ed urtder of mo niisoap ocrurtei when a th F?sts7ielhau Orchestral contho dlrecrion of Prof. Biagio tor boat that was be.rg loaded on ' certs to ' are be Arconducted Vatthe "Parma feil to the dccL Biagottl. director of the by turo Toacbxnni. utor.o Go Willean plctnre gallery Restorao gnashing the botier of a lem Mengeiberg Richard $tramw tion of tho latter work la exand sctldmyseveral of the and Bruno. ported to bo lnlahed ln the swsd. on the dir after . near future. ocr!astfcai concerts are schedthe ship left Lor don wren she uled for presentation in th Sam Dover lnfo wt?h Injur- p"t burg Cathedral. ed apprpntico who had taileo oot - IJE Lrr this sequel to In Tragic Life, Yardis Fisher tells the story of Hunter as a sludent at Wasatch College jo Salt Lake City. . the It is story of a boy in the late teens tormented by erotic desire. The stupidly wayward love of the dark and queenly Keloa, living far away In Idaho, and the nihilism lo which the frenzy of our first months in the World war provoked him lei down the bars to his " IN Vndar - - ks V leadutg-exchang- ,rofia--euioUons, (K V -- remained chaste from timidity, the frustration caused him to remem- - ber Iiis stern 'mother and to pine for Neloa. He wanted to be free of t-his tragic, bis overwhelming love for this girl, Lnfor- tonately, tho was his fate; and, as the storyxtoscs thcyAfeTmariied the gloom of foreboding darkening Vridaris outlook; V dual-natur- ed . F RtVlN?this clerking and story are episodes "of privation and "HCsturrS dangerous prank. There .is also a Tittle about the Several of Vndar teaoti'Tr college (or,shaU we say uuiveraT re portrayed mercilessly, vet with remarkably little distortion. Abo, one or two evils of the student life are noticed, m no mild teems. The quality of his intellectual growth is told hints, 'OTSalt lake Citypthe-scene of two of the four parts of the novel, there is no local color to speak of; a few familiar places are mentiored, but there are no pictures like those of the Antelope country, the scene of the other two parts. Strangely, the mountains surrounding our city dont appear at alt, v -- co de yt step-upwar- o 44 -- BS-dtor- y - 1 HOW 4 -- -- r-- n -t- tn IT-h- cr ul r tor-tu- ro , - rju n. ' -- cai.y-mirid- aex-ma- on-es- 1 high-strun- re thrill-seekin- letters pudgy-m'n-f- r; bc-e-t- o well-do- e M-- 1 te-wi- te - - r. a nevr. SCHOLARLY and contribution to - ir the-la- Ango-Saxo- -- pic-tu- re ap th of r rg r ig now ! T M leach 1 ay J fvirvher m. dee - stdden that the! -- wt ol The Liberation of -vture at the Uni f ?t L Amruy s nirton and wilt spend an en .r w before speaking va.ous QTr.ixzit one. forums, col- -, Hs In San FranclscOr legf anl e! and antUe- - ek addresoing slm--t- 1 W dii -- live-wir- e. o? AnsetosA-ap- e CaUIA.-L.L- oa rial ja-- t , r to Vs ho" - o 1 bcn various v ,1u ! ' wyif-r- w -- , v. arranged movte- - Yfi'h the mansuevipt of ha-r- tv novI Tender la tha '-iv in the hand Night" of Scribsere ragtz ne. which will, run the f -Jan-In ! ary, F ot F'zcerald and Mn, . hare rone to Bermuda ... . to rest. -t T BE cell- - t -- lu rs g of musical first many devotees on t - thfn.-aav4-th- rd donkey--engm- t t store has nx compo-- j r t.iogue of nusic by famous 7J Items Include ,r V. sonatss j and ito-- d -t In t ,v c Tk O several r-p other Beethoven-l-m- e T ! - - fee- - lnrtance; Fifth pov v works be P ri Chopin. Hsydn. Mozart .' , ttraviReky. Wagner. r. 'b-- -t 4 UuHIvan. Every item In ikze has been .examined i --.4 -j in V1.bj, and Indon. srd there r, t'rst noto f h, 7 Mrb pqe cf the first editions -- -v- ' T. s, -- i- rri.. fc- ' motorC) -p- n. - . The arrival -- woras's teti stameoo myttry. Olory. Art os sad passtos Fs Vfiendt goes hozta, SatOfW, f . Oral hook is nolM-i?- e for power. The sensuous and the emotional are depiiud 'with admirable sureness tr.d.ir "fs an excellent luminous ppm of work More particularly, Mr. Usher approaches Dreiser ID Ine genlu, for projecting women wo, distinctly and metnorabl). live. Even those whose parts are very brief like Anna Mu len, and In. married woman who was so aux- louvly helpful In the dance bail.- assume "permanent life in tns miagmat.on.- - Above all. Jrawev. r,c Neioa Doole achieves at a VuD among the great woman create . to our IKeratu. e. She encha. a, eh troub.es the mind, she louen s ,ne spruiga of compassion, rii darsturiured cm Jons ' tUkiw of her rln true. And she is origi at. For dramatic mtcglmuion, tao situaJon in hich ndar 'from Neloa the dlcitnre ftrLo;a of her THE r'e V V tragedy, of Hurd). And Vndarto crazed cludiiation of Ncioa a good name (in Part XV) has th legendar) wildnes. of Norse saga. Throughout, the management of sardonic Irony is perlecL Ine pictures of the mountain coun ry and the like o wt-- i a (as regards the Rockies, ceitan-ly- J outride of Mr. Fishers novel The Rockies have found their Kcrit n. next Scribners will publfeh prim? a book of Ring Lardnero humoroiui writings not previously brought out in book form, such a the Radio Reviews in The New Yoikenf Gilbert 8Ides Is ed.ting the. publlshene would like to healtfrom anyone who knows of fugl- five" Lardner pieces that have not heretofore appeared to hooka prose-poetr- "" It " - Al-li- ed hun-lero- r -- V a le member, although In Itself, it is Gives Unique nnrr fconitn f lied rronta during the World war,' bringa to mind fen incident Jn Charles Phillips' biography Pad' erewskl The story of a Modrtn Immortal.' which is to be published on January 21. , In 1S17 Paderewski finally ob... talned permission to unite tn adistinct corps, under Genera Hail, or. the Poles fighting under flag -- In the Halier n singular tribute was paid army to Paderewski. ,n honor never before given to a civilian in the history of war. and to onlv one soldier. Napoleon- - Paderewski's name wit written on the roll of every company. Daily at roll call the name Ignas Jan Paderewski ' wag re " sponded to not by ore" man hut u chorus Tf ( by thet , .. ary regiment. ' trot that Passions Spin Is thinner than the Plot Ia Life1 But. one should re- Tragic Indian Singe m- - " AL Finati), hard-boile- - In New Tork of Oen 2 chief of tho Polish army on th rse put ' then, ' passions Spin the Plot is at the opposite pole from sordid and from the author seems to say, "Listen to this strange and melancholy history ' of mine Pity la th major tnu-- s over this presiding novel, Comedy, the minor. Irvin 8 Cohb writes his thanks for the lovely volume of pros, oe-trv contain ng -- n- practically every psge at Least one example of whet might be ca lre't"La psus I m about half way Lingerie through Jt in other worda. Im closed cro ch the just ard Slrevdv It has g.ven me a hundred laugh" - ap- morn-awhU,- 2.. -- Scribners to Publish -- Padereicski Volume Recalls War Events - n-- gr -- - s -- V ra- preciation la a relentless "veracity permeated now with the melody and elevation of poetic tragedy ,nd now with a bitter kind of Balza- clan comedy. And Passion Spin the Plot la in temper, la ego- eentric. the author ultlmateljr eex Vndar a writhing, aa well as th hell of the beast and a world shoulder-dee- p In butchery.. profound modes of the cosmic sound and fury- signifying nothing. Far from wiping out the Importance of Vridars agon), this ultimata atheism la a valid source of ri!.j-est- v , for It is the largeness and verisimilitude of the vision that counts, regardless of the theory gro dark. - comment and suggestions on his new history of feminine undies, ' Unmentionables and (Long 8n ithl., Ellis Parker Butler doof nate, the motto of William Orange Kaevis tranquillu In on-- " dies s hirh he aays means B comfortable In your union suit." He regrets that th, author failed to nienton balbriggans which was what my folks and t wor Ln lummacabwg shout lill-itse- .1 Burtoiv-Yiasc- oe notes In this unique amusing. Fhandean masterpiece ' on'y one slip of memory. He ears Holi day forgot the corsets the boys and girls wear who rtdt dacSaluts, Da' la is di"!! 1 d in connection with thevpart of Britain as an sh paver. The storr of America as the --Vd Horld, and thefnblWnrsnt' of the Near upon this continent s x ye' full trea'menk Th bpftfr swrvitMt. sjon on the nu,sUnd-B- g wosnen of h- Old The book is a fountain of Infor- matlon. many auh-c- ts treatment that could not receiving be men- tlo-- ed In a h briitrexlcjof book. The volume wRl be read with Interest by all students of present events and their prophetic slgnifl- ... eanee. ays that - flctka holliday Robert cortes receiving a Rood of Its ard funr'tona la e " d into, tog fi, r wTh s of til .,i o the Poolt of Morrtt and prophec es con- the-r'la 7" The Div Cavc'nt and the Roj-- I In n D)P Brla tn-- c brr ,th e fact th"t t e next ' terrlbl. fury and abyama of dar's Inner world. For, this Dissertation on Under Clothing is Popular , n-c- h Carlcs 8cnb -last year is to the Pacific . tour. sjtcixl lecture Beat-.tic. fra bee-bo- o Wren Zwelg ie t without Coast I!' wl.l ak in ancouver. Ta o va lin'and. Eugene. Fan ed th' bok g fur! oTThe Chur h of rhx.otLaJrr t over and . author of si oa of Arurican sure-fvr- jn. in B 1 . ? evidently. bo-'e- s . 1 bs tat some t Next, d rine proVal.. pf. run of I j i eo t gs urt -- - prayoro fa Holy Bowstring tcorderw Reeier Fsco Of tho mtn from Oppcobtm f. xe-- lfonr Dteka n . -- GreatAustman Festival T Be Longer in 1934 Tsmsgsws Tawasead ar hsn.ta-.vntsrThea- An?lQ-Saxo- bnl Msrejol Philip IT Bsruaie Archrs 1 ( of Mihitibd Fslmef Dtb my own erss. RMd-Ab- liiit modical to pay tor i Ur -- Cm betug-expiahi- ed 'ara Ad.e&te--muU1ph- D. S. Ute ra- readers notebook iKrea-pxx- HavetHrehen HeJ nRiddles of tbs Ghf Desert MacLih Poeirs. !! 131 'ManrboakDO Bureau of koformatioa ties were divti'd into the Ktrgdom of Judah with two tribes and the in the form of a work entitled, "The Present Tune and Prophecy," by James H. Anderson, well known EFHRAJM 8 rHrftectzziepoJt Rail Take liciurerand author, and history; and esof internal U. former S. collector pecially British history is shown, it revenue here- that thcre Is no TS boos, which was published longer any doubt but that the by Ihe Dsret News Press, Is ts Isralitish sl- IwNUtiliy printed and bwadH though nonJewih. Mr Andrson wed i4.uratcd and contain more shows how the ancient promises than agj pages. v made to Israel are being ful't led Lo. g recognized as b keen ob u through th Instruments 'Ity of the server of hor race and Great Brittce signs of the UmeaT . . ineri.rs ain U pointed to as the protector in the light of prvphcy, htory, and thtx of Protesantism and th natloi Atg o hriel phiin.jph ihrwpn by Pxoviden- - a- ?be-- pw, ramiTTn record fthe Great Fj " 4r to restore th Holy Land to the - Egj how the dn Ine showing Jews.--- .hand aa duecLng thw dcati aw t The early acceptance f 'chris-T- . nations to at ompiish purposes "liantv the Br'ton i told the by fore c.d Tn ho writauthor depart 4hat StFaul did The of thw - hook, xanouscnaptera t there are 4? of them, preach in the Britah Die and that the first land to dec'vre Chriswere oc.g.ra5V prepared and dethe state religion was BritAnderd Mr .ecurcs tianity liver oy ain son bJt have now ben arranged st The reuniting of Israel In . nec aci present a well in da vs. under the guidance of rounl ! ard piar.i'rxt!y carefully n the thouaov. out study of an extensive tire as th secular power, and th Church of Jeu au Latcr-dav Christ e of Th bnofe gt Saints as the g birds-eyreligious Bower is forecast of the hi't'iv of the Israelii toh rar frat.i aneent time to the Beginning in the ooenng chapter. Mr. Anderson citrw th Civil pre-nAbraham and - saz and 4bcov, enantB WoHd wvrrmn(nn " h4 d r he-cconn'drti with God. how the Twelve Apos- ture of pa!tln bv Brt sh forces -from th Tur r tirg the r ' n snture) Gnt s- - sp' as ev cr ft prophetic h Poer of J nd Its n L- - ta cui tribes and po : ts to the captivity and dispersion of those tribes. 4 4 4 1 well-Not- S'rwnwztbta ai .BeautMc, ptHltllg mt Bium itoMrf Etgmeitt g Sw. light BDt iu epiMcauon ia the bo CL. Du.il ng Trait of tha dead ynn. nd bis Americ-F llooetvr.i og the fiont et. jrirvnlife of Caleb Cuehtng iutn fames IL A n ilerson A (Ids To Literature of L. D. S. Church ' na ' Vardis Fisher of whom Time magazine says, If the last two volumes xT his tetra'.orv areon.a par w ith the first two, UrSrcntiW will be speaking of him m the same breath with Indianas Theodore Lrei-e- r. No ! doc2jiv oamfid than Pniep but a rnoie artful irtcn'i- - In- - four - derked rmvcl lo bo an honest writer, utli r cbee-fbook His be iks . . , . elron stmiiaohs will find them lough meat but untainted. - -- cottyn-consu- and "adoring love significant? la It not - sordid or trivial T "Fusions Spin th Flot U flction. ofraxB DOWr And MfiouscMos In the first place, Vndar i no ordinary boy. Hia innate sensitiveneea. idealism, and inwardness aro cultivated to -- a of poignant pitch by the ears priatlon. terror, and derision, un- til his passional life ia become tumult of loneliness, madntss And loss.' His emouons are so CU SCISuailSt a Ud irfcatist'Andrbehind u ail, a seri ousmatunng inteliigence. (Thar are hints of how ideals were pain fully disappointed by- - Ihe College, too I Moreover, although the novelist present. Vrldar's outward lif as faithfully to the actuality as hs knows how, hla vision th ordinary externals transfigure, by hla ap- - j ; story of a boy by roti0..dralr.-- - it is compret siter all a member of a tetralogy. To see It in the proper perspective therefore, ong bou!d know that the entire tetraN Awi'L1". tfort tie frontier to th, large,! metropolis, from the crud," of a frontier homo to most of jit the important aspect of Amerti an i? ntheroJa- some time, musical life, becoming thereby, J hope, n have carried tb advertruly Indigenous American novel, , . which is spacious in Its scope, intisements of Burya Sens, Sinhalese In )t materials. It will not, clusive vocalist, and now comes the report therefore, be a novel with an of successful appearances In VienIt will proceed ending. Musical na. Analol Rapoport. from bewilderment and chaos Into tenna. Courier correspondent In and then to a very nrgitivism been have there states that critic . posillvs attitude toward Ufa deeplv Impreseed by M Sena's Mr. now Fisher la. at work oa "beautiful voice and his cultured the third novel of the tetralogy presentation of East Indian music." 1 Florence Ryerson and Colin Accompanied by his rbeautifui Clement, author, of Blind Mans wife. Nelun Devi. on Indian musiIn cosBuff, Long and Smith s new invs-ter- v Bens cal instruments, sang thriller, believe that them tume. Sinhalese. Brahmin, Tibetan should be an International codeTor- Nepalese, Punjab. Hindu, Bengal, writers of dele-tri- e fiction and .Napales folk songs. Haunting with and exuberant the death penalty tor infringement. vitality, melody. Thelf code would specify (1) plenty arch humor were ooma of th emoof oorpees. (2) a single murderer,, tions depicted exquisitely, says- Mr. A htgb polnt of- tho without accomplice, who not an. Rapooort .old family rets'ner end (Si humor, evening were n group of be mtlful well as chills and thrill, song by Rabindranath Tsgor. FOR , - -- |