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Show s J THE DESF.RET NEWS SALT LAKE CITY SATURDAY JANUARY 6 2934 ties." Mrs. A-- C. Jensen led In toll you what disease la causing Lecture v 'at Art Bam discussion of President- - Roosevelts! pQp your attacks of vertigo. V, " ' r Congressional message, Mrs Fern) 'yv yv Planned by Delphians com-- , Hendrickson led the QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS in group (jTOUOA Cxmvaies1 . ' munlty singing. (Baby's Weight) Mrs. Phyllis Clark Lewis win give The next regular meeting of the SANDT. ' Jan. I. The Ladies Question: Mrs. W. W. asks: a lecture recital at tha Art Barn, will be held Feb. 1 at 8 p.m-a- t What should my baby weigh Wednesday. Jan. 10. At 2:20 p.m Democratic study group met at the group the council chambers of Sandy The Lambda chapter of the Delnow? At birth ho weighed 7 w me miTwwia iMuir hall. council chambers hall of city Sandy olty pounds and he la now ten months phians will be hostesses for the day. All Democratic women are u Letters to Or. McCoy jM be old and when I weighed him this The program is: Thursday evening, with the presi1. Sun". "To scales at the ha .Torjuaeen the Mrs. W. Sorenson in charge. (ted to attend. Rising L morning tipped dent, KimIt to hta at miiMb 2. "In Autumn" IS 2 pounds. Koajowsk! Mine Molly Lindell led the group toe Beer lot. California. In parliamentary drills. Mrs. L. C. Answer; According to tho weight 2. To Spring" BREAKS ANKLE liUte Bird Mitchell discussed the article "The tables for healthy babies, your B Grieg utterly" Public Begins to Think." from the RIVERTON. Jan. - George H. DIZZINESS cause of their attacks for a baby Is exactly tha right weight 4. Palmgren Democratic Digest. Mrs. Joseph Dansle of Riverton broke his ankle Night" but advise them to have However. It Is a good plan not to L "May Whea yon are dizzy, objects near Pierson gave an Interesting report when he slipped while out doing "By the Side of tha Brook" examination made by a doctor depend too much on ouch tables as . Limt of Important Women . . . , to bo whirling around. air Personal! his chores: who Is best able to find out why if the baby la healthy and. contenMcDowell . . Water s Lily to him for ts' all is it tho floor tilts under your feet and the dizziness Is appearing and right 7. on "Reflections tha Water, a senous symptom weigh a tittle leas than tha table you have g disagreeable sensation whether It Is Wind on the Plains now on he will K meaning requires. From dizziness . . . man" Jwhf.V,r . . .. .. .of -- falling. While , Debussy month.one pound a be "cured by simple treat- - gain about last for only a second, .a severe t. "Nocturne" Chopls meat. tack Is usually accompanied tho Dal The Lambda by of chapter (Ingrown Toenail) other symptoms such as black In todays Article I will discuss be will hostesses the of day. phlans Alice K writes: T am of the commoa causes of Question: spots before the eyes and a sicken-fsoAS SIAM ' an Ingrown toenail. Will ad tea ling at tha pit of the atom' dizziness. Most cases of vertigo getting REVEAL MAfUUAGR come from some trouble ln the ou please tell me bow to prevent . A temporary dizzlnaas may fol digestive Mr. and RIVERTON. Jan. organa including the Its getting worse? Answer Any chiropodist ofttnrLogirWrTrtf i ll low looking down from a height. stomach, dnlestinee. liver anponne or scare. which .startles you.ot, bladder. As. you know.. when. you treat your, toenail aqd ehow you. the -- marriage of their - daughter, may bo due to being rapidly turn have a sick stomach or you are how to make it grow Into normal, ivy, to Lionel Brady of Fail-vieat the ed around. The dizziness which Is bihou. you are likely to becomerbape.One method of treatment marriage wassolemnlz to shave the nail 'In the' center tj,, salt Lake temple. Deo. 20. of Interest to most of you la that.dizzy and when the body lz poison- - eo he ed will the from Impurities absorbed from edge encouraged due to an abnormal condition in " the center, making the body and is of the type which the large intestine, the same to grow toward D. C. P. SCHEDULES MEET these the nail more narrow. Aak your often returns, so that the pa- symptom may occur. In all tient suffers from dizzy spells at conditions, wastes are carried i chironodlzt to ahow you how to RIVERTON. Jan. . The meet--until theyreach the ure this method of treatment. various times. ing of tbe Riverton camp, D. O. P. will be held at the home of Mrs. So many causes of dizziness exist brain, where they act upon the . (Luncheon Suggestions) Maud Butterfield Friday, Jan. 12. that It Is Impossible to tell what brain Centers which help you to Mother-o-- the exact cause five writes: with Mrs- ,- Marjorie Torkeisen f centers Question: m M wi mm. may be in any par- keep your balance, The I tieular case without knowing more are temporarily jangled and you T wish you would please make assisting hostess. than the fact that tho patient be- become confused regarding the re- some suggestions for na lunch to be young girl. comes giddy. I do not encourage lationship between your body and carried to work by of milk with any my readers to try to diagnose the the objects near you. Answer; A EDWIN ALGER- Spot, In maintaining jour balance1 one add. fruit pint makes a good lunch, there must be st all times a close or If you will provide her with a -between several dif- thermos bottle, she can carry with V to ferent parts; for example, news her any of the cooked . Who Arc Consult Doctors 'flashes from tbe eye tell the brain vegetables which were - prepared, om meAKfriMe. nbar how close you are to bumping into the evening before and , woodko summit mountain an object nearby; another news the next morning. With theee1 andrTiCAU.v 6 it PR RID DEM VIE PROM flash from the ear. in which is warm vegetables include one of 01.1 THE STOOD LOG CABIM OP f located your chief organ of squill-briu- more of the raw salad'ones, such tells your brain if you are as celery, lettuce, etc. wrapped ewe TMEpe et-is, lqtta, . leaning to one side; and thousands in A damp doth. no,,r Pftppvia of messages are flashing In from cABtru : voulx. TueBC.GI OX YOUH HEALTH SAtC tbe nerves in your legs, arms and PATH ATV MPNU PROBLEM! trunk, giving instant information as to your position and whether mt (k vou are walking, standing and so bn. The brain fits all of these news flasfltt together and you balance. However, dur IN TBMPLKTO lULDno k'fp 8 At Its test tojtattack of d'zziness. as the all of BOUNTIFTL. - Jan. Wauiek MSI the Bountiful dty timing is disturbed meeting rHse Treatment suited to the needy s i fU lose your balance. Yoj council voted for tho Immediate of the pst.ent and may as are diet, physiotherapy, adreaer128.00 you though icti lurching commencement of s re iag or swaying. justments. sunlight, etc. voir in the mouth of Barton creek , Telephone or write for free From what I hae said about canron. Aland booklet on the Influence the part played by the eye and ear The purpose of this reservoir will f tha glands upon health and will readily Understand that ,be to store water for rutinary use you personality. m order to keep your balance the(iB In the Bountiful Tuna fta an KSL Mondays and messages from these organs roust, mouth 0f Barton creek, this' reser Fridays at 2.1! P. M. for The Freezing Point be correct. In diseased conditions, voir will make it noughts to eupply j THE NEBBS health lecture. - By SOL HESS the. messages may . become dietnr-e- d When dizziness. and produce .esat of Bountiful, many aof ahhh oust eecAuse b triad to lue Is dug IB VimiSofderarTt hive noI had auTnnmr-wxteriAwvBOOf Mk TOW TO MiW iijto mis 3;Vi'gn LITT 60MIJCK.E80M vcua often associated with ringing the past. AFSAlBafg M CAM MACg A CODS INI AHBROSt BECAUSE 1 TLOUGerry make-work OP MIM3EL iMTVCut TOlMhELP. 1 DOMT This will be a y noises; when due to eye defects. It proj- lTme. stexav yjooLD mwrt mim. me overcome MOW DUMB ME when be CARS ect. the labor being furnished by lUNEN TOW STEP may completely JWUMOCO ALL OVER ME IT MAKES MIMt LOOK BR'LLl ASJT- - IF YOU J the eyes are correctly fitted with the CWA. Ail feasible work will be ' MAO twoueet lUTBOIdEIOCE TO SPREAD , done this winter. d asses kmouz emow&m: maAO.tovo Dizziness Is a common symptom MISJO vOuR Oujkl , in the following disorders: High CiWSiweSSlf blood pressure, low blood pressure. ardenlng of thebearteries sad ane-rr'- a and may present la gall bladder trouble and heart vertigo may occur when the body is poisoned by alcohol or Nurses from Ft. Marks hospital quinine or during the systematic entertained C C. C. boys at- their JuozemA-prese- nt Wood Cress camp Thursday- nifht--wl- th daring a play entitled. None of tl Pa, Mala . , dizziare troubled with Them Are Iterfeet." If you ness, 1 would advise you to use a Songs, recitations and tap dances cleansing diet and to avoid consti- were aiso on the program featurpation to see if this brings about ing Helene Biundeli. Blanche Jones. M with Better Vlatea" an If these measures Melba Cable. Mias Barkis and i FtaMeais Ctntvnl. do improvement ye Falla not completely cure you, hare Loveday Wood. W. M. CCBBISOV. Apt. D. ysur eyes tested as you may peed glasses. When the dizziness per--' A Meets ted With sists after the dietetic treatment MUGGS McCHWIS No Doubt WALLY BISHOP Celaatklaa Oatleal and after the eyes are tested, it ts 8 Ml NAIV WAS. wise to consult- a doctor who is good at d.agno- pg and havs him Democratic Study HERETTO yOUR MEALT1H By Dr FteAMC JtSCCy ' ml Mmn 1- -2 ...... ............. them-selre- I.To ........... 8- ... .... ........... . - w or-ga- a s the-blo- dTIlE STANDARD -- OF QUALITY Br BENWEBSTERATough , t the situated that nuTnmo;i' m t SA-vet- A0TII03ITIES D Bountiful Votes To Build Reservoir BssIsFcs&CIisic d city-situat-ed ucd -- ' tf bf , St. Marks Nurses Entertain G C G aoute-4ts-eas- es. . Br (a 28 88 Drains II Mends r 2t 28 Wing shaped Flying mami.uu Tattered cloth X - 28 Women servants A performance by eight Satisfies - 82 To tell properly to follow ouR r T8 Forgive- 28 81 BOBBY THATCHE- R- A Little Plan! By' GEORGE STORM 8lBp- - i r s |