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Show At the top of the page, from left-t- o right, Mrs. Carl A. Krogue, who was Miss Barbara Juhlin, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Juhlin, before her marriage..which was olemnized Tuesdain the Salt 189 SALLT 1 t I I I 5 1 I i Bn-nio- n, m O'CONXOR Interest la th. announcement the hostess and Misa DoratheajV- - made by Dr. and Mn.'Ephraim Gunn, whose marriage to Royal Q. Hughes of Long Beach, CaL. Jenson will take place next week, of the marriage of their daughter. waa the moiif for a delightful Xorma. and Fielding K- - Smith, son luncheon given Saturday after- of President and Mrs. Joseph F. noon at the home of Sin O'Con- Smith. The ceremony waa pernor's aiater. hire. Harry R. Todd. formed December 20 at high noon fast Firat South street at the borne of Mr. and Mrs-- RichJr. During the afternoon tables werr ard T-- Chown in Flintridge. CaL arranged for fames Eight close by President Leo J. Muir of the friends of the honored guest were la attendance. South street east Twenty-seventIdas Gunn and Has Marin Tables were arranged lor games Center, a bride of the near future and a late supper -wss served to guests.- Monday evewere honored at a supper party twenty-fiv- e given Friday evening by Miss ning Mas Helen Kaiser will be Erma Manwlli and Miss Florence hostess at a party at her boms on Math East street Mtibw" at the Man will home, 1 lit h Lake temple :Mrs. Fielding KrS Nonn- a- H ughes, daughter of Dm and; Mrs. ErG.- Hughes of Long Beach, Calif., w hose marriage was an interesting event of December 20; Miss Verna daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Hyrum Bennion, jr whose betrothal to Alton Crane Melville is made known today, the marriage to take place February 1 in the Salt Lake temple. Below, from left to right, Mrs.-WHarvey Ross,who sailed January 4 with Mr. Ross for a several months cruise around theW orld ;Miss Ferol Mason, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Mason, whose marriage to Edward Eijrlitylting will take Pace January 18; Mrs. George Wells, who was former- lv Miss Hannah Hegsted, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Victor C. Hedgsted, the marriage ha ing taken place "" December.JL i t k -- Loe Angeles stake tn the presence ifornia and is, a member of -- the Mr of mem. era of the Immediate fam- Alpha Chi Omega sorority 8m th is a graduate Of the Univer-Jta- n ilies and a few close friends. affiliated a- wltfj oT The bride wore a handsome mo- ity Semitic del of olive green crepe and car- th ried Talisman rosea She was attended 'by her sister, Mias Grace Issued Pretty Luncheon Mason-Ryttin- g AhKtinceraent aadMre Is made b Mr Fetes Recent Bridie George Mn H6nor:ng Mre RenJall who was lilfcs Rachel Wilson be. f Invitations their to Ed daubgter, Ferrol. h(k, marriage v Hughes, who was gowned In green ward Eari Hytting. wn of Mr nd jLuacine and carried a bouquet of sweet nterta ned at an been issued by. Invitations have Pfry G. best acted Knox as peaa John Sr, 1 Ert Rirttln- - 1,61 Latattractiteiv' srrsngcd luncheon.! w, nd ..',!rcetAugusta rtern-aw mu. t.irdav afternoon at her home - The marriage Is being plan- ; dmnar a for Sullivan party home .14TS I ale atenuc Close friend o' , ... will make jEdn their Thoconpls in the Cresthoime apartments tnjto be given Saturday evening at uuap- is snu m 'awe tll. honored guest were ,h attend vha brideajanar fables were arranged for Salt Lake The bride la n graduate tn. o'clock al. the V alley TaweralBvuvd eA the bome-e " the (Adnnitr og Southern Cab. for a nnmbar of their trianda. parent Agames daring Mia afternoon. , .t rcnt , ot -- A" -- , f I- 2 i X: -- "I fs K |