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Show THE WEATHER . UTAH rlr tonight and Su- dsy: liul change. IDAHO Fair. TEMP KRATUKES Frl... Sat.... Max. Min. Min. 41 ( am. Sat... Sat.. Fr..h It24 t12 am. noon Sab-- Sunset Sab .4:15. 22 , 25 14 . Riga Sun. 7:52 PRICE FIVE CENTS SALT UTAH JANUARY SATURDAY EIQFTY-FOURT- 934 YEAR H PROGRAM $50,000,000 1 - CITY LAKE :: :: , Lake Bandit PWAREADY Striking Milkers INCREASE, Clash. With Police TO POUR IN AT SHOW smis huge In L.AiWage Fight INTENDED VICTIMS 1 DEFY GUN ' ' v & V'C ' ', - Wr Grand Rejiortetl to Have Planned Bank -' Holdup - Ex-Convi- ct - Champion Steer Selected.-- inOgden Exhibit-- - Producers Send Out For Men to Break ' Engineer f Reveals Pro posals at Contrac- - 1 tors Meeting J i SHOOTING BRINGS PRISON TERM FOR MAN OF 71 YEARS Tie-U- p Plans for expanding Utahs eon ' OGDEN'. Utah, Jan.. (AP) John Hanlon. 71. of 417 struction work into a 250,000.000 senwas East Anxiety Promino, 18 th. a Hereford, Fifth street, program were outilned by R-- A. " tenced to serve not more was captured today In A today was selected as the grand Jan. ANGELES. (INS) LOS engineer-secretary tho of thair five yean In the state Hart, champion steer of the Ogden livedaring daylight holdup attempt. public works advisory board for Violence broke out today in the prison today by. District Wynn Parry, 27r 454 south Ninth stock show. The steer, born Feb In Utah an aftaddress the before W. James McKinney. Judge West street, the station attendant, 20. 1232, urea bred, owned and .called strike of Da Angalea county ernoon session of the Intermoan-tai- n Hanlon convicted of - "was not exhibited try Foster Farm.Branch,- - Associated General Elmo Pete Jensen' shooting entered his bullet bandits Van right W. ford. Kansas J. N'atta; Contractors of America, convention Stock fafm Adohr HanWest the of tha Jordan at at gtrlk, tband and 'cams out the judge clashed with members of Captain at association offices in tho Rea- - . of Lafayette. Ibdwas, lon home Dec. 1. bow. son building today. J who awarded the purple ribbon. In - his defense. Hanlon ! Shortly after noon. Arthur Had- inditidual fat cattle, William Hynes pollca Intelligence Ur. Hart explained that the pubJudging cached stated he had. money o net. p&rolled front t ka, 26. swine. lic works office baa prepared Guernsey cattle, purebred a in a woodpile, and that dur squad. the Utah prison three weeks ego. Individual fat lambs and fat swine. buggeated program for the state ining a -- drinking party he sufA charge by pickets that Capt. entered the filling station at Fifth Aberdeen-Angu- s and purecattle 150.004.000 In Jenvolving illusion an that fered expenditures A V South and Ninth West. Wynn : i und divided almost equally between bred sheep, is the major activity at Hynes squad was rough, and that sen was attempting to rob ; ; : Parry and hie brother Mostyn, 25. federal and lathe second day of the fifteenth an- the offlcera hurled tear gas bombs while him shot him. and . projects.w on duty. He reported that between $20,000C nual Ogden livestock show. Sat-- r was denied by the officer., but boring under this belief. "V v S-Hadka asked for a drink of wra- -. 1 000 and 220.000.000 had already ti senwas Wilbur 41, "ay. Hard, Ti for a strike leaden said several of their Vi ter and then stood talking noticed been allocated and that a similar tenced to an indeterminate Many Attend few minutes. Roth brothers amount could yet be obtained by one to It year on a of livestock breeders, ex number had been cut and bruised. term of Throng : V Then .. - a gnn in Hadkas pocket. tO tlenp providing the municipal andAtate. check charge. The strike-desigtx r-- ' ;;."? J- - ".V-c- - vr Delbert Parry. 22. another brother officials and citizens take the crowding threugh the aisles and Lob Angeles milk supply was set necessary aicpsT"' for noon today. I mMm Gun Defied The 2,apeaker claimed more in than that Interest the keen first reported victory strlken lined the three brothers; a already J02 for non- 000 animals on exhibition at thejwben"- - County Supervisor -- Roger In front of blip and pulled a gun. Ifedenl projectsapplications Here Is Wynn Parry, who was shot today tn an attempted holdup, . show which ranks third among' involving 220.000 -head of the Jessup Certt- Hadka arm. his Jessup, ffooo have been received by hie of-Wynn leaped for cot at emergency hospital with his two brothers, who aided him J livestock chows In the United tied farm. Glendale, signed tie and that 72 of those have been shot once, the bullet striking Wynn lu capturing the bandit, standing behind him. They srr, left to right. States. It is expected that a rec agreement acceding to all of tho In the hand. Delbert struck Hadka forwarded to Washington. on below and dttendsnee will Hadka be shown crowd ord in is for wages Arthur Delbert, Mostyn demands higher him Parry. unions on top of the head, knocking Applications Wanted m coli- and union recognition.- -. mammoth when the Sunday brothen h balance are under consider Tbs. three, floor. the to seum and other exhibition build- - Producers, sad distributon at a ation or hav, beeii sent back for then leaped on Hadk. and subdued inga wU be open to the public W oman in revision, be said meeting raised $25,004 to 1jJhim. throughout the day. It will be brlng workers here from other Springville Tho bandit pleaded with the Of the 222.000.004 already alloJs Utah day. However there will he dues. Earl Maharg. general man' CondiSerious brothers to allow him to shoot cated to the (tat,. (15.000.000 la no judging or other activities. of tha California Milk Prohimself rather than to turn him for federal projects $0,245,000 for ager Friday was givan over to judging ducers association, disclosed. Rev tion Over to police. and (1.400,000 for contests between teams of the hundred men already are en just as the report of tha shoot- clubs of Utah. Idaho and Wyoming qral 30-Ho- ur route here, ha eaid. The speaker called attention-- ta ing waa flashed to police a head..taxi Future were Amerithe of and Farmen Smith, era, Georgs Twelve hundred milker the fact that even after tha ID" quirt 2, of nouncament waa ca. M Utah. Idaho and Wyoming, scheduled to quit their Jobe at noon Mrs. Elizabeth Hutchings. v driver waa reporting Hadka'a'--aear--- x made- - In- - Wiiks V. .et Tri-da-y An httrtvrribrc victory tn whfch ttie he, toeapad IprlngviU. waa qrttieally holt and ingtsa that Utah had exceeded Ha today. Their demands for higher In Woods waa Cross to were Arnel that of drova convict Dastrup, 18, wages and union recognition seven other persona were la the quota ta allocation, four applicastockgrower of Slgoard. Utah, a denied by the association. Davis county with the intention of Involving 'loans and grants Salt Lake general hospital with In- tions member of tha Richfield chapter of 450 Issued the amount of 1824.009 wen apholding up the bank there. assigning wen Orden to , the Future Farmers. This morning, according His Prince sheriffs deputies and policemen juries raqging from broken benee proved. This Indicates, he stated, & I ,4 ' h4 Domino strain fat Hereford ateer to Bmlth'a report. Hadka approached violence and to seven cuts and bruises la a that all money could be obtained duty to prevent on tha grand championship Rmtth at the taxi stand, at North in maintain order-- ; throughout head-o- n collision today en BtaU hired streets and Main the junior division. Temple and continue filing applications. county. Angeles near tha Draper crossroad should street The h.m to drive to 6ti west North Prince Is Domino statewhich The passage of bond issues by the a issued Byrd Speeds Trip The house producon a Mrs. There he entered In car The j nine months old. just rams out of which Hatchings Temple. various Is not political subdivisions giving ment declaring "we an WASHINGTON. Jan. $. (API ABOARD v ADMIRAL BYRDS' th ahov rinc and came out Ith a suitcase, enthe junior chain in to unlon driven by Wayne necessary to rske the applications demands In any rsepect. was a pananger, cab again. the In tho EN ROUTS TO LITTLe tering .Reveals Intention Instances, he saul. junior Hereford clasa. . .T It la our Information . . . . York. 22.- of Springville, collided eligible i ofmri.Jrb.hbmhtharnC',LAGSH,p Into tha ring the strike la Inspired by Communist with a machine traveling south, The twelfth annual banquet of Vta IU ,hcn wn Jan. 0 IAF ate and House, today drew plans AMERICA. He told Smith he wanted to drive C. LUonbce, (0, of 52 the intermauntain defeated the E. senior first driven Place branch. Assoby Agitators." there. for a legislative dm to bring a ltackay Radio) Fearing further' bi Woods Cross. Half way the strike to west Fifth South street, on the top ciated Genenl Contractors, tonight Milken expected 20 hour Work week Into all Indus--thls t guit end informed Continued Ob Hadka drew-near reglon might jeopar. Jordan high school. la tha Hotel Utah will he addressPage I Column 1) spread to nearby San Bernardino of the hill Smith be was going to rob the Both can wen virtually demolish' ed by Gov. Henry H. Blood and City ,rl8?n.tor Wagner, ohalnnan of dl th rnl,rt roram Kfmr Ad' and San Diego counties. . Dank. PUBLISHER DIES ed. Commissioner Harold B. Lea -tbe national labor board, disclosed j mini Richard E. Byrd today had you had better do what I tell Tha Injured are Mr. York, his This morning's business session CAP) CHICAGO, Jan. I. Wash. Jan. 0 today ho is working on Iegislationitiie. flagship of his Antar.ic expedl-t- o 1 ABELLINGHAM, chiltwo you and carry the suit case In the 22. their Yorh. wife. Pearl was featured by reports from J. P) Alfred J. Clode, revise the labor section of the,t0n ploqeer Dumping of thousands of pounds bank or Ill kill jou. Smith quoted out of the lake In the .rural Bobby, 2. B. Mullins, president. T, C.- - Sornewspaper of of milk, highway picketing, and a dren. Geraldine. 0, and puhliaher national recovery art. and, to vest1 Ice heading lladka as sating. Rig-tndriv- Mrs. Hutchings, hnd Bowen lain since where had secretary-treasure- r, she milk enson, Whatcom wagon pack of and who founded the threat Chicago labor county, additional powen in tha At Woods Cross. Hadka ordered all of Springville pasaen-- g Mark Tuttla manager. The 1214 ' . Monday. . Japan Gazette In Tokyo more than en to join tn tbo strtko cams to- en In27.the X board. Smith to drive past the bank. Sev. York Mr. and ear; 49 yean ago, died last night after day efficen wen else announced - by 12,000 organized dairy Voice Confi- - Shorter working boun were td-- - In tho next six weeks, she must; LCailfTS eral men were standing outside. and his father. Ijtrenzo the nomination and election comex- - an emergency lladka operation. He wss farmers sought to halt the flow of vacated by Wtf nrr. allQ. hut he ex be navigated nyroughjhe of: -- ia- tbe eeuth-eop i mittee-u Into Sea old. should1 the tensie of packs back." milk reductions Chicago. fulIo.H (I. Re) bolds belief the lotjreare xM. "Turn around and go IcnceTDepre5iIoii pressed bound machine. Jr., presidents John Moser. Logan, Kr About 75.000 pounds of milk hy cod authorities apdtrfch the Bay oL'Vha'es. Returning to 574- - west North motorand Ambulances vice passing three Has Passed suit-ca- r, president, and C U Wheal- - -wore reported dumped from administrators, rather than by Coa- - jufmards of 5ud tons of material DT Temple. Hadka grabbed the rushed the Injured to the gen- er. Salt Lake, secretary-treasure- r. V lib trucks by farmen near Elgin. ists and got out. .ulo,?d'd was found hospital when it Two directon were to be named. this 1 guess you're stuck for There waa no personal violence re- eral I fnvor n reduction of boun."iand transported and the concussion Mrs. ' HutchlngaTecelvsd north befpre the Boss Rea --. fare. Snulh and entered said, but I dont want to see an potted. and seven cute end of the freexe again, . rule. As a genenl prop-'Sl- n Other instances of dumping wsn bruises. bnln the hou. She had not regained constation to the feel that prevailing houn police oeition, I Smith drove reported from points north and sciousness several boun after, the Bandits Kidnap, Rob - and reported the adventure. west of Chicago and in Wisconsin crash. Several of tha othen wen 'LTdenSofhe American Feder- - Soccer Manager Dies After the holdup, police near the Illinois line. Father, Mother, Girl to have received broken It found and Although the Urge Chicago reported lambs and severe .cute and abra"Planned With dairies rubber gloves, a coil of about GranffUentnl Palacetods, deliveries sions Parleys decMred milk CHICAGO. Jan. 4. (INS) Au-- had been reduced only about 20 Deputy 8beriff J. Wallace West thorltiv today oouirht threo ua rope and a tetter inscribed Not to as the 1224 debutantes of motor-do- tee. howevcr. wen outspoken a11 lnou, foo,ba man.,Br Texas, . Mid-Weho oprned except In case of tny that w ho iaVeatlgaUd went on view at the 24th' narent, reports indicated who seiied and robbed Lou per reportdeath.' members of be Pun Milk associa- ed It eppeared the Lisonbee me H. Harrison. Lincoln Park rommts Solons written tional automobile show. The letter, apparently a after am convinced survey "I farmer organisation chine --had tion. s dairy The another south- sioner. hia wife and their illuminated by one labor organizations throughout josfeiday. contained a rambling million Palace, that called the strike, wen with- bound car passed daughter, holding them capend was out of the watte, provided a dazzling of a "that said, of protest against class discrimination tha milk. country." Memben Connery ail their holding as it reach- tive In the Harrison automobUa southbound lane of traffic modernistic design 20 hour week in all e- is said he was going "over tho top background 4.000.000 6. industry CASHMERE. Wash. Jan. the assocUtion ship about WASHINGTON. ed the top of the hill and met tne for more than e half hour. .at the zero hour of 10 a.m. and If for the sleek can of the new sential if we are to put enough men;(Ar Saved by a ranch-- r with a -- Driving ahead to The bandits drove the Harripounds of milk daily Into Chicago.- York machine coming from the the he succeeded be "would be sitting of achieve to from-deatto work mldobjections , In laeso uckeand a u when sons about the city while they at Wla., At Salem. . thel arious in allver nterest scutln -iA Cheery tone ran through the on top of tho world." otherwise he i NRA! the bog. three school children House. Rep. Martm Yonight two- truckloads of milk and strlnped the robbery victims of : pronouncement of officials form "was grrtng to his Maker." Connery also was critical of the none the worse for thrti experi- day conferred with 'memben of another of cream from Lyona. Wie 1100 cash and 4700 wftrth of jewTRAGEDY The letter also willed hi body ally opening the show, which U to ,nterc.m;n, of BRING JEALOUSY NRA. ence were today. the Texan delegation. dumped. elry. One gunman during the terto the medical school at tho Uni- - last all next week. "The big fellows have been ehts-- Hearing faint calls ter- - help In wee called 4 Jari. protest The strike Martin LOS confer-ANGELES. (INS) further rorizing ride patted the daughter. Alvan Macauley. president of the!eI1 i vermty of Utah. on minimum .. wages." he said. coming from the flood fences withplanned Automobile Chamber of Commerce, 1. 3 Jealousy was tho motivs that' Hattie Jans, on tha head and salA represcntatlres of Ok- - against the demands of Chicago reseB,pIMvd in 1023 ; T- M M crek lahoms. Kansas and the Dakotas. tall milk companies for reduction prompted Dr. Gienn T., Logsdon, "nothing would happen to her" Hadka. whose home Is in Oak struck the keynote thus: M t heehIurL" , J t the creek bank to find threej H u worknK onc of a com. from $2.10 to 21.4J In the price 40. weight reducing specialist.-t- o If her parents kept quiet, Who sentenced- - to the - "In 1222. an expanding market park-11- 1-, m bo had stopped to Pl children, of five authorized by a paid farmen for 100 pounds of milk shoot and kill bis pretty estranged In for jmittee and LOBES MEMBERSHIP August, 1232, permitted the Industry to make pcnttenitary 11 and airmysinkliiS,c!lncu, of Intermountain repre- or from 4b to 1 cents a quart. The if. Mrs. Roaelia - Logsdon. 28. deepIn hia last sell more than 2.000.000 passenger CIIieAGO. Jan. e. tlN81 gas atation holdups. his rope sentatives to With necesin alwas cut deeper quicksand. end then commit suicide by sa all silver dealers asserted the holdup he was accompanied by a can and trucks, and thla output, hoard of tnu. memhenhlp of Cnr- - he raKKe thera toafcty. interests and push for action on a sary to hold the market aaainat the lowing- poison,-pol- lc announced woman. Later both were arrested representing an increase of 42 per t)s BfUDall. Prosit milk cse measure and woman Itfor free carry and unlimited Independent the U today. Customen of Mrs. Logsdon the cent waa over . the prevfous year. but charge against , dent Roosevelt today posted at a 1 1- - to shops. Milk now retails at 11 beauty shop where the Jragedy seas' dropped srben Hadka- pleaded wlf assurance that the bottom of for 'transfer-t- o irf Btephen Spl8,ivinffrf cents a quart here occurred were thrown into a panic. , I10 from whom he acquired It lastj - gui'iy, ..depression la buried- securelyjn - He was parolled on Dec.x ! 2. 12 i the X 1hnr far 1iajr rw.pora.e ttAPt the past." iyear.; tNEV YORKrjaS: at that time told Warden R The earliest authentic manuscript been good." said Martin. "The ' and E. Davis that he was through with of "The Star Spangird banner.") gold and silver program of the ad- never crime and jminietration to date has not again will you i Un-Matchpenned by Francis Soott Kty In ed me me In hcTe." The only regular autborix-e- d nearly 120 years ago. Is ed a revolution. Apparently much can be done without tho back to that city for Yesterday, he applied for s tail and auilaeotlc ntvAjaprr going drivers license, saying he, had a purchased- by jons results feared by opponents f ml a re emanating CnmUie--Byr- d enshrinement, e man " from-thto H f thr Job. unds accotirpanled um on Its j.'iptHiiOou 1 to whom It belonged. Reports from ithe White House police station on his quest for a .may to the South Pole, mil be. had license- br the woman who The single sheet of Wheeler 14 to 1 meas-to' see some of the south seas mli- BY JAMES R. YOUNG publislied eterjr Saturday in jhe been a crested with him prevlou Nov an Iowa conditions. barity Jones. ur in 1MI News) farmer ' daughter. - came ' own I national- - anthem Wynn Iarry wa treated vaainpporL Intermauntain represent-- , they might make private ezenr, Hlay, youll like making-yoThis series of meekly ant emergency hospital. a,(Tea however, plan to continue! TOKYO. Jan. 4. (INS) Fsar- - lions Into ths fortified areas. to the big city to make own bought for 221.000 at anA. auctinir and your living putting W S. toom yesterday by Dr. Hadka wan charged with assault clcs Is sent each week by g :he campaign to make silver a that 40 American. Canadian. In order to uffset this, the part) roof over your head." obtained work, and so good; announced who and with Roaenbach. a weapon later, or Jnje ,B thl congress. dlo to the New York liekd with dead'y won the confidence of her emThe onl man had not gone (and other astronomers will attempt Alii be escorted free aboard the Art Chairman Steagall of the Houseto of the kidnaping Smith, the taxi driver. quarters ot The Little Amerispy upon.Japanese fort fled areas warship Kauuga. a relic batty. Selfish, perhaps, but he Its new owner was the Waiters ployer thst he made her and ca Aitation and Lxplorutkm war. gallery. knew what he was doing. Ho his son Douglas Temple sols banking committee today said he in the south seas the Imperial - heir to a 420.400.004 fortune club, actually orKaniu.t) and thought silver should be given navy hm informed them they will A tour will be made, steering recognized Charitys virtues run by members of the SecBURNING STEAMER on the ond condition that they . taken free aboard an old war clear of outstanding naval actlvl- and he knew that If anyone Students Financed - mors prominence inhe monetarybe ond Bynl Antarctic ext$cdl-tk- n ties. reeonwas -i was son save learned bis vessel, could it and added It If that other. would each exclusively plans marry they RACES FOR PORT fused, neither was to get a a Admiral Byrd's sug An International sensation was be a woman like this quiet, tAP) Those sidering the Introduction of a biiljbv International News Service toST. PAUL. Jan. 4 i crcated some month ago when the igvtlon A- elusive B. A. degrees, once appar- for that purpose. day.1 gentle, clever farm girl who penny. - T. H.. - 4. Persons more of hlch schkl age Ala than on bam continued1 room astronomen rumors Meanwhile Jan. The had become HONOLULU,hen report spread around the world secretary. Glowering across the ently out of reach of En-- route to ' Japan from at Charity waa the handsome, White House planned their wav to Orluek Island, tn ths that the Japanese srer fortifying, or ocr. desiring to Join this 1.500 needy high school graduates that the $'IXS Charity was In love with club may do 90 without in Minnesota, will be poible of some action soon te increase the'japanese south seas mandated ter- - part rot thy Bonin Islands, which Doug, but ho already had an. Ban Pedro. Cal., the freighter Sao- - irresponsible. spoiled Dohg. charge." Details will be exWhat he saw waa a' "four-eye- d other fiancee How were they ramento Valiev, carrying a cargo attainment starting Monday, by vaiue of silvey. Reports to this ritory from where they wish tojthey hold under a mandate from in the first article ofmesand to a In on plained the federal flashed solve see seva their and nations. of effect This the use the eclipse distress have been In circulation of 5120,000 league frump." dressed primly problem, February il. of cotton, till Inherit their fortune? . today, last years model thst gsvs her state funds. enl foreign office denied- i days bnt then has been no1 Navy - people becam sage ta Honolulu today, announcThe weekly articles will be This story Is told In "Peat-houthat the! Some tlmo later, a Soviet vessel Jwben they discovered appearance. Approximately "440 financially official confirmation. ing aho was speeding here with ,a sn angular exclusive features ftn this area Love." a aerial begin"Mb man-- you? he ex- student will register "Of course. I'm not running this party Included Soviet and German stopped to coal a on of the Bonlp fire In her hold. for The Newa and will tell The eld man must show. Steagall told newspaper- - scientist, as well as Americans! island group, and waa seized by Tho message said the fire bed claimed- ning today In The News. It H st the University of Minnesota's tlie thrilling auto- -, itlen by Alma sioox Bear- man Per And Csnsdlans .Jnaval- - am horklesjon. suaptclou ..it ?iorksjf beon raping three days, but hadj- - have gone batty."- winter' Lerm obenfng Momlur- - ltjmeB.- Tinf'Pnr motive and other exploits and" And Charity replied The berry, and la one of a Twelre , been brought under control frith! sonaily. Id enlarge the recognition 'informed that some of the party might., have been spjlng. act ivltiea as they occur . Star selection of the heat news-p- a of silver. It shoud show prom- - hoped Jo tak advantage of their barge, was made that thevessVT Jdtve..Aieaia from tU freighters,I 'add scorn. "I wouldnt marry person Uke yos voder any perse rial stories of tho year. . boilers. , inently la the picture." jovimey half way around the world hid penetnted forbidden areaa A gasoline filling station Attend- ant was shot and a s he ex-c- -- r i k 'i' a al 1 -- -- ned . -- ' EIGHT INJURED WHEN CARS HIT -j Hi-dk- I f oa j 4 Labor Opens Drive For Week H 'i -- Plan Indorsed by House Commit tee Head v '4? v. , - -- P" j u b'h AUTOEXHIMT - OPENS IN N.Y. p, ' l. 40,-vtd- ia AP fPTJ olL Lit dLUL d WIDENS SCOPE . - aon-tam- m ,r -- st 4he-era- sea-so- n. "co-ordna- h I wr-,ru,".ra- $c0ld . u ' 1, South Pole Articles To Run in News , j -- - kn Girl, Youth Willed Hi" Fortune If They Will Many- ra. - rhe , re perm-jmo- re seri-ane- JAPANESEGUARD SCIENTISTS AGAINST SPYING UPON FORTS - -- " -- n ma-im- .- - a 4 , ' " worried-Japanes- se -- A - A. x.. - i ' -- e a, j ir;r I |