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Show ;er In hla ar.d grandfathers i Thcrc'ation between mother's home IT. was very cinsc-Marc- us Aurelius was brought up after the manner of bovs in those patrician to the simple households that-he- ld and austere trauUnns of earhrg days. He St .idled with tutors at home Another l.lu.-tr-j iu only child was the learned Oeairier.a.v Erasmus. He was one of the first scholars, the greatest wit of his timc.- fit causc-o- thattitiukof his-par-ents f child -- Hc docs hi by always having slight in overliving pro- superior to one who has brothers and sisters Is a controversial subject, - illnesses. He is always being taken to tecting him from the realities of life doctor. His eyes are not rights he with plenty of supporters pro and. con. American Presidents li ing. Dr. and each clinging to his own theory in the li slight colds; his teeth need irequent attention, and the, percentage of only mstter. Frank Arthur Pavne. Psychologist. the Prea- S FOR children who wear tly child a better chance to of United idents here Is a the Elates, than children. other for larger achieve fame, fortune and success in brief resumeoficme cf them. and the The percentage of only rhiidren who adult life than the one who belongs to . number of children in the families- a large family? Is It true that .the' 'have had operations is likewise much -George Washington's father had two lirger than for other children. This great ones of the world were and are' child - sons by his first wile, and four sons T on his lives the life formula: the only children in their families, and to scan came . from fairly - and a would have if I could, but I cannot be- daughter- - by -- his second wife. - that the mark of genius is usually relarge families. They were not John Adams, scegnl President of the cause would T finished have served for them? Or is the only child.-lon- g oniy chlldrrn; many'o! them. was an eldest son. United my freshman yearm college, but I were first ehhdren ln a family.- pitied by- - psychologists and Thomas JlTersoii came of a family of were weak could because not my eyes doomed bv his very Isolation to W ILlja m. nine For example James Madison wag a the Immortal tag along' at The end of theachicve--meShakespeare, first chl!d but nc;l an only one. John the , was-, eldest of ten Inferiority Complexes . Bard; parade? Qumcv Adams. was not an only child. children- - Dr. Isaac Watts, " Andrew Prof. Witty, of Northwestern UniverJarkvorT was a is very easily hurt, son, type rpHIS the philosopher, was the eldest and he had brothers. He youngest sity, has revived Interest In the quality wag a post stand a reprimand or correcCharles of nine children. versus quantity theme by a report of a humous ch.ld. bom a lew after big tion from an employer, and cannot hold Frederick, King of Prussia, father's burial. His brothersdays study he tnadeT and now it Is being and parents a job inside because his lungs are weak.' the "Frederick as with and known, agreements widely discussed, cied when ho was'young. he wag left He cannot stand a job outside because -Great." was an..eldest son. objections centering about it. , alone In the world at 15. of his broken-dow- n, arches ' a was He a monarch, great Dr. Arthur frank Payne, psychologist. Martin-Va- n This type of only child, alwavs evades Btirens mother married legisphilosopher, historian,, f New York Clty. was asked his opinion - the twice She had three children by herrespomdb.Iity or marriwnire.If he musician aitd wit, poet, la'or, on the subject. He touched on the dif- married, it v ill be an unhappy marriage, and Martin w as born of and" in" all these varied en- ffrence between being an Intelligent her .second marriage. William F wiry marriage, unless the wile adopts the abll- great id, (!qwmentsheji one successful a in adjustperson and Hart .von was tie- - voiingest son In a jxtumin-- ot .. being. -- bit. lamber.-Ian- d it v . . He,ga e his country a Ing to life, for it is generally conceded pampers him snd pets' him and coo- Iamilyof seven children. There wer of empire. scale the in weight thst the tatter attnbute is s great facts' ko seven cluldrenin the family from wide knowledge in He had leading to success: He said: hirh John Tyfrr sprang: he was a sec even, branch of science . There to a misunderstanding of what Hrnrv Fielding, incompara-b'- e ond son James Knox Polk, eleventh R Northwestern of chard had Prof. Witty, Wagner,' tha great composer. University, President of the United States, came of wT.ter of comic romance is saying Prof. Witty does not claim am brothers and fitter a family-n- f .wight -- five sons and three 'a dramatist was not an and that the only child is superior in fitting Millard Fillmore was the daughter His la her had a targe oulv child , himself into Ufe. He merely asserts that second in a family ot. nine children. Ji.s and,ihus. stcondJJiamage, lannij.hi , r. only children do better on a . certain develop anp inferiority -c- omplex,- and tf dhe iws uic arm al at tn nign Fielding had man and - Franklin Pierce had a " Stamtardiaed Intelligence test. their behavior, their attitudes, are gen- - plane tf the presidency of the United From my experience I would believe erally merely compensations for this States asa measure hf siirrcss. it would Richard Wagner, the great composer, Favors Large Families be helped con- this to be true. We know that tatelM- - right husband ahe-c- an be illuminating to look up the histones innerTecHng of Inferiority. had s.x .brothers and sisters.-- . George bf" our past Presidents and ottier words. ihe on who sMerabiy.-- In "The oT some-genoe Is inherited. There is no question .a,rgtnn ma one of wwn children, fpHERE were eleven children in James ot that nowadays. We know that In harn whether or not they were only. - End happens to be an only child makes a ' a vpjt amount of information not only the and child, filth the he ggs .Buchanans family. Abraham Lincoln, ' much poorer husband than the daugh- about the only child but,also about the 'children" telllgent parents are striving for a higher frst by his ' fathers ''econd' venture," who alwajs referred to hls jnother as standard of living. ter. who is an only child, makes a wife, child in -a your.gcst -- mv angeT motherland "was Attlrg. Upon Dr. Payne's suggestion targcfamiylhe frrht spoke of Ins second very close The only child as up is olderiiT'k large family, the only bov wr went through countless biographies. to her tnjbfiv i;ood had a sister, Nancy. nage. in a family of girls. ard many of the things we discovered always running down persons who have Three Types Described. peter the Great was not an tally" chid, Andrew Jgckson was an only child, -made a success oftheirTn es. Other" If one will take a copy' of Who'v" ccrflrmed Dr- .- Payne s views on thls s S Grant had brothers and lisproclaimed Czar of Russia at - the age of 10, to the exclusion of hi- s- ters Ruherford B Have- -, Who as the measure of success of persons, they say. always have a pull. cr.ly --child subject. ,NLY children are. in later Ufe, al. a get the breaks, 'have good luck.' Other popple adapting themselves to reality, . In the rare cases where an only child ways rather sweet people, except eider brother, who was weak of body ch.ld, had a brother and a sifc books are 100 find not will write who have achieved names of had to people any distinction you in adult Ufe, persons for the tendency they they drape ajjd mind. Peter the Great also had a ter James A Carfleld was the yoiing-e- st come from targe families, families with in most Instances ho had lost one or. sister. Princess Sophia good. They are very happy when they themselves upon stronger people of four children Grover ClevelaEd a mlctaVr. nr throe or more, to one that Is tla only Hoarnf TCTTHTenfS ttfirft he They are But" the only child has' made his was one o! a fami'v of nine; Benjamin ' child . very young Many of fie 'famous men mark, too. and his name has also gone anything. Of course, in making these in grammar in other peoples wdrk liarr.5on, of six The beloved martyred Thev go through life whittling other were.- - apparently, greatly attached In making uch a statement as this. to down in history. There is. on tha side sweeping general statements there are President. Wilh.iin McKinley, twenty-"cigh- h people down, or trying to to their own however, we bare to consider the-- per-- .. laeiE- mothers, and these mothers were of the ledger. Marcus Aurelias the great 'President1 of the uuted States, exceptions, and we should analyze the wive and latalhgent women.-nsituation a little more carefully, per- - sense of Inferiority given .- f- Stoic philosopher: i sTc He Was an only ..fentage Of only children in our popm i.un. y of nine children. comto difhave a we to -' of know We for their which not do Most at presThey always instance, Utlon, tendency might, offspring.. pampering haps. child; his father died young." not long" There, were four bovs and five girls, and 4above the men into illustrious toward ent. It might also be interesting to do of the past at any after his son's birth. Aftep hla father's radicalism, and, ferentiate and place these children pensate each child had His own dutles tn peg. aome research Jn the presidential realm, all, they almost Invariably, as adults. rate, those whose biographies we chanced death the boy Uvedrin-- hls-- batemal form-- three groups. First, tha nonnal only child. The great advocate of targe bmill "And these ehlldren where the parents Theodore Roosevelt, came of a family' have been divorced or have died. In of three; he had a brother, Eliot:, and wo And normal only Other word a sister, Cortnne. William Howard Taft i been ehDd when he has had three brothers and- - urn sister: hta parent and family. Woodrow Wilson was not an only Second. The only child Bring with Gamaliel Han! ing came of a tho parents, Who hat adopted the attt- family of eight children. Calvin Cool-ld- ge This from of type tude reality. escaping had a sister who died in childhood, of ehflit escapes from reality into the when Cooiidge was 15 years cld. Her- -' want what dream world. They always bort Hoover had a brothers and a we call the authority vocations.. They elder-Tra- nk lin Rooeeveit is an only" want to be aviators, or officers in some son of his mother, but had' a half-- vocation where a uniform is worn. brother, Janies. This only child always wants to run Fame. then, it would appear from the football He team. on the with the ban foregoing, does not particularly favor team never makes a good player. On tlie only child.-- On' the contrary, she the baseball team he always wants to seems to hav e put her stamp upon Ujose ' be the pitcher. He is dominated by the who were not isolated or set apart In fundamental desire to hold the position their families in . childhood, to havt which puts him above the ordinary run smiled her brhttat upon the tads wno. ot persons; but is never willing to do had brothers and stS'jrs, and who early - the" arduous training In preparation to in life learned to adapt themselves to Dr. Arthur Frank announce research shewn art Payne, that baa a that child a to succcaa be normal and life. psychologist, chllin later only unlikely others-angnt to that poaUlon- - These only to ad worid of d be is a First, constantly being taken to doctor because of real or imaginary ilisj second, because of always having had hi parents do hie think-f8- r dm always think they can write plays, reality. h,m write book sing. Very few of them likely to bocoms afflicted with an Inferiority complex, and third, he must haVe a Wife who ia more of a mother than companioq- " Copynghf rIH ITT! ETHER " of-u- ol an-o- aly hiirrand -- - s-of - iv . 4ef amilv-histor- u. nt can--n- ot - - half-siste- rs -- -- he-gro- ' -- ao fBTfnr ' - us -- -- ot - rij child.-Warr- - l. V X - -- -- jusV-to-t- he h Mnr en |