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Show SECTION THREE THE DESERET NEWS, SATURDAY, JANUARY 6, 19M Catholic Group To -Honor Clergy Tuesday Federation -- Plans Group City , p m. Cam The better home and better parks committee, Mrs. Walter C. Hurd, chairman, will meet at Civic , - Center at 1 p.m. Monday - Mrs. T. C. Hair, chairman of the .welfare commit, and child health -' tee, will meet with her committee at 1:10 o'clock on Monday. com-- . j ' The Juvenile delinquency ' mlttee, Mra. Ernest Lrien, chair- -' will hold an open meeting at .... man the Civic Center at 1 p.m. Monday Mrs. Esther Husbands, juvenile court probation officer, will speak on -- Juvenile Hall, Los Angelaai." The eltizenohlp committee. Mrs W. F. Core, chairman, announces . .. , the following schedules for the week's work at tbs Chapman -- -f hranb'I,brarr center.-- l Europe. wa ,- MEETING of tho. Daphne A chapter of tho Delphian society tho Hotel Utah on topic Monday at two oclock. Tha bo "Tho Prelude wlU for th day to Story of th Greeks with Mrs. T. Tborup so lender. Mra J. H. Hill will be ths Delphian traveler. Th topics include: "Four Advantages of a Knowledge ..of Greek Myths. Mra M. V. Back-m"My Theology as a Golds to Mrs. J. E. Primtive Religion. Gatherum: "Greek Mythology n Modern Culture. Mra J. M. Th Finding of Troy. Mrs 8. L. Love; "Men--of th Sea," Mra W. E. Ryberg; Cretan Culture. Mra Eugeno Stacy; "The Myeen aaaa Period." Mrs. H. M I peon. o O O wlU ho held at Hay-eoe- Beta Chapter The regular meeting of the Beta Delphian chapter will be held Tuesday evening at the Newhouae hotel. Mra Emma Nottage will have charge of the meeting and srlll- - present the topte Woman. - ' Iota Chapter Iota chapter of ths Delphian society will be held on Utah Hotel Friday eveat the ning at 7:29 oclock.. The topic for th evening will be "Handel. H Haydn and Moxart with Mim wo lender, and "BeeTon Nathan thoven. Schubert and Weber" with Mian Winifred Tborup so leader The topics for report are, "Story of Handels Life," Mias Ethel E and Bernhardt; "His Oratorio Ann Mathilda Operas," Miss Evans; "The LUs and Work of Haydn." Hra R. C. Belnap; "Mozart th Man and the Musician," Mieo Margaret trench; "Beethoven -- HI Career." Miss Edith Strom; Mim "Qualities of Hie Music." Luslla Deck; "Weber." Mra Gene vleve A. Brooke; "Schubert" Mias Margaret McKernan. A meeting of p Meetings For Week CAMP. Daughters Of) GRANGER will meet Thursday at t p.m. at the home oI The general board of tho Salt Lake districts Utah Federation of Women's club will meet Thursday at Id am. at the Kswhouae Hotel. Mra Ernest Urien. president, will have charge of tha meeting.. All chairmen of committees and ' departments are urged, to be present to preeent their plana for the remainder of the year. Delphian Chapters Study Literature;Dfama, Music ; Are Planned General Board of Federation Meeting Will be on Thursday . i Anna Widtsoe Wallace. Miss Widtsoe and her parents returned recently from a several years stay in " -- ott-"T- ha- Widtso, daughter of Dr. and Mra. Widtsoewho was the motif for a delightful' New Years tea given Monday by her sister, Mrs. A- - Planned Lloyd, who left recently iotWash- ington, D. C where she will make her home. . Jonathan 8alt Lake City Federation Women'o eluba will bold the regular January meeting at tha Civic Center auditorium, Monday at 2 p in. Th president, Mra Dana C. Balyney. will be In charge Mre Tha education committee. Earl R. Van Cott, chairman, will o E. Cowles, present Dean LeKoy wit the University of Utah, who 81 four four rwpeak The eon School System Plan. Winifred P Mm. tacta committee. Har Ralls, ehatrmsn will present aec reold & Jennings, executive asManufacturers ts ry of the Utah on sociation who will speak , "Utah industries." meat at will The executive board - daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Meetings THE j Ina Lloyd, Miss Eudora Ladies Literary Club Party Is Goes East Mias E monthly maotlng of tho Catholic Woman's leagus will be held Tuesday arternoon at 2:20 oclock in tho Cathedral hall with the president. Mra John C. Daly, preaiding. The feature of tho after-- , noon's program will be a lectors by -the Most Reverend James Edward -Kearney, Christ's Life Btory as told by the Great Musician" The talk will be Illustrated by the following numbers to be given by the Glee clnb of St. Mary of the Wss-- i atch: Ave Maria" (ltth century). the "Now Let Every of (Arcadelt), meeting THE regular Literary dub will be held Tongue Adore Thee- from the Sacred Cantanta "Shepherds Awake", Friday at I pn. Placed lng the (Bach) and "Protect Us meeting a 1 o'clock luncheon will The Night-- (Curschmsnn). Through, ! Reservations may be served, Solo A vs' numbers will Include made with Mrs. Walter C. Hurt or Marin (Schubert) -sby Mias JoseMra. L F. Hammd by Wednesday. andsoprano aria Brady Tho program (or the afternoon phine "Come Unto Him" from Handel's .t 111 consist ot bn address on "The Mias Mark. Hiss Messiah by Nancy Modern Research la Anthropology" "V- - i 4 be given by Prefc Lert- - Edgar Barters Laramie. wlUtothe 7 companlst. sc Clive, cellist, Joseph rung. Following the program, an Inforcompanisd by Mrs. Lets Jones, will mal will honor the mem-- ! plsy. "Minuet," by Ti P. Search ben reception of tho clergy. Tea will be "Melody In A" by Clive: "Scbergo1 served member of the enteray Voo Ooera. Mra Zorx Wood tainmentbycommittee .under the dirGrand In Hampton will sing "Moca His Humble Estate- - from "The ection of Mra John -Q. Ryan and Gnffm. Mra John of Sheba- - by Gounod. Queen - e "Dawn, Spanish Serenade, by Mlnuetti. "Early In tho Morning" by Phillips, accompanied by Mrs. Frank A. Johnson. T-H- Maid Is Tea: Motif Mra Tina M. Irving, west Thirty third South st rest. Camp2 'the Lamba Society the JAmba chapter of. the Delphian society will bo held at the public library on Tuesday at 1:19 p.m. Two program 111 be combined. The subject for o both programs will be spearean Drama ta England." Mrs. D, J. Bleem will be tha leadar of the first program. Topics for report will bo given By Mra Ella Smith. Mra J. B. Parker and Mra Harold Pickering.' The leader of ths second program will be Mra Lester D. Freed. Topic for report will be given by Mra C. D. Gel- -I ocher. Mra R B Amundson. Mm.' N. D. Thatcher. Mra. Vivian Snow and Mrs. Frank H. Kennedy. A meeting of "Pre-Shak- Literary Qub To - Hold Section Meetings music section of the Uterary club will meet January's at 2 oclock at the studio of Mrs. G. D. .Streeter. 442 constitution building. Mra. C. R. White-hewill give a paper on Cbam-inad- e. Mim Minnie Folsom mil play a group of her piano compo-jsitiona Mrs. A L. Merrill wlU give a paper on Mrs. Edward McDowell. Mra Streeter sill give a paper oa Carrie Jacobs Bona end will sing e group of her songs. Mra G. W, the chairmen, will preBrowning, " side. The parliamentary law section of the Wasatch Literary clue will meet January 11 at one ociuca at the home of Mra T. F. Farrell at 991 east First South street. The lea- - . son srlll be on the work of com-- 7 mlttee and will b conducted , by Mra D. TC Biowntnr The arts and crafts section of. the Waaaleh Literary club silt meet at the home of Mra R. E. GanahL 994 south Twelfth East street on January 12 at 11 oclock. The lesson will be on domestlo science and win be conducted by Mrs. A. G. Tall man, Mra- - W. C. Visaing. Mrs. E. E. Dudley end Mrs. Mra. James Ogtlvie. THE ad L, Camp 2. Daughters of th Utah Tbs arts and crafts groups. Mra Pioneers, will meet Monday at 2 Chapter John W. Thompson and Una W. B p m. at th hom'e ot Mra Rebecca Apiln, chairman, will postpone The Iota Delphian chapter en B. Hansen, 229 post Seventh South their handwork lessons to take Short Story Club tertalned at a delightful dinner street. part In the cooking demonstration, Members ef.ths Short Story club party Friday evening at Skatter-care- . uses ot tho many (lour showing will meet Monday at 2 The long table wee attractwith whleh Is being arranged by the Mra Alvin Lowe at her horns. 1(09 Camp 18 ively decorated In the gay colors Speery (lour elub (or tho library of nvsausL Tho ths Michigan holiday season. Mias Anna program Camp IS. Daughters of ths Utah club groups on Monday at I p. Rwill Include an original short story Newcomer and Miss Edith Strom will neet at ial tbs library.. Pioneers, Thursday a wore la charge of arrangements1 by Mrs. E. W. Fowler; paper 1 pm. at the home of Mra Kate The Rod Crow nursing elans, on "Utah 'Authors, by Mrs. Is for th affair, assisted by Mies M. Rogers, 122 Third avenue. will continue its studies so boms Entertained Auxiliary ter D. Freed; a magazine story by BernLoella Deck, Mia Ethel A lunclieon was given nursing under direction of Mias Mra Frank M. Gray. Ten wlU folhardt. Mim Margaret McKernan. Friday Bernice tfelleenR. N. Jn tha te kftarwoon t TWroBig erXHTBylow. Mias Highland-ParMias Naomi Wlnnlfred Hoffman In critk Camp -- era room Ttorupand Mtas ron G. Forbes. at the Riverside school, Spirit of liberty ChapierTDaugH-ter- s ic for the day. 92 SixtisEast street, GcBoVlsv ATBrookat on Wednesday at t p.m. T Highland Park camp. Daughters of the American Revolution, by the Ladles auxiliary to ths Posmseting of th Sigma Phi tal of the Utah Pioneers will meet on quilts will be quilted at the Chap- will meet Thursday afternoon at Clerks local No. 2. Ths holiday chapter of the Delphian society colors man Library renter, by members 2 o'clock at the Belvedere Lounge. Authors Club Thursday at 2 p m. at the home of red and green were used howill be held at the Newbonse 2919 Mra of Earl and visiting quitters on Wednesday The regent. Mra C. P-- Overfleld. J. HighGlade, to A meeting of tho Authors club tel Thursday at 1:29 p.m. The eondecorate the rooms. Th lunchland drive. at t p.m. with Mra Cora In charge, will preside. was covered with a lac table will be held on Wednesday at topic for th day will bo Renais9k O o General Pegram Whitworth will It 29 la the Bishops bulld- sance Stories: Tales from . Chau- cloth end held as a centerpiece a . on "National Ing. The poems of Alfred Tennyson address tha members . crystal basket filled with varicer." Camp 10 Defense." Mim Delores Reck will will bo read and discussed by Mra C. E. Herrick a leader colored flowers. Princess tapers in be the soloist. Mra C. F. Wilcox and Mra D. H. Camp 19, Daughters- of ths Utah the ends. will give Th Wife of Baths silver holders were at a . Pioneers. m meet Th unidsy at Will- - aien-o-'ea wlllbe served at the conrlii - Livingston!, board of trustees of Civic Tale; M m George F. Peansor, 2 p.m. In tho assembly room, 272 A CTIVIT1ES for a new term at f the program, Hoeteaaex for Service Star Legions the Uon House Social Center Center wlU meet Monday at Pxlaroon and Arcita; Mrs. W. H. east Fourth South street. the afternoon are Mra E. E. Hoff Whitman. Btory." Mra A 8. Booklore Club - - nL n nr now la preparation; tho week with Mra W, H. Whit Burnham. 'The mail, Mra C. M. Middleton, Mra R. Tbs Influence of the The executive board of the Salt Mra Calvin W. Rawlings will being designated . Nash. Mra C.v W. Primrose. Mra entertain Pleasant Green Camp of January Classic"; Mra C. A. CrockwelL Lake county chapter of the 8eri .re Tbt U. of U. Mothers' club wlU C. members of ths Booklore one for registration and the presiding. Keyscr. Reflections of Medieval Life' star legions WlU Jneet.Monday-at-19:2- 9 hold the January meeting Wadnm- - Mra Grant Mra .. Cleon and , Xontgomory , club Monday at ( at her home Pleasant Green camp. Daughters Hampton. -Mra Dale .Smith. "Literary Quel- a.m. on the mezanine floor day at I p.m. la tho Union bund Tho executive board of Spirit of 1249 Emerson arena. Mra Tracy of the Utah Pioneers, will meet on to bo given. Th hostess. Mra Hiss Lois Brant, students of Clair tile." at the Hatel Utah, ing. chapter. Daughters of tho Wootton will review the opera, Thursday at 1:29 p.m. with - Mra Martha G. Smith, will be ta the Stewart Boyer, in th verse and The new officers to he Installed Liberty wil- lbe Maud 6. Laker. Mignon" and selections will office of the Center on Monday and poetry classes at th Civic Center for the coming year Includes; Pres- American Revolution,at 19:19 9 at given by Mra W. a. Sadlter. Wednesday morning Tuesday, as wall as tbs regular will read their poems at tha Art ident. Mrk Carcellus L. Nebeker; th9 public library. ' first vice president. Mra John B. days Wednesday. Thursday and a e e Richards Tri-Delt- a Camp Saturday. Information may b ob- Bara. Sunday afternoon at 4 p.m. Mothers Club Richards Marks; second Vice president, Mra Their poems win be received with camp. - Daughters of tained from her on matters Robert A. Lundln; secretary. Mra Mothers' -- ho Utah Pioneers.b will meet with 911 Classes. much. Interest because of their deCheater P. Cnhoon; corresponding wlU meet Monday at m. 2 of Mra at ths boms 12:39d.r ' p secretary, Mrs. Be tram F. Willis; the sororlty heuae, 1421santa Schriever. p.m. and interesting originality. lightful 1994 south - treasurer. Mrs. Fred A. Clark; "Two now sect hi ns are to he prerant First South street. Mrs. Ther-e- n Ninth East street- .hi. Mra Ezra O. Beat hso returned! - The alumna association of llie' The schedule for the winter torn sented by Grace Nixon 8tewart-speectoriaa. Mra John Fetxer- - A read- -' Farm rise will giro a book refrom Los Angeles, where she spent L. D. S. hospital school ot xumq Civic at as la Center follows: be In wlU her classes dramatic Mnrtbn given by view and musical selections will ing Ryan with her daughter, will hold (he annual meting Tuesthe holiday Beck on Modern Poetry. be presented. Hostesses for, the speech and voice replacement, and - Be wing, dally, under' Mra Era Mra Ethel Best Da .son. . Cottonu ood Camp day at 9 pjn. at the hospital. 'I he Following the meeting the moth 'The regular meeting of tho Uni- afternoon are Mra C. E. Lay, Mrs. body technique being now full. The Thomas, Including Monday and business meeting and election of Cottonwood camp. Daughters of on Baturers will entertain the faculty mem versity of Utah Womsn'a club will H. T. Plumb. Mra C. A. Lemke will meet sections Mr. end Mra J. H. Riddle have officers wlU he followed by Wednesday evenings; sewing for tho Utah Pioneer, will meet Thurs-ida- y m. hers and students at a tea and mat- be held Saturday at 2 29 p m. in and Mra J. A. B retry. and and I p unst pm. had as their guests at their home freshmente junior girls; Interior decoration inee dance. , day at 2 p m. at the home of Mra win begin as soon as registration la der lira Lutte Fryor on Thursday In the Maryland apartments, the.r the mens lounge of tho Union a Joseph 8. Berry. 4994 south 8tate completed. Dr. Orta A. Ogtlvto will tho beautiful renings; and daughter, Mr. and building. by garden Salt Lake c.rcle No. 999. NeighDeseret Circle o o street. Miaa Barbara Voraa oa .Tueoday Mra A. R. Hutchaaea end chU- - bors of Mra Ike speak on "Hay Favor. Wooucraft, will hold an A of Deseret th circle solos. two Ths meeting caro homo In Ross and of Is inspection of of! leers Tuesday 1 1 A claaa and eookfnir for bridea and mornings: dren. hygiene Armstrong sill sing irgtnls, of tho Calif. oa noono hostess commit tea will consist of of the Child Conservation League dek coast 4a Tbs women bo visitor n after buaineaa io Angeles, Wells Thuraday feature; nlng at 1.19 o'clock at th LOO. Camp Mra Janies A. Gillespie, cbairmdn. of America will b held Monday of the coming term. It will meets by Mra Afton Wirtck; flrat aid and left Wednesday to return ,to their F. hall, under the direction of Mra Wells cAmp. Iftughters ot the with Mra Myron C. Barlow. Mrs. arternoon at 1.29 o'clock at on 7 p.m. under the taro of tho injured bom. cn t Friday Thursdays Ruby Hills. Refreshments will b th; --The Elks Ladles dub will hold C. R. Fteudenberger. Mra Louis C. home of Mra Horace W. Eburlleff. XTUtli Pioneers, will meet Monday O 0 'leadership of Mrs. Clairs P. Dortas. mornings by Mrs. Jfatalie Parsons, served ths January meeting at tho Elks Zucker and Mrs. Mark H. Greene 144 Coatavill avenue. The topic at 2,30 p.m. at the home of Mra. As only ten students wll) be ad- quick meals for tho busy homea a H. Mra J. Patrick and her heice, tor discussion will bo "Tho Adoles- LilUam Y. Well, 721 earn Twenty-fir- mitted. club on Monday at ( p.m. Mra assorting. registration should be made maker by Mra Arvlllo Welch on Mias Janet Moffat will leave in Installation will be held Monday cent Boy." Paper win b given by e Grace Nixon Stewart will be la Sooth atreet. Wedneoday evenings; colonial rug tils near tutor to. spend aavaral evening at So'clol k at the K. F. Oarly. Mra. Qall Smith, Mra Wilford R. ti r .. ... O . charge pf a program featuring her maxing py Mra H. F. Hanunarmlay; weeks ta Los Angeles. Calif. halt 99 south State street by Bburtleff. Mra Paul Daanevlck advanced dramatic artists. Leonle Clair Stewart Boyar, home psychclaaa In A child's dressmaking and Mra Bugeno Lundstrom. temple No. I. Pythiah BisCamp 3 De Berg suer, dramatic soprano of oa Monday morning, van tan year and a bo Mra G. E. Andrew will enter- ters. Mra those ology for of Lillian Asher will be InNow York City, accompanied by Camp I, Daughters of the Utah and peettr ea Moaday aftaraoon. tain members of th Cardeco club stalling officer. Esther Mra with arranged, All members aro , Mra. Lorenzo Smith, will ting ths Tri-DeltPioneers, will meet Monday at 2 ; Faraaworth'teMhing. ft leadership oa Moaday afternoon at a luncheon Wednesday at 1 H wiU Alliance pjn. invited to attend. During the eve- -. numbera "Tre Gtornt Boa Cha Nip.m. at th homo of Mra Christine at 12 o'clock noon aad short story writing oa Moaday at her horns, 1992 south West TemThe Women's Democratla dub Th monthly lunchaoa of tho G. and Saturday ning refreshments will b served. na. by Pergolas!. Im Kahns. by will hold tho regular monthly Miner, 292 Clghtb 8outh that is room for a few mors mem- evening; advanced leadership an pi street. Delta Delta Alliance will be street. ' Grieg, and "Come te the Gardsn meeting on Wednesday at 2 p.m. Delta a Tuesday mornings, vocabulary 1 p.m. at the sobra. held at Saturday Love, by Mary Salter. s in the convention room of tho rority house, 1421 John F. Critchlow camp and the A meeting of W. B. A. Noni, building oa Wedneoday morning, east First Daring the social hour follow. Xewbouse hotel. Tha book review section trill moat personality oa Wednesday after- Ladles auxiliary No. S of the Pioneer club. wiil be held Wednnt. South street. Mra R. C. Pendleton. - tug ths program, Mra Ralph Ben- Camp24 the home ot Mra. noon. Mra Frank W. Wonnacott will Mra L E. Arnold, Mra Edgar H. Cunp literary apprsetatioa oa United Spanish War Veterans wlILY E. Morris. 1921 Wednesdays at p m- - and con ot4h Utah oa ney will act as hostess chairman, Lake street. hostess. ttnue for ten periods.' This is open Thursday morning and vocabulary hold joint installation Friday at 9 F. Mrs. Paul 1L Ray. Pioneer, RDutgbUrt Hollingsworth. will 2 meet Thursday at to men and women members silks building oa Thursday evening, ad- PAB. Mra Elizabeth K. Rich will Mra. Clara Miller and Mra Bulk -- "Courts and Jnriss How They Mra R. J. Clark, Dr. D. & Ky tbe Mrs. home of tt pm. Francis will be wu, sting hosteasea. Function. will bo tha subject of swander. Mias Virginia Wells and For Wednesday. Jam 19. Mra Em- vanced vocabulary building on Fri- be presented with n past presidents Hyland a a discussion- - Short talks developing Miss Lucille Lambert will bq host- Hill, 270 Reed avenue. ma H. Gardner will review Boo-fi- day mornings: Mra Howard Means pin by Mra Ella Bush. o o O O O W. B. new :hl bo will will Mra. offer A. them news books book No. and by Canfield. given esses 11, Weal way cluh. C for the afternoon. Dorothy by tzUT Laaier Pugalay, Mrs. Frank W. on Monday evenings and on Frl-- 1 The Poinsetlia club will meat will meet Thursday at 9 p.m. witn o o tO Millcreek Cami o Wonnacott, Mra Korth, Mra Lem-mornings; Mra Haael Todd will Monday at 9 p.m. with Miss Vera Mra G. B. Kelson, 1082 Arbor Tha Thuraday evening social boor day Millcreek camp. Reviewers . Club aeries of teas luncheons and ma Blandpied. Mra. D. D. Hemp-dlnsiDaughters of willorfer correct English oa Monday Lund gran at her home, 219 Collette The araisting hostesses arc: - feature Dr. Hugh M. WoodMra Clara Miller and Mra Ruby Members of the Reviewers' elub the Utah Pioneer, will meet Thur- - ward In his delightful presentation afternoons and Thuraday mornings; court. parties have been arranged stead, Mrs. John Harter, Mra Dur-f' m. o a at of hom at the P Mrs . will ofHorrocka, fraternity gad sorority rushing mot Huffaker and Mra D. II. Nal will b entertained at a luncheon an Mra Jennie Ridge Farley ,n nnnninra " ' season omh Fifth at tho University ot Utah der Mra Lawrence Epperson will Monday at 1 p.m. by Mra G. JajMtalo,H.-2- r Th E. A-- Wedgwood camp and fer French grammar - and travol which will begin Monday. January discuss "What Cgbgreas la Doing." Dutton and Mra Leona Sullivan Ladies' on th the of conversation United afterauxiliary Th Ladies' auxiliary to Tuesday event without chares tho 22. Pledging srlll take place the'A message will be delivered by at th home Of Mra Duttod. 927 noon and on Wednesday evenings; Spanish War 9 eterans will bold Lnited Commercial Travelem assoThird avenue. A review of "God following Installation Grace at Saturday. Fraternities Mra Burton W. Museer. , Halverson will offer joint Monday evening ciation will your hold membera 17 which to Tueea Other sections Camp meeting Save ths Duke," by James Saxon will rush between the hours of 2, after- I oclock at the Cl vie Center. day at 1 p.m. at the home of Mrs. one are: First aid. manners and min oa FridayElltngs-worto a a 1 to 2 Children will be given by Mra F. Camp 17. Daughter of th Utah ship entitles h dally up until 9 29i .1 noon; Dorothy Coleman 19. S. Woodruff. 221 I street Mra. on Wed Miss Elsie will Hogan meet given by urtat-an. Friday evening. Rushing will Pioneer, o rt DafuStOnilcfS Tha history-tWednesday at, art I) offer business spelling, section o. W. McGill. Mrs. M Heglpbotham. m.s art needlework. 7.49 p m. at the home of Mra Ann neaday a meet Tuesday at 11 am. MrsJand Mra J. R. Hooker a iu n. begin for tbe sororities on Monday, letter writing aad bus-MBIst Ldarman In- -. penmanship, Durham. No. 12 Kensirg-o- n apart- - trtti Mra at I pm. until Wednesday at 2 Allen T. will sanford review the tho hM.. M. letter, MonUy enln Fraternity Mothers f lie in d. 'a Kalit Tf onr TnUrMSTJ1 TT book. Tne Argentlne Tango." bv n N. v J. afternoons; Thursday 'wednasdava. and arts and Cottcrill The Beta Theta PI Mothers club 9 a.m. to' Friday at 2 30 p in days and Tlie Art Barnstormers have post- -' will offer commercial art PhilUp Guedalla. A luncheon wall - Mra Barbara Wilson will w crafts, given by Mra Glenn J. and design oa Wedneoday evenings; a a tha poned their regular session, which fleeted the following officer at a program tain member, of the Heater Bee ley on Thursday at 19 am. jwould have fallen on New Years' meeting held Wednesday at the Back will Revs Boson offer parliaclub , (ing at 2pm at" Miller . camp. Daughter- - of they M- l- Carotin Parry, Lloa H liuclLt,. to Monday, January t. at; fraternity house-- , ou Thirtoeatb Th drama-mussection will the home Wedneeday ' mentary law on Monday evenings; of Mra Instructor In sculpture and clay- - three atreet: Mr Arch J. West. Utah Pioneer, will meet Thnr-da- y' .30 pm. at the Art Barn. hold a joint Innchaoir with - thgNls- 929Tcest Second contract section bridge qf North atrera ahThe Eweignla elub will held Pie r lii.nnToh.'wbo m. 2 la taking a leave of p af the home of Mrs. ia lo direct' lftJ preaidehT; Mm. K A. Smlthr vice P1 a section Tuesday ati one on Thursday tory tounst-s- rt annual open night social Monday Chambers. 292 Thirty third! aenco to do special government will bo offered, "The Rescue. will president; Mrs Jack gears, secre-lth- a plav, I at o'clock th clubhouse. The for women, afternoon, Ladles' Thursday ! FoLf with Mra Lydia McKen- aeieci the cast for this production, lary; Xlra liouxia S,alley, trea - 8outh street to ihe Vcl- auxiliary j work to which oho has been p- for men and women and drlc, presiding. Mr. Arlcnt Cum- - and Mias Eleanor 8!her will read urer. j pointed. She will retain her place evening en Five "Some In- - will meet for afternoon for business mlmra Mr. Ella B. Mar and Ml the plav "A Husbands Go", by Thuradav at the Lion House faculty, and re- andSaturday ton Co-e- d Lmate Glimpses In the Lives of 11 a m. at th quilting Annual E. R. school Frolic hall, 232 Can von , Stayner will be in charge chrl Croathera sume her elaasea whan her leave of wfil offer girls; Mra health Milea. Our 'HoM-acGreat Work f0V 'road. W Mr. J. Composers. rhythmic The annual i of the entertainment d Birthday Party the dav ara Plana wlU be' discussed for pare froic will b absence la completed, for women at Civic Center and in Johnson wlU present a group of pi - ' Mre Charles A. Cards eU and Mra Wasatch BiaterF Lodge No 248 Uicipatton by the drama group in Mr. and Mra W A. Steele enter- - held Friday. January 19 in the, elections. Mra Ha school diatrletswher there la a tha Richard Exeter Ray will meet for luncheon Friday at,lhe forthcoming Beaux Arts baiL Union make-ua talned p under at dtrec-j bulldmg the evening.! for in A party course Thursday stag of the Associated Wom-- a stu- - ork Is under preparation. In re-- demand; Up reading under Mra may be called for reservation. at their home. 449 Williams av- lpm- - In thwY. O. O. F. hall. At - buatnesa meeting wULfoUow.At 2 d enae-- ia honor of- - the nineteenth.ente-- A be fca- - aponse to a aumber of requ'te Esther Reaw will meet oa Tuesday Jda nil; Hou O UJ md Cr meet section of the Catholic Womans' evening and on Friday mornings. of their itured .In the decorations - n birlndiy anclreiaary AU elaasea are organised for twelve Wednesday st 4 p m. at the club- league will meet Mias Jeanne Hail, gen- - oala. Oliver v Howard. 4?. R. C Monday afternoon daughter Mias M erian Bteete. Announcement as to time weeks house. Th st each ones meet and will con-iat 2 2 o'clock in program .will served at one lone table'wa! chairman of the arraneementa and hwtrnctor nrtll be made In the Newman hall (hold a joint installation of of siorfev favorite ahort week. Mrs W. th niem by Harriett with centered heine andila red a Powell lit assisted by the following near futnro. elected and appointed officers large BEFORE ENROLLING 0 0 9 here af the ecctton. Mra E; A. i charge. Th Kwhite Rev. o O committee hall P. cake. chairmen. Red William E. ef at birthday Naomi candes jtlye Wednesday Walton will be hostess. will discuss the Encyclical In a liter holders completed the Stohl, Tefreehmenis. Vaughan lpm, Mis the- - Liao House Mar Interest at Of a a tn-Letter of Plus XI on Reconstruct- INVESTIGATE THE Burnett, tickets. Mies Mary FtrangeJVax a luncheon given mm Wodnes-clude- d ( Mra Mary Schnell a ill be the in- decorative scheme The gue-t- a Tha Spanish class will meet at ing tha Social Order. Current event Mtas Steele. Mim Emma! orchestra and decoration. officer and will be assisted Miss day. for all members of the fac- - stalling th clubhouse Friday from 11am topics will be presented by Mrs. L. Hasler. Miaa Gladys Lemon. Mias Beck Whitnev, publicity, by Mra Cook. nitv and tho executive committee to 12 noon. a a . J RsdlefL Interested friends hro Luncheon will be served at 12 'Thelma Bisel. . Miaa Camille of th center, at which time plans nr 0mmO'clock. IKartchner. Miaa Marjorie Karteh- . invited. were explained and perfected and The club cliorus will mast FriSophomore 0 ; inrr Mim Rntii Farter Party . an unusualwas for the way paved 1 at M 2:49, p.m. at the clubhouse. ikday 8L Ann's sewing Circle will meet ember, of th tophomore etaaa- - jy .nccewriul Ftmril-- r. ai Fifth Ward Study Group Th Browning section will meet Wednesday afternoon wtl be entertained at the ann-The Bcsl la Ihr Wrap member o at tha nurses Thursday evening th ' oa The Fifth of at ward dance clubhouse the Saturday 'study group borne entertain will for of the Salt Lake general boa- - Kiwania club Rare Satardar January! fleer. of BI4g tbs evening. MMAH, THIS Themyee FOR a 12 at th Union the Women's Democratic club w.ll I o'clock luncheon installaMra Tne! with ladies tha Pltal. the annual (OIPOJI ,, bulldmg at, On World Cruise meet irtthe Y. W C. A, Thuraday claar officer, are In charge i.r the! The hospital sewing circle win UTUINi tion dinner' and dene at th Hotel May K. Baer and Mra George A I Mr and Mra W. Harvey Rosa arrangement Baaw , evening at 8 o'clock. ,,,, as Eaton or boetsesea Mr retirsou W. and The D. meet are Dr. section Utah. They Hendqrson, Thursday afternoon at Holy pavid i Frank Boyer, There will be talk, and mueicat eft .Sundav for New York from Cleg. . president. Mjmi Mary Mra Delcw Boyer. 1229 east Fifth ing as president win be succeeded till read "The Bey and the Angel." Cross hospItaL The Red Cross sew. numbers given during the evening vhere they sailed Thuraday on the Strange vice Ml- CMy tm- - South street, left during the week by Loots A. Thody. Tbe entertalo- - ."Heretics Tragedy," "Mesmerism." ing unit will meet Friday afternoon preden! and Mra Dav d A hey will review Empress , Be. tain for a cruise me.ne Xebeker. secretary. Merrill to attend medical college at Lonls-jmewill be la charge of C-- L "Th Glove," "Waring." and "The! in the sewing-room- s W phase u aulrh 73SS ml tho HoiF ' the Democratic bulletin. around the world. Davis, treasurer.' j Fitzgerald. Twins;' Cross hoepitai. villa, Ky. see P-- General Whitworth To Address DAR. t Meeting Thursday see see Lion House Center Winter jT Activities Ari Outlined a-- U. of Us Mothers Qub Meeting - Quarter Schedule At Center THI Be on Wednesday 19-2- 9 .. a-- P-- U.ofU. Womens WOMENS CLUBS oon-nect- Frl-clu- Qub Will Meet at ,t jt -- School Saturday ill 90 Dramatic Soprano Will Sing For Qub see aon-ln-l- st ' "a Regular Democratic Meeting Scheduled a 00 ' 00" j, u Fraternity Rush Her-mo- m rs reason ' - A J9- ar or -- trt . a-- Jut flip Postpone Meetmg , enter-follo- -- ic Mer-'Ea- et i - ct -- P-- cs co-v- 1 tn Oit co-e- m i iwsljrf i. )(i , Kiwanis Members Will Have Dinner 1 School Beauty Culture - ; M Dance on Thursday U. al v- '.... nt - T |