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Show I j, CHURCH SECTION V OWN MEETINGS FAVORED FOR, PRIESTHOOD! presiding Bishopric Rec- ormnends Separate I Sessions , f - T 1IAT Die AUroniOi Priesthood quorums can function as a whole linger the direction of the bishopric of the wards, when the quorum meetings are held separately from any other organisation, Is t lie conclusion of the Presiding Bishopric, fn an announcement made public today. is as fol- -j i The announcement lows: i i , , t t - ward priesthood "weeklyi MEETING" . , proper recognition of,! ,and consnjeiation for pie Aaronio. "Priesthood in their training and activity, aud the conditions nec- - f essnry for such training and are of much importance, It is realii'ed, of course, that the L slake presidencies and ward bish- - ), opnes are allowed to determine the time for holding the weekly ward priesthood meeting which will he most profitable, whether as separate meetings or in con- junction with Auxiliaries. our conclusion le ' that the best results will follow ' the holding of the ward Priesthood meetings each week as such separately from any other organ-- 1 (ration. With separate meetings the Priesthood can function as a whole under the direction of the Any matters of gen-er- al bishopric concern such as ward teachings and other tabors can be con- sidered regularly and the various priesthood quorums can then proceed to! carry out quorum or (lass work including the activity ami lesson work; whereas when hopd meet in confuno-anoth- er organisation d tendency is to make mug fit the conditions and s stem of that organir item,. nsemubiy to make tha Priesthood training suhsnlniv "In order to produce the "heat results m .general attendance, training and activity of the priesthood wee suggest to the stjjike proMdendeg and the Ward bishoprics! that they dctmmine ( lie most (suitable time and conditions for the weekly ward Priesthood meetings and arrange ip loud these meetings at that J ,"Xhe . ac-tiv- ity. j l, a Above art' views of tlw of the flrticnloglral Society 3t0iiiIts V. Snittli new liixulqiiHiterL Of Itnb, In Memorial building. . of the new large reading room In left Is the new ttk roon library. All- the MOO About. mill me library, tioiislng (In- 16 Ucnnrtt snTcUr) lei Ar ltltmld time" vtpw settled In. (conipatatDely commodious am new 1 h ilie headquat teis in the nil Mcinoi building thiutli ticne (logo al Socle .y officials aie NOW Jo-cp- fmmal openlaying plansIi lor the genet al public ing to wlm Will he invited: t i The pi oeess o'" moving Lliel re- i,ilge libiacy, atchive and G t ton i eh dcimitineir s of the Horn So.iely of I lain - in the 1(4 .fottniT Jieadq larleti inu i h otfhe bui. ding, lias ben under way for scvm.il wicks. Tlic new lie iihpiatt''! i,of whim tin, ! merlvsn '!tt were-fo- i g College, lu .e liccli Mins aitd in many plrtelv imiosicd to liouse (the caes remodeled, I hurih oigani- rapid! t glowing faiiou I'mir DcuiI,ti its society now lias four ra which pnl,v growing depa Itnenls, cap he developed te a greater deki ce of eft li ten y nttd public m I he . iorg spacious serine J bests t each qnai tet s assigned gen-re- si the four departments ai, cb lilu-a- i y, .... ealotfieal deji.it ttiietd, tint an Divy ami tlye f index Inu cau. The iiiitary, elui ned by many to othets been mdors who have llie grCul-- st in Itlie country, (o haveselm-lmor and most valuable books of any such genealogical now library In the Unilfd Mates, roomk in oc'tip(cs two spacious i building, lint one, room ll. . bis desk In Uve new building mitiL ' och'i k i'hls time e.lu for Itlioje not aid'! ho tin ,nisi of employ ment jtn do re1 8cars.li dining the day tunc la iCqncsted that tlioso doing re seats h in tie day time lelrau fioin Using tie reading too a loading rcom. capable , mg moro th in 300, or mi thrive times the capacity for (per reading room of ciety . The other sm lion is the libriuy room wheie on moddtu steel shell e ace lot .Red the li,- 00(l v ojumes gl owing tlbifmy, i'll s Ithraly li.ii ohe"Jo thefposl cot Iiplclo foretell mlter- Tunis of gmlc aids!, al boo in qx- tsHptre A fnjtui ( of Ittie IdrTai is being i.i dly devMopi d iqdix (leji.it m mi t Wlici dltXcif Nisib librat v, hut ai night l u , h IS li tllO hook family In to the welcome Use of tin books hsctved cny (ot; aiu jmle tpeinhms of (li -- oi let v Yddll loliaj attend Hits line luiiUl! pfdV tiled ... gifm more, .Tcqufcte help ami guide tun to tbi. mung this ho ks of thb lilir.it y now featuie pf this' lOjuolher deilllt tmeillt tsTlie infill mat on and elieckmr stand, Patrons witlj no he peniiitfod tn Ui bbrii y withliuief esl'i or bag1:t . i'liixj is aintje m fptce in ail inoneinrgei illufaries bfjhe east and t.ow .'a ogiea! addided lb: ! libfiry Ojicn One Kvenii n rp tesponk to a long demand, nfl trials annotinco that is bald. after tlie formal opcinturoom will! th',ll",a'V and reading be open each Wednesday evening bmeau farililies to idi the vvmk foi those unable to iy It on firf ttilinsbtviH diqiii.lt nielli now Ills 1111 IHI0 turn and CniesuWiPg tooln si car. atetfiom tlie (lepiuiment occupied hv tlie teseurbers, The ariluve, Hib uiW st Unit fastest growing (iiipiu (iiunit o(ih') so, u tv is i feature not .found in oilier gune.iogie,il liln.tiies . Yrclilve rowiiii lleie tlie amity gioup sheet mid fiinulv iicdlficcs pi, iced uni tile .it tin fntii ai v a' iy indexed A'ld loom ami, rccoulei; pun dr for the copying till sheets. of Itifoi mat r in (join li b'tbi i h V ijie rescan more ami t Kent ure reaches the I lift III v mu pftiigieo roiljt itfied tlou't i ed . 'iliirs' deputi utit fm met lv oi ruined tint a (.mull cot luir in i,lie blit nhw jis ohi tiendqu'i tci to tl if' fepm.ile rooms. to the making It Jilotfl .(Vdlual soi'letv nitmicrs,i .... ,. .. Another (eaiufr of , imililing is tan el.iss i ooiii wlluti fi st a seating c ifpiu ily of about 2r.it jiersons, iitid the latge mm 'on tiro lop floor of the, building, wlrro the society ex-- ? pacts to hold special prog tarns cd -- au-ilit- iU and pngcaqts depleting and research activities. temple - PltE.sllMNt; ItltlSIiOPRIC ASKS I , MltKIts KNOW MKSSMtR Cl.Ni'E slime difficulty lias been experienced jn getting over to the Aatotnc Ptiesthobd supjcr visor- - of tlie Deacons' qtiohima the mes-ag- e issued in the leson 0.- tline for 1934. the- - Presiding 1- .sbopnr lierewitii reproduce in putt tip instructions, and deHint sires they lie carefully read and studied, that tlie program be may fully understood 'I lieso instructions are in bar- mom, wt(i tlie new thought of liaviug the Pnesthood hyr itself, as annoufieed today by tlie siding Biylioprh ISSt UI TTIONS FOR Si PKP' ISORS Iq tirdeg Hint the lessons11 provided for tlijt licaeons may pros 6 (Pk'Uidf Turn to Pago Thro) t , J Churrltj Radio Start Iostiond One Week the Sunday eveResimqUnm ning Church radio hour, scheduled for Junuiiry 7, at 10 p m . hog been postponed for one week, it is aiujnunced by the (.liurch music eivnmitlcc. Tlie progtam was to curry ba wilti tin song dramaiiations. but dun to Hp holiday season Hie next song, Coma, Caune Ye Saints," could put b made sooner. The series is under the direction of Eldr George' D. Pvicri Tho program wilt- - tie heard Sunday. January 14, at 10 pm and each Sunday feitewiug. over Ktvf,. frf ptep-uration- -oh 4 I' |