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Show ; masons -- SALT LAKE DESERET NEWS TTTE CITY m, 1934 hia foot caqght between two great ure of diamonds as big as your boat rocks Is engulfed by flood waters, head. They barely make the when tlie Island Isit is -to be presumed the Kong line with thehr-loWith Robert Airatnogi Hdrn has forever been exterminated destroyed by some cs taclysroic'diax meaaTd before from the earth and a good thing, tuxbance-anMack and others too. There's really no place for the ounir Kong is swallowed up ACS OF ACES" such as Kong on this more or less by the ruBhing waters. peaceful planet. Son of Kong" TantrUc in the extreas and With Richard Dix, Elisabeth Allen, which opened at the Orphenm the- with hardly enough of a plot to Ralph Bellamy and othru ater last night la a sort of sequel hold it together, the picture is to "Kong." which waa produced nothing to get stirred up over. The j With the dosing seen la which some e time tbs son of Kong, giant ape man. ruin and ago. and portrayed the manipulations of the destruction wrought by thfl trick photography a giant apa man who was captured used to produce the effects, howon a tropical Island and broke his ever, are noteworthy It's a sure DISTRICT HEAD , fetters In New York, tumbling sky fire hit for juveniles and adult INSTALLS CLUBMEN sc.apera, ripping up railroads and with juvenile tastes. otherwise running berserk. n Theme District GovOGDEN. Jan. of Return To Jbland of Aces is another Aces ernor J. Boyd of K1 wants Interwith (hose picture national paid an official visit to the In tho present picture Robert lantern-jawe- fljing'war d Richard Dx as the capturer of the origOgden Kiwams club Thursday night Armstrong, mg artist who goes to Kong, and an old sea captain peace-land acted as 'installing officer for inal and becomes the Under war jttsi leave New York with its damage for the nesly elected officers. - Robert suits and grand jury indictments, Allies' greatest- mrtnatt Kxcept no3L Hoggan. retiring president, preand sail for Kong's island to pick the constant whir of airplane machine sided. and A. M. Merrill was toast- up of tor the and cratklmg a treasure believed to hehidden master. . nick uns ,he w0rk 18 exceedingly gull there In a -PWiveewf Kiwanixnx. and -- others up the eciairy hhen Dix-a- a war hhr ft- -' glri. Helen. MackandVml- Va wnwelol Mtoota . ngfloAsw lw Elizabeth Allen, nurse, ialnouxDuteh n-- ,1c, Ti,.o..Jance stalled were Pres. Nebeker;Tbe the as mutlny ship Jay Stone, vice president; Leo Loll, nears the mystical island, inhabit- There are some fair! exciting air combat snots, and planes aie treasurer; Irving G. Sampson, sec- ed by ferocious tlozn. oracled npby- t retary; and seven directors, Horace of some p era. . although the play's-fau- it, Ensign. A, M. Merrill. O. C. Robcome Richard Dtx taros from a peace- - ison. tR. D. Rockwell, F. W. Smith. Dix Allen and Bellamy (he a upon Kong junior They and stock some in and and Elwood WTR. quicksand, Williams by YVhjte tovtag artfc to an ace ariator and helping him out, and bandaging bad enough lime trying to .do any- his finger (about as big as your ;tinng wfiu a first cias script. Too National And of Aces, the Inspector Nitt TUg undying affection. same thing goes for this picture irraj ' , several stirring battles with the kiddies mil lute it. An animatTo Induct Woodmen After fflot sow plnytaf at the Orphenm. dragons. Nfyhosaum and similar ed cartoon and news leel complcio creatures, TED CANNON 'they discover a 'treas- - the bill. InOGDEN, Jan. I National spector Charles F. Louderback who is representing National i'wx A. R- - Talbot, will be in attendance at fx Ml 1U k. M. .H a meeting of Ctalj Camp No. MM Fall Mion! Modern Woodmen of America, The Udm Off imr Luths Monday night. Jan. S. State ManAt This Big BiIwm ager J. W- - Babcoclr will also-hetiicUTiseUciL attendance. A largo class will be initiated. Tba main speaker of the evening will bo Mr Louderback who has also been selected by State Manager Babcock to deliver to the Ogden camp a gold urn. a special trophy awarded for writing over 0 new members during 1931. Newly elected officers were Installed Thursday night by District Manager J. R. Hinchcliff as follows: Past Consul. Ji. 1. Bolander; Consul, Lester A. Walker; advisor, H. C. Davison; Banker; James Escort S. C. Gralvet: Shipley: Watchman. Fred Fisher; Sentry, T, W. Norris; Trustee. John Ingebret-sen- ; Physicians. W. J. Wright and F, R. Conroy. Annual Communication To be Held in S. L. Jan. 16. 17 ORPHECM , ot ' papifer-mach- The program (or the sixt third the annual communlcat.on of a. M. of Utah, grand lodge, F. to ho held Tuesday, Jan, 16. and 17 at the -- Sab Wednesday!-Ja- n Lake Masonic templer was an nounced yesterday by Norman K ote, grand master. More than &u0 masfer Manons ana representatives of 26 lodges of the jurisdiction are expected to an a i) . Dual xe po rttc a d Ly woiu tmna bo dtscussed and officers for 1934 -e! erte d an d msta e d. Well-Wor- J. oi -- nd 1 -- 6L "SON OF KONQ- - BY STATE HEAD v- JANUARY jpRA CTIONS ON SAL T LAKE SCREENS MEETj DETAILS - SATURDAY 11 LL V- - beasts,-remnan- - ; grand treasurer. will mkml- t- ht annual report mod 8. H. Good in. grand secretary, will present hi, yearly statement. At 7:3u pm., the officers or Tintah lodge .Vo." 7, Park City, will exemplify ' the entered' appren tice degree. iVedbwday. report .and resolution, ill be discussed at the fore. noon sessions; and the election of officers held lif the late afternoon. The communication will be by the Inatallatlon and ban. quot. At the elections. 3. W. Stoner, present deputy grand master, b scheduled to become neo the grand master, and Or. D. D. Stock-masenior grand warden la expected to become the deputy grand master. present, tbs officers are a follows: Mr. Vote, grand master. Jr-- 5,oner- deputy grand master. Dr. Stockman, senior grand Raymond Earl Gery, junior grand warden; Mr. Conely. grand treasurer: Mrs. Goodwin. grant, secretary; the Her. Norman R. Smith, grand chaplain; Dr. Clifford Rudlne. grand orator; Rob-- rt B. Ritchie, grand lecturer; Phillip H. Hutchinson, grand marshal. Harold W. Brangham, grand pursuivant; Sidney D. Cook, grand standard bearer; Dr. E. D. Hammond. grand sword bearer; Dr - jo. 7. Tttua. aewlwr grTir deacohT' E. M. Qualtrongh. junior grand deacon; Jornjph H Nelson, senior grand steward; T. J. Nelson, Junior grand steward; Charles Shields grand tyler. 1 Miriam Hopkins finds It Impossible to choose .March and Gary Cooper for In Design For Mr tag" she Is la toward witty love comedy ts eojojtng p distinct soccesa this Hod cncc , (AiKJ At - war-de- n: s a mutiny and an earthquake wrhtch anars and mammoth deatroya tho Island are among the high spots la the stirring Imaginative drama. Son of Kong,' now playing at the Orphenm wHq Helen Mack, Robert Armetroog and supporting Stars, above, the leading rota ape-me- n, - Thera Die plenty of ten-- e momenta k the Vktnry thentef new drama, Burma of Mivtay Persona" and hrras one of them- - Detect! i e Pat O ltrira has Jet mtcorarrd one of the of hla ae.-- r h when ho Ihuh Bette Davis in a rio1. The second plrture I an rjinltut atory, "thrlrnt Eiftta, with and Ralph Morgan. Normaa Foster, Heather Wed-needa- y li MM b the c.rl and tomorrow love Tables were set and luncheon waa served to II persona Twenjv friends five relative and close were In attendance from ka't and Wdliam Robertson, only wn of lh pfitmrh, mas present from lke ls'ie frtl , la 1 Vew Deal DilUier 1 Postponed Weekj Program lo Honor Bountiful Elder TVOODS CROSS. Jan. 4 faremeb A taironj il dltioa "Sportlight" and a Charlie Chase, comedy, making, yp hb!g. double hill and extra feature - has r first aroused murh comment and feature, an exceptionally capable east. will particularly appeal Taman to old and young alike. mb-nar- y mill 03 Cartaa- - a'- Ieiww4-Jo- ' fijqwan a y t sto HaHHJa, T odd-fC- e dy. Cartoon Kmiti, Neva. CAPITOt-drvdllarcti Gr? Cooper ib4 Miriam AHo(kat ia for Linnf " coior, ra- tHwjfi r Vo- .- Loa Tbartoaa. VirTfRY -- Barm of V war Fr. Faoaa.r With at 6'BrNS prtta Dtra, Lcvta Stoae T.5r. 1 - Kr-rai- l; also Orti Expre tt bormaa Foster. Heather ar.pl TOffXR-aNl- atk Sooth oo4- Kaatl Cecil B. PrMt.lea ThB pay aim "Another Ln- and Are. . ftobrrt HnirTrrary. - Hcira Har.ea aad Uum .,tHsar Hai I Jr'PuMau. ol (! Beitt mm-i-ii- ffl - th ydnv 1 J PEBOHS xivn lonlcbt at S o leck in the e.ht - ptnnlifiii .. nart .rhaful 4n br orat!on.to cor; curity of Hal 8. E!dredc. son of 4 m alt Lake nxt wtakthe d In- - "nr Mrs. 4 Horton E'1rMleeh' soon for tho North of thy ner planned for a Deputy AW'Mr minion. of the Xew InaT by ClahUrn WebcrJX rL buKlncrWjlecal and educations'll j ... leaders, ortg nully sclie iulJT for rX OgI'EN. Jm Tuesday, Jan. B, hasben poet- - The Tower feature a b.ir double TVr-tn J polled unriT Tuesday, Jhn. 16. tliL tJJ today atarr fg hN lmvand Hie .worklt.if puty re Cecil B. lMilles mastercounty WsbtJ of V'sr'tn r ty xtensior dMefon of dhe Umver br announce . cast Arcrc of fiitndom mrrth aid 14 dpuiu miil btin in addition Helen Han frtd no ih and IfARIxO mas of The R water work in t dn ritv on Mond y. ftKr (Safarhohr) Lnherslty i'rabbe la Tarwn the ba I Kibcrt In 'Aaotber that denrk Montgomery Jan. 8. it is annan ej tr,,l cuni w tk TfarnbT r Hue aim i. Cache Language The Liter film is rated Asm or Burden Fm'tii. prei lent David dnaton U oa Taeadl, Manners, moull F Liberty as a thre star p.cture 'rtr bv Bankirg Traci. Knot eoipan'. iigur.s of nd and in prm-ntstar team aittc to attend the dinner, at jnes the famous kill i'h eenta of oportun. xo show their ver- Krt ! br,' From 2 Vo tlir. pm, MARIA) -- efr tng the SV4 sasititits Tor the younger If advanre pavmnt frarurf-fMdn- - ltires today ah,Iton ?.rrdwvar- b'3-tyir'v laSLUTji every Saturday and nora Husband and Buster Crabbe Tgrr smilh uf wui mg .unr , f.4 f, n. T 'und In "Tarxaa the t.antata Fearless ad- In and isk-i alioiit five p. r tent reil.t mt ed, Mr. initli The tVchrr"4 1 ,"i it I f t' Th HcvJecmor of countv trevsures o'fite w il4h ns , . or ' or l'ro-so- r Ccorebeen closed fora week mow open a: the Sovn-ohato transact regular i nd (.! I rn ' Jan. 14 a: iv'ar'l take care-- of the d nn'i 'eift ni 'e, n N p wcat-offcc- ts f't t s 19Jg-abi- Li THE Stgrrm- ORPHEril "Son ef Kje' "Ac t Aca with Richard D's. 6TADIL'M-fItf S'ftf S'rif-- w tb Bre Cabot and Mry bna also Tod Flo RUo and Sit 4bL. ! FA R A HOCJfT Ray Froncti Tb Hem ea Mill Itffrt ' with -- starting ItnhjfWrcd. Foliowinff litt-bea gift mss pnwRtM to ih parUrcb by Mark Ibo of win! BalVy bboprie. The Due to the u ability of Mir- pirty rlo,d bv the rAiixregmtlon Inor 8. Ei ties, pra4tit of th wncmc Ail'd Sne -- - ... p.r-lu- r!:,(,r.bjr in the croon rMoriow ami the prt'tc the Jovoom metllry of songs, ro nirt to 'the Paramount tlieater, . pason. r V&Zi. Here you sre m girt-- w hex nfl Totlomcnl Iiftn Tn fame. Dmvlcm orchestra. e - t- Old taahioned -- dances were en- joied. tho music furnished by a four-p'e- - J Bailey Taylor. K. A. MOTHERS TO MEET n-- (Salt Lake); song, .Mrs. Jack Dea; eong. Matt Patterson: talk. Coek Mr. Robertson Bishop (Sait Lake), song. A. Simons Lake); song. Eugene Singleton; talk. V, Hawa; tong. Mark Bailey V. - News. - reading, j Mrs. Smith; song. George Robertson; reading. anl rt Kappa Alpha Mothers lub'ywll hold their regular monthat the homo of Mrs. ly meeting t . E. H skidmore, ISi Seventh avenue. Monday at I p m. fMrs. Lyman Novel will give know. Lyric poetry achieves greater ex- -, readmg and refreshments cellence than prom or other types This butterfly of beauty wrought wil he served. Her-ene-, will he of verse In the Interpretation of thej As perishing as flake of snow, Mrs. Skidmore and Mrs. Charles' elusive experience. This lyric forj Welch. 'example, ta built around a themej Yet In what marvelous deer light WtTi-too delieate and subtle to he pmp-- l MEETING SET it turns the early morning sun; erly presented except through thei Who cares that to the coming night BRIGHAM A CITT. Jan . medium, ot poettc imagery - and - wlii hJ duirb .meeting to ttrge speedy action on rythmic cadence. water in the high ,isulierIptlonsto i"K.Vf !d.lmo canal will be held-a- t ON A DAYDREAM Perry.! , Its swift gyrations stir the air: ( Wednesday at .30 p.m. Speakers From one email chr;, salts There ia no room, with this, to ho'd!an legal advison from Ogden wl" A thought Of sorrow or de;utr. thought prwH.nt Has sprung thia wondir that 1 STANLEY ALTON MARTIN. Contributions should be sent to Poetry Editor, Deseret B Elmalne; quartet, V. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Lea Haley, Mrs A. Van Steeter; . ' BY PERCY HORNE Prayer. Mta 1. The fact that JthJUbUc. la the atiflc coast region ia placing thousands of advance orders for' automobiles la evidence .to Paul M. Scene. Salt Lake mono manager of the d.evroirt Motor company that business conditions there are showing marked Improvement. Mr. Seme . returned yesterday Trom a meeting of the motor comzone pany manager, in the coast yegton. held In Oakland Wrdneadny and Thursday under the direction of W. M. Packer of Oakland.- - regional monaaer. where Ifie statement of trad upturn w obtained. Pa-rl- ic CONTEMPORARY VERSE Ltd surprise party Was given evening In the MagnA ward honor of Patriarch chapel In George Robertson on hla ninetieth birthday. Ths following program was givens" - sms S. L. Aug Manager nb-lec-ta A HD";: i -- Magna Honors Aged Patriarch lly 1 atf-ied J X - - i:.n 1,1 bu-.i- 11 list. Countv Tiei-- i. Tnijl liritatiasSttfca: ' l tires b dJuign. cOirtrXa; ; 2 j.ec tocTTb&.jlnaGUDL in the future. , . JUNIOR CH MBEK '3 '3 1' ' Francis l.und.-JIrn.- Cliff Hopkins l asJ Ilia l mil h J. Burn, It, 'peeeu-.:ir- . High! Flyers Hkanehv Allfi Franca Nlchow a id Armj strong as mem liers. Election of six dir. Uo-- i wiiLb, held on tho third Monday j In February from a list a 11 na.. s to be submitted by the eoniMii't, on Jan IS. Three mtllibc elecUj'Tor tvo.A ldlp JOf year terms end three for one year A A IA 'aril terms. i - -- ' MARY BRIAN, BRUCE -- SHADOWS CABOT in OF SING SING Masical Short- - Cartoon "News Jan 6 Karl rtilnnr is ch.tirmailof the nomiitri committee of th Junior divis.otj of the OODEX Chamhtrcf Cc BIG FEATURES J PLANS ELECTION Ogden BIGGEST SHOW VALUE IN TOWN! mrd thp J T , a r. PEGGY SHANNON, A Spectacle DELUGE -- L 4 LOIS WILSON in m. IT. Aesop (arstlrt 4c 4404444 STAIIIIIIi Cartoon 's Fables a CEmEIKV Becsleya Orchestra Jetty -are op gain . day! Universal Sound News v Teacher of Piasa TONIGHT I. A DIE TED FIO RITA MUSICAL CliESTERIIILL GRANADA MRK1VG Sew Hm rEK Xrth m laiant Amtm fkriu a Soloi-s- with t, U. Accompanist of U. Mens Glee Club i |