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Show k NEWS SALT LAKE CITY THE DESERET - i JANUARY 6 1934 SATURDAY I News Of Interest From Over The State wrl4,projt, ft mnrant cmtr P1 piid I UlLVvlolIkAl Jlks sii vonrrrn r rng . j.jT'i Beaver Snowfall Exceeds Last Year i V l?n TFVeJ? w rerty n.d wk, JiHuy t. lilt, each ef e an ben MM ef th. jiww Utk both laduatve. laid kKda . aad maturlUes. in i J followiag form, tawit; UNITED STATES OF AMEElCA. STATE OF UTAH. SALT LIRE COUNTY. SALT LAKE CITY REFUNDING BOND ag&ILS OF JANUARY Ik 1984. Uao All citrua frjlta bar, containIURH. ing citrus arm Is and Sab Jos. Kale, Na Salt Lake City, ts fait Laka cousty. will be Mixed and destroyed, it' State 0t Utah, kereby aekaewtedgee reannounced by LsRoy Mar an, Weber vaiue to be iadebtod ad for inspector His ceived keveby pmaiDso . to pay te tba county agricultural announcement followed receipt ot a bearer hereof the sum ef communication from Earl Hutchins ON B THOUSAND DOLLARS (tUMiN). ef the Uaited Ststoa agricultural Inspector of the Utah la lawful mosey ea tks ftfteoatk day ef Jaa-uar- y, iState board of agriculture. Salt lake of Aaencs A. D 19 af Tba Kattoaal in which It Is rfcveaied that lots of-of City Bank Of New York, la New left such infected lemons have been at tba rata tkereoa latarest wits City, fered for sale on the Salt ai. of fear par rest (4 per aaat) per market by a truck sine. from data util payable to like atoaejr ea tbe days of January and July te aaeb year, couimeaclag July Ik IMi said toreat te matanty beiag repraseatod bg iatereet eoepoaa karete attacked. This bond ta leveed for tha perpeee af , refuadlag legal aad valid eatstaadtas REGFOB beaded ladebtedaeaa at said city aad to XOYICK OF ApriJCATIO ISTRATION or TKADR MARK ud ef a aeries af bonds ef Uke data AFFILIATED ENTERPRISES. INC- -a aad smouat aad kaowa as Sait Lake Colo, corporation dealres to use and City Reloadlas Boada, Series ef JanuitflMer the name BANK .NIGHT" to ary 14, 1934," ieeued under aad pur- conducting suant to the provieloas of the Ceaetft be ased In connection with prise drawings name to be- need on ad- tuiioa aud Laws. ef tha State af Utah. WALKER AND MR. MRS. ticket etc The Board or Commlaaleaera of SaR vertisements, ttlnia, books Lake CUy eball aaauaUy tovy suffi(ginned) R. H. GALBREATH. OGDEN Married years ago Denver. cient tax te pay the Iatereet ea this Jan. t. Mr. Frank J.A Walker and bond as it falls due aad alas te eoaeo- his wife Lou's Kiti Walker were)' tuts a sinking fund far the payment ef honored by their children at a goldNOTICE or A Jf NT Ala RTOCR- the principal thereof as tbe same falls.-dae- . MEETING HOLDERS en wedding reception in the. Ogden The regular annsal meeting ef the It Is hereby certified, recited aad da. Twentieth ward Monday, Jan. L NalixmmL ofBank mem oekbeldere wr A "dtim wavserved that nfl cendtttoa acts tb dared hers of the immediate family and of Salt Lake City, will be held at City, ihlnga eeeeatlal te the vaJIdlty of tbto bond exist, have happened aad 12 guests including the brothers of office of the bank. In gait Lake have U at 193. I, Tuesday. Jaooary hc& 4dm aad that every requirement . the grandparsnte and their W'ves. itah. ot electing direct- -' of law affecting the Issue hereof haa A program presented by members a.m . for the purpose Transaction forThn and bank ore said of been compiled with, aad that tbto of the family and others was given of such other business as may be brought bond duly Is with a every debt and other during the dinner and immediately limit prescribed by the raasUtuuoa end'' after. The later part of the evening before the meeting. A. CULVERWELL, H. Laws of aald State, aad that tbe full . was spent In dancing. Cathie faith and credit of aald Salt Lake Mr. Walker was brought to the are hereby irrevocably pledged te City tbe -United States from England a a NOTICE TO WATER CSER1 punctual payment of the principal and his two tiny .brothers, ftotoveat ef thin bead, according to ite baby with Office, term by their mother, a newly converted State Eng fleer'sUtah. December 24. 1931. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. Salt Lake , member of the Church, the father gait Lake City. given that Salt lake Tty has caused this bond te be signed f nding It necessary to remain in; Notice is herebymunicipal corporation. Re Mayer and Its City Treasurer aad-,t- s Btak, The acme by later. until jCki. year, corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, r. ! attested by its CUy Revracr, sad the soon after arming in America annexed coupons to bear the facsimile m an company, of 1865. the channel la Salt Lake CoBtf,(,UUre ,f the City Treasurer as of mother carrying the beby in her drrgreuad Utah baid water will be drawn from tbe fifteenth day of January A. D. 1384. moat of the way. The family .diUtionat well. wel aim, m4 tmn settled tn Farmington, where Mr. vet to be driven within the fotlowtmr Walker was trained by his father in dvwciiped boundary: Beg t point W tha ahoa making trade. It waa here 275.98 ft. and 8 83 ft from the SW r Ctty Treasurer. met we-ir- Y b a ATTEST: it: at Mrs Walker x birthplace he.marty8. Yr 297 ft., W. 899 ft.. 8 132 M. these as a young girL They were rfr 3T9 fdeai) ried Jan. 5. lfefte In the 1 D. & ft.? W. CM ft-- ,ft-- .S. Ki.Si ft., W. were a, N. tti.ii 8. n:9 ft. te the Te each of aald brads abaJI House. Endowment They -- All Of Jid water tacbed a coupon lor each -- installment ef and ptMit k among at a point 8. 51 ft. of InterrsC. coatemplated by aald boad. v alley, wil, be collected elopers of the Bear River ft. from tbe XW er. of which coupons shall bo numbered con where Mr. Walker was prominently ad E. 1218 18 and coortred a distoace recutivuiy. aid Sc. beyiamaf with Na. 1. wirk mercanknown in tha lumber and and axed the several dato of payment usd lumLakelty tile business throughout tha val- cfrumtl,26 ft teletSalt December Slxt Inel ber of bond and shall bear the faesim to Janaary merley. having operated the first of each fMt fotAoatiUB aad municipal lie signature of tha. GAy Trnaanrar tfa cantile storr there. t coupons and each of them, except ae l. ehtldren porrowR It was there their 11 now Thte appHratles in deignated Is the dates of payment, shall ho in subota livIS of whom are were torn. No File aa Oftfee tully tbe following form, it Kngineer'a Sae ing. U4?C. 20.4 - Both Mr.-a- nd have-beeA?T pretrata agalnat Javuary Oa the fifteenth day af July. 19 ... and are still active workers in aid applicatios. atatlng the reasons dopU-tatto all activities of the Church. beref'r must be- bf affidavit mt 81 9 alt Lake City, Salt Lake Coaaty. tate with a fee te bearer hereof The family moved to Salt Lake trcomptBied ' tn Thl''efnce within thirty atHlTbe National City the Bank of New years latyrwbrre MrWelkei 4 tbe Tork. in New York City, tbe sum ef the eornpletlon tame welt known with the real 3 day after 9 notice Doiiaru (599 99) hi twenty aad estate firm of Taylor Brother They pubiteatiea ef thisJE.JL lawful money of the United State of BIMTHERTS. now are liv mg in Ogden, where sevsix America, State months' Interest being Engineer have settled eral of the r children of first publication, December then due on its Refunding Road. Bcrira They have 49 grandchildren and 11 39.Date of January 15. 1934. 1933 who with a Date ef eompletlou of publication. (Faestmlla slgaatnru) few exceptions .were in attendance. Janaary I?. !93L --C(y- Trees Brad1 Nor. ..... AM ORDIMAMB There eball be endorsed oa sack an ORDINANCE --9R01 fDfNG for said brads the following s (City Auditor's Certificate) he issuance and sale of Two Maadred 1 hereby certify that this bond In Refund fhoasand Dollars tS244.Bu9.404 halt ,.ag DonUs of Salt Lake City, Utah, to-te- e within the lawful debt limit ef Lake City." Belt Lake County. Flat of of January 14, 1934. OGDEN, Jan. A The twelfth an WHEREAS, at a refular meeting ef Utah, aad Is tanned according to law. ora famous Salt of of of the Commuiontra the Board nu.il A to holders of class performance ileges granted City Auditor, Salt -- Lake Ctty. Utah ity. Utah, held oa the 30th day by the OgflcJ or Claes B retail licenses. 4fcrle The-Mess- iah All tbe covenants, Board of Commisstatements, repre Class "B wholesale itcense. IT5 a nbrroacleehoir and aoloUts Friday ot Jaaoar. 1333. said One of for iesaaace the sioners provided id bonds aad coupons aad all recital year, for gale of both bottled and rgnt attracted a capacity audience lliliioa Twe Dollars Thousand Hundred was declared and botMej ,;i the tabernacle, and aad representation ef tht ordinance keg beer to retailers 00) bait Lake Ctty Tax leaa thn-ee-lo- te and ;, the many music lover and crit-ke- g beer 1 BondSi Series ot January 18. are hereby considered aad understood It is hereby ordained and declared beer of not less than four gal in attendance to have been an 1333, bearing interest at the rate ot end said covenant aad promises there3 29 lon to consumer three and 20104 per coot- per that in an .rtrdin, mu, leal .ea nt ot Die annum, tho covenants and premises ed on the payable13th day ef July. 1933, and the 18th said Halt Lake CUy and that the repwon The choir of 154 rolcri and statements thereto are day of January. 1934, numbered and ia resentation the r4 presentations snd statements ef for their preaentntlon of the denominations aa follow: COURT DOINGS inoble chornae ea aleo did the eotn-- ,- Bonds cumbers one (1) to fifteen (III. said city aad tt Is further stated toaad a Intern retn- both Inclusive, being ia the denomina- represented that Balt Lake- City lie forThetheir plennlntr corporation of the first close were Aleunder tion of Fifty Thousand Dollars (34.-06- 9 municipal silateenerlminai ! PRICE, Jan. wader tho Censtttattae aad Lawn ef the numbers sixteen biate caaea are Included In the calendar 'Kiclhuirh ,no'ata 90) each ;braS New Tork, harftone: of Utah. J3, both Inclusive, (or the flrrt term of th. dlatrtet and Clarence lrftel. tenorr Ml IJI- - 14) to thirty-thre- e of Twenty-fiv- e 8BCTION 2. The Interest falling due court in Cerbon eonntr, which open. tati Raatman. aoprano, and Edith being la the denomination 25 999 99) each' on said bond an July 15, 1934. shall be Thousand Dollar . Alan Pilfrtyoiin. contralto, ell of Monday. Jan. It. at I aid bends bracing date of January 19. paid out ef the general fund ef said tinted on the docket are 14 elvtt ae 4lrl ' City, aad for the par pose of being da and payable Jan- bu on 1933. and 1934. Mr. Klaslborgh was riven ton. (our law and motion mattrrr ruing sold general fund for said pay afed dexigaated a "Sail uary and one probate cnae. nvatton for hi meet of interest and to meet tho prtn resnt11on oYthr Lake 44, Bond 5er. Tax CUy Anticipation A mono the criminal eoaee ore four dramatic ao!o TThy do the Nation lea of January 18, 1933 M said bonds be- cipal felling due on saM bonds oa Jen IS, 1935 and to pay the interest fail Inrolelnc three lender o( the Na- Rage?" The singing waa conducted ing leased for the purpo of meeting ttary due on aald bonds on January 15, G Hinehellff current expeasaa ef said CUy for the lag tional M Inert" union necuned of riot by Director 1921 and July II. 1935. them shall ha " and criminal yndicallam In connee-!o- n imuel F Whitaker was st the or- year 1913. aad levied la tbe year 1934 ea all taxable a orcbea-trsaid WHEREAS, reflation pesaed by console and symphony with the eoal mine etrlhe gan oa the property wtthia said CUy. to addition also accompanied th singers the Hoard ef Coirmiiiioaera hr that omnlzatlon dnrln, tax other a direct tax uuffi-cie- nt aleo 1331, th of Jaeuarv, provided day wa for Beaver oco-- t. VJaa trumpeter The lea drrw, Charle, Ooynn. Fay to produce 'tha sum ar ISIY49.8C Dollar sale1 gfTne HUion And "the Trumpet 8hal1 forthe TTInrlcn TPelherbee end Panl Croura tTie aolo 04 for interest and 8(4, ($1 9(t 9.906 O) of said aulhofixed tue being $11,294 are charred In on comolalnf with HOOMd " On Mnite Two Hundred Thousand 449 04 for principal. And thereafter hi -Mr Kathrra Northrop, dramatic Daf liar rndlcallm. and are accneed la aep-art- e boa ta order to rale the necessary funds with (11.264 909 94), being text th theeratorio. read of reader, 1S), both which to pay the Iatereet promptly, ea numbers one (1) to fifteen romptnlnts ( riot f.eorce Turnon end Mike Tene-fakl- a inclusive, in the denomination ef Fifty the seme fells fta and also to const) Thousand Dollars (959.009 09) each, and Into a sinking fund for the redemption fare trial for obtalnlnr monec. BOARD APPROVES ers sixteen 1C) to twenty-'l- v of aald boada when due. there shea he by fat,, pretenaee. the comp-a'f- t levied ta each ef the years 193$ te Gw), both tnctustve, of th donnaa-fiatlalleclntr that they represented (nine CHANGES a direct annual tax eu all BUDGET Twenty-fiv- e of Thousand Dot claim to the Oreen Accident and taxable property to. said City. In addi 125 494 99) each, and iara Cnaranty company and obtained to ail ether taxes, nufflcSeat WHEREAS resolution ties by tp duly para t:noo tn.uranc. OGDEN. Jaa. f eu the produce sum as fellows: Four change by th Board- - nT Commlsuiottera Cherle. Atwood, uccoaed of et-ti- in the school Year 1933. was Internet 1955-3- 4. Total th provision for darolJqly. budget fire to barber ehop In April as recommended 44 Two made the the of $45,401 sale for remaining lUtIBJW.W R4H44 by Supt. Keith Hundred will a rain fee. trial for to Thousand Dollar (299 4)4 49) 1934 .. 40.099 44 4.99 44 44 404.0 44 464.94 42 4ee 9 5.444.49 the laet term of court, the Jury fatt- Wahlqulst, were approved by Wo brad of said laaue, being bond aum-he- ra 1987 x 4 X3 Aweatx-tita. 1UH ed 14L, to thlrtr.thrvu .free eed o mlntrlnl waa d. her county boardTheof cduraUoa, deeomlaa-tieBald whea the both ef lacluatv taxes, collected. (33), In change night Thousand Doltars applied solely for the purpose of payief Twenty-fir- e I. E. Petty to charted with m Thursday volved a 913,325.55 increase la the (I2S409 ng the interest sad principal of said 9) each, end heading rn t from tha Mavtyr budget WHKKEA9. said lane of One Million hands respectively and for no other pur ln company A minor change la tbe Taylor Tw Hundred Thousand Dollars (31.299.-19- 9 pone whatever until the tadebtedneaa n from to during period April t 94) Taa Anticipation Hoads waa sot so contracted under this ordtnaaev. pnn July Went Weber bus route was author m exeesu the estimated revenuae for etpal aad Interest, shall have been "fully ixed by th board. The change the year of Vane Tomlek ta elated f 1933 and all ef said bond trial satisfied aad discharged, but noth on n rbsrn of aaaanlt with a deas-l- p will send the bus along a road wars duty and lawfully taeoed and eeid raid, tng hereto contained shall bo so conaad valid He allegedly etabhed one-ha- lf weapon. strued as to prevent aald Ctty from mile south of the old aod are sow the lawful Balt of Lake City, apptvtng any other funds that may bo Meek Eveonke with obligations kntfe route, on o better road. This ar interest eu all of aatd bonds having been to tho treasury end available far the at Pweet mine. Oet. !i. poeket wlU also accommodate paid promptly when due. and nose of of said Interest- Pwpoe tn the payments Hyrnm Jeneen fare, a charge of rangement over been adjudicated or bonds have principal, as tbe naseo reupsettveiy rrand larceny: Ray Allred Is accueed aa additional number of school said Is bo lltlgatloa mature, and the be there Invalid aad to levy herein of (orrery and Pete ftutxsku ta children. tbe provided or threatened Involving for may to that charged with Imputing unrhaatlty. Attending The meeting wore pending 6riii!-bcirir- er any ef them extent be diminished,thereupon and the asms aid bond threr representatives of 8alt Lake validity being the legal, valid and hereinbefore provided for te meet the bond housed to request audience Mndtng obligation of said Bolt Lake Intereet oa raid bonds aad te discharge Ajreonrm and tho principal wheidoe. ace hereby ap5PRNG1 n.I.E. Jan. g. IColoh with the boardaad advtoe that CUy at thuThne said bonds propriated WHEREAS, for that parpeeo stake quarterly conference la being they are In a podtton to offer cash were Issued it was estimated that suffi- and aald tor each years held Saturday end (Sunday, Jan. 4. loans for whatever new school con cient twvenoee from the collection of hall also amount be to toetuded the paid-b- o available for thepay-neo- t and 7. tinder the direction of Preo atmctlan ta contn-np- l but the Board ef Com m bast oners of of said boada at maturity, J. Emmett Blrde-- Th opening See em4 due to diminished revenues from tax, Balt lake City In raeh yoar alon at the Second ward chapel Sat respectively. or will have lira Felt Lake CUy has 1134 SECTION 8. flhld beads aad sock of available on January 14. only the them shall be signed by the Mayor and rday evening wui be especially for Accident Victim 81.444.. nm of One Million' Dollar the priesthood while general sestho City Treasurer and attested by tho 494 to said with which bonds, retire 40) Recorder and tho eoopone attached sion win Jb held at 16 a.m. and 2 It to necessary sad for the best City Rites Set and to said boada eball be by tho p m. Sunday at the high school. The interest of aald City that Refunding faealmllo signature of thesigned City Treasur-u- r. Issued to be Bonds of said City provide The Mayor sad City Treasurer ore -Saturday evening program ia under ef the remaining hereby authorised and tba direction of the stake U.LJL to e.gn. HENEFER, Jan. A Funeral ser- funds for the paymeat Thousand Dollar (8204,-99- 4 and the City Recorderdirected to attest end vices will be held Sunday in the Two Hundred 94) of said bonds to affix the seal aald of each brads DENTIST MAMIES and local ward chapel for Albert E. M. 1 DRDAIH- - th 30flL.TaJEMEQBS-- B ctrrofrr ot commissioner of and qq. . r. vJrhnmpioytrurthe BE AVer, Jan. oM hf the bz1vGii TWrKowT CUy Recorder in so doing are and Cement Portland company, Sait Fake Ctty, Utah: rucvlved hero of th mrrlag of shell be the act aad deed of Balt Lake One Million Dr. oa of Mr. pioneer resident of this place, who SECTION 1. Thar aald it Mjrle Hutching available for the City SECTION 4. Bald bonds shall bo to. nd Mr Jzmeu Hutohinws former- died Friday morning in an Ogden Dollar (Sl.909.40t 94) shall be redemption of said bonds sud via place- of tho brads- to bo re Mist Jophlne hospital. ly of Beaver to ot-th- e nockJoBed-tw-Ahe-paywi- cta -due-io- -a followtag brake fended end mtth v ttto stmeltaneewsiyht77 daurhter of tbe Into Robert thereof. Wednesday night Ik hen the bonds. --pumhec- one 11) ef the denom- cancellation Ashby of St. Georro. Tbu ceremony suffered -- anhSECTION ordtswacenraw Mr. Ireraon wen performed At SCT Qtorgo during automobitv-w'ttic(lie.-06Thousand Dollars of ination resolutions sr parts of ordinances and Fifty the work. driving skidded and left the highway numbers four (4) te four resolutions la conflict with tho provi Dr. Hutching Is gmduate from about half way between Henefer and teen49). bonds of the dsnom-natio- sloni hereof, be aad tho seme sen heretil),of both Inclusive; a dent school aod will make bin Devil tUide. Thousand Dollars f4.-00- by repealed, aad after aald bento are ftttjbonds number homo in SL Georg report from the etxtera leaned, this ordinance shall According to where he will oaeb. snd re (23). both Inclusive, main IrrcpeaJalto until said brads end practice dentistry with his brother. Dee hospital, Mr. Iverson was driv-to H4) to twenty-thre- e Twenty-liv- e ft. Iverson, Dr. Albert Hutching. his vMonroe denomination son, of the he ing gf shall have JntrraaL hreu e chi work wt the cement'll hint when-thuni TuHy paid, eatlefled aad dischargedbeen Tfmuarafr altars 1225.000 00)-eaaa APPOINT PHYSICIAN , Mr, Iversons hondt pumbers twesty.six 20 to thlr herein provided. accident occurred. de the wax SECTION 4. The CHy Recorder (32), both Inclusive, of was neck He broken. given At the regular JUNCTION. Jen. Thousand hereby Instructed and directed. eild treatment at Devily gllde nomination of Twenty-fiv- e 4ocl. count voommlaion meeting -- Tfaurs-yr flret copy of Thla ordinance to be publiuhed retreatroent tl)cviliBlJe and TioTlaTs' thi and Iswne ef The Ties- -' PoctorALJakiiiaHr mriiittly g removed the to Tgten hOFpttut ill 900 0d0.6O)r ainl that for lira purpose tmretNew kppolnted-couAiy daily aewpaper of. gen. early Thursday morning. Hondred eral ctrenlatira to and printed paying nd "vdeemlng Two Bull wae Thousand No report of the accident Lake published tn Balt Lake City, Utah. nd Dollar ($209,994 99) made either to the Ogden city po- nty Tax AuUHpatlon Bond Sorias of SECTION T. That an emergency flo lice station or the Weber county; January 14. 1933. dated Janus ry 14. hereby declared aad la tho 4 opinion 14, the Board Monroe Iverson R. and office. due and sheriff's of Commtasfonern January I9tj, parbl bocaura mmtit 0 099 ovosr aisM was uninjured. (2),n of the necessity of raising funds wufe 134. being bonds, nnrebeiw, twodenom-ratiorift ( Men Out of Employment era el the which No meet matwring obttgarions ef Mr. Iverson was born TnNdrway three (J) and of Fifty Thousand Delians ($54-39- 4 said City. It Is nCf usury for tho pete, 1881. a son ot Iver and If yonr clothes look . ebsbby (on Jan t health end nafety of the Inhabits ate of 99) each, aad bonds numbers Christina-- Johnson Iverson. He came and can't afford a new suit, e (25) of Salt Lake city that tbto ardiaaaco tatoo (24) and twraty-flvwe will clean and preas yout to America in 1835, residing here ty.foov Thou Twenty-fiv- e donovnluatioa-o- f effect the Ifnmedtotefy c old coat and vest and match since.'' He worked a a section fore- vand Dollars (825 499 46) eaeh. bearing SECTION t NOW.1 THEREFORE, them with a new pair of pants man for the Cnloty Pacific Railroad interest at the rate of three and IT ORDAINED that aa onmrgraey RE TWO" DOLLARS aa low aa company 13 years and for the past 2 20) per cent per annum, payable te hereby declared and thin erdtaanco Also have a large --osleotlon ot 24 years had been employed as a on tbe 15th day of July. shall take effect and be ta force apoa uncalled-f- or aslta ret u reed u lfth-da-y Union 433 of January. 1434. the day at It passage, approval aod machinist repairman at-t-he Pick yout Irauod Refunding Rondo psh.!catloa. be agent. Through our. shall there Portland Cement companys plant choice a low aa Passed by the Board of Csmmhaton Lake City ta the amoont of Two of also Slide. gait at He Devils Drew well for a trifla Thousand Dollars (299 494 941, era of Salt Lake City. Ctah. aad approminent sheepman ta Summit Hundred trtfd January 15. 1934. bearing Interest proved this 4th day of Jaaaaty, AD 4 county. the- rate of fear per cent (4) per 1934. i Surviving are his widow. Mrs at oa July LOUIS MARCUS, . payable Emma Fawcett- - Iverson; his father vnnum. bofth 5th and January 15th In each year who resides In Norway; a daughter, ommeaefng thooo who To accommodate 11 1934. ia denoml- Attest: July ore land twe sons. Mr Kpbraltn John- tatieuu of One Thousand Dollar v cant call ot daytime,d wo Macdonald, Bator-d- v son. E. William and R. Monroe Iv- - 31 960.04) each, numbered fron one open Wednesday Pnl) City f f (1) to two hundred (399). both leeto-- Blit Nn. . flight. OGDKN, Jan. A halo, offered for Bale lka pii b Legal Notices' - t4 - sst a sr PRICE ADOPTS BEER RULING t ultima Inspector Warns Of Gtrus Satie Held Favorable d". r Ogden Family Fays Tribute to Parents . t The Equipment LEI1I, Jan commission waa entered Friday by burglars who came through a barred rear window , of ams departed with 151 worth materials, after having delibermUlyon made a seive of the gas tank one of the larger road trucks. Two high pressor grease goal, a k In f IaXi tV. Jam 6 With the Work IS electric extension cord and gasPROVO. Jan. 'Judgment were reported missing. lea oline than month started department ngo r.j'-xr- i uo there the same night the local re already 1400 men at work on During Judge n Mirtln i x wprt found ty against-Joha- Crty- -a ad couni y sectionhouse of the D. A R. G. W. tWA toha-'control1 peat LMrA.on mosquito Decision Frida)W . A i A. LUh county ppAvO Jan. officuU ito waa entered. Gasoline and a report of the railroad McClHo in according hansley tnd 1 , Ct ah Dr,th 1,. wmmli.e tba validity of the all h ihprobl em s of u ni for Agricultural experiment ata- - outer clothing left there overnight were t removed. Jol-tcXkhol ; imbtiiVin SCSLfif & a meting Friday night J the Lily j The project was authorized In De- with Bank oflayon, now closed After mch trol of liquidation an(j th The court ruled against the state andCountya bunding. wm experiment committee was bank eomlaonr, Provo banking of diussion or IvV in stat on placed in charge. UOW JjltlWtlOll and At the department ths n meet Monday it Is going forward in night J. made by tba depositor of bank Paul time, sto kholdett, present other n AntI0,r three at SarlnB within recommendations ta k its Commrrclal and Elder. Cache, Davis, Webgr, Salt lbjBo, 4 Oberhansle, CurtU son; Pi) Friday night Lake and Utah counties. , meeting heldroom. Spanish Fork and Bert Burras! It beaded by CounThe work includes tbs district court which iJoshcn. Judge Larson found that The committee digging the deposit Mr. W Dunford, Stanley Aft trenches to drain ty two Tba art under areas. DavU had ajiare purchased ihcr members being Mayor Stanley Through this workmosquito 75 a share .n a"reor-ganiaettis It Despite the fact to HEBER. Jan. or Intend .to taka action of hoped slofli at de T. Elsmore, city drain seern1 thousand acres Lehi. 5 per cent of lhe Ray TaylOT, a catch county has been remoney of that that and that whenever and not leas than t jiad been plan in a tru&fthyfuno j anoint), American Fork, Lyean n arshymoequito breeding weather durIn sprfng-lik- v velling posit liability deposit aim Ur status was faiindjn Mr PJeaaant Grove; Raymond ry, consequently reducing the an- ing the month of December 1111. per cent In number. of the have seArshall In Holbrook, bank closed noyanco nearby cities and towns. the snow conditions in the mounthfh paid b) OT of a them note fand the except Josephn, City countv and court ordered the note Cnold Jiu) lance. Sprmgxille; lected a committee to represent tains, st the watershed east of Vt. K bank the of Fork; off Spanish have affairs Jvelspn, c!as with sta- Hebe are very favorable, according lb relation to the advise canrclIe4 Payaon. tion officials In speeding thc werk.-Th- 4o a report made byForester Merhad been rnler Default the bank commissioner andshall Judgment as far as edragatnst tbs defendants prevloos- - hentiment favored a higher license benefits, tt is explained, are in rill Nielson, who made snow measith iUfli committee rnt Tor retallery "and places outride uf most carer of a na-ryy he guided by the direurements Jan. J at the head of the practicable in se!ec-tftat order cities i Itironwrated tore and witl be realized for rears Strawberry. Daniels canyon water Js the commitee tors of such V. .... .. M ivktk be i. Ja.thaucaso of the counsel, 4oiwii.iaaaiatanU 15 shedr kpt.n e aTso I) poli.-- patrolled centers. It project taken up. and examiners to be employ-- ) there were 11.5 He reports-tha- t with the d by him In -- connection inches of snow with a water content C'TiiT Pltcd out that wholesale licenses, such of affair of the m of 5.5 inches. These measurements liquidation j various clTiev of the count yn I thought SHEEP REPORTED Closed bank. were taken st 100 foot intervals for tha.rcNmm ndation on this polntwa The former committee of nine was PROVO, Jan. g. Tnspetng a disxanceof A400 feet. The avON WINTER committee. fh left with RANGE of addition of three battleship Pennsylvania. flagship ex-the by for the asms measurements enlarged erage - new mmebersf ! was a holiday Attorney Milan thqPacmcof"fleet, for the last four years are 24.5 BEAVER. Jan. John13vr IhiyV-ts to Page.-; perlence Straw. J. iA. Owens and J. D. inches of snow with a water content from some of the irar at Brigham Young univer men of . Tba other members of the commitinches. Tbs snow is well pack hf port Beaver county, all of sheep the Thursday from a tenherds toe are Alma Van Wagenen. Mark rwbo returned there Is no frost In the ed and are now on the winter trip to southern California with There ground, so there will he very little Anderson. Robert Moorfleld. C. T day ere several large herds' belonging his family in the spring thaws. runoff Keigluy. Harvey King. 8. 8. Jqdee. U which consistShepherd and Wheeler 'located He and i -snow of the year George Chaff io,Jtlph Hayward and ed of Mrs his party, their daughters Creek, about II miles la The first real Piv H&), N'EPHl Jan Judge LeRoyH A. V. Watkins. came Jan. I when apthe valley Beave Marl Huyea, and end at least twenty ri Leith, Emma, So--and disrer Fftk judtetal ih A report on the status of the hank Mr. by. herds located on the desert sec- proximately six inches of wet mow wer. Mcortod.Oo.r wttinq the tion ha,ls,aei ,ncourt at the present time, the expenses of over theBeth fa the northwestern part of fell which would ipaterlally Increase Commander J aa by follow,: made wrhlp holding (or end jdlt the the payments liquidation eounty. There ere also several the above measurements In Lavender, 'riend of Hesiwrarj Washington eounty Klrat term the by stockholders on their liability other herds at various other loca- - mountain The trip to tbeahlp, Marrn 2 mn'inn aw and day. was given by Mr. Potterf deputy ex- Have, . wa anchored :n Ban Pedro arbor.5 second li?T- - The winter ranges ar In sxla term, UMmh aminer In charge. The meeting was w mod. I. VrS. end tio prlvat, dUctr, turned Into a free for mil discussion lannch n, Jaw Oct. ; forth-teof the nffairs of the hank and many. Commander Lavender, now an Junction. President Mentions were asked from the floor aide of Admiral Sellers, who com 1 and motion dny. Aug 11. Don countv First term Jan. 15; be answered by Mr. Potter and mandt the Pacific fleet, was form15: secMarch motion and day, law Van Wagenes. chief of the patent division of Jff.More than Refuses, fy ond motion 2W attended the meet erly the naval offices In ...Waal' Aur A law JUNCTION, Jan. Jan. Adopting nf an 2 ?al wemneablete orowd 1r C where Dr lnrray& any many The new town raice.regulattng"thd ' leg term." sale-motion Into the room. the registrar's brother and a former iari? officers in the thres towns of this and fixing in Prica beer cent Y" faculty member, la bow work- - Oct 29 per met their respective tha license feet for various First" term. Jan county have countv classes Beaver nl Uk tAlr Sth of of-a- of retailers, dealers and wholesalers, log 29. law end motion dsy. March 21. H. Udntoah. was one William w J!r' motion Mav 14; eeeond term, tha of acta of first city the SET PAlEWEUi duly alavtad praaldaat of JunctioofJuiv 31 third term Aug. 2 th. after tha newly " alectad n-who raiuaed to.,nulify. Tba council " HEBBR Jan f A farewelt Jaw mnd 'fc'itfofr dyrOct.22r fourth hoard mambara Office. ficials taken bad in aarh placa will will be held fn the Hebertrm Nov. IS. City Tha maat aoon by ordinance, prepared and of' appoint ward chapel, Sunday night for Millard county Law and motion , additional Attorney Arthur 8. Horsley, was ef"a First BXAVEB. Jaa. Howard Duke, son of Mr. and Mrs div, Jan 25. first term, Feb 11. law ficer re L. fective Friday upon publication. ar. rejaidKan tba the B. Duke and Phrrel Andersoti. motion fTTnecnd May dar. md fenf A bC LET rtCtER APPEAR, The following types of licenses sow ef Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ander- June 4, law snd motion day. Aug. 21; port of tba anowfaii fro tbaBeavar Tall-riware Class A, ratatl D- provided: A report tpatarabad. who have received calls, to third 24. law and motiwti son, A Jan. SPt of jrNCTlOV. cao censo, 925 a year, for tala of beer Powar plant prior to the atom fill missions for tbs L D. 8 Church. day. Nov., J. fourth term, Dec. I favar baan reported at in original bottlas having the label 'carlat few daya atataa that Elder Anderson goes to the Texay Juab county- - Law and motion day, Ar.yla, at the baa of tba ltd home of Mr. and Mr. of the maker, for consumption off J to IS Inebea of anow, vary mission, snd Etdr Duke to the Jan. 24. first term. Marh II. iw P. fro TM. Humphrey. i. th fir.t he premises where sold. content os tbs fell water enaa-n- f Ceotrsl States mission. Son of and motion dar. Mar 22 haavy erarlet favar in thla vicinity $75. enClass B, retail watershed, which swrp asses these twe families, returned home term, June It Jaw and motion dav. for aoma time, but snaaalaa ha. baan titling the licensee license, to self bear In higher 11 ef the'gnwwfall sad water con- from a two year mission, within Aug 22; third term, Oct. I; fourth reported In nearly ovary town In tha original bottles for consumption the past thres month term. Dee. It. tent ef last winter. tba county. on or off the premises where sold. Class C. retail license, $150 a year, faf sal of bottled or draught beer 19 the premises,,. Class A. wholesale license, $100 a for-t- he sate of bottled bear-tyear, reieiltrs for resale and tha sale of "to customers In not bottled beer less than case lots of 54 does not per This license bottles. mtt the purchaser to any other priv- Utah CountyM 1,000 Men Woric Judge Finds Forv Depositors Move To Kill Mosquitoes Against Bankers Discuss Problems To Qualify Under - Of Beer Control New Banking Law I Burglars Enter State Tool House - OGDEN HEARS THE MESSIAH1 1..j4 , i Of - Ler ' , am contfrence New Vaporization Control Eliminates Cylinder Starvation Assuring Faster Warm-u- at any Temperature p LAKE OTT ooriaa t SALT enjoy tbe many advantaf of famoua Union 76 Winter Gaxv Iine, which hac been auch a actuation' on tbe Pacific Coaac 76givca faster carlynoming warmup became it, taporiation u acten- hictllf controlled ro dclieer a jwli. ric h fuel charge to every cyhndtr. There an ito moved cylindcn to miaa and cauac sluggish performance. Winter 76 cut. operating 'cotta because: You use less choke, waste less wear gasoline. Eaccssivc cold-moti eliminated doe to a faster warmup. There it I era crankcase dilution ' because all cylinder fire at the first MRFtCT 76 rCXFORMANCt contain, more Pentane Aijliw fractions) than othey antt-knoc-k gu. olinei. Yoa get a smoother running motor under every driving condition.' ItVthe HIGHER ' "LEADER! - t ANTI-KNOC- OTHtR SNJOY ' PREMIUM ' QUALITIES With 76 you get unexcelled mile-agmore reaerve power, greater ac celeration. with freedom from vapor-loc-k on those occasional warn f - 1504 SO. STATE ST. United Oil Company No. 2 2214 BEfK ST. 22S4 SO. STATE ST. WrMe Cell tec A(nry tif New rlfnston Garage ITtH Propleu Sen lee 81 a I Inn let so. ST II EOT. MIWBAA. nut 9iUs Mgr, Pswpostlso la Territories Sew Opea UN IT E D OIL CO M PA NY 1234 Beck SL, Phone Was. 1434 TZJUL ( ' .m m i:k Htl winter days. One totrill demomtnte to you thevtarucr, lezvinrNOmfiekdvantagcrirf UnumrWiw- uquid guoltac to nm dowayliaTry mtoday It coitt no maty u o yalW .e r- RdinuypiobTiei LOOK FOR THE BIG ORANGE AND BLUE 76 BANNER AT ANY OF THE FOUOWING DEALERS. . (ithfrtt-Smi- rr filslinn touxb'-o- Funeral AMTI-KHOC- K Kfv - vu t t m i!cejrk 'f DHL TAlCnS t nm amerr ethel .Milked Jaaoary A1N4 - I |