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Show i n ( j t iriVi - h j fcgahiiwwwgR 4 Cluircli pepirtmenl - "1 J0Tt004P4P DESERET NEWS, SATURDAY, JANUARY TTTT? F W1Wy4U4itIWMlW l iMi)! f m II if H !l il 6, 1M4 III Bookj of Mormon and i il I . ' ! mu nfcn m i. s i i i. L1 n BY DAVlli A. smith Of tho Prcshaink IttKlKiprtn MB Book of itorjuon needs than lh. Hutl authenticity came Into oeintr un.l i nnthat It that naturally caused iho (whott.uis llv. d at that time ,,i doubt. . For turle the chlldre 4f tied had txen tftUKht by Ihott claiming the to Interpret the anrtpturv, thatright heavens had been Wowd and tho the fulnena of thi Oosn.l couldthat i, found in the Hoi llltde. ,f In split of every et fort to prevent the puhlleatton oil the Hook of Mor. tnon and Ita dlirtribiutlon ainonir tho Inhabitants of thi earth, it has be-?"" a Powerful! ally to tho Holy ruble, and each eur since tt wat firat Published, tin, Hook of Mor-"i"hna IncreaM d ua power for tood, and established more firmly Ita d. vine origin; k.d yet there are 0 many Incident loeenrrlHif aln o Its publication thhtlami.gr Ito have a r l.Mionablp to t!ha hiatory record ed in the Hook GftM'nrmon, We havo t for'h a few of th. ni. 1 ", . ' that m 'hi Seven M il Moo hi, i M,. tho begtapliig f ,h,4 V, there Were hi, his four mna lemn ljs and Nophl Islima.l and the pnm Servant of la. - Km . , ! , ci, iM, m.-- itkhtm I N pH ' eliap- uJ state- - ph, I I ,rrh' slorv that them liuaa iut forwafd, tlumphl It wiai not the title whlfh they am ted wun an Idea that tumlly after tho deni,.,, aeven mdu and women had tetiie out of a(ave whljlj they valhd Iaci arltdiiipu, f leagues from ,i intro, ahtn a window wan In maaonf-In most ancient aryl that lim.W these .persons multiplied and cpiead ovtrjlha world.'1 It I not that this tradition handed poaeilfle from fifteen eon- towf tu rout or more and put together by those alio wore junly partially with the language their itiiui manta. had ftn I,,,, inningif ae re cotdt.l In the Hook of Mormon f (ianoill hoa preierv od for ua the In atory of thia migration draw Inv tailed the ' Mtiuaiv Migration" o Npaniarde klip first rume to country weip, ; astonished to fmd that the ntflve people were familiar with the Iatory of thin flood and tho children of Israel under the 1. adrrehlp of M .' Them are evidently referred to In thin phture; then the migration beginning with aevin men. five ef which took the leaderehlp, Aooord- -' to Montealnoe, t' Tlio role of die- tributor of klnudoifie Waa played by one of four brother, propenitore of I the race " Telia Iwwentl Markham recordk Havln come form from epae kith hla four brolhore, and havp cauaed the above tenipeet, Iaiiuvaea napired to perform yreat and! mlphty deeila throuphout the wirld, though the rt gbm he t rave reel! did not exceed twenty kenpu ea Inj clmilt " (Com-PaWirh I Nephi.j, hnptork 7. and ' It muHt bo uiiii, fleet pluee, that tlii iio.,d. Incue .win divided ea, tho one callei and the other Hui ll Nephl, 'chapter it ) Tho legend riliit, w how, out of Marue window cable a with the hum name; from tribe the flutle window came a tifibe named Tam u f the central rapae win-o? came four august pereonogee, all bearing the title of Ayar, a of eeverai of the ancient hinge. There wire Manco.l the princely; Ayar Auca, the fighUng r Joyful Ayar; Caehi. tho ealt Ayar; and Ucbu.Jtho pepper Ayar, The four ehij Iren of thi aun, a. Above b (iaimdii n map pf Mnihuvn ni Ignition drkwa Iho aouaro In the ttpMr right corner evidence of tho aitutnul c ntuHca j after the nimemiiita dory f i to fltMid and the people of lame! tinder Motto. IMidiop Itartdl A. Smith, i0f the' IWexiding Klshoprtc Calls Tho larger Stee itr the lower left repreaonta tlte fertile or the hind of plutly,land also shows tho branelitng attention U) this map amt ita apiauvnt Mkeneaa to the Noll of tint iwoplo Into many rrou M when that land M JtHtns'fi of Uie (took of Mormon people. He wtw In off r reached. i i with their four wivea, uonsuttod together and iame tu a rnotni moua tint isioru Wo arc born strung and wise, and with) the people -whuiwll) follow ua w aro pownfut- Wewll go forth to week a more fnrtili land thee I Nephl I HI1 to at) il I . lor diviiu, leadership , for today, ri hn4 f piftphet toijl.ty-- t r'Hiurtlng froml cretheir hoinc Abler movements slow andl their problem are not entirely is an atiihurixid ftipri tteni;tlv even stopping to sow and sulvt'd by th prophets of the past, ef tlnd, to reveal Ucnrs''MlUs tttl Ibe Th Ayer Muuco wts the reap for times hsv changed. It Is highs people, neeOHshryi lit this twenilhth leader. He took wdth him h golden ly significant that not only lay- - ). century 7 jThese are quevtlona .stiff; when tha soli was so fortllo men, but also tho religious leaden whleh are, jbulng axkod by many that lta whole length sank Into tha today feel th need ef divinely ap today. That maay pcoplo feolj th rich mould, there tsas to be th fiI need of such pointed leadership and of Clod's Is ahown by leadershipnew nal resting plan (8e I Nephl truth applied In this ag.v Row the rapid growth of religious It 10 to and of ohapter.) 1I also James A. Sutherland, In the Luton groups and divisions In the wttab- -; had with him a bird like a fuleon, Halted churches, Men are seeking Saturday Telegraph, of November carried In a hamper, which all tho' 18th, said in part; .people looked upon aa eacred: it "We all recognise that something of Cblrnu the his and Not people. does not appear whether It waa has got to be done; for at th mothe vestige of tradition has come alive or artlfima),, but It was tha down we aro In th plight whnr to ment All their designs and ua.j Ayar'a familiar apirlt called Hgun- ornaments iwfor to their "our earthly leaders falter, our oui. or brother.i ment. , There Is nothing that points people drift and die." We cannot "He was so dexterous with tho to a foreign origin.. Their civiliforget that when the blind set out sllfig, and ao strong that with oarh sation appears to have been dcvel- - , to lead the blind, the chances aro shot he pulled down a mountain toped by themsolcvs wHhout'oul- that both will find themselves In , and filled up a ravine. His teachsldo contact J lit tho course of ninny A dictator being out the ditch, ing must have been rather vigor'renturie. Yet the temple ofthe ous. W are told .that this brothers the question, what about a of, Mooo on Muchl the and river, the feared him, and eoneplred td taka prophet? great pyramids, remind -ua - of simif a hla, life." 'The prophet Is never self apilar Maya works." , il j f Make Ib4 pointed. It Is well to keep that In t To read Iho above and qoutaliuns mind. Nor is he chosen of his felThey mads a plot alike cunning .compare thpirt with the history lows. and cruel. They called tha Ayar to Always he to heaven sent. wo find a thread of of Nephl t hem and told (him that some preYet I by the thought one how thought that remind cious Insignia had been forgotten, that ho has a knack of appearing without dlvtnf guidance or at and left in tha cave when) they the time. That being so, 1 , right f urate records,, history and sacred came. These were the golden incline to the belief that our proph-- et writings may be garbled when vases called Tupap Oust. And tha b must surely getting ready for left to the itnOmory of man and Napa; a sacred figure of a llama. usi Let us not forget that; hope and ' handed down from generation to i And They said It would be for the good as we will for his coming. Men pray ao, generation, especially of .all If ha would go back and havo an old habit of greeting tho when interpreted Into forelgii 'Ian- - ' fetph them. true prophet with stones. Ws need gunge by thesd who sought to In"At first ho refused, but tha not be surprised If an old fashterpret to suit their own ideas. re- strong-minde- d Murna Huaco ioned" Yet weloom awaits the prophet these traditions have corns bufcrd him with stinging words: down to usl containing a atory of our day. No one ran say whence How la It ittwit there ahouldlbO which might) justify a critic of th ouch a prophet shall come, but of ; a youth sugh cowardice In so Book of Mormon to say Joseph to no quesour need of him there aa you are?1 she exclaimed." (Crtm ' Hinlth built his characters and his tion." pare with I Nephl, chapters $T and atory upon (these Incidents. , Th Jicverend Sutherland is not alone In aeelng the need of such guidpirf of this criticism Is interesting - ',4J j"We know nothing of th In the fact j that, none of these rlgtiy ance. Dr. John Boott Lldgett, find statements were published in president of thg Methodist uhuroh, English langue until after i has said: - ' Book of Mortnon was printed. to undoubtedly true that wo fit In view of the fact that revival a of need, religion. , , Markham says "Wo have seen that. But such a revival cannot be manthe story of) thei Incas has been made. It must be Wo told by ipriests, soldiers, lowers, must pray for It. work for It; but by Mentlxns nl by purs blood Jn- atone tho will tt that grace matt -dlnns Iwalt with (lie possible, must come from Q od Not Wanted. have not lute, 1 am bconute aa (ungues brass, wiuntllng Hlr Michael edueaHadler. notcif al. Ami though I lutvc the gift of prophecy, anti Seeing the name acts and events 11 tlOnallst. has eald. understanding from different points of view, hearj mystertos, sad all knowledge; and Utouglt I have all so lltnt fttllh, "The youth are eager and hunvarious'-- people ing them from I could remove noHintalits, e j j hot Ittvo, 1 am nothing, binned by prejudices which tend to gry for faith, for worthy work, And though l all my gtsslw to feed the ixstr, and obscure some the desirous a leader whom they can trust for truth, I though give nty body to be burned, and have nth lve. It iirorltetlt of securing accuracy, others thinkand follow without question." .no nothing. I more of! proVlng their , ease, ing iThus, briefly, acoordlng to these "latve 4uffer,.tb long, and to klnd;'lov ehvlotlt gt; love vaunt-el- h Nome transparently honest, others mop who are religious leader, there not Itself, Is not puffed less so In varied degrees. It Itself nitseomly, up, dotli ttol bcluvve Is need of a prophet-- divinely com- - , soeketh not (he own, to not easily provoked, thtnkcth no evil; rethat discrimination Is called missloner, to meet the needs of the for after cafeful study," i jolcetli not in luhiulty, but rejokmili In tile truth ; ben ret h ail tlilngN, people belleveth aUlUiings, liopeth all tilings, endureth all things, It Is a peculiar thing that manI That ptHtl6 rocognljM theHeed of I uscripts were prepared by many never failed! ; hut wliedte there be prophecies, they shMI divine guidance In this age ) an'investigators lad above stated, fall; whether ttiere be tongues, thev shall cease; whether there be evidence for tha truth of other about 1560. Few of them In I tort tuid we pro- knowledge. It slmll vanish away, ibt wd know a Mormonlwm ForWhon were published and then only aftetr i ! Si apIdiesy In pap, need la rlghtcou univrally j non were puband revised, being Itul wlwn UlM which la parent, that which aatlaflea It munf rlMt to ifSMnd, tliew that whleh la In I lished In the, English language unof neceaalty. b baaed on truth. , part sltall be done away, j j til the Book pf .Mormon was print-'0- d jj divine guidance, vitally necea-aar- y Thia u hiut "W'licn 1 was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a. child, I the: Surely given, In tha religious life of lndlvt I thought as) a elt lid; but when I became a man, I put away child- another evidence that 'the vision duala and groups, la found In tha ef all Is become unto you as the "h l l it : Cburrh Of Jesu Chrtstof Latter-Bi- n words of a book that Is sealed. Foi now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face; I hit ce tho Church wag the Ixird hath poured out upon you day Batata, ,,0w 1 know la part ; but then shall I know even as also I am known. I tho spirt of Ideep sleep, and hath organised, under divine commit . And now abbleth, faith, hope, love,; these three; hot the greats been a prophot to has elose there and your-dye- s: the slon, prophets est of these ta love." . (I One. il your rulcra, tho seers to hath he give new truths, reaffirm old tho delivered covered. book And ''-'ito, him that 1 pot learned1." (Pleas Turn to y f',nl traditions 1 - J 1 -- Inoi-den- ta fit j ... ... -e 1 ' . t red f (, w 1 stt-on,- , II 1 Sriptur Qod-give- n. -- , ' ft. - and-hav- i 5 1,., v , rd :i 1 i f). I ) A |