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Show VvJ DESERET NEWS THE BEATS OSIIOCKER r ?- Paulino; Loughran and dOther Reynolds Loses To D. Kunkel Rated; as Logical Opponents For Champ Camera Not Taking Any Tough Chances Has-Bee- ns Johnson and Hanson ' Go to. Draw Hot Match i s -- mek tan Hi Tommy Might Actu ally Skip Around and .. Get Decision Over Primo BT ROBERT BPGRE- N- note tU Esniun UMbkd wtam nixht M ! 'l the baiwenloa. reckless holy Carheraah(l ' hi managers agreeing to taka a desperate. chance w:th the title against Tommy Long hran at i1" " BT SID OLSON - over, I WHEN Ibend re of red fire. If I my epine to try to touch. mr toe. would intp In tbfM, Inconvenient To me exercise Is Just piece. Miami. And Tommy BASER ? ' bouts all of Loughran fights have the 10 round route. ' Brassie Is Difficult -Golf' Club To Master TA Tbewiy Loogmrah ' "here seenBlase Arena ABLE TO PUT ON ITS CONCEDED THAT A TX6HTE YYWO . LEADS WtTM HiS CHW UAS MO BUSIKEL a. liar fa with the painful gave spectacle, alternate groans and booes, with the sound of an occasional but I wrestled every match right In FoounG ATVEPY PRETTY' GAME OF (M WITH CARNERA . A(LO ALLTHE TAfi FAHS IHTHt U.E. WILL FVSGHTfeFUAMJfO SEE IT.. TUOUGHTUE FUiWT SWf DoKTBe IF SURPRl&i KlCkEY WAlKER. WITH CAHHERA SHOULD BC W 5W Trying to HQSJEj A COUPLE OF VEARS besides. ago - moMICKEY THEY SAY K SUPPING i Del Kunkel my seat. For instance, the case of a Pat behemoth, named OSbocker. with a somewhat Juicy stomach on him, who fiddled about clowned, stalled and occasionally fouled a serious-face- d opponent named Bill Longaon, who seemed to here a bad knee. I thought this was real stuff, but the customers on all sides of ms got rom trying to give It the Bronx By FRANCIS OCTMET the most difficult dubs to use. Judging by popular disfavor, seems to bathe brasste The duffer la exceptionally Inept o with this club and even the scores er In the high eighties and the -- red-hair- NE of REXC3D BOOK SHOWS (M.Y2 KH0CHOUT5 8T LOUOHHAH m 9 years. golf-wh- F oxx Predicts Macks Indians Are zAthleticJiuI - the Can I Fight 'learned nose-blee- low seems hit WilFStilFBeoocl wlir-ltfOtar- nineties to have troubles time being Jack Burke and Jimmy Burns and you know as much A L do. Ive about-who- . e. read their names In the -- record book.' where they appear once In tho Lough ran record. Tommy Is to fu Ull and weighs, according to 16 the records, from ! differpounds. That. 16 pounds ence in weight and Tommys lack of a punch make him the most logical opponent possible for earners. Tommy Is a very nice fellow, and 1 hope Camera doesn't catch him and happen to hit him th way-- he hit Ernie Schaaf. Of course It would be ai accident, as Tommy is a clever boxer and never forget to duck, or at least very Because seMm,.forsU.toduck. he can't any more than tickle earners with a punch his only chance la to keep ektpptng lightly out f the behemoth's path and tag him as he lunges past, and It would thlng indeed If bea humorous Tommy did this and pulled off a referees decision, which is about the only remote possibility that they-wer- ths desperaU measure to raise sphsre. Ail the elements that make a swing smooth and efficient setm to have been temporarily abandoned in the effort. This not only works a hardship for that particular shot but Is quite likely to so ruffle ths golfer's composure that some etrokea will have elapsed before he can again swing smoothly. Hit Ball Dews A better method on hrassis shots that have a ciose he Is to hit that call dow n and to hit It hard. The oft of the ciubface while not great l ball Into the air if properly elruea. For this reason the player heed have no feare that he is going to drive the bail right into the turf. The momentum of the ciubhcad plus its loft will send the ball on its way. Naturally duffers seek a maximum f distance with the longer cluba when Jhe ball la remote from the green. For this reaaon many play the heavier I theMarheavb. rislMtl Birr, Craft Taffy CriHitfti, Via ftekyrai taria Caapala. J Paallaa la Jafeaaf Risk mm4 laaf aalftf Kiaf LevlMki AM the wxt pear waa prabebly hia went He target Vo dscfcr far eeee. M Steve Haswa kaecked klaa ( 4a twe rank. He let a 10 4tcUia Htata, wea a wa third match aad lot t gtaalcr t rEwlE.ApymttlyiiifftrEA-athirty m all washed ay He caase hack a Sefcaat, teiiaa wreclc af the Jack 8 bar- hey wtfta had kateked hlaa oat tear years ago, hat this waa aly a week after Sharkey had the Hag ff fleer, - hr aad-Klag Leriaiky la Chicago Tooa whether It showed that .aay eoald flgbt.or that Sharkey coadat la a gacetlea -- . -- lla-Ha- engagements. - has Bob Edgno landed only two knockout, th nniea of the vie, bed Shots on Fairway LOGICAL OPPOHEKT RICKEY'S CHALLENGES WERE QUITE AMHOYIHG lip-bir- d. tllrtr--m Ha da ol year at( Ing Raise Ball Often Results in Dub- Xlaeteea badrd was Tmajs few weeks to take a dectelea ever a tot . A LOGICAL OPOOttKT PRIMO BECAUSE fT tS WELL KNOWN ME ALWAYS LEADS VWTH HlS CHlH, AMD 1WltlHOVAl wrestling the matches, firat I sheerer thrwntnryrwon why Lough-ru- f silly questions. Tommy Is absolutely the Jnmst logical.-.- , oppoa- ent been use has Tommy been fighting nine years and hasnt knocked a n y b ody out since 1921. In fact Tommy, in all hU many AERMpJOTHE; BIG BAD nights custom-ermf Feb. ??. Dont ash three syllsbled word meaning "to r fiick dust off desk. Therefore. I drew no end of wallop out of lest arena I now we have another, great been over ?r Ike News utriftel i. -- . , f FlTNXr DECISION FTER that Tommy took very huge funny decision. ATtr-t- he whose a glant Bay Impellittiere. linitted to three-o- r ring expedience waxwho had acquired four bouta. but a fair dgre of skill In gym practice,. so badly with Ray cut Tommy's eye a punch that the referee stopped the bout and gave lmpelllttiere the decision, but the boxing moguls cancelled the referee's ruling and ordered the fight to go on. Whether Tommy can be classed among real fighters or not. hea a game rooster, for he finished well enough to get aY to A vote for the winning verdict. However, ajwin over the decrepit; Sharkey and the novice Impelltt-tier- e dont show that Tommy has anything better than a dancing Mr. OBhocksr bout slonslly th ey Farmer Lodge and Big Boy Peterwhen Mr Longson was unable to are able to gain son, Camera's managers will soon return after having his bad knee Umss low flybe looking for another of a long. twisted into several beautiful new "logical opponents." " We though ing shot and in to horn bs knots, none . of which I for able Baer this exceptional might when I was a Boy Scout. I suppose match but apparently ths acquis effort is so sat-- 1 ev set looked Baer's have of have lot a they s f y n g that newpneajiow. decided he lsn-- t yet ripe enough to though. continue Redskins Good Gridmen they fall He ougbt to be. before lonx. Hearty Ovation to lunge away Besides pig sticking and ysrrymg The OShocker. braaaia when genial Mr. Is in the But of .Prize hope car wheels In a foundry ihe Iron Ring weighing? J6 pounds of tbe beet Jobs that gave Beer hit .strength-th- is "Will red Irish flesh, entered the ring Them Not For Probably nptht club stuff Is' poor trainR.i5gto,,i:.j?5!:biaiVirjssK to a hearty ovation, consisting of dubbed count ing. w and might dnwa Tommy there, the and trajectory boom and a handabout sixty-fiv- e Are in the ratio with Ha roll train a distance f!rwythat t ing up the bouse or something and d BT DAVIS J. WAL6H Wo how had rbdaiptaoa who clap from a lady who of four or five 'omparable with the beat breast LANCA, Colo.. Jan. I. (INS)- effall to get out of the way. Were oat fob limit to work at Fraarla Oslsut to one if the fort had Just awasened from a refresho o use Its of (INS t bv many apcrtsjol-ower- a course Conceded Jan, depends EW.TORK, of defending the tholtrodo a alienee and ell ing sleep, hind hot the memory- of general prayer own judgment but toaab To to be the greatest n Ul no- - that hit title ogalaat oll'eower This 11 Mr. OShocker was immediately Bark hi 1917 to ! one Ungers long after the when the play is pussling it might Klavered. oat preferred. Hat appooeata was r the In other word. there are forgotten. Possibly this be we!) to fire the spoon the bentossed to Loaghnui by broadcasting. by Mr. Longson. torn athlete in the world, o were old hit .Dutchman tied his lucky Mickey M dooht they of the doubt (Copyright, 1JI4, rluunpiun, and a good weighing yu pounds, and was American Indian has teahtooed PlltataoWa Jef(XX) Foxa himself, apeak-- 1 factor la on reasou why golf la efit The He Ball of tho one thereon forced to gallop about on a colossal flop - as a alwajs been; U AiraiA1 dntl oa 4kn 1 p0t bac5 James by Inc. type. Syndicate, boxing tb la. It feelHwraa The aad .....1 Jaek popular gams fries ToanOy hook-up to New Tork his posterior anatomy, a eight af- - according do T-- W. McNleL veteran of hi .corner and today appeared oatboxed Jimmy Mattery, Leo from the awing that Deatpaey oil taok the heat wraa via Baili more. I hits derived i to have shaken off the Jinx. IxxnskL Rte Lataov James la alht ter a ftrat title defeaee. fording !m to on tad all. The sportsman. the ball squarely on the nose chosen baa He a Brad dock, and eve-The Hustling Holland boy la the teslas of Fltsslmmoos Mickey gentleman with the beefsteak face "Glance down through tho an-- f a his topte this is one that can seemingly never it arose from this predicament, and aad Toatoiy Baraa this- proved decision over kalkcr, who waa atiddle-welgtof sport and youll find th list eeived a ar- tL'ZXSSr the TAKE af-tmorning to ho poor hostoeas t'ewlag TOUR went and E,4STERy cbamiHon knee of Mr. studded with names of sighting the taped-u- p 'Tony Fslco, of Philadelphia, at the resting befcav- right dswo to data Jaek Shaw but brevier tiw Longson, dec.ded to Investigate tars, McN.rl said. That Is. every Broadway arena In, Brooklyn last title, from the mind. Cor-;b- ? Psed Alf and mao. of lor Uj will Mr., leave Engen bey waa o pse hart a that situation, whereat- - Mr. Long- a ig lit. pin Tommy in a eur- bur box.ug. an. ever new and ronlin.-il- t Like next Monday for a trip eonldu't , He' pleked big Caraera ta llek nr line Mack son kicked Mr. O'Phocker a hearty spot him. ner- long enough hr aock -- ih wsrtd--te'Jsfoush ft!l and o wnt wtU to a a ; It. ftaal them too hOPSJthaXy of been tar whre of by "There have T prave much eyaieal few Holding, selling tTf 8 boot to ths nose. This was the oc- who a ehaaiplaa la apito ekt he bve th self same fcol aii!l'omp-t- o In several major thy w,rn.iwlu Will gave the game a whirl. But so spo.led oner of the better battles casion of more happinesa on the far there bf, A reality not a dre4mJnm;ru,Th brothers expect to all the erltlelaaa that follow Nr A SLIGHT ERROR been a men. the smaller hasnt back In five Salt In time for Lake ed hia wr Has Sehaie dertaloa part of the spectators. second-ratea recall la Stroke..! Xnaid- -i also best Jsck . Grom, Mag. AH poor Sharkeythe Febyuatjr tournament. They wtll-- ; IXallierg a.nL Dodger Mr: tnihocker now felt th heed ,t cant tact, I won t swear that thera has about every- - On occasion the belt will be also Invite some f the leading eastto try to when a tho ha and coyt eoarage Fetereon, fought savagely they They of fresh air, and kept lot of It be- ever Boy lag B.g been a good third-rate- r. ex--1 found In ouch a good lie that all ern Jumpers to take part her were In the clear, Beps left handed thing eke prove that he eoald fight al tween himself and Mr. Longson. Their first meet will- - be at pie of heavyweighta, and made the see hed evald re two one le need to to do hit Item, the ball hoagh oayhody Item pi swings being An Important which aroused general disgust, mUUke of tbmkisg bo ought to haea rtlpplag these past fear r Conn, and their second at h I a squarely In tbo hack In the man-- namrlv, with the Judges. They wera long, He flea years, waa other meets Will likely be at- be heavyweight since the sight of the Big Red Boy champion. haroe laagh and ner e other shirt of tee more shot. the But tended during the tour, however. on whoop-dedo wallops and Tony first aod o foeh of Ver galumphing about In his Brin-- picked Jack Sharkey for h 'numerous Instances that ball Hr James Fexx. seemed to he the only one in the o 0- -0 green trunks didn't seem aa beauh; light victim after resigning Every bod y'falrly well down in th grass an 1 house who wasnt ducking them tiful to tinpeuetomers as It did to cahmlR wise heavyweight title, and wis skip And hi maiden it is necessary to ur other myth-au-, had Jack Fugaxy s . mo, ...... . ,, A,h neatly. Bcpa low ITT you won't ree Carntrs mak- 'o- - oda One of the main errors ht re ping blithely around the lob. who th fom in client best arttul LoMy Bases bridging IC ' l6g-nf.rnoi.a m'atak. Ilk,..(hat, . If . lit1y kspt ss fee time let A Lhl-with only occasioaat bile eerie Carnera Isnt a buvinew man h baa et action Giant backstop and , him. and they. men tit evea the d bnalnan lady took caught Tommy fairly oa tho whla- - are s,igCtng Frlmoa "logical lone survivor, S lusly booes at the tilings (hat might happen and not Ben, president, will preside. aat down that ia ot caution violently, a with Irishman, who rtceLvvd a lovely kick diamond stars who boasted Indian !Ty.Jinocking him off ounce of- -, Th next voice Tommy pncnts you hear la that one of them particularly benefila tho stomach when he attempted blood, are known to every follow. up before tbO ten count and meat ludicrous considering ths (set Foxx. addresairg you in hia cial. The elubhead may bit the Mr. to dielocbte one of Dour Bill s fin-r- er of those la th Effective Prime The on that biggest hlmaelf phv.tcally th Ranching ropcA draped sporu turf back of th bail a It deMr. O'Shocker teemed eery mPP,lri I'hp hyb referee waved Sharkey back and e11 He couldn't get close for one native- tongue: on scends or th it ball But boxing top might b ht strong, but he aeted like Lionel yI tb bout being left m14 peered Into tho pupils of Tommys p thing, bis body punching being one Barry more la a courtroom scene upstrok. Hit- - in this manner Leo Gates, s that the oll reign Islth to oee If ho who did th bold behemoth, or eyea, of his keenest aeseU. Tony eemdsib,bh4whenever punlehment was applied to hawk. th ball merely scurries ahead for McNiel declared, wai n the Na t waa aod him. He flaaiy, after dodging some the'lnlhe41 still there, Tommy, gooflly h!, bol) managers, select as th lease life n few yards scram th turf aad bo sevJnthndromthat"polntonlh more tossed Mr Longson over the b.,t of n bad lot. Olhtn beginning of the new. I cant make come to. muttered: "Where's my chair? I first "loglcsl eppenent and valid rest. tvery-- , vepes. snd Licked him in !.e back'Vrfi1'4' dtnUy in the ming wItVcioi!UdetermTi th-' to want aft down a minute." to the giant supremacy but strongf crowded Bep While th bad shots may ha for; body is overlookirg one feature of urnPr' Fho fought Tommy;, th, neck while Dour Bill was T th referee let him alt down and Paulino t'sendun? Primo used Pau(By The AMocUtea Pn ta companion with the good islon Ueg outside, thinking. Mr MrCul Gibbons a couple of tliln business that will be apparent gotten lino a punching bag through fiffor B of A fhreo t'Biverelty KiftruU He 'had round scored nee a continuation of them 1 very Sharkey lough, the third man In the ring. , "Chief Metoquah teen rounds In perfect safety. Ho to ell about th middle nf nest likely of knockout. to work a psychological han- bra Damns (Crete. Nth.) St; Tanktee Immediately discouraged thta prac- Kansas and "Tiny fail-- d to knock the aged Basque out. who Roebuck, season. Connie sell didn't of any Ernie Bchaaf decisioned Tommy tice. A short time afterwerd the inter turned to dicap that wrecks havoc with a Jehae Hopkins ll. New York 11, II. a Job a Fitzsimmons or A wrestling with con- - i to lunge " Syracuse twice and Jecic Groan held him to however, Princeton Cork county siderabla success. .swingr Th player-begin- s bby frome bad Dempsey probably could have atmuch tremendous promise last at the bail, bitting viciously in a West Vlrglntn tt, Maryland 11 twisted Mr. Longson wltn knee undraw. round ths way, By tended tr In a round. (Copyright, Manhnttaa II, Georgetown IT. Ughlcr daasen til Bill pounded the canvas in s ib. year. He sold older men who were tliy exception of five 19 round 131. by Robert Edgren). Marie. ta (Oh n) (1. Hobart if. Mc- -, "In the lighter classes, Mr. O Shocker mission, wheeeupon along, anyhow. getting Morns H never IS. Dnvis A Elkins 1 gave n few "extra twists good Nicl sstl. . Bhntlsgo . Valparaiso ll. oeusv 43. Only Miss Two a bamsm uhOfJourishe(La ' ??!? 'h, J"!',1 ia. tell 3ft Baltimore jj. Ni Ihetr of the rccord,' Sit Jt-- He was a Central ago8t hiSkinv ,hff the leg I,klmseemed Tbemss V.heton few ,roTW 4. nil.) J. years, not more lan two of lind'an of Inn , ftA Wllmlcftos ift, Dpau This was the end of them. Grove and Cochrane, will be bout. Tolde Hr) OAio ortAra erlourtv Previously a Mr. Dei kunkel, l r0, I''4. frb:n VM missed. And the Akron "money f ji: Cincinnati ?ft.CM. weight US. had tossed a Mr. L'ovealpe,rc4- Hanover 94. they brought will be Just By John J. Romano th Seynolds, we.ght its, la two fails Pet Neb 1 Is a present day C, OtkiRrt City ftltosiMippi Co.Iega think we needed to earrv on the of three in 34 ' . what opt seemed to me Seminole campaigning in the light. I4 Job we started las? season. coseroI LKAGrB the CITY LEA4.tR (COPYRIGHT I9U) Manchester 34; Franklin 43. . ho ria f eiaim . d lldi Oeevfcu matleao i . - building of another champ'on. We Bail state XepM Barnett Teachers 13, Weal era (I7US1 TPOBM (1771 waa outweighed cansideiatuy, rTTiOlvi td w'H in" mrwifh States St.elrTTRcherT.' (Xiiey .1 but rnu,.!." ' I I 9 9 L Karlham 2 ; Kalamasoe 1, he had a aly way of pinning a most the same placers e lost with tn THE longeat fight for tha heavy Pkina l4 114 TOftm 174 151 343 port me 17 IX 171 lirwod.T7H Aitnoir ttr HTtlrdafs" 3T. painful hold, which they to!d m zontJi, 1933. So what? 191 and ot 113 14 the 143 Turma 147 championship IIS US PuIku Gauss, 111 131 171 1S in lit Aadm sa Teachers ,ftft; Superior Zau was a t . the upon 141 ITS 144 Ves, indeed. It a 7I lie Uagha 145 17S 244 Tuibe . lit Ikl 174 XoLey. So, this: gerishi thing world waa decided In the twenty-sixt- h Clair Teacher J7, K6tikl. 131 139 1S4 Dummy ItLiii 12K Swna 12 13 nith gave tvhv a rate of peopleatrahge 132 Wilcox. 1. 1 177 12 as enorta- (Mmn.)' If; Duluth Teach' Diode. round when Jees Willard er Concordia May be A hurprme. 44 3 J Burt, 171 331 1.1 .jorber, u ui la ,' j Uudlep 4 32i at . Havana. Central (U ) 13; .Columbia Collate 01stopped Jack Johnson "Were liable to be the r irpf! In- - veiop one or two first class boxers ? 17 917. Total, 31 process in xh, h th TolsI, 377 A33i Tol,!, Its- t ( T Ttoal, ; -- 7?2 , Chiba, April.!. 19IS Xclnh of h, iff hall. ihi. Johnny 33, -- epread iy i 7, on ,trr. Optm" victimOrphean, Traffe,n'T"'Tou,r'1,i knees 'are for . 1 farTfrer rsupMx' still have vourg 'ejloww com ng ua hindee was tha first foreign born eatGrory Washington 13 : Wake For " Morottee f (94M) c,od aa mine. "and farther apart, and several times 4371) ueii) 3. i7) to fcather'""rican we capture the, ve 3 and le 11 far d loi ihan i expert-to see voting h' ,1,. v.i XoStoviH 53f tf. Transylvania wa 114 114 111 IvtrKS 131 ta.' born 11 H Ford. 113 134 lit 3t Alabama S3; TuIanS seem to have. Look what trie Giantsi!,51?it.U11'Dinwdy I'un4, Vat, .. 171 HU 2.9 lit split right up tha muldle to h!a tol - . .. averett 173 343 143 Stauffer I4i 11J Yi; Quin, 21J 312 2u5 Itn irln 13 17 SharkaL y a couple of die They arderbilt 3L; Auburn it23. Urbone. Sine This 444 454 430 K Petir 133 It match a Dummy ns wap 8 draw 333 Dutnr. 374 143 17 IIS after Fox.. h - lSr Tv n,ds Mi41i4 lft) 31 .' Heatings 1a Pitchers to work with llohbeff andfVU1 " 6f Dumr. 133 i:t Haudlcan 1 ... li; CFehr. 131 244 of every tr Vtr t lowaUy)eran 2 14 r.'-'Handle 231 21 haven't J5S 24 ,h'f fcen 141 Juhnan. 142 ' Arm, .they .iemI.g,. -' JtiSlopped 10 Nebyaaka-ftSuia U.whenever he ebu!dicb. ears. noes andf,ngers. everything abomr A A if 19. Drake 39. - Were ! with lightning f a Totals 33 31 471 Tetats 447 IX 577 d IX to h, rountry In Ok Jeom 31 lad by these Tor (Nab.) College 13; Nebraska w ataoo var..- -Travel Harms interesting kind, fn the Kunkeii J Sit Kid Wesleyan 34. quest of A world' tltlo 33 7,1 10 Tala, toe hold the various toei arc tl 63 entered the ringwhen, KanaEjjgtate jiccatral j Siokerm I 3nvl grouri Tn flie f .r,t preliminary. Jchocolate Lpa. immlue S'" en fired'he was 12 years old and won . hi (2SI 111137 U4 Sheehan 1:4 UI Hi 32 flght- - vla the knockou ainatt . " 21. opponent furgols hi dreamy look jfc!iisxie- - Mueller had a tw Is ted : 13 145 Ur 'ru m 19 Hodxm 1(4 13 133 "Connies record In tne case toinm 133 123 121 rout of agony and emit loud Jo Choynaki la H Ottawa (Xu.) 133 11 Rcb-lIn- - Farar 135 1(1 12 Dummy bellows semi-- : 174 111 214 Haskeu Ki in hia knee Duma tn his favor. It hows y all S3. think this old of dlnns and and H match e the Throughout years nothing 19 that1 (A) young audience, Watson snort'd Duffy.. Ill III ., Haadcn ... P Jim 201 22! he paid- - 9363.690 for the playcre1 boxing 2 rounda daily in his Fort Hays 8tate If; Kansas Wesley- J Joe.. 223 U4 174 J?4. f. wa tchitig i and grunted until the was aa 23. 1H 3H Butts . . 77LX7 1M had the uee of them for seven Parity .a a boxing Instructor " kaleidoscopic action completely disarranged, cartilaae Totals 33 17 311 ToXla 3 52 31 j11 tber-b-v and 39. College with Dels massive scissors hold- won the battle Mueller d hod Collage of tnvesrs (CL cold their for J3u).)09.' Jim Jeffries took part In only 21 Bathey 1 Totals 27 til 3ft. Total, 11 53159 and Reynolds swift 1 1ST A 14 WI49 Sn-l-g considerable fun in ti hat'a the matter with tiiar?'- - ifighta throughout hia entire ca- - porta Southern Methodist ffty Bay'or alternating. - At one point, pievniisiv. and had YERXAI-- Jan (Okie Teachers John L. Sullivan, and Central i n 1 , h school 7; Noth-esX bad KunkaLJn the throes ofLa most son' Franklv, I woulint know! Just ntT ? ra thnughtfullv cnntemnlst-superio- r tOkla ) Teacher If. (in I didnt know a few weeks gained revenge for two former de- Herb Pennix k. veteran left- Sharkey, was the first f I3Seba.lI things ago m , ouh brok up tb but Mr ! nMcCul-iin- g at Prlee 1rhn 111 basketball lose the heavyweight title, un- - T,vm A- f u,D;V'A "hia hanxie" of the- New York I'' Precert TS' ?8cirM 'erbod3r (or - team how North TeachYankeWhy sajing trotinced CArboo ctferi 99 to Ui rules. Stoma Hi dor 71 of Mr. that Quecnaberry er? Marqula Mack ltoda V was wap IS her Friday,- a free ajrcnt and Joey to walk away, back turned. Del All in all. Nonhweti (Okni Corbett whipped Sullivan at Teaehere greatly misunderstood. $ had a swell 1,n5 Th - eor: Jumped him. and Mr. McCullough wheLhcrtfMoThcrVWerdid Central (Okla Teachers 24. Orleans. Sept. 7. 1892 rwah i broke th! up too. At the con cl yic.t- - I wa, much loteresed In Okla i & ,h. iii learn, following gonthwem 41 Weal ) Te,ch,m NEW YORK. Jan. never a j Fide! La Barba a. IV F Pi fought (APJf Tb O. T. P Texas TOMMY 3 of the notch, Reynold , FAIL MIX vansuv noise, (he wrestlers uncouilinonal release yester- Txeher,Aadrarf ( I t1 U T D Aztg rf A2 4 Fft standard ball for tha two major hi, Colorado preliminary bout throughout in the ring, protesting And staged Colorado Miaene rt. when In aneu!h. Mr. Johnvongne'43'' was WaikWeif HOLLYWOOD. 191 for will career Jan. leagues follow Denver lanccAil, tha ' V. whole Colorndo 11; (IN) professional , Tenehco, Ml 3rt.e i . warmly applauded. but moat 'of j ' ome surprise ws occasioned .Tommy Paul Buffalo. N Y . former t9 f gBow.e i specification used by th American The prevlou match between Jack the others do tins Talley city. 74. , Tear here 4i George Dixon la the only colored lane arle.rg. thatiihat squ'aks season. This 7 last 'han Normal was league tbcr Johneon: Jis and Bill Hanson 194 sound like Mickey Moure Plan. fighter to meet n whit boy. agreed ft iV ,he . AUadr Ig f!rtt JukMjg . ft k f4 Jt upon today after a conference beMi Weotern Btirto Ml had been signed to wa aim very 604. Hanson mas O Shocker however has-- a part Mr jijjnt Jl' r3r'f P"'r FiSJ Skelly. f.r a ehampiOMhip below Wyoming t l.CbrMm.lf g Hftjxk.rf. 'ew Helm Mi Arlmm XI. tween President John A. .Hevdles but U wa, intimated at the much the faster And -- equally If Radford. as ' !arh melow . g MMODDilOll link Th fifht ... rtah grunt a the fourth of v the IS; ptaafTrd M. round nf apnaJifllj National League and Presl- g strong f liked h!a fast, sure move - be 37 t tab Arglee pimarf.. miKorn.e 43. 4,nt Wln Harrldge of the American ib;iia.rg ,, ft Idaho XS: giieaguo with the baseball mannfxc-furePalrid,Ig ft Male 10;' Oregon gi,ra-xin want Barbara Ware 27 W Ultlvr C'oi- - T.it, !. a liveiicr bali fer r Referee, 3 l lt mean Philadelphia. .7- - y Sag --44, Bingham; ampler, k'd'louay. National league. Van KlaverenJs Fa mo u sSurvivor Says Young Men Victor In Fidit Carry On WitK Tony Fajco grey-hatre- B Cr N ZT;. tha-floo- 1 3SsriuSk.r- ' N te , ' ,xx , re-ra- Js rr red-ski- n e - tour-Rhh- re-hra- ne Vf r. art - QM-U- WJn-ste- - it"f d. Chi-rag- o. 4 -- 4- . nt - h fS.1? i -- 1 kl grey-haire- ra al-g- - BASKETBALL - RESULTS - ttemir eit-'T- referao-fashlo- T' n. n,i011-confest- no-d- I . t. J- Fistifads ae-fin- ' all 3 tfi-- s 7 J - III L Hl - 13 1 '.I - ! 'I 91 T rtTTr. .. nn-pr- i J1oudntsr"m?iHic!hls lor-ur- e "- 199 3- -9- -4 g-- "i toe-hol- 411-- -1 pun.-be- FesTF-ftf- -- T; (l amltb--77X- 1 1 s-- hf e ii buil-iik- ca-X- !l - I -- VV , -it- st him-e,- d, standard Adopted by Majors ,eu far-of- ur'u' th-i- ,1 Ia, ,hr I- 1 b.U bull-fra- I 7 ''the D-- Jk 1 g; , rs Ii( ' , f |