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Show A Daily Thought The Deseret News Pi 37 A. TERM ' " 1830- - IN SAhT LAKE CITY JAIL BRIEF DIALOGUE U. ENSUES AS COAL DEALER REPORTS CHECK BACKED BY SPORTSMEN . SUSPENDED -- rlN TEST OF CODE HWi Sentences Sec ond Man ForCut-ting Coal Price ' YEAR EK1HTY-FOURTI- 1 1934 Charge of Sales Tax Fraud Denied : By State Report Youd Better Get That DriversLicense - - Resources 4 Commisdon Finds Mer- - OCTOBERiJAWARY MATTERS A OT TO chants Hone-- t . in S7LTWEATHER MAX Collecting, Levy P. Vartbakia, proprietor of the Federal control of grasingon New Deal Coal company, sax tven the public domain In Utah and the a suspended sentence of IS das In Ha'e schaaLJaadsutoj the county.Jai) yesterday byjudge administration purposes wflPlikely Herbert M. Schiller for contempt of ,b asked in bills to be presented court. session of Congress, Marthakia. the fudge found AT1 A T4I7 at thdresi!H I 1 'it uas disclosed by speakers at 1 7 1 a long hearing, intentionally dla- - 1 .11 7 aPitl annual convmtlon of the Utah lhe regarded a court order a hen he ad-- j i (o-Sporlumpni!- - sorta!t T vrTWn 1 rertised and- sold lump coal I clwn,bcr of JV l , $7.Z5.1ovi$7.7& and stove coal for - The sportsmen, present at the erth&o code prices, after a temporm ife4oiv indicated they were Jin faissued. ary DUunfctioirwa vor of such measures and it is same On thesskme charge, the resolution be will action eras takn against An-opI W d -- Coring the afternoon llliaim nlon of the Bennion Coal and Ftd, Genera ou by act fvorauc urging meeting company Thursday. Congress. D. H. Midseu. awoi Marthakls is defendant in a comprsidcnt presided with fca- plaint charging. that be violated the tu-- e addresses by George. A. Fishstate recovery act by underselling er, executive secretary of the state the prices Yixvd In- - Salt Lake for boards- - .Sewell B. Cook, State coaL, Pending trial of I he case, A number of transfer and Pro- land end game commisUoner, Sam-uJudge 8rh tiler issued a temporary motions in the nafor.al guard ot fih Jorgensen, Salma, president of restraining order Utah- - croannoafteUby Bwgadierupe-UtiihBtat- e ooigrowersasso- Develop nit General W G. William today at iation, and H. H Rutledge ,of og- Ten regional forstr Tito trial developed in a good the capttol Mr. Fisher outlined the developnatured tilt and Judge Schiller rec- - To fill the vacancy caused by the Colonel ment of the public domain in Utah Carl no of that promotion personal, ognlxcde be said, j Badger to the 145th Field ArtiS- - and cited figures showing that contempt was intended. At the hearing Marthakis was cry. Lt. Col. Irwin Clawson of the tht re are now 27 OHv uo acres of madeUoth was staff division name a he called transferred) public land in this state of which Pete," state outr.ght 2f5uO,oO famous as a football star at tnc from thepoKt of chemical marfarcthe -he-officer "to that of "Judge advocate-Acres- . University of Utah where of 143th. and the He emphasized the close rela- the rlassmato of Judge Schiller U. Colonel C. R Fitzgerald was,tionshjp between the solution of Calvin D. XU tings, district attoramt game problem and transferred from the4Mh to the the ney, who was prosecuting- problem and aaeert-I- n post of chemical -- warfare officer'the ate-land Marthakls. holder of several 40th the a that they were interlocked The brigade. jed degrees and pr'eoor Major L!od luffin was pro-- t public land owned. by the state at of mathematics and Amertcsniza-tio- n to in Die West high school, ound moled to tho rank of Lieutenant present is contained mostly was (Vrfonef his of lhe 145th field artllleryfchool- - sections ond so scattered in the bearing learning and was Major Lraf'jn has been major ex- - that efficient administration this him for agarnst brought out by Mr. Rawlings to re- eutiv officer of ths $jlh field utilization is a physical declared. not the he did tsib.lit. speaker brigade. fute his contention that Colonel Clawson, who resigned T Bill to be Introduced 'understand thejneanitig or The re- Uie HSth f eld fromorder the said order this lit artillery r, ported that a bill straining Mr wan nerved a bile he wa tiarlitng week. mad, cafe ihi, qaarler!KOUd t,, tntr luri-,- in onsrvr maatt-th and rallrd be that girl amiatirc t'nl ted States a claw and finalor William H at the coal office and told btr to properly and disbursing officer, King asking authority to group get In touch tilth hi attorney liar-- 1 ry Meios, and Me'tuia' lol l the girT t thin JO.OOu a re.. Tin bill. It wa e aell black coal tor IS Jt and IS 2: UCttlOCratS soul, is a preliminary to a plan for and red" coal at the oldrice hot the disposition of the public-dom- ain mark the bill, nltb the kind ot coal question In Utah. Mr. Fisher ' QtHPitloo of The proposed grouping asserted ' The judge' order to Marthakls, of the.iitato land would be greatly 196 L, fish and game as well to Utenefleial fuel,- Marthakl applied to as to the school systems receiving aid ho knew eolld fuel aa anyA chairman, chairwoman, eecre- - earnings from these laud he conthing containing heat unita that would hold lta own phape, but he Lary. treasurer and three additional ,tmued. feuch grouping would alo declared that He thought he could committeemen were chosen bytremove the objection that have "Ltb waV. till aell wood and the coal that, Democrat In each of the 1 4 5 c- - C. In improving ha red treak at lem than the ftx- - tlon districts In Salt Lake City and black coal. tor od prices county lawt night as the Sr- - Jorgensen. dvonated the fedAn attempt waa made to get tlon of the party got underway. the pub icdomaln. la the record to show tnat The district leaders chown iLn 'ral controt of m regard to grazing. the order of Judge Bchiller might night Will meet next Complexly . ignoring the al-- n anac and weather records Merchant of tbestdte have not that January is the been "profiteering" in theix collet-- , ehowrg month halt Lake, tlon of the aalea tar. Itoeordd shifted from summer to tamlv -- fdft weSthef "the aute tajrcotmmxsicr today tnr enjoy by tiie temperatardl indicate, according to the eonmia-sio- n and ipvigorating crisp armnsplia ic condieportto Governor Henry H. tion usually' experienced in " lao October. Blood, that moat merchants are The m.r.inium thermometer collecting from the public some-wh2 reatHng this morning w'a Jess than they are required dsxKei points below ' Irez-in- g, &ol noon but before Old tn pay." had lured the mercury to the The report aleo expresses the be25 degree level and it was still lief that the average family will rising. j7 --A falrlv strong" cild pay somewhat fesshan2 "per cc'nt high on iu total purchases during a pressure eveem crcstel this over the given time. r 'morning WiUJdake Survey boundary regon is responsible for the cool anap oriher; Notwithstanding the conviction of the commimion that no tax past two vdays. Temperatures racket has been carried on, memtonight are expected to drop ber are working out details with even a bit lower and may tali Jo as low as 10 or 13 degrees the Salt Lake chamber of comin some sections of Salt Lako merce and the CWA for a state' alley. wide survey to dUermine the exact situation, to the matters complained of. If the tax commission becomes convinced that abuses exist, the survey w eaahie tha.a:ommiion to- - take such step a may be necessary to1 eliminate them by the adoption of new regulations. Tho report of the tax commission grow cut of the petition filrdc.. Distributes Towith Governor Blood before oifllC Christmas charging that some tal of $329,440 merchant were collet ting more than the2 pjcenL prevailed Jor v To 40 Districts in the law a an unemployment and reliefTneaMire. Record oftbe commission, aava Till! "MUfH 'department of publts lot indicatyTHry . substantial cause for the criticism instruction today made Its fifth which the petitioner have made. of the Public Safeguarded totaling $322.440. tw Thus amounting to apportionment, One of the best safeguards to $2 21 acKooL child, bnrgs the per the public against racketeering the total current year up to ybe 4n the-f- art that practically all $10.-- 6 for 3Da Thfrtot I shown foinf through what hr probably gotng-T- o for each of the 149 061 chilhnpfirn lo all of us anBry Is sutject to excep- merchandising dren of school age in the state. The .. , day now. To be stopped by the State Highway I'atrolmm and for your driver IUense will llaw lh autrtet school adrtit 5 . 5"Ufn.'i, Just be an interesting experience if jwrhiTrludiuTaoCoiilo The driver who canT produce Uif' - lfun provide o rnr K.t cb 1 ,ha by little paper! Cape, L. U 2 rjer and bergt. E, K. MaclKmald are sliown at work. chase price on a small sale arouses to nr4dUl ny srear amount of hostility, the as Is as possible tZS for The city attorneys office Because of this condition. fice of Sheriff 8. Grant Toung, merchant will be tho first to real- eachnearly school child. was busy today drafting an and Btate Representative- - B. City Proeecutor Grald Irvine ize it andthe flmt to attempt to Uf th. total Awbureed, htr-teiK.-'-Vougf-au- t ordinance tu cover anounced tod-- tU4- - aR caeeo-I- n tho overcomeIt, ft Is pointed out. schools will receive approxiera license law. In order that were which motorists driver license law, crtcrdavfc The report states that the prob- mately mer rent or IJ4.Hk; tig- -, violator may be prosecuted In calic.1 on officials of the state charged with failure to have lem merchants the of den confronting schools, I2S.2!) H: Granite, a Henwould tax Gov. driver be courtr commission and 'ths city license, r state so tho are comvaried and I1S.1J 17: Jordan. 113 :&!; Ilox stricken from the calendar. He ry f. Blood and urgd that When police started making VVedncw,.yi no that scheme tho plex fop lisingle Ejder. Ill.lSa.tl. and other disexaminations for drivers exp! lined that ns soon as an arrests tor the Collection of the tax would be sat- tricts In proportion. censee be given" at the earliest ordinance hao trerrr- adopted of licence, it was discovered to ill. Both the stamp isfactory that near compla nts would be possible date. They explained there wa no city ordinance scheme ..... the and issuance state a of , T while the tax commfewion filed and the cases prowtit- tht. thVsoea!l.d red coat and oft ! mct"vl covering the violation and that Mr' tax card, tho latter of which ai- - T P0' 071 wa not charge with giving . d. WUl WOHien If prosecutions were to be d wa SS tematives advocated b, the, examination CS-pAfor the fimt Up until yesterday afternoon made, they must be obtained are frowned upon by! petitioner, it thrOshould months, from the four had been made county attorneys the tax communion. arrvfjr lower price than the best grade. n tl!e F1rt war! i' hTrm.n will numbr 01 fL,,h that ran be supin omo where for violation of the dnvrs office. Utahs lakes and streams ViiitrTH fey atoms niKtuml the applirtnfJs known to -- be other officer. ou!d by Wlthhs ft iv :imvied st nn,rd rrTT" Receipt from levied fines IncPepeed. unr t phv IfAilv Mra Anita Anderson of Hyrum. The frst would bo too enen-- l lh office of the t't tax Jadga Bchiller refused urh vt for each of thr two divlmnns. through the of prosecution Cited Figures Tho 12 prodHnota m Salt Lake! ItveriSisThe report' and tho aoc- - LV,ib- - was Judged tho best homo denco. roriimkvcon that more thafi a ofTce fwuiiir atiorncv are aurHe tb that ieonrny coopemtmg-witlrued figures showing ond utterly impractical TrOm the'cn,1r in lhe ut state ou&lde the eifv will oloct If tho cod Industry has timer license have divnded between the city and concluded International canning h ghwav administrative point of view. How-l'l- y been issued from that office, eoedrd in getting a cods that will chairman and tire chairwoman at nearly la.i0lMMi4 fish areartlfic-ahu- t pitrolmen today When proecu253 car in varun reared and planted annualh contest held at the Century of out tho cheaper grade, an up- - about the aome time aa the ward -T tions are made by the. cuy at -A' delegation com pocd " of " stopper!of Fait Lake county wtate fish and tem by individual merchants out- -, pevrslroutd bettiadowThnwb-'-rd'rTvct- : the1 office in th "bye torneys K. Juke Walter police came trafMrs. can A entered olie !c of about the peas h and by ritv. for department varlane supplying minietrator found only v ooo ooa countjthe cltv gets all receipts fic sergeant; 4 Anderson wao also awarded third C-IWat'e "Rst. and the U. S Bureau of who did not have judge aold. and If tht4 is denied from the flntw. In charge of traffic in- the of xrgfc9 w?liC Kieh riet about 1 500,000. AVvCCIVvl their !ir uses. 1 think aa appeal could lw taken prize ln the International contest stream the which was won by Mrs. VFilVlam and of to refusal a grant the eourts from n conditions for the Lh promise' Beloit. Michigan. a variance. Klingtxrgef nV beOther Utah -- women who won greatly 4 ahortetr the time This matter J not before the ' S. Mr. Itween were: Virginia contest the the the case nor told at In bites, Rutledge court In the present commission predicts a more"wide brles An ordr confirming the sale of eportsmtn. um Smith, 2494 East Thirty-thir- d OI mi t6m. complaint on which a temporary the Gordon e Coal Creex Mr. tV.ok discussed provisions of companv South; M m. C-- M. Armstrong, 7CJ of- X restraining order - is granted re e Tsvioe bdl Con North Ninth East. Logan; Mrs. fae.orourrlyand Marthakis wes reprimand 'rnr4 -sl. Glen Guthe, 744 West North Tem. N hicTi'has to nlJiy do the nems jarltb the inn( Untied BtaUeo Judge Tillman hjgrearw control of public land. Ha pointed Mr. Richard Stringham. Bounpte; hiacoal company but Johnson. out that this bill gives the sportstiful; Mrs. C. R. Braxier. 1207 West ent slip of the tongue he generally Relief were the The of aaet men company a In Third South ; Hae Carol Sharp, voice to the administration probig It, managed to refer Salt Lake county was brought "" J0- - ,, at He suggested that a resolution be Coalville, and Uillla Sprouse, Gar- duerrs who are on the governing '1J B. receiver Price Kank rook, by . board os tho Dp Roee H Widtsoe. head of thpiden City, mowed requesting that before such within 1U CWA quota of 6 00 men Control PICKPOCKET GETS conspirator." a word on application igineering of M. H. Lewis A a bill I passed, however, tho state of home economics of that brought objections from the Co., ; vesterdsy afler about 10 days had credit or. XfThe purchaser was of I'tgh be a voice. Cook Worked Mr court Oat given by ta ,h consimfJ b"n rridua ?ecrtlary Resigns George Vagora Takejama, out that big game in the pointed h MEET FOR DEAF SLATED eets of d.Rrhargnr workers, it wa Hinckley, tat director of relief, state ha. Increased so rapidly the City, County From Junior C. of C.- ct a numtion director of lhe -- past few years that lt Ja now necby R. T, Week, toun-- "' The Ninth triennlol convention RcCOVfry On tha City St Countr build- relief admimatraessary emergency jCUh ty CWA manager. To Make on Engineering control of CWA tele- - l At one time i here wre a many fng clerator betwen-elheReport now by the federal on work, the phone fth required exchange f In for tho. deaf In Ogden next eum-- j thii person employed lMmM.nM,.' floor wa regional engineers, and the worked mer. The Convention dates will be The fimt progpgs, report of the to aecept a pnwtioa in tho ofne, tcountr on gome 2? rnu ork pre-- 14 ill bo the circuLitmn of out today in a conference of the on the ground"sheriff recovery program in Utah will be; fioor, a pit k- - jeel, thourh the quota va never niatlon od ' nutrition, assisting legal division of the Federal Land announced later. and given at a meeting of the mate and' Officer of the association 'will city and county commission pocket ftole a pur containing 4in excess of 2 600 Order to - re - 0100! In their lunch programau bank at Berkeley, Calif, elected in tho late afternoon engineers and the county commit-leenational recovery committee tor $37.56 from M: Connie jdice to the quota and ke p withini&nd In the feeding program for Mr. Sabine left Salt Lake at t and th convention will I hi state aet for 2 p.m. Wednes-'- t i Thomas, telephone- operator ith quota came from Washington. itranient. p m. today for the coast city. He with a bu'fet supper at Past work must be allotted to this morning I ,X day In the office of Gov. Henry H ''on elude C. bank. Ir.workWidtsoe also will continue will handle escrow for the ln definlte projecta and In future eachf Wood, il ls announced todav l Mig Thomas litarted out the Weskc A new junior chamber at announced ato secretary that,her university. man employed must be aiuigned to with the pure inihe ,Gu P. Backman. recovery admiil fav ha been be a win 'Dfter shifted aRPo'nted from porket JAIL BREAKERS HELD meeting a definite' project with plan In- loose kimana coat worn V 'Mt jrdav fo Monday, Tuesday and of board of directors next jibtrator. f t y The number of men and on the job. A report will he made on NRA Rav' OTsonT2J. and Einer johan- UllCkCHS liUlTl hen he g?t to Wednesday of iacTP week, so that is expected. it coat the ho Wednesday attempted the bottom of the elevator the it win not he neresary for lhe .compliance, . code prosecutions. on, As Fire Leiels Coop inumber of codes approved and In le tvo; out of the city Jail, Formerly CnmNnrvl purse wa gone. workers to report on the Job Thia rule wa avoided at the and on the selection of dk'v waived preliminary hearing to be This week's paid Jut authorities. The meeting 111;. ore Citv Judge Vers L. McCarthy beginning bv grouping a great valast 'payroll of llOO.Ou will be dtrl-hute- d Fire of unknown origin be presided over by the governor, and were held for trial In the riety of work under one project. Temple Square Hotel the first three work day's night dostroed a coop wnd 3'0 The in included a city single Mr. Backman making the proj court. chickens, the property of L. 8 Stages Birthday Part) of next week, w the work In one local t mmmm . ect porta. 1010 Stevenson. men finiahing one job could be v BtreeL WpK Honoring It fourth birthday an- shifted to another. Mr. Stevenson osUmoked hi lofe the Temple Square htel project tuuirt- - be- it $3ho. The Maze wa cxtfnguUshcd Dieted and no further project wlU Party, fcafur ng a hint Is Message by Jh firodeparlmenu--ruirtbdayt jtako- - this evEntnatZTJO for ita guests. You -- A program by guests 0F fhehoUl Man Seeks Assistance will be iven as follow. Selection the aaly R IMO p R O D I C ladies double quartet, readme 4 laaa nut 'Son Lost In Alta Redd? contralto rule will In effect bring rotation ofiJJ1 Finding 1 tah aad lea Time rs Clare ab.Hlaa how labor is snee Adams; hw ta art a ti wilt he 4 Lincoln H. Koch; reading. Mrs. Dof-o- n John deBruin; 1413 lowed 500 men and some J4.000 air! Every de4aO of yowr dalles If mbIIt, Mt rally has kcra aeaelr-R. to todav thi police , the appealed Henderson, Dtrqt lut. characteristic jthy i Harry L. Finch, for more than Trslalas Laroll Xa Before tkc Nexv to Mr-ani Th W. Ott: soprano t filler Demanded 12 years the city's-par- k commle- -- L lt. BFoa4wvttBg-4echmuuap. watarrtonerr - P romsSrt will Bohhr Hrccrsnn budget prukch to the m.crophone-TIt. M ha ee- - Thave found aomethlnglo do, rh?iAnJ Hud Keate; gnd ballet I.T Chapters, home 648 for more than a wck from yew force sufficient hnndie mg to tfeis, leerwe voice culture, announcing, Pags dancing, that yww were Traleed,he declared. . ,leyeff The boy is ''described a weighwork but the commis&iontrs were'BeUy Lon Henderson. short story wrttimr. dial ret, Refresh rushed around town for two t rufirV. he will seeegwlae yewrj wrfTT folloa iund effect, complete tadio informed that it ia 'part of An enlightening summary ing 140 pounds being 5 feet aaallfleall from of force drari attc training b Alvin G habit, having fa, JT CWA. plair to give enghiecra workjz; A HMf profitable aa la- inches taiir having a brown spot hew tk I'aclc. OT 4 and then it 'producer of tKiwt dav. of rea historical temtta bat eareful r An and will be the hi dark overhead aboibed tnr and pnffadaa, half Four depsrtmewle Former jgrev haralfare Utahns WT be aare ice t lliarawrt gtwriea oidej cve itlp that T really was "WTie ft last seen he- - wa v Work done on anr project must Jkigiit srkaaLeaeTka daaajwfned lr lake.TDtef4k -pew-oof a may to search and had aaf Job and that aewrTBMffed tnlalag gospel study weanji g'asses and nothing la re be permanently uefui The evenin Lose U. S. Citi - do. dramatic product. ons in "the bit tbe ftanceat rrllh to as rapidly as their applltual Improvements to tbe Memorv uuped overaIs and a sweater tedeet body ta I tab. that will surprise ou. m. ablllly sad preview lrais-- 1 "Today waa our wedding anni- grove and Capitol hill Motion of Federal Judce hirt. Am information as to Mi Liflaviva roarer la aRiPo . There mbm be a ifaata Tinman D. Jol,n-to4RhDH-THX-.' tak Creek City may lavtlaaie! Siam atthe-Lcanyon l'lrDthrtomcmbrancJtofMl ON revolted cltizi tho Send now. for nshlii I). V. Rwalaeaa 4 liege weal copy CWA work ou the of your but the yearw to or 4o REDUCED-TUITIhis the fither ''atd 1 thought of somethlnx to former Utah reaideats. Thfy f0r Vlowday, Jaaaary fctfcf at TKfc awry smaaite.aa We'Fineh; in must be accordance project dcpartmait. do. MrmFinch awreed. Dwta JaaMry 7riends. baTKat afallaMt at4a(a as Ean Beo Showr1 with the engineering plan and We are leaving on our honey- 4af fin pltiaaa Take aftaatac af thla t laifa aa Xaaday, tkava Humpoa to entire definite Jnhq contribution the will too, . it, appreciate They aNMefsaaTiat atparimlty HELD FT)R tltlND Jl RY ay rvealata la aider aat ta Bathrasc and Kvangjos Pan plan, tt waa poictea out as an ex- Geoye t art the flarot tralalaa. roafllrt with roar arbaal w laODkes. gi Bloward oharepj w Ith PJcrre - fbaaft call werk. la the dajtiae. Larall ample. write far 4 how-7oThe citizenship of the four aa .Write P. 0. Box 1392 at eaee. rataleffw tvaling a JViS chetk from a mail Oh. we are going Cell, write rr telepheee le HKV.j beau x had fKilIe? residence they I OT 1 7 . h. I), n. Bl at 332 Uirit avnue. aaivt-H- - K. r. & CLUB MLETS Ex-cel-- cis or Deseret Book Co. AOUB BISIAES 4 OI.I.KKK. as F and Nevada and Califomla and see In a 'oren 70 .Varik Mala Street aftnrellminarr hearing ,mr jeserdav ,h pnrks and Bonder Dam and S ? H- - K-- t. S club will meet cotrntry within The U S. CouutsDcsioncr before ernoon tm Lake Salt HOOIe OF M ear.a'ler RFAITT " City ,h sights and come back and see Learn Radio Drama as a .r.5T. U-- " . Hi- - BiakeW and wa I I I Tl RK Z Monday at pm with Mrs. Mabie nad become natunliztd. Cm, t,U. honnd ! Grand Canyon and some Paris wa - Kffr4rt. Yralala 'rial eeheel In the Inter hssstils) bfhe Utah. Iters ITU PecoH!. avnuA- Mem- - tlon Profession or Hobby w by 2.50 We postpaid."' . Leucc. dont have (a hurry SSI (Adr UTewale. baa, 1ST crs will divcuM the leaaon and tmmleraUon : property of Miss Edna Swenson afterI i 6 Plan Submitted 'as- - Aid To Fish and Game- ., t GRAZING JANUARY SATURDAY " ' This was the caoversaiioa between Jwlt Herbert r H. KoliUkv ami S. T. Bennion promptly at 10 today. the Sir. . Bennion, amler term of a sospended fed sentence of 30 days, mi-- re-port each Saturday to Judge hehUler to aasare the nlif that he baa not - again sold coal at low than- the prices fixed hr baa P. Backman, Jndge - (be coder Utor. Good-by.- S. UTAH , Daily to Your Homo For Only 15 a Week la Delivered V FOUNDED -- . Cease from anger. and forsake writ b : fret not thyself in an; wise to dtuev iL fr ll j 1 AH jj rrv Imid-wantrr h' GU AllJJ at pea-dui- ta-ti- ' -- el Idaho-Ore-g- wr 11 FUNDS GIVEN fi-- h ry Impos-artille- mrr n ,t . - UTAH SCHOOLS i k tr Name For Committees S. Districts nl tht yr - elec-P0- Abs-4r- tE SStSgSywrSJK? cS -- trm - ! 1 Utflil Prizes For Canning 1 STATS' ZVFL2ZS - - y of -- bo-d- one - inane. jor4 ' av the-cou- rcnt ntv j ppgj djcr m Court CWA To Assign Men L. County Now JWithm Quota Dr Rose Widtsoe 5,600 CWA Workers ' new-brfo- I-- To Aid ...... tvTiTVTfHr I Iu .r:rr.K.1.,".V,Z: : 7h;;:y.rr. Work dpnnt rttr - 00 ...iftfor-v-tod- ay - - te jaa ' -- dis-wi- lh ! -- J. There Honey - Moon so-u- -- a the-eoun- piano-soiorl- The Present and Prophecy leret -- I- ''f Radio Actor lla T For To Take Late rfrwl Be a outh-Seve- HarryL Finch Yon Yiill Know Wed-nesJa- y. L. Beauty Culture aii'f pT thenta nine ut ywa waised po-44- toyour . jjf ujs; t n? - tf recom-riend- - kt X ' - V- - - |