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Show Utah Crop Worth Nearly 20 miion Dollars m 1934 Benefit Forests . U. S. Planning To I ' Copeland Measureill Protect Trees on Private Land Efficient use of forest lands, msf part of national planning, haj been definitely advanced during tha past year, according to the an- t L. A. FLOODS. WARN AGAINST OVER GRAZING A warning to Utah is seen ln the Cal.fornU roods by Ir. Thomas L. Martin, B T. V bo returned to agronomist, the univerAv Wednesday ter a week in, southern fornia. afr Call- - jHensDiet Fixes KING OF NATIONS STEERS j Eggs Vitamin D .t vv Report Shows Gain In Value of About $1,580,000 LV S. - I19.7M.0SS. or J Of V, Cod-Liv- tell a little Oils er Boost Amount There aro relatively few potent natural sources of vitamin D known. Egg yolk is one of the most valuable of these, but all egg yolks are not equally rich. The diet of the hen and the sunlight ahe has received dui the ed out in the lake, you will period makes - con- - . leave your dainty dishes filled siderahie difference in the vitamin j with mutton chops and steak, D content of the egg yolk, reports and will want tocome to din the United States department of k Vitamin D often agriculture TOR-IGE PORK GAINS f erred to aa the antirachitic vitamost recent figures on stor-min, promotes the assimilation of The e stocks show that on Dec. 1. d nd thus Fh"ph?ruf Storage holdings were 1 JO per aide the development of bonea and pork nt of a year ago and 127 per cent lCW rof tbe five year average. Lard stor- Practlcal oultrmen and nutrl. l-- more than the HI.298.tJ9j received- in 1935. it Is shown by the annual report of Frank federal statistician. The gain does not take Into deration the sugar thant lS rich" ur heavier Zhlayear !at.- - since the prlc. to be paid) th farmerafor 1911 beet Is to be! determined from the selling pricej of auger made from the bttta Itj is expected, however, that this factor will considerably swell tba ln crop value Ibis year over that of 1911. -Th, values of th crop, are ;timted .a a bastrof Dee: I prices. ta the The returns for some of thq larger 1911 crop with the 1912 values la grand sSeer eg k rhawptoe Briarrttff Model, a eo parentheses, follow: Oak-IHs. Abndrce-Asgaowned Wheat. (ll.911.IM): by oats. I612.809 477.999); barley Thome, og BrlarcUff 5S2.BO& Nature has daoHn here! our national economy-ttr-l- he great d watt dual resource of to itner.ng quires finding the right balance of agriculture, forestry. rangejise-anthe for the so.l. As a each whole area Is being eroded by In some says Therefore, other, the downpours. covthe forest problem of the country places, the soil had been not isolated but is a part of a forest but eRetation ered by on now fuel much greater coming th cover. to the tore and becoming recog was tng. There the nixed aa s problem of plumed de" the greatest ac- velopment. "In Utah, man t The national forest hate demcom pitching the denudation. onstrated how much to the public tioaiM Aav beeirntereete thro gh - advantage It i to have land tu " largely ust aa- in t at. forma, Ptwe Plains. 5. T, The king o tempts to enrich the egg volk in according rationally and D either by feeding the! floods expect the alerfb who tips the scales at vitamin to the report- - The principle on hen substances rich in this vitamin when we denude the 1.917 pounds, la la which the national foresta era besheds." ul ing admlniatered la that of a cowinning the title at trmvlolet light flu receives. In a ordinated use aimed at yielding the Internntlrmal livestock series ef experiments covering 9 largest net total of public benefits, ' months the bureau of home ecoboth la economic .and social wel- Vibrated Concrete 1459,909 (iK,NO; potato. nomics and tha bureau of animal fare. 97.332.-alfal- ta Swiss Cheese Studies Slielterltelts Will Aid industry studied th relative effiFor planning tba measures la vitamin D storage of ciency to use efficiently the forest .. 'seed. I14J.M0 , , apple. th Benefit U. S. Industry UtahDry-Lan- d Gardens resources in the common interest, - Concrete that is quantities of oil :S0.0o (1151.09): peach. M7.- e and vlostarol In the diet of the hen. a ba,ls better than has ever been proeess of building ccr-- , cberrtea. lisa. (1254.009); These Sue much Unit Shelterhelts research studies trees cimful available was provided by. the ran indicate bo of forest, wan that in the by the celery. lllt.eOt of th. whole forest situation States department of acriml- - th home garden are finding favor moUdt 011? led, the vitamin than when the 09); onions. 395.999 (3199.999); ed -' D of oU la more efficient made by the forest service. This method of methods mak tore In of perfecting 1274.099 norrion. nf ,k (1229.000); peas. H wsed. according to- - a Ajmrt- - bi cannlpg he vg yolk than is . study waa made la compliance with Iy Mtorri 1 strawberries. 115M00- - (11I..OOO) lag- Swlar cheese equal Id quality Mountain and the Great Plain, re- - the Vitamin- - D Resolution" of the F. H.Jsckwm wd W. to the Imported Switzerland cheese, of an equlvalent tomato (.134.132,999 jeanning V. 8. senate. The Copeland report mann qf tha glona. according to W. K. Williams amount of viosteroL When 2 per with effort by together cooperative ,000). " that while nearly pointed ont and extension forester of th 'United cent of roads, oil was Included shows mbs that Utah th bureau of dairy Industryestah909.009 acres of private forest land - States forest service- In teats to determine the f,ectlwjIlter report in tbe diet the vitamin D content to blo atata university sown ttiu r.n for1 ,h , , A. ; Is ent over each year, less than 4 of concrete vibration caused by "The of a harvest heat the home h planting garwas the of yolk ,ctor1l significantly great- next season la estimated! !1 cent cut Is with slightly modified standard double-- r per i Increased tha annual returns to den within the protected tone of er than when 1 per cent waa fed. acres, with: compared for future regard concrete a Mm'S rth IS 00f in 1932. More than 090.000 acres arebelng (Screen he extent to which eggs can be vibration was sufficient thousands of dollars In recent chine, hf rrTi" hi'ChlrtTiJ DTL' o area added annually-tthat to he felt distinctly by a person - lenr!ched the ,f rltaniln D b ,eedini. I 44 per cent of normal, com- yearn to most ba classed aa devastated on the ground ouidc the only with Scientists of the bureau discovoil This was Indicated bWml? f 79 per a condition of tax forfeiture, millions of standing pared cra. Through . to. line of forms for the cohere mt ,.5 4 ,nd ( ered that at least three and prob- Tnn by the fact that -- acres are cenr a year ago. passing into forced pub-li- e Conclusions drawn from the k'nds foar different bacteria of oil was fed the of ably ownership: mak-lnas follows: are Involved In ere briefly The national plan for American 1. vibrated, should By the use of vibrating equip, They jvave also learned 4 as1 control the growth of these bacteria mcnT'or same general type report calls for tncssure to pro- employed the as flexural in base these connection with tbe high Earh strength alue of epp yolk variety of bacteria must mote private forestry and to build and wpwUHy so when con- - the antirachitic tests it should be possible satis- mix finished by methods now in pin and complete Its particular task tested with fnleM eTown in the Tred almost as tke potencr of public foresta A federal and state iMcommon use. Such a mis will conconsidto and finish time definite end in the place factorily diet within vl8tero recommended' tie achna In la This procram drr" of 1931 i.O?. the very m'ta ,ndicd erably drier concrete tljan is pos- tain approximately from 9.2 to 0.4 right sequence t insure the quisition program Includes com- sible maJon,y of the w'ere UU gar-.- h VAlAAIMMIt Af tllA leas now common anil sack tkn cement methods of cubic with per fn Fifteen minutes Irradiation of yard w d d an rv; vei and mercial thoto charactsriatlc flavor of tha cheese protectedhch than the base mtx. the hen with a carbotr'are lamp agricultural land. Recom- use2. For conditions by ehelterbrlta.'" comparable to 4. Tbe indications are that tbe in the curing room. To help had the same effect on mendations are made for apparently Swlio-chemakers produce a arrangements wtih the forest these tests It should be possible effect of vibration la mere vitamjnD storage a 1 D ATRT high-gracoarse UROGR to where bvfcd burcaiT the supangular Ayl oil aggregates tndualrlea product in the diet. thelr tanda under are used than where aggregates plies cultures of hactsri for makThese rc- - vibration concrete haring a . continuous production Something la brewing In Wash omT'end-'tlonof 2H Inches for hating rounded surfaces are usrd-i- . ing the right kind of starters. are helpved to be on in the form of an adjust ington COW AILMENTS In general, it appears from the road to realisation through methods now In common use. ment program for dairy farmers. A -VEEP POPCORN COO I 3. Thee testa Indicate that an 'spoa uaqumt m 300 mrltioa dollar fund for a dali Udder trouble, sterility, abortion der this section of the code the In- depending on the type of coarse Proper use of th vibratory method Popcorn should not be stored In and beef cattle program has been;nd old age accounted for nearly dustry pledges Itself to a policy of aggregate used, concrete containing of finishing should result in aa lm heated buildings If you want it to vuggested by Jarm . leaders... MoreilOO cow, removed from Iowa cow sustained production of forest res- from one fourth to three fourths provement of th quality of con- pop. Th beat place for It Is In anjdefiuite announcements are g aaaodation herds ' during ources. . part mors roars aggregate than crete pavements. ed soon. opes abed er building. r November. . of The satisfactory adjustment eoiL-an- ate pnevide-adequ- d the-rep- ed- n ine'-graiin- g -- H XD IX TI1K UOl'SK CAN hold a little baby in kind, paternal .way. I can lady what she ought to do and say. I can roast a leg of mutton till its tender, moiet and brown. I can sew on any button slick as any men in mince a pie and lossrTeaa bake.it till its good enough to eat I can take a sack and shake it from the window to the street Watch me clean and slice the carrots, and you 11 to enuff. think I'm up Watch me plume and feed the parrots and you'll think I'm ood enough When it come. w Use of Sunlamp, . Feeding V The value of Utah's farm crops in IMS was RURAL RHYMES :sk egg-layi- r- , i -. .n. im, lnw, ,'r cy WUl eod-Uv- er cod-liv- er ... , aWtobe . ' , ?hcR' cod-liv- er cod-liv- ,h, Swlsa-chees- e. H a1 aban-odne- mr I . cs cod-liv- er to-p- nt s expect-itestin- BY A AWNU6ENT PUZZLES! TRICKS. Make-Yo- u Moneyl , 9,-- age was" J7T per cent of a year ago almost four times as large and 2S3 per cent of the five year average. Just another Indication of tho Increasing need for the corn hog program- .- Chicks rl hat pt (1122.-sisten- am-jus- t- TheONLY cod-liv- er !;(252.oa): ner when I serve my 'luscious trout --Tar an - old, forsaken ainner and. have got tha cramps and gout. If my flapjacks are not lighter than the ones your mothers make, you can bring your ' prize ring fighter and can throw me In the lake. I'm a whirlwind in the kitchen In the par can lor lra a whale.- - I keep on steady pitchin' where another man would fail. I'm aa modest as a maiden, but as quick as any mouse. Im tha goods that re not fadin', for I'm handy in the house. I can make the kind of gravy that le neither thlcL nor thin. I can make my hair as wavy as a per- mascot, haa been,--! the kind of feller that would' suit most any spouse. Im a lsnd-lor- d in the cellar, but a ser- , vant in the bouse. BABY CHICKS QUALITY nee-eeaa- ry road-surfa- Osnond , gh dy By All A Chl-aft- er (111.); - lUk 'strt ymm set 4aHtr rkldw. DabI kellrve .MTtlilBf iktvt rfckka ywm emmmwt iHlj lOLRKLF. We iavlto ym visit ear hatrhtrr aM kitHlag flarta, aatl ak MI7 that yov aaake jaar ewe dpubla arrNlai t tbe fans yew wee tlieaa. 1 m naaat affaN e bey rblrka arlii yee tamtl-gat- e ewr precreaK. a All btVfdlajr slsyfc bla4fMtp4 4 wi larfiratH rrarlara fer Pallsrae IMkrasp R, W. D., bird freae art fcekded by prdifrred wal per while. pf fraw 2M t atrr 3UW a- -r er arr Irrrra Iweaart larger etna tarh nilirtii fa Jw?s IM a predwellsie ilifgnfTumhi. ed ewLyewaca weicklm 34 aifft er eaere per desewprltb part while, perfect ebellai, ere Oap Laihara flerfce witb trapart km rrrda Tyyif jet. 2 yeen ef apeHelteed prertlrel mm4 aamaafal a bebied every RWHW (IIKK. We ere pMiltry experleeee palU fer 9 Oft apedalty Id prwdwelwc rhlrka that will eake aaeeey It will reef ye aetklair IwaeellKate ewr prvfraa. bwl It way reef yea baadred ef dellerw t bay elsewbere wllbeat laaeelt-imtlei lla year weary preleet It, Oar IWi pitee llet eeeeriair all leediac Terletlee, la aew ready. A eepy la yaw na fer the asklac. a. RAMSHA W HATCHERIES TH STATE STREET. Pbeae irr 4 Salt Lake Clty. t f.k. NT -- SOL Balanced Gom.r I THE WORLD'S GAMES & MAGIC LEADING EVERYBODYS PLAYMATE1 P0ZZLEMAKER (EACHClt ASKEP EDWARD SMITH To SPELL 1UCEE W0I2DS 'that -- sconD PFFECCNT MEANINGS, alike but have Ilacc A.eroip BW3INO ALL'THE" TWELVE LETTEC5 SHOWN Below. EDWARD IS PUZZLED. CAN YOU HELP HIM ? OPPAPEU ON THE A AAEEipppnnn EDGE OF A TUMBLED AND BALANCE A COIN ONI IT AS . . STATE THAT SHOWN IN SKETCH NO.i VtoU CAN 6ET TH$ PA PEG OUT W7WOUT Disturbing twe coi NjWWCN IM PoS5lBLE TO BO . THE STOlP AS IN SKETCH NO--i2 AND GIVE IT A SHARP SLAP. seems tyreo dtiidr-ete 1- -- hackuard-cnTthe-dotted-line- v ork Cop right hv r Heres a diance to tuater colofs oi craxjofis.Aftef you. ; - stili--- cciored- -t he pictur eStica-Lu- il - have-ijour have lots of fan left: Cutout the tcoo sketches- around their outlines and fold. U;hG.ends1 1 You zjji then be able : to 7?lace them in a sitting posit io a. D-5- fiurer they aint no n ! with ma ttc icot em fixrt noavt-rhoiv ran hao some fun n anwk, I couldnt make em I . - S; telo NAMES OF StX PJCTUI2.ES and ?F YOU GUESS THE . . THESE THEN PEAI2.RANGE THEili INITIALS' CORRECTLY YOU WILL SPELL THE NAME OF A LA12GE CITY IN THE UNITED STATES WHAT IS THE CITY? . AN YOU ITIAVV A it DUPtICATE. Picture of DfSCOVpi EXACTLY SEVE-- N INTENTIONAL,. MISTAKES IN THIS' PICTURE ? STUDY THE DRAWING V6I2--- Y carefully . v- s' A;w - the Squirrel have VbUR LINES CUT THE SQUARES JUST AS THEY Do IN THE ORIGINAL SKETCH. |