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Show t THE DESEKET NEWS. SATURDAY. JANUARY Church Department t -- f- L1im fi Requirement For The Story 'of the Aaronic Priesthood . (Continued rom Dec. 30 y ot October, nt On the of ,J16CIC conference general held hi Commerce. Newel K. of the ne wm appointed blebop MmdVward EDllblVS NOTE 1J, tth Inward Om of the most couprebcsdvs Ming with the power and history of tho Aaronic Idlest ImmmI was wrltU's by the late Orerm Y, Wbltney, ,of the Council of the Twelve and was published ha volume sis ef Tbe iWnuibuter." It to betea reprinted herewith la a perlea at the leromaumtotlsn of the Pittodint Bishopric, and upon these art Idea the proyrtm for Aar-paPriesthood day neat May will be based. It tot mommrtuH that each ward bhhoprto and all Aaron-- k Priesthood supervisors clip these fcrtto'lre ae they appear each week and have them for we wsti May, PL . k jr,h..,T I Partridge oriirka and hbmop of the Upper ward Knight, blehop of the Lower ot wa.d. At the aamevtlme of the 0 to eatabllah la branch aid Church on the Iowa ovsr Iwhlcb elver (Mllalpkl) made prae Alaneon Ripley months-Ute- r. eome to Nauvoo succeed-e- d Blehop Itlfley ws m July. 754j by Utehop Nila I flnilth. Wurk Nprcuula The worh of inod, aa If ItI1 hrd ordeal new lifo by the ry now began to vumd through.)Stake were formap read rapidly. end. aa usual, ed in yarloua plaice, with high councils were provided biahop'a courta to administer and thciK eplritual and temporal the we are treating of priesthood. no ahall only Aarotu. names of lla offleeru and give the Among the etakea omit the Other. tho followtngl organised were UJ, 140. October on etake. l.lma With tlardtner Hnow a Blehop and aa lJean am Henry Clark Mulct oounertore; QuincyW.etake, on Octoblah-o- p ber 25th. OcorgoDueMnCroueej und Hylvea-t- ..r ami Aaarlah II Btoddsrd, coun.clonti M. Hamel 27th. October Hope Btake. A. Miller, blehop knd lwtao Clark frounwloiw; Freeand John Allen. PI m eon dom aUke. same date. KUnball blehop. arid, lh.rra leaihJacob ouneclora. Pout and etake. November let, uard- ner Clark, btahopl and Mono Claro counaelors; David OUton, ami Springfield aUkej Novembril 5th. and blehop, Talmdr, Abraham Jonathan Btephcnri ami Henry Allrd tiltlam lofe. palmer, counai la mentioned aa jnehup at Pleas-an- t Vale and William Whiteman aa tile lion ot Haniue on April till. liktl. the Saints In lUi Udelphla weria organised Into a Make, with Jacob Syphret a I'rlnco land hiehop. and Jcnuo Jamea Nlcholeon ue Ida counaelore. on April 15th the Saint tn New York City were) organised, With John M. IlcrnhliO I aa blehop land It ic hard Burge aid William Acker ae hl counselor. And on May 12nd th Saints romamlng in Kirtland were given a eiakle or cun nation. In who h Thoma Htlrdlck was blemtp, with ifyrum Wlritera and Reuben Molt ride aa hi cbuneolora. Doubt-Is- e them were Other etakM, and branches besides thoee, but .the above will suffite to show the and 'the apread of the aloepel,10 the cause atrinig Impetua given of Klon by tho Mttaaourl and Ohio I in-a- 'bMhoP-Removin- - j, V. K, WhUntyj Urorgc filler, land Vnwon Knight. sams month thews bishop orThe lligls of ganised the lesser pribsthoqd Nauvoo, as follows; Ha'mue) iltolf? Men tnads prreldent of ths priests' quorum, with1 Htrphen Markham and Hesekia pet k as hi counselors; Elisha Evorott, President of the Trai'hers'l quorum, with James Jhmdrick and Jarnts W. Hunts-pia- n aa counselors' and Phtusaa H. of Hi pird. proNid.-n- t fcycon ftiwrum, with Iuvid Wood and WillUm W. l4ine 'or coutiMelors. On the sixth of April following, t the laying of tho corner Monts of ths Nauvoo Temple, ths northeast stone waA laid by tho Aaronlcr priesthood, and tho benediction thereon pronounced by Bishop j Nwel K. Whtjiney a The city oA Nauvoo, was growso rxpldlyjthar ite became ing to again it into hafiU and incf.aee the number of on ths Its bishops. Accordingly, twentieth ot August, 1842 by resolution of the High I'ounril, ths city divided inia ten wards, r hM IIInIioi After the mnrirdon off the at ths and prophet of thspatriarch, it'horch In October )I44. thcl foliob lug action affecttaken! "Eling tho birhopme was der H. 0,Khlihull inoVsd that N. our first bishK Whitney stadd op Itf the Church of Jesus fhilst tarried of MoVM'd And seconded that bIXh- AMhe.ontf MUIor idnd fjeorgd CnrrUd wnltnimmisly Op Whiincv same Th yea Biehbps, And Miller wetroi made acting for, tho Church, and acted tn that cpacit, thK latter j until ho apostatised, thres or four con-fore- I I persecution. Hanmer Chiweai On the twentyiki tenth day, of May. 1540. Blehop Kdward Partridge 1ii J at Nauvinr, in the year of hie age. On the nirictrtnth of January, 1541, was chowen by tho Miller tlcorge to until hi years later and the former Another death, In tho yrur 1860.mads won change In tho bishopric after tho prophet's death, Wes' tho Hunter as appointment of Kdward tho Fifth ward of.Nau-vobishop of an office hot continued to hold until tho oxodus bf ths Maints, i front Illinois In 1848. j Ths growth of ths Aaronle priestof tho hood sin c ths doldniwtion y American desert jby the Latter-daBoints, keeping pucg as It has with ths founding and development of cities, towns and villages t which - . succeed him voire of revelation! in the bishopric It the same revelation occurs this paragraph: "And I say unto ou, 1 give unto, againVinson you Knight, Samuel H. Smilh and Bhadraifh Rounjly, If he will receive It, to fprcwlde over the blahoprlc. These were the first nominations madel for the Presld-- , Inc Bishopric, butj If the brethren named ever acted In that capacity the feet ta not Recorded In the Prophets history. lllshop Vinson Kn'ghtdted In Nauvoo. on July 11. 2 On January 10th. 1841, FrenMent &m elected Trustee-In-TruJoseph Smith for the Church of Jesus letter day Hainta to t'bristof hold the office during life, and f htn Successors to be the first of the Church. On the Ireideicy first of March of that year, Nau- into four ward divided sm too presided over severally by Bishops nt t f WardTemple Missions Reported Successful 2.11. an to SSJiTof 8 t J 3 A0h.d ana- . J A Prophet Today pro-ph- lennial Star. HarrlJr taukht by the father and i the ) V mother, to bcomc i "Did it cause pdople inth narrow and ratoBlrally I should ray not. t-r It causea aK to do better anil the not only for the end., buttot live people livlns It caused odr to- t man k using letter live. toMany rec- for askin me cam bacco reonunend. and after learning the.and this hr hit j quirement. aotquit bis hlossms. A,so 1 went and our tlthi a incrensad f people 'j ?My testimony Is that our of the Cnnot go to i.the itkHouse and i InfUmnce fel Of their neighIkrd. and not aomo - , ,refl ct t to b .A... Continued Fro i Page HI tlw and people guide truths, life. meeting the prolK' nsof i first prophet Joseph Smith, t ofithiN age, recelx Hi his authority fnlm Feter. Jalmcj and Joho tho J.ist to hold the o"5 of authority ini the meridian of this dtNp n notion t iirt . Though percutd as werej th prophets of o'd, thel Prophet1 Bnijth and his successors Joseph fc.tkr glveh and di give tho ric Jdujes th.it men lod&y de- sirl' arupneod. iThp authenticity ofj their wark Is attested by tihe truths they navW rexeaied by thle Church they rtvelo0ed, and orihljtion byylho fruits of a bundled odd adership of th yMnj of prophetic ls.lt. r day Haints. That provision for prophetic lea iershlp, a need wliich is ack-n- o w, edged by manlr leligious lead ers today Is to bu found in tho Church of Jesus thrist of Latter-da- y Hainta, and was. in facL ths roek upon orhldh ths Oiuroh wai originally founded. Is an of Its divine tiu option.MilIn tho Franklin 8. L liushands. : ""hga of chlld-re- n to paints. 4 50. an Increase of 4.226; ato baptism for the JlJeaa. 4.601, ait Increase of 160. "In January 1632 we appointed a new group of 28 ThU group, continued on with their splendid to work and tohen the time cam new release them and appoint a 88 wished to, group, only5 two of the be released, We keep a close record ecn - month so that at any time we know have just how many endowments been performed during the mpnth ' by each missionary We have a ward temple da one the day each week sponsored byl different organisations In the ward. The Genealogical society, usually taking every other week, theRelief Prlctbod quorums. 'Society, etet and alo ths bishopric by Inviting H temple taking a turn workers to go through a seexlon with them 'Wo hav had roup cxcuiarfons o the Logan, St, George and Mantl a great (deal temples, which of inlet est among the worker Home of ourfmoMt faithful temple missionaries are people who have not been to the Temple! for from 10 to 40 years, and some Who Aut their endowments to "hae taken be able to answer this special ball. There cem to be more of ah In-- r icntive to gt more often, after thy have been Act apart by the bishop u as a tempjr missionary Brings lnuiwt Wasatch Blnhop HurnfM of tho ward follow a similar plan of calling inembee of his ward andlhas as he says very splendid respema.' spiritNot only has the general uality Improved but quite a number have who Individuals performed f endowments under thle special call-jn- c are now turning their interest 1 Thr- -) N'qsittnusd Trom P as to wllat rctlon) w- 1 . irot. ipIrUualrty i our A "It increasad 1 Sunday school ;pVlthood; I ward Sacrament .uc tlnaa MmJ ! doubled in attendance: teacher responded man belme and In place of - lone r 111 1 bore j I AnoUae Taggart of the Hlrhop llenry Mmake thla report IJjiwthorno ward of Ida ward about calling memhora ! f to do temple work. of 4 were !"Karly in 1JB a grioup In conheecalled by the hlahoprlo society tlon with the geneiUqglcul as and aet apart te act oftemple six month for a psrio! or on Ur complete 15 endowment J each week. "To October of 111 there were 32 endowment performed, aaIncrease of 141 over 111 of if j r ; , . ? ; inus ' j rcqulremenfs to or Adviamcment JicstboOd drawn i II K imhtlNKII BI.M behavior In all (ktu r II pood around In end inerting 1y ' inceiings himee I In all Itegulsr ailendanfO parti, nlm lyy In Bunday school and sueramehtai itieetmgs. 1IV 2. nic.-tlnp- Must uiidvrntJind and be 1. trig .the Word of Wisdom. 4. Must understand the law ef( tithing and f ahow faKh, .tn thle r prlnriplr. 5. Must be able to reelt - the Ten 4 Cpmn.andinents . Must be able to recite the Ar lines ot h'atth. 7 Should understand reasonably aelt theritrst principles of. the (Him pel. Fuith, Ifcpcntunce, Baptism kind the lraylng on of Hand. 1. Should In a general way un. derstand the meaning and Import j am of Priesthood. J. Must know the dutlee of a Deacon aa outlined in Bcctton 29 of the Doctrine and Covenants. 1. Must be able to explain what 'I'ohstltutea a quorum ofj Deacons sad how It should fvufcllon. j J 1 feet that som of ugai'A selfish We ore glad to enjoy onr Wwsings, tore are so happy to be surrounded by the comforts of Ilfs nndxto have the ivKsociutlon of the best rnen end women that can be found In the world, that we forget our duty tp others. Elder George Albert Smith. ,5 1 154 iy Aajronle 101 Aqronlo up 1V 'tho 1lonecr Btak coiumUt- -, pnd. ap- -I'rlusthood the- lrwuding ltlshov- proved by Dloric, are uowtn fire o' lui the perr ktako. , have out While the requirement Veen adopted generally, lit ta tU thev ateureful. and they) are here to prea. nted Hiat others dhstrlug requtre-lnctit- k. adopt ri.hr m or alniltafrl may have tliem as a m.d f. K5kl IIU Mb MTS 5Xll JltOYS v- o, th forty-sevin- . A the Bishop jW hilib V diyd hlf.1 of He pi yin be f, I860 w.nj in the ftfi sixth yrg'r of bin age, and the .office nof presiding bishop with the Lthc positions hoi held, wax thus tnad t vn aun In a published epistle f Cm the first ipresl-il- l nry to tbs thuirh, wrttteh during the month., the following occurs ,4lrojidUig lllshop Newel K. Whitney dltd i ry suddenly bn the 2'lrd ifiHt I lllshop 1'atjrridgo was thofjr-- t bisiwip in rslding the Chtrrrt in ib-slast dop. and died several since. Jtb was ttrt siiirce.Pd Jit v Itislmp Whltn4r Ini ' iu irorlil pf .la now gon 4'Hfu stst went! b us font lYrtain ones we base tiisiie h rctomre, to rim Jrfectl that lllshop Kdward Vmi tridK1'. jihouxh mti h1dltg 4he utte, wa (fit our ume virtually In thw poMltlon of pn siding bishop of the Chuietii. and that Bishopl Vinson Knight, Haitiuel II, Hmitk and Hhadrach illoundy. though called to preside lover the bishoprics after his death, lars not known to havs Off Ids tod in that capacity; week) (To he on ludrd-tiox- t t L bnan-twiue- m tbe al sub-divid- IjaUor-dayittiMr- STANDAUD HhU-IAU-o ry i Pioneer Stake Lists Features For Each Quorupi ot-s- 1m-- tpsi Advancement In Priesthood Given i le Oe-nr- ta 1 have peopled And made glad ths once empty and desolate waste. Is one of th marvels of history. It would be impossible in this brief spacs to follow It In all its ramifications ami details, and unfair as well as unsatisfactory to mention some particulars and omit jothors W are thereequally Important. of for cotiNtfatned. In this artU our series,! to gensrailxo more than would be heecssary or deslrabls tf bpaco and fuller Information wers at rur command Ths appointment of Nswbl K Whitney ak the first bishop ifkf ths not Church, lit Oi bber. 1832, hirp fhs pte-- , equivalent to making was at least ths preSiding bishop, paratory Mep to that end for we find him bxerSislng tbs function of ,that offb'e onn afterwards. Ils rook m aejtlxe p irt In transferring Winter ths Halntsi from Nauvoo, Quarters, Coumil It faffs, and west- r place jslong their roytsi ward, aftief tho Illinois exodus, and earlv In in!ctobrt 1848i hd Arrived in alley with a compsny the he had himself led acrotoi 'plains Ini the minutes of tho gn-icrconference of the Church, held , tn omit KtUt friake city. Hsptembcr fit st minutt ls60 publieh- nij y d in tho hla natno ap tho authorl nrmijng p.urs general tis as ptsidibg biMhop of the Chutth. Him caunsiloni wore Pres 1.1 nts lltilhatn Young and llvhe of thi First presidency iCKImball was At the same eonf rears he ri looted treasurer of the perpetual which lommUtec. fund emigrating! le was there had Hi lu.iptlon ?g)o acting In the cnpatltyof true IIU.MkNTk PlmTIIOkK KDI 111 UK tmUAIMKD TKAtTIKIl - Must have an active record 1. am J . a 1 iea.vin, I, 2. Krgular attendance In all In Bunday meetings, particularly 'school, Kacratmntal meeting and j MIA. 1 Murt understand and be live ln the Word ot Wtadoin. 4. Must understand thelaw ef tltbtng and show faith fnf this prln slple. -- 5. Must know ths duties of a Teacher as outlined tn Bectloq, 29 , of the Doctrine and Covenants. 4. Must be able to explain how j many constitute a quorum of Dea- com and Teachera and how thes- should function. 7. Jdunt be able t recite Htho I istory of the ftostoratlon lot j test hoed. , Aaronlo I Must b able t name tho fonr I eounclla oonstituting ths denerql Authorities of the Church, 9. Must be able to give the names of the Presiding BUhoprid. 19. Must be able to give the names of ths Flint Preiddcncy of . the Church. RKQC I KKM KX'I'S XK TBOgB TO BK OltDAIM3 HUKhTfl ' I Must have an active record as a Teacher and havs functioned as a ward teacher. 1. Krgular attendance , In alt meetings particularly In Sunday school, Sacramental meeting and . . the M. I. A. j f 1. Must understand and live tho J Word of Wisdom. 4 Must understand ths law of ahow faith in thla printithing and I i ciple. 5. Must know the antie7 Of a Privet' ae outlined m Section 19 of the Doctrine and Covenants. (. Must be able to explain how many Priests constitute a quorum and how it should function. j t Must be able to rcelt the story of tbe Restoration Mclehlxedek Priesthood. S. Must be able to recite the PY formula. . Must be able to recite the two Sacrament prayers. 19. Must bn able to exp) ilri th purpose of the Sacrimnt lr I J J toward wo arch wot k and tVy will undoubtedly contlnus their Interest In thiserv Hnirortaftt em1eaoi. In moot wand wher temple missionaries have been 'ealledi a re- lease is given them, on the ooinple-tio- n of their work. A sample of the release In given herewith j JOHN IKVB This certifies that you are' honorably released from your TEMPLE MI88ION. The splendid spirit that you have manifested, your faithful and diligent labor tn thls work, command the gratitude of All into who lives you havs been instrumental In bringing the necessary and blessings for exaltation. keys May ths vupretne joy that come from ths performance of A nobis wor2t-wdone bo yours and your future 1IU be enriched KrW of fruits past ssperlenoeo and ty anWgad actlvltlao In fbo ddd88 btepon redomption.' Jw U - . |