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Show ft THE DESERET KEW5, SATURDAY. JANUARY gt S. L. Council Scouting Goes To BeaverArea Re-Se- ts Annual Meeting Date W Grant Troop 6 Has Model Scout Hall j Boys Invited To Inspect SECTION TH 193 Troop 268 Vanguards Win Grant Grid Title Troops Set Scout Circus Set-U- p a t Event Takes place Jan. 27 Team Runs Center Buck Through Complete Season In Stake Taber- , equipment, and a room especially is prepared for troop properties Without .One Defeat in Games or nacle j provided. Robert B. White Named Session District Chief; Other South Takes 19 Place at Event Jan. High; Officers Chosen Limited to 700 Scoulers; Finals BT BORAX M. CHRISTENSEN The Scouts of Troop 1 wider leadership of Scoutmaster George Hemingway, have carried on for Garries Emblem Points some time peat with a earlea of Notice-Giv- en -- v , r also hare, as a heating conThey well as as and projects; parents a with the dievenience, large will Grant district Scout circus BY DON R HARRIS , BRAVER, Jan. i. Beaver others, in the activities of the Bof Scout emblem carved from be held as planned before the-di- a - As we approach tile annual meeting of tiie Salt-La- ke Under leadership nf Coach Royal Jenaen and Capt Bill jiouneiL trict has completed an orgamza- - troop. solid stone and cemented Into the Room Complete divided, unless further Scout leadership. At front and directly above the grate. Jtrict waf and Anniversary week; there am a number of jmput lanl maltert tioh for Boy Troop 268, Vilford ward. wonthe Grant stake Vanguard The troop's menu i achievement; made. Jan.27 wli meeting- Jleldi 'thTheWesT" ward flreplaM i we should call to your attention," Scout hcadqujflm has advised football The'evenTat title y remaining unbeaten both in fames and point eat completion of a fine Scout Abov(, --,the the mhiem.ndn - dirated hy the consecntiv-year stake tabemacte kicsaTed-lliStrtEt cirarnncn aTrd 'COmmissionerr-ni-a Sreciaf builctin: - Tbfr- - aPL.lVxdnMdayaveRlPg.the Jr.oochuilbjindthrOUghoutrthrentiTeBcasonr'ThTsinarksthesecond n Irirant arw.se attractive -IUr pennants. Mer dlmctton Scoutmaster Scant, of Troop Thirty-thir- d sanization began its work. " State South . 268 has won tbe championship. Ibulletin sayg in pari the aays that Hemingway 1 Interviewed Mr. , of Hemingway. A. A. Anderson, chief executive Mr. Hemingway at the new Scoot Pem,enta were secured at a recent Points were awarded on tbe . one 9 Tbe annual meeting dale has been changed to Jan. attWas In council. of and Timpanogos found bln bnrily . at room, following basis: 60 points for each compete In events such as wall GOLD-QUI- LL eek later than the 'original announcement, - and is to be held endancewith a patrol of Scouts, team participating, 100 extra points ... becoming to a scout room and skin the snake, relays and oth- ...mg. At the Soutfi high school. them on for each victory, 10 points for each Inplaetng prananta Bcout dohiga. The rally will be Following are the newly appoint- ststlng ;Xh..xrapUonof the wails and arranging for Be There at Six registered player ln each game, five nnder the direction of District .held officers: Robert B. White, ed room was the vancement of tbe boys; completed with :eommlMlonerlI Ilay Cutleri wluUm (paint, "At the annual meeting the points for each wilt bo displayed by districts -chairman; George C. The room of Troop . Brouters of each district will as. modelj no expense and Is now open foriF player In each game, two points Price rhari. district banners. Encourage ' Jv , The Gold Is these taviU west, The ln Scout rooms, first ths in nee S first each per cent for the month for Quill for chairman; rooms dock, tn George ttrmvely.inspecUon at p in aemble assigned "hot dog' will troop In your district to build in the troop colors of red who may be interested to copie Jn ft,Ude tha nU as far as Is known. will be award- registered - Vanguards. and one - to puton decorations, practice songs, every AH Scouts nd its Lhest and have it on - drrplav Jeffersonr. second - vice chairman; th with a rirt. cream or stunts and to prepare ! Tuesday evening. Congratutn the two newly ed to Eagle Boout Knight B. Kerr point for each per cent for Van Scoute the h9t Th'Si,.lE. Wittmer. strict commission- - andback, - tjteera orkhwhe-laUon- s tbe- - wsld. fhi- tr. grand entry-tt- r M- r- Hcmingwsy and organixed Uvlng ttle fellow-,- , W districts of Grant and of Troop AS, managing editor Of the monthwf""uorregwtered a tuo.Jear project of the read-- f - for the boys are Included in the conorganlzacourse of all time gome each , Milpdinner. players Troop (. ago guards, E!mer, DonWeils are expected to attend. committee and unless a troop!Salt Lake Council Press club, at the forming to Vanguard eligibility district agreed to decorate each lng ittion; Wesley W. Farrer, company ald Stanfield. makes the chest the first j X Brouter from the district with some will he unable to do- - the year second organization; S. Tailor Farnsworth, monthly Court of Honor of Ensign ruie.168- - stood out in front by . distinctive decoration leap, flower. year's work. Perhaps Scouts from court , George Marshall, district, which wlll be held tn the a Troop .n ths total number not to 10 cents In exceed tc.), tbe troop could 'sea re up enough finance, Paul E. Beechey, University ward chapel on Sunday oflarge margin Cost: Boys points. The team members and i T. Albert Muir, secre i: Jan. training: nt'sKip evening, districts wilt add much to the nickels- - Make this The aTy ah3Tfe3vnrerr-riy!e-8uth- .i cost The host troop. Troop 48. has their' positions are as follows; CapJo-iLL- , Don and fun of the occasion. sloganmany tain Collins, quarterback: tn your prepared a special program that is Slaughter,-Joscouting: Dr. . MeQuarrie. Each district Thurman. Itussell Sthe cafe- troop a Treasure Instrueto be given in connection with the C. Dennis White. fhest.'' health and aaferv; teria according to its 'standing In lions for building chests have been. civic service; Edgar R. Moody Leggroan and Barlow Wi miner, A farewell "party was given-b- y awarding of the various Scout halfbacks; Hava yon ever had aspiraDdans'Kekard, fullback; go beck to headquarters and membershipdrlve." sent to all Scoutmasters. Walter Carlton and A- badges. Chairman of the Court ef 71 Tuesday night In the reading; Troop an tions of actor? of that Cliff being get a copy part, pracWinters, Jesse Ferre, Tuss there will he J At throll dinner amusement hall of the Twenty-fourt- h Honor Alvin A. Beesley and Com' Well, Begin now to check each troop Williams, educational publicity, Dava . chance. tice this Bub watch heres then your for it, Butterworth, call. page Each will fis'rict district its preparation to take part in The second Monday evening of Tbe Salt Lake Council Publicward in honor of Assistant missioner Melvin Strong will be in Fullmer and Verdi Fisher, announcement of White, ende; - respond by giving a cheer; song, in memeach month has been set aside for itb C- Lind, who charge of the program week the Francis Scoutmaster program:, anniversary direction concerns The under committee, Lawrence, Don a group, story W stunt-.-,. Get at this at ..once, so t'ro t Fim.jay, program- - Pacentftb to be held at- -. ity of .the executive bdard assist- Leon.. Fike, DonJimLarson. Gene depart soon for the tSwedlsh bers' of David F. Couney end W; of boys working in the coal wilt Fou can make a good showing. Lawrence, ing. and Milford, at Eeavet y Districthernately mission. at troop meeting G. King, chairman, ars going mines in a small settlement in Arnold Arneeen, Chuck JefTha dinner will be limited - to night of Feb (The court was Th recommittal in entertainment evening the Wednesday meeting honor; to revive those good old days" fdd Be outers. We will have to S Pennsylvania. They are called fries, Hy ORulilan, Bob' Pratt and hands of the committee consisting Mobilization, Good turn and'wili take- - the place of the regular Von Bailey. bad boya and their leader. dratnmer.' Bill Pratt, tackles; give each district Quota on tfckv f eta details monthly meeting for January. of Senior Patrol Leader Whitney Vanguaras7 Scouts Swim Remember has of achieved a Decide now who should come Circus on Feb. Id. All of th. tha Howlck Jack Larson. Is couple Lester years Huckleberry, have on the been) above features Scouta and Ralph Howes, Haight Bnenvutbla reputation of the , ago when Troop IS. won the from your disfrtct-G- et At Wasatch Springs De Gooyer, Don Harris and Don your-key isciileut. Dickinson v and Grant dramatization wont hoy In the country, but Wllford contest with Reid, guards: and Jack Cahoon. Brown. Certificate Get Tour on The from here Unfinished Statue? will am to have Well, yon FOrty-te- x Going Display Vanguards and Scouts Julian Work and Jack Christena oonsisted The of some program cerfind rest out members for of the the that of centers. sen. yourself of d Troop treasure chests will he During anniversary week, Troops 326 and 125, of West The contest, under management play are still with the troop, . by going down to Scout bead- -, speech of welcome by Scoutm'aster Jordan, enjoyed a swim at the Wafxhlblted at the annual meeting tificates of good appearance will Carman followed games Dick Young and Monte by Ralph be awarded to every troop that has satch Springs plunge Wednesday at of Clinton Larson and C. Pewey ' quarters after Tuesday and At the 8.30 p.m. and light refreshments. two of the three mus75 per cent of Its Scouts ln full taining a part. Hale, proved a success, and everywm he awarded each close of the program an Some of the other character keteers,- hare been told about Eagle All registered uniform; certificates of progress Points thing points forward to a greater and Vanguards basts the was of on to FranScout the following are: s Pinky Pinfeathers, this play and express d a presented in good appearance, to troops that 9?,ik a cis ring Scouts w ere guests. year next year. ,uhIrte th the of the an,i members Mack to In by TotllTS troop. any waj have 60 Per cent to roustabout; Judge help per cent Teqpp committeemen and utlieie lu" Appreciation oF tttaZfine work who vef. the owner . might. rurn hsned were PRESS CLUB NOTE he has done in tbe last two years. Willard Turpin. transportation So to all the(Boy Srouta of mines: Mr. HcCloakey. man you can to encourage the nse of ihey show in their work. Cecil Os The presentation was followed by a car Morris, X D. Porter.llansen. Accuracy. 20 points; speed. 10 Salt Lake council hero la ager of the supply store; Jfor-mthe Bcout uniform. Dell Haun charter talk from ths ' departing assistant Owen Horne, James Atwood and We suggest that you appoint points; neatness of copy, 1 0 points; Tolliver, the Judge's son; your chance of shoing off A1 brrsoriginal Jear Skinnum. from, the city; scoutmaster. of the Salt significance of reports, 10 points; a special committee In your your dramatic talents. For Leonard Brown. Wun Lung Loo. a ' Chinese to work up the songs, stunts worthwhile suggestions for imeveryone of the 1,099 Scouts In Council Press dab are asked the council hss an equal chance and dacoratkms for ths annual provement of page, 10 points; Inihundryman: Flapjack. Rucks to meet at tbe editorial ofCOURT OF HONOR HELD as10 attention to one mutiative. once. of the many of winning chum; Tubby Timmons, a points; meeting. Do this at fices of The Desevet News; Eqdippdd at Official .sical genius; Micky Malone. a Ths Liberty district field a large This Is g partaMonady' at 4 p.m. sharp. B of Scoot Hcodqoartcn but"Finally little hunter, and many mors. ' Court of Honor Sunday evening at Heres how. t necessary If you are to under- at meetings. and punctuality. As announced the annual meet This Is a very Go to Boy Scouts headquarand general progress, stand what la in the program yon get In on this the Tenth ward chapel, Mr. Hem-ln- g will be held ln Buffalo, New to discuss plsnj lor meeting, ters some bushels You two time after the next of fun and education. months. points. Tuesday lng ingway and his boys of Troop 6 (York. The date are May list, complete enrollment at the Will be anxious to have your dls- The member of the club having of next week, obtain a synopsis Capable directors and manafurnishing the program and acting June 1st and 2nd. Mark this on Press dub and dtsmsshm of e most points at the end of each as hosts. Troop 54. Second ward: your calendar whether you are a trict and troops make n fine- of the play "The Country Boy gers win have charge. the many ocher matteea ttat will be given special recog- The publicity committee win Troop 36. Emigration ward, and local council delegate or Just ord. Scout. read over the different come to the attention of (month, have L Tenth ward. took most of j terestsd In Scout! n . . This will - be present the play sometime darCheerfuQy youra, . Iniliou on the page. Just how this , characters, then decide which the president and vice presi. out for. Gene. ' I will be done, will ba the honors. Christensen. la very Important meeting. ing anniversary week. dent. fire-pla- ce - thda7af at -- seal-wo- -- ... , FIRST rk HERE dis-Th- ' Mur-und- er The'nuf ljs . , XJP Council Publicity Committee Announces Plans For Play J L 1 district--"Everylr- ural wilh-nnt- Bid Farewell Scooter . -- 'I try-out- s. - w.. ft 1 ji if -- Tegular-meeting- - - DHIi-mo- re, - -- " Press Club Starts Point Contest j: o'v FORWARD! Car-penti- de-si- rs P" sn MARCH! dis-wt- et Bo-su- x, Z. C. M. L P rec-Jth- - -- 17 Y - First Lady of Utah Vouches For Worth of Modem Girls ; Bee-Hiv- Girls DecideWhat e - To Do During Girls i Set Swim Dates -- Ths Stake Bee Keepers are busy, bussing around to meetings. At the' aim next meeting, which will - take In the last Girl Resents meet- place Thursday al 8 o'clock, they ing at the South high school we are going to make a swimming discussed what wa would like to do 'schedule.-- j during the next month. Soma of This swimming schedul will be soon as aa the girls chose to go on a trip given to the girls the schedule for the through sns .of th business firms Id the city. Others chose to have Bra Hive girls up to Jsmisry J4. a candy pull or to ha a skatJanuary 19 the Ensign girls will have a swimming meet. January . ing party. 17 the Liberty girls, and January After the meeting of th offi- 14, the alt Lake girls. Watch this cers of the club stayed for a few page for further Information about irnutes and decided that we would the schedule. Fay Knight. gt-- s woman to demonstrate cam we dy making, and afterwards would have a candy pulL Bee-Hiv- e Girls Give ' that during the Ilf decided month we will get some practice Slumber, Dinner Party tn basketball and then we will schools.-Ver-r olhthe play high dinner and slumand Erma Marshall and Lillian A progresaivir Andersou covered the meeting for ber party, chaperoned by Mrs. Cluff was the Press club; and Mira Kerr, e held recently by the girls of the J Third ward. The , List course, tomato soap was served at; the home at Lou Mat Stromness, with other courses following at the I homes of Helen Gardner, Fay Kerr. Gardner and M The alumber party wa at the LucyUrantCannon was born in home of Mrs. Cluff. Sixteen girls salt Lvk6 City on Oft 22, 1880. She and five adult women took part: great time - By id the daughter of Heber J. Grant everyone bad-- a ' and Lnc Stringham Grant Mr Vyrlo Langston. Wife of Governor Sug-77- gests Neio Resolu- tion Daily pos-sjbl- e, BY MIBB HELEN COLLINS fTb toil Wing la a signed inter- mew with Mrs. Henry H. Blood, wife of Gov. Henry H. Blood ) niy. pleasure to have close oven Intimate association with groups of girls during the character forming period of their liven My duty has been to know what girls ware' thinking; wliat they were doing, And what were their reactions to Changes going on around them changes in dress. In social customs. and la the whole scheme of things th th home and outside of .t. . And as a result of what I have learned by association and observation. 1 am convtmcd that the girls of today are well, established ln the cardinal virtues, and will d ,prmina-tio- n eariy on with thesamg and courage to do right that have been shown by their mothers. This thought has been with me as I have seen how the sacrifices mrw. m:Ht h. m.ooD of th past few years have been met with cheerful and resolute purpose to make the best of exist .Ins conditions. The spirit of pio Bee neer women has not been wanting - , tn our girls. "Young people of this generation have seen waves of a new freedom, oo ealled washing against ac- - Iurirc th'- - fast yeerr th- - Gah er MjnrFox: I.;-- , in. ..la ct pte d Wgi9-l- bulwarke. but it haSerS"Q JLom y i'hr.v Like Ti:i 'pi.- - to M r. George J. el. Cil.igna betn gratifying to Hole Ihat in the'lho Uannou hud She te the mother of five many p,rfcH,nd ha;e plain there has beenno lmportanfiward. teaselling of mooring; still he.d 'socials. Although the Mu: ,ai let in- - light rs and' two sons She also By Ila high ar the fundamentals ..of true:'is not s' art uiitit 'nil :i,sv c.ir- !l,li TvkF granddaughtera.' iL tried on their wotk during th Sum PearLz goodness. of under hlnltcl of the risk At leadership disregarding the,nir. age-ol- d notion that the ushering i!irfld Jind Mj rtle Yat s. l.re-I- n of the new year is the time for Keepers KEEPERS INSPECT up on renewing of resolution, msv I not On lk-1- 1, the Swarur went . airuniT--thatr to oLXanhilhihJl BUI LDERXWQRKj th galli young j;.rl suggest 7 , The leaves were very thick and . hev got many beautiful ones. Every day ls' a fresh begin;-ninLast Tuesday the gul made ire ' BKrarer r ' Every morn Is and ake aB4 wardBraKee'pere ' TW .made new." , ,.,!e period. Gath- t,uy cheeking the Honey When the stoke, bazaar carne And that if Is a sacred duty to , ,, K grow with the days, and .month.;. (during the month oXqvembcr. the vJEtoman' and year from charming girlhood ghH embroidered their', beehive Ithcrtr, b . thL,!1 toh.check the Ijito beautiful womanhood, making symbols on dish towels, luncheon Time , the - Builders have been ach opportunity . yaluable. each and hot pads, and donaed r.cked The wilt be checked them to th bazaar for the stake on foundation girls effort elevating. cells, emblems, bra seminari- - Byjdarion Llo$fL, there still toes, and mem badges. he met, face them The Bee Keepers will be notified tessly, nobly, and thereby achieve. several1 dayehead of time; in or HOT PAH HOLDERS If fortune emiles, make use of time derdo give th girls sufficient time and opportunity and the blessing and-tHot pad hoM- -r da-their work in a manner at hand, accepting them as gifts Mclureg rejireeenimg the symbol that,organize will make checking easier. 4 Heaven.,and move serenely for- - of each girl in th hive, ba,ve been Sevel-of the wards wjl! meet ward to high accomplishment. comp!ettd by the Gajhesers In the together and have their checking Tooth is a tune for Just such Pltasant ,r f, v a rd A mothers' don on the' same dav This will he!d ;iv-' h,,-wav growth, during adveysity, or pros and dpughterv time and e 'fort for the e " on Ferity. idurnig th holuiil s. 'i htlaia Neper, ikins. . ? MRS. HENRY H. BLOOD Rulh Bojack. 7 -- 1 Ft ten -- na - Bee-Hiv- WHOS WHO IN Y. L. M.I. A. Hive Girls COURSE SLATED. First Aid - 1 - !:. --- i g - g. the-wo- CALLED UPON FOR MISSION January 'f fe1he si0- rld -- l'vTaI fl, . -- tow-el- a ;, Jea-TB- SV i Course for LORENCK In. the San PETERSEN. , ward. - was called recently to fill a mission ln the North Central 8fatea. She Is to leave Twenty-fift- h -- - JVu -- Girl Scout Winter Camp Ends as Decided Success X Francisco Woman Tells of Contact ' With Club -- TWENTIETH WARD GIRLS GIVE PLAY A play. Alice's Blue Gown. was e recently presented by the Girls of th Twentieth-war- d direction Of of Ensign stake,-unde- r Mao Green, hnd Lnciie ' Weenig. The cast included Wlnnifred Newetrom. Betty Adams; Ora Day bell. Eileen Jones, Helen Higbam. Lael Woolsey, Cleo Has lam and EsTIl ER NEWBOtfLD'T Declaring that Girl Reserve club work widens the interests of girls and provides new ways to meet the demands of their d teen. M rs Edith Sappington, prominent doctor from San Francisco, during a recent visit to Salt Lake, urged all girls to take full ' advantage of it. Through the service rendered by the Girt Reserves to their com muntty. I have- fotind- That girla ob- quick-pulse- Beo-Hlv- Bee-Keep-er ' Vrlgl-- i. -h- e-h-t. solution to World It problems, gives the girls of the entire world something to da; to talk about; and to think on. The opportunity and opening the organization gives for awakening the desire and demand for further education which comes through service activities, she declared c: Bee-Riv- 4-- 7 ' xcept min "rotary. . - ' , ss y. The emblem of the Girt Re serves is a blue triangle sip- health, intelligence, allying and acknowledgement of God, is girls who Join "the Girl Reserves want to be healthy, en- deavor to be Intelligent, and strive to attain a real spiritual- Ity and physically fit body. The three sides of the triangle symbolize the body, mind, and spirit The emblem wa chosen in 1918. It la a blue triangle ftwtth G. R. In the center and a blue circle around It, mount-- ed on while paper, Peggy Chace. a Girl Reserve of DetrotftMichigan, wrote poem to simplify the emblem of the''1 Girl Reserves; Within that laglcCifci youtlK Ever-strivi- x . truth. F rom .natur e ooy-mu- ng of Well weave a perfect pattern With golden threads 6f - : houa--Ml- Explained tu tie Its nutstandlng-fcatlirby Doctor Sappington further exby pressed the opinionthaLGirLRe--serv- o NaomiBuckmlller. Bonniojean clubs" form good physical, and Shawnle Kent, accompanied emotional, spiritual and. social habGirl by Rosalia M. Hovey, also played. its. Sec-on- happy campers returned last Saturday from th Winter camp held thls year ln Mountain Dell canjon at the Girl Bcout Emily Lynch. M isa Kita Birkhaus, Miss Miriam Mat-seMiss Cornelia Benton, Miss Emma Halvorsen. Mias BUy Bel-bbliss Opal Kemp, Mies Elens Thomson, Miss Lois Northrop, Mira Bernice Pearson. Miss Josephine Eleanor Halvorsen, Davis, Muss Miss Martha Selby, MiswMary n. and Mias Florence K Tilling has been a main attraction at each of the five previous winter camp but this year only very few spota on the hil1- sides had enough snow to permit this - talking for .these spots furnished u some entertainment. We- - had to forego the pleasure of the Ski tournament wehad- pianned and its accompanying snow-ba- il rolttfig and snow ture. Was it difficult to find sculp other, things -- do do? Not at u: Wo Damped long hours in the hills, enjoying ths blue of the sky. th yellow of the fields, the warmth in the air; the temptation of a dklant mountain peak led many of us -- r t over linpT-y- - yi -- r bnnltc. rock ledges; der tracks beckoned u to foHow.spd bird songs. to pause and listen. Food and its preparation occupied us and Qur mcale were diTTcious. Campfires n, A violin solo was presented Phoebe 8pencer, accompanied the Public Safety Bldg. Of ficer d Thomas Dee Is the Banquet Slated and First Claes First. Aid and material for the First Aid Merl, Among many other things that Badge Win be covered. "All Interested Girl Scouts are Invited to at- are being planned at the T. W. C. tend this course which will con- A--, la the annual banqnet, whidh Is to be held the latter part of this tinue for eight weeks, month, at headquarters; All members of the Y. W. C. A. and the general public are Invited. GIRL CLUB GETS After the annual business hss been discussed a short program NEW SCHEDULE will take place. This banquet win be under the FOR MEETINGS supervision of Miss Baby, executive secretary of th T. W. C. A. EXT week sll meetings of By Wanda Isaac. the girls press flub hav e been changed. All Girls and Girl Scouts will Girls Finance Class . meet Tuesday at' a; The; Girl Reserves the With Candy-Sellin- g ' .News, and Thursday, at 4:15. There will he no other Enough money to finance their meetings during the we-- k. for the year, was earned by for Individuals on spe-- - class th Gatherers of Pleasant Green eial 'assignments or regular ward, by selling candy the girls rnna. These reporters wli! had made! Nine honeycomb hooks' turn tbetr copy tn as previand enough seals to supply the ously arranged, bv leaving it class through the year Nwere edt tors ask. f by Thelma Jenkin. X.Fifteen Girl Reserves Emblem 11. Tuesday night, Eee. 4, the Bee Hive Girls had a surprise party at her home ln her honor. Lena Glaus; another Boo Keeper, presented a brief case to her with her initials on it This was bought with th- smoney - collected from girls tn ths last month. Fifteen people were present Pioneer By Miriam Parker, - stake scribe. in & L Visitor Lauds Girl Reserve Idea S. BEE-KEEPE-R liiii-si.- -. -- rqTTmrittrnmirirnigag" hifTieaven's azure HJf Well form, with links hT len d sh i p, a- - w eh o f . h i le and blue. . midnight sandn iches, candv. command much more made pop this ' season' aotivittes tremrndouslr . i successful. The Salt Lake City commission The spirit of loving service. furnished the truck for winter health. of The f camp for which we are very grate. perfect glory roll. rul- The wonderous gems of knowl-edgIt was a wonderful truck one- - of the kind "T which looks Jiko The beauty of - nature's - mi7aVX : 'rhe Adding vvas .Ta7n' wealth- tia. k and a ,fe--Fu Kiris rushed for a seat on th AH woven within the circle, ,WC r?!T RO ,hat they would have With glorious golden curves. bedding to lean against. Before tn ii hp waa over, however We'll strive for the best tn -The Girl Reserves, the Beehive tlTtv r girlhood their choir beesu-- e tha 7 and the Girl Scouts have organized Girl Reserves. a club to encourage all girls who Loyal ft! b5'i,,n to lean aeainst Before want to learn the technique of 7 M?ny interesting conversations took place. We newspaper work and perhaps some MEET CALLED little t time to sing hdeai.. wehad time be on a newspaper staff. were on rs T .e Girl associThis Club Is called the Girls ,hri,IPd 'tb wiw.r! a.d hat Press dub." The Girl Reserves ation-will meet next Thursday. not 5 n ,0,'n The Jan. 11, at 7:30 ln the chamber of their group. ton the Triangle New Flashes. the Girl commerce. Mrs H. J. -- Bodmer many ,AfT glance werehighway."' turned toward the hills to see if Scouts have called themselves will preside. Th Girl Bcout Scribblers, nnT .noie on whTcH w e there and The Girl Scout council met IS; the Beehive., Girls have- chosen Thursday, Jan. 4. at 7:30 In the kl. There was none. Whenrol.ld w Giri Scout ..headquarters. ' reached the farm" we "Beehive Buzzers." In our group we are being tmgnr courts of the bedding. Tt took threeunloaded This month troop girls to .write headlines for newspxPJTW.irrt will be held In the vr.nouxp!'t everrthlnw un'r-..- ', I tirr places t In the city bv artlcb'aanA.dr learning how d and mh read copy. Donna Netsou bold these in the it -- i vrr u trt il Fa f, .Vd , lng.-- By Erma May Stephens; December. . Eleanor the organization offers the most splendid training a girl can receive and she urges all girls that ar now members of the Girl Reserves its continue their activities and all girls that are not members to 'en- -- e. GirLJReserves of Show Progress -- - Scout-Leade- tW have-nam- ed " - some-lrifctl- tn'c, andit-ops-vrhi- ch did-no- r. A' 47 Halvon.' f |