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Show I v SECTION THREE THE DESERET NEWS, SATURDAY, JANUARY 6, 1934 Adetjuate Diet ls Outlined For Children PAR E NM EAGH EB ASSOCIATION Founders Day To Be Feted In Matrons Depart L Mrs. Grant Yoons, who left recently for an extended stay In Davenport, Iowa; Mrs. J.J'orde Johnson, of Los Angeles, Calif, who spent the Christmas holidays in Salt Lake and who departed to spend New Years day in San Francisco before returning to her home. February - is observed FOUNDERS- day mast include the "toi- February. Th purTHE diet protective foods: , Milk, I pose of Founders Day is to bring before the members of each assoone quart of whole milk dally ciation the high puroos of tho either fresh or prepared by diluting movement that parent-teachevaporated or dried milk- - To tks each member may understand may be added other milk products, more clearly tha motives which such as dried skim milk, cream and have inspired tha founders Chairman and cheese. Milk Is Indispensable to Mrs. Ralph D. leaders In this the childs diet; butter, oa bread i movement for 17 years The or other foods; egg. on daily. motives are today Inspiring hunVegetables-- - At least one serving dreds of thousands of member of dally of a green leafy vegetable p. T. A--- to work together unitand one serving of some ether edly to safeguard tha Interests of colored vegetable, spinach. turnip Founders Pay Is a tlms children. tops, cabbage kale chard, carrot, for renewing our loyalty to tomatoes peas, beans, green beets, -Byand our devotion to their Mrs. T. Harold Canv (fresh or canned) squash. Many, realisation for every child, wherwho is president of the vegetables may be used raw. such ever he mav live. as cabbage, carrots, (grated) associaParent-TeachThe child Tn our midst needs luce, celery, watercress, tomatoes. us today as ha has never needed . Jefferson , the of tion j Other vegetables, such as turnips, - r-us before. The rights of every VIM4U health, probltmt of eaccsswry to close a school becauso onions, parsnips, cauliflower may child art e udangered- - by seen school. clooe eh-jo- f than. Rather contagion f--' -- dtr-Jlk held adult include be for exclusion to but of used, hot tbs forces which are beyond fr( ptASSEfl on Bcb?l w Put oa. sxtra nurse the control of Individuals or of Mondays from JUM green leafy or other aolorad vegs- sewing meal, complicated, and Dot In thJth a more tatenaivs a nd n'ak. tapec-( on to local groups acting independently. rT'" " fresht o 2 lu o'clock; practice for the fflclenUy The welfare of children all chilfruit, oranges, haly lend themnelves poorly to or- control the epidemic. Holidays. singing Mothers from 1:10 to 4:80tdaUr or other fresh fruits dren, wherever they live calls fof few apples and mental dinary publicity, Very hygiene ddock, and Sunday frequently nationwide guided by tm ThursdayIrom l.H to 8.80n season. Cooked dried fruit. comprehend fully the Jm- - Saturday offset-ou- r careful Our nursing. as ths most Intelligent, devoted' and such raisins, prunes, apricots mease detail Involved In the main- measla epidemic has undoubtedly' 0 clock Parent-teachare minded teachers valuable and foods high and tenance and protection of public been All parents officers arend peaches aggravated by the Christmas In this country. We are organized health. requested to be at tha school at' should be used frequently la addU Many otherwise observ- vacation. theOur street, picture to fresh fruits. Other cooked 3 10 p.m., Thursday to plan a n throughout the United Slates and ing paraona take all public health churchee and stores ara far in Hawaii and Alaska, for the sola cial Founders day program. ell. - probieme for granted without aters, (fruits may be given; more dangarou than the attendro'two purpose of safeguarding the best four ths month to a number them past teaapoonfnls daily, During any particular ance at school. riving . Interests of the. cnildren of ot interesting plays and projects peclally ln the north . temperate thought. country. In their homes. In their have been presented to the children sene. i It will bo noticed that the city Disease In Contagious echools, Jefferson and communities acthe of la In school. brief Qie A addition, other energy and and county are not competitors which they-livTheir Interests ' count of several of them folio foods: Bread, two or, because each nor do they over-la- p Control are our supreme responsibility and -- health play, written . hae its own functions and authorby Miss-, three times a day; whole-graiour Mias Grace Evans supreme end Edith My- bread at least once a day; cereal opportunity. ity. The county must legally Salt Lake City typifiesera pi ssented under the dlrec - hot cooked cereal onee or twice w holed n make the levy and care for faie.iha.ami m himself. His appeal for health non of Mias Evans. The plot cen-ds-y. thereor with milk and served cream; ths In poor Indigent sick; that we show quite an Increase and happiness, for guidance and where Health starchy "ut potatoes, sweet, fore, the city exclude Itself from the total of our qua ran Unable has ten miatAani protection, la a allent appeal. It to kidnapped Ud la ltipoUt vegetable, macaroni or) field. Salt lake City con- ri barley, tor uja. since the city la a for adults to interpret this silent plaea Luxury and Gold Rule. At the Kmlny onto a day; meat or flab. fine Itself eaeentlally to It quar- - medical center for the lntermoun- Ika of yet eloquent appeal,- - and to ancourt Jester, the fresh lean moat or fish one a day suggestion an tins and police powers idfts. country w have brought into swer it. The ability and willingrescue If king sends an army to leave the field of treatment to Salt Laka many infectious diseases possiblA ness to do this Intelligently and Health from th Bad Pirates Tha foods recommended for unth county. The city does not for treatments. Infectious fee. Tea. Cigarettes Alcohol and adequately la th highest tost of employ a personnel of physician ara brought Into th four major the character of adult citizenship. Disease Germs Th army accom- dernourished children are tha same for and Bunas for the treatment of hospitals from southern Utah, Idaolder but tha age aay group, It"hen. .the . child . becomes - a , man , JL3. plishes Its tasks and Health reItself In- - h to limit but . Ths he rather ehild' -disease, child, t eepecially Nevada, then he will speak, and praise or turnsHealth Is represented as Dr. ' ho,. Wyoiatngand preventative or prophylactic mea- Salt Laka county general hospital blame accordingly as we deserve. Sum Fresh Air, Milk. Soap. etc. teens meeds larger quantities ef sure. food each does ths than younger Tha play was particularly InterestFounders Day programs draws many cases from ths county in Thera ara many subdivisions to and thus brings Into tha city many ing to tha children because of th child. Undernourished children ef February. )934. will honor th the city publle health department, cases of contagion not arising withfounders and leaders of the conuniqueness of the costume Each all ages should hav a quart of each conducting important and in the community. heir teens may person wore a large paper head ml,k: children gress through hbldlng high th vital work. This address will torch which has been pawed on representing the Character he por- drink more. on contagion: School and not consider the Important mat-to- n Report Parents "The Child of to us. . (Ve shall not seek to exalt National Mors Dependent Congress trayed. than children forty Smallpox. 1: diphtheria, t; will be the central theme for will meet at the Cleve- - personalities. The founders and of supervision of water sewparticipated. 9; Infantile paralysis, 9; Parent-Teachsec-' food meats or cuaslon at land ths "Dream Magic." presented by the and age, milk, February leadens of ths congress would bo city auditorium, scarlet fever, 80. tlon meeting of the convention of IS at 3 p m. Speakers will discuss he first to censure us for that. fifth grade under the direction of f sanitary Inspections. Neither will tj phold, 19; mumps, L714; School Child Miss Frieda Empey. proved to be we discuss th Vital Statistic de-- 1 measles, 1,889: the of superintend Dependent department honor which can b jThe 1.1S1. Ills Thehlghest Education asrocla - jwho U Responsible For a most delightful bit of entertainglvhn them-w- ill partment or social diseases, but chlckenpox, be for u to meet An andernourished child should :'n S Our major contagion has remainwill content ourselves with some ment for the entire school- - In the have more sleep and rest thaa the crucial problems of today with P,CXZLtSA, f0?1,0?,1 9ec- - ("'Vj, th'e same afuritual vlslen. undaunt- story all ths famous characters problems of publlo health or ed under control, with measles. from thehltred-- favorite story age. From 1 to year of age itoT101- d Courage, and Intelligent planschool nursing and Infectious auspices of --IhH These two divisions fever mghlng extreme limits. Jfost, ning which characterized their St least 1 hours dur-5n- til th child's nutritional condition hou,d ?t.Kidl'. Broadcasts work. in under my personal supervl- - epidemic disease make their Change ,n th dT nd should have II to return to normal. In waves or cycle. When Th . Purposeless slou and nr consequently quit from voluntary offerings U hour. of sleep ovidrk going be Mrs. Frederick M. Homer, chairtha children for their negligence !nl.a , idubere In local charted over a period of yean they to ms. . oa g Br g s nr , imnnlng about indoors shouldsome man of the committee in charge Founders Day areassociations recur with mathematical accuracy. raring for the library books Th' d!ronraged by providing used by th thlT the end of Mrid ths" eerie of state and national fo children were cleverly coetumed amusement. The physician of arrangements for Measle is a splendid example of i3'Wiet strengthen Z1 took, with th, folowing taking, work-an-' with re- - adio programs to be sponsored by Inie b,e?h ENdrt to this perlodlo recurnnco of epidemd In new fields the high purpart: Eileen Hartnet. Harry Bodell. 7half an hour and ahould have at sped to the amount of exercise the National Congress of Parents ics. The epidemic usually comes Teachers during Jmuary. poses for whicn the congress and Tony Guido. Richard Behm. Miut Is reach their peak In desirable. and that fall In the of sleep, going w uu ecbool i? hours Poulton, Colli. Johnson, Darrell February, and March, announces stands. December-anJanuary and leave T: or o clock. A child bmausa the nuns bow doing Monson. Evelyn Shoupe, Ida Roaet- J the following changes Indians: bait Lake COUHCU The observance fn Bn. to two years. We of Founders Habits of Eating school work perform many Other Instead of the dates originally Day In 1934 will be a succem It la. Duane Nay. Elaine McCrae and reach a total of about duties. While than ones an fuH generally of twelve aw parents and teachers we Malnutrition to sometime due announced theserie t.ooo cases before tha epidemic Dr. L. C. Snow of th Salt Lakt Eugcna Wagaiaff. tlme city employe they do many ceases It would seem to remain City boarfK of health gave a vary to poor eating habits, if weekly radio programs of the Na- - a clearer understanding of th gain obEvsnt child should sleep In a bed solely and jects for which ws are united and other thing along with of Parent their sufficiently long to attack most all Interesting talk on "The Current our j, a-( finicky eater and- nal Congress -himself. Washington -- will b broadcast .. each dedwto onrselves nmr wholc. school work. Public health no: by sub- Health SLtuation"-befo-ra T,berJ foods ssmnl It tha-S- alt rrefuato before nirt 13. hesrtedly d to be a much more appropriate susceptlblchlldren to their attainment milk and vegetable, consult Oriday. beginning January annual births bring Lake City Council of Parents and Th adulttheeducation "rlsss Our ally sides. rom 7.20 to 4.00 p m. Eastern Ths plan of the national congress term. W bava In Salt Washington school 9.00 new measle prospect Teachers at their regular meeting Parent by your physician as to how you may Standard Sleep jand Rest Lake a generalised nursing pro- about Time," over the reL.,nui-sor- k r rf s'3 Jn our minds and hearts him overcome The habit Is no effective means of pre- Thursday at I p.m. at the Lafay- held in Teacher association was help There ths school An of the National Broadcast lug with undernourished child should Wednesday at gram. Than an twelve nurse In vention toy measles except quaran ette school. increasing and beauty th system recently augmented by tine. When a certain percentage of After this lecture the group di- 120 p,m. David F. Smith, state play outdoors la th sun for a part company, with WEAF, New York, strength. To him, to whom wo of agriculture gave ef each day (except at midday in Correction of Physical as the key station. These Parent (entrust our being, we give thanks ton more supplied by tbs CWA. the susceptible population have vided into their various depart- commissioner Teacher programs will be a part that It has been ours L guide UU Thee nurses do not only school contracted measles it passes on ments for the araool of Instruction. lesson 12. "Pur Food Standardi-Tht- a hot weather). Little is was ths last ef th scries f however, by outdoor play On gained, .Defects .of the radio review; directed by tie children; we pledge ourselves nursing but assist la tbs nutrition from whence It came, Each epl- - J. - Perry Rockwood, better-fil- m cloudy to their service with the baby clinics sod si domic accumulates between 4.000 chairman of the State Congress of lessons on 'nutrition and feed days la vary cold weather If the,.Certain physical defects may in- - Mr--. Claudine MacDonald, affecmanagement given under tbs Mrs. Hugh Bradford, National tion. and devotion. lovalty, din rase cUnlca,lmmuntsatxloh below It Is ours to freezing. tcrferc - wnh a- child s putrn.on and 4,000 cases before It termini Parents and Teachers; addressed Mrs. of thIrvin Noah S infrnduce wilt Sea, sr infectious disease Inspeccannot exerew- will have to be correctca. beforeUreeident. carry on. whatever conditions may tea when we have measles every the 'presidents snd- - ths Better adult education chairman sf the young children warm..a - Moderate! the child a condition improve. A lea of broadcasts on. January . lS.jconlront us, Mrs, Hugh Brad- tors, and supervise th swimming otpei-yea- r. enough to keep Our last epidemic was Films chairmen of the- - various school. six ford. pool during th summer-Th- ey 1020-9- 0 physical examnlauon by a be schedule for the first play and exercise sr recommend-lrarefwith schools on The Present Pictures winter of th the during class refreshments Following a do no bed aid nursing. and ex-- physician will be necessary to dis-, -ri programs follow: - 1011-9- 2 1090-9- 1 and 1932-3- 3 gave suggestions for getting were served tn the school library in ed. toot strenuous game and "Airaa Ideals 13, School horsing In Balt Lake Is free. In other words for the first and January better for our children. honor ef Mrs. Irvin 8 boat, in- erriae may have to he avoided sn 'rm r these defects. For Program Suggestions Brad Modern life. limited to tbs elementary school a Urns In many years, the expected Mrs. pictures MraHugh A. J president of structor of the class, presiding t V ford, president. National Congress Originality in the Local ProOur Junior and senior high schools espidemlc was deferred two years (the .Halt Lake West, an- - the City council, punch of and Parents Janu Each local unit la free to Teachers; gram have no regular nursing service. With euy annual birth of- - 9.000 nounced that at the next meeting W. Wonnscoit. president iTrot ,ary 19, Do Parents Need Educa plan a founders day program tn Those of ns Intimately connect- we have 1,000 susceptible children which will be held on Thuiwday school P. T A. assist uon? Dr. Ada Hart Arlitt, chair any way desired. Material pubed with the problem sincerely who may contract measles. It Feb. 9 at Barrett hall. Mia Alice Washington ed Mrs. Ellis Wright, and Mrs. j of parent education. National lished by the national congress la feel that there should be a nam- seems therefore that our measle Sowers, associate chairman of Par- Fernby Evana.It Will Take You About man - Members of th class Congress of Parent and Teachers; intended to be suggestive oaly. In ing service In them high schools epidemic will likely reach unusual ent Education of the National Con- present were th honored guest. Does the Law protect many associations original paTwo Hours With Easy- - January 2$. Mrs. Tho public has never been Bold numbers with possibly a peak for gress of Parents and Teachers will Mr R. B Karrvn. Mis. A .CarB. F. Dangwor-thv- , geant have been written by memthe fluid?" completely oa such a program of 2.000 or more cases. speak on the national education ter, Mrs. Caroline Crow! her Mrs. Pattern vice January first National bers. others prefer to hate a propresident. budgetary difficulties have preIn D. she J. Mrs. are program, diseases controlled urged everyone Jordan, J. M. Edgar. Congress of Parent and Teachers, gram of addresses, music and ventedextension Into all the blf:Epidemic terented In parent-teachwork or Mrs. Guy W Welch.-- Mrs. Marand Miss Jessie Binford, superin- other features of tl elr own choos. school. W have dedicated eur-seleducation to be present. garet Cross. Mrs. Ulhe Weller. aaso- - ing It Is hoped that each local the parent tendent, Juvenile Protection to the task of instigating In Quarantine or isolation theof chain was also announced that t e Ms. Vera MiKendrlck. Mrs. tolliaa It Uiitt-ui"' vemtagor i. prrrent s program in person afflicted; breaking - Balt . Lake a- - oeifled Illustrated of SJovtrom, Mr itaea Berton Mrs ana Dressmaking-!annual card luncheon party "Rcstl-r-o Mias February which will make clear to of transmission, such extermination the Salt Lake council will be held Alice G. Jensen Mrs. Young People, school naming. The public health of Nsotni C. the C. Alula " members chairman of the spirit purpose, juBowler, rats. Insects snd vari- on Lit- Bits. Mrs. F. W. Wonnacott. Mrs. apartment solicits year support ousmosquito, January 37. at the Ladies' venile protection. National Con- and achieiements of th parent-teach- er rodents which -- may transmit tw clufav la this program. Kern This Evan. Ellis given Mr. erary party motement. Wright. gress of Parent, and Teachers. Mrs. Erma MeArdle. Mr. Salt Lake city spends annually disease: instruction on the care of each year by the Parent-Teach9. Ry D. Valentines, Newell State Chairman of Founder about matrons February for eehool nursing bodv excretions, cooking, eating, association to rais funds to tarry Brpwn, Mr. Arthur W Fhrewtn. for model Another lovely Each state has a stats chairDay hy-chairman social Edron. tv, of snd clothing; supervision on their work. Mrs. West asked for Mrs. A. or a per capita cost of about seven utensils - jgitne. National conservative taste. Haight Mm J Hjllen. Congress of Par- - man who la ready to give special sewage, milk, tpeats and the and- Mrs. A. J. Reeds, i. seats; This money yields mere of waternubile of to veryuna such It har and Teachers: F'ebruary 1. help for founders day programs good style. education on disease make this party . valuable aervie success. The room mothers of th- - srboot than any other foods; Its slimming qualities are obvious "Health Habits of ths High School to congress P. T. A.-- within ths artificial developing will meet at the home ef 310.O spent by Balt Inks City. prevention; Ela state. The state chairman should and effect vest Student, Mis, Mary Murphy, the in means deep pointed of establishing immunity. lis Wright, chan man, MWa rank seventy-seven- Ns be consulted treely if assistance to r at among , the skirt cut with panelled -- fide chairman ofchUd hygiene. School t I p m. All r doui reph - cities of 160.000 The board of health has succeedIn the are Liberty desired. population Parents and onal Congress of Reports about local pro- Halted States la our And arent the sleeves attractive? to he present. per capita ed well in keeping under control Caroline Hedg- - grams are appreciated by state A very "Interesting and unique requested It b charming ms psetured in black ier, Elizabeth"d McCormick coma. In ether words seventy-si- x such diseases as diphtheria, smallMemor- - and national chairmen since good with white crepe silk. Jaj fund marocam cities spend more money than we pox and typhoid fever the three program will be held next ThursIdea In ctepe this may way be Emerson do and only twelve leas than we diseases In which artificial immun- day evening at the Liberty achool. Carried out in one color as hackle--; a English program featuring di- be wlll The th under Theae-thrmeeting be do lor school nursing, An Ideal ity may Books published by the congress produced berry Mae or told blackberry crepe literary men. such as H. G. Well a commit Montoy at 3 p m at the Phool. A leciiuu of U. R. Chesterton, and George Bcr- - assist in gaining a background of .puUlc health personnel nonelris of diseases carrhe- prev ehted entirely tceJiavlng silk, its stunning. vm Personality" will he ten appointed t the. tatk en medical officer for 20 000 pop-f- hy Measlea full public model nurd Shaw, will be broadcast at the history and meaning of th gives this small shows new The in November. iby Mr. F. J Wagetaff All mem- movement which la ulatlon; one sanitary Inspector for mumps and chlckenpox cannot be meeting also smart without the vest effect the hour and on the. day origin-wit- h Jean R. Driggm was appointed 'hers are cordially invite to It. n ow 10,000; and one nurse for each so completely subdued. Diphtheria, 'ally assigned to the National Con- - needful In planning A short sleeves. " ", chairman of ths committee and tend. 9.000 of population. On this basis smallpox and typhoid ceased to he and ed -The appropriate program. Maoi Jarenu and Teachers. f sizes 3275 or is No, designed will the Richard conduct, Style meeting. e- should have with or diseases history records for addresses, hints for origpopulation mete hank was made because thh had terial K. Liman will he the guest speakinal pageant, and inspiration foref 149,000 about 10 public health largely because of the immunization er Granite Council Bro,dc,,tiDK company the will be There for evening. in whole nurse methods control. th their adopted meeting mav be found Berkeley, California, with program from Eng- here. quartet composed of the fathers -- A meeting Hf the Granite Sm 36 requires 3H yards of mtuUndaccept th t,me a population of 87,000 has 24 pub- The Infrequency of these three dis- awho Especially good for this pure -arrnred. will A. P T. the will and council be held orchestra, sing of eases should not lull us into s sense pose are Through the Years, Fore lic health nurses. material, yard direction of A. M. An- Thursday st'9 pm. at th Blaine in Education, School nursing may be. divided of false security. which contains We have many under the contrasting. will furnish several num- - vbool All officers room mothers on the meaning and hire Executive into three divisions; The Identifl-- ! thousands In our city who have not derson Committee chapters lnvit-- committee bers. will fathers The members are conduct the(and movementtorv of the cation and Isolation of Infectious' been immunized, making the pr- Cents. Price of Pattem to attend. The executive commUfse of the nta and Teachers, which ha a the s National and on of hisParent the PATCongress and chapter meaning correction ef physical defects; and ing the depression the rate of Im ports.minutes snd making all renwstrrv nnilt will meet tn Chicago the tory of the movement;-anTeacher, Parmunization has decreased to an xnd Junior Fall ot the newjwok Irving High ot January 2 instead of the ent and Teachers, which, ha a TERXSja Although all three functions are alarming degree. Should an epl The meeur-x- - of the Irving JunW inter Fashsoos. Read how to Jale org(nay scheduled. chapter on th history of tha exceedingly Important 11 la impera- derolc pf smallpox Strike ns ttior high school F T A. to have PERSONAL-w! PTUREVOUR congress tive Jn Salt Inks for the present held " has been be the Thursday . .. More to beauty ITY ways Child Welfare, the national that defeat correction snd health so man) have not been vaccinated Mrs. John K. Hardy, president postponed until th Utter part of it n your ngtit to be. See what the Publicity Correspondence parent-teachmagazine, has artieducation be subordinate to con- The health does nut df the Utah Congreee of Parents he month. cles the in and to January Ferbruary create undue alarm. snd Teachers announces that a Th cafeteria of the achool has wih any tagious disease control. Th in- 1"11 !!!? Msmn Hiti the rwiinc00 ! Because its leaders believe that issues each year on the observance doc urgently advise immuni board meeting will be held Mon- been visited each week fectious disease rate In a - com memabout o by publicity qnaIlty of founders Back numbers day. I has sosgneo. if yon know what tile Psrcnt-Teachmunlty Is n standard vef measure zation again-- t these three diseases day tt 1 pm. 1 the Civ(c Center ber qf the P. T- - A., who sre com movement heiild be consulted for material;- -' aseaa. for th efficiency of its ,, public All children in the citj should be to consider the lecture schedule Mrs. JuU Rrooks for snould be forthcoming under poem, editorials, articles, etc. immunized encloshealth nursing national associate of the chairman her efficiency - Jn handling th program. Send today lor yonr copy, trained publicity workers. th nurses major- tnterest la "Tn eonJM Rated RtTheSinouJ' The public health department. of parent education. Miss Alice large numbers ef pupils each noon a 10 tent in vtamp. or com.jnu National Uonfreto pfjparent, and -So ere laglouajliaeane control When co-ngaHfcake hourMr. Brookst-ln medlca yoqTeachera to offering a correspond - ment . of pubUcstlons. . A son charge t 1 L the cafeteria. taglon is controlled her time sndjrhamher nf fflmmlr,, the city from February 1 to 1. ftb - - . PCtslly PPrOpr!ta 1 '(Which I Mias ntlon may he devotedto ldentl-- i school hoard" are, In" a Thursday. February publicity, for the Mothers Hvmnwith music Address Fashion D purtuent. '11 address Lake" the Salt snd correction of phvsieal'cit.v-wld- e Immunixa-itomiHeuced , 1 ctmpaiKn ol Be ssr to fill in the sue of the by Helen Grinnell Mean. Musical Judge Memorial defect. Public health nurses are tlon. Those who can employ Council of Parents and Teachers, numbers may be selected from The Catholic ParenUTeacher . th detective agency of the health j phvslcian should have this work course Th on Is of based study ka Nend stamps w een jeon pvt- - U Publicity Manual for Parent some ot tho great hymn whfuh Most all the nurses done now and later tho department. sponsoring Q UHuw who can- - thelf physician at the designated sr universally loved. Also suits-b- is aetlvltles about the schools such not visit their family doctor may nour If they wish to obtain th spe- trated lecture. -- The Story of he Icrred). Teacher Workers recently pub. for use on founders' day proOther WIm Man.0 which will bef Price of hook 10 cents. Itched by the National Congress. inspection of hands, face, neck,' ftre thetf children Immunized by- - cial prices. are songs which express tbs The course Consists of ton lessons grams Price's! patters T 5 cento scalp, examination of teeth, tonsils, school c'lr.lca This to not a money making gives hy thw Rev. Jame g Kearn real spirit of America snd th on the following subjects: The imstimulate cleanliness and promote Members of th Salt Lake Coun-- , scheme by physicians, but rather Is ey. The lecture will be held tn the of American citizens to th health education. Judge Memorial scbool'nuditorlum portance of publicity; publicity fundaments) principal ty Medical society have consented' an honest effort .to allow self-rof their Nurses report for 1033 Con- government. On such is to vaccinate for smallpox for 81 'apecting families fo have thla orgeat Monday evening at 8 oclock National in th relationships Please Pot a Grek Aroaod Six Wanted. friends or the school are Schools visited. 9 gress of Parent and Teachers; in- the BeauitfuL ApDroortateAmerica., to give diphtheria Immunisation work done. Rer person-an-d selecside and outside publicity; . the tions may - be made from visited. 80.973; examinations; for 81 per Injection I ly with the physician purchasing urged to attend the lecture. 3;38.40.4L44,46wrf4B HWte koto Na 3275-Si- zes newspaper; writing a new story; inspections, 1.421.904; per- Th. means that If th new single! his own 'materials. These special oratorios. Thera are many ethics of publicity; sxhiblts mits issued, 98.210; permits re- dose toxoid is used the cost will be prices provide little and songs of. a .high musical quality National Thrift Week compensation e posters; th radio; budget, record which express fused, 9,084: children excluded. 81 per person and If. the for the service rendered.It Is tha lofty alma and1 BMOOMSO National thrift week will books, and supplies; lest. 3.428; referred to medical InspecIt employed It will cost I2,fidentlally expected that Name movespirit of the parent-teach" Each is lesson tor. 90S; throat cultures. 229; diphtwo into divided PrtcM-ltl- i who' ment. Pclal have TIL aVTelehe theria lnnoculations 3.861; minor PZ ltn0n parts: First, discussion questions below the usualied to having tftf work done at the" A list of reference on ths pare I designed to stimulate Independent dressings. 9.987; homer visited fe- - wlI nrsvall schools by theboard of health movement may b ob, Street Addres thought on the subject under Of th.remp.Xn ?ere tained from th national effleev t tilf deration, and second, HI - set apart ii.941; trestfne n(a sd i ise. 2.97 . The .material.. listed - to .. their Phr'lcliin nr l.n!! he returned to Ihe'rntended to give a wide rang pire issignmeur I be lmmun red come as rmovo- res National Congress for th, surest criticism' lure- oftb pxrent-teachthe schools It seldom becomes! work. Parents are advised to aesj LAW HENCE C- - SNOW. I State against social handicap. Cty (and correction.1 ment sir Evan, Ft Current Health Problem Discussed By Physician P P. T.A. President Plays, er child-center- Projects - Sponsored School er ls and-unse- en T- -h, class1", ettl-se- ne - er -- ape-tlo- cod-liv- er th.-"-- - body-bulldl- n' -- m. the,,.,. dto-th- la 4 men For Leaders Con ventwn men-ningit- er tbetn .lonal e -- rt k. dr . as,J VT. r parent-teach- er pro-mo- te j!ef1, d r h- spee-sore- fr: a a 1r 4- -- 1 Matrons! Make V tour Uwn Dress 4 tb-Ma- ke er va ay er - u of s 1 -- th lutsr-change-d. ee -- the-fath- ers. parent-teach- er well-bala- 1 f'" ,t lS situs-disease- health-educati- nci on. d - - ' er - -- er p!tm-ntin- -- . qqrJ T Bow-nealt- Ptro.n nl-1c-hr e- Obvious-lnnoculatio- 88.-81- 1; .A- - well-kno- two-dos- I id er ' 1 Phn: Iete now-roni- saf-gu- V" J - er |