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Show Davis County military maneuvers Charles E. McNamee, 17, son of Charles and Paulette McNamee of Woods Cross, enlisted in the U.S. Army for six years, an Army spokesperson announced. McNamee entered through the Army's Delayed Entry Program and will depart for active duty in August. He will receive advanced and ind i v id ua I t ra in i ng at Fort Knox, Ky. His specialty in the Army will be as a tactical transport helicopter repairer. McNamee graduated from Woods Cross High School in May 1991. Some of McNamec's hobbies include: playing basketball, riding motorcycles, fishing, camping, football, and baseball. "I joined the Army because it's a challenge and it has given me a great job to perform. Robert "Ben" Alley, 20, son of Stephen and Marcie Alley of Bountiful, Boun-tiful, enlisted in the U.S. Army Reserve Re-serve for six years, an Army spokesperson announced. Alley entered through the Army's Ar-my's Delayed Entry Program and departed for active duty in April. He will receive basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. and advanced ad-vanced individual training at Lowry AFB, Colo. His specialty in the Army Reserve will be as an aerial photographer with the 536tn Signal Company in Murray. Alley was promoted to Private E-2 upon enlistment for achieving his Eagle Scout Award. He will receive an enlistment bonus in the amount of $2,000 for his six-year enlistment. ' I joined the Army to earn money for college and the adventure," adven-ture," stated Alley. Daniel F. Itruso, 17, son of Richard and Robin Bruso of Bountiful, Boun-tiful, enlisted in the U.S. Army Reserve Re-serve for six years, an Army spokesperson announced. F Bruso entered through the Army's Ar-my's Delayed Entry Program and will depart for active duty in June as part of the Army Reserve's split option op-tion training program. Bruso will attend at-tend his basic training this summer and return to Bountiful High School to complete his senior year and graduate in June 1991. Bruso was promoted to Private E-2 upon enlistment for achieving his Eagle Scout Award. He will receive an enlistment bonus for his six-year enlistment in the amount of $2,000. "I joined the Army for the experience expe-rience and for college money," stated Bruso. John S. Shipp, 17, son of John and Ann Shipp of Woods Cross, enlisted in the U.S. Army Reserve for six years, an Army spokesperson spokesper-son announced. Shipp entered through the Army's Ar-my's Delayed Entry Program and will depart for active duty in June as part of the Army Reserve's Split Option Training Program. Shipp will attend his basic training at Fort Sill, Okla. this summer and return to Woods Cross High School to complete his senior year and graduate in June 1992. "I joined the Army to serve my country, get college money, and to receive skill training," stated Shipp. John will be trained as a light wheel vehicle mechanic. Army Reserve Pvt. Alexandra P. Huebncr has graduated from the materiel storage and handling course at Fort Lee, Petersburg, Va. Students were trained in receipt, storage, shipment, issue and preservation preser-vation and packaging of supplies and equipment. Huebncr is the daughter of Renate and Otto Huebner of 821 E. Raymond Road, Fruit Heights. Air Force 2nd Lt. David ;. Barrett, Bar-rett, a flight commander, has arrived arriv-ed for duty at Key West Naval Air Station, Key West, Fla. Barrett is the son of Robert P. Barrett of 1591 Cave Hollow Way, Bountiful and Kathleen B. Barrett of Tacoma, Wash. His wife, Laura, is the daughter of George L. and Thelma M. Riggs of Hendersonville, Tenn. He graduated from Bountiful High School in 1984 and received a bachelor's degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, in 1990. (Jary L. Garner has been promoted pro-moted in the U.S. Army to the rank of private first class. Gamer is a light wheel vehicle mechanic at Fort Wainwright, Fairbanks, Fair-banks, Alaska. He is the son of Robert L. and Venice R. Gamer of 930 E. 550 N., Bountiful. The private is a 1989 graduate of East High School, Salt Lake City. Army Spec. Randy S. Estheimer, an infantryman at Fort Richardson, Alaska, has been decorated dec-orated with the Good Conduct Medal. The medal is awarded for exemplary ex-emplary conduct while in the active service of the U.S. Estheimer is the son of Dutch R. and Beverly M. Estheimer of 300 N. 70 E., Farmington. The soldier is a 1986 giaduate of Davis High School. Eric Cw. O'Brien has bctn promoted pro-moted in the U.S. Air Foice to the rank of senior airman. O'Brien is a surgical service specialist at Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska. He is the son of Edward G. and Janice N. O'Brien of 567 N. 2350 W., West Point. The airman is a 1988 graduate of Clearfield High School. Marine Pvt. Joel L. Anderson, a resident of Clearfield, has com- ; pleted recruit training at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego. During the 13-weck training cy- '. cle, Anderson was taught the basics ; of battlefield survival. He was introduced in-troduced to the typical daily routine that he will experience during his . enlistment and studied the personal and professional standards tradi- tionally exhibited by Marines. He participated in an active physical conditioning program and gained proficiency in a variety of military skills including first aid, rifle ri-fle marksmanship and close order drill. Teamwork and self-discipline were emphasized throughout the training cycle. A 1990 graduate of Clearfield High School, he joined the Marine Corps Reserves in December 1990. 1 - y .... v At a coronation ceremony held at the Salt Palace on May 19, Micah Hassett, son of Denise Hassett, was crowned duke for the nine-month old boys age group of the 1991 YMCA baby pageant. He was also awarded third place in beauty for his group. |