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Show 34'24" West 127.58 feet and South 19 degrees 26'Sl" East 26.44 feet Irom the Northeast corner of S:xlion 7, Township 2 North. Range 1 East, Salt Lake Meridian, running thence South 89 degrees 34,25" West 134.5 feet along the South line of said street; thence South 0 degiees 20" East 94.0 feet to the North line of Roger Ogzewalla and Janene C. Ogzewalla property deed in Book 1022 af page 309; thence North 89 degrees 3424" Erst 167.05 feci more or less, to the We:;t line of said Highway; thence North 19 degrees 26'5 1" West 99.42 feet, more or less, along the West line of said Highway to the point of BEGINNING. DATED this 11th day of June, 1991. JOSEPH C. RUST Successor Trustee Published in the Davis County Clipper First publication June 15, 1991 Last publication June 29, 1991 Issue No. 36 C-266 NOTICE OK TRUSTEE'S .SALE The following described property will be sold at public auction to tlvs highest bidder, payable in lawful money of the United Strtes ai the time of the sale, at the Davis bounty Courthouse in Farmingron, Df.s County, Utah, on Thursday, July 1 1 , 1991 at 9:05 a.m. of said day for the r-urpose of foreclosing a Trust Deed executed by David L. Boyer, as ' rustor, in favor of Margaret M. Pond, Donalii Nicoles, Ivan Douglas, and Robert Marrott, all joint " tenants with full rights of survivorship, a.; beneficiaries, covering real property located at 805 Nonh 400 East, Center-viile, Center-viile, situated in Davis County, State of Utah, more particularly described as. BEGINNING at the point of intersection in-tersection of the West line of Highway No. 2 and the South Urn? of a street. South 854.35 feet and South 89 degrees v |