Show SSTA SPLENDID nto PISTOL the Lo louisville Amille courier Coi trier sas ays that capt john travis the champion pistol shot has had manufactured by morgan jones t the he grodt grat gun man of utica N V Y apostol the aiko of in alch has never nei er seen it has not y pt et been be en tried ried t but travis has such uc confidence in in his own oft n nerve nerie and the pistol holding 01 in up that he willim milling to give halt alfa a ollar dollar for avery ev cry fiot at a barrel of flour A orr brov prodded ded he can have hate the flour ni hen he hits it K LED isyou love others they will love you if you speak kindly to them they vi will ill speak lindly kindly to you love is repaid with love and hatred with hatred would you hear head a sweet and pleasant cc echo h 0 speak sweetly and pleasantly yourself |