Show ADVANTAGE OF punctuation the displacement placement pla cemen of a comma comina or a full point sometimes plays plas the mischief uth ja WI writers rit rs meaning listen to the follow lowing ing which v was as originally published in a london paper I 1 cesar C esai entered the senate on in lus s hot hc id ad his helmet on n hs his feet armed sandals upon his brow a dark cloud in in his right t in his right hand his faithful sword SM ord in m his eye aea a menacing glare saying bothin nothing g lie he sat down and in in another publication we n e find th the following little piece of which shows i TUE THE cowf POWER M or OF A JOINT acht 1 I 1 baw saw a pigeon making bread i I 1 daiv aw a girl giri composed of thread I 1 saw a towel one mile square I 1 saw a meadow ln the air eisaw I 1 saw a rocket walk a mile I 1 saw a poney 1 make aake a fie fi e t isawa I 1 saw a boney blacksmith ith in ill a D box I 1 saw ja a orange kill an ox I 1 saw a butcher made ni ads of steel I 1 saw a penknife dance a reel I 1 saw a sailor twelve feet high I 1 saw a ladder in a ie ie c I 1 saw an apple fly away I 1 saw a sparrow making hay y I 1 saw a farmer farina like a dog dg I 1 eisaw saw a puppy pi appy mixing grog os I 1 said saw three men who saw raw these too and angwill will confirm couf irm what I 1 tell you to make ake the above read right ight shift the the paint at af the end of each line ine to the no noun 1111 in the same line |